What means HPV carcinogenic risk. What is HPV high oncogenic risk - treatment

Currently, papillomavirus infection (PVI) refers to the number of the most common in the world. It becomes the cause of warts, papilloma, kondil and some malignant tumors.

Among papillomaviruses are the most dangerous are HPV high oncogenic risks, which in 90-99% of cases are responsible for the development of cervical cancer.

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    1. Papillomavirus

    It . All of them are divided into childbirth and species, also distinguish viruses, preferring to "settle" in the damage of epithelium (usually they relate to childbirth b, G), and those that are mainly on the mucous membranes (genus a). In turn, the genus is divided into 2 large subgroups: low and high carcinogenic risk.

    Lowa1, A8, A1081, 72, 61, 54, 44, 43, 42, 40, 11, 6 Pointed Condylomes of the genital organs, papillomas
    Talla5, A6, A7, A9For sure: 82, 73, 68, 59, 58, 56, 52, 51, 45, 39, 35, 33, 31, 18, 16

    Possible: 66, 53, 26

    Prejudice diseases, including high and medium dysplasia severity, cervical cancer, larynx, penis, and so on
    UnidentifiedThe remaining types of HPV
    Table 1 - Uncogeneous and Oncogenous Types of HPV

    2. What diseases provoke oncogenous HPV?

    HPV high oncogenic risks provoke the occurrence of precancerous states and onco-scabers, so when they are detected, the patient needs a thorough examination and observation.

    Table 2 - Diseases caused by highlyoncogenous HPV in men and women, according to the Russian FGUs "Central Research Institute of Epidemiology" of Rospotrebnadzor

    2.1. Among women

    1. 1 occupies a leading position along with breast cancer. In the world, 1 woman dies from it every 2 minutes. At the same time, more than 70% of all cases of illness cause only 2 types of virus: 18 and 16.
    2. 2 Cancer Vagina and Vulva. Every hour it is registered with 4-5 women. Papillomaviruses 18, 16 types account for more than half of the cases of vaginal cancer and above a third - vulva. It should be noted that 6, 11 Types of HPV, traditionally considered lowlyoncogenous, "guilty" in the emergence of each tenth case of this oncolic.

    2.2. In men

    1. 1 penal cancer. It is only a minor share from all oncological diseases in men - 0.5%. At the same time, 38% of cases are also provoked by 16, 18 types of HPV, and about 5% - 6 and 11. However, there are differences in statistics between countries.
    2. 2 Other diseases. The infection may be the cause of malignant formations in the pubic area, urinary bubble and urethra.

    2.3. In both sexes

    1. 1 cancer anus. Every hour in the world is diagnosed in 11 people (on average), while types 16 and 18 lead to a tumor in 75% of cases. Most often registered among those who practice anal sex.
    2. 2 cancer of other organs: larynx, nasopharynx, pharynx in 10-50% of cases is also caused by the human papilloma virus.

    Table 3 - Danger of highlyoncogenous HPV

    3. Methods of transmission

    The main way of infection - sex. Infection to occur, only the contact of the mucous membranes is sufficient.

    Other, less common ways:

    1. 1 at childbirth from mother to child;
    2. 2 through abrasions and scratches on the skin, including in public places - gyms, baths, pools, toilets;
    3. 3 Self-response when shaving, epilation.

    4. Features of infection

    After entering the virus to the body, the script may be as follows:

    1. 1 Full self-image for two years without using any medicines.
    2. 2 Hidden, latent current, when there are no visible clinical manifestations of infection. The virus remains in the body, since the immune system is not able to completely destroy it.
    3. 3 Progression of infection. Activation of the virus leads to oncology or precancerous states. As practice shows, for this it should be in the body at least 5 years.

    Progressing factors:

    1. 1 smoking;
    2. 2 long-term reception of drugs that suppress the immune system (immunosuppressants);
    3. 3 Early Life Debut;
    4. 4 a large number of partners and their frequent shift;
    5. 5 immunodeficiency (including HIV);
    6. 6 Long use of oral contraceptives.

    By the nature of the flow, the infection may be:

    1. 1 clinically pronounced - there are classic signs of cancer or cervical dysplasia, papillomas and others;
    2. 2 subclinical - there are minimal changes in infected tissues, for example, condyloma, light dysplasia;
    3. 3 asymptomatic (latent) - the DNA of the causative agent can be detected only by PCR and DNA hybridization.

    5. Diagnostics

    There are several diagnostic methods - clinical, cytological, colposcopic, histological, molecular biological.

    5.1. Clinical method

    Includes a medical examination and an interview, allows you to determine the diagnosis in the presence of classical symptoms of infection, for example,. The data obtained help the Doctor to navigate the need for an additional examination.

    5.2. Tagging on cytology

    The smear is applied from the mucous membranes to the skin glass, it is painted along Papanicolau, Romanovsky-Himme, and then examined under the microscope. Helps to detect morphologically modified cells.

    5.3. Colposcopy.

    This is a study of the cervix with an optical or digital colposcope, which allows you to consider in detail the mucous membrane from a close distance and identify existing changes.

    Colposcopy can be carried out using various substances that facilitate the diagnosis - acetic acid, a solution of ligol, potassium, fluorochromes, and so on.

    5.4. Histological examination

    For the study, a fragment of altered tissue is needed (for example, obtained by biopsy), which is studied under a microscope, detecting typical changes in cells.

    Unfortunately, this analysis does not allow one hundred percent guarantee relative to the presence in the body of an oncogenic type of virus. The 4 methods described allow you to establish the nature and stage of already existing changes.

    5.5. Molecular biological method

    The PCR method (polymerase chain reaction) is usually used, less commonly - DNA hybridization. They give an unequivocal answer: whether there is a man's papillomavy man in the DNA of the oncogenic virus. PCR reveals a specific type of virus, but does not give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe stage of the disease.

    6. Screening and dynamic observation

    In connection with the peculiarities of the flow of infection, the possibility of self-defense, WHO recommended the following options for preventive screening:

    1. 1 smear on cytology + scraping on PCR (determining DNA HPV). This method allows you to diagnose the precancerous states of the cervix with an accuracy of 96-99%. With a negative result, the examination is enough to take place 1 time in 5-7 years.
    2. 2 DNA with a positive result, screening is carried out once every 3-5 years.
    3. 3 With the predischable states identified, an in-depth examination is shown, including histological examination.

    In the global practice of PCR, together with cytology, used for screening in women from 30 years, as well as with dubious results of RAR test.

    Table 4 - Testing on DNA HPV very high risk

    Treatment provides for the removal of the condition, the dysplasia focus is surgically. Other methods - migration of liquid nitrogen, removal by a radio wave method, electrocoagulation. Interferons and cytostatics can be used locally.

    Features of subsequent observation in the detected dysplasia moderate and high:

    1. 1 Treatment surgical / non-surgical path.
    2. 2 after 6 months - smear on cytology and PCR HPV:
      • double negative result - routine screening in 5-7 years,
      • at least one test is positive - colposcopy, treatment, subsequent examination for HPV after 6 months.

    During the examination on papillomaviruses, tests that differ in high specificity and sensitivity are used, which reveal at least 10-14 of their varieties: markers 16, 18 must be present, as well as some other frequently found types in women (51, 31, etc.). .

    Forecast with timely identification of infection and subsequent observation in most cases favorable.

    7. Vaccination

    Currently exist who prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer - Cervarix, Gardasil and Gardasil 9.

    The latter is able to reduce the likelihood of cancer development by 70%, and the formation of pointed capital is 90% due to the fact that it includes antigens 16, 18, as well as 6, 11 types.

    Vaccines are best used at a young age (from 9 to 26 years old), provided that the infection of these viruses has not yet happened.

    According to WHO recommendations, the most favorable period for girls vaccination is the age of 9-13 years. Boys and young men can also receive a gardassing vaccine, which significantly reduces the risk of the appearance of them with pointed wings, anus and penis cancer.

    UnidentifiedThe remaining types of HPV

What is HPV high oncogenic risk? To date, about a hundred genotypes of papilloma viruses are known. The consequences to which infection leads can be the most serious. What to do if the analysis on Papillomavirus is positive?

Human papilloma virus

HPV - a serious infectious virus, often transmitted by sexual.The presence of infection is distributed both among men and among women. Modern science knows about a hundred types of Papili virus, which are not fully studied. Approximately one third of them causes the defeat of childbearing bodies in women with the further development of cancer.

Infection may not have obvious signs, the symptoms of the disease may not appear for years. The virus can be in the latent state for many years. Most dangerous for HPV high oncogenic risk. Viruses of this type in women have the ability to cause the development of cancer genital diseases. The genotype of this virus has a quantitative classification. Examples are HPV 16, 31, 33, 39, 51.

At a young age, a person with good immunity has the likelihood of self-cleaning from a virus naturally. Oncogenic type viruses, long-term developing in the body in a woman, lead to serious violations in the life of the body. Types of HPV are most dangerous in the form of sharp and flat wings, which can lead to cervical cancer.

High oncogenic human papilloma virus occupies second place in the prevalence of infections after genital herpes. In half rise, various types of HPV are found in 50% of women. The causes of such a mass prevalence of the disease have not yet been studied by medicine. A positive analysis on the manifestation of oncogenic type diseases is observed in 30% of infected persons. Even when using condoms, the risk of infection with Papillomavirus is high.

Manifestation of oncogenic type in women

Papillomavirus is transmitted by sexual path and ordinary household, for example, when contacting with skin of ill or its mucous membranes. There are cases when the infection is transmitted from the mother to the child during pregnancy or childbirth.

Outcogenic type diseases in women:

  1. Cervical cancer is a serious disease that is manifested in the form of tumors of female genital organs. The neoplasms of this type with difficulty are treatable. The causes of the occurrence of almost all cases are the detection of HPV DNA in all states with a large quantitative content of the virus. Risk zone for this disease - women aged 47-56 years. Smoking in women increases the already high risk of infection. In adulthood, it is necessary to increase the number of visits to the gynecologist to detect the possible manifestations of the virus in a timely manifestation, which may be in passive state for many years and to express itself only over the years.
  2. Pointed Condylomes - bodily color neoplasms on the skin and mucous membrane of the genitals. In an early stage, there are single growths in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass, the urethra and on the mucous membrane of the cervix. Removing the growth should be made strictly after consulting an oncologist to avoid the high risk of developing cervical cancer. Do not always lead to the development of cervical cancer.
  3. Flat Condylomes - the main difference of this type of neoplasms is an increased oncogenic activity. The risk of developing cervical cancer increases in proportion to the number of growths. Most often on the mucous membrane of the vagina. When detecting, biopsy is shown. A detailed study allows you to identify not only containing visible neoplasms, but also hidden pathogenic threats in the tissues.

HPV of high oncogenic risk, which manifested in the form of a pointed capital in women, increases the likelihood of sexually infection to 100%. HPV oncogenic risk is divided into three types according to the degree of cancer risk. Low - 6, 11, 43, medium - 31, 33, 35, 52, high - HPV 16, 18, 45.

With the appearance of hormonal failures in women, stressful situations or cases of weakening immunity, Papillomirus is activated and manifests itself. The power of the virus activity is directly dependent on the metabolism of estrogen. The weaker the body, the stronger the infection progresses in it. The stronger the body, the higher the probability of self-excretion from the virus.

HPV oncogenic type is not manifested in all patients. Provice infection can random sexual bonds, reduced immunity, application of contraceptives, smoking, early start of sexual life, avitaminosis.

Virus Detection and Diagnostics

The identification of papillomaviruses is carried out with the help of special PCR analysis, due to which it is determined not only the presence of a virus, but also types of HPV.

In parallel with PCR, a quantitative test is carried out, which allows diagnosing the concentration of infection. It is from the number of viruses and neoplasms a further development of complications in the form of oncological diseases depends.

At the primary reception, a specialist conducts an outdoor inspection of the genital organs and the scraping is taken for analysis. In suspected HPV, colposcopy is carried out - inspection of the cervix using multiple increases for the detection of possible hidden pathologies.

The disease can wear a hidden character with the incubation period from one and a half months to several years. Infection can occur at any time, and to show yourself many years after unprotected sexual contact, at the moment when the body is weakened by natural causes.

In the acute course of infection on the patient's body, the formation of benign neoplasms in the form of papilloma, warts and kondil. The most common types of infection - HPV 39 and HPV 16, which relate to high oncogenic risk viruses and lead to neoplasias of the cervix. But the type 31 virus is less common.

Proof of the presence of a type of type 31 papilloma virus or any other concentration can serve as Dajin test. This test allows you to identify 13 types of high oncogenic infection, including HPV 31 types and 39 types and 5 types of low oncogenic risk. Further actions of a specialist in the treatment of the disease depend on the amount of detected concentration.

If the inspection is revealed flat condylomas, the biopsy is additionally carried out - the study of a piece of fabric for a hidden infection. When conducting quantitative and PCR tests, three forms of the disease are identified:

  1. Clinical - assumes the presence of genital tumors. Single Pointed Condylomes without growing for neighboring parts of the body.
  2. Subclinic - manifestation of flat royal on the cervix, which are not detected in external examination without additional research.
  3. Latent - a form at which there are no explicit signs of infection, the DNA of the virus is determined solely using analyzes and tests.

A positive test during HPV studies does not always allow to predict the development of oncological diseases. There are often cases of spontaneous recovery of patients subject to doctor's recommendations. The danger of developing diseases increases with the age of the patient. The weakening of the body's protective functions leads to increased activity of all viruses and microbes in the human body.

Modern medicine has Vaccines against HPV 16 type and 18 types, as well as HPV 39 of the type, which lead to the cervical healer in 75% of cases.

Prevention and treatment of HPV

The positive test for HPV does not necessarily mean the presence of an oncological disease in an infected person. Only by defining the genotype, the further development of infection can be assumed.

For preventing diseases, women should comply with a few simple rules:

  1. No less often than twice a year, there is inspections from the gynecologist with the obligatory study of the cervix.
  2. Use protection and protection tools for sexual acts.
  3. Periodically take the analysis by the PCR method to identify HPV infections.
  4. Women of more mature age that make up a risk group, passing screening on cervical cancer.

Timely diagnosis of the virus allows you to significantly increase the chances of curing diseases before the onset of complications.

In case of detection of papillomovirus, drug treatment is prescribed. The groups of interferon and interferonogen drugs contribute to a decrease in the revealed tumors. No drug is able to fully heal the human papilloma virus, so the main method of treatment remains surgical removal of growths. Any drugs only slow down the growth of existing growths, but none of them affect the education of new ones.

The most effective results show a comprehensive treatment, a combination of surgical and drug methods. After the operation, it is recommended that the appointment of drugs that increase immunity, antiviral funds, vitamin complexes.

To prevent the disease at the moment, the only Gardasil vaccine is developed. It is applied against HPV 16, 18, 11, 6. Vaccination allows you to develop a healthy body immunity to diseases of this type.

Subject to some simple rules, high risk is significantly reduced to be infected:

  1. Personal genital hygiene and compliance with hygiene in public places.
  2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle to strengthen general immunity.
  3. Adding fruit and vitamins to the diet.
  4. Security during sexual contacts.
  5. Timely vaccination and visit of the doctor.

Preventive measures are the best tool in treatment, because the disease is much easier to prevent than to treat.

Noticing on the body of papillomas and warts, a man should consult a doctor, as it provokes their appearance can HPV high oncogenic risk. The virus has widespread among men, but not all cases of morbidity threaten cancer.

Diagnostics to determine dangerous strains of specific. But for analyzing and obtaining the most reliable results, it is important to comply with the rules of preparation, they usually inform a laboratory or attending physician. After detecting oncogenic strains, it is important to take a timely course of treatment and prevent further development of the pathological process with recycling in cancer.

What is HPV?

More than half of sexually active men are infected. But HPV high oncogenic risks detect not in all cases of morbidity.

Oncogenesis - the ability of the virus to cause malignant neoplasms, that is, cancer. All the virus strains are possessed by this property, but in varying degrees. It depends on the form of the existence of a microorganism: at low oncogenics, the habitat of the virus becomes the episoma cells (genetic elements of bacteria that can function in the cell), and with a high virus penetrates the kernel and affects the genetic device, provoking mutation in it. The latter further leads to the development of cancer.

Different types of HPV are grouped in the degrees of carcinogenic risk:

  • low - Types number 6, 11;
  • average - Types number 31, 35, 33;
  • high - Types number 18 and 16.

The virus that affects predominantly epithelial fabrics and causing the processes of hypertrophy and hyperplasia. He is able to be in the body for a long time and not to show himself. The development of clinical manifestations is provoked by some factors:

  • reduced immunity - both in common and local (skin);
  • infectious processes in the urinary sphere caused by Gonokokkom, Chlamydia, Trichomonade;
  • alcoholism, smoking;
  • reception of drugs that have an immunosuppressive effect - glucocorticoids, cytostatics;
  • chronic and long stress;
  • irrational or defective nutrition.

The manifestations of this process are papillomas / papillomatosis (multiple papillomas), conglishers, warts - up to cancer. But at the initial stages of education can be so invisible that they can be seen only under the microscope. They can be located on the face (in the shave places), limbs, nails, on the genitals and inside them (in the rectum), in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear passage, on the articular seats, feet.

Papillomas penis head

How is infection?

To infect HPV, the skin should be microtraums, cracks, combs. The source of infection can be a person who has no injuries. The following variations of the virus are possible:

  1. 1. Sexual - The main way that is implemented if one of the partners in the genitals have manifestations of infection. Condoms cannot be considered guaranteed protection from HPV. The cause of infection may be not only traditional sexual intercourse, but also oral, anal. Accordingly, the mechanism of infection is determined by the localization of the process - on the genitals, anus, in the oral cavity.
  2. 2. Contact- In public swimming pools, baths, through damaged skin with a joint stay with infected.
  3. 3. Autococulation - This is the spread of the process in an already infected person when shaving, hair removal, which causes small skin damage. The infection penetrates them, and warts are formed.
  4. 4. Infection during cosmetology procedures- Haircuts, manicure, etc. The cause becomes bad prescaling processing, disinfection and sterilization of tools.

The development of the disease proceeds as follows: First, the virus enters the body, then it is multiplied, but without entering the cell - during this period there are no manifestations. Under the action of provoking factors, immunity decreases, the pathogen begins to act on DNA, causing mutations. After that, new cells appear with already modified DNA, clinical signs of HPV infections are developing - papillomas, warts, condylomas. With further mutations, the process flows into cancer.


When examining a dermatovenerologist and a urologist, it is necessary to identify warts, warts, damage to the skin and mucous membranes in the field of genital organs and anus. The doctor may already at the stage of inspection to differentiate the manifestations of HPV from melanoma, contagious mollusk and other skin diseases. From this the diagnosis begins.

Visually determine the degree of oncogenicity is not possible, it is necessary to pass tests.

The diagnosis of HPV infection in men is carried out using the following methods:

Study Description of the method
Analyzes for cytology and histology of epithelial tissues (zinc, biopsy)The scraping of urethra is taken, from the surface of formations, from the anal area. The material is applied to the slide glass, when necessary, painted and is examined under the microscope. So the pathological mitoses (methods of cell division) are detected, the irregular shape of the nuclei, tumor cells, etc.
PCR (polymerase chain reaction)The study is the main, most accurate diagnostic method. It is used not only in order to detect the virus, but also to determine its type. It matters to determine the risk of zero-quality and transition to cancer. To conduct a study, a smear, scraping can be used (made by brush - from the head, from the urethra), blood is taken, urine

PCR has a lot of advantages: high specificity, speed due to automation, reliability - the virus is detected even in a small amount of material. When surrendering the analysis, the following rules must be followed:

  1. 1. To eliminate sex and receiving any medicines 48 hours before the fence of the material.
  2. 2. Blood hand over an empty stomach, pre-eliminating allergens from diet (chocolate, oranges). The fence is carried out from veins.
  3. 3. To collect on an empty stomach in the morning (not there is no analysis), be sure to sterile container. The biomaterial must be delivered to the laboratory within 4 hours.
  4. 4. Comply with personal hygiene rules.

The smear does not give up during acute diseases - prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, as well as after taking antibiotics.

There are also several types of research, whose methodology varies:

After the diagnosis and in the event of the prerequisites for the development of oncology, all men show the consultation of the oncologist. Without his inspection and consultation, it is not recommended to start therapy.

Human papilloma virus, or HPV (Human Papillomavirus), is the most common infectious disease in the world transmitted by sex. Infection combines more than 100 strains. All of them cause the growth of warts, deeplings, initially benign, but then inclined to transform into malignant. Serious hazard for health and life carries a group of HPV strains of high oncogenic risk.

Characteristic Papillomavirus

There are safe types of virus that manifest themselves on the skin papillomas, as well as oncogenic, which lead to malignant formations. Medical studies have established that 13 types of HPV are carcinogenic, able to cause an oncological process both in a woman and a man.

Usually, papillomavirus infection in the body does not manifest itself. In this case, the immune system independently struggles with a virus. Such a course of the disease can last for years. But when HPV is activated, the danger of the development of complications arises.

According to medical statistics, 80% of women by 50 were collided with HPV infection. In many cases, self-appear occurred. If the disease has not been eliminated, the long-ended oncogenic papillomavirus in the body is able to launch the mechanisms of zero-quality fabrics. Carcinogenic virus changes the DNA of the cells of the skin and mucous membranes. By this, he causes the manifestation of the health of neoplasms - pointed wings and oncological tumors.

The main reason for the HPV lesion is sexual contact with infected papillomavirus. In this way, at least 60% of people are infected. Already at first intimate proximity, it is possible to infect the sexual partner, also become a carrier of the virus and not even know about it. The infection is transmitted at any type of sex: vaginal, anal, and also through a kiss.

The female organism is more prone to HPV infection than men's. The most vulnerable places are genitals. With sexual contact on the mucous, cracks and microtransmissions appear, which are absolutely not tangible. But they create unhindered implementation, and then reproduction of the virus.

If a woman is diagnosed with HPV, it is at risk of cancer, but this does not mean that it is sick cancer. The presence of the virus suggests that the woman is in the risk group and should take measures to control the finding of the virus in the body, that is, to regularly take tests and interest if infection does not progress.

Views of the pathogen

According to statistics, most of the population of Russia is infected with different types of virus, which indicates a huge prevalence. But this does not mean that the diagnosis of HPV is fatal. Many strains of infection completely do not affect human health, and only aesthetic troubles are delivered in the form of warts and papillom.

These strains of viruses are defined when the development of a malignant process is almost impossible - it is HPV low oncogenic risk. The strains of the average carcinogenic type are also considered common, and in these two groups included the bulk of the varieties of papillomavirus.

The structure of the virus DNA is constantly changing. This is due to the combination of individual strains that form various combinations and mutations of infected cells. As a result, each time a new virus genotype occurs. This can provoke the emergence of unpleasant symptoms and the development of serious pathological conditions.

In order to effectively predict and minimize the risk of recurrence, as well as for the correct selection of therapeutic methods of treatment, HPV is being typed using different diagnostic methods. Based on the classification, all known species by the degree of oncaris are conventionally divided into three groups:

  1. Low oncogenic. Education manifests themselves on the body of solitary growths. They are only cosmetic defects, non-hazardous for the body. These are viruses with strains 6, 12, 14, 42-44.
  2. Middle risk. Sometimes cell mutation can cause. This group includes 31, 35, 51 strains.
  3. High carcinogenic risk papilloma viruses. Cellular structure leads to malignant rebirths, which causes the development of dysplasia or cervical cancer. This group consists of 13 strains of oncogenic viruses. Of all the sheer carcinogenic are 16 and 18 types.

16 and 18 strains are risk of lack of symptoms. Only a doctor assigned analyzes can accurately diagnose the presence of a papillomal virus, while the disease proceeds without any manifestations. Even with clinical inspection, it is impossible to detect infection with these types of viruses. This development of the pathological process is called a latent form, when cancer may occur without timely treatment.

Methods of infection

Based on the WHO data, currently HPV high carcinogenic risk is set in 70% of cases from the total number of infected. The virus is transferred only from man to man, animals are not his carriers. There are several ways to transmit infection:

  1. Unprotected sexual intercourse with pathogen carrier. And the danger occurs at any method of soy. There are cases of infection with a virus through a kiss when the infected saliva of one partner falls on the damaged mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
  2. Placental. The fruit can easily be infected with the mother when it passes through the generic paths, if the woman has an overwhelming in the cavity of the vagina or the cervix in the period of tooling the fetus.
  3. Contact-household. This can happen with close contact through small skin trauma when hygiene objects are shared: shaving instruments, manicure tools.

Two years later, after the infection of Papillomavirus occurred, in 15-30% of women there are observations in the region of the cervix and prejudice states. During this period, pathological deviations appear only in 2% of women who are not subject to HPV infection.

Factors stimulating the development of infection

After introducing into the body, Papillomavirus can be at rest for a long time without any manifestations. It is established that the incubation period lasts usually from 3-4 weeks to several decades. A person can safely live and not suspect the presence of a virus.

The main impact has the main impact on the development and reproduction of pathogen: the stronger the protective mechanisms, the more effective the fight against atypical cells. The virus can be activated only with a weakened immunite, what are the following factors contribute:

  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • stressful situations and long-term depressions;
  • overheating and supercooling the organism;
  • frequent infectious colds;
  • chronic pathologies, accompanied by inflammatory processes;
  • bad habits;
  • autoimmune pathology and violations in the work of the endocrine system;
  • constant physical overload;
  • overweight, hypodymna.

Given the high ability of the virus to transmit from an infected person to healthy, the risk is subject to all who leads an active messy sex life. However, in many cases, immunity copes with viral cells, blocking their distribution.

Symptoms of the disease

Due to the high degree of carcinogenic danger, represented by strains of 3 groups, with the slightest manifestations of pathology, it is necessary to contact the doctor for diagnostics. It is necessary to know that all highly alcoholic types of HPV are manifested by pointed circularities or growths, which are localized in such areas of the body:

  • mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • external genitals;
  • anal opening area;
  • penis, head, bridle, extreme flesh;
  • mucosa of the urinary channel;
  • scrotum;
  • oral cavity.

Condylomas can have a woman with HPV high oncogenic risk in inguinal folds, under mouses, breasts, on centuries and neck. In addition to the main sign of finding infection in the body, there are still symptoms:

  • the feeling of discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen, turning into pain;
  • itching and burning sensing on genitalia;
  • difficult urination;
  • feeling of pain during sex;
  • allocations from the vagina, accompanied by blood impurities and an unpleasant odor.

HPV oncogenic type is able to have a negative impact, hitting the internal genitals. During the development of infection, more serious symptoms arise:

  • painful menstrual cycles with abundant discharge;
  • sudden bleeding (not in critical days);
  • obstruction of uterine pipes;
  • violation of ovarian functions;
  • infertility.

All these pathological deviations are developing against the background of the progression of the cervical dysplasia. Reaching pointed wounds and growths on mucous vagina and genitals, as well as given the manifested symptoms, the gynecologist sends to tests.

In men, usually there are no manifestations with HPV high carcinogenic risk. Signs of infection can be seen in the case of formation by papillom on the head or trunk of the penis. With the active development of the disease, the man is disturbed by burning and pain whose intensity grows in urination, sexual intercourse, hygienic procedures.

Required surveys

The identification of the pathogen at an early stage will allow minimizing the risk of developing pathology and the formation of a malignant tumor, so doctors prescribe diagnostic screening, which includes several types of surveys. Procedures are usually recommended:

  1. Clinical method. Gynecological examination and interview is carried out. In the presence of classic symptoms, for example, the inquiry to the guard, the diagnosis is established. The results of the procedure will help the doctor to determine the appointment of additional surveys.
  2. Colposcopy. The cervical neck is explored using an optical or digital colposcope. The device allows you to carefully inspect the mucous membrane from a close distance and detect changes if they really exist. The procedure can be carried out using various means that facilitate the diagnosis - acetic acid, the solution of the Lugol, potassium.
  3. PCR (definition of High Risk DNA). With the help of a polymerase chain reaction with accuracy, the presence of a highly alcoholic strain of the third carcinogenic group is detected. For the survey, blood is taken, smear from the vagina or cervical canal, scraping from the urethra mucosa, and urine is also investigated.
  4. Digene test. This method is used as a screening examination of women over 30 years, with which not only the presence of a virus in the body is detected, but in the case of a positive response, the stage of its development is determined.
  5. PAP test. Cytological examination of smears from mucous membranes according to the Papanicolau method under the microscope. The presence of morphologically changed cells is determined. In order to prevent the development of infection, it is recommended to take such a test annually.
  6. Genotyping. The method allowing to determine the strain.

Based on information on data obtained as a result of research, the doctor puts the correct diagnosis and determines the stage of development of the pathological process. If the carcinogenic risk virus is found, a complex of specific therapy is assigned aimed at eliminating and strengthening immunity.

Papillomavirus is considered the most common infection on the planet. They are infected with almost 90% of the population. To date, about 130 types have been studied, and taking into account the degree of danger they are divided into three extensive groups. A real threat to the human body represents HPV high oncogenic risk. Each type relating to this category can provoke the development of cancer. Therefore, in case of detection, it is necessary to undergo a course of comprehensive therapy.

In the frequency of contamination of people, the papilloma virus is in second place. Many believe that he is only an education on the body of small moles or warts. In fact, HPV leads to the development of severe disease - cancer.

Types of HPV: Classification

Of the more than 130 well-known types of HPV, it is thoroughly learned about 80 species. The structure of their DNA is constantly changing, which is due to a combination of individual strains, which lead to the formation of various combinations and mutations of infected cells. As a result, each time a new virus genotype appears. This can lead both the emergence of unpleasant symptoms and the development of serious prejudice states.

For the possibility of forecasting and minimizing the risk of recurrence, as well as to determine the correct treatment strategy, typing using PCR diagnostics, Digene test, dad methods. Based on the modern classification, all known strains according to the degree of oncogenicity are conditionally divided into three groups.

The latter are considered the most dangerous because they are associated with the participation of the development of cervical carcinoma.

The concept of oncogenic risk

In case of discovering HPV high oncogenic risk, the doctors explain in detail what it is, and what danger it is for health. Scientists have identified more than a hundred strains of the virus, externally manifested by small formations in various parts of the body. Those of them, which in the process of reproduction, change the genetic cell code and cause their rebirth into cancer, have high oncogenesis and pose a threat to life.

Methods of infection

According to WHO, today, HPV high oncogenic risk in women is noted in 70% of cases of the total number of infected. The causative agent can only be transmitted from an infected person to healthy, animals cannot be his carriers. There are several ways to transfer Papillomavirus.

Sexually. The most common option is unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner, and the danger represents the existence in any way. There are cases of transmission of the pathogen through a kiss when the infected saliva of one partner falls on the damaged mucosa of the oral oily cavity.

Continated household. Biological discharges in the form of blood droplets, saliva or sweat can enter the skin of a healthy person. Infection through underwear or household belongings is almost impossible. The risk of penetration of the pathogen increases with the sharing of a razor device, manicure tools.

Placental. The virus can easily move from the mother to the fetus during childbirth, if a woman has a wow on the walls of the vagina or neck of the uterus, formed during pregnancy. In the case of infection, laryngeal papillomatosis may develop in the newborn.

Factors stimulating virus reproduction

After the penetration into the organism, the HPV can be in a state of rest for a long time and do not manifest itself. Doctors note that the incubation period often lasts from 2-3 weeks to several decades, a person can safely live with a virus.

It's important to know! At the rate of development of the pathogen, the basic influence is influenced by immunity - the stronger the protection mechanisms, the more successful the body struggles with atypical cells, preventing them from reproduction and reincarnation into cancer.

Papillomavirus can move to the active phase only against the background of the imminent immune system, which often occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • violations of the hormonal background;
  • frequent stress and depression;
  • overheating and supercooling;
  • frequent colds;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes;
  • bad habits;
  • autoimmune diseases and endocrine disorders;
  • harmful production conditions;
  • regular physical overload;
  • overweight, hypodymna.

Due to the high tutor of the carcinogenic hazard, which the strains included in the third group are at the slightest suspicions, it is necessary to consult a doctor to pass diagnostics on HPV.

Signs of the presence of oncogenic HPV

If, during a visual inspection, growths on the skin, mucous vagina and genitalia, as well as the erosion of the cervix, the doctor gives the direction for tests during the visual inspection. In addition, women may have such symptoms:

  • feeling of gravity at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • painful sensations for the empty of the bladder;
  • abundant discharge, sometimes with insignificant blood impurities;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse or after its end.

HPV high oncogenic type in men often does not manifest. Signs of the infectious process can be seen in the case of a papillomal form on the head or trunk of the penis. With the rapid development of pathology, a man can complain about burning and pain, which is enhanced during urination, sex, hygienic procedures.

List of analyzes for determining the pathogen

The detection of the pathogen at an early stage allows minimizing the risk of developing infection and the formation of a malignant tumor. To this end, experts conduct a thorough diagnosis that includes several types of research. The most reliable today the following procedures are considered.

Based on data obtained as a result of hemotest and other methods of examination, the doctor puts the correct diagnosis and determines the degree of probability of the development of a malignant process. In the event of a high-alcoholic risk virus detection against a patient, a course of specific therapy is carried out, which is aimed at suppressing infection and strengthen the body's protective forces.

Features of treatment and forecast

If a high carcinogenic HPV has been identified during the study, then special treatment is shown even in the absence of any symptomatics. In this situation, an integrated approach is applied, including conservative, invasive methods, as well as folk remedies.

First of all, patients are appointed by the course of drug therapy, aimed at the oppression of the vital activity of the virus, and the cessation of its reproduction.

For this purpose, drugs apply to the following groups.

  • antiviral - "acyclovir", "Ribavirin", "Tsidofovir", as well as interferons;
  • immunostimulators - "Immunal", "Loveomax".

Tip! It is necessarily recommended to take the preparation of the combined action "Isoprosine" or its analogue "Groprinosin". It slows down the cell division, enhances the antiviral effect, and stimulates its own protective reactions of the body.

In suspected of the beginning of the rapid growth and reproduction of the virus, cytostatics are appointed to suppress this process:

  • "Podophilia";
  • "Vinblastine";

Equally effective, according to patient reviews, are general and local medications. The latter are used to handle the growths formed on the skin and epithelial tissues.

An effective method of therapy is considered to be mechanical removal of growths by any of the modern methods:

  • electric accommodation - the burning of the formations by electric shock;
  • radiotherapy - excision of the tumor by effecting the waves of different frequencies;
  • laser removal - ignition of growth by a beam by a beam;
  • cryodestruction - removal of growths with liquid nitrogen.

A chemical method is not less popular - the tumor treatment is a potent tool, which results in its decay. Such preparations like "Solkoderm", "Ferrezol" and "Kondilin" are widely used. To avoid burns, the means must be applied only to the surface of the growths. For the prevention of re-formation of papillom, it is recommended to use a transdermal immunostimulating cream "Aldar" ("imiquimod").

Warning measures

Only one type of specific prophylaxis can be practically 100% guaranteed that over the next 10-15 years the body will produce antibodies to HPV high carcinogenic risks that have the ability to provoke precancerous states.

This vaccination, which is done at the request of the patient. In many foreign countries, recombinant vaccines are used for immunization for almost 10 years.

  • "Cervarix" is introduced only by female patients;
  • "Gardasil" is applied to prevent infection from both sexes.

Both serums with an affordable price contain an inactivated virus, which, according to the manufacturer, protects only from two types of strain - 16 and 18. But, in practice, drugs show efficiency in relation to all other dangerous types of microorganisms. The cost of both vaccines is different, but does not exceed 8000 rubles.

Vaccination is carried out by teenagers of 9-14 years and women under thirty age. The procedure is performed in three stages and takes half a year. For each vaccine, an individual injection diagram has been developed, which allows to achieve maximum benefit from the action of the vaccination.

General prevention measures suggest strict adherence to medical recommendations:

  • the elimination of random sexual relations, ideally the practice of monogamy;
  • use of barrier methods of contraception;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • prevention of a sharp impact of immune protection due to diseases;
  • full-fledged rest;
  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • regular physical exertion;
  • compliance with hygienic standards, especially when visiting baths, saunas, pools.

It's important to know! Frequent hormonal failures and intake of immunosuppressors (drugs depressing the immune system) can lead to adverse consequences.


If there are suspicions to penetrate the high oncogenic virus, you should contact a specialist. Informative research methods make it possible to identify the presence of infection with the accuracy, recognize the HPV DNA and prevent the further progression of the process. With an integrated approach and adequate treatment, it is possible not only to avoid unpleasant consequences, but also to fully cure the disease.

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