How do the signs of the zodiac behave in friendship. Who is your perfect girlfriend on the horoscope: friendly signs of the zodiac who is a good friend of the zodiac

Many people are surprisingly the fact that friendship can be very strong with one person, and with another relationship do not glue at all. In particular, it seems to be strange if the last person is pleasant to you, but there is absolutely no connection with him. So why do we choose yourself some people and reject others? It is worth looking at this problem from an astrological point of view. Each sign of the zodiac has its own characteristic features, many affecting relations between people.

Compatibility Table All Zodiac Signs

Visual and simple sign compatibility scheme in friendship.

Consider each zodiac sign in more detail by highlighting its strengths and weaknesses in friendship.


He will be a good friend thanks to his honesty and willingness to help. Will not climb into your soul, extruding the intimate.

While you will not tell about your difficulties, it will be fun and careless, without noticing your depression. However, it is worth only to learn about the troubles of a friend, as he will immediately be defended by taking responsibility for himself.

He wants to prove that he is the leader and the winner, but because of this desire the life of the most Aries is often rolling on the bottom. Do not use too often using the help and trust friend-Aries without a good reason.

Aries - a friend who loves to entertain himself and entertain others, he will do anything for himself that he and his comrades were interesting and fun. If you refuse to participate several times in the fun initiating to them - you can turn into the eyes of the Aries in a bore and a boring person.

What a random will definitely do not like - tips and morals, especially if they are better than its initiatives. He is confident that the best thing knows that, how and when to do. Take it as it is.

Aries considers friendly relations, first of all, the separation of points of view of each other. You must love those whom he loves, and sincerely hates those who are hostile to whom.

Aries hate liars and always say what they think, that is, the truth. If he notices that such a truth is offended, immediately will throw apologize, and then everything will repeat.

Aries helps everyone around him, there are no corners in it, but friends in return should also be prepared at any time to come to him on his profile. If Aries will notice that friendship has become more reminding the use of it for mercenary purposes - wait for the scandal.

Most compatible in friendship with lions, firing, twins and Aquariols.


Taurus is a magnificent and reliable comrade, to which the surrounding, especially those who are stretched and nervous, who want to enjoy the tranquility and confidence of such a friend. Taurus, for his part, loves to be friends with people creative, such, which are fundamentally different from him.

Many people consider the calves with their friends without asking their opinions. But the Taurist himself is not at all in a hurry to allow someone who fell very close to himself. He is rather incredulous and strong friendly relations with him will not be able to tie in a short time.

If he admitted you with his friend - you can feel free to rely on it. He will help with advice, action and money, although with the last aspect and can get out the hint, which is not so much the bakery of the Taurus, how much of its thrift in terms of finance.

If you wish to make a friendship with a taper durable and long, will learn diplomaticity. No need to try to overeat such a friend, better find a compromise.

Tales adore sincere conversationsThey don't like chatters talking exclusively on emotions.

The most perhaps the unusual manifestation of friendship with the Taurus is jealousy. Taurus may well consider you personal property. He does not serve competition and will not share you with someone else.

Most compatible in friendship with Virgin, Capricorn, Cancer and Fishes.


- The person is very sociable and the circle of communication can be infinitely wide. But at the same time, the twins rarely can call more than one or two dusty friends, as communication and friendship are different things. In order to tie a friendship with twins, you need to endure their desire to always attract the attention of others.

Gemini disinterested in friendship. Often are friends with humble people and even gray - or in order to stand out on their background, or to help them in exemption from stiffness in communication.

Most compatible in friendship with weights, Capricorn, Oda and Aquarius.


The most closely friendly with people familiar to him since childhood or adolescence. It is strongly tied to the past, so nostalgic memories can be the basis for durable and warm friendship. Cancers are very loved by memories.

Cancer's friends are sometimes difficult for friends, as he believes that friendship exists primarily for him to discuss his problems with.

No one would argue with this if it were not for the desire of cancer to make drama and tragedy from any little things. Listen to his complaints is infinitely impossible. Friends in Cancer a little, but each of them is truly angelic patience.

Cancer considers friends family. He is always tasty feed them and will help with finance, hears and give good advice. The only thing that he does not work is friendship on equal terms. Cancer wants to dominate everything.

Most compatible in friendship with taurus, scorpion, fish and a virgin.

a lion

Want to be friends with? Become successful and self-sufficient, but no more than he himself. Those who are equal to him will be considered competitors, and the lower status - unworthy that they can be closed to their person.

Lion can not be criticized, especially in public: revenge can be followed immediately.

Lions are poorly believed to passive and squeezed people, they also do not like confusion and aggression.

Lion is dominated in friendship. If he considers you a friend, you can be confident in his patronage, but it is worth disappointed you - you can not think about forgiveness.

Most compatible in friendship with authentic, twins, weights and firing.


Too careful people trusted unfamiliar people.If we talk about friendship, they will always notice the shortcomings of even the closest people. Such a warehouse of character does not allow the devies to have too large friends.

Virgo is indispensable as the adviser: always shows and tell, it disrupts everything to the smallest detail.

Virgo is an excellent partner to visit various entertainment facilities. Restrained and closed in life, it is revealed when watching a dramatic film, for example, and in addition, it is excellent with it, you can spend time on bowling. Just do not go with the Virgin on the races or in the casino - this attitude towards money will not exactly please.

However, Virgo is an energetic sign, she adores change, receiving new information, likes to gloom. Her main goal is to pay any chaos in absolute order. Virgo will provide support to a friend, but definitely not harming himself. Do not abuse it.

Most compatible in friendship with tales, cancer, Capricorn, scorpion and a virgin.


Full charm, soccerbelny and adore having fun. Such a person will be able to become an excellent buddy, but friendship is something much more than a simple friendship, the basis for which joint entertainment is. Weighs are completely unusual deep and pure mentality, not related to mind.

Even friendship with man, they will always evaluate him.Friendship is an impartial thing, it should not have the place of comment of the slightest weaknesses of a loved one. Your friendship with the scales will always be formal and judgment, it will not be different in a different way.

Scales are capable of using their charisma and charm to achieve their own goals. They will not lie or pretend, however, the proportion of manipulation in such respects is always present.

Scales will not leave a friend without a useful advice. They value the moral principles and do not like to devote close people to their problems, preferring to understand them on their own. They have one very valuable talent - the ability to enjoy harmony, peace and peace.

Most compatible in friendship with twins, firing, lions and weights.


Very individual, so it's difficult to tie a friendship with them, and it is more difficult to maintain it. Communication with scorpion is subject to such a person who will recognize his leader and will not criticize the despotic and eccentric behavior of the comrade.

Such friendship can be described as a union of people, one of which is always looking up, and the other is down.

In addition, the scorpion friend should be a very calm and balanced person, otherwise the behavior of Scorpio can hurt much.

To the one who fully complies with the above criteria, Scorpio will become a reliable companionAlways able to come to the rescue, as well as a very interesting interlocutor.

Scorpions love loyal people, and real friends will love and respect.

Most compatible in friendship with cancer, Virgin, Capricorn and fish.


For friendship is very important. He perceives friends as a family and trusts them, even if they once led him. Sagittarius Communicable, so his circle of communication is wide, he has a lot of buddies. The surroundings like its sociability and charm, but excessive honesty can embroil the shooter with someone, because people do not like themselves when they shoot the truth right in the face.

Those who closely communicate with Archers may argue that he never wants to offend anyone. If you do not tolerate the familiarity, each-shooter you are definitely not needed. But if such friendship is available, be always ready to hear a lot of interesting things about yourself. If in response you too will be frank - deserve the unconditional respect for the Sagittarius.

Most compatible in friendship with authentic, lion, weights, firing and aquiet.


Prefers to keep in a circle of people who have power and influence. However, it's used to be a true friendship without mixing with the desire to be closer to the "Strong Peace of this".

By nature, these people are loners, so in their lives, as a rule, there are only one real friend.

They know how to keep someone else's secrets and understand friendship, as willingness to come to revenue at any moment. They will not regret anything for family and friends. Friendship for Capricors is very important.

Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Virgin, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius.


Everyone is! He no difference to what race, nationality or religion belongs to his new acquaintance. Aquarius is ready to be friends with the whole world. The most favorite words of Aquarius - "Friend" and "Friend", however, the best friend of Aquarius who fell not to call.

And even though the Aquarius itself is as open to new acquaintances, he will be able to become the best friend just as "easy" signs.

Most compatible in friendship with authentic, scales, twins and Silver.


- Friendly people who are well-communicating with everyone, who applies well to them. If they can not communicate with each other for a long time - they begin to miss and wander, along the way, looking for a comrade in each conversation.

Fish is very necessary to need them, they love to receive approval and attention.

These people are very compassionatively, the more often the not very conscientious "raids", using fish as a vest, in which you can pay.

Fish will not be offended by a friend, whether it is at least a hundred times wrong. Those who appreciate this in dignity - and there are true friends of fish.

Most compatible in friendship with tales, cancer, Capricorn and scorpion.

What signs of worst compatibility

  • Aries - Taurus.
  • Taurus - Aquarius.
  • Gemini - Cancer.
  • Cancer - Aquarius.
  • Lion - Taurus.
  • Virgo - scales.
  • Scales - Virgo.
  • Scorpio - Aries.
  • Sagittarius - Fish.
  • Capricorn - lion.
  • Aquarius - Aquarius.
  • Fish - Virgo.

What signs are the best compatibility

  • Aries - Sagittarius.
  • Taurus - Capricorn.
  • Twins.
  • Cancer - Scorpio.
  • Lion - scales.
  • Virgo - Taurus.
  • Scales - Sagittarius.
  • Scorpio - Capricorn.
  • Sagittarius - Aries.
  • Capricorn - Fish.
  • Aquarius - Sagittarius.
  • Fish - Capricorn.

Table friendly compatibility

In order to determine what the degree of compatibility between people, use a special table created by astrologers.

How to use it

The number at the intersection of two characters is the level of their compatibility. The greater the number - it is higher:

  • From 1 to 10 - the lowest, misunderstanding and disrespect between partners.
  • From 11 to 20 - low, frequent problems in relationships.
  • From 21 to 30 - average compatibility, conflicts and indifference between humans are possible.
  • From 31 to 40 - not bad level. The union will be strong in the presence of concessions.
  • From 41 to 50 - high. Good mutual understanding.
  • From 51 to 60 - very high. Trust and common interests.
  • From 61 to 70 - almost perfect compatibility. Complete mutual understanding and harmony.
  • From 71 to 80 - perfect. Rare combination.

Look at your friends under the microscope "Zodiac signs"

Friend is our guide to the physical and moral condition of comfort. Friend is free ears and beloved vest. In the life of friends, we choose themselves and then go next to them for many years nearby. Friends are our quiet harbor, our comfort zone and a happy pastime.

We don't choose friends on the sign of the zodiac, we choose them in spiritual comfort and warmth. But today we propose to make an exception and look at your friends under the microscope "Zodiac signs".

Aries in friendship

In friendship Aries true and responsive. He gets used to people and feels pain with their care from his life. He will get a breasts to protect his friend, but do not expect he to climb into your soul with questions.

He will not torment you interrogations, he will give you the time to tell him all. FROM Omes Easy to look for an adventure, because they do not sit in place and forever fall into different grills. Some serious eccentrics.

Tales in friendship

Teltsy - Faithful and reliable friends, but to get into their close circle should be particularly trying. Teltsy Do not let the comfort of the comfort not tested by the time and circumstances of people. The art of diplomacy is an important tool in friendly relations with them. He will not forgive deception, silently leave and forget about your existence.

For him, warm and frank conversations for souls are important. And all this gives him the right sometimes jealous of friends, as any emotional connection is extremely important for him and the road.

Gemini in friendship

Twin Avoiding "problematic people", which enjoy his "free ears" and friendliness. He loves his comfort zone and rarely close enough new people. They have a sea of \u200b\u200bnew acquaintances, but few real friends. But if Twin Still, let me close someone, then it is very difficult for him to say goodbye to this man forever.

He is constantly trying to solve the problem, find a way to cope with the conflict situation, because "attachment" to people is not an empty sound for him, but the life rate.

Feature quarrel S. Twin It is its lightning flare and instantaneous impairment. He will not be afraid to approach the first and it is two times less than you to cool after conflict.

Cracks in friendship

Raki. - faithful friends. Usually they are friends since childhood, and do not seek to replace everything familiar. Often Raki. For many years, live memories of the lucky moments of the past, while losing a feeling of reality.

Cancer In friendship - Stone wall and reliable rear for friends. Representatives of this sign are always listened to a difficult moment, will give a good advice and will help financially. Friends for them are not an empty sound. For "his" he will turn the mountains.

Lions in friendship

a lion It always seeks to be first, so do not require equal or partnerships from it. If you are ready to constantly praise, encourage, then a lion It will be an excellent, loyal and reliable friend for you. You will definitely be satisfied when a lion He wants to thank you for patience and submissive service to him, because in his gratitude he is generous and original.

Virgin in friendship

Representatives of this sign do not need advisers, they know exactly what they want and where. Therefore, they look at the friends as a source of entertainment. Deva It happens to be discharged and with friends they produce couples in full. Also Deva Periodically, I want to see and here the free "ears" of a friend will not be superfluous too. These are true reasons for maintaining close relationships with friends for this sign of the zodiac.

Virgin They love sincere and noble people, as they value honesty in relationships. They do not have so many friends, because they are more loners than a noisy soul campaign. One best friend and a couple of friends - the perfect selection of friends looks like Virgin.

Scales in friendship

Libra In friendship is always very cool. They will not be thrown into a difficult moment, but also on the round-the-clock support should not be expected. They will not take you money at a difficult moment, but will provide the opportunity to earn this money yourself. Their advice is always reasonable and full of sobriety. Their look at the problem is the most acute and pragmatic.

They look at the root of the problem, so their recommendations are expensive. Positive quality Weighs It is their wonderful sense of humor, fun spirit and skill "survive" in any campaign. They can raise the mood even in the hardest day.

Scorpions in friendship

Scorpions Appreciate and respect their friends. For them, the word "friendship" means more than for any other zodiac sign. In his presence, it is impossible not even the word badly say about his friend, Scorpio It will fight to the last drop of blood with an offender to defend his honor.

It rarely opens to the end, but friends know about it all that he can tell close, which is already a manifestation of the highest degree of confidence from his part. Scorpio - An excellent friend, the wise adviser and the cheerful interlocutor.

Sagittarius in friendship

Representatives of this sign are one of the best friends in the world. They will not be cut, but come up with a real way to help. Sagittsev They will give you money off, but immediately come up with where and how to earn you, not only to give them a debt, but also to earn good.

Sagittarius It stretches to more successful people, he likes to develop, even though he is sometimes lazy. Streltsame You can trust, because they just do not know how to betray and bring.

Capricorn in friendship

Capricorn Can not first take a step to new acquaintances. They do not respect other people, considering them unworthy of their attention, at least until strangers prove the opposite. Capricorn Dare only those who have recognition in society or own a solid account in the bank. To such people Capricorn Right and "Lipnut".

If a new person has been able to win attention Capricorn. T. Capricorn will require attention, care and respect in your direction. For its part, representatives of this sign will always be in the face to speak to friends how they should live, what should not be done and "squeeze" their advice.

To be friends with Capricorn It is difficult, because they do not know the stop during the quarrel, you always have only one of the only loyal look at the problem and get any ways what they want. But the main plus Capricorn It is that they are always extremely honest and will always help their friends. Although methods use wayward.

Aquarius in friendship

W. Aquarius Many buddies, they all are ready to shelter, to help everyone, everyone to warm. They are kind to people, so people consider them pleasant small. Aquarius There are no conflicts, so in rare cases will be too firm to defend their point of view.

They know in all measure, although sometimes it is a sense of measure of them too overestimated. Aquarius Do not have close friends, but they have the darkness of buddies, acquaintances and comrades. Aquarius - Always yours among their own.

Fish in friendship

W. Fish Little friends, but they are all real. Representatives of this sign appreciate honesty and devotion. They do not forgive betray, so they are very demanding in friendship and in love.

Fish Ready for self-sacrifice, if it is necessary for their friend. Their main disappointment in friendship is the fact that friends begin to consider them always accessible by the "vest" or "free ears", but this period is not long, since Fish Available accessible to explain what is more.


People under the sign of Scorpio tough and demanding in their nature, they never forgive the offense and betrayal. A man who offended him acquires a strong and vengeful enemy for life. It is hidden, malicious and impatient. But few know that scorpion is injured and sensitive, it is hard to carry criticism into your address. He will never show his feelings for strangers, it is considered weak. Does not believe and do not trust to the end of anyone. Friends will always help in a difficult moment, but the causing of them once in deception will turn away.


People under the sign of the fish are complex and inconsistently, it is difficult to find a common language with them. On the one hand, they are responsive, pleasant interlocutors, open and respectable. Pisces are always trying to support the near, care about their family. But on the other, they are cruel and unpleasant. Fish is restless, irritable on trifles, actions and stubborn. They are easily offended, lose interest in further communication. They never forget their resentment, and they carry this feeling in themselves for a long time until they distort.


Twins are a dual sign, it is manifested in everything. It is inclined to the sharp mood drops, due to this can be simply unbearable in communication. Building a constructive dialogue with it is hard, you have to constantly monitor the words and intonation. He constantly requires attention, and is very upset with its shortage. For friendship with twins, it is important to take it with all the shortcomings, then you will get a good friend who always listens and support. At the same time, the twins rarely have real friends, they are hard to bind to one person, the world around is too extensive.


Aries - a fiery sign, for him is characterized by the manifestation of hot spirits and irritation. He is always, sometimes subconsciously, seeks to take a leading position in the team, subordinate to those who surround his will. Due to temperament, there are often rampant deeds, it is expressed by moment. Aries will be a good friend, provided that close people will take his authority. In this case, he will show all his care, will be close when necessary and will help in a difficult moment.


Cancer is a very emotional sign. He is wound and sensitive, acutely reacts to criticism and comments, often offended, but tries not to show his discontent, emotionally closing themselves from others. The most important thing in the life of cancer family and loved ones. Choosing a friend, he is careful and picky. But determined, reveals, becomes a generous and caring friend. It is difficult to maintain relationships with cancers, they are concurred, malicious, love to exaggerate everything. Cruel and revenge with offenders.


Lion loves attention and recognition of their merit. He needs to control everything and be the first in all spheres of life. He is Pedantic, fair, never makes partitions depending on his attitude to the guilty. It is hard to converge with people, as it makes them a large list of requirements that are sometimes impracticable. The need to control and command people makes a lion of a difficult friend, it is hard to communicate with him, but entering the clue of lion's trust, you can get an honest and faithful companion. It will be protected to the end.


Capricorn is calm and patient, ambitious, always calculates its moves in advance and skillfully waits the right moment. His main features: practicality, stability and loyalty. He will become an excellent reliable friend who will never make betrayal. Always cares about their native people, makes actions from a pure heart. Capricorns are very proud, they are deeply wounded deception and betrayal. At such moments, they may not fully understand the situation in the situation, to make rapid decisions, to releasing the negative on the people around.


Taurus is firmly on the legs, he is stubborn and seeks to achieve the goal. It tries to always be right, as it does not like to make mistakes and bear punishment for them. At times he has to be difficult, and at this moment it is important to feel the support of friends. Taurus is capable of a real strong friendship, appreciates close people and always comes to first call. This is one of the most faithful and devoted signs. Taurus is sensitive, appreciates the feeling of safety and comfort. If the Taurus is suppressed, he will leave, will be angry, and the friendship will be completed.


Archers of freedom-loving, cheerful, easy to communicate and are always open with new sensations. They show reliability, resourcefulness and attention to detail. Like all travelers, they are impulsive and love to exaggerate, they know how to find words to captivate. They are simply not able to sit in one place for a long time - energy requires exit. With the shooters, they will not get bored, they will push to a new one - to travel, people, emotions and sensations. Always listen and come to the rescue. Sagittarius do not spend their time on the resentment, and not at all.


Aquarius is famous for its light character, he is very sociable and friendly, finding an approach to each person, loves dating, so the number of his friends is very large. Aquarius reacts acute to emerging conflicts, conversations on elevated tones are unacceptable for him. He is always trying to avoid quarrels and collisions. Walked and sympathy are the main features of its character. For his friends, he will always find time and strength to listen and help.


The scales are friendly and friendly, open with new people. They always speak the truth as it is, without embelling and not understood significance. This gives them the ability to take friends with all their advantages and minuses. Webswells hard to make their own decisions, doubts and throwing their activities, they need understanding and support. They are departed and easily forget the insults, calm and patient, but only until a certain point. Offended scales are cold and rude with surrounding, intolerant to other strangers.


People born under this sign are excellent friends and interlocutors. They are easy to communicate, always listened and help with the Council, completely non-conflict and do not like to argue. They are characterized by care to detail, cleanness and accuracy in affairs. They look at the world with real eyes and rely on simple understandable things. The innovations of the virgin prefers stability and constancy, this property relates to people. Among friends, new faces rarely appear. Virgo is caring and attentive to loved ones, put their problems and needs above their own.

No matter how much of our girlfriends, we are comfortable not with each of them. And all because people come to each other in the zodiac, well, or they are absolutely incompatible. Find out of our, what kind of girlfriend is perfect for you by the sign of the zodiac.



For Aries, representatives of the sign of Aquarius become almost perfect girlfriends. They know how to hear, support and even imbued with the situation as if everything happens to them, and not with their girlfriend. However, at the beginning of the acquaintance of the Aries, it is not always good to get along with Aquarius, they can even be a little dislike each other. But hostility passes when friendship begins. Also, the Aries can go well with scorpions that doubt their bitchiness in front of them.


A good friendship of the Taurizers are breeding with fish - both of these sign are silent enough, hidden, sometimes even too restrained. Together they feel comfortable, understand each other with a half-clow and can afford to be natural. However, more lively friendly relations of the Taurus are set with Aquarius - it turns out Yin and Yan, two opposites, perfectly complementing each other. They are easily together, although it is not always calm, because the adventures themselves find them.


Gemini often find themselves loved on the worldview of people among Aries. They often come on the same wave - they have common hobbies and views on life. But most of all the twins love to be friends with those who listen to their advice and stretches to their society - this is undoubtedly representatives of the Capricorns who need an action, friendly advice and the opportunity to discuss all familiar in one telephone conversation.

Cancers are always unconsciously stretching in calves - these are good and loyal friends who are always listened to, divide the mountain and joy for two, and will not refuse to ask any scale. It is important for cancers to have a person to whom they will tell about everything that happens in their lives, and this can only withstand the Taurus. Sometimes crayfish converge with scorpions, but even in friendship they begin to rival each other in humiliation.

Lions can go far from everyone, there are signs of the zodiac, which they frankly show their contempt. However, with the twins, their friendship is almost perfect, devoid of quarrels, rivalry and reproaches. Gemini Nellumes, very sociable and read - the lions come to delight, choosing them as their friends. More good friends, but not friends, Capricorn can be for Lviv.


Virns choose for themselves caring and ineistent friends who share their life values \u200b\u200b(the last item is extremely important for them). Cancers often become such people, because they are also looking for a person close in the spirit. There is another zodiac sign that visa recognize is scales. They manage to push mars to important life solutions and win them when the Virgin is knocked down from the right path.


The scales get well with the devies, as mentioned above, they will instruct them on the right path. In addition, we like weights when they are listening and respected, and the Virgin This item is performed simply perfect. But sometimes scales are fond of criticism than they may experience the attention of virgins. Scorpions are becoming more beautiful people's comrades for weights - they always have something to talk about.


Scorpions sometimes stretch to Aries, they imprateit their energy and life force. Together they can go for adventures to any point of the Earth, let it even be dangerous. However, sometimes Aries and scorpions are tired of each other, after which they can not call up a month and not see. But with the devies, scorpions always support peace and calm, enjoying each other's society.


Sagittarius find faithful friends among the scales, because it is important for them that comrade is reliable and never put their friendship in doubt. Together they are comfortable and on vacation, and away, and even in the force majeure. Also, the Sagittarius can be smoking with calves - they have a lot of common interests, and they always find themes for laughter, discussing your favorite films or cases from life.


Capricorn is not easy to trust someone and immediately tell about the most intimate, but when scorpion appears in their lives, they immediately pour him the soul. They are truly comfortable together, they love to get involved in a variety of adventures and risk the most expensive, to then go to the winner of the most difficult situation. Scorpions love cacurases for their sharp mind and responsiveness, so their friendship lasts for many years.


It is not easy with Aquarius - they love to talk about themselves, so they need a faithful friend who will be ready to listen to it and periodically give their assessment of thirst or other events from the life of anodya. Until now, it has been able to withstand the archers, calves and weights. These signs of the zodiac appreciate friendship with aquiet, because he sincerely loves his friends and always worries about them. But the easiest companion of them is the Sagittarius - his devotion is not limits.


Fish often give a lot of new and bright dating, but such friendship lasts no longer than a year. It is difficult for them to withstand other people's difficult characters, because the fish are also not angels. Quiet and relaxed they feel next to the calves. But to experience different periods of life and share our feelings of fish comfortable with Aries - they find support.

Recall that before we have already written about that. If you are tormented by doubts about the choice of the outfit for the most important day in life, then your zodiac sign can give a hint.

Man is a social being. We need to interact with each other. Most often we converge with those people with which we are easy and interesting. We call these people. I wonder how the signs of the zodiac are friends? What do stars think about it?


In the friendly relations of the Aries try to be leaders. They are ready to help friends, but often neglect spiritual values, preferring material benefits.


Tales - good friends. They never refuse to help, but have a clear line between family and friendship, which in no case can we cross.


These people are very communicable, so they have a large circle of communication. They always listen to their friends and give a good advice


Cancers appreciate friendship. They have many friends with whom they are familiar with childhood. Cracks may last to give, if necessary. But if confidence in man disappears, friendship did not happen.

a lion

People born under this sign of the zodiac, real leaders. With them, it's not so easy to come true, as they always want to be the first. But in fact, these are faithful friends.


We will hardly make friends with someone, since they are very closed personalities. They fear close to themselves. But if you are friends, then this friendship is very strong.


Scales are sociable people, so have many friends. They love to give delivel tips. This feature attracts people.


Scorpions have a rather narrow circle of communication. It is thorough to choose friends. One wrong step - and you will turn from a friend in the worst enemy.


With these people, it is very easy to be friends. They are open, lungs on the rise and pleasant in communication. To be friends with them is a pleasure.


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