What a paint for the ceiling is better: recommendations of specialists

When the room is already completely covered and the walls and the ceiling are completely covered, you can go to the next stage of work - painting the ceiling. It is important to remember that foam eaves that serve the decoration of the ceiling and give it a finished look, it is advisable to mount with wallpaper walls to the walls, and the ceiling to paint together with them. Some other secrets. And also the full analysis of the types of colors we will give in this article. And here, of course, questions arise in design, - the color of the ceiling.
What can you advise on this? What kind of paint for the ceiling to choose?

Boiling and white ceiling or with a shade

  • White ceilingEspecially having a snowy whiteness, always makes the room above. Therefore, if the height of the room is less than 2.5 meters, it is better not experimenting with color gamma. Any painting, except for snow-white or milk-white, will make a visual room below, "weighty" her. And even if the first time such a bold solution will delight the eye, then after a few months the ceiling may begin to annoy.
  • Interesting two-level plasterboard ceiling is well painted by expensive paint pink color; lower level of a longer shade than the top, and this is the right decision. Walls are qualitatively saved by expensive bladded wallpaper. This designer solution is simply not permissible, because of such a bedroom will want to escape in half an hour. Why?

Do not make the ceiling brighter than the walls. It must harmoniously complement the interior, and not stand out. Therefore, the classic solution is the design, where the walls and the ceiling of almost one color, but differ in the tonality - the ceiling is a bit lighter.

  • In addition to white, soothing colors are blue, yellow and green. Therefore, the ceiling is advised to paint in heavenly blue, sand, beige or turquoise tint. Bright red, purple, rich-orange shades will be appropriate in the simulator room or in the dining room to raise the mood.

Is it possible to paint the rooms in the apartment of one paint?

This question may well arise, and this is a normal question.

It is better to purchase two types of paint: high wear resistance for kitchen and bathrooms and less wear-resistant for bedrooms and a corridor.

The manufacturer, as a rule, produces both types of paints.

Depending on the price, they have different shelterness and behave in different ways.

For comparison, several paints are given, their indicators, prices and reviews of specialists.

Cheap wear-resistant (washable):

  • Dufa. Fasadenfarb. (For interior and exterior use)

Price - 1220 rubles for 10 liters

Shelterness - 1l at 5-6 m² when painted in one layer

Number of layers: 2-3

Feedback experts : Not bad paint, easy to apply and rolls, it is easy to achieve a good effect, an excellent price-quality ratio.

  • Snow facade (for internal and nar. Works)

The price is 1120 rubles for 10 liters.

Shelterness - 1l by 5-6 m²

Number of layers: 2-3

Professionals: it is better to take another paint, because The appearance of the painted ceiling leaves much to be desired.

Dear wear-resistant paints (washable)

  • Samtex. 7 CampaignsCaparol. This paint is latex, and not acrylic, which causes its increased wear resistance.

Price -3920 rubles

Shelterness - 1 l 5-6 m² with a single-layer coating

Number of layers – 2

Professionals: Excellent paint, which is best suitable for bathrooms. In the kitchen, with time it can lightly yellow. Due to the high speed of drying, large areas are advised to paint together.

  • Bindo. 7 Acrylic paint, which can be washed. BINDO20 is even more resistant to abrasion.

Price -6870R.

Shelterness: 1l by 6-7 m²

Number of layers: 1-2

Professionals: Excellent paint, which is easy to apply, without leaving traces from the roller.

All listed paints have resistance to erasure and are not afraid of water. They are designed for painting walls and ceilings both inside and outside the building. But there are still purely "ceiling" paints, perfectly suitable for bedrooms, but who are undesirable to wash.

Is it worth saving on non-washing paint for the ceiling?

The savings on the paint for the ceiling is not significant. In this case, you can wipe the ceiling in the future no more than 2 times. Think about the feasibility of such savings.

From low-cost paints, you can stay at Dufe Fasadenfarb or the Ultra Bel.

Excellent expensive paints: Tikkurila and Matilda; A little inferior to them bindo. We will give some paint indicators and reviews of specialists about its use:

  • Snow Ultra

Price - 990 p. for 10 L.

Shelterness - 1 m² for 6-7 liters

Number of layers: 2- 3

Professionals: The ratio price quality is simply excellent, but absolutely not resistant, nor to the washing or dry abrasion.

  • Bindo 3.

Price - 6 440 p. For 10 L.

Shelterness: 1l by 6-7 m²

Number of layers: 1-2

Reviews: Good, "obedient" in the work of paint, which has a small resistance to mechanical effects.

How durability depends on the type of paint?

Paints for walls and ceilings can be divided into two types: latex and acrylic.

  • By virtue of its chemical composition, latex paints have greater resistance to dry and wet abrasion. Here are some properties:
  1. We advise you to use them indoors with high humidity.
  2. They have a small quadrature and their easy to paint.
  3. In large premises, the painting of the ceilings can present surprises. You need to paint very quickly and preferably together, because Due to the rapid grasp with the surface, conducting a roller several times at one place, you can "undermine" a layer of paint, which has already begun to stick.
  4. It is necessary to control all the time so that the border between painted and not by painted surface remained untouched no more than one minute. Otherwise, this border may so, and stay after drying, visually sharing the ceiling into two parts.
  5. It is necessary to paint very quickly (which is quite difficult) from the middle of the room to the walls.

With acrylic paint, you need to use the same method, but no longer hurry, watching the quality of the surface to be painted.

  1. Acrylic paints are matte, semiam and glossy.
  2. Matte, as a rule, less resistant to abrasion, and glossy possess increased strength.
  3. Importantremember that the painted glossy surface will definitely show all the ceiling errors, all even microscopic scratches, pits and tubercles.
  4. The base for glossy painting should be just perfect.


Latex paints are not recommended to use indoors with a combined ceiling, i.e. with tension elements. Why? - The stretch ceiling is mounted using a large temperature, and this can lead to latex paint cracking. With acrylic, this does not happen.

To primitive or not primed?

Here the solution depends entirely on the type of paint.

  • If the latex paint, then as a primer is better to use the paint itself, in it 20% water. An ordinary primer often creates a film on the surface, and the roller with latex paint will slide on the surface.
  • If acrylic paint, then, of course, you need to use the primer. It will facilitate the subsequent painting and save about 20% of the material.


It is also necessary to primitive with a roller, not a maclove (a large brush). At the ceiling will definitely be unnoticed first traces from the bristles of the brush, which manifest after painting and then do not yet paint. Also primer need to give enough time to dry, at least 4 hours. There are quite a few cases when the hurry led to unexpected troubles and the ceiling simply had to re-swing.

How many layers paint the ceiling?

  • In one layer, you can give the surface aesthetic appearance if four conditions are met:
  • The ceiling before painting already has a uniform white color, which is achieved by a good putty
  • The primer has a white color (for example, Artisan No. 7), and not yellowish (chub)
  • The room should be small, not more than 7 m²: it will give an opportunity without losing quality, apply a thicker kerck layer.
  • The paint should be of good quality, from expensive: Ticcurila, Bindo or Matilda.
  • In most cases, the ceiling is spreading twice
  • If the paint is poor and ceiling has a grayish tint, then it may have to paint and three times.

Do I need to breed paint with water?

  • For the first layer in any paint (except for very liquid), it is recommended to add 10% of water, and mix thoroughly.
  • The second and, if necessary, the third layer is not advocated.

What paint is better to paint the ceiling?

We tried to paint all the advantages and disadvantages of paints for the ceiling in this article. But once again we want to notice:

it is not necessary to use very expensive materials of high wear resistance. They are needed only for if you need to "save" a poorly splashing ceiling, because they can hide minor defects. If they are not, then even inexpensive paint will give the ceiling a good aesthetic look.

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