Environmental environmental monitoring briefly. Environmental Monitoring

Environmental monitoring ambient is a modern form of implementing environmental processes using informatization tools, which ensures regular assessment and prediction of Sipan of the life of society and the conditions for the functioning of ecosystems for making management decisions on environmental safety, conservation natural environment and rational environmental management. Environmental monitoring - This is an information system of observations, assessment and forecasting of changes in the environment, created in order to allocate the anthropogenic component of these changes against the background of natural processes.

Back in the late 1960s, many countries realized that it was necessary to coordinate efforts to collect, storing and processing data on the state of the environment. In 1972, the Environmental Protection Conference under the auspices of the United Nations was held in Stockholm, where the need for the first time arose to agree on the definition of the concept of "monitoring". It was decided to understand the integrated system of observations, assessment and forecast of environmental statements under the influence of anthropogenic factors. The term appeared in addition to the term "environmental status". Currently, under monitoring understand a combination of observations of certain components of the biosphere, specially organized in space and in time, as well as an adequate complex of environmental forecasting methods.

The main objectives of environmental monitoring: monitoring the state of the biosphere, assessment and forecast of its condition, determination of the degree of anthropogenic environmental impact, identifying factors and sources of impact. The ultimate goal of environmental monitoring is the optimization of human relations with nature, the environmental orientation of economic activities.

Environmental monitoring arose at the junction of ecology, economics, biology, geography, geophysics, geology and other sciences. Highlight different kinds Monitoring depending on the criteria: bioecological (sanitary-hygienic) geoecological (natural-economic) production and environmental; biosphere (global) geophysical; climatic; biological; population health and others.

Depending on the purpose of special programs, the overall, crisis and background environmental monitoring of the environment are carried out (Fig. 14.1).

Fig. 14.1. Types and levels of the environmental monitoring system

Source: Compiled according to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine: [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: Menr.gov.ua/monitoring

Common Environmental Education - It is optimal in terms of quantity and placement of space, parameters and frequency of environmental observations, which make it possible on the basis of assessment and forecasting the state of the environment to support the adoption of relevant decisions at all levels of departmental and nationwide environmental activities.

Crisis environmental environmental - These are intensive observations of natural objects, sources of technological impact, located in the areas of environmental tension, in the zones of accidents and hazardous natural phenomena with harmful environmental consequences, with the absence of timely response to crisis and emergency environmental situations and decision-making on their liquidation, creating normal Conditions for the vital activity of the population and economy.

Environmental Education - These are perennial comprehensive studies of specially defined objects of environmental zones in order to evaluate and predict changes in the state of ecosystems remote from industrial and economic objects, or obtaining information to determine the environmental (background) level of environmental pollution in anthropogenic conditions.

In Ukraine, the environmental monitoring is carried out by many departments, as part of the activities of which the corresponding tasks are implemented, the level and components of the monitoring subsystem. So, for example, in the monitoring system, it is carried out in Ukraine, distinguish three levels of environmental monitoring Environmental Environment: global, regional and local.

The goal, methodological approaches and monitoring practices at various levels are different. The most clearly criteria for the quality of the environment are defined at the local level. The purpose of regulation here is to ensure such a strategy, does not withdraw the concentration of certain priority anthropogenic pollutants of the permissible range, is a kind of standard. It is the values \u200b\u200bof extremely permissible concentrations (MPC), which are enshrined by law. The compliance of the quality of the environmental medium SCH standards is controlled by the appropriate supervisory authorities. The monitoring task at the local level is to determine the parameters of the models "Field of emissions - a field of concentrations". The object of exposure at the local level is a person.

At the regional level, the monitoring approach is based on the fact that pollutants, occasionally occur in the cycle of substances in the biosphere, change the state of the abiotic component and, as a result, cause changes in biota. Any economic event conducted on the scale of the region affects a regional background - changes the equilibrium state of the abiotic and biological component. For example, the state of vegetation cover, primarily forests, significantly affects the climatic conditions of the region.

The objectives of global monitoring are determined in the process of international cooperation within various international organizations, agreements (conventions) and declarations. Global environmental monitoring includes seven directions:

1. Organization and expansion of a system for the threat of human health.

2. Evaluation of global pollution of the atmosphere and its influence on the climate.

3. Assessment of the number and distribution of pollution in biological systems, especially in the food links.

4. Evaluation of critical issues that arise as a result of agricultural activities and land use.

5. Evaluation of ground ecosystem reactions to environmental impact.

6. Evaluation of the pollution of the ocean and the effect of pollution on marine organisms.

7. Creating an improved natural disaster warning system internationally.

The state system of environmental monitoring is carried out by the following types of work: regime observations, operational work, special work. Mode work We are conducted systematically for annual programs, on specially organized observation items. The need to perform operational work depends on cases of emergency pollution of the natural environment or natural disasters; These works are performed in emergency situations.

The creation and functioning of the state environmental monitoring system should contribute to the implementation of state environmental policy, which provides:

Environmentally friendly use of the natural and socio-economic potential of the state, preserving a favorable environment of the life of society;

Socio-ecological and economically rational solution of problems resulting from pollution of the environment, hazardous natural phenomena, man-made accidents and disasters;

The development of international cooperation on the preservation of the nature biodiversity, the protection of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, preventing the anthropogenic climate change, the protection of forests and reforestation, transboundary pollution, the restoration of the natural state of the Dnepria, the Danube, the Black and Azov seas.

The state system of environmental ecomonitoring should be an integrated information system that will be collected, storing and processing environmental information for a departmental and comprehensive assessment and forecast of the state of natural environments, biotes and conditions of life, developing informed recommendations for the adoption of effective social, economic and environmental decisions on All levels of state executive authorities, improvement of relevant legislation, as well as the fulfillment of Ukraine's obligations under international environmental agreements, programs, projects and events.

The functioning of the State Environmental Education System is implemented on principles:

Systematic observation of the environment of the environment and technogenic objects affecting it, or are considered environmentally unstable;

Timeliness and processing of observation data on departmental and generalizing (local, regional and state) levels;

The complexity of the use of ekeinformation entering the system from the departmental services of ecomonitoring and other suppliers;

Objectivity of primary, analytical and predictive ekeinformation and coherence of the regulatory, organizational and methodological support for environmental monitoring of the environment, conducted by the relevant services of ministries and departments of Ukraine, other central executive bodies;

Compatibility of technical, informational and software of its components; the efficiency of bringing Ekeinformation to the executive authorities, other interested bodies, enterprises, organizations and institutions;

Availability of environmental information to the population of Ukraine and the world community.

The state environmental levels of the environment should ensure the achievement of the following main objectives:

1) increasing the level of adequacy to the actual environmental condition of its information model;

2) increasing the efficiency of obtaining and accuracy of primary data through the use of perfect methods at all levels of government and local self-government;

3) improving the level and quality of information service of emotional consumers at all levels of system functioning based on network access to distributed departmental and integrated data banks;

4) comprehensive processing and use of information for the adoption of relevant decisions.

So, monitoring embodies a system of observations that allow you to allocate changes in the state of the biosphere under the influence of human activity. Main blocks of this system - observation, assessment and forecast of the state: natural environment; anthropogenic changes in the state of the abiotic component of the biosphere (in particular, changes in the levels of pollution of natural media), the reverse reaction of ecosystems on these changes and anthropogenic shifts associated with the influence of pollution, agricultural use of land, cutting out of the forest, the development of transport, urbanization, etc. The modern stage of the development of society provides for the introduction of In all areas of vital activity of the latest information technologies, the use of significant amounts of information and, accordingly, the availability of new and wide knowledge. The development of an information strategy is necessary, including the development of the most effective methods of its selection, processing and distribution, which requires the update and development of the monitoring system itself.

Environmental monitoring (environmental monitoring) - comprehensive environmental observations, including the components of the natural environment, natural environmental systems, for processes, phenomena, assessments and forecast of environmental change in them.

Usually, there are already a number of observational networks belonging to various services, and which are separately divided, are not coordinated in chronological, parametric and other aspects. Therefore, the task of preparing estimates, forecasts, criteria alternatives to the choice of management decisions on the basis of the departmental data available in the region becomes, in general, indefinitely. In this regard, the central problems of organizing environmental monitoring are ecological and economic zoning and the choice of "informative indicators" of the ecological state of territories with their system sufficiency.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    ✪ Educational film - "Environmental Monitoring Water Objects"

    ✪ Production Environmental Control (PEC) 74 Order of 28.02.18


Types and subsystems of environmental monitoring

When organizing monitoring, there is a need to solve several problems of different levels, so I. P. Gerasimov (1975) proposed to distinguish between three steps (species, directions) of monitoring: bioecological (sanitary-hygienic), geosystem (natural-economic) and biosphere (global). However, this approach in the aspect of environmental monitoring does not give a clear separation of the functions of its subsystems, nor zoning, no parametric organization and represents, mainly historical interest.

Such environmental monitoring subsystems are distinguished as: geophysical monitoring (analysis of data on contamination, the turbidity of the atmosphere, explores meteorological and hydrological data of the medium, and also studies the elements of the non-residential component of the biosphere, including those created by man); Climate monitoring (control and forecasting of the fluctuations of the climate system. It covers that part of the biosphere, which affects the formation of climate: the atmosphere, ocean, ice cover, etc. Climate monitoring is closely closed with hydrometeorological observations.); biological monitoring (based on the observation of the reaction of living organisms for environmental pollution); Monitoring the health of the population (system of measures for observation, analysis, evaluation and forecast of the state of physical health of the population), etc.

In general, the environmental monitoring process can be submitted by the scheme: Environment (either a specific environmental object) -\u003e Measuring parameters by various monitoring subsystems -\u003e Collection and information transfer -\u003e Processing and presentation of data (formation of generalized estimates), prediction. The environmental monitoring system is designed to maintain environmental management systems (hereinafter referred to as the "Management System"). Information on the state of the environment, obtained in the environmental monitoring system, is used by the management system to prevent or eliminate the negative environmental situation, to assess the adverse effects of environmental state changes, as well as to develop forecasts of socio-economic development, developing environmental development and security programs. Environment.

In the control system, three subsystems can also be distinguished: decision making (specially authorized state body), decision management (for example, enterprise administration), the implementation of the decision through various technical or other means.

The environmental monitoring subsystems differ in observation facilities. Since ambient components are air, water, mineral resources and energy resources, bioresources, soil, etc., then allocate the monitoring subsystems corresponding to them. However, the monitoring subsystems do not have a unified system of indicators, a single zoning of territories, unity in periodicity tracking, etc., which makes it impossible to accept adequate measures when managing the development and environmental condition of the territories. Therefore, when making decisions, it is important to focus not only on the data of "private systems" of monitoring (hydrometeorological service, monitoring resources, socio-hygienic, biota, etc.), but to create comprehensive environmental monitoring systems on them.

Monitoring levels

Monitoring is a multi-level system. In a horological aspect, systems (or subsystems) of the detailed, local, regional, national and global levels are usually allocated.

Lower hierarchical level is the level detailed monitoring implemented within small territories (sites), etc.

When combining the detailed monitoring systems into a larger network (for example, within the area, etc.), a local level monitoring system is formed. Local monitoring It is intended to ensure an assessment of the changes in the system at a larger area: territory of the city, district.

Local systems can be combined into larger - systems regional monitoring, covering areas of regions within the edge or region, or within a few of them. Such regional monitoring systems, integrating the data of observation networks, differing in approaches, parameters, territories of tracking and frequency, allow adequate to form comprehensive assessments of the state of the territories and give forecasts for their development.

Regional monitoring systems can be united within one state into a unified national (or state) monitoring network, thus forming national Level) Monitoring systems. An example of such a system was "Unified State System of Environmental Monitoring Russian Federation"(HSEM) and its territorial subsystems, successfully created in the 90s of the twentieth century to adequately solve the tasks of management of territories. However, after the Ministry of Ecology in 2002, HSEM was also abolished and currently there are only divisions and scattered networks of observations. that does not allow adequate to solve the strategic tasks of management of territories, taking into account the ecological imperative.

As part of the UN Environment Program, the task of uniting national monitoring systems into a single interstate network is the "Global Environmental Monitoring System" (GSM). This is the highest global level Organizations of the environmental monitoring system. Its appointment is to monitor the monitoring of environmental changes on earth and its resources as a whole, globally. Global monitoring is a system of tracking the condition and prediction of possible changes in global processes and phenomena, including anthropogenic effects on the BIOSFER of the Earth as a whole. While the creation of such a system in full, acting under the auspices of the UN, is the task of the future, since many states have no other national systems.

The global environmental monitoring system is designed to solve universal environmental problems throughout the Earth, such as global climate warming, the problem of preserving the ozone layer, the forecast of earthquakes, forest preservation, global desertification and erosion of soils, floods, stocks of food and energy resources, etc. An example of such an environmental monitoring subsystem is the global supervisory network of seismomonitoring of the Earth, operating within the framework of the international control program behind the foci of earthquakes (http://www.usgu.gov/) and others.

Environmental Monitoring Program

Scientific environmental monitoring is carried out in accordance with the program. The program must include the General Objectives of the Organization, specific strategies for its implementation and implementation mechanisms.

Key elements of environmental monitoring programs are:

  • list of objects under control with their strict territorial binding (Khorological organization of monitoring);
  • a list of control indicators and permissible areas of their change (parametric organization of monitoring);
  • temporary scales - sampling frequency, frequency and data presentation time (chronological monitoring organization).

In addition, the application in the monitoring program should contain schemes, cards, tables, indicating the place, date and method of sampling and data presentation.

Ground remote surveillance systems

Currently, in addition to the traditional "manual" sampling, an emphasis is made to collect data using electronic remote monitoring devices in real time.

The use of electronic remote monitoring devices are carried out using connectivity to the base station or through a telemetry network, or through ground lines, cellular telephone networks or other telemetry systems.

The advantage of remote observation is that many data channels can be used in one base station for storage and analysis. This dramatically increases the efficiency of monitoring when the threshold levels of controlled indicators are reached, for example, in separate control sections. This approach allows the monitoring data immediate actions if the threshold level is exceeded.

The use of remote observation systems requires installation special equipment (monitoring sensors), which are usually masked to reduce vandalism and theft when monitoring is carried out in easily accessible places.

Remote sensing systems

In monitoring programs, remote environmental sensing is widely involved using aircraft or satellites equipped with multichannel sensors.

There are two types of remote sensing.

  1. Passive detection of terrestrial radiation emitted or reflected from the object or in the vicinity of observation. The most common source of radiation is the reflected sunlight, the intensity of which is measured by passive sensors. The environmental sensors of the environment are tuned to specific wavelengths - from distant infrared, to distant ultraviolet, including visible light frequencies. Huge amounts of data that are assembled with remote environmental sounding requires powerful computing support. This allows you to analyze the weakly different differences in the radiation characteristics of the environment in the remote sensing data, successfully exclude noise and "false color images". With several spectral channels, it is possible to strengthen contrasts that are invisible for the human eye. In particular, with the tasks of monitoring bioresources, it is possible to distinguish the subtle differences in the concentration of chlorophyll plants, finding areas with the difference in nutritional modes.
  2. With active remote sensing from the satellite or aircraft, the energy flow is emitted and a passive sensor is used to detect and measure the radiation reflected or scattered by the study object. For information on the topographic characteristics of the area under study, Ludar is often used, which is especially effective when the territory is large and manual shooting will be expensive.

Remote sensing allows you to collect data on hazardous or hard-to-reach areas. The use of remote sensing includes forest monitoring, the consequences of climate change on the Arctic and Antarctic glaciers, the studies of the coastal and ocean depths.

Data from orbital platforms obtained from different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum in combination with terrestrial data represents information to monitor the tendencies of long-term and short-term phenomena, natural and anthropogenic. Other applications include natural resource management, land use planning, as well as various land science areas.

Interpretation and presentation of data

The interpretation of environmental monitoring data, even received from a well-thought-out program, is often ambiguous. Often there are results of the analysis or "biased results" of monitoring, or a rather controversial use of statistics in order to demonstrate the correctness of one or another point of view. This is clearly visible, for example, in a global warming interpretation, where supporters argue that from 2 levels increased by 25% over the past one hundred years while opponents claim that the CO 2 level only rose to one percent.

In new scientific and educated environmental monitoring programs, a number of quality indicators have been developed to integrate significant amounts of data being processed, classify them and interpret the meaning of integral assessments. For example, the GQA system is used in the UK. These common quality assessments classify rivers for six groups on chemical criteria and biological criteria.

To make decisions to use the estimate in the GQA system more convenient than a variety of private indicators.


  1. Israel Yu. A. Ecology and monitoring of the state of the natural environment. - L.: Hydrometeoisdat, 1979, - 376 p.
  2. Israel Yu. A. Global observation system. Forecast and environmental assessment. Basics of monitoring. - Meteorology and hydrology. 1974, No. 7. - C.3-8.
  3. Sutkin V. M. Environmental monitoring of the administrative region (concept, methods, practices on the example of the Kirov region) - Kirov: VGPU, 1999. - 232 p.

(Free access)

  1. Kuzenkova G.V. Introduction to Environmental Monitoring: Tutorial. - N.Novgorod: NF URAO, 2002. - 72 p.
  2. Murtazov A. K. Environmental monitoring. Methods and means: Tutorial. Part 1 / A.K. Murtazov; Ryazan State University. S.A. Yesenin. - Ryazan, 2008. - 146 p.
  3. Snytko V. A., Sobaevich A.V. The concept of geoecological monitoring in the works of Academician I.P. Gerasimova // Geography: development of science and education. - T. 1. - Publishing house RPGU named after Herzen St. Petersburg, 2017. - P. 88-91

Monitoring is a systematic monitoring of the environment. Monitoring has its own tasks:

  • monitoring the state of the environment and individual natural objects, for physical, chemical, biological processes occurring in it, behind the level of soil pollution, atmospheric air, water bodies, the consequences of its effect on the vegetable and animal world, human health;
  • generalization and evaluation of the information received about the state of the environment;
  • predicting changes in the state of the environment in order to prevent its negative environmental consequences;
  • ensuring information on the status and changes in the environment of interested organizations and the population.

Depending on environmental monitoring facilities, it is divided into common - monitoring of the environment, and industry - monitoring of natural objects.

The procedure for the organization and conduct of state environmental monitoring is governed by federal laws (the Law of the RSFSR "On Environmental Protection", Forest, Water, Land Codes, the Laws on Subsoil, about the animal world, etc.) and other acts of environmental legislation.

The organizational basis of state environmental monitoring is the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. The structure of this body includes divisions of various levels to which environmental monitoring features are assigned: posts and observation stations carrying out the collection of environmental environmental information; Territorial, regional observation centers, research institutions that analyze and evaluate the data obtained are developing forecasts. The competence of Roshydromet covers monitoring of surface freshwater and marine medium, soil, atmospheric air, near-empty space, and other sectoral monitoring is carried out by specially authorized bodies of state environmental management for certain types of natural resources.

Land Monitoring is a system of monitoring the state of the land fund for timely detection of changes, their assessment, prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative process monitoring - a system of observations, assessment and forecasting of the state and dynamics of the Forest Fund (Article 69 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation). His implementation is entrusted to the Federal Forestry Service of Russia.

Monitoring of water bodies - a system of regular observations of hydrological, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical indicators of their state, ensuring the collection, transmission and processing of information obtained in order to timely detect negative processes, forecasting their development, prevent the harmful effects and determination of the effectiveness of the efficiency of water protection measures. Monitoring of the objects of the animal world is a system of regular observations of distribution, the number, the physical condition of the objects of the animal world, the structure, quality and area of \u200b\u200btheir habitat (Art. 15 of the Federal Law "On Animal World"). This monitoring is carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fisheries, Rosleschoz, etc.

A number of other special control bodies within their competence are also involved in the implementation of state environmental monitoring, and the State Sanitary Epidemiological Service, the State Sanitary Education and others.

Monitoring of individual natural resources (sectoral) are components of the system of state monitoring of the environment. The general management of the creation and operation of the Unified State System of Environmental Monitoring is carried out in the prescribed manner of the State Committee of Russia (paragraph 7 of the Regulations on the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection).

Environmental Control Concept and Objects

Objects of environmental control are:

  • natural environment, its condition and change;
  • activities to fulfill mandatory plans and measures for the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection;
  • compliance with legislation, rules and regulations in the field of environmental management and environmental protection.

In the process of exercising environmental control, a variety of methods are applied: observation of the state of the environment; Collection, analysis and generalization of information; verification of the implementation of environmental rules and norms; conducting environmental impact assessment; prevention and suppression of environmental offenses; Taking measures to compensate for environmental damage, attracting perpetrators of administrative and criminal liability, etc.

State environmentalous control

State environmental control is one of the types of administrative and management activities and suggests, in contrast to the monitoring, not only the collection and analysis of the necessary information, but also inspecting the compliance with environmental requirements and regulations to the subjects of environmental management, identifying violations of environmental legislation. It is a tasteful nature and includes a system of general and special competence authorities that manage the management of natural resources and environmental protection. Special environmental inspections occupy a special place among them - State Forest Protection, Hunting Inspection, Fishewed, State Sanitary Epidemiological Service, etc.

The organization and conduct of state environmental control and ensuring the intersectoral coordination of the activities of state bodies in this area is entrusted with the State Committee for the Protection of the Environmental Environment.

Officials of state environmental controls in accordance with their powers are eligible in the prescribed manner:

  • attending enterprises, organizations and institutions regardless of their forms of ownership and subordination, to get acquainted with documents and other materials necessary to fulfill their official duties;
  • check the operation of the treatment facilities, their means of control, compliance with the quality of the environmental environment, environmental legislation, the implementation of plans and measures for environmental protection;
  • issue permits for the right of emissions, discharge, placement of harmful substances;
  • establish in coordination with the authorities of the sanitary epidemiological supervision regulations of emissions and discharges of harmful substances by stationary sources of pollution of the environment;
  • appoint state environmental impact assessment, ensure control over the implementation of its conclusion;
  • require the elimination of the identified deficiencies, to give within the limits of the rights to the guidelines or conclusion on the placement, design, construction, commissioning and operation of facilities;
  • included in accordance with the prescribed guilty persons to administrative responsibility, to send materials on bringing them to disciplinary and criminal liability, to present claims to the Court (arbitration court) on compensation for harm caused by environmental offenses environmental or human health;
  • decisions on restriction, suspension, termination of enterprises and any activity that causes harm to the environment and human health.

Decisions of state authorities of environmental control can be appealed to court.

Production control is carried out by the environmental service of enterprises, organizations and institutions (officials, laboratories, departments, etc. for environmental protection), whose activities are related to the use of natural resources or affects the environmental environment. The task of industrial environmental control is to verify the implementation of environmental protection and environmental activities, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, compliance with environmental quality standards, fulfilling the requirements of environmental legislation at a particular enterprise, in an organization, institution. It can be expressed in controlling the emissions of pollutants, for the release and development of funds for environmental protection measures, at the work of sewage treatment facilities, etc.

Within the framework of public control, citizens and their organizations, public associations and environmental movements can independently or jointly with government agencies to participate in the implementation of environmental activities, verifying the requirements of environmental legislation by enterprises, organizations, institutions, officials and citizens, identifying and suppressing environmental offenses. Various mass public organizations (trade union, youth, etc.) are involved in the protection of the environment (trade union, youth, etc.), as well as specialized environmental formations (Society for the protection of nature, ecological parties, etc.). The activities of environmental movements that unite citizens in defense of individual natural objects and complexes are expanding, due to the solution of the zonal environmental problems (Lake Baikal, Volga River, etc.).

An important link of environmental control is an environmental impact assessment, as well as the impact assessment assessment (EIA), which form an interconnected complex of funds to ensure the prevention of environmentally harmful activities and accounting for environmental requirements at the stage of adoption of economic and other solutions.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Evaluation of environmental impact (EIA) is the procedure for taking into account the environmental requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the preparation and decision-making on the socio-economic development of society. It is organized and carried out in order to identify and adopt the necessary and sufficient measures to prevent possible unacceptable for society of environmental and related social, economic and other consequences of the implementation of economic and other activities.

Evaluation of environmental impact is carried out in the preparation of the following types of substantive documentation:

  • concepts, programs (including investment) and plans for sectoral and territorial socio-economic development;
  • integrated use and protection of natural resources;
  • urban planning documentation (general plans of cities, projects and detailed planning schemes, etc.);
  • documentation for the creation of new equipment, technology, materials and substances;
  • pre-project substantiations of investment in the construction, technical economics and projects for the construction of new, reconstruction and expansion of existing economic and other objects and complexes (clause 2.1 of the provisions).

In the preparation of documentation that substantiates the development of a number of objects and types of economic and other activities, the conduct of an EIA is mandatory. The list of such species and objects is provided in the annex to the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment in the Russian Federation. The feasibility of holding an EIA for other types and objects of activity is determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the presentation of environmental protection bodies. The result of the EIA is to conclusion about the admissibility of the impact of environmental activities planned. Justifying documentation on the implementation of types and objects of economic activity, containing the results of the EIA, is submitted to the state environmental impact assessment.

Environmental expertise is to establish compliance of the planned economic and other activities to environmental requirements and determination of the admissibility of the implementation of the environmental impact facility in order to prevent the possible adverse effects of this activity on the environment and related social, economic and other consequences of the implementation of the environmental impact facility (Article 1 Federal Law "On Environmental Expertise").

Thus, the essence of the environmental impact assessment is preliminary (at the decision and development of the project) to verify the compliance of economic activities to environmental requirements, and its goal is to prevent the harmful environmental and other consequences of such activities.

The legal basis of the environmental impact assessment are the Law of the RSFSR "On Environmental Protection", the Federal Law "On Environmental Expertise", the Regulation on the procedure for conducting state environmental impact assessment, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 1996 No. 698. Depending on the organization's order and Ecological expertise is divided into two types: state and public.

State environmental impact assessment is organized and carried out by specially authorized government agencies. The exclusive right to its conduct and the relevant functions belong to the State Committee of the Russian Federation for the Environmental Protection and its territorial bodies (Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Expertise", paragraph 6 of the Regulations on the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection). They are endowed with the right to appoint ecological expertise and control the fulfillment of its requirements. State environmental impact assessment can be carried out at two levels - federal and subjects of the Russian Federation.

Public environmental expertise is organized and is carried out on the initiative of citizens and public organizations (associations), as well as on the initiative of local governments by public organizations (associations), the main activity of which in accordance with their charters is environmental protection, including environmental impact assessment.

Conducting state environmental impact assessment is mandatory in cases established by law, and public environmental expertise is carried out in an initiative order. At the same time, public environmental expertise can be carried out to state or simultaneously with it.

Participants (subjects) of state environmental impact assessment are:

  • specially authorized state authority organizing examination (organ of the State Committee System of Russia);
  • expert Commission (experts) formed by a specially authorized body for examination;
  • the customer of the documentation subject to expertise is an enterprise, an organization, an institution, with respect to the objects of which the environmental expertise should be carried out.

Ecological expertise can be made economic and other decisions; Activities for the environmental environment, as well as its results.

So, the mandatory state environmental review conducted at the federal level is subject to:

  • projects of the legal acts of the Russian Federation, the implementation of which can lead to negative impacts on the environmental environment;
  • projects of comprehensive and targeted federal programs;
  • projects of master plans for the development of the territories of free economic zones and territories with a special regime of environmental management;
  • projects for the development of the sectors of the national economy;
  • projects of general settlement schemes, environmental management and territorial organization of the productive forces of the Russian Federation;
  • projects investment programs;
  • projects of complex schemes for the protection of nature;
  • technical and economic justification and projects of construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of business objects;
  • projects of international treaties;
  • contracts involving the use of natural resources;
  • materials Justification of licenses for activities that can have an impact on the environmental environment;
  • projects of technical documentation for new techniques, technology, materials, substances, certified goods and services;
  • projects for the protection and use of water, forest, land and other natural resources, the creation of specially protected natural territories;
  • other types of documentation.

Environmental expertise is based on the principles:

  • presumption of the potential environmental hazard of any planned economic and other activities;
  • obligatory state environmental impact assessment before decisions on the implementation of the environmental impact facility;
  • the complexity of assessing the impact on the environmental environment of economic and other activities and its consequences;
  • obligatory accounting for environmental safety requirements during environmental impact;
  • the reliability and completeness of the information submitted to the environmental expertise;
  • independence of experts in their authority;
  • scientific validity, objectivity and legality of environmental impacts;
  • public organizations, participation of public organizations, accounting public opinion;
  • responsibility of participants in environmental expertise and stakeholders for organizing, conducting, the quality of environmental impact assessment.

The stages of the expert process are resolved in detail by law. Its result is the conclusion of environmental impact assessment - a document prepared by the expert commission, which contains reasonable conclusions on the admissibility of the environmental impact of economic and other activities and the possibility of implementing an environmental impact facility.

The conclusion of the expert commission is subject to approval by a specially authorized state body in the field of environmental impact assessment, after which it acquires the status of the state environmental impact status. A similar order of approval is provided for by law and for the conclusion of public environmental impact assessment.

The conclusion of environmental impact assessment can be positive or negative. A positive conclusion is one of mandatory conditions Financing and implementing an environmental impact facility. The legal consequence of a negative conclusion will be prohibited by the implementation of the object of environmental impact assessment.

The conclusion of environmental impact assessment may be challenged in court.

Environmental monitoring- This is a combination of organizational structures, methods, methods and techniques for monitoring the state of the environment that occur with it changes, their consequences, as well as potentially dangerous to the environment, the health of people and the controlled territory activities, manufacturing and other objects.

Types of monitoring:

- Depending on the scale of the monitoring system - global, National, Regional, Local;

- from the level of alternation of the environment - background and impact;

- from the monitoring facility - actually ecological, air, water, land, animal world, hazardous waste, radiation, socio-hygienic;

development MonitoringBased on the indicators of demographic, environmental, social and economic.

The Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection" uses only two concepts:

1) Environmental monitoring- a comprehensive system of observing the state of the environment, assessment and forecast of its changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors;

2) State environmental monitoring- environmental monitoring carried out by state authorities and its subjects.

Goalstate environmental monitoring (Art. 63):

- monitoring of the environment, including in areas of the location of sources of anthropogenic impact;

- monitoring the impact of anthropogenic sources on the environment;

- ensuring the needs of the state, legal entities and individuals in reliable information necessary to prevent and (or) decrease in the adverse effects of environmental state changes.

Subjects of environmental monitoring- the executive authorities of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments, specialized organizations authorized to implement environmental monitoring functions, subjects of economic activity, public organizations.

Environmental monitoring is carried out by a special observation network. This is a system of stationary and mobile observation items, including posts, stations, laboratories, bureau centers, observatories. A significant part of the supervisory network is functioning within the framework of the Federal Service for Russia on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, other federal executive bodies and their territorial bodies.

Ecological monitoring objects- this is the environment as a whole and its separate elements; negative changes in environmental quality capable of rendering a negative impact on the health and property of people, the safety of territories; activities estimated by legislation as representing a potential threat to the environment, the health of people and environmental safety of territories; Equipment, technologies, manufacturing and other technical objects, existence, use, transformation and destruction of which is dangerous to the environment and health of people; Extraordinary and other suddenly emerged physical, chemical, biological and other circumstances that can have a negative impact on the environment and human health; Possessing the special legal status of the territory and objects.

Environmental monitoring They call regular, implemented according to the specified program of observation of natural media, natural resources, plant and animal world, allowing them to assess their condition and processes in them under the influence of man-made activities.

Environmental monitoring - This is a system of observation, evaluation and forecast, allowing to identify changes in the state of the environment under the influence of man-made activities.

The term "monitoring" is formed from LAT. Monitor is a watching, warning (so called a handy sailor on a sailing vessel). The idea of \u200b\u200bglobal monitoring environmental environmental monitoring and the term monitoring itself appeared in 1971 in connection with the preparation for the European Environmental Conference (1972). The first proposals for the development of such a system were nominated by the Scientific Committee on Environmental Problems. Professor R. Mann In 1973, in a staged aspect outlined the concept of monitoring, which was discussed in February 1979 at the First Intergovernmental Meeting on Monitoring (Nairobi). The monitoring of R. Mann suggested that the system of repeated observations of one or more elements of the environment in space and in time with certain goals in accordance with the previously prepared program.

At the end of the XX - early XXI century. In Belarus, monitoring the natural environment and sources of man-made impacts is carried out by the services of the State Giudromete, SanEpidennadzor, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Academy of Sciences and other departments.

The goal of environmental monitoring is informational support for environmental protection management and environmental safety (Fig. 2.1).

The monitoring includes:

  • ? monitoring the change in the quality of the environment, factors affecting the environment;
  • ? Assessment of the physical condition of the natural environment;
  • ? Forecast of changes in the quality of the environment.

Observations are carried out on physical, chemical and biological, sometimes on specific indicators.

The system of environmental observations includes determination of indicators of hazardous pollution of medium substances of technogenic origin, for example, compounds of heavy metals, gas pollutants, etc.

The main source of information on the assessment is the data obtained in the process of observation of the environment. The need for observations (new, additional or control information) occurs at all stages of the assessment (Fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2.

for the state of the environment

For example, the forecast and evaluation of the expected state of the atmosphere is an integral part of the monitoring and it is based on the study of the processes of pollutants, their transformations and the effects of PA various organisms. The forecast allows you to schedule and implement not only measures to reduce harmful effects, software and preventive measures.

The measuring complex of unified environmental monitoring is used data from stationary (permanent posts of observation) and mobile (automobile laboratories, aerospace, etc.) systems.

Allocate Global, National, Regional and Local Monitoring Levels.

Global (biosphere) monitoring It is carried out on the basis of international cooperation, it allows us to estimate the current state of the entire natural system of the Earth. Observations lead basic stations in various regions of the planet (30-40 land and more than 10 oceanic). Often they are located in biosphere reserves (for example, in Berezinsky biosphere reserve).

National monitoring It is carried out within the state of specially created bodies (in Belarus - the National Environmental Monitoring System - NSMOS).

Regional monitoring It is carried out at the system stations, where information is received within large areas intensely mastered by the national economy and, therefore, exposed to man-made effects.

TO local monitoring Observations are observations air Wednesday different zones of the city, industrial enterprises. Such monitoring is carried out with the help of stationary, mobile or diafoker posts. This system There is in most major cities in Belarus and in large industrial enterprises.

The terrestrial environmental monitoring system is usually divided into blocks that have its own tasks and the support base (Table 2.1).

Biological, or bioecological (sanitary hygienic), the monitoring unit performs continuous monitoring of the state of the medium and the effect on human health. The value of this monitoring unit is difficult to overestimate. Often people and do not represent what danger they expose their health, living in one area or another. Comparison of indicators of certain diseases in various territories will provide an opportunity to determine to what the conditions for the life and activities of people are favorable or unfavorable.

Geosystem (geoecological, technical) The monitoring unit includes observations of the change in natural geosystems and the transformation of them into natural-technical. Practice shows that forecasts for creating optimal natural systems

General scheme of terrestrial environmental monitoring

Table 2.1


Monitoring object

Characterized by the indicator

Services and support bases

Biological (sanitary)

Surface layer of air; Surface I. groundwater; Industrial and household drains and emissions; Radioactive radiation

Hydrometeorological, water management, sanitary


Geosystem (Economic)

Disappear and e v and d and in from 11 y x

and plants; Natural ecosystem-we; agricultural system; Forens11 ecosystems

Functional structure natural ecosystems and its violations; population condition of plants and animals; crop yields; Productivity of plantations


Atmosphere (troposphere) and ozone screen; hydrosphere; Vegetable and soil cover, animal population

Radiation balance, thermal overheating, gas composition and dusting; pollution of large rivers and reservoirs; water basins, cyphans on extensive waterboards and continents; Global characteristics of the state of soils, vegetation cover and animals; Global Balances CO2 and O2; Large-scale cycle of substances

International biosphere stations

2.1. general characteristics Natural Wednesday Control

sTSM, within which a person can live and work without prejudice to his health, it is possible to obtain as a result of a thorough study of the mechanisms for the transformation of natural geosystems into natural-technical.

Biosphere (global) Monitoring block covers monitoring the geopa parameters on a global scale. This is the most difficult observation system that allows you to predict changes in the quality of the environment of the environment of a global scale. As an example, you can bring climate warming forecasts due to the occurrence of the "greenhouse effect" and its consequences for the nature of the planet. Another example is the concept of "nuclear winter" as the result of an atomic war - a vivid confirmation of the need for careful study and accounting for all forecasts for the change in the nature of the Earth during conducting, in particular, international policies.

Priority areas of environmental monitoring. In the study of factors and sources of environmental impact, a number of priorities have been identified (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2.

The most important objects of monitoring

The definition of priorities is based on the properties of pollutants, the possibility of organizing observations and is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • ? The result of the actual or possible impact on the health and well-being of a person, a climate or ecosystem;
  • ? a tendency to degradation in the environment and accumulation in man and food chains;
  • ? the possibility of chemical transformation in physical and biological systems, as a result of which secondary (subsidiaries) substances may be more toxic or harmful;
  • ? mobility, mobility of pollutants;
  • ? actual or possible concentration trends in OS and (or) in man;
  • ? frequency or magnitude of the impact;
  • ? the possibility of measurements;
  • ? value for environmental assessment;
  • ? Fitness from the point of view of universal distribution for uniform changes in the global or subregional program.

Pollutants for the listed criteria are broken by pa classes with an environment and type of measurement program (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3.

Classes of priority pollutants

Ending table. 2.3.




Type of measurement program

Nitrates, nitrites

Drinking water, food

Nitrogen oxides

Mercury and its connections

Food, water

Air, Food

Carbon dioxide

Carbon monoxide


Sea water


Fresh water

Drinking water


Microbiological pollution

Jet hydrocarbons

Note. G - Global, P - Regional, L - local monitoring.

As noted above, observations on global (background or basic) monitoring are carried out in biosphere reserves. The network of stations should cover each of the types of bio-mov on Earth. The total number of necessary stations is estimated at 20-40 units. For mandatory and desirable criteria (Table 2.4), reserves are selected, which can potentially use for global background monitoring.

Table 2.4.

Criteria of the selection of biosphere reserves for the purposes of background


Ending table. 2.4.

Mandatory criterion

Desirable criterion

Availability. The territory must be available in reasonable limits, but access must be restricted, for example, a large number of cars.

The absence of violations in the past should ensure the natural nature of ecosystems. Since in practice it is difficult to find such reserves, the criterion is the minimum of violations

Security. The reserve must be forever taken under legal protection

Permanent state (more than 5 people). With an increase in the state, the ability to spend a greater amount of work required for monitoring purposes in the reserve

The staff must be permanent and consist of the following services:

  • guard;
  • scientific research;
  • terrain care;
  • technical work when conducting observations

Current scientific work:

  • monitoring pollutants;
  • Fundamental environmental research;
  • Studying PA Wednesday

Vegetation in the reserve should approximately correspond to the main biogeographic types of the globe

The presence of meteorological, hydrological, geophysical, soil, geohydrological, biological data

Observations at the global background monitoring stations are integrated and carried out according to a single program.

Thus, rational nature use is possible if there is and proper use information obtained by the environmental monitoring system, environmental monitoring.

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