A test of how high your energy is. Ways to check human energy

It's hard to believe, but there are energy vampires by date of birth. It is quite simple to calculate whether a person has such a gift. To do this, you just need to pass a test that will show the vampire you or the victim.

In the article:

Energy vampires by date of birth - how to determine?

Sometimes simple enough. To do this, it is enough to pay attention to how a person behaves in society. There are separate, there are certain signs by which you can determine whether a person is a vampire or not.

But it sometimes happens that by primary signs it is impossible to determine whether a person is a vampire, or he simply has a quick-tempered or whiny character. Perhaps, quite unconsciously, you yourself may turn out to be a real energy vampire. If you are afraid to harm your loved ones, friends and just acquaintances, then take this test and determine whether you are an energy vampire.

With the help of this test, you can easily find out who from your environment is involved in energy vampirism, and who is regularly forced to "feed" such individuals with their energy. How to dispose of the information received is up to you. For example, you can make sure that the person influencing you is a vampire, and take action, because you can protect yourself from any evil.

Energy Vampire Test

Thanks to this testing, you can determine what type of people you are. There are five of them:

  • energy vampires;
  • victims - donors;
  • neutral characters;
  • white magicians;
  • black magicians.

For testing, you just need to know the person's full date of birth, have a sheet of paper and a pen with you.

You need to write your date of birth in full. For example: 06/18/1994. After that, add up all the numbers that are written in front of you (1 + 8 + 0 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 38).

But the result should not be a two-digit number. Therefore, take and add the two resulting numbers (3 + 8 = 11). If you again get a two-digit number, as in the example, then add the numbers again (1 + 1 = 2).

As a result, you get one number. In our case, it is 2. It is by him that you can determine your belonging to energy vampires.

One or two

If as a result of passing the test you got the number 1 or 2, then you can be sure that this person is a vampire. Consciously or not, he draws energy from those around him and uses this resource to achieve his goals. But do not immediately push this person away from yourself. Perhaps he is just a victim of circumstances and is not to blame for the fact that nature has given him such a gift.

Try to find out if the person is aware of their unusual abilities. If such a gift does not bring him pleasure, and he himself wants to get rid of it, help him. By cultivating willpower, you can cope with vampirism. Such a person should learn to control this process and not give in to the desires of his evil self.

But it is also worth fearing if an energy vampire lives with you under the same roof. In fact, very many people are able to draw energy from other people. It is not fatal if it happens unconsciously. In order to protect yourself, you need to learn how to properly set up barriers and defend against even involuntary attacks.

If your friend quite deliberately replenishes his resources at the expense of other people, then you should protect yourself from communicating with this character. There are several techniques that will help you both.

Numbers five and seven

People who receive these numbers as a result of passing the test should be extra careful about those with whom they communicate. Such people - donors... They are especially susceptible to the negative influence of vampires, and they are the easiest to attack.

In this case, you should always carry with you, which will protect you from the effects of evil forces, reflect the attack of the vampire. Learn to build mirror, energy barriers. They will help protect against the effects of the vampire.

In addition, you should regularly replenish the reserves of your vital energy, as it tends to quickly dry up. To do this, visit places of power. It is important that these are not cemeteries (where you can become easy prey for sorcerers and vampires), but places filled with positive energy:

  • temples;
  • churches.

Frequent walks in nature are obligatory for you, since it is contact with it that will allow you to restore your lost strength.

Threes, Sixes and Eights

If, as a result of passing the test, you get one of these three numbers, then you are especially lucky... You do not possess supernatural powers and cannot take away their vitality from other people. But you also cannot fall prey to a vampire.

These people are absolutely neutral... They have such a powerful energy that it automatically creates a very powerful barrier around this person, and the vampire rarely succeeds in breaking it.

Therefore, you are practically invulnerable. As a precaution, you can advise you to carry with you a talisman against evil forces and learn how to build protective barriers, but this skill may never be useful to you.

Number nine

If you passed the test for calculating an energy vampire by date of birth, and you got the number nine, then this means that you have supernatural powers, but you are not a vampire.

The number 9 is characteristic of people who have a very powerful positive energy and can be white magicians. They have a very large supply of energy, which they can easily control.

Initially, there is great potential in these people, but if it is not developed, then it will never be manifested. You need to work very hard in order to become a good wizard. But, rest assured, if you make every effort for this, then you will succeed.


People born under this number have a truly unusual gift. They are able to move from one state to another. Such people are powerful black magicians. If they have a sufficient supply of vitality, then they can remain in a neutral state and will be reliably protected from any outside negative influences.

If they realize that their strength has dried up, they can easily become very strong energy vampires and feed on their victims.

If the black magician wants, then he can take over the abilities of people born under the number 4 and easily control energy flows.

The most successful unions

Being an energy vampire isn't really as bad as it sounds. People who can take someone else's energy can be very helpful.

If the family has vampire(or black magician) and white magician, then this is an ideal union, since the white magician may not know where to put all his energy. That is, its remnants will be taken by the vampire, and this pair will always have an energy balance.

Neutrals and white magicians - harmonious combination. These people will always be able to understand each other, support each other. But in this pair, business relationships and friendship will be preferred over love.

Donors and white magicians- great couple. If the donor is not enough own forces and energy, then the magician can charge it. In this case, the exchange of energy will be by mutual agreement, without the use of force.

A strong friendly alliance is possible between donor and neutral... If the neutral wants, then he will be able to protect his friend from the harmful effects, and then both representatives will be reliably protected from outside influence.

Vampire and black magician- not a bad combination. The black magician is able to control energy flows, like the white magician. Therefore, his companion will not have to starve from lack of energy.

A rather controversial combination - vampire (or black magician) and neutral... If these two people live in the house, then there will be no harmony in their relationship exactly until the vampire learns to control his hunger and stops attacking the neutral. Or it will be fed with energy, using other sources.

Not the best alliances

The union will not be the most successful vampire with vampire... In this pair, both representatives will constantly starve from a lack of strength energy. There can be only one way out of the situation - if both representatives agree to be fed with energy somewhere on the side, or to get strength from joint rest, pastime, or a hobby. Otherwise, vampires will not be able to be next to each other.

Incredible facts

Each of us is familiar with the concept of energy. Everything in our world is energy that is spent and accumulated, transformed into something new, but never leaves without a trace. What is the difference between a person's energy and his energy?

Energy is the ability to process, receive, transform and share energy. When a person is able to manage his energy, it is much easier for him to recover from the stress he has endured, to work actively, to draw strength both for work and for his loved ones, as well as for hobbies and home improvement.

In other words, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of energy in a person's life, and therefore knowledge about it will never become superfluous.

What is energy like?

The biofield of each of us is a cocoon with rays of different lengths, which envelops the body from all sides. The color of the biofield, its thickness, density and length of the rays may be different depending on the person's energy reserve and on his mental strength.

From the very birth, a person receives a specific energy potential, which, however, is not his final state, because in the process of life, a person himself can influence the quality of his energy and its quantity.

Each of us has several energy bodies through which energy is distributed. Some bodies are responsible for health, others for spiritual development, and still others for sexuality. All energy bodies are connected to each other through channels. In order to understand what the exchange of energy is and learn how to manage your energy, you need to know what specific "bodies" exist, as well as how the channels work.

Esoteric human bodies

So besides physical body, each person has a causal, atmanic, etheric, astral, mental and buddhic body, each of which solves its own problem. Different people have different bodies developed differently. In order for all bodies to function normally, a constant and even circulation of energy is imperative. Only then will we be happy and healthy.

When a failure occurs, order becomes chaos, and the person begins to feel tired, problems appear, lack of strength, constant ailments. In order to assess the state of your biofield, it is not at all necessary to go to an appointment with a medium or a clairvoyant. Today there are special devices that are able to record and evaluate the human biofield.

GDV diagnostics

Moreover, it is possible to obtain information not only about the existing problems in the body, but also about diseases that are just beginning to develop, you can even see a decrease in immunity.

Such devices are called GDV diagnostics, and they work using the gas-discharge visualization method. The person touches the sensor with his finger, and the device determines the strength of the biofield by the fingerprint.

The gas discharge used in this case is an obvious scientific fact, which is being studied by official science. In 2001, an unusual experiment was carried out. The person underwent GDV-diagnostics, and then again after the famous German healer Christos Drossinakis had a session with him.

As a result, the result obtained was obvious even to a non-specialist, because it could be seen even with the naked eye: the person began to feel much better, and his aura became denser and more uniform.

It has also been proven that the biofield is present not only in humans, but also in plants, animals, stones and water. This explains the phenomenon of living and dead water, as well as mineral therapy.

Experts have tried to understand what is the difference between ordinary athletes and champions. It turned out that the difference is visible even at the level of the biofield, by which one can judge not only the level of a person's training and his readiness, but also see weak points.

Atmanic body

This body has a direct connection with the life purpose, mission, with the meaning of existence. When a person has this body well developed, he feels that he has a purpose, and that in life there is a purpose.

When a person determines his goal in life, the energy of this particular body helps to achieve it. A person gains perseverance, self-confidence, enthusiasm, perseverance, as well as strength in order to realize his plans.

Buddhic body

This body is responsible for values, helps to separate the false from the true, and also to give strength in performing everyday tasks. In order for this body to be filled and harmoniously exist, a person must do what he loves and constantly improve his qualifications.

Listen to your inner voice, not what society says. You do not need to be led by fashion, status and benefits of the lesson. When a person gives himself up to an unloved occupation, he cuts off the access of energy to the buddhic body, which eventually depletes.

Causal body

This body for what we call spontaneous determination, these are actions that we perform in obedience to our true aspirations and inner voice.

Let's give an example. You were interviewed for a job at a high-profile firm, but at the last moment you decide that you will not go there, because in reality this job is not to your liking.

Immediately you decide that the time has finally come to start your own business or to do what you have always dreamed of, but there was not enough determination. This is how the causal body manifests itself. It is worth noting that this body does not affect the success of your endeavor.

Its activity is very short-lived, it appears just at the moment of making a decision that it is necessary to change your life in accordance with your true aspirations.

Astral body

This body is responsible for a person's perception of emotions and various life events. It is responsible for how different people will treat the same situation. The astral body is in close contact with the mental.

Mental body

This body is called intuition by many. These are sensations and thoughts that arise on their own, influence events or predict them.

When there is a lot of energy in the mental body, a person has the ability to predict fate, to clairvoyance, etc.

Etheric body

This body is responsible for physical strength, tone and overall health. Moreover, it depends on the etheric body how others perceive you: as a pleasant or unpleasant person.

Energy by date of birth

To calculate the energy of any person, you can use a simple formula that involves multiplying the date of the day and month of birth by the year of birth. Next, you need to add up all the numbers obtained and evaluate the result.

Let's give an example. Let's say a person was born on April 7, 1988. Here's how the calculations should be done:

Month and day multiplied by year = 407 * 1988

407*1988 = 809116

The energy of this person is average, because the average varies from 21 to 30.

Those who are located below 21 refer to people who subconsciously or consciously seek to take energy from others. People with low energy are most often unhappy in their personal lives.

If the energy potential is higher than 35, then this means that a person is a strong donor who feeds on energy from space and can share it with other people. As a rule, such people never remain alone, because others are constantly drawn to them, feeling the strongest energy potential at a subconscious level.

If, after calculating, you find that your energy is quite low, you do not need to be upset right away, because the date of birth is not the only indicator that affects us. Surely many of us have met such people who were born on the same day, but live completely different lives, endowed with different inclinations and completely different characters.

Your friends and family members are more likely to describe you as a person ...

Answer options:

  • Analytical / logical mindset
  • Driven by emotion
  • With a free spirit
  • Driven by facts

You are late for a meeting with friends, with whom you have to go to the cinema, and all because of a taxi delayed for 10 minutes. You...

Answer options:

  • Tell the taxi driver about your dissatisfaction and ask him to go faster
  • Don't say anything to the taxi driver, but inside you will be a little annoyed
  • Be very calm, just skip the trailer for the movie anyway
  • Don't say anything to the taxi driver, nothing can be changed

When making important decisions, you usually rely on ..

Answer options:

  • Intuition and / or flair
  • Experience guides you
  • Facts
  • Your emotional state

Intuition and / or flair 2-2

Answer options:

  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Always
  • Often

On the weekend, you ...

Answer options:

  • Follow pre-set plans, keep busy
  • Do absolutely nothing, you like this kind of idleness
  • Reading a book, watching a movie and / or surfing the Internet
  • Do small things and / or meet friends. It's the weekend!

"I am a very creative person, whenever possible, I show it."

Answer options:

  • Always
  • Often
  • Rarely
  • Sometimes

You are waiting for your loved one in the restaurant. He / she is already 25 minutes late. You...

Answer options:

  • Get angry or feel disrespectful to yourself
  • A little worried
  • Annoyed
  • Calm, enjoy the time spent with yourself

You like someone and would like to get to know him better. You...

Answer options:

  • Flirt with him, thereby making it clear that you are interested.
  • You will not do anything, you will wait for this person to ask you out on a date.
  • Be happy to ask the person out on a date.
  • Try to read his body language first, and if he seems open to you, ask him out.

You with your best friend went to your favorite restaurant. You...

Answer options:

  • Order new items
  • You know what you want to order, you do not need to scroll through the menu, but you give your friend time to make a choice before ordering
  • Scrolling through the menu, suddenly you want to try something different
  • Call the first waiter you see and order your usual dishes

Your friend gave you a $ 20 certificate for no reason to dine. You...

Answer options:

  • Accept the gift and say "thank you"
  • Accept the gift, express your gratitude with a smile on your face
  • Refuse to take it, and ask your friend why he does not use it himself
  • Accept, but later buy your friend a gift as a token of gratitude

We are all different. We have a different worldview, personal qualities and lifestyle. In addition, we have different energies. It is on her that the nature of human ties and contacts depends. Have you ever thought about why you are friends with this particular person, and the other is completely unpleasant to you, even though he is not bad in character and very handsome in appearance ... The thing is that people communicate with each other thanks to a compatible energy background.

All people can be divided into five energy types: vampires, donors, neutrals, white magicians and black magicians. You can determine your type using numerology. To do this, add up all the digits of your date of birth. Let's say your date of birth: 02/17/1990 = 1 + 7 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 29; 2 + 9 = 11; 1 + 1 = 2. Number 2 is an energetic number. Now you need to find its decoding and find out your energy type.

Energy vampires... Numbers: 1 and 2. Vampires can take the energy of the people around them. They need constant replenishment of other people's vital forces. Energy vampires can take energy both consciously and unconsciously. The process of absorbing energy, as a rule, occurs as a result of quarrels, conflicts, intimate conversations and in the case of other emotional contacts.

Donors... Numbers: 5 and 7. Human donors are those who give energy to vampires. They themselves are not able to absorb it, so if they often come into contact with energy vampires, then their vitality leaves every time.

Neutrals... Numbers: 3, 6 and 8. People of this type do not take away, but they do not give up energy either. Their energy field is sufficiently protected and strong, which allows them to always be in good shape.

White magicians... Number: 9. White magicians have an amazing ability to control their energy. They can give it away when necessary, but they themselves never seek to take away energy.

Black magicians... Number: 4. Representatives of this type can be neutral, and can turn into energy vampires. They, like white magicians, can control their energy charge.

Relationships between people are built on the basis of these types. Oddly enough, but the union of a donor and a vampire can be very successful for both, if, of course, the donor's energy is enough for two. And if the donor himself suffers from energy devastation and lack of emotions, then any contact with the vampire will bring him only negative. Neutrals and white magicians are a very successful alliance. There will always be a calm and stable relationship between them. Black and white magicians are about balance. These types of people tend to be very friendly. It is easy for them to establish contact with each other and find common points of contact.

Vampires and black magicians - an unsuccessful union. Each of them will try to draw energy from each other, which will lead to devastation of both. Neutrals will not get along with black magicians, who will not be able to charge the magician with energy at the right time. The rest of the combinations of energy types of people are neutral.

We are interested to know if you managed to calculate your energy number, tell us in the comments who you are, a vampire or a donor? If this information turned out to be useful to you, click on and

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