The consequences of trichomoniasis in men. Symptoms and treatment of trichomoniasis in men

With trichomoniasis, symptoms in men appear as a consequence of infection with the simplest single-celled organisms Trichomonas vaginalis, which affects the human genitourinary system. The disease can be transmitted sexually, but it is also possible household (through common washcloths, medical instruments, razors).

Trichomoniasis in men provokes inflammation of the urethra (urethra), and in cases with advanced course leads to prostatitis and infertility. Usually, the causative agents of this infectious disease live exclusively in the genitourinary system, without affecting other organs. With urogenital trichomoniasis, the infection can spread to the prostate gland, penetrating the appendages and seminal ducts.

In addition to the vaginal one, there are 2 more main types of bacteria (there are about 50 in total): oral and intestinal. Getting into the genitourinary system during infection, Trichomonas in men is immediately fixed to the nearest cell with the help of flagella. Having established itself, it begins to reproduce. During the first day, laboratory confirmation of the disease is impossible. The incubation period (from 2 days to 2 months) depends on the state of immunity and whether the person has any other sexually transmitted infections.


During the incubation period, signs of trichomoniasis in men do not appear. At the same time, the carrier does not experience any pain, during a visual examination, even a doctor cannot detect a pathology at this stage, therefore, treatment begins quite late, when the first symptoms appear. After the incubation period, a person experiences unpleasant sensations, burning and pain during urination, which are aggravated if the carrier has consumed alcohol or spicy foods the day before.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in men are characteristic of many sexually transmitted diseases:

  • redness of the foreskin, edema of the penis;
  • mucous or purulent discharge;
  • pain and itching in the head of the penis, burning sensation when urinating;
  • frequent false urge to urinate;
  • signs of blood in urine and semen.

Inflammation of the bladder leads to frequent urge, the infected person visits the toilet every 15-30 minutes. In addition to urethritis, the following complications are possible:

  • the appearance of wounds and ulcers on the penis;
  • phimosis (edema of the penis, in which it is impossible to open the head);
  • Trichomonas epididemitis (inflammation of the appendages, accompanied by swelling of the scrotum);
  • prostatitis.

In most cases, in the early stages of the disease, the carrier of the infection does not know about it, continuing to have sex and infecting his partners. There are known examples when the causative agent of the disease was present in the carrier in small quantities, while the infected one was cured without medical intervention or with the help of folk remedies. However, most often, inattention to the disease leads to various complications, the most common of which is prostatitis.

Depending on the manifestations, several forms of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Trichomonas is a form in which the disease does not manifest itself in any way, but pathogens are already in the human body and infect its sexual partners.
  2. Fresh. Lasts several months, becoming chronic.
  3. Chronic. Differs in longer duration. During periods of remission, alternating with exacerbations, there are no symptoms.


When visiting a doctor with suspected trichomoniasis, it is recommended to provide the following information:

  • the presence of sexual partners and the nature of the relationship (permanent or casual);
  • unusual sensations during intercourse;
  • means of protection;
  • the time of onset and the nature of the symptoms;
  • in the case of self-medication or a previous illness, it is necessary to indicate the previously used medications.

Before visiting a doctor, refrain from sexual intercourse, and 2 hours before an appointment - from urinating.

Diagnostics is carried out in laboratory conditions by the following methods:

  1. In the absence of symptoms, a culture study is carried out - inoculation of the analysis material into a nutrient medium to detect microorganisms.
  2. With a sufficiently pronounced form of trichomoniasis, a microscopic examination of a fresh preparation is carried out. It differs from others in the immediate study of clinical material.
  3. The most accessible method is microscopic examination of the stained material, however, due to the subjectivity of the assessment, the reliability of the analysis does not exceed 40-50%.
  4. The most reliable test is PCR (polymerase chain reaction), which increases the density of DNA fragments in a smear taken for analysis. Due to the accuracy of this method, additional research is not required.

PCR is based on the method of copying a fragment of a nucleic acid in vitro using special enzymes. During the analysis, the test material (mucous discharge or blood) is placed in an amplifier - a device that periodically warms up and cools the tubes with high accuracy (up to 0.1 ° C). Molecular biology helps to determine the type of infection and the number of microorganisms in the patient's blood.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of trichomoniasis consists of taking medications from the nitroimidazole group prescribed by a specialist doctor. The therapy is complex and proceeds in the following order:

  1. Prescription of anti-trichomonas drugs (Nimorazole, Ornidazole, Metronidazole).
  2. Since the above drugs can have a destructive effect on the liver, hepatoprotectors (Silybin, Silymarin, Artichoke) are prescribed to protect the body.
  3. To ensure the penetration of drugs into cells, enzymes are used (Serrata, Wobenzym).
  4. Immunomodulators are designed to increase the protective reactions of a weakened organism (Introbion, Lavomax).
  5. To prevent dysbiosis caused by taking antibiotics, Hilak or Linex are prescribed.

The main treatment is Metronidazole, which has been successfully used to combat trichomoniasis for more than half a century. It can even be taken by pregnant women after 1 trimester. Contraindications to Metronidazole are diseases of the blood vessels, liver and central nervous system. While the treatment lasts, the use of alcoholic beverages is strongly discouraged: most drugs change the alcohol utilization scheme, which leads to unwanted side effects. In addition to medications, your doctor may prescribe special massages, physical therapy, and other treatments.

Prevention of trichomoniasis includes:

  • contraception;
  • exclusion of casual sex;
  • regular medical examinations.

If there was contact with an unverified partner, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the genitals with soap and water. Since the infection can enter the genitourinary system, you should urinate after contact. In the near future, it is recommended to contact a specialist and get tested. If a disease is detected, treatment must be completed in full - only in this case relapse and possible complications are excluded.

Video - Symptoms and treatment of trichomoniasis

Is a parasitic disease, known since ancient times, sexually transmitted and causing inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urogenital organs of women and men.
The disease is based on a special type of microorganisms called protozoa. In nature, there are many types of protozoan microorganisms. Some of them live in water, soil, others parasitize in the organisms of animals and humans.

Who are Trichomonas, types of Trichomonas

The simplest- unicellular organisms, unlike other unicellular organisms, are capable of movement, due to the presence of flagella and independent existence outside the infected organism. By their structure, protozoa resemble ordinary cells, the totality of which makes up an integral organism. The difference lies in the fact that the protozoa, despite the simplicity of their structure, exist as a separate integral organism.
The name Trichomoniasis comes from the simplest organisms called Trichomonas, which cause specific local pathological phenomena.
Trichomonas, which parasitize the human body, are of three types:
Trcihomonas elongata - lives in the mouth.
Trichomonas hominis - lives in the human intestine, feeds on various bacteria, erythrocytes (blood cells).
Trichomonas vaginalis - located in the lower urinary tract:
  • Urethra
  • Vagina
  • Prostate
The first two species (Trichomonas hominis, Trichomonas elongata) do not cause any harm to humans. The third type, which is also the most pathogenic, is most active and causes local discomfort, as well as inflammatory processes.

Ways of Trichomonas infection

Trichomoniasis is a very common disease. There is no place on earth where this microorganism would not exist. According to some reports, trichomoniasis occurs in both men and women, young and mature, who are sexually active. The disease is transmitted mainly sexually, that is, through unprotected sexual intercourse. Detailed and understandable about trichomoniasis

Trichomonas colpitis (vaginitis)
Colpitis- inflammation of the superficial layers of the vaginal mucosa. The term colpitis is borrowed from the Greek language. There is also a second name characterizing the inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, of Latin origin - vaginitis.
Acute Trichomonas colpitis is characterized by:

  • Intolerable itching, burning in the vagina, around the labia. Itching is due to the irritating effect of Trichomonas on the walls of the vagina and foamy secretions (secretions).
  • Redness and scratching of the skin in the perineal region, labia (large and small). Appear due to itching in the indicated areas.
  • Foamy discharge with a characteristic unpleasant odor. The volume of discharge depends on the phase of the course of the disease. From profuse leucorrhoea (discharge) of yellow color, with an acute progressive course, to scanty discharge of gray color, with a chronic sluggish process. Foaminess and an abundance of secretions appear as a result of vital activity in parallel with Trichomonas, a special type of bacteria that emit gas.
With good high immunity, the disease can proceed in a latent chronic form. In this case, one or another symptom may be absent, or all symptoms are mild or absent. Inflammatory changes are also minor. The chronic process can periodically worsen. Most often this occurs in the period before the start of a new menstrual cycle, a few days before the onset of menstruation. The exacerbation is associated with a decrease in the amount of estrogens, which are actively involved in the renewal of the surface cells of the vaginal mucosa, among other things, contribute to the acidification of the internal vaginal environment, and Trichomonas feed on glycogen with the help of which, during the life of lactobacilli, the internal environment of the vagina becomes acidic.

Trichomoniasis in the menopausal period.
In women in menopause, the incidence of trichomoniasis varies widely. Lack of estrogen causes atrophy (decreased function, thinning of the walls) of the vaginal mucosa. Accordingly, the microflora of the inner surface of the vagina is disrupted, local immunity decreases, and favorable conditions are created for the growth and development of not only Trichomonas, but also many pathogenic microorganisms. The main clinical symptoms are expressed as:

  • Mucopurulent discharge, sometimes streaked with blood
  • Itching in the vestibule
  • Rarely minor bleeding after intercourse

Pregnancy and trichomoniasis

Typically, trichomoniasis causes inflammatory changes at the local level, that is, at the level of the genitals. Thus, negatively affecting the course and course of pregnancy. It can cause complications such as spontaneous abortion and premature birth. The essence of abortion is that Trichomonas cause inflammatory changes, in which special substances called prostaglandins are released into the blood. Prostaglandins cause increased contractions of the uterine muscles, thereby helping to push the fetus out of the uterine cavity.

Central nervous system (CNS) disorders
Inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane, the addition of a secondary purulent infection and abundant foul-smelling vaginal discharge affect the quality of intercourse. Sexual intercourse becomes painful and impossible. A long chronic course of the disease can ultimately cause frigidity not only due to pain, but also emotional discomfort, causing in some cases a violation of the psychoemotional state of a woman.

Microscopic method
For diagnostics, confirming the presence of Trichomonas in the genital tract, it is necessary to take smears from the vaginal mucosa. Swabs are preferably taken from three different locations:
Among women

  • Posterior vaginal fornix
  • Cervical canal
  • Urethra
In men, the following is examined:
  • Scraping from the urethra
  • Prostate fluid
  • Sperm

To collect the prostate fluid, a gentle massage of the prostate is usually done.
Laboratory studies should be carried out no later than 30 minutes after taking smears, since Trichomonas are very unstable in the external environment and quickly die.
The taken material is placed on a glass slide, a 0.9% sodium chloride solution is dripped, covered with a cover glass and placed under a microscope. In some cases, for better detection of Trichomonas, smears are pre-stained. Microscopic examination is the most prompt method for diagnosing trichomoniasis and allows a diagnosis to be made only 15-20 after taking the initial material.

Cultivation of Trichomonas
As one of the three modern methods for determining the pathological pathogen, it has a number of advantages, such as:

  • Allows you to determine the initial amount of Trichomonas in the test material. Indirectly reflects the degree of the inflammatory process.
  • Identifies which drugs Trichomonas are sensitive to, which is very important when prescribing the correct and optimal treatment. It also allows you to correct already started treatment.
Cultivation is carried out by sowing the contents of smears from the vagina, urethra on special artificial, nutrient media. In this case, Trichomonas enter a favorable environment and begin to multiply intensively. Then the grown colonies are subjected to microscopic examination.

PCR method in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis
A very valuable method for detecting Trichomonas. The advantage of this method is that in the chronic course of the disease, the pathogen is very difficult to detect by conventional microscopic methods. In addition, any biological fluid of the body is suitable for research, be it blood, saliva, scraping of the mucous membrane of the urethra or vagina.
The method is based on the fact that Trichomonas DNA, that is, genetic material, can be easily detected in the material under study. The accuracy of the analysis is 100%. The results appear the very next day, which allows you to start effective treatment in a timely manner.

Trichomoniasis treatment

To completely recover from trichomoniasis, the following conditions must be met:
  1. It is necessary to be treated for both sexual partners at the same time.
  2. During the course of treatment, any sexual intercourse is excluded
  3. Special anti-trichomonas drugs are used (metronidazole, tinidazole)
  4. In parallel with the treatment, hygiene rules for the care of the genitourinary organs are observed:
  • Daily washing of the genitals using antiseptics (a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of furacilin) ​​or detergents, that is, ordinary toilet soap.
  • All movements during washing are carried out from front to back, that is, from the side of the vagina to the anus. This is to avoid introducing infection into the urethra.
  • Individual use of toiletries (soap, washcloths, towels).
  • Daily change of underwear
  1. Compulsory treatment of other, simultaneously occurring diseases of the genitourinary organs of an infectious and inflammatory origin.
Below are several schemes for the treatment of trichomoniasis using anti-trichomonas drugs.

Scheme using metronidazole (trichopolum)

The first day, take 1 tablet 4 times orally with water.
From the second to the seventh day, inclusive, take 1 tablet 3 times a day, also by mouth with water.

Metronidazole- antiprotozoal, antimicrobial drug.

Mechanism of action consists in a depressing effect on the genetic apparatus of bacteria. At the same time, all biological processes of the cell gradually stop and the microorganism dies.

Contraindication serves as pregnancy and hypersensitivity to the drug.

Tinidazole regimen
Take 4 tablets at once, 500 mg each. Or
For 7 days, 1/3 tablet 2 times a day

The drug is from the same group as metronidazole with a similar mechanism of action and side effects.

  • hematopoietic disorders
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • hypersensitivity to the drug
Scheme using Klion - D
Klion - D- a combined preparation, which contains equal parts of metronidazole and miconazole (antifungal drug). The drug is very effective for mixed infections of the genitourinary apparatus of bacterial and fungal origin.
Assign in the form of vaginal suppositories, 1 piece at night for 10 days.

Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment anti-trichomonas drugs are carried out as follows:

  • Within 2-3 months after treatment, smears of the contents of the vagina and urethra are taken for microscopic examination for the presence of vaginal Trichomonas
  • Swabs should be taken 1-3 days after menstruation.

Prevention of trichomoniasis

Preventive measures imply an integrated approach aimed at protecting against possible infection not only with trichomoniasis, but also all sexually transmitted diseases, be it gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and many others.

  • Prophylaxis should begin with educational activities about a healthy lifestyle, the importance of contraceptive methods, and ways of transmission of infections that cause inflammatory diseases of the genital tract. These measures are primarily aimed at preventing the occurrence of infectious inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs in adolescents. Medical workers, teachers in schools, professors in lyceums and universities without fail conduct educational activities in this direction among high school students, students of universities, vocational schools.
  • Categories of young and middle-aged people who are sexually active should be careful in choosing a sexual partner. Indiscriminate sex is not encouraged. An intimate relationship with one sexual partner is considered ideal. Not the least role is played by the use of condoms, as a means of preventing unwanted pregnancy and transmission of Trichomonas infection during sexual intercourse.
  • Preventive control by a gynecologist at least once a year, with taking smears from the urethra, posterior vaginal fornix, cervical canal. The contents of these places are subjected to microscopy, thereby determining the presence of a possible infection and at the same time determining the degree of purity of the vagina.
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases of the genitourinary organs caused by other types of pathogenic microorganisms that reduce local immunity and increase the risk of perceiving Trichomonas infection.
  • An incomparably significant role in the spread of Trichomonas vaginalis is played by the simultaneous use of toiletries (washcloth, towel) by two or more persons, one of whom is sick with trichomoniasis. Therefore, it is necessary for each person to have their own body care products and use them individually.
  • In preparation for pregnancy, tests should be done for the possible presence of a hidden urinary tract infection, both for a woman and a man. And also consult your doctor about this. When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to cure all possible foci of infection in a woman's body.

What are the possible consequences of trichomoniasis?

Most often, trichomoniasis gives complications during pregnancy:
  • premature birth;
  • low birth weight;
  • passing the infection to the baby when it passes through the birth canal.
In addition, there is evidence that trichomoniasis increases the risk of contracting certain dangerous infections, in particular the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS.

How to eat properly with trichomoniasis?

Nutritional features are no longer associated with the disease itself, but with the intake of anti-trichomoniasis drugs that have antibacterial activity. As with any antibiotic, nutrition should be complete, otherwise nausea, indigestion and other side effects may occur. You need to have a hearty breakfast, preferably porridge.

It is useful during the course of treatment to take preparations of pancreatic enzymes, for example, Mezim-Forte. You can also take drugs containing bifidobacteria, since antibiotics can cause dysbiosis. Ask your healthcare professional for more detailed advice.

Do not drink alcohol within 24 hours after ingestion metronidazole and within 72 hours after ingestion tinidazole... These drugs can cause a reaction to ethyl alcohol, like "coding" for alcoholism. Nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms occur.

Is it possible to have sex with trichomoniasis?

During the treatment of trichomoniasis, having sex is completely contraindicated for two reasons.:
  • Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection. This means there is a risk of infecting a partner / partner.
  • Sexual intercourse reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

Does a condom protect against trichomoniasis?

Condoms are one of the simplest, most affordable and effective means of protecting against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. But they do not completely protect against either one or the other.

Condoms prevent trichomoniasis infection by only 90%. With constant contact with one sick partner, the likelihood of transmission of the infection increases even more.

Do not forget that during sexual intercourse, the condom can break, slide off the penis.

Is trichomoniasis transmitted during oral sex?

Theoretically, such a possibility exists, it may even develop trichomoniasis angina... In practice, this happens very rarely. But the risk is still not worth it.

How is trichomoniasis coded in the ICD?

Trichomoniasis has several codes in the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision:

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease. In men, trichomoniasis is almost asymptomatic, so it is often detected at a late stage. Treatment of trichomoniasis should take place under the strict guidance of a doctor: compliance with all his recommendations allows you to cope with the disease quickly enough. Let's talk about how trichomoniasis in men is treated in more detail.

How is trichomoniasis in men treated? It should be noted right away that the treatment of this disease is carried out according to its own scheme, which is unlike the treatment regimen for other sexually transmitted infections. This is due to the fact that the disease is caused not by viruses and bacteria, but by special microorganisms from the flagellate family, which, in fact, are representatives of the animal world. If a man has the first symptoms of trichomoniasis, treatment should be started immediately. Very often, the disease proceeds with practically no symptoms, so the ideal option to detect it on time is to regularly undergo examinations for the presence of infections in the body.

Chronic trichomoniasis: treatment

There is no need to treat trichomoniasis on your own: an incorrectly chosen scheme can cause undesirable consequences and aggravate the condition of the body. There are frequent cases when, due to untimely access to a doctor and self-medication, from an acute form, trichomoniasis spilled over into a chronic one.

In the treatment of trichomoniasis in men, including chronic ones, drugs are used to destroy the causative agent of the disease. In the chronic course of the disease, in addition to drugs, procedures are used with the help of which the external symptoms of the disease are eliminated. The doctor can prescribe ultrasound therapy, instillation of the urethra, paraffin treatment and a number of other procedures.

Since trichomoniasis also affects the immune system in men, it is cured, including with the help of immunomodulatory drugs, which are taken in combination with other drugs.

How do you know that it is chronic trichomoniasis that develops in the body? This is indicated by a number of symptoms, including:

  • frequent colds, fatigue;
  • sexual dysfunction, in particular, worsening erection and decreased libido;
  • discharge from the urethra of an unclear nature, more often purulent.

It should be noted that trichomoniasis often reappears, due to the fact that the disease was previously untreated in one of the partners. In this case, it is treated in the same way as in the acute course of the disease. To avoid relapse, both partners need to undergo treatment, regardless of whether they have symptoms of the disease or not. Recovery can be judged only after the study has been completed, which is reappointed after the course of treatment. If the tests did not reveal the presence of microorganisms, you are healthy.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in men: medications

Trichomoniasis is treated, as mentioned above, with the help of special medications. If the disease is acute and not chronic, medication is usually sufficient.

In the treatment of trichomoniasis in men, various medications are taken. The main group is nitroimidazoles. The most effective medicine for the stronger sex is metronidazole. For more than half a century, this drug has been helping to cope with the disease caused by Trichomonas. Metronidazole has many different analogues, for example, clion and trichopolum. Usually, a single dose of 2 g tablets is enough to get rid of the uncomplicated form of the disease. The doctor usually prescribes the drug depending on the patient's condition. It happens that he offers to undergo a weekly course of treatment.

Metronidazole is well absorbed by the body and in places where the pathogen is localized, it creates a high concentration. But, unfortunately, the drug also has side effects. For example, heaviness in the stomach, dizziness, sometimes even vomiting.

Metronidazole tinidazole has a similar effect, but this drug has fewer side effects. They can also be prescribed either once or for a weekly course of admission: it all depends on the severity of the course of the disease.

It must be remembered that even after undergoing treatment for trichomoniasis, there is a high risk of re-infection. That is why men should be careful about the choice of sexual partners and avoid casual relationships - this will save the stronger sex from unpleasant diseases and, one way or another, complications that may be associated with them.

About one million people worldwide suffer from sexually transmitted infections every year. Trichomoniasis in men is one of these diseases and is quite common. It refers to infectious diseases of the genital organs and urinary tract, which, although it is a venereal, can be quickly cured if it is timely established in a patient who has contracted the infection. Do not underestimate the severity of this ailment, which the strong male sex sometimes does not pay any attention to. Such a seemingly harmless disease, which for a long time does not make itself felt by any signs, can soon become the cause of many inflammatory processes and even contribute to the development of infertility.

Trichomonas vaginalis in men is the main culprit of the disease. The tiny microorganism is not a virus or a bacterium, it is a member of the flagellate family, which belongs to the class of protozoa.

Until a man's trichomoniasis is started, as can be seen in the photo, it is quite easy to cure it. If the disease proceeds uncontrollably or its treatment is not started on time, because late diagnosis revealed it out of time, chronic trichomoniasis develops in men. This is a more serious condition because the infection has reached the prostate gland. Now all inflammatory processes accumulate in this important male organ, affecting it. Often, such processes lead to the appearance of a cyst. If, in this case, the fight against chronic Trichomonas in men does not begin, prostate sclerosis develops. The phenomenon is extremely unpleasant for all patients. When emptying the bladder, constant pain is felt. Discomfort is also felt when having sex. Examining trichomoniasis in men in the photo, it can be seen that its further prosperity in the body leads to damage to the organs of the genitourinary system, which are located very close. At this stage, the scrotum and testicles suffer from the spread of a purulent inflammatory process. This is already a more serious defeat, because with pills alone chronic trichomoniasis cannot be cured. Sometimes it is necessary to remove part of the organ, involving a surgeon for treatment.

In order not to suffer from the consequences of chronic trichomoniasis in men, every representative of the stronger sex must certainly examine their genitals at least once a year. Those who have this habit became a good duty will never face this misfortune, but will know about it only from photos and stories.

Manifestation of symptoms and signs of Trichomonas in men

The manifestation of the first symptoms of trichomoniasis in men is very rarely noticed even with the most careful visual examination, so treatment begins late. Most often, all the signs of the disease are still hidden deep inside and in the first days after the infection enters the body, they do not show themselves in any way. This is called trichoid carrier, when there is an infection in the body, and its presence can only be detected with the help of diagnostics. The main task of this article will be to give an exact answer to how trichomoniasis manifests itself in men. Even doctors say that immediately after the incubation period, the signs and symptoms of trichomoniasis in men can only be seen in the photo, but in life it is often hidden.

Having considered hundreds of cases of various courses of trichomoniasis in men in the photo, urologists still identified common symptoms characteristic of the disease:

  • Sharp, burning pain during urination
  • Desires to frequent the toilet with a small amount of urine, often such desires turn out to be false
  • The appearance of nonspecific discharge from the urethra (purulent fluid, mucus, blood clots in the mucus)
  • The presence of blood filaments in urine and semen

From urethritis to balanoposthitis

It is impossible to say unequivocally how all men manifest trichomoniasis and what treatment will be required, because each disease has its own characteristics. For some, the infection is cured immediately, so it doesn't go further than the lesion of the urethra.

With a belated identification of signs of Trichomonas in men, all types of urethritis may appear along the way. The acute course of the disease leads to the formation of urethral strictures, and the more severe course causes pyelonephritis.

If one of the signs of trichomoniasis in men is purulent discharge from the urethra, even in small quantities. Trichomonas can manifest itself in a similar case with balanoposthitis, when edema of the glans penis, redness of the foreskin, the formation of ulcers on the genitals or erosions on soft tissues, with the subsequent collection of pus in them, are added to the main signs of trichomoniasis in men.

Having received the answer to the question posed at the very beginning of the article, it becomes clear how Trichomonas manifests itself in men. Take a closer look at your body, it is clear that the bacteria is not dirt, you will not be able to see it on the genitals, but having information about the symptoms of trichomoniasis in men in the photo, at the first signs of finding it in the body, the disease can be defeated. Inform your partner that alarming prerequisites for the disease have appeared in the body and do not be ashamed to go to the doctor together to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Reasons for infection of men with trichomoniasis

Like most sexually transmitted diseases, which medicine cannot completely eradicate in the 21st century, vaginal Trichomonas in men is transmitted sexually, therefore the source of infection is an infected sexual partner. The cause of trichomoniasis in men can be any of the intimate contacts. Of course, genital relationships between heterosexual partners are the leader in transmission. However, considering how men contract trichomoniasis, homosexual relationships or oral and anal ways of satisfying intimate relationships between heterosexual partners cannot be ruled out.

As soon as a small bacterium gets into the genitourinary system in any way, it immediately attaches itself with its flagella to the nearest cell and is kept on it, and then begins intensive reproduction.

Household distribution routes

For a long time, they could not come to a consensus whether the water in which an infected person floats was the cause of Trichomonas infection in men. And yet, doctors say that such a cause of infection is far-fetched. These small flagellated creatures cannot live in water, and then also look for a victim and get to the right place to stay there.

The incubation period of trichomoniasis and analyzes in men

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis in men can be carried out in almost any clinic that functions at dermatovenerologic dispensaries. There are a fairly large number of tests to detect the presence of a disease in patients. For those who want to know how to identify trichomoniasis in men, we will dwell on each research method in detail.

In the first days of infection, the disease cannot be detected in almost any of the ways, because the incubation period of trichomoniasis in men is asymptomatic and can last from 2 days, if the immunity is very weakened or there are other sexually transmitted diseases, up to 2 months. After the incubation period, the disease enters the early stage of its development. This is where the pathogen can be detected by diagnosing.

The highest quality, although quite expensive for some patients, is the PCR method for detecting the pathogen. This test for Trichomonas in men has a sensitivity of up to 94% and an accuracy of about 98%. This result can almost always be trusted. Its only drawback is the high price and high sensitivity to the DNA of the virus immediately after the end of treatment. For research, you can take scrapings from the surface of the urethra, urine, secretions obtained from the prostate gland, or ejaculate. Urine is taken in the morning before going to the toilet or 2 hours after urinating.

The most accessible and very common is cultural inoculation on Wednesday when Trichomonas is detected. This method detects the pathogen in the material taken for research. Most often, to diagnose trichomoniasis in men, mucus or discharge from the urethra, morning urine is taken. The method is also quite highly sensitive and almost 90% of cases of diagnoses are true.

Clinical laboratories perform microscopic examinations of material from the urethra. A similar analysis of trichomoniasis in men reveals, but not always its result gives a correct idea of ​​the presence of the virus. It takes a lot of magnification under microscopes to see creatures with flagella. Many results are false positive, which requires additional research.

Protective bodies are practically not formed in the blood, therefore it is useless to use the ELISA method for examining the patient's blood. The test usually shows antibodies to other sexually transmitted infections and is considered false positive.

Scheme and course of treatment for Trichomonas in men

As soon as the patient hears from the doctor the unpleasant news that he has Trichomonas, the question arises of how to treat trichomoniasis in men. The treatment of this disease takes place according to a completely different scheme, unlike all sexually transmitted infections, because it is caused not by viruses, but by special organisms that belong to the flagellate class. These are small representatives of the animal world. If they have settled in the body, one should go to a doctor, and not experiment at home, deciding how to treat trichomoniasis in men, because improperly chosen self-medication can aggravate the condition of an infected patient, when the disease turns from an acute form into a chronic one. Since there are several alternative treatments for Trichomonas in men, each should be considered in order to work with a doctor to determine how best to treat Trichomoniasis in a man.

With an effective course of treatment for acute trichomoniasis in men, recovery usually occurs within 10 days from the moment you start taking the drugs. The basis of any therapy is the intake of antibacterial drugs. Active in treatment are drugs that are used in the form of tablets or injections. Together with the main drug, which will be aimed at destroying the pathogen, in the treatment of chronic trichomoniasis in men, it is necessary to use drugs and carry out procedures that remove the external symptoms of the disease. By the decision of the doctor, prostate massage, ultrasound therapy or instillation of the urethra, mud or paraffin therapy are prescribed.

With the development of this disease, immunity is usually significantly reduced. Its recovery is facilitated by the intake of immunomodulatory drugs.

Folk remedies for the treatment of Trichomonas in men

Sexually transmitted diseases are fraught with their consequences, therefore, they require a special treatment regimen for trichomoniasis in men after a thorough diagnosis by a venereologist. Considering how to treat trichomoniasis in men with folk remedies, you should know that traditional medicine involves the use of certain preparations based on herbal ingredients as an additional means of helping patients. It is impossible to count on the fact that one tincture of onion will defeat the disease. Here are some of the most effective recipes for treating chronic trichomoniasis in men at home, along with medications.

Garlic and onion


For the treatment of trichomoniasis in men, honey is used at home. This remedy helps prevent the development of colpitis or get rid of it faster. If the disease has already developed due to the large number of antibiotics taken, doctors recommend daily dissolving honey under the tongue. The daily dose of pure bee treat is about 150 g.


Before treating Trichomonas in men with old recipes using aloe, the fleshy leaves of a green thorny plant must be kept in the refrigerator for at least a day so that its beneficial components become more effective in treatment. Received after grinding the gruel is applied in the evenings around the glans of the penis in the form of compresses when treating this infection at home.

Turning to traditional medicine or to drug treatment in the hope of how to quickly cure trichomoniasis in men, do not forget that any therapy will be successful only when sex is completely excluded during it and all sexual partners undergo treatment at the same time.

This disease has existed for more than a decade, so modern medicine offers a lot of drugs for the treatment of Trichomonas in men, although most of them will help infected women get rid of the disease, but only after consulting a doctor. The main group of drugs that should be known to patients who are faced with the treatment of Trichomonas, nitroimidazole.

The most effective remedy for trichomoniasis for men is metronidazole... This drug has been used for more than half a century and has received its well-deserved recognition from doctors, being considered an effective tool in the fight against flagellates. There are many new names for this drug. The most common of them are trichopolum and klion.

With an uncomplicated form of the disease, a one-time tablet intake (2g) is sufficient. The doctor, depending on the patient's condition, may also suggest a weekly regimen for treating Trichomonas with metronidazole, when the tablets are taken 2 times a day for 7 days. The medicine is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, creating a high concentration of the active substance in the places of localization of the pathogen. However, not all patients are ready to take it, since this drug for the treatment of trichomoniasis in men causes a lot of unpleasant side effects. When taking the drug, some men feel dizziness and heaviness in the stomach, often vomiting and belching. It is unacceptable when treating with this drug, the use of alcohol, which also provokes an increase in side effects and leads to the development of a disulfiramic reaction in the patient. Since these tablets have been used for decades, many microorganisms are not afraid of its effects.

Modern means

Although metronidazole has been cured for so many years already by millions of males from an unpleasant sexually transmitted disease, one should not think that it is the only cure for trichomoniasis in men. As an alternative treatment, other, more modern drugs can be used, which are also effective and less toxic to the whole body. True, the prices for all these drugs differ significantly.

Tinidazole is similar to metronidazole. These pills for trichomoniasis for men are available in a dosage of 0.5 g. They can also be prescribed one-time (4 tablets = 2 g) or recommended for a longer course.

Uncomplicated trichomoniasis is well treated with ornidazole. The course of taking the drug is usually at least 5 to 10 days. Its effect on the body is more gentle and there are practically no side effects. It does not cause discoloration of urine, and there is no dry mouth.

In medical practice, there are cases when patients with Trichomonas, which was in small quantities and did not manifest itself with any signs, were cured without any treatment. However, such cases of healing are extremely rare. Much more often, even after prolonged treatment, trichomoniasis in men has very serious consequences. But this happens much less often than with the treatment of chlamydia or gonorrhea. The consequences of Trichomonas in men can be both the usual long-term inconvenience in the genital area, and the development of certain male diseases. The most serious of these is prostatitis, although some scientists put forward a more frightening hypothesis that a large accumulation of microorganisms in the urethra is the starting point for the formation of malignant tumors. Thus, having an untreated disease, you can easily get prostate or testicular cancer, and this is already a residual serious disease.

It becomes obvious that Trichomonas in men, by precipitating the reproductive system, reduce its immune ability to protect against other viruses. So the urethra becomes an open gateway to the body for all kinds of pathogenic microbes. Passing other microorganisms, such as gonococci, Trichomonas absorbs them into its cells, and then, during intercourse, they can become a source of infection for the partner. Together with this disease, which is not completely cured, gonorrhea can be found. HIV infection is more common among infected, immunocompromised patients.

Prostatitis is a consequence of neglected trichomoniasis in men. It can be asymptomatic or with a noticeable increase and redness of the patient's penis. During intercourse with a healthy woman, a man infects his partner with viruses, unknowingly transmitting the disease to her.

After a man has been ill, he should not rely on the immunity that has developed to this virus and will protect against re-infection. Nothing of the sort happens. At a new meeting with a vaginal bacterium in the body, the inflammatory process will again begin, and what its consequences will be is curled only from timely treatment, which will prevent the rapid reproduction of the infection. In order not to face a similar situation, remember that this disease is prevented only by a condom and the absence of disordered relationships outside the family.

Trichomoniasis is an infection of the genitourinary system that affects a large number of male patients.

It is spread and transmitted mainly through sexual contact, with unprotected contact. A dangerous feature of trichomoniasis is that the disease begins almost asymptomatically, and is diagnosed by the patient at the stage when the first bells of complications appear.

Fortunately, if the disease is detected on time, then under the influence of drugs it easily and quickly recedes.

Trichomoniasis provokes inflammation of the genitals and their tissues. The disease can be of a different nature - in someone it manifests itself chronically, and in someone more acutely. The first "bell" for a complication is the dysfunction of the genitals, the appearance of extraneous sensations that are not characteristic of the usual state.

This not only scares the man, but also introduces severe discomfort into his life, because of which he is forced to consult a doctor and receive treatment, taking more than one medicine.

Trichomoniasis - symptoms in men

Trichomoniasis is one of the most famous sexually transmitted diseases. According to statistics, 10% of the male population of the earth have experienced it.

Taking antibiotics in the fight against trichomoniasis will not bring success, it will only temporarily drown the disease. The causative agent is a microorganism. Complex therapy is needed to fight.

Infection occurs as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse with carriers in whom it is asymptomatic or chronic.

  1. The incubation period ranges from 48 hours to 1-1.5 weeks.
  2. Localization of microorganisms on the head of the penis, seminal ducts, prostate and urethra leads to the manifestation of typical symptoms:
  • pain when urinating;
  • mucopurulent discharge;
  • as a result of irritation, the foreskin with the head of the penis swells and turns red.

At a later date, itching of the area of ​​the glans penis, dull pain in the perineum appears.

  • With an asymptomatic course, symptoms characteristic of cystitis or prostatitis appear:
    • cutting pain when urinating;
    • frequent false desires;
    • dark or reddish urine.
  • The body's resistance to viral diseases decreases due to a decrease in immunity.
  • Trichomoniasis in men is rarely accompanied by a bright, pronounced manifestation. With a prolonged course, changes in the urethra occur, leading to the appearance of solid infiltrates. This causes a narrowing of the diameter, increased pain during intercourse, urination.

    The growth rate of the pathogen colonies, the beginning of the manifestation of the main signs of the disease, the reaction of the body in each of the stronger sex is individual.

    1. Trichomoniasis manifests itself brightly in the first months. A two-month period, considered the stage of acute course, is the most effective in treatment. Characterized by:
    • abundant discharge from the penis, the consequences of which are clearly and constantly visible on the underwear;
    • severe discomfort during ejaculation;
    • complicated urination due to severe cutting pains;
  • After a two-month period, the pains partially disappear. These changes are not the result of the end of the disease. The infection enters the second stage of development. The man becomes an asymptomatic carrier of the disease.
    • the transition to the stage of chronic course entails malfunctions of the genitourinary system;
    • functional disorders of the testicular tubules;
    • changes in the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

    If you do not contact a specialist and do not treat the disease, then passing into the form of a chronic course, it will manifest itself as ulcers on the mucous membrane of the genital organs due to a decrease in the body's resistance to viral infections.

    The disease is distinguished by an incubation period, which ranges from one to four weeks after sexual contact with the carrier of the causative agent of this disease.

    Trichomoniasis symptoms appear differently in men and women. The difficulty in diagnosing the disease in men lies in the fact that its symptoms are not always present, treatment does not begin on time. In the practice of doctors, cases are revealed when a representative of the stronger sex is a chronic carrier of the disease, while he does not feel its symptoms.

    The disease in "latent" cases can show its symptoms at the time of a decrease in the body's immunity or when another venereal infection is mixed with the existing trichomoniasis.

    The first symptoms of trichomoniasis in men are sensations of itching and burning during urination. Discharge appears from the urethra, they can be different - transparent and light, grayish and whitish, in some cases, the discharge is in the form of foam or purulent.

    Often a scanty, single discharge occurs in the morning after sleep, it looks like a large transparent drop. The first symptoms of trichomoniasis are exacerbated by alcohol and spicy food.

    • inflammation with slight edema appears at the external opening of the urethra;
    • there are growing pains in the genitals of a man, his perineum, the pain spreads deep into the pelvic region;
    • sometimes there is a slight admixture of blood in the urine, sperm sometimes contains small blood streaks;
    • there is a decrease in potency in a man, inhibition of his sexual desire.

    Feelings during illness are often confused with radiculitis, and unsuccessful treatment is carried out from it.

    Complications of the disease, if it is not detected in time by the first symptoms and treatment is not started, often become the appearance of dangerous and serious diseases. These include:

    1. inflammatory processes of the genital organs - there are redness and swelling of the penis, its head, the appearance of sores or wounds on it;
    2. there are pains in the scrotum and testicles against the background of an increase in body temperature;
    3. if the causative agents of the disease, Trichomonas, have entered the man's urethra, an inflammatory process develops here, which leads to the disease with urethritis, with increased inflammation or the absence of treatment, further inflammatory damage to important organs occurs - the bladder, ureters and kidneys;
    4. inflammation caused by trichomoniasis often leads to prostatitis if the infection reaches the prostate gland;
    5. as a result of infection with trichomoniasis in a man, the quality of the seminal material decreases, the sperm become less mobile, such changes often lead to complete infertility that cannot be treated;
    6. in advanced cases of the disease, destruction of the urogenital organs is observed.

    In order to accurately diagnose the presence of trichomoniasis pathogens in a man, the following studies are carried out:

    • Examination of smears from the urethra under a microscope;
    • Microbiological cultivation of the pathogen in an artificial environment and its study;
    • Immunological research.

    The results of the study of a general smear may not be accurate, sometimes the infection is not detected during its conduct. Therefore, in venereology, it is customary to conduct additional laboratory tests before starting treatment:

    1. direct immunofluorescence (PIF) - the accuracy of such a smear analysis is up to 70%, the study time is several hours;
    2. polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - consists in identifying the DNA of the causative agent of the disease, the research time takes up to two days;
    3. sowing - when carrying out such an analysis, the smear material is placed in a nutrient medium, where pathogens begin to reveal themselves in favorable conditions, the time for conducting such a study up to ten days is justified by the high accuracy of the results obtained.

    For complete confidence and to maintain full health, experts recommend taking tests in several laboratories, using all the necessary research methods.

    The peculiarity of the disease lies in the fact that men, unaware of the disease, carry and distribute the infection. It is especially bad for polygamous men - the risk of infection of their partners through unprotected sex is very high. As the infection develops in the body, prostatitis, inflammation of the epididymis, or even infertility may appear.

    Men should clearly understand that trichomoniasis is a disease that can cause complete infertility, so if you find signs of this disease in yourself, consult a doctor immediately. At the initial stage of the disease, you can limit yourself to just taking pills.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis in men

    The course of treatment for this disease can only be prescribed by a highly qualified specialist. It is forbidden to self-medicate, since in this way you can significantly aggravate the disease and even accelerate its development. In addition, those patients who self-medicate can “hide” the symptoms, believing that they have cured the disease, and in the meantime will actively affect the body more and more.

    It is imperative to treat not only the man, but also his partner, since it is very easy to become infected with trichomoniasis again, and the immunity to it is unstable.

    On average, treatment of an infection without complications can be limited to one to two weeks according to a special scheme. In the presence of complications, a longer course is prescribed. To cure trichomoniasis with medication, any drug of the 5-nitroimidazole group is prescribed - metronidazole, tinidazole, nimorazole, ornidazole, ternidazole and other oral drugs.

    Creams may also be prescribed: roseta or rosex. Local treatment with drugs containing nitroimidazoles is sometimes also done, but this is just an adjunct. It is worth knowing that any of the above drug is incompatible with alcohol, so when taking them, you should strictly refuse drinks that contain alcohol.

    If complications are found, a stimulating course is used, including immunotherapy, which should definitely be selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease. Medicines such as Kagocel and Legalon can act as immunocorrectors.

    Also, for a more effective effect, the patient may be prescribed a clarithromycin tablet once a day for a period of up to 10 consecutive days. If the patient has pain, in addition to the main treatment, pain relievers and antispasmodics are prescribed, which can dull the pain.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis in men should be started immediately after laboratory results are obtained. It should be remembered that for the effective treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, strict adherence to several rules is required:

    • exclusion of any form of sexual activity during his period;
    • the need for simultaneous treatment of trichomoniasis by all sexual partners;
    • during treatment, it is necessary to increase the body's immunity, reduce the impact of negative factors, alcohol is strictly prohibited;
    • strictly observe personal hygiene, monitor the sanitary condition of clothing and personal belongings.

    If the tests show that other diseases were also noticed in the patient, then treatment and medications are prescribed depending on the type of infection. For example, the treatment of the chlamydia virus is accompanied by a course of antibiotics, and for male thrush, doctors prescribe antifungal drugs.

    After each week of fighting the disease, the indicator of the effectiveness of the treatment is checked - the man takes the culture for the microflora and undergoes a smear analysis.

    The disease can be cured only under the close supervision of a doctor. Taking self-prescribed drugs, when signs of damage have just appeared, can lead to an exacerbation of the disease, its course in a chronic form, the acquisition of severe side diseases with their further progression.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis in men with folk remedies is impossible; with such therapy, only a temporary relief of its symptoms will occur. In the future, you need to see a doctor.

  • Tinidazole is maximally used for a week;

  • Metronidazole taking the drug is 1.5 weeks;

  • Treatment of the acute stage can be carried out with pills. In the chronic form, injections, droppers are added. The main intravenous drug used in treatment is Metrogyl.
  • After a course of therapy, laboratory tests of smears are performed several times. In case of relapse, treatment is repeated with stronger drugs, with higher doses. The dosage is prescribed individually and depends on the age, weight of the patient, the degree of infection, and the tolerability of drugs.

    Trichomoniasis - complications in men

    Untreated disease leads to infertility and erectile dysfunction. The transition of infection to a chronic form can cause complications that are eliminated by surgery.

    The microorganism, which is the pathogen, is able to absorb viruses and transfer them to the organs, protecting against antibiotics, leading to the occurrence of systemic lesions. The main mode of transmission of the disease is genital. Prevention of trichomoniasis is first of all: protected sexual intercourse.

    1. The likelihood of infection through unprotected sex is 80%.
    2. You can get infected in a household way without observing personal hygiene measures.
    3. Using the bath accessories of an infected person leads to infection.
    4. The disease is not transmitted by contact.
    5. Microorganisms die at temperatures below 31 degrees and above 43 degrees.
    6. With a treatment that creates discomfort for them, they are capable of temporary transformation into the form of a cyst.
    7. 100% protection against infection is barrier contraception, ignoring casual relationships.
    8. If the condom is damaged during contact, you need to treat the penis with an antiseptic, and within a week contact a specialist for a full qualified examination.

    Self-medication does not guarantee that the infection will get rid of. Trichomoniasis becomes resistant to antibiotics, and trichomoniasis becomes more difficult to treat.

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