Foreign Department (5 Department of the GOGB NKVD of the USSR). "Black Myth" about securityists: NKVD troops in the Great Patriotic War - what kind of people were preferably walked to you

Order of the People's Commissar of the Interior of the Union of SSR No. 00232

on the organization of the 1st Special Department of the NKVD of the USSR


Top secret

In addition to the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 00212 dated February 26, 1941 on the reorganization of the People's Commissariat of the Interior Union of SSRI order:

1. To organize the 1st Special Department of the NKVD of the USSR in the NKVD system of the USSR, according to the accompanying position and states.

2. Head of the 1st Special Department of the NKVD of the USSR, appoint Captain State Security Tov. Herstsovsky A.Ya.

An application sent by accessories.

People's Commissar of the Interior of the SSR Union

General Commissioner

state security L. Beria.


On the first special department of the NKVD of the USSR

Top secret

The first special department of the NKVD of the USSR is assigned the following tasks:

1. Implementing the centralized alphabetical and dactylconic accounting of criminals arrested by the NKGB, NKVD, 3-Administration of NGOs and NKVMF, prosecutor's office and vessels contained in prisons, corrective labor camps, colonies, chambers of the preliminary conclusion and other places of the NKVD and NKGB.

The reflection in the centralized alphabetical accounting of criminals is information about the persons wanted by the authorities, about the persons who have passed on the investigative activities of the ICC bodies - OGPU - NKVD, about administratively exile, expelled, special. and work, settlers.

2. Alarm the operational departments and peripheral bodies of the NKGB, NKVD and 3 NPOs, NKVMF on available and newly entering the system of centralized accounting materials on those registered by them.

Identification with dactyloscopy and photos of criminals changing surnames and other installation data.

3. Execution of requests from the Central Party and Soviet bodies, the peripheral bodies of the NKVD, NKGB, prosecutors, courts and other institutions on the inspection on centralized accounting of criminals (due to recruitment, agent development, arrest, special test, statements about the revision of cases, by the permissive system, On criminal record, etc.).

4. Execution of the Special Meeting with the NKVD of the USSR.

5. Drawing up digital information about the number and movement of the arrested, contained in places of conclusion throughout the Soviet Union, on administrative and exile, expelled, special. and work, settlers.

6. Control:

a) for the legitimate content of prisoners in prisons, correctional labor camps, colonies, the CPR and their timely liberation on serving the sentence;

d) for the correct organization of storage and use of archival-investigative cases of police, prosecutors and courts focused in the main archival department and its local bodies.

7. Organization of the All-Union search for criminals and other persons hiding from the authorities (a single search center).

8. Accounting and direction for consideration of applications from convicts contained in prisons, corrective labor camps and control over their consideration in the NKVD bodies.

Issuance of certificates of convicts to citizens treated in the NKVD of the USSR.

9. Systematization and storage of archival-investigative cases and materials of the general technical workshop of the BCC - OGPU - NKVD - NKGB and 3 of the NKO and NKVMF. Organization of operational use of archives by the NKGB, NKVD, prosecutor's office, vessels and 3 of the NKO controls, NKVMF.

10. Systematization and storage of office workshop of the NKVD of the USSR on confiscation of property and housing condemned; Consideration of property claims of citizens to the NKVD of the USSR on confiscation issues; Execution of decisions on confiscation on the activities of the NKGB of the USSR.

11. Development of organizational and legal issues related to the agent-investigative work of the NKVD bodies, the content of prisoners in prisons, corrective labor camps, colonies and the CPR and the activities of the Special Meeting at the NKVD of the USSR.

12. Development of scientific and technical methods for registering criminals and training employees of relevant qualifications.

13. Management and control of registration and registration of criminals in police, prisons, correctional labor camps, colonies and bonds.

In accordance with the tasks set, in the first special department of the NKVD of the USSR, 15 branches and secretariats of the department are organized:

1st compartment (central operational reference card):

a) Centralized alphabetical accounting of criminals arrested by the NKGB, NKVD, 3-Administration of NGO and NKVMF, prosecutor's office and vessels contained in prisons, corrective labor camps, colonies and other places in the conclusion of the NKVD and NKGB;

b) the reflection in the centralized accounting of information about the persons wanted by the authorities, about the persons held by the Investigation Affairs of the BCC bodies - OGPU - NKVD, about administratively exile, expelled, special. and labor, settlers;

c) alarm system of operational departments and peripheral bodies of the NKGB, NKVD and 3 of NGOs, NKVMF on the materials of the materials on those registered by them in the system of centralized accounting

d) issuance of certificates from central accounting for the operational needs of the NKVD and NKGB.

2nd office (central dactyloscopic card file):

a) centralized daistic accounting of criminals arrested by the NKGB, NKVD bodies, 320 organizations and NKVMF, prosecutor's office and courts contained in prisons, correctional labor camps, colonies and other places of detention;

b) issuing references on this account;

c) identification with dactyloscopy and photographs of criminals changing surnames and other installation data.

3rd branch (operational reference):

execution of requests from the central party and Soviet bodies, the peripheral bodies of the NKVD, NKGB, prosecutors, courts and other institutions, on checking on centralized accounting of criminals (due to recruitment, agent development, arrest, special test, by the permits, condominium, etc.) .

4th compartment (execution of solutions of a special meeting):

a) accounting of investigative cases coming from the NKGB bodies, NKVD, 3 of the NPO and NKVMF administrations for consideration of a special meeting in the NKVD of the USSR;

b) registration of documents for the execution of the Special Meeting Decisions;

c) control over the execution of solutions of a special meeting by local NKVD bodies.

5th Branch (Operational Statistics):

drawing up digital information about the number and movement of the arrested, contained in places of detention throughout the Soviet Union, about administratively exile, expelled, special. and work, settlers.

6th compartment (control):


a) for the legitimate content of prisoners in prisons, correctional studio camps, colonies, cps and timely liberation of their departure;

b) for the timely execution of the definitions of the Supreme Courts on the early release of prisoners;

c) for the correct organization of agent-investigative office work in the NKVD bodies;

d) for the correct organization of the storage and use of archival of the police, prosecutor's office and vessels focused in the main archival department and its local bodies;

e) for the timely delivery of convicts from the camps for the operational needs of the NKVD bodies, the NKGB, 3 of the NKO and NKVMF, prosecutor's office and the court.

7th compartment (search):

a) the organization of the All-Union search for criminals, hiding from the court,

consequences, agent observation and fled from the places of imprisonment, regardless of the nature, place and time of the crime and escape;

b) the organization of the All-Union is a search for other persons hiding from the authorities: who left the SPECIAL SPECIAL. and work, villages, hiding from reference, expulsion, deserters, prisoners of war and others;

c) control over the work of local bodies of the NKVD on the search for criminals.

8th Branch (accounting of applications):

(a) Accounting and direction for consideration of applications from convicts contained in prisons, correctional labor camps and colonies;

b) control over the consideration of applications in the NKVD bodies;

c) issuance of certificates of convicted citizens addressed to the NKVD of the USSR.

9th compartment (general archive):

a) reception, accounting and distribution to the branches of the archive entering the archive and correspondence;

b) the organization of the operational use of archival materials;

c) reading room;

d) Restoration laboratory.

10th Branch (Investigative Archive):

a) systematization, storage, operational-thematic and technical processing of investigative activities of the IGPU - OGPU - NKVD - NKGB, 3 of the NKO and NKVMF controls from No. 1 to No. 620.000;

b) issuance of certificates of affairs and cases for Operational Bodies of the NKGB, NKVD, 3 of the NPC and NKVMF, Prosecutor's Office and Court;

c) control over the return of cases issued from the archive.

11th Branch (Investigative Archive):

performs the same functions of archival-investigative cases from No. 620001 to the end.

12th compartment (special archive):

performs the same functions regarding particularly important and secret cases. 13th compartment (archive of general office work):

(a) Systematization and storage of the leadership of the party and the government on the operational-cheeky work of the ICP - OGPU - NKVD - NKGB and 3 of the NPO and NKVMF controls;

b) systematization and storage of orders, circulars and Instructions of the ICC - OGPU - NKVD - NKGB and 3 NPO controls, NKVMF;

c) systematization and storage of judicial protocols of the IGPU - OGPU - NKVD;

d) systematization and storage of personal deals. Employees of the HCHK - OGPU - NKVD - NKGB;

e) systematization and storage of personal cases of prisoners, dead, liberated and fled from prison;

(e) Systematization, storage, operational-thematic and technical processing of materials of general general workshop of the ICP - NKVD - NKGB and 3 NKO controls, NKVMF.

14th (confiscated accounting):

a) systematization and storage of office work of the NKVD of the USSR on confiscation of property and housing condemned;

b) consideration of property claims of citizens to the NKVD of the USSR on confiscation issues;

c) fulfillment of decisions on confiscation on the activities of the USSR NKGB.

15th Branch (OGR. Instructor):

(a) Development of organizational and legal issues related to the agenic-investigation work of the NKVD bodies, the content of prisoners in prisons, correctional labor camps, colonies and the CPR and the activities of the Special Meeting at the NKVD of the USSR;

b) the development of scientific and technical methods for the registration of criminals and the training of personnel of employees of relevant qualifications;

c) leadership and control of registration and registration of criminals in the police, prisons, corrective work camps, colonies and the CPR;

d) inspecting the NKVD, prisons, camps and colonies in terms of the registration of criminals and registering them.


a) reception, accounting and sending incoming and outgoing correspondence of the department;

b) control over the implementation of orders and orders;

c) performing machine-written works;

d) servicing the economic needs of the department (billet of accounting forms, accessories for registration of criminals, etc.).

The first Special Department of the NKVD of the USSR is organized on the basis of currently existing divergent devices of centralized accounting:

a) in the 1st specialty of the NKVD of the USSR;

b) in the main police department of the NKVD of the USSR;

c) in the police police. Moscow;

d) in the 2nd Department and OTP GULAG NKVD USSR.

In this regard, the newly organized first special department of the NKVD of the USSR should be transferred:

a) from the now existing 1st specialties of the NKVD of the USSR - the Central Operational Reference Card, the entire archive, except for the Agency Archive, the All-Union Rosysk Office, the Decisions of the Special Meeting Decisions, Accounting for Applications and Customs Management on confiscates;

b) from the Main Police Department of the NKVD of the USSR - alphabetical and dactyloscopic cards of centralized accounting of criminals;

c) from the police department of the mountains. Moscow - a branch of the All-Union Dactyloscopic Card School of Criminals registered until 1935;

d) from the 2nd department of the Gulag of the NKVD of the USSR - a card file of centralized accounting of the prisoners contained in the Camps of the NKVD and all functions related to the operational accounting of prisoners: consideration of applications, control over the disposal of the deadlines and the release of prisoners, digital accounting and supervision of the legal status of convicts ;

e) from the Poz Gulag of the NKVD of the USSR - a card file of centralized accounting of special advantages.

Deputy people's Commissar internal affairs

USSR Commissioner State

security 3 rank round

Head 1 Special Council NKVD USSR

state Security Captain Herstsovsky

Garf. F.9401. OP.1. D.590. LL.227-224. Script.

Lubyanka. HCHK-OGPU-NKVD-NKGB-MGB-MVD-KGB, 1917-1960. Directory, M., 1997.

The electronic version of the document is reprinted from the collection of documents Alexander N. Yakovlev.


Russia in the 40s (chronological table).

The main events of 1941(chronological table).

Structure and functions of the USSR NKVD at the end of 1939

I. Guide, secretariats and assistant to the secretariat.

1. Guidelines of the NKVD of the USSR.

2. Secretariat of the NKVD of the USSR:

Reception of the NKVD of the USSR

Reception Commissar

Code of Code.

3. The Secretariat of the Special Meeting at the Commissar:

1 Department (verification of investigative cases entering the OSO, familiarization and compilation)

2 Department (organization of meetings of the SSO, registration of protocols of meetings and the transfer of extracts and cases in 1 s / o, execution control)

3 Department (consideration of applications and complaints of convicts).

4. Special technical bureaus in the addict

(Using S / K, having special technical knowledge).

5. Special Office Bureau:

1 Department (development and publication of educational materials on check-and-work and work of foreign intelligence)

2 Department (drawing up characteristics and reference materials on managers, state and socio-political figures Caps)

6. Control and inspection group at the Commissar.

7. Especially advisable

(consequence of NKVD employees).

8. Secretariat of the first deputy. NKVD USSR in GUGB (Merkulov).

1 Department (operational)

2 Department (consideration of incoming applications).

9. Control and inspection group under deputy. NKVD USSR.

10. Secretariat Deputy. NKVD USSR (Chernyshev).

11. Department for an organized set of labor force under deputy. NKVD.

12. Inspection on the Kottlonadzor under the NKVD of the USSR.

13. Constant Technical Commission for the NKVD of the USSR.

14. Capital sector under the NKVD of the USSR.

15. Department J.D. and water transport of the NKVD of the USSR:

1 Department (operational transport planning)

2 Department (dispatch).

16. Sector Shirpotreb NKVD USSR:

1 Department (planning and price)

2 Department (production and inspection for quality).

II. Main Department of State Security.

1. 1 Department of the GUGB (Guiding Guiding Party and Soviet Workers) - as part of 1 of the GUGB department: Polytotel, 24 branches, school, Commands of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) and the NKVD of the USSR.

2. 2 GUGB Department (Secret-Political)

1 Department (Trotskyists, Zinovievtsy, left, right, meat, hatchnikovtsy, excluded from VKP (b) and check-in work)

2 Department (Mensheviks, Anarchists, Esiers, Bundovtsy, Zionists, Cleales, Procherators, Gendarmes, Counterintelligers, Punliars, Pellazakas, Monarchists)

3 Branch (Fighting of the Ukrainian, Belarusian, Ubro-Finnish Nats. K-R)

4 - "- (Agency development for A / with Polystiparti, Dashnaki, Turkic-Tatar-Mongolian national. K-R, Geruzek, Mussavatists and nationalists)

5 - "- (writers, printing, publishing, theaters, cinema, art)

6 (Academy of Sciences, Research Institute, Scientific Societies)

7 (Opening and Development k-P formations Among the students of young people, the system of drug addict and children repressed)

8 (drug addresses of the USSR and the RSFSR and his educational establishments)

9 (NKU, Verkhood, Prosecutor's Office, Drugsobes and their educational institutions)

10 (Fighting church-sectarian k-r)

11 (Physical organizations, voluntary societies, clubs, sports publishing houses)

12 (OSO, Militia, Air Crane, military registration and enlistment offices and notes)

3. 3 GUGB Department (counterintelligent):

1 Department (Germany, Hungary)

2 (Japan, China)

3 (England)

4 (France, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain)

5 (Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia)

6 (Poland)

7 (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark)

8 (USA and South America)

9 (Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Internal Page. K-R)

10 (White Guard K-R Elements)

11 (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania)

12 (NKID of the Instant and Consulate)

13 (Icca, Mopp)

14 (external, trading)

15 (Intourist and Vox)

Part of class


16, 17, 18, 19 branches of ADC.

4. 4 GUGB (special) department:

1 Department (headquarters)

2 (universal)

3 (aviation)

4 (technical troops)

5 (moto-technical

6 (artillery, cavalry and articastics)

7 (infantry, cavalry and articastics)

8 (Poltorganians)

9 (satisfied authorities)

11 (NKVD troops)

12 (Org Mob)


5. 5 GUGB (Foreign) Department:

1 Department (Germany, Hungary, Denmark)

2 (Poland)

3 (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland)

4 (England)

5 (Italy)

6 (Spain)

7 (Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Greece)

8 (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Svalbard)

9 (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania)

10 (USA, Canada, South America, Mexico)

11 (Japan, Manchuria)

12 (China, Xinjiang)

13 (Mongolia, Tuva)

14 (Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan)

15 (technical reconnaissance)

16 (opera equipment)

6. 7 Department of GUGB (encryption, protection of state. Secrets):

1, 2, 3 compartments (protection of state. Secrets, check and account allowable for secret work and documents)

4 Branch (Decipheral)

5 (research, development and accounting of ciphers, drawing up the NKVD ciphers, preparation of encryption workers)


7 (organizational execution of the periphery, development of instructions and regulations on secret and encryption and agent work)

8 (encryption)

7. Investigative part of the GOGB.

III. Main economic management.

1. Guide.

2. Joint GEU Secretariat.

3. 1 Department of GEU (Industry):

1 Department (Power Station and Electricity)

2 (black and non-ferrous metallurgy)

3 (heavy engineering and machine-tool)

4 (Easy and Textile Industry)

5 Department (Forest Industry)

6 (Food Industry)

7 (local industry, drugmaking, industry building materials and enterprises AHU NKVD)

4. 2 GEU Department (Defense Industry):

1 Department (Mercance Ammunition)

2 (Arms People's Commissar)

3 (shipbuilding)

4 (Chemical Industry)

5 (AutoTractor and Tank Industry)

5. 3 GEU Department (agricultural s)

1 Department (drug addict USSR and RSFSR)

2 (drug addicts of the USSR and RSFSR)

3 (C / host universities, Research Institute and Livestock)

4 (Narcarzag of the USSR, Department of State Rospers)

5 (Narcarg of the USSR and RSFSR)

6 (Centrosyuzu)

7 (NKF USSR, Gosbank and Specbank)

6. 4 GEU Department (observation of the state shallow and affinent plants).

7. 5 GEU (Aviation Industry):

1 Department (aircraft industry industry)

2 (Motor Building)

4 (Cappons and the apparatus of the drug aviaprom)

8. 6 GEU (fuel) department:

1 Department (Oil)

2 (coal, peat, shale, gas)

9. Investigation part of GEU.

IV. Main transport management.

1. Guide.

2. Secretariat.

3. 1 Department of GTU (ZH. D. Transport):

1 Department (Central Office of the Farm and Carriage Economy, Central Department of Electrification, Operational Management, Research Institute, Scientific and Technical Council)

2 (Central controls: paths, movements, cargo, passenger, communications and telegraph. Sleeping wagon trips and sleepers impregnations)

3 (Central Supply Department and Departments: Planning and Economic, Financial, Accounting with Mechanized Accounting Factory)

4 (Various-repair trips, car repair factories and mechanical engineering, central forest department)

5 (Gudjondowstroy and other construction organizations, defense construction, research institutes and construction)

6 (Central Mobotel, Development of Mobplan Bodies 1 of the GTU)

7 (Moscow. Transport universities, technical schools and other educational institutions, central education institutions of the NKPS, typography, publishing house)

8 (Secretariats, juris. Departments, NKPS Business Management with all its submissions and autobares. Transanopr. With all organizations SoloTransTorgpit, Cao, Oah, Lokomotiv, Shuks, CBC)

9 (DTO Guide 12 J.D. Center, Metropolitan, Central Committee Union Zh.D. Center)

10 (DTO Guide 12 Zh.D. South and Caucasus)

11 Branch (DTO Guide Urals, Siberia and Far East)

12 (Guide Dto East Asian railway)

13 (accounting and statistical)

14 (Organizing and Frames)

15 (provision of wagons of a special norm)

16 (Operational wanted list on railway transport)

17 (exploration of transport objects).

4. 2 Division of GTU (Water Transport):

1 Department (Country Court, Rangered Constitutional Protection Communications, Cofhotes and Arsuda)

2 (sea, passenger, dry cargo, oil fleet and seaports. Maintenance of the corresponding central controls Drugmorry)

3 (Industry, Construction, Supply, Protection, Educational Institutions. Maintenance of the relevant offices and departments of the Comcomplot)

4 (River shipping costs, paths, ports and substruchants of the South-Week, Volzhsko-Kama ports. Maintenance of relevant departments and departments of drug addicts)

5 (Same on the Eastern River Fleet)

6 (planning, industry, construction and supply. Maintain the relevant controls and departments of drug addiction)

7 (headsemmort and its local authorities)

5. 3 GTU Division (Communication, Highway Roads, GWF):

1 Department (Communication People's Communication: Central Telegraph, Telegraph-Telephone Management, Central Long-Term Telephone Station, Radio Control, Peripherals)

2 (Communication People's Communication: 1 and Post Office, Construction and Management Departments, Research Institute, Feldsvyaz)

3 (Communication People's Communication: Educational Institutions and All-Union Radio)

4 (Gushosdor NKVD USSR, Trusts, Somporproekt, Moscow Design and Exploration Office, SomponSnab NKVD and Commander Truck. At SNK RSFSR)

5 (Educational institutions of Gushosdor NKVD, Madi, Technical School, Rabafak and Dornya)

6 (GUGVF with all divisions and educational institutions)

7 (Main Department of Hydrometeorological Service at SCS of the USSR, Central Institute of Weather, Moscow Hydrometeorological Institute, Publisher Hydrometeo Service)

6. Investigative part of GTU.

V. 1 s / o (accounting and statistical):

1 Department (accounting of agents and agent developments)

2 (Accounting for confiscates and storage of things of arrested, imposition and removal of arrest with property and housing)

3 (accounting of investigative cases and arrested, execution of decisions on the affairs of the central office)

4 (execution of OSO solutions and controls for reference and convicted)

5 (operational statistics)

6 (Central Card Photo: Alphabetical Accounting of the Polytendent Element, Detection based on the materials of the IGPU - OGPU - NKVD)

7 (All-Union wanted list of state criminals and dactylophose)

8 (reception, accounting and processing of complaints and applications for convicts)

9 (General Archive)

10 (Investigative Archive)

11 (special archive)

12 (Agent archive)

13 (Archive of personal care of agents and former. Employees of the HCC - OGPU - NKVD)

14 (general acelary archive)

15 (Accounting for repressed foreigners)

16 (operational reference)

17 (Organic Design)

Vi. 2 s / o (opera equipment):


1 Department (for Literature "N" - Microphone)

2 (by Literature "M" - telephone)

3 (PoliticalControl)

4 (for Literature "E")

5 (radio)

6, 7 (experimental laboratories and workshops)

8 (Government "HF" -Svyaz)

VII. 3 s / o (outdoor exploration, agent inference, installation):


1 Department (Outdoor Intelligence for Special For NKVD Guide)

2, 3 (outdoor exploration on objects 3 of the GUGB NKVD department - embassies, missions, consulates)

4 (Outdoor exploration on facilities 3 of the GUGB department developed by terror, espionage, sabotage and other to-p formations)

5 (Outdoor exploration for objects 2 of the GUGB NKVD department)

6 (outdoor exploration for objects 1 and 4 departments of the GOGB NKVD)

7 (outdoor exploration for GEU NKVD objects)

8 (outdoor exploration for objects of GSU NKVD)

9 (outdoor exploration for UNKVD objects in the Moscow region)

10 (agent agenic awareness, restaurants, cafes and bars)

11 (Agencies in the city)

12 (agent-installation)

13 (operational, searches-arrests)

14 (processing of agent materials and taught)

15 (pickup, accounting and preparation of the KSSchrov)

16 (financial)

17 (autotechnical)

18 (Economic).

VIII. 4 s / o (laboratories).

IX. 5 s / o (under the leadership of Hochran).

X. Mobilization department.

1 Department (organization and recruitment)

2 (operational)

3 (Material Supply)

4 (Evacuation)

Xi. Frame Department of the NKVD of the USSR.

1 Department (Completion of operational-chekist personnel: Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kalininskaya, Kursk, Leningrad, Moscow, Murmansk, Oryol, Ryazan, Smolenskaya, Tambov, Tula, Yaroslavl regions; Karelskaya ASSR and Komi ASSR)

2 (Completion of operational-cheeky personnel: Bashkir, Mari, Mordovskaya, Germans Volga region, Tatar, Udmurt, Chuvashskaya ASSR; Gorky, Kirovskaya, Kuibyshev, Penza, Perm, Saratovskaya, Sverdlovskaya, Chelyabinsk, Chkalovskaya regions)

3 (on the acquisition of operational-chekist personnel: the NKVD of the BSSR and its local authorities. Crimean ASSR, NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR and its local authorities)

4 (on the acquisition of operational-chekist personnel: NKVD of Azerbaijan, Armenian, Georgian SSR, Dagestan, Kab. - Balkarian, Kalmyk, Chechen-Ingush ASSR; UNKVD Krasnodar, Ordzhonikidze region, Rostov and Stalingrad regions)

5 (on the acquisition of operational-chekist personnel: NKVD Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Turkmen and Uzbek SSR)

6 (on the acquisition of operational-chekist personnel: UNKVD Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territory, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Chita regions, Buryat Mongolian and Yakutsk ASSR)

7 (Frames of special departments of the NKVD of the Red Army and Fleet)

8 (Frames of the transport authorities of the NKVD on ZH.D. Transport)

9 (Gugb, GEU, 1 Department of the Gugb Center)

10 (Secretariat, 1 - 4 s / o, OK, especially powerful, OTB, UKMK)

11 (according to the nomenclature personnel - Gourcm, prisons., GUU, GAU, AHU, TSFPO, CIAGS)

12 (on nomenclature frames - Main military controls)

13 (on the nomenclature personnel - Gulag, Gushosdor, Dalroy)

14 (Preparation and retraining operas, check. Kadrov)

Inspection on military educational institutions

15 Department (organizational, full-time, dislocation and premium issues)

16 (mobilization)

17 (accounting and statistical)

18 (personal storage)

19 (pension).

XII. The main prison office.

1. Guide.

2. Secretariat.

3. Politicalotel.

4. General inspection at the beginning. Control.

5. Mobility.

6. 1 CH. prisons, UPR. (operational):

1 Department (Mode, Security and Combat Training)

2 (Industion)

3 (agent service s / k)

4 (Accounting s / k)

5 (Stopping s / k)

7. 2 GL Division. prisons. (Human Resources Department):

1 Department (Cottage Sanctions on the Narcar's Nomenclature and Picking Primary of the GUGB)

2 (Organate)

3 (account)

8. 3 GL Division. prisons, UPR. (operational and construction):

1 Department (construction)

2 (Building operation)

3 (logistical)

9. 4 GL compartment. prisons, UPR. (supply)

1 Department (accounting and planned)

2 (Obloa-Broad-products)

3 (arth-technical program)

10. Sanitary inspection.

XIII. Central financial and planned department.

1 Department (organizational)

2 (Budget and Free Balance)

3 compartment (estimated)

4 (calculated)

5 (Central Accounting)

6 (revision)

7 (planning and financing Cap. Construction)

8 (planning and financing of production and operation of enterprises and farms)

9 (special)

10 (material balances).

XIV. Administrative and economic management.



1 Branch AhU - Special service.

2 compartment - mobilization.

Control group.

1. Administrative department AHU:

1 Department (Frames)

2 (Frames)

Accounting statistical group.

3 compartment (organizational)

4 (administrative)

5 (weapons and eroad. Major)

6 (for labor books)

7 (training)

Printing and technical group.

2. Housing department Ahu.

3. Economic department AhU.

4. Agricultural department AhU.

5. Ahu's planning and financial department.

6. Construction department Ahu.

7. Polyclinic Sanotel Ahu.

8. Sanotel Hospital Ahu.

9. Pharmacy Sanotel Ahu.

10. Commandant Division Ahu.

11. Autochotechnical department Ahu:

Central telephone node

12. Department of Feldgerer Communication Ahu.

XV The main archive management.

1. Guide.

2. Secretariat.

3. 1 Department (Organizing).

4. 2 Division (Secret Funds).

5. 3 Division (Scientific and Publishing).

6. 4 Division (ADM-Economist).

7. 5 Division (financial and planned).

XVI. The main control of fire protection.

1. Guide.

2. Secretariat.

3. General compartment.

4. 1 Department (Mrs.).

5. 2 Division (Services and Air Defense).

6. 3 Division (preparation and educational institutions).

7. 4 Division (OrgMob).

8. 5 Department (team).

9. 6 Division (military equipment and weapons).

10. Politicalotel.

11. Military Economic Department.

12. Department-building department.

13. Financial Department.

14. Sanitary department.

15. Central Military Economic Warehouse.

16. Central Research Institute.

XVII. Main Department of the Military RK.

1. Guide.

2. Opersecretary.

3. The criminal investigation department.

5. Passport Registration Division.

6. Department of Service and Preparation.

7. Railway department.

8. Special department.

9. Visa and registration department.

10. Traffic police.

11. Politicalotel.

12. Command Division.

13. Mobotel.

14. Special inspection.

15. Material and technical support department.

16. Administrative and economic department.

17. Sanice.

18. Finotelve

XVIII. Main management of highway roads.

1. Guide.

2. Secretariat.

3. Secret part.

4. Inspection at the beginning. Control.

5. Technical department.

6. Department of New Construction.

7. Department of Operation.

8. Planned department.

9. Financial department.

10. Department of educational institutions.

11. Mobotel.

12. Frame department.

15. Polytotel.

XIX. Main camp management.

1. Guide.

2. Secretariat.

3. Politicalotel.

4. 3 Division.

5. Management of militarized protection.

6. Forest industry management.

7. The Office of ITC and C / C Camps.

8. 1 Department J.D. Construction.

9. 2 Department J.D. Construction.

10. Hydraulic department.

11. Sea Construction Department.

12. The department of the fuel industry.

13. Department of non-ferrous metallurgy.

14. Cellulosic and paper department.

15. Frame department.

16. Planned department.

17. Accounting and distribution department.

18. Implementation control inspection.

19. Technical Supply Department.

20. The general supply department.

21. Cultural and educational department.

22. Financial Department.

23. Central Accounting.

24. Sanitary department.

25. Veterinary department.

27. Department of Mobilization of Internal Resources.

28. The department of mechanization and vehicles.

29. Reception and bureau complaints.

30. Mobility.

31. Department of Labor settlements.

32. Legal branch.

34. The Department of Special Construction.

35. Department of Labor Colonies.

XX. Central civil status acts.

XXI. State storage.

XXII. Central Club of employees.

XXIII. Management of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin (UMK).

1. Guide.

2. The apparatus of duty assistants of the Commandant.

3. Management Secretariat.

4. Expedition.

5. Special group.

6. Passion departments.

7. Department of Service.

8. Department of Combat Training.

9. Frame department.

10. Technical Communication Department.

11. Financial and planned department.

12. Sanitary department.

13. Orchestra.

14. Politicalotel.

15. Commands.

2. Economic management UMK:

Management and Secretariat

Operating and technical department

Material and Technical Support Department

The Department special purpose

Commander of the Grand Kremlin Palace

Construction department

3. Special Destination Regiment Ukmek

4. Separate battalion GUGB - UMK

5. Separate transport company.

6. Military fire team.

XXIV. Main Department of Border Forces.

1. Guide.

2. Secretariat.

3. 5 department.

4. Headquarters of the troops.

5. Political management of troops.

6. Aviation Department.

7. Sea department.

8. Department for Concount. composition.

9. Sanitary department.

10. Veterinary department.

11. Material and technical support department.

XXV. The main management of the NKVD troops on guarding ZH.D. structures.

1. Command.

2. Secretariat.

4. Operational department.

5. The Board Training Department.

6. Communication department.

7. Department of Organization Mob. Packing.

8. Polytotel.

9. Division of the room.

10. Arms Department.

12. Service department.

Xxvi. The main management of the convoy forces.

1. Guide.

2. Secretariat.

3. Headquarters of the troops.

4. Polytotel.

5. Department for whom Natch.

7. Control and inspection group.

Xxvii. Head of the NKVD troops on the protection of specialized enterprises of industry.

1. Command.

3. Secretariat.

4. 1 Department (Operational).

5. 2 Division (Organizing Compaction).

6. 3 Division (combat training).

7. Communication service.

8. Office with / dogs.

9. Department for whom Natch.

10. Military-house. inspection.

11. Politicalotel.


13. Vehvalzhba.

XXVIII. Main management of military supply.

1. Command.

2. Secretariat.

3. Politicalotel.

4. Control and inspection group.

5. Sanotel.

6. 1 department (art.-technical. Armament).

7. 2 Division (auto-armor-tank property).

8. 3 Division (planned).

9. 4 Division (Financial).

10. 5 Division (Odfure).

11. 6 Division (Macecraft).

12. 7 Division (combustible and lubricants and fire protection).

13. 8 Division (Property Communication).

14. Division in the room.

15. Department of Warehouses and Workshops.

XXIX. The main military construction management.

1. Management

2. Politicalotel.

3. Production department.

4. Design and estimate department.

5. Financial Department.

6. Supply Department.

7. Frame department.

8. Engineering Parts Department.

Xxx. Office of the NKVD for prisoners of war and internet.

1. Guide.

2. Secretariat.

3. Politicalotel.

4. 1 Department (mode).

5. 2 Division (accounting and registration).

6. 3 Division (supply).

7. 4 Division (sanitary).

NKVD and GO.

NKVD and GO.

National Commission on Democratization and Civil Society under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan, organization

A source:\u003danalitics&bulid\u003d95&bulsectionid\u003d8573

. Academician. 2015.

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    NKVD - [EN KA WE DE], Nepi., m. People's Commissariat of the Interior. ◘ The Shlisselburg Fortress has become an important reference point of the 1st division of the NKVD troops. Ignatieva, Kazakova, 83. A fighter battalion of the NKVD was formed here. Levitan, 72. If you ... ... Explanatory Language Sovildie

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  • NKVD against Gestapo. Operations of Soviet intelligence, Kuznetsov Viktor Vitalyevich. The activities of the "Foreign Department" (external intelligence) of the NKVD on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War in Germany and in the territory of Western Europe are traditionally hidden behind the curtain of Gostain. AND…
One of the motifs of mass repression in 1936-38 was the desire of the NKVDists to acquaint the Soviet citizens through the utilized by them. Almost the entire apartment fund sent to the Gulag of people has moved to punishers. Nkvdshniki also assigned property repressed.

To better understand that historical period, we will point out on its main problem - a terrible shortage of housing in the city. In the 1920s - the beginning of the 1930s in the city plucked millions of peasants. Housing construction has almost been carried out in these years. As a result, in new industrial centers, such as Magnitogorsk, an average of 4-5 square meters per person accounted for. m per person, in major cities (like bitter) - 6-7 square meters. m, in Moscow and Leningrad - at 7-8 square meters. m.

Most citizens juts in publications, barracks, basements and subsidies. Separate apartments were luxury, and the remains of the royal middle class (intelligentsia) continued to live in them, or a new middle class - Soviet managers, nomenclature and red intelligentsia. Under these conditions, the denunciation on the neighbor was one way to improve the housing conditions - to take his room in a communal service. Who had an administrative resource, they had the opportunity with the application of the 58th article to make accommodation in the elite (about those standards) housing of the repressed - individual apartments and at home.

Especially Ryano used this administrative resource of the NKVDShniki (less zeano - prosecutors and judges). The stories of those years show how the redistribution of large cities in the real estate market occurred. At the same time, we must not forget that these stories have become publicity thanks to the "Berievsky cleansing" of the NKVD, conducted from the late 1938 to 1941. In the guilt of the Chekistam, who worked during the "Big Terror" in 1936-1938, including the victims of the embezzlement, fraud, abuse of official position.

Here are some episodes about the activities of the NKVD employees of the Kuntsevsky district of Moscow.

"The size of the living space and the number of people living on it are carefully recorded in the arrest and search protocol. If only the arrested was registered there, the rooms were sealed and translated into the balance of the UNKVD administrative and economic department, and then distributed among the needy management staff. In case members of the family lived in the apartment, she remained at their disposal. However, there were no rules without exception, and the so-called "elite housing" was the so-called "elite housing".

In investigative cases of 1937-1938, materials revealing the mechanism of apartment "self-supply" are contained. When searching for the Muralov apartment located in Petrovsky Lane, the Kuntsevsky district department of the NKVD Karetnikov sealed two of the three rooms and warned the household that they should be waiting for "seals".

Already after Muralov was convicted, his wife in the summer of 1939 tried to return the living space. In vain: after a couple of weeks, an NKVD officer has already been filmed into the sealed rooms.

After the translation to Kuntsevo Kuznetsov received a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, in Gogol Boulevard. Kuznetsov united the apartment of Korean San Tagi Kim. The latter worked in 1919 in the Mossovette, later I went to my homeland with the tasks of the Comintern, and on the eve of the arrest he worked as a deputy head of the workshop of the Odintsovo brick plant, located in the territory of the Kuntsevsky district.


At the end of March 1938, Karetnikov had a consequence against a large group of employees of the Kuntsevsky factory No. 46. Under the arrest of V.P. Keborsky, the former head of the plant's supply department, he drew attention to three-room apartment In the center of Moscow, in the Greater Vassevsky Lane, where two rooms arrested with his wife were arrested. Karetnikov himself only in January 1938 received a room in Moscow, but was clearly not going to stop at what was achieved. Soon it turned out that the apartment was also registered on the desired living space.

"Karetnikov measures of physical impact achieved testimony from Kuborov that, allegedly, Litvak Yakov Grigorievich, who remained to live on the apartment of Kubor, is a participant in a spy-sabotage organization. Not having the right to sign orders for arrest, as a security officer, Karetnikov on March 22, 1938 signed an arrest warrant Ya.G. Little. Arresting Litvaka, by the Nationality of the Jew, Karetnikov gave an installation officer of the regional department of the NKVD Petushkov Show Litvian in the investigative case as the Pole. Petushkov performed an instruction of Karenitikov by criminal fake documents - introduced in the questionnaire instead of the "Jew" - "Pole", as well as in the interrogation protocol left free space and the word "Pole" was made after signing the G-Mr. Lithuanian page.

Considering the fact that after the arrest of Kubor and Litvaka, the wife of Kuborskoy - Kubory Maria Alekseevna remained to live on the apartment, Karetnikov entered the deal with the accused Kubor, asking to exchange his room with his wife. Having received the consent of KUBORSKY on the exchange of its apartment on the apartment of Kuboch, Karetnikov illegally allowed a date by Kuborka MA With her husband accused Kubor. Further, having decided not to change your room on the apartment of Kuboch, Karetnikov through Petushkova achieved testimony from Litvaka and other accused that Kuborka Maria is also a spy and on March 29, 1938 also arrested it.

Wanting checking the crime and present Kubor in the most negative form, which conducted a consequence of the cocks, on the installation of Karetnikov, faked the document - "Father's large landowner" appeared after the signature arrested after the signature, while Kuborovsky showed that her father of the traded. After the arrest of Kubor Karetnikov, having received a note from the former deputy. Head of the Office of the NKVD MO Yakubovich for the receipt of the order, united in the apartment of Kubor, his room was trained with a citizen of the Zaitsev, who lived through a corridor from Kuboch, and now takes a separate apartment from 3 rooms. Using the official position, Karetnikov at the expense of the plant No. 95 repaired the entire apartment. "

The same processes were in the regions. In the book of Teplikova "TERROR MACHINE. OGPU-NKVD Siberia in 1929-1941 "tells about" everyday life»Nkvdshnikov in Siberia.

A very common phenomenon was the distribution between the securityists of valuables of hours, rifles, bicycles, patephones seized as material evidence.

The apogee of the Nazi was the times of the "Big Terror". Chekists occupied homes and apartments arrested, assigned the situation and values, right up to the savings books. Traces of theft have noticed: So, in the period of rehabilitation it turned out to be impossible to find out the fate of money seized from the arrested, since documents on cash transaction operations in the Large Terror period in the UNCVD NSO were destroyed.

In 1937-1938 in Barnaul, "Nach. Department P.R. Perminov represented his head. Zhilotdel, and the head of the department of SPO K.D. Kostromin - Agent Zhilotdel. They had a large bundle of keys and distributed apartments. From the sorrowing conversations it was possible to understand that decent houses were the basis for arrest.

On the employee confiscated from the employee, the headquarters of the Sibbvo M.A. Zubova in 1937 in 1937, the gas-and then drove the head of the special Sibbvo department.

Fully disappeared without inventive, the rich property of the head of the ZapsibKrayzdravdrav M.G. Ltd., later an estimated daughter of 100 thousand rubles, whose confiscation was not subsequently no documents. Many Chekists have enriched, buying in a cheap or simply appropriating things for themselves arrested and especially shot.

They did not disperse and transmissors for the prisoners: monetary programs for the Novosibirsk region. The prosecutor I. Barkova (and after his suicide) assigned the investigation in his case P.I. Dhach. Assistant Chief of the SPO UNKVD NSO M.I. Derzhinsky kidnapped several savings books arrested and many bonds; For the embezzlement of valuables arrested by 50 thousand rubles in April 1938, the head of the department of CRO UNKVD NSO G.I. Bayman was condemned.

In 1939, the former head of the special inspection of the Novosibirsk obmilization I. G. Chukanov testified that the head of the NKVD department of I. a. Maltsev "encouraged the looting, he did not take any measures to those who removed the values \u200b\u200bfrom the arrested, sentenced to the VMN." The course of repression was gone a large number of Cultural values. It is known that manuscripts have disappeared, rare books and icons after the arrest of the poet N.A. Klevva, books, letters and autographs from the assembly of Novosibirsk writers G.A. Wytikina, V.D.Teshan, V.Iitkina (with the arrest of Veshan stored he Lenin's note was burned personally by the head of the SPO UNKVD ZSK I.A. Zhebrev).

Large library 256 items (including books with authors authors), as well as letters of Maxim Gorky, Alexander Bloka, Roman Rollan were removed from the writer G.A. Wytkin and disappeared without a trace. The prominent workers were distinguished in the assignment workers in the Altai Territory of Burimbaum, F.Kryukov, M.I. Danilov and V.F. Lushin. However, the heads of the NKVD management actually authorized the crimes of the last two, motivating the fact that "Danilov and Lershin conduct a great job to bring sentences to execution."

A lot of things were arrested by the head of the Tomsk NKVD I.V.Ochinnikov, as well as the employees of the Yamalo-Nenets Okostdel ENXVD in the Omsk region. Assistant Chief of the Kemerovo NKVD N.A. Beloborodov in 1939 received 2 years of imprisonment for the uncerticial spending for the needs of 15 thousand rubles, seized from the arrested.

The head of the Nerchinsky RO UNKVD in the Chita's region M.I. Bogdanov in the spring of 1939 was excluded from the party, and then convicted for 8 years for violation of legality, "the assignment of things seized from the arrested, for organizing a collective drunkenness for money seized from the arrested." The head of the UNKVD in Dalstroy V.M.Speransky was among the diverse criminal charges and spending 80 thousand rubles dismantled from the arrested and shocked.

Employees of Soviet intelligence participated in the illegal turnover of drugs abroad. Resident IO Ya.G.Gorsky in 1939 was accused of having working on the NKVD in Mongolia, established a close relationship with Torgpredda A.I.Birkengof (shot in 1936), bought his opium from him and speculated.

The Gorsky was not the only intelligence, which was presented by such claims. So, in the investigative of Beria, the reasons for the secret elimination of the plenipotentiary in China and at the same time resident of INO NKVD I.T. Luganz-Orelsky, killed on July 8, 1939 in Georgia. In the case, it was said that the police officer allegedly controlled the drug trafficking, and it was eliminated by a secretly in order to "not begged" accomplices. " Perhaps trade in opium was the form of funding for Chekist Residenters. "

The tradition of Chekist Raiders lived to this day. Only now members of the guardianship "press" not only books and apartments, but also plants and oil companies.

More in the Blog of the Interpreter on the NKVD.

The investigation materials were established that the employees of the Permian Gorhot of the NKVD Labor, Queen, etc. In 1937-38, mass arrests of citizens were made on the principle of national affiliation, social past without the presence of compromising materials on them ...

In order to create spy-sabotage and other rebel organizations, all sorts of illegal methods for the arrested were applied to the above-mentioned employees of the Perm NKVD.

For example, the former head of the Department of the Perm NKVD Korolev, as accused, as the accused, recognizing himself guilty of creating fictional counter-revolutionary organizations, at the interrogation on May 22, 1939 showed:

"... My criminal activity began from October 1937, when a number of investigators came to me, as the head of the department, came a number of investigators to adjust the protocols. Correcting explicitly fictional protocols and correcting them, I entered additions on the spy-sabotage activities of these arrested (surnames I do not remember) gave investigators supposed issues and answers to add the protocol, and, thus, as the head of the department, created fictional spy-sabotage organizations without availability relevant materials "...

Another arrested - the former Opera Complete Perm NKVD Radigin on this issue gave testimony.

"... Thus, as I and other members of the Queen Brigade, the interrogation protocols were detailed, the sabotage and espionage entered them, although there were no materials that are outlined in this activity ...

... these protocols subscribed fraudulently, i.e. I read the autobiographical data and did not read the arrested part of the protocol about espionage and sabotage and they signed these protocols ...

For the same issue, the accused Zyryanov I.T. (Former Opera Compact Perm NKVD) at the interrogations stated:

"The widespread use of perverted methods of investigation began with the end of December 1937, i.e. Since the start of mass operations. These perversions consisted first of all in the fact that they were carried out illegal mass arrests without any compromising materials "...

Zyryanov, on the issue of arrests in Dobryansky district, showed:

"... The most simplified methods were applied in relation to labor sellers. For the most part, the arrests were made on the list, without a warrant and only after arrest they made an appropriate design ...

... illegal arrests were produced in Dobryansky district. The first time was arrested by 123 people and the second time 500 people ...

At the end of December 1937, the head of the Lizunov branch, his Kamensky's assistant and I were commanded Levothsky to the Dobryansky district for the production of arrests and investigations on the affairs of arrested fists from the workshops.

In Dobryanka, we were within 5 days. During this time, 120 people arrested, according to the list brought by Lizunov.

The arrest of fists from the workshop was produced by exporting them to the village commandant, and then they were heading to the Perm prison. The sanction from the prosecutor for the arrest of these persons was not taken. The investigation in the case of these arrested we held within 5 days.

All the arrested were derived as participants in a spy-sabotage organization created by Romanian intelligence.

Interrogation protocols we constituted guided by our own fantasy, and to sign these protocols were forced arrested, by persuasion them.

Thus, there is no compromising data against these 120 people arrested, except that they are former fists and most of them by Romanian nationality, we have "revealed" a large number of counter-revolutionary formations within five days.

... I know that in the first days of January 1938, Levottsky was drawn up for the former head of the UNKVD Dmitriev, a fictitious memorandum with supposedly available in the Dobryansky district to / p. A nationalist organization from b / labor-settlement of Ukrainians, which aims to branch Ukraine into an independent state. After that, at the end of January or early February 1938, about 500 people of labor selerters were arrested in Dobrryansky district "...

Source: Permugani. F.641 / 1. OP.1. D.11293. T.2. L.72-76.

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