Why no fertilization of ovulation occurs. Why can't get pregnant in ovulation

Many couples, passionately wishing to have children, carefully plan each sexual intercourse, counting the most favorable period for conception. However, unprotected sex during ovulation does not always lead to fertilization. The factors cannot become pregnant for years, and the whole thing is that conception depends not only from ovulation. The reproductive function affects many factors that are disclosed in more detail in this article.

How long does an egg exit process last?

Each healthy woman once in the middle of the menstrual cycle comes ovulation, that is, the very day when the probability of pregnancy reaches its maximum peak.

reference. Ovulation is a physiological process in which the egg takes out of the ovary and moves in the uterine tube, where its meeting with spermatozooid occurs. This phenomenon is preceded by the gap of the follicle.

According to most doctors, ovulation lasts about a day (24 hours), after which the egg cell dies (if the fertilization has not happened).

How many cases can pairs be pregnant during the process?

With a regular menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs about 14 days after the start of menstruation. Often in order to know exactly when the fertilian period is started, women resort to special calculations. Undoubtedly, this approach significantly increases the chances of fertilization, as the risk that the day of ovulation will be simply missed. However, it is impossible to argue that the occupation of sex in the ovulation period is a guarantee that pregnancy will come.

It is important to understand that fertilization depends on the set of factors to which can be attributed:

  • state of the reproductive system of women;
  • hormonal background;
  • food;
  • the presence / absence of STDs;
  • health status of men, etc.

Thus, having sex during ovulation is one of the many conditions that are necessary for a successful conception. So, according to studies of scientists, from 100 pairs of only 20 can become pregnant during ovulation from the first time.

At the same time from the remaining 80 pairs:

  • 50 - pregnant after 6 months;
  • 30 - got pregnant in a year.

Why do not be able to get pregnant from the side of the woman?

The female reproductive system is very easy. Sometimes it is very difficult to explain why the conception does not occur if there was ovulation and identify the true cause of the lack of pregnancy.

At the same time, you can encounter the following problems:

The violation of the state of cervical mucus is manifested in the following:

  • during ovulation, vaginal discharge becomes too viscous, which prevents the free passage of spermatozoa;
  • insufficient mucus;
  • the cervical mucus has a too acidic environment, which causes the death of spermatozoa.

Such pathology may arise as a result of chronic inflammatory processes, hormonal failures, impairment of the menstrual cycle.

The reasons

There are no reasons for pregnancy even if regular ovulation is very large. The most common factors that prevent fertilization can be attributed:

Moreover, the reason for the lack of pregnancy can be associated not only with the female organism. In order to establish the nature of the problem, it is necessary to be examined by both partners.

Attention. A woman should remember that an anoint period may occur, characterized by the complete absence of ovulation during the menstrual cycle. Despite the fact that such cases constitute only 1-3%, however, this circumstance should also be considered.

Additional factors that impede conception on the day of the egg outlet from the side of the man

In addition, quite often among men there is a condition in which the low mobility of spermatozoa is noted, the name of asthenozoospermia is called. This pathology is diagnosed by studying a small number of ejaculate under the microscope.

The main causes of asthenosospermia are:

  • low testosterone level;
  • varicocele;
  • sex infections;
  • food men, etc.

In addition to the above, there are still many factors capable of negatively reflected on the male reproductive function (ecology, hormonal background, congenital pathologies, bad habits, etc.).

Why is no fertilization occurs if both spouses are healthy?

For what reason does not re-conceive?

Sometimes a woman who wants to give birth to a second child, can not get pregnant for a long time. In this case, the following reasons may occur:

  • Age factor - In most cases, a woman is solved on the second child by 30-34 years. At this age, there are some difficulties with the process of conception.
  • Complications arising from the first birth (For example, if there was an operational intervention, scars, scars that violate the patency of uterine pipes may remain.
  • Availability of hidden infectionswho have not been revealed at the first pregnancy.
  • Period lactation - Sometimes a woman does not want to make long breaks and is trying to get pregnant a few months after the birth of the first child. However, if in this period it feeds the breast, then in this case the child will not work.

Not all married couples manage to conceive a child from the first time. Unfortunately, even the presence of ovulation in a woman does not guarantee the mandatory onset of pregnancy. But where to look for the source of the problem? In this matter, the main thing is not to worry if ovulation is, and pregnancy does not occur - the reasons for this can be hidden not only in the physiological processes of the body, but also to wear a psychological character.

Trust but verify

Before you seek help from specialists, you should make sure that the body works as a clock, and there are really no problems with ovulation. To determine whether the egg ripen, and which days it is necessary to intensively address the issue of conception in several ways:

  1. Make a basal curve. Gynecologists resort to this method most often. In addition, positive feedback on the definition of ovulation by measuring the basal temperature is instilled confidence in the successful resolution of the problem.
  2. Listen to the feelings of the body. The female organism with the approach of the ovulation day gives signals about the imminent onset of a good moment. So, a few days before the egg matures, the transparent, dumping mucus begins to highlight from the vagina. At the same time, a woman can feel the abdominal at thenime minor pulling pain or tingling in the side. Before ovulation becomes more sensitive and swells.
  3. Conduct laboratory research. Many specialists advise their patients to determine the day of conception in saliva. To do this, the sample is applied to the instrument glass, we are maintained for several minutes at room temperature and installed using a microscope, ovulation occurred or not. When successful days are coming to conceive, saliva under the action of the hormone is crystallized, acquiring the intricate pattern.
  4. Use test strips. This method is ideal to determine the "X" day at home.
  5. Ultrasound - monitoring. Gynecologists consider this way the most effective, since it is possible to reliably determine whether the egg cell is ripe in the next menstrual cycle.

When any of these methods confirm the diagnosis, and the conception will not happen, you can start looking for other reasons why pregnancy does not occur.

Male problem source

Women, dealing with the problem, why there is no ovulation, but become pregnant, it does not work in any way, first of all begin to look for a problem in yourself. But as practice shows, today men's infertility is not less common than women. That is why it is necessary to check the health of the partner.

Male infertility can be caused by several factors:

  • Wrong power. It has been established that protein deficit in the men's body affects the quality of sperm. That is why the strong half of humanity is so important to use meat daily daily, dairy products and chicken eggs. If the reason for not the occurrence of pregnancy lies in this not to wait for instant results. For the restoration of men's "power" will require at least 6 months of proper nutrition.
  • Congenital pathology. Men may have underdevelopment of genitals, cryptonism (testicular indifference) and Callman syndrome (lack or delay in puberty).
  • Disorders of the hormonal background. This reason is considered the most common. Unfortunately, with such a violation, the man not only cannot conceive a child, but they also decrease their activity. Cysts, tumors, congenital hormone failure (redundancy) and genital infections can provoke hormone disorder.
  • Reception steroids. Men, before you decide on the reception of biologically active additives helping to increase muscle mass, you should think well: what is more important for them a beautiful figure or the continuation of the kind?
  • Frequent colds. Any infectious disease has a negative impact on the quality of spermatozoa. But after recovery, the male feature is completely restored for 3 days.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol abuse, narcotic and tobacco addiction do not just reduce the chances of successful fertilization, they are practically reduced to zero the opportunity to become a father.

To determine whether the man is a guilty of the problem, he needs to be examined by the doctor urologist-Andrologist and pass the tests.

Problems in the endocrine system

When ovulation is, but no pregnancythe reasons are not the possibility of conceiving the child, they can "hide" in the pancreas. The endocrine system in women is an important organ of the reproductive system. It is she who produces the necessary hormones necessary not only for a successful conception, but also for the further proper development of the fetus.

The following thyroid diseases can have a negative effect on the childbearing function:

  • Hypoteriosis. This disease is hidden and a person can not know for a long time about its existence. This disease is especially dangerous for the young smaller body, because it slows down the development of the reproductive system, both male and feminine.
  • Endemic goiter. This thyroid disease provokes disorders of the menstrual cycle, respectively, at times, reducing the chances of conception. In addition, the endemic goiter without proper treatment can "erase" into a more serious disease - a malignant tumor and then the possibility of becoming pregnant will be almost lost.
  • Hyperthyroidism Unlike its "fellow" (hypoteriosis) provokes too much emission to the body of hormones, which completely violate the operation of the menstrual cycle. In patients with such a notch, there are either too long periodic or prolonged menopause.

Women in the event of the question: why pregnancy does not occur not only to test the work of the ovaries, but also to explore its endocrine system.

Number does not always mean quality

The presence of ovulation does not guarantee the onset of pregnancy. Even if the ovaries produce egg cells every month, this suggests that they are capable of fertilization.

Many factors affect the quality of oocytes:

  • work of the endocrine system;
  • state of the environmental situation in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence;
  • hormonal background;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • constant stress;
  • past illnesses;
  • sex tract infections;
  • overwork;
  • incorrect either low-quality meals.

But the quality of the eggs can be improved. To this end, a woman needs to reconsider their rhythm of life, change the diet, pass the examination to identify infectious (chronic) diseases, more time to remove rest and sleep, get rid of bad habits, more consume vitamins and go through life only with a positive attitude.

Fallopiev Problem problem or irresistible

Women to determine the reasons for infertility, it is necessary not only to test their hormonal background, the work of the ovaries and their partner. It is extremely important to be convinced of the patency of the uterine pipes.

Unfortunately, the spikes of phallopy tubes occupy a leading position among possible forms of infertility. But what to do if pregnancy does not occur for this reason? Refuse dreams to become Mother?

Women with pipe problems should not be desirable. Today there are several ways to treat:

  • Pipe plastic. First of all, it is necessary to make sure whether there is a safe process in a small pelvis. You can do this in several ways: diagnostic larposcopy and fertiloscopy. In the first case, patients explore the state of the uterine pipes through puncture in the abdominal cavity. In the second, it is possible to determine the state of the childbearing function without surgical cuts - through the vagina.
  • Extracorporeal fertilization. To such a treatment method, patients have to be resorted in the event that it was impossible to carry out plastic of the uterine pipes, and they had to be removed. Women with a difficult factor in infertility should not be desirable, as they do not decrease their chances of pregnancy. This is confirmed by I.

Ovulation - a short period of the female menstrual cycle, when a matched egg is in the dominant follicle. A set of genital cells in an immature state of girls is still available when the baby is in the womb. Then, during the life, part of the first order oocytes dies, and the part is spent on ensuring the cyclicality of the female organism. Each month matures one (rarely - more) follicles, which are broken in the middle of the cycle under the action of hormones, releasing oocytes ready for fertilization with spermatozooid.

Ovulation lasts for about an hour, and then during the day the egg retains the ability to be fertilized.

Women's fertility (ability to reproduction) is largely due to the olive process, and the likelihood of conceiving a child in the days of ovulation is maximal. But the maximum is not 100%. According to WHO, women's fertility during ovulation depends on age, its greatest importance - not more than 33% of women up to 25 years, no more than 25% in women under 30 years old.Reproductologists argue that these figures are somewhat overestimated, and the real probability of conceiving a child from the first time in one cycle in healthy women and men does not exceed 11% aged 20-25 years. Naturally, after 35 years, the probability does not exceed 4-7%, and after 40 years - 3%.

This is due to the deterioration of the genetic material of the genital cells of a woman, and if the partner is age, then he has sex cells with excellent quality, most likely do not differ. Presented statistics are not a reason for experiences. About 60% of married couples will be completely safely pregnant in six months, another 30% of the steam see positive test results for pregnancy during the year.

Approximately 25% of cases, even if the sexual act was carried out exactly during the period of the fertile window, the conception does not occur, and the causes of this geneticists and doctors could not be installed. In addition, almost half of the cases of family infertility, a decisive role belongs to the poor quality of sperm.

In what cases there is no reason for anxiety?

If there is no ovulation, and the pregnancy does not occur, it is not worth alarming. Attempts to healthy couples are given for about a year. Only after this time you can talk about possible infertility. In addition, 2 times a year in women there are annevulatory cycles, during which the pregnancy is impossible. It is also necessary to pay attention to the state of the body of partners. If the disease has recently been transferred, the body takes time to restore.

In those situations where there is no ovulation, and pregnancy does not occur, you can enhance the chances of successful conception. But initially it is necessary to eliminate all factors provoking infertility. You also need to follow the following rules:

  • Refuse bad habits for 3-6 months before the kid planning;
  • Introduce healthy foods rich in proteins, fiber and polyunsaturated fats in the diet;
  • Practice missionary pose;
  • Conduct a cycle observation in order to determine fertile days;
  • Start receiving folic acid;
  • Having sex every 2-3 days;
  • Follow the fullness of sleep (its duration should be 7-8 hours).

If there is ovulation, and pregnancy does not occur, this is not a reason to immediately suspect infertility or partner. The reasons for pregnancy is not the first time:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse did not coincide with a fertility period in a woman;
  • the attempt fell on an annevulatory cycle (even a young healthy woman happens 1-3 such cycles per year);
  • transmitted over the last month of cold or other states that reduce immunity;
  • just this time, "the stars did not compare": in some of the complex stages of conception, a temporary failure occurred. Spermotozoic did not manage to penetrate the casing of the egg, or the fertilized egg did not get to the uterus or she failed to escape into the endometrium.

When the body is temporarily weakened by external factors, fertilization can occur, but the cell is not implanted. If both partners are healthy, it is worth trying again in the next cycle when a woman has an ovulatory phase.

Conditions of successful conception

To find an answer to the question why a woman cannot get pregnant in ovulation by the first or second baby, you need to make sure that the pair is properly fits on planning and keeps all the conditions of successful conception

The fact is that each lady in the course of life is "empty" anovulatory cycles. The older the woman becomes, the greater the number of such cycles per year (compare - in 20 years of annotulatory cycles, it is 1-2 per year, and at 35, up to 5-6). Ovulation can also be late or occurred earlier, and provoke such a scenario may also stress, and a cold illness, and a trip, flight.

In order to answer the question, whether the exit of the egg takes place in general, you can use home ovulation tests: When they show two strips - it's time to proceed to active actions.

The accuracy of domestic tests is below laboratory studies, and you can visit the doctor to make the ovarian ultrasound for 5-6 day of the cycle immediately after menstruation. And closer to the middle of the cycle, it is possible to make blood test for luteinizing hormone. His sharp jump speaks about the approach of ovulation.

A simple analysis - the spermogram will help significantly reduce the time and nervous costs when planning the kid. If the quality of the genital cells of a man leaves much to be desired, the likelihood of fertilization is significantly reduced, and the risk increases the child with genetic anomalies, chromosomal errors.

Spermatozoa live longer egg cells (up to 3-4 days), they are quite capable of "waiting" the exit of eggs already in the fallopian tube, and therefore sex is recommended to start 3-4 days before ovulation and do it every other day by 2-3 days after ovulation By refusing using the use of contraception, douching, as well as lubricant lubricants.

Any stress increases the production of stress hormones, which partially block the production of genital hormones. That is why it is often possible to become pregnant, even if there is a sperm of normal quality and ovulation. Doctors have long noticed that faster all the conception occurs in the first year of living together a couple, while fresh feelings. If you turn the sexual acts into a sports attraction with a single goal - to conceive, the probability of successful conception is reduced.

A woman who every month with a thrill is waiting for two stripes on the test, no matter what another cannot be distracted, switch, is in a state of chronic stress, and the probability of conception becomes several orders of magnitude lower.

Ovulation is, and pregnancy does not occur: medical reasons for infertility

If over the year ovulation is, and pregnancy does not occur, you need to consult a doctor. It will appoint a detailed examination that will help detect the cause of infertility. Measures will be accepted, depending on the result obtained. For possible reasons for lack of pregnancy include:

  • Adhesion process in pipes;
  • Thin endometrium;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Male factor.

Reproductive activities gender
Systems are based on hormone action. The growth of follicles is carried out under
The influence of estrogen. To occur with ovulation, the emission of LH is needed. For
Hormonal violations arise problems with increasing and rupture of the follicle. IN
This case is required to receive drugs.

With a lack of estrogen spend
Artificial stimulation of ovulation by clomiphene. It is contained in tablets
Klostilbyt. If there are difficulties with increasing endometrial, prescribe
Preparations based on estradiol - Proginov or Divigel.

Estradiol - Description

Thin endometrium

The problem may be hidden in the inadequate endometry. By the time of implantation, it should be 9-12 mm. If the problem may be provoked by endometriosis of the uterus. It is accompanied by the formation of endometrial on other organs - ovaries, urinary bubble, digestive organs, etc. To bring the situation to the norm, medication therapy is carried out. In some cases, surgical intervention may be required.

Safety process in pipes

Safety process not only affects
the work of the ovaries, but also prevents the promotion of spermatozoa in the uterine
Pipes. It arises as a result of the transfer of infectious disease or
Inflammation. Spikes eliminate surgically in the framework of
Laparoscopic operation.

Male factor

Unprotected sexual contacts in ovulation days do not guarantee successful conception. If ovulation is and pregnancy does not occur, there is a male infertility factor that consists in insufficient mobility of spermatozoa. To make sure that there is no problems, you should hand over the spermogram. Analysis shows activity, quantity and viability of sperm.

If the diagnosis confirms that ovulation is, but it is not possible to conceive a child for a year and more, the reasons are looking for:

  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • endometrial thinning;
  • obstruction of phallopy pipes;
  • pathology of the men's reproductive system.

Possible causes of lack of conception

The most different factors can affect the ability of the male and female cell to merge, and they are not all studied in detail by doctors and scientists. But those who are known, it is enough to understand that conception is a delicate matter.

The point is mainly in the state of the health of partners. In a woman, the probability of conception reduces not only age, but also bad habits, accommodation in the area with unfavorable environmental factors, work at night, professional contact with radiation, paints and varnishes, toxins. And even if ovulation is not at all the fact that the oocyte will be good quality and fertilization will be successful.

We don't even imagine how much conceptions in our life we \u200b\u200ball missed! After all, sometimes the pregnancy "breaks down" at the very initial stage - the fruit egg can not fall into the uterus, does not implantation, due to the genetic error it ceases to develop and grow and dies. In this case, menstruation occurs, possibly with a small delay. And the woman never recognizes that conception still took place.

The reason for the lack of pregnancy with a clear compliance of the rules of successful conception can be any gynecological pathology - the obstruction of the uterine pipes, the inflammatory process in the uterus, dysfunction of ovaries. Often, doctors are diagnosed and hormonal infertility, in which the level of hormones in the female organism does not allow it to be pregnant (progesterone deficiency, estrogen). Often, at the same time and ovulation does not occur, and if it happens, the level of natural hormonal support cannot be sufficient to ensure the survival of the embryo on the very first days after conception.

Both partners can overcome viral diseases before ovulation, cold, which also significantly reduces the quality of the genital cells and reduces the likelihood of conception.

Separately, it is worth talking about antispermal antibodies that develops men or women immunity. Immune defense simply perceives spermatozoa as alien objects, and throws all the forces to their early destruction. At the same time, sperm die still in the body of a man if the antispermal antibodies have it, or die without coming to the egg, if such immune cells are produced by a woman.

Immunity can react to sperm due to some reasons. For example, a man suffered an operation on the genital organs, there was injury, injury injury, and individual sex cells, occasionally not where it is supposed to be caused by an aggressive immunity reaction. In women, such a form of infertility develops due to excessive hobbies to anal sex with ejaculation in the rectum, as well as when swallowing sperm during oral contact. This is one of the most difficult types of infertility.

Algorithm of action

Sign up for the reception to the doctor! This is the first thing to do in such a situation. It is worth finding out the reason. There are two events development options:

  1. There are health problems and need to be corrected.
  2. We need time for the body. According to the World Health Organization in the European Region, 17% of the pairs cannot have a child in the first year planning. This means that you just need carefully and responsibly approach this issue.

Diagnostics - for setting the correct diagnosis. A physical examination is required with the surrender of various analyzes to identify the reasons for preventing pregnant. Here too have two ways

  1. Sperm analysis. First of all, you need to make a partner (boyfriend, husband) to make a spermogram. This analysis is much cheaper and faster than the female half. According to unofficial data from doctors, in 40% of cases of failure, when planning a child, lies in poor quality sperm.
  2. If everything is fine with a man, then you need to diagnose the female half. There may be: the presence of formations, improper form of uterus, inflammatory processes, polycystic, endometriosis, cysts and much more.

After the elimination of all the above problems, we continue to attempt to conceive the conception of the cycle. The big advantage will be the maintenance of the basal temperature graph, to determine the exit of the egg.

Possible causes and psychology. It will be necessary to work with a possible psychological barrier.

Then it is worth checking the patency of the uterine pipes, the usual make hysterosalpingography. In case of detection, laparoscopic operation can be assigned. Maloveraumatic operation, after it usually discharged after 3 days.

If all studies are completed successfully, but pregnancy does not occur, then there is an analysis of antisperm antibodies. The main causes of the appearance of antispermal antibodies are:

  • Injuries of scrotum, varicocele;
  • Oncological diseases of the sexual sphere;
  • Obstruction of seven-way paths;
  • Cryptorchism;
  • Surgical operations;
  • Infections;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Unprotected anal sex.

If the diagnosis is confirmed by the analyzes, the doctor prescribes treatment. Usually, during which condom protected by condoms, sex acts are recommended to avoid contact of male sperm from the woman's mucosa.

But if at this stage you could not achieve fertilization do not worry. There are auxiliary reproductive technology called Eco. With its help, the couple give birth to healthy children.

Whatever your ideas about your own fertile ability, it is best to start planning a pregnancy with a campaign to a doctor. A woman needs to be examined in a gynecologist, put in order its own weight (even weight loss is 5% of the initial body weight increases the likelihood of conception). A man is also important to draw attention to your diet, bad habits and make a spermogram.

A simple and fast examination will allow the pair to more constructively plan the addition in the family, to know exactly the "weak" sides of each other.Immediately let's say that there are almost no insurmountable situations. Even if some deviations are revealed, In 96% of cases, after a properly selected treatment, the problem is eliminated, and the pair can start successful kid planning.

The rest of 3% of the pairs will help the methods of auxiliary reproductive medicine - Eco, Ixi, donation egg cell, spermatozoa. Today, most of the services of reproductive medicine are provided free of charge, in the policy of compulsory medical insurance.

Before proceeding with the tracking of ovulation and planning conception, it is necessary to carry out a certain preparation. Most steam, according to reviews, have enough for 2-3 months to meet simple recommendations and thereby increase their chances to become parents:

  • both partners must lead a healthy lifestyle, take vitamins with the predominant content of zinc, selenium, magnesium and folic acid;
  • all diseases and infections need to be packed in advance after taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, antifungal agents until the start of planning should pass at least 1-2 months;
  • feeding partners should be balanced, any diets to reduce weight are contraindicated, mandatory in the diet should include milk, meat, fish, greens, vegetables and fruits. From coffee and strong tea, and at the same time, it is important to refuse a woman from a dark chocolate.

Sometimes it may be necessary to go to genetics. This is done if no objective reasons for infertility in any partners have been identified, and the conception still does not occur. The reason may wage in genetic incompatibility, if the man's genome is very similar to the genome of a woman. Also, to visit genetics is recommended to spouses, in which there were cases of severe congenital diseases, syndromes.

About ovulation and how to get pregnant, look in the next video.

  1. Do not worry and do not focus on your health if you are young and trying to conceive a child for a short time.
  2. If a pair (or someone one of the spouses) over 35 years old, then it makes sense to see a doctor after half a year of fruitless attempts.
  3. Young people recommend contacting doctors if the conception has not happened during the year of regular sex without protection.

Additional tests:

  • general clinical examination of blood, urine;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • polymerase chain reaction;
  • bacteriological sowing.

Laboratory methods clarify that to explore further with the help of an ultrasound or x-ray.

Inflammatory and organic diseases treats an obstetrician gynecologist. In his competence, endometriosis, erosion of the cervix, obstruction of phallopy pipes, thin endometrium. A man advises and treats an Andrologist.

If ovulation is exactly, but pregnancy does not occur, it is not always a reason for concern. Only six months later, this situation is equal to the pathological, and the pair must be examined. Most reasons are eliminated by conservative or operational treatment. If it does not help, the pair will be offered an extracorporeal fertilization.

Not every woman, eggs suitable for fertilization come out in each ovulation. If this time it could not get pregnant, should not be desirable, but to begin preparations for the next ovulation. Doctors give advice to increase the chance of conception in ovulation:

  • in time to treat the inflammatory processes of women's organs and prevent repeated disease;
  • try not to allow stressful situations;
  • include legumes, vegetables and fruits in the diet, taking vitamin E and folic acid;
  • before ovulation, to refrain from sex for several days to improve the quality of the seed liquid of a man;
  • varicocele in men or a decrease in erection prevents normal conception even to ovulation.

No need to think about it constantly, learn to be distracted. Permanent dreams of pregnancy reduce the chances of conception.

If the conception has not happened, there is no reason to despair. You need to change the situation, go to rest. When you fully relax, the chance of conception rises, and from vacation you will come back.

With medical reasons, infertility is most often carried out medicinal therapy. It helps in the event that the problem lies in the hormonal imbalance. Spikes and endometriosis are more appropriate to treat surgically. With a male factor in infertility, the drugs that eliminate the cause of disturbed fertility are necessary. The inflammatory process is treated with anti-inflammatory means.

Advanced to the main treatment
To both partners should change the lifestyle. Need to adhere to
The following rules:

  1. Compliance with the basics of proper nutrition will ensure the replenishment of the useful substances in the body. It should be abandoned by oily foods, sweet and quick food. In the diet should be present fruits, vegetables, meat, greens and seafood;
  2. Men need to avoid overheating and excessive supercooling of genital organs. Also undesirable to wear cramped linen. This adversely affects the work of the reproduction;
  3. Chronic genital diseases may interfere with conception. Therefore, it is important to attend a doctor in a timely manner and carry out appropriate therapy;
  4. Acceptance of alcoholic beverages and long-term smoking have a negative impact on the quality of the female oocyte and male spermatozoa. From bad habits need to abandon six months before pregnancy planning;
  5. Moderate physical exertion improves blood circulation in the field of small pelvis, which is positively affected by the work of the reproductive system of both partners.

One of the fundamental factors
When planning a child is ovulation. But there is a lot of other nuances,
which must be taken into account. Before starting conception, both partners
A comprehensive examination should be completed in the absence of problems.

For pregnancy as soon as possible, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. The main factors that increase the chances of conceiving a child from the first attempts:

  • right postures: missionary and its variations, when a man from above;
  • observation of the ovulation period for several months to calculate the most accurate date;
  • rejection of bad habits at least six months before conception;
  • healthy diet: balanced by proteins, fats and carbohydrates containing fiber products;
  • healthy sleep: go to bed and get up at one time, sleep at least 7 hours a day.

The psychological factor is important: a mood to conceive, tooling the child and creating a strong family, the elimination of negative emotions, stress, quarrels. From medicines you need to refuse.

If it did not work out to get pregnant on the day of ovulation

The reasons for the fact that pregnancy has not come with unprotected sex contact on the day of ovulation (that is, on the day of the yield of the egg from the dominant follicle):

  • incorrectly calculated fertile period;
  • clinical pathology;
  • external factors.

External factors need to include stress, exhaustive diets, poor sleep and lack of recreation and waking mode. These factors adversely affect the sexual function and men, and women.

Often the reason is on the wrong calculation of the day of ovulation. When the cycle is non-permanent, it is almost impossible to calculate this day with high accuracy.

How and when ovulation

You can determine the day of ovulation in several ways:

  • measurement of basal temperature;
  • use of express tests;
  • calendar method.

The last option is the least accurate, as it is suitable only with the perfect cycle of menstruation. Measuring basal temperature requires observations for several months: a woman measures BT daily, writes data on calendar days and, according to the results of several months, concludes that the fertile period begins on. It differs from other days cycle with a BT indicator at 37 OS.

Prior to this period, the heading follicle ripens in the ovary. At the end of the follicular phase, he bursts, releaseing a ripe egg, which moves along the phallopy tubes to the uterus.

With any cycle, the output of the follicle eggs is marked 14 days before the start of menstruation. But since the length of the cycle is normal, 21-35 days, calculate the exact day of ovulation is quite difficult.

If there are no ovulation based on measurements of basal temperature, the express tests from the pharmacy should be used. The test is done daily in the period from 13 to 16-17 days of the menstrual cycle. The test for ovulation according to the principle of execution is similar to pregnancy test, but not sensitive to hCG, but to luteinizing hormone. The latter is produced in excess in the ovulatory phase.

It is almost every way to feel the joy of maternity. Planning pregnancy, many women are increasingly interested in such a concept as ovulation. And not in vain, since the understanding of the process will help speed up the conception of the child. But it happens so that Ovulation is, and pregnancy does not occur, the reasons for the phenomenon in this case are not so easy.

The ovulation process occurs when the ripe eggs leaves the ovary, which as a result confirms the readiness of the body to pregnancy.

From the moment of birth in women's ovaries there is more than a million egg cell. Each of them has its own shell - the follicle, where they "live" to the moment of puberty of the girl, and then waiting for their time to exit. Many of them do not ripen and eventually die over time. During the period of the reproductive function in the life of a woman, only 400 - 500 matured eggs ready for ovulation remains.

Ovulation can be observed about 14 days of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation time lasts long, just a few minutes. Follicle-free eggs can be fertilized throughout the day, and if during this time it will meet on the spermatozoa path, then the child conceived.

If the fertilization occurred, then the cell is sent in the uterine tube into the uterus and is attached to its wall near that ovary where it grew. This comes pregnancy. If a fertilized egg, which will turn into a germ after division, will not be able to get into the uterus, menstruation will come, and it will come out of the body.

Sometimes there is an ovulation of several eggs, which can lead to the emergence of multi-seaman twins.

For what reasons it is impossible to conceive when ovulation

To increase the likelihood of conception, some pairs are recommended to concentrate their attention and efforts before the start of ovulation. If a woman has an ovulation process, and spouses are regularly engaged in sex, then the long-awaited child appears most often. But many often tormented the question: why does not pregnancy come if there is ovulation?

First of all, both spouses need to go through a qualitative survey from a good specialist. As a result, it is possible to identify women's and male factors affecting it.

Female factors:

  • . It may arise due to nervous exhaustion or a small cold. Either there are problems with e women.
  • . The negative reaction of the female organism on men's cum, resulting in rejection and failure.
  • Inflammatory or chronic diseases of female genital organs, improperly dying - the reasons why pregnancy does not occur.
  • Lack of regular menstruation.
  • Inflammation and. The defective and untime ripening of the follicle, which takes part in ovulation. This can be determined thanks to the ultrasound examination.
  • or infection of the uterus. The cause of occurrence may become inflammatory processes, ectopic pregnancy, surgery and others. Most often in the initial stage of these diseases, a woman may not assume the presence of a problem. Special procedure Hysterosalpingography (GSG) will allow you to detect the lumen in the uterine pipes and determine how freely the ripening egg can move.
  • Endometriosis of the uterus. The disease in which the fabric similar to the endometry is spreading around the mucous membrane of the uterus, where spikes can be formed over time. The presence of inflammatory processes and scars will also cause infertility.

Male factors

  1. Insufficient percentage of strong and movable spermatozoa. This indicator is determined using and should be at least 50%. The reason for the insufficient number of moving spermatozoa can be: age transferred infectious diseases, overeating strongly acute foods and others.
  2. Diagnosis. It manifests itself in the form of an expansion of the seed channel or venous testicular vessels. Spermotozoids are very susceptible to elevated temperatures and overheating of the testicles, which is adversely reflected on the ability of fertilization.
  3. Various diseases. The cause of male dysfunction is its past. Meanous sexual communications entail an infection in the body that can be transmitted to a woman. The most common among them is gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomonosis.

Even one of these factors may be a reason that affects the absence of pregnancy, even if there is an ovulation.

How to define ovulation

A few days before the ovulatory period, the composition of vaginal discharge changes: they turn into more mucous, abundant and transparent. Under the action of hormones of estrogen, the cervical cervix is \u200b\u200bpreparing for a meeting of spermatozoa and highlights the mucous tube. Due to the increased content of the hormone of the estrogen, a woman can feel an increased sexual attraction and an emotional lift. It is such days that are favorable for conception.

The presence of estrogen has an impact on that is measured in the morning, without getting up from bed, inserting a thermometer into the colon. Under the influence of the hormone, the temperature before ovulation decreases by several degrees.

As a result, you can highlight the symptoms that will be noticeable to a woman:

  • abundant, translucent vaginal discharge;
  • painful sensations in the field of ovaries;
  • reducing basal temperature;
  • enhance sexual activity.

There are several basic methods that will help learn how to determine ovulation:

  • Calendar method. It will be relevant with a regular menstrual cycle. If the length of the cycle is 28 days, the ovulation will begin by 13-16 days. If the cycle is 30 days, then on the 14th - 17 day.
  • Conducting ultrasound diagnostics. It will allow to observe how the follicle ripens in the ovary, where the egg cell will later come out. It is necessary for this procedure to pass at least three ultrasound.
  • Filling the calendar of basal temperature. It is measured every morning, introducing a thermometer into the rear pass and noting the results. At the end of the cycle, the temperature is 36.6-36.9 °, it is slightly reduced before ovulation, and then jumps sharply and is in the range of 37.0-37.3 ° before the next cycle.
  • Use.They are able to determine the amount of luteinizing hormone, which is contained in the urine.

An important question remains for many whether it is possible to get pregnant before ovulation. If the sexual act was performed before the egg leaned the follicle, then the occurrence of pregnancy is possible, but the conception itself occurs after. If an alkaline environment is present in the vagina, then it will be positively influenced that spermatozoids can live as long as possible and wait for the egg's exit. To increase the chances of conception, it is necessary after graduation to lie down with raised buttocks and not paint.

What poses in sex will increase chances to get pregnant

After multiple attempts, many couples do not happen the desired conception of the child. The problem may not be completely related to health. If you perform simple techniques and recommendations, then in the near future it will be possible to enjoy the long-awaited pregnancy.

Regular sexual intercourse

To increase the chances of conception, you need to have sex 3 times a week. Often a married couple performs sexual act only during ovulation, but you need to not forget about "ordinary" days. Many women ovulation is "not on schedule", so there is always chances to get pregnant.

Completion of sexual intercourse

During the period of the entire cycle there is a segment of time when conception may occur. During the day after the moment of ovulation, the egg fence may occur.

Love classes for 2 - 3 days before ovulation increase the chances of pregnancy. The reason for this is the lifespan of spermatozoa, which can live in the body for several days. You can not expect the onset of ovulation, but to have sex a little earlier, as the sperm will still function in the body for several days, and the conception may occur.

Do not forget about the pleasure

With frequent unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant sex between partners becomes more familiar and mechanical occupation. Need not to forget about preliminary games and try to diversify sex life.

This will help a romantic evening or a sex toy. Strong arousal also affects conception. The joint orgasm of partners plays an important role. During him, the cervix is \u200b\u200blifted and does not interfere with the spermatozooid path. The brighter the male orgasm, the better the quality of sperm.

Use the right postures

The optimal posture for conception is a missionary, when a man from above, and its different options. For a better effect, you can put a pillow under the buttock during sex so that they are slightly raised.

With the position of the "woman from above", it is better not to experiment, since the creampie in this case easily follows.

Not to get involved in oral sex

The results of many studies show that the action of saliva can adversely affect the quality of sperm. Therefore, it is better to refrain from oral pleasures in order not to leave saliva on the genitals.

How to increase chances to become parents

Many factors, such as living conditions, nutrition, social problems, abundance of chemicals can affect the possibility of welcome conception. But there are certain actions that will help increase the body's ability to become pregnant:

  • refusal to receive;
  • determination of the exact period of ovulation;
  • regular sex sessions;
  • strengthening physical health;
  • consumption of products that promote conception;
  • abstinence from antidepressants;
  • refusal of alcoholic beverages and nicotine addiction;
  • artificial insemination.Before moving to radical measures, you can try folk methods. For example, you can learn from our article, which is already known for decades with your magical properties. In addition, the article describes the most relevant recipes for its preparation, and also specified to whom it is not recommended for consumption of health.

    To achieve the desired result, and attempts to conceive a success, you can never give up and give hands. The main thing is to try to change your familiar behavior model and lifestyle, especially sexy. And fate will surely give you a chance to become happy parents. Paradox, but many couples cherished two stripes on the dough appeared exactly when they were not waiting for them!

Pregnancy is a joyful and happy event in the life of any couple. But sometimes there are problems with conception and after a long and persistent attempts to get pregnant the pair appeals for medical care.

Preparation for pregnancy

Ideally, the pregnancy should be planned, the pair of examined and morally was ready to become parents. List of examinations:

  1. A woman needs to visit the gynecologist and hand over a vaginal smear into cytology and infection, when necessary to undergo colposcopy.
  2. Man get a consultation of the urologist and pass tests for the presence of infections.
  3. A pair needs to make standard generallygic and biochemical studies and fluorography.

Here is the minimum list of pregnancy preparation. All these studies will show the absence of diseases and contraindications to pregnancy.

But it is not always possible to pass these all examinations and even this standard list passed by a pair in advance does not guarantee fast and trouble-free conception.

If there is no pregnancy 2 or 3 months, then it should not be a panic. This is too low, the onset of pregnancy is allowed for a couple who do not use contraceptives.

Definition of ovulation

It's time, the couple was tuned to the appearance of a child, and pregnancy does not occur. To begin with, you can try to determine whether the reproductive system of the woman works correctly, making simple tests for the presence of ovulation.

To do this, you can use several methods:

  1. Building a graphic temperature graphics. The method is based on measuring the rectal temperature. It is necessary to do it daily at the same time in the morning for several cycles. On the normal graph with ovulation, the body temperature under the influence of hormones at the time of the egg outlet will rise to peak values. This method is quite reliable, but requires organized and systematic. With proper execution, you can accurately determine the number and date of ovulation.

  2. You can use test strips. With their help, it is possible to define the exit of the egg at the level of hormone enhancement in the urine. These studies are made a few days before and after the expected date of ovulation.
  3. Follicleometry. It is conducted by a doctor on the ultrasound apparatus daily a few days before the expected date of ovulation. This method is most preferable, but more trusted financially. It is impossible to spend at home.

If you choose one of the methods and make it for several months, you can easily track or not ovulation.

It is worth remembering that the woman normally has 2-3 cycles per year without ovulation. And with age, their number increases, which further reduces the chance of successful fertilization.

Wellness with ovulation

In addition to tests, it is possible to determine ovulation by indirect features in a change in well-being, but they are not always and often expressed or no longer absent.

When the dominant follicle is ruptured and the outlet of the egg, a woman can feel:

  1. Some discomfort in the stomach, drawing pain, similar to pain during periods, but less pronounced.
  2. During this period, the libido and sexual attraction is possible.
  3. The discharge from the vagina will be mucous, transparent, abundant, similar to egg protein.
  4. Increased sensitivity and even disease soreness.

If it is sensible to listen to your body, then cyclic changes can be seen. But this method is not reliable to determine ovulation.

Problems with conception

Ovulation is, and pregnancy does not occur? There are many reasons for this state. Starting from unsuccessful time for sexual intercourse and ending with serious problems with male health. We will try to figure it out why pregnancy does not occur when the existing ovulation.

If the pregnancy does not occur when an unprotected sexual act is more than 12-18 months, this indicates violations of the reproductive function at the pair and is the reason for the immediate appeal for help.

If you accurately determine the presence of a monthly exit of the egg from the follicle, this means that your ovaries work normally and the reason lies in the other.

Viability of genital cells

It is known that the egg cell after ovulation is capable of fertilizing only a day, in some cases up to two days. If a sexual act does not occur at this time, the sex cell will die and fertilization will not come.

Sperm in female sex travers is viable 3-5 days. Next, they lose their functions.

For the occurrence of pregnancy, it is necessary to determine the approximate date of ovulation on the previous cycles and plan the sexual intercourse a few days before and after the alleged exit of the egg with an interval of 2-3 days - it is that time is needed for full-fledged spermatozoa ripening.

If sexual intercourse occurs daily and several times a day, the pregnancy is likely, but the chances of it are declining. Since spermatozoa has no time for full ripening.

Immunological conflict

In some cases, the occurrence of pregnancy is problematic due to the immunological incompatibility of the pair. Sperm and spermatozoa are alien protein and sometimes the woman's body begins to allocate antibodies on these proteins, which makes the impossible conception.

Spermatozoa cannot pass the main barrier - cervical (cervic) mucus containing antibodies, and die.

Parties are frequent when the second pregnancy may not occur with the reserves conflict of the mother and the fetus after the first pregnancy. In the risk group of a woman with a negative blood reserves. At the same time, a woman can have ovulation every month.

Gynecological diseases

About the health of a woman testifies not only to the presence of a monthly ovulation. Pregnancy does not occur often due to other diseases of the reproductive system:

  1. The obstruction of the uterine pipes as a result of inflammatory diseases, injuries or operations. It is in the uterine pipes that fertilizing the genital cells occurs and the pregnancy is impossible for obstruction.
  2. Anomalies of the structure of uterus and uterine pipes, deformation. Such states are most often congenital. And may also occur in the operations on the genitals.
  3. Endometriosis, polyps and other uterine neoplasms. Often such diseases make it impossible to occur pregnancy and need treatment.
  4. Genetic anomalies in sex chromosomes responsible for the quality of the egg and its ability to fertilize. Such diseases are rare and not sufficiently studied.
  5. Infectious and endocrine diseases of other organs and systems can promote difficulties with conception and lead to infertility.

All these states can be corrected and with timely handling can be hoped for pregnancy.

Male factor

In the process of fertilization, the quality of sperm plays one of the main roles. To successfully conceive sperm must be alive, strong and movable. Unfortunately, there are many factors that can lead to a worsening of sperm quality.

At the same time, a man can not disturb anything and deviations as sperm can only be found on the spermogram in the survey process.

In this case, a woman can be absolutely healthy, and the problem is in a man. Therefore, it is very important for problems with conception not only a woman, but also a man.

The main reasons causeing men's infertility:

  1. Congenital anomalies of the development and disease of the genital organs: Cryptorchism (underdevelopment of the gonad), the absence of one or both testicles, uncomplication of eggs in the scrotum, varicocele, obstruction of seed paths, etc.
  2. Genetic anomalies in sex chromosome, affecting the quality and amount of spermatozoa.
  3. Injuries and infectious diseases of the sexual system. For example, pairing (pig), transferred in childhood, is able to lead to male infertility. And also untouched cured infections transmitted by sexually can contribute to the worsening of sperm quality.
  4. Taking hot baths, wearing cramped linen and clothes, sitting work. Any increase in body temperature in the Egg region will oppress the process of forming high-quality sperm.
  5. Inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland and testicles. Cysts and neoplasms.
  6. Harmful habits: Alcohol abuse and smoking greatly reduce sperm quality.

If the factors affecting the quality of sperm temporary, then when they are eliminated, you can return a good composition of the seed fluid. Complete sperm update occurs every 3 months. It is impossible to influence this process.

But a healthy lifestyle, full-fledged nutrition, receiving trace elements and various vegetable preparations that improve the composition and spermgenesis can have a positive effect on cum.

If there is no ovulation

Significant diseases of the female reproductive system, when there is no ovulation or it is a non-permanent and rarely occurs. Often, such pathology is associated with a hormonal imbalance and a disruption of the menstrual cycle.

At the same time, the periods can go irregularly: too often and cause bleeding or too rarely, once a few months. But such a picture is not always observed, sometimes there is a normal menstrual cycle and a woman does not recognize about the problem of ripening eggs. No ovulation with such states:

  1. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (spa). This disease develops during puberty and has heredity. With it there is no ovulation every month, and the egg cell instead of exiting the follicle once a month does not ripen or turn into a cystic education. The ovaries are increased, painful, menstrual cycle can be broken or saved.

  2. Microenoma pituitary, prolactinemia. The disease in which the level of prolactin in the blood is elevated, blocking the offensive of ovulation. This hormone is physiologically rising during pregnancy and is responsible for lactation. By blocking ovulation, it prevents the onset of a new pregnancy to the cessation of breastfeeding.
  3. Hormonal imbalance of central origin. All processes in the body are monitored by certain parts of the brain. Sometimes there is a violation of the regulation between the nervous system and the targets.
  4. Endocrine diseases, for example, the pathology of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands can affect the ripening of genital cells.
  5. Underdevelopment and anomalies for the development of ovaries.
  6. Overweight or exhaustion, stress.

What to do in case of violation of the ripening of eggs when there is no ovulation? The absence of ovulation is a serious state at which fertilization is impossible.

If you suspect a violation of the reproductive function, it is necessary to immediately apply for specialized help, since the treatment of this state is long and not always successful.

If pregnancy no more than 12 months should not postpone his visit to the doctor. It is best to contact the reproductive family planning center, where the man and a woman will examine in parallel. If necessary, treatment prescribe: from conservative maintenance to extracorporeal fertilization.

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