She is a lion he fish compatibility in marriage. Friendship in a couple

Leo is bright and domineering, and Pisces are spiritual and mystical creatures. They are so different that they are able to intrigue each other, their differences are not of those that are insurmountable. They need mutual trust that will empower them. Love compatibility these signs of the zodiac are present, but when it comes to marriage, the prospects may be unclear.

Pisces woman and Leo man compatibility

Compatibility of a couple in love and marriage is 70%. They have qualities that complement each other. As a rule, this connection is more favorable for the Pisces woman than for the Leo man. The love between them begins as a passionate and exciting adventure. When the relationship is stable, partners can get along well if she gives her Leo the reins. The Pisces woman is flexible enough not to challenge his leadership in a couple or family. Her talent for gentle persuasion allows her to achieve whatever she wants. She does not have to assert the value of her own personality and establish her own rules - the Leo man himself is ready to treat his beloved as a queen. All she has to do is be devoted. The typical Leo man believes that loyalty to him should be absolute and unchanging. If she is ready for such a relationship, happiness in love is quite possible.

Leo men love admiration. Chances are it attracts a lot female attention and will not ignore fans, even if he is happily married. The Pisces woman should not take this as a betrayal - he is too proud and noble to take this step. It is best to let him know that with such behavior he causes pain, but at the same time do not infringe on his pride with unfounded accusations and harsh criticism. The Pisces woman should do her best to show her lover or spouse that she is following his advice. It may even be the semblance of consent. Let him enjoy his power, and in return she will receive his generous attitude, kindness and generosity.

Leo woman and Pisces man compatibility

The compatibility of these two in love and marriage is 50%. Their love can bring happiness to each partner, but equally easily can cause personal drama.

The Pisces man is quite in the taste of the Leo woman - charming, gentle, devoted. He has a strong intuition and can read it like an open book, so it will not be difficult for him to find the keys to her heart and plunge into the ocean of passion. He will accept her desire to lead in a couple, allow her to be his queen in all respects. Nevertheless, she will often face the fact that the Pisces man listens to her, agrees with her opinion, but does everything in his own way. At the beginning of a relationship, a Leo woman may find this behavior cute, but later it will infuriate her. He does not like arguments, acute situations, so it is better for a Leo woman not to put pressure on him. He would rather float into other waters than agree to endure what does not suit him. This is his strategy - to leave, instead of defending his interests.

Many Pisces men are successful in life, but they are distinguished by the fact that success comes through other people and good luck, and not as a result of their own efforts. She needs to keep in mind that one should not expect responsibility from him in marriage; rather, he will shift most of the family responsibilities to her. In addition, people of the Pisces sign are masters of mystification, it is not so easy for her to get the truth from him, because he knows how to avoid frankness in conversations. From a Leo woman, he will require a lot of care and attention, if he does not receive this, then he can create an image of an unjustly offended person, trying to evoke sympathy. The love relationship of this couple can be magical and romantic, but it is not easy for them to create a stable marriage.

Leo Love Compatibility with other Zodiac Signs

Pisces Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs

A complex union of representatives of incompatible elements is the union of the signs of Leo and Pisces. Pisces will never be able to completely take possession of Leo, since this contradicts not only the signs of nature, but also astrology. But why do Pisces cling to Leo so often? Because when the "big cat" is the winner, Pisces agrees to become captives.

Lions usually show more generosity to their vanquished, and Pisces prefer that someone dominate over them, the main thing is that this happens with love, as Leos do. When someone controls Pisces, they find a lot of benefits in this: you don't have to make important decisions on your own, act and conquer this world, there is a person nearby who will direct you in the right direction, and at the same time there will be a lot of free time for your own dreams.

But there are Pisces who have Mars in Aries. Mars has a powerful effect on Pisces, and they become less humble and adaptable. Such Pisces want to capture Leo and themselves prefer to command rather than obey. But no matter how warlike Mars, he cannot defeat Apollo - the sun god who protects Leo.

Therefore, in the question of which of these two signs will be the main answer, the answer is obvious - Leo. Strong Pisces can challenge Leo, but do they have a chance to win?

Lions love to be given the highest praise, and no one stronger than Pisces will admire this majestic creature. And the warmth of the sun in Leo will warm the Pisces, which in an incredible way needs care. Therefore, when there is no conflict of the luminaries in these signs, they perfectly complement each other and support all the best in a partner.

But Leo is able, like a cat, to swallow a Fish. By nature, these signs are not compatible: Leo is good in dry jungle, and Pisces is in clean water. And if they want to be together, someone will have to change their symbolic element.

Since Pisces has an inner nobility similar to Leo's outer nobility, they will be able to perfectly cooperate in business, love or friendship. This gives a good chance of Leo and Pisces compatibility.
Neither Pisces nor Leos have respect for money, they love to waste very much. Leo has organizational skills, so routine work is natural for him. Pisces, on the other hand, do not know what discipline is, and without them, normal work cannot be organized.

Pisces do not like to openly resist aggression, their main weapon is retreat. Even when the Fish turns into a shark, it is not strong enough for it to swallow the Lion, either the Lion wins, or the Fish swims away. Fish seem like elusive creatures, but Lions are the kings of the hunt. And the end in the clashes between Leo and Pisces is very predictable. Therefore, the Fish prefers to run away before the large paw presses its tail.

Leos who prefer to live in harmony with Pisces should calm them down and help overcome emotional instability and gently guide them on the right path. When Leo is the leader in this union, it is beneficial for both parties. Pisces need protection and protection, and who is better able to provide this than Leo? Leo needs praise and worship. And Pisces, in gratitude for the guardianship, is gladly ready to provide this to Leo. These signs must understand that for harmony they should not fight, but just need to unite their forces.

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The horoscope reveals to a person a deep knowledge of disposition and psychological characteristics... Belonging to a zodiac sign attributes features that are expressed more clearly than others. Astrology determines fate, but all decisions are made by a person, this applies to both personal and business spheres. Therefore, the compatibility of Leo and Pisces cannot be regarded as a union in one form of expression, because the relationship can also relate to all kinds of spheres.

Different facets of a combination of signs

When these representatives meet on the path of life with each other, they cannot disperse. The feeling of magnetism literally attracts them. Calm and quiet Pisces likes to see a person with a bright and impulsive character, who is not afraid to express an opinion and chooses a life position himself.

Leo is attracted by the calmness and inner harmony of the representative of Water, who is ready to simply move away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to look at the river surface and admire the reflection. Pisces have cunning and wisdom, so they know how to tell others what they want to hear, even if they have to lie.

Leo longs to be praised and worshiped for power and royalty. Therefore, in the representative of another sign, he is looking for a grateful spectator, in return giving patronage and protection.

But, as you know, in addition to opposites, there must be points of contact, otherwise how can Fire and Water agree.

In the compatibility of Leo and Pisces, this is the achievement of the goal and the competent distribution of time. Both one and the other sign have stability and assertiveness. And if the Leo openly goes to the goal, proudly waving its tail and incurring troubles and vicissitudes, then the Fish slowly but surely swims along the intended course, not telling anyone about desires.

The result will be in both one and the second sign, but the tactics of the representatives of Water can help the impulsive and ambitious Leo.

The union of the elements in any area will be instructive and difficult... Although Pisces is ready to put up with Leo's leadership and imitate him, he also wants to play the first violin in relationships, be it business or personal. Leo is hurt by this behavior. When the distribution of roles and execution begins, quarrels and scandals can develop.

Union benefits

In the horoscope - this is a strange combination, it is believed that Water will extinguish Fire and suppress it. But in practice, normal relationships are possible. If the partners take into account the characteristics of each other's character, then a good result can be obtained.

The strengths of communication include:

  • The ability of Pisces to feel protected from problems and conflicts. It is important for her to feel calm and be under control, if the representative of the sign loses the sense of reality and begins to get angry, then this ends in choleric tantrums.
  • Both partners can discover new facets of temper and learn from each other how to behave in unpredictable conditions. This is useful for Leo with his hot temper and hot temperament. The fish will serve as an emotional brake, it depends on how much to control the feelings of the partner.
  • Leo loves to protect others and show an advantage, a higher essence. Not all signs may like this. But it is Pisces who are looking for a patron who are ready to admire and rejoice. A chance meeting of these signs can change a lot in fate.
  • If the representatives of the horoscope have a common goal, then they will achieve it. Leo loves to grab a hundred things, but none can be completed, Pisces is diligent, so he can concentrate his partner on a specific task. In business, this is important.

Disadvantages of tandem

In addition to positive feelings, in terms of friendship and the possibility of personal growth, there will be many disadvantages in the union. Of course, this does not mean that the paths must go their separate ways, but if Leo and Pisces do not pay attention to each other's warning signals, then the matter may end badly.

TO weaknesses relationships in different areas can be attributed:

  • Selfishness and self-confidence of representatives of the element of Water. This is about expressing your own thoughts and point of view. If Pisces thinks he is right, no one can object. She perceives even comments and recommendations as a personal offense, but at the same time she does not hesitate to offend others, telling them the bitter truth.
  • Cunning of Pisces. Smiling in the face of a partner, they can easily pull a knife out of their pocket and stab it in the back if this gives them full advantage and power. Leo may not notice such commercialism, but having forgiven once, the second time he will leave, leaving the representative of the element of Water alone with him.
  • If, in a union, both signs begin to show their strengths of character and point out each other's shortcomings, then nothing good will come of it. Constant quarrels and scandals can kill not only business relationships, but also romantic ones, and destroy a marriage.
  • Leo wants space and does not understand that Pisces treats him as a loved one. When he leaves to think, the representative of Water has a desire to run after Leo and start making excuses for his actions. The representative of the element of Fire is bewildered by this and feels that he has offended his partner, but does not understand what the problem is. This is a discomfort for both, you need to adapt to each other and appreciate the individuality of the partner.

Pisces man and Leo woman

The representative of the element of Fire knows how to surprise others with shocking and showiness. It will not be difficult for her to conquer any man at a glance. She is artistic and gentle, impulsive, knows how to play different roles, which makes her a great partner. When a man meets a Lioness, he thinks that he is beginning to conquer the lady, although she just let her play.

Most often, representatives of this sign choose such a bright and charismatic partner for themselves to complement them. But in adulthood, other values ​​appear and the woman wants to start a family with a reliable companion. Calm and balanced Pisces just fits this description.

The representative of Water knows how to make money and does it so easily and smoothly, as if he is under the horn of prosperity. Perhaps finances attract a beautiful Lioness to a nondescript partner. Although the lady does not know how to bend her soul, when it comes to feelings and true love.

The compatibility of Leo and Pisces in a relationship has every chance of success, but this is provided if the girl and the guy are on an equal footing and the feelings are mutual.

In love, the jealousy of Pisces is acutely manifested, the desire to protect the partner from friends and acquaintances is so strong that they become obsessed with this idea. And the Lioness needs space and a sense of freedom, otherwise she is lost and depressed. The compatibility of Leo-man and Pisces-woman in the same way requires their own space, otherwise the couple will come to a standstill.

In bed, the union is ideal, the man of the element of Water loves games and is the initiator himself, and the lady does not mind once again showing her sexuality and experience. That's why intimate life couples will be on top.

Regarding marriage, there are also no problems, both the representative of the stronger sex and the beloved are actively involved in the upbringing and development of the child. Mom will be key for the baby, she not only gives him love and affection, but tries to convey the wisdom and knowledge that her parents have awarded her.

Both Leos and Pisces honor the traditions and sanctity of the family hearth. Therefore, the couple will be faithful and happy in life together.

Leo man and Pisces woman

Leo loves to be in the spotlight and chooses a partner to match. He is attracted by prominent girls with beautiful appearance and a sharp mind. Rarely does he lower the bar and create a pair with girls who are calm and inconspicuous. But Pisces is not one of those. Although she has an agreeable character and she cannot express her opinion loudly, she will not be silent either.

A woman from the element of Water is smart enough to attract the attention of the royal Leo and will please him, although it will cost a lot of effort. But the Fish is tenacious and will not let go of the chosen one, changing the rules in the game and removing prohibitions.

In astrological terms, the compatibility of the Pisces woman and the Leo man is extraordinary, but strong. If sympathy smoothly turns into a love relationship, then this is a plus for both partners, because they will be able to receive from each other a lot of positive emotions and the necessary support.

A man does not tolerate scenes and does not like it when a lady begins to interfere with his personal space or hobbies. Even after the beginning of the relationship, he will not part with his friends, no matter how strange it may be. The fish does not stoop to humiliation and requests, if a man wants to communicate with someone, then she will find a friend and spend her free time with him.

They say about such women that they knock out a wedge with a wedge.

A lady in a relationship will be soft and light, unobtrusive and calm. But this is because she loves herself more than her partner, and will not allow her to destroy her inner idyll. Over time, excessive calmness will begin to infuriate the impulsive and emotional Leo, he wants to express feelings and frank conversations.

The man is used to the fact that the woman herself makes contact and tries to keep her near her, using tricks and techniques. He likes this game, this is an opportunity for Leo to feel in demand and desired. The fish considers this a humiliation and a simple waste of time, therefore, does not pay attention to the man's demands.

In an intimate sense, the compatibility of a Leo man and a Pisces woman can give results, partners complement each other. But a strong relationship arises when the initial stage of the relationship is already behind and the couple has formed in terms of roles and performance of certain responsibilities. In this case, the age difference will play a positive role. The older and more experienced the Leo, the more confident the beloved will feel.

Business relationships and money

In business, Leos and Pisces can work together if they understand the task well and move towards the fulfillment of a common goal. Rarely are representatives of Water demanding leadership and process management. It is easier for them to follow the orders of Leo, but in the event that he also gives all his best.

The connection will be:

  • Productive.
  • Useful for both signs.
  • Long-term, subject to common interests.

Pisces know how to save and count money. They do not have such an attachment to material things as Capricorns or pedantic Virgins, but they will not overpay or spend more than they planned. Therefore, a reasonable decision would be to concentrate finances under the control of Pisces, an ambitious and restless Leo can spend all the money in a matter of minutes on a thing that he just liked. For the representatives of Fire, material has no meaning. They can make a lot of money, but they can also quickly spend it on trivia. Pisces control will come in handy.

But the fire sign can establish contacts well and attracts others around with ease of communication, good breeding and charisma. He understands what he wants and clearly expresses it in his thoughts. The tandem of Pisces and Lions will bear great fruit in business sphere and will bring considerable profit.

Among all kinds of combinations of pairs of horoscope signs, there are different unions - ideal and not very. As for the tandem of a lion and fish, everything is not so simple here. The compatibility of a lion and a fish cannot be explained, since it is difficult for them to get along together, but, nevertheless, they feel more than comfortable.

The fact is that Pisces are able to find compromises even in the most unusual situations, and lions are a fairly patient sign of the zodiac. We will find out what kind of relationship awaits this couple, whether they have a future and what troubles and hardships may meet on the path of life.

The sensual side of the lion and fish tandem

Before embarking on a more specific description of this couple, we will find out what feelings the partners evoke in each other. A girl in the zodiac, a fish or a lion in such an alliance is not used to flaunting feelings. It is difficult to guess about her emotions and only the closest people can know what is in her heart.

A man born under the sign of a fish or a lion, in turn, radiates strength to which one wants to reach. He is a real gentleman, knows how and loves to look after women. They write about them in books and make them the protagonists of romance novels. But everything changes from the time when the union of a lion and a fish is formed - two elements, water (moon) and fire (sun).

The lion man is conquered by the delicate soul of the fish girl, he wants to envelop her with attention and protect her about all adversity. As for the female half of the union, a woman is delighted that a man's shoulder appears next to her, and she can allow herself to relax and be strong. But this delight exists only at the very beginning of a relationship. Despite the proximity at the highest level, all this will soon get bored, and fish with a lion will face problems for the first time. Compatible in love relationship and in marriage is minimal, and the percentage is equal to zero in their zodiacal vector directed downward.

Pisces woman and Leo man love compatibility

A fish woman is a vulnerable soul, she needs to be understood and supported. She also cannot live without love. Faced with a male lion, the fish will not be able to find the tenderness they need. Since the male lion is a king who is fixated on his person, he will not care about his partner. He will be interested in fish as long as their relationship is at the stage of conquest. However, when the woman officially belongs to him and only to him, the ardor will significantly subside and the relationship is likely to come to a standstill.

Leo is a zodiac sign that cannot live in captivity, like the king of all animals. The fish woman cannot enslavehisand even the presence of a ring on his finger will not stop him from going to the left. By the way, a lion guy does not need to get physical satisfaction from communicating with the opposite sex, it is enough ordinary flirting to feel his own significance and consummation. Astrologers do not recommend entering into a struggle with such a character trait, but simply taking it for granted. Moreover, you do not need to show that such behavior hurts you, it will bring even more self-satisfaction. A woman should be wise, be able to surprise her husband in all spheres of life and make him understand that she is not a thing and not his property.

Is there a future for such a couple

A male lion and a female fish will not feel comfortable in such a pair. In addition to the fact that, if desired, a fish wife can take her husband into circulation, her secrecy and inconstancy will be frankly annoying. Most often, a lion just gets tired of constant discomfort and innuendo and seeks refuge in the arms of another woman, that is, a mistress.

However, the development of the situation may be different if the male lion and the female fish can be not only husband and wife, but also friends who will be sincere with each other. Otherwise, if a woman begins to use tricks, the man will cease to be himself and turn into someone who does not know how to make decisions on his own. Even such a scenario is not excluded when the lion turns to alcohol.

Pisces woman must realize that she has no right to break a man, build his character. You can close your eyes to many things and let the situation resolve itself. Leo, for his part, should be softer in relation to his partner. You need to try to be softer, not to injure her psyche and emotions once again. Try to keep what is created by a woman.

Are fish men and lion women compatible?

Despite the fact that you can often meet such couples, their life is not going well, the lion girl and the fish guy are not the most successful union. A lion woman and a fish man are far from the most successful union, they will torment each other more than enjoy.

The female half will have great difficulties in a pair. The compatibility of a fish and a lioness depends on the female half. A lioness often drastically tries to change herself, makes sacrifices for the sake of maintaining a relationship, if only the fish man is satisfied. The partner experiences dissatisfaction and unhappiness even in those moments when everything is calm, but this is only one side of the coin. The fact is that their life consists of stripes that make the compatibility of a male fish and a female lion impossible:

  • White - when the lioness and the fish are carried away with each other and close their eyes to the shortcomings;
  • Blacks - when they are close to breaking up, they are surrounded by quarrels and scandals.

In order for a lioness to get along with a fish man, you need to be prepared for the fact that his inner world you need to guess, reckon with the subtle nature. It is extremely unacceptable for a lion woman to do all this, she is accustomed to the fact that she needs to live according to the principle - not to keep anything in herself. Therefore, a guy in such a union can close in himself and even seek consolation on the side where he will be loved and understood.

As for the compatibility of a lion and a fish in life, the household side of the issue is taken over by the fish, since he is, after all, the head of the family. But even in this matter, the influence of a woman will always be felt, she will pull on invisible levers, as a result of which what she wants will be done with your hands. If a similar alignment of affairs suits both, the relationship can last long enough. The only question is, who needs it?

Both partners in such a tandem strive to conquer the leading role, the struggle in this field is inevitable. It takes a lot of time, nerves and effort, while it was possible to distribute priorities differently and live more successfully. For example, a female lioness born under the zodiac sign Leo could reach career heights if she did not waste time on a showdown with a lion. As for the fish, it cannot be said unequivocally that the state of constant struggle over-strains them. On the contrary, the man will feel quite comfortable.

How to avoid ending a relationship

  • Since a male lion has great requirements for partners, a woman's fish must be skillful in everything - household, sex and always look great; Pisces should never try to manipulate a partner, this will crack the relationship. Use feminine tricks wisely without going too far;
  • Leo needs to give more freedom to his other half, stop trying to keep everything under control, this is not always justified. You must always remember that next to you is the one you chose yourself and promised to be there for in any situation;
  • The spouse should also not lose her face and completely dissolve in her husband. To please in everything and everywhere, indulge in whims - this means obeying and ceasing to exist as a person.
  • It should not be surprising that there are so many contradictions in the couple. The reason for this is that the signs of the zodiac belong to different elements, the lion to fire, and the fish to water. As in life, water extinguishes fire (the moon acts on the sun in the ascendant), the same thing is observed in the interaction of two people.

Pros and cons of the union of lion and fish

Unfortunately, the couple has nothing to brag about when it comes to the pros of such a tandem. A woman should play the role of a victim in order to take full responsibility for herself and hide the negative behavior of her partner. Only in this case it is possible to speak, albeit not of long-term, relations between them.

A man in such a pair is not used to paying attention to the feeling, the subtleties of the soul. He sees the world more crudely than a lion. Even when choosing a partner, he acts as if he is buying a new car, rather than choosing a spouse for many years. Leo likes to solve problems quickly, said how he snapped. In this he is characterized as a real man. However, this quality is not always acceptable for fish.

Often a couple has financial conflicts. To prevent this from happening, a woman must certainly manage the cash flow, only in this way the money will be distributed wisely. Otherwise, the couple may end up at the bottom and disperse due to lack of money.

Fatigue of partners will affect the fact that they will stop looking for opportunities for compromise, which will certainly lead to a break in the relationship.

What is the sexual compatibility of partners

The beginning of a relationship can be bright and passionate, a man will be in love and charmed. The fact is that opposite people are often drawn to each other, in this case fire (sun) and water find themselves between each other. Sooner or later, it comes to intimacy. What is the compatibility of the sign of Leo and Pisces in love and sex? Unfortunately, in this area, too, not everything is so right. Pisces have their own idea of ​​sex as such. For them, it is an emotional impulse, unity not only with the body, but also with the soul, akin to sexual magic. Leo loves sex, he is ready to devote maximum time to it. He wants to feel the same passion from the opposite side.

Of course, an amorphous fish may not give the most favorable impression of a frigid and absolutely non-emotional partner who will not be able to satisfy his sexual needs. However, they also have a common feature, which, unfortunately, will alienate each other even further. It is the desire to be the recipient of sex and bed, they just allow themselves to be loved.

What is the compatibility in the professional field

The compatibility of the zodiac signs Leo - Pisces in work is also small. If these signs of the zodiac fell into the same working area, there will also be problems with mutual understanding. They rarely interact, as it is difficult for them to communicate. You should not pair them or a team, if such is supposed to be in the work, this will not bring success to the company. If you have to be partners in the work, then the leading role (chief) should be given to the fish, and the lion is better off performing the functions of a subordinate. This will be ideal for both the employer and the participants in the partner tandem. Both signs of the zodiac according to the horoscope can the best way express yourself in a creative field or in the field of art.

Outside the office or workplace, a lion with fish know how to relax at a corporate party and simple extra-work conversations.

Will the fish and the lion be friends?

Friendship is possible only in one case - when they have a common hobby or hobby. Then there are many topics for discussion and strong friendships are struck. Pisces feeds on optimism and opens the whole palette of their feelings and emotions to their partner.

However, it may also happen that the lion will not be found with fish. The reason for this is that the atmosphere will look gloomy and too boring. And fish will not want to be in the company of a lion, as it will seem to them too noisy and straightforward.

FISH + LEO - Compatibility - Astrotypologist - Dmitry Shimko

Pisces and Leo - very different signs Zodiac, therefore, the question of whether this union is possible is not without reason. But we can say with confidence - yes, it is possible. If both partners strive to demonstrate only Such an idealized person will have different temperaments and different attitudes towards life. The secret of this discrepancy lies in belonging to different elements, so a lot of efforts will have to be directed towards building relationships.

Compatibility: Pisces girl, Leo man

Pisces who are passionate about Leo are able to intuitively sense where to give in, and when to show character. However, they perfectly understand that Leo's pride does not tolerate disobedience, therefore, they try to solve all the necessary issues that require solutions and can lead to conflicts on their own. And Leos are presented with this as a desire to free them from the hassle. And they believe. Although, let's not be honest, Pisces often don’t lie - otherwise what kind of compatibility would it be?

Lions and Pisces are a union of two romantics, which allows you to get around many sharp corners and float around a lot of pitfalls. However, it should be understood that the fiery Leo in the depths of his soul always fears that the aquatic Fish will encroach on his space, extinguish his fire. With the wrong distribution of roles, this will be so, but, as a rule, Pisces has enough wisdom to use this ability for the good, calming the excessively raging Leo and harmonizing their compatibility.

Lions and Pisces are always interesting, because a woman, as usual, will strive to lead a man, but it was not there. Striving to be gray cardinal will face regal independence. If you prioritize correctly, then this will not be a problem: the wisdom of Pisces will really be able to direct the activity of Leo in the right direction, without infringing on either his rights or his independence. But all this can take on the features of a silly melodrama, in which a woman tries to influence a man by flapping her eyes, sweet chirping and whims. Lions do not like whims. Under no sauce. Or obedience, or nothing - such, in their understanding, a strange love and compatibility. Leos and Pisces, however, can learn to talk to each other, distribute zones of influence and remember that Leo is the head of the family. And nothing else. The main thing is that he believes in this, and Pisces does not give rise to doubts under any circumstances.

Leo and Pisces: sexual compatibility

Sex is able to balance in this couple. Of course, it's not worth betting on him, but he is really capable of smoothing the situation. But only at first. First, the Pisces woman attracts a partner with her appearance and flirting. Passion rages, and then it turns out that "cold as a fish" - these are not empty words. There is nothing you can do about it - Pisces has a different temperament. However, this can also be solved. Leo just needs romance, which Pisces can provide even in abundance. Again, if you want to listen to your partner and enter into a dialogue with him, many problems are solved almost by themselves, and if you still put some effort into this, they can completely disappear. Love each other!

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