Pregnancy 17 weeks pubic bone hurts. Painful sensations in the pubic region during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, a change occurs in a woman's life. The expectant mother notices a change in appearance, outlook and in life in general.

Most of the change takes place in better side, but pregnancy can also bring unpleasant moments. Women may feel pain during this period. of different nature.

Some of these are the body's normal responses to changes. The rest, in turn, can bring complications after childbirth. Pubic bone pain is one of the common ailments in pregnant women.

First, let's take a look at what the pubic bone is. The pelvic bone consists of 3 bones, the pubic bone is also part of it. It is a steam room and consists of 2 pubes, which form an articulation.

The bone of the pubic part resembles a cushion in shape, in size it is comparable to the thumb of the hand.

Pregnancy softens the pubic bone, as well as other ligaments and bones. This happens to make it easier for the mother to give birth, and the baby was born painlessly.

Causes of pain

The hormone relaxin acts on softening. Due to this, the pubic bone becomes pliable at the time of childbirth.

Doctors cannot determine the exact reasons for this condition. But there are a number of factors that contribute to pubic pain:

  1. Big kid... The pelvic bones are under tremendous stress if the baby, along with the amniotic fluid, weighs too much.
  2. Excessive relaxin... In such a situation, the pelvic bones become very soft, and severe pain appears.
  3. Predisposition... If a woman is predisposed to diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, then the risk of feeling pubic pain increases.
  4. Lack of vitamins... Calcium is essential for maintaining healthy bones. If the body is deficient in vitamin D3, potassium and magnesium,
    then calcium is poorly absorbed and bones are deformed.
  5. If damaged soft tissues around the pubic bone, this can cause it to be misplaced.
  6. Limited mobility... During pregnancy, a woman should not lie or sit for days on end, since stagnation and then a sharp tension can cause discomfort.
  7. Inflammation in the urinary system can cause lesions in the pubic articulation.

It is also very important for a pregnant woman to monitor her diet, it should be made up of natural products. They will provide a full range of vitamins for the health of the expectant mother and baby.

Bone softening can lead to pain. If it is excessive, doctors diagnose symphysitis.

Symphysiopathy refers to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The diagnosis is made when the pubic bone is detached to a significant extent. The disease can hinder movement and provoke the development of inflammation. Symphysitis reminds of itself when rolling over on its side and walking.

The pubic bones should be at a distance of 4-5 mm from each other. If the gap between the bones is 6-8 mm, this indicates the first stage of symphysitis. This condition may not be very harmful, but care should be taken that the gap does not increase.

The second stage of the disease is established with a gap between the bones of 1-2 cm.The third stage of the disease is diagnosed when there is a discrepancy of 2 cm or more.

With symphysitis, pain is pronounced in the area of ​​the pubis, thigh and coccyx. Usually, with a disease, a woman's gait changes, and a small step becomes.

With pathology, the following violations may be found:

  • The gap
  • Puffiness
  • Loose bones
  • Stretching
  • Extension
  • Inflammatory processes
  • Softening

How the period of pregnancy affects the development of the disease

The development of the disease directly depends on the periods of pregnancy.

First trimester

Pregnant women for the first 3 months are usually not worried about symphysitis. If a woman feels pain and discomfort in the pubic area, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, this happens at the 9th week of pregnancy. Such sensations may indicate an infection that could provoke cystitis. Chance to detect symphysitis on early dates very small.

Second trimester

In this period, the first echoes of the disease may be found. Week 14 is characterized by a major hormonal change. In the process, the pelvic bones begin to soften. The process of disease progression is individual for everyone. Painful sensations are exacerbated by walking and other physical activity at 22 weeks of gestation.

Starting from the 20th week, the separation of bones is considered a natural process. With mild aching pain, you should not worry, as it indicates the preparation of the body for childbirth.

Third trimester

During this period, symphysitis is diagnosed in most women at 38 weeks of gestation. This is due to the growth of the baby's weight. If the bones are weak, then they are deformed by the suspension of the child.


If a woman is worried about unpleasant symptoms, you should contact your gynecologist. He, examining and making a diagnosis, should refer the pregnant woman to other specialists. The traumatologist and surgeon should perform a complete examination and confirm the diagnosis.

When determining the diagnosis, the doctor carefully interviews the pregnant woman. He must find out the duration of the pain and the factors that could cause the development of the disease.

When diagnosing, instrumental research methods are used. The doctor pays attention to the position of the woman. Since during pregnancy, research is prohibited: X-ray, computer, as well as MRI. An alternative is ultrasound diagnostics.

This study will not harm not the mother, not the baby. During the examination, the doctor determines the degree and distance of the discrepancy between the pubic bones.

Ultrasound examination helps to reveal the degree of discrepancy. If the 3rd degree of symphysitis is detected, the doctor prescribes a cesarean section during childbirth.

It is very difficult to make a diagnosis without tomography. Along with it, palpation of the sore spot is also carried out.


The main factor that affects the development of symphysite is rather difficult to determine. For this reason, preventive measures cannot be clearly identified.

Compliance with some recommendations will only reduce the chance of developing pathology. A pregnant woman should reduce physical activity and do exercises specifically designed for expectant mothers. The course of exercises is selected only by a specialist. Since some of them can have a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

Preventive measures include compliance proper nutrition and lifestyle. Products consumed by a pregnant woman should contain calcium and substances that help it to be absorbed. Regular walks on fresh air also will not be superfluous.

To prevent pathology, it is necessary to register with a gynecologist on time and visit him regularly.

  • Weigh yourself regularly and check your weight.
  • Avoid putting excessive stress on the legs.
  • Minimize stair climbing.
  • You need to sit for no more than 1 hour.
  • It is not recommended to cross your legs and cross your legs.
  • Place a pillow under your feet while sleeping.
  • Turning over during sleep, it is necessary to first turn over the upper, and then the lower part of the body.
  • The surface where the pregnant woman lies and sits should be soft.
  • Walking in heels is contraindicated for pregnant women, regardless of whether she suffers from symphysitis or not.


Antibiotics are used to treat symphysitis. To provide the best therapeutic effect, magnesium and calcium are used along with antibiotics. The use of these drugs does not depend on the severity of the disease.

If pubic symphysitis is manifested by a discrepancy of the pubic bones, use modern methods therapy can avoid surgery.

  1. Use of a bandage;
  2. Sleep on orthopedic mattress;
  3. Take vitamin B, magnesium, and calcium;
  4. Prescribe UV - irradiation;
  5. If an infection is detected, the use of antibacterial agents is prescribed;
  6. For severe pain, pain relievers are prescribed.

If symphysitis is at the 3rd stage, it is necessary to ensure bed rest. Bandaging tightly can also help.

The most common recommendation is to wear a bandage. It provides support and fixation of the pelvic ring. Wearing it helps prevent further bone displacement. It should be noted that the bandage must be orthopedic. It is put on while lying down and fastened tightly so that there is room for the palm to enter.

  • The pregnant woman needs to kneel down and lean on her hands. This relaxes your back muscles. In this exercise, it is important to control that the neck, head and spine are at the same height. Then you should bend your back up, lowering your head down, it is necessary, thus, to tighten the muscles of the thighs.
  • With this exercise, you need to lie on your back and bend your knees with care. Then they need to be pulled up to you and rest on the buttocks. Knees should be spread apart.

A pregnant woman should remember that any exercise can harm the health of the child. For this reason, a consultation with a doctor is required. Doctor's supervision is necessary, since some exercise is contraindicated for pubic pain.

With symphysitis, pain is present, which excludes sexual intercourse. A woman during sex will not be able to relax, but will only increase tension and irritability. In the process of intercourse, painful sensations may not occur only at the first stage of the disease. But after sex, manifestations are possible pain.

The second and third stages of pathology will not allow sex. Since a woman is constantly accompanied by pain syndrome. If a woman engages in active sex with symphysitis, then this can provoke a deterioration in the condition of the pelvic bones.

With this disease, exercise is meant, but they should be less active and careful. Also, these exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles. They should not bring pain to the woman. And sex is too active physical activity for a woman suffering from symphysitis.

Pubic pain: giving birth naturally or by cesarean

It is only a doctor who can decide whether a woman can give birth naturally or whether a cesarean section can be performed.

If symphysitis has led to a slight discrepancy of the bones, then natural childbirth is possible. Problems arise if pathology has arisen in a woman with a narrow pelvis and a large baby.

With the second degree of the disease, the specialist decides on an individual basis how the delivery will take place. There can be two options - surgery or natural childbirth. When deciding to give birth naturally, the doctor must notify the pregnant woman of the consequences. If delivery is unsuccessful, ligament rupture may occur. In this situation, the woman is put in a plaster cast for three months after giving birth. If the birth was successful, the woman's thighs are wrapped with a bandage.

If the pelvic bones diverge by 1 cm or more, the woman will be prescribed a cesarean section. Since during natural childbirth, a woman can damage the ligaments and harm the baby.

The doctor decides on the process of childbirth on an individual basis.


Pain in the pubic bone is inherent in almost 50% of pregnant women. You shouldn't ignore this pain. Since complications may arise that will affect the health of the mother and the unborn baby. With proper treatment of this disease, which should only be prescribed by a doctor, serious consequences will not occur.

Pregnancy brings many changes: it changes appearance future mother, there are changes in her life, worldview, sensations.

Mostly - these are all pleasant moments, however, sometimes the state of pregnancy can bring some complications in the form of pains of a different nature.

Some of them become just a physiological reaction of the body to your new position, but it also happens that painful sensations signal you about more serious problems or complications. So, pain in the pubic bone is one of the most common complaints of pregnant women.

Your body's pelvic bone is formed by the fusion of three bones, and one of them is the pubic bone. By itself, this bone is paired, since it consists of two pubic bones that form the pubic articulation. They also form the anterior wall of the pelvis.

In addition, it is worth noting that the bone looks like a roller, in its shape, and in thickness it is comparable to the thumb.

When a woman is carrying a child, her entire body prepares for the upcoming birth.

The changing hormonal background contributes to these changes, in particular, the hormone relaxin has a softening effect directly on the pubic bone, so that by the time you start labor, it becomes more mobile and pliable.

It is not only the pubic bone that is subject to softening, but also other cartilages, ligaments, and places of fusion of the pubic articulation. This was provided by wise nature so that you could give birth more easily, and the baby managed to go through the birth canal.

As you understand, with discomfort in the pubic bone, you simply feel pain from the fact that the ligaments are strongly stretched. However, if the manifestations of pain are very strong and frequent, then you should immediately consult with your doctor, as this may indicate the presence of more serious problems that are not caused by the physiological preparation of the body for childbirth.

Possible symptoms and risk factors

However, it is worth reassuring expectant mothers: symphysitis is, of course, an unpleasant diagnosis, but it does not pose any threat to your baby, although it will cause you a lot of discomfort.

Among the reasons that can lead to symphysitis or become triggers for its appearance, doctors distinguish the main ones:

  • An excess of relaxin in the body of a pregnant woman, as well as its increased effect.
  • The second reason is often a severe deficiency or acute lack of calcium.

This can negatively affect the child, because his growth and development depend on an adequate supply of all the necessary nutrients and nutrients, and a lack of calcium can lead to improper skeletal formation).

In addition, doctors believe that symphysitis manifests itself due to hereditary or individual characteristics of the body (perhaps if a woman had problems with the musculoskeletal system and before pregnancy, with fractures or injuries of the pubic bone, with some pathologies of the body structure, such as the saber-shaped form of the pubis etc.).

As a rule, the following symptoms help to recognize symphysitis:

  • it hurts to lift your legs straight (from a prone position);
  • the pubic bones are very sore when walking;
  • there are strong and sharp painful sensations if you press on the pubic bone;
  • when you make any sudden movement, walk a lot or climb stairs, step over the threshold, even roll over from side to side - the pain increases significantly;
  • pain syndrome grows and manifests itself more and more often (not only in the pubic region, but also in the pelvis and coccyx);
  • the gait changes, becoming waddling, like a duck.

How is the problem diagnosed in pregnant women?

If you experience or worsen pain, consult a doctor immediately. In addition to your gynecologist, other specialists - a traumatologist and a surgeon - will have to confirm the diagnosis.

Also, most likely, you will be referred for an ultrasound examination of the pubis, sometimes, if urgently needed, an X-ray may also be prescribed if the gestational age is not more than 16 weeks.

In a normal state, the distance between the two pubic bones is approximately four to five millimeters.

Having made an allowance for the discrepancy of the bones during pregnancy, you need to add another two to three millimeters. That is, if the bones of the pubic articulation are already apart by ten or more millimeters, you will be diagnosed with symphysitis (symphysiopathy or dysfunction of the pubic symphysis).

Depending on the degree of discrepancy and the presence of inflammation, they are isolated (the first is the safest and needs simple observation, and the second and third require careful monitoring of the condition of the pregnant woman and exclude natural childbirth).

The main methods of treatment and prevention of pain in the pubic bone

If pubic pain in your case is caused by the fact that the presenting part of the fetus simply presses on the pelvic bones, and the distance of divergence is within the normal range, then you will not be prescribed any special treatment.

  • it is better to sit on something soft (it can be a chair or a chair, however, it is worth staying in a sitting position as little as possible). If you still have to sit for a long time, watch yourself: try not to cross your legs, avoid asymmetric body positions, and at the same time your feet should be on the floor;
  • when lying down and want to roll over, first try to make a turn with the upper part of the body and only then change the position of the pelvis;
  • you are strictly prohibited from any load on the hip joint, therefore, even while lying in bed, it is better to put a blanket, roller or pillows rolled into a roll under your feet and butt;
  • try to follow, because extra pounds will not only prevent you from getting in shape faster after childbirth, but also are a serious load on all muscles and bones, including the pubic one;
  • if you need to take a step to the side, it is recommended that you first just turn around, and then step forward or backward, depending on where you need to go;
  • exclude heavy physical exertion, do not make sudden movements, and when walking, move slowly and calmly.

Your daily nutrition should be complete and balanced, so that the body receives trace elements and nutrients it needs for full functioning.

In this case, you may need to add more foods to the menu that are rich in calcium and magnesium (all dairy products, nuts and dried fruits, legumes, cereals, dark green leafy vegetables).

Also, additional preparations containing calcium and substances that help it to be better absorbed in the body - vitamins D and C can be prescribed. For this purpose, it is recommended to take the drug "Calcium D-3 Nycomed" (maybe "Calcemin" or others).

In addition, it may be advisable to start taking a special multivitamin complex for pregnant women ("Pregnavit", "Elevit", "Teravit-pregna", etc.).

However, you cannot prescribe any drugs yourself. Even useful vitamins can lead to serious complications if taken incorrectly or overdose: for example, if calcium becomes in excess in your body, the bones of the baby's skull will begin to harden prematurely, as well as early aging of the placenta.

To relieve pain a little, it is allowed to take. If the inflammatory process or trauma gives pubic edema, then ointments or gels for rubbing ("Betalgon", "Chondroxide") can also be prescribed.

After childbirth, in some cases, antibiotics are prescribed, as well as other medications and procedures are used to relieve the inflammatory process and help the body to return to normal.

Under certain indications, doctors also prescribe the wearing of a bandage. Its function will be to anchor and support the pelvic ring, preventing the pubic bones from moving further. This is a special orthopedic pelvic support.

There is also a whole range of gymnastic exercises, by performing which, you can help your ligaments become stronger and stronger, as well as increase the tone of the pelvic muscles, which will significantly reduce pain. Here are some of the most effective and simple ones:

  • familiar to all "Cat".

Get on your knees and rest on your hands, while relaxing your back muscles. Make sure that the spine, neck and head are at the same level. Bending your back up as you exhale, lower your head down and contract your abdominal and hip muscles.

  • Exercise that is very important for pubic pain.

Lie gently on the floor and bend your knees at a thirty-degree angle. Then slowly and carefully try to raise your pelvis (you do not need to raise it very high, watch your sensations) and stay in this position for a few seconds. Get down to the floor and start all over again.

  • Lying on your back, bend your knees and pull them towards you so that your heels rest on your buttocks. Slowly spread your knees to the sides and bring them back.

Please note that exercises can be done only with the permission and under the supervision of a doctor, since with progressive symphysitis physical activity is already contraindicated, and the woman is advised to lie more in order to prevent the problem from aggravating. Sometimes doctors even insist on inpatient observation and treatment.

The decision about the method of the upcoming delivery will be made based on several factors. To be allowed to give birth naturally, you need the following:

  • the child should not be too big;
  • yours is normal, not;
  • the bones were no more than ten millimeters apart.


Pubic pain is normal for pregnancy as your body needs to prepare for childbirth. However, with constant discomfort and severe pain, it is better to undergo an examination in advance and consult a doctor. This will not only help alleviate your condition, but will also prevent the situation from getting worse and also save you from unnecessary complications.

In the second half of pregnancy, a woman may experience pain in the pubic area. This is due to completely normal physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman, when the pelvic bones diverge so that during childbirth the child can freely pass through the birth canal.

But if the pain is pronounced and intensifies when walking, turning from side to side, then you need to consult a doctor to determine how large the discrepancy is and whether something needs to be done while doing this.

What is a pubic symphysis divergence?

The pubis in medicine is called the symphysis pubis or symphysis.
The pubic symphysis is cartilage, which is the junction of two pubic bones. The symphysis is attached to the bones using ligaments. Normally, this compound is immobile, but during pregnancy (under the influence of the hormone relaxin), the ligaments relax, and the process of divergence of the pelvic bones occurs, after which excessive mobility of the pubic joint bones, inflammation and an increase in pain syndrome can be observed.

Symphysitis does not affect the development and health of the fetus, it causes discomfort only in women.

It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan (preferably during pregnancy!) Or take an X-ray of the pubis to determine how much the pubic bones have parted. With a discrepancy of 10 mm or more, the diagnosis is pubic symphysitis (symphysiopathy or dysfunction of the pubic symphysis).

X-rays in the first trimester of pregnancy cannot be performed! From the second trimester (more precisely, after the 16th week of pregnancy), an x-ray can be prescribed if necessary.

Normally, the distance between the two pubic bones is 4-5 mm, but during pregnancy the pelvic bones diverge, and this distance increases by 2-3 mm, amounting to 6-8 mm (up to 10-15 mm is acceptable).

This is considered the 1st stage of the disease, although, in fact, this phenomenon is not something dangerous if it does not progress. It's just that a pregnant woman needs more careful supervision by doctors in order to make the right decision about the method of delivery in the future, if the bones are still strongly dispersed.

The distance between the pubic bones from 1 cm to 2 cm indicates the 2nd stage, and from 2 cm or more - the 3rd stage of symphysitis.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Symphysitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • acute ("shooting") pain when walking, it hurts to sit up and stand up, spread your legs to the sides, roll over on one side, step over the threshold;
  • lameness or waddling duck gait that minimizes pain;
  • there is pain when pressing on the pubis;
  • clicks, popping, or grinding sounds may be heard when moving the legs.

Pain can spread to the thigh, groin, lumbar, sacral (coccygeal) region.

Within the normal range in the second half of pregnancy, it is considered a pulling or aching pain in the groin, in the area of ​​the pubis and clitoris, passing to the inner surface of the thighs. So the pelvis of a pregnant woman is distributed. But if in a supine position it hurts to lift a straight leg up, then this is a sign of symphysitis, and you should turn to your local obstetrician-gynecologist with this complaint.

The reasons for the development of excessive dehiscence of the pelvic bones are not precisely determined. Scientists suggest that symphysitis develops when:

  1. Hormonal disorders, for example, with excessive production of the hormone relaxin. Relaxin helps to soften the ligamentous apparatus, so that the pelvis is distributed and it is easier for the baby to wade through the birth canal.
  2. Carrying a large fetus or with a large amount of amniotic fluid, as well as a low location of the baby's head. An increase in the load on the bones of the pubic articulation leads to a stronger separation.
  3. Poor absorption of calcium due to a deficiency of vitamin D3 or an imbalance in a woman's body of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  4. Predisposition to diseases of bones and joints (due to old pelvic injuries, excessive loads on the musculoskeletal system, etc.).

Treatment for pain in the pubic bone

Treatment as such is not carried out; after childbirth, the ligaments acquire their primary state. You can only temporarily reduce the pain by taking 1-2 tablets of No-shpy or by rubbing the area above the pubis with Menovazin solution. And if there is pubic edema due to existing inflammatory process, then drugs such as Chondroxide gel or Betalgon ointment are also prescribed (it is necessary to apply the funds over the affected area). And to replenish calcium reserves, Calcium D3-Nycomed or its analogues is prescribed.

Do not get carried away with taking calcium supplements. This can lead to premature hardening of the bones of the crumbs' skull, which is fraught with birth injuries. Also, an excess of calcium gives an additional load on the kidneys and promotes early aging of the placenta, which is not desirable during pregnancy.

Also, with symphysitis, it is necessary to minimize such physical activity as climbing stairs, walking for a long time, etc.

It is also not recommended to sit for more than 1 hour in one position and cross your legs while sitting.

It is necessary to stand firmly on both legs, and not transfer all the weight on one leg.

When turning in bed, you must first turn the upper body, and then the pelvis itself.

An orthopedist / surgeon / traumatologist may prescribe wearing a special pelvic bandage and performing a set of special exercises that can strengthen the ligaments and increase the tone of the pelvic muscles, which will reduce pain during symphysitis.

A pelvic band fixes the pelvic ring, preventing the pubic bones from moving and thereby causing pain.

In the last months of pregnancy or after childbirth, antibiotics and UV irradiation of the pubic area (the same solarium) may be prescribed to relieve inflammation of the symphysis. If there is no inflammation, then they simply carry the pregnancy further and wait for childbirth.

Childbirth with pubic pain

1. Discrepancy of the pubic articulation of 1 cm or more- can carry out a planned cesarean section. But most often, with a discrepancy of more than 2 cm, they begin to talk about the COP, so that during childbirth the pubic ligaments do not rupture. After all, if a rupture occurs, then the woman's legs are immobilized until the ligaments are restored, and this will take about 3 months in a cast.

But with symphysitis of the 2nd stage, women most often safely give birth in a natural way and recover without consequences for their own health.

After childbirth, with a successful course, it is necessary to observe bed rest for about 3 days, tightly pulling the hips with an elastic bandage. After the expiration of this period, you can begin to move around the room little by little, wearing a special corset that fixes the pelvic bones in the desired position, preventing them from diverging. The corset is worn for 3-6 months.

If after childbirth severe pain in the pubis, then nothing needs to be done, you can lead a normal life.

2. If the gap between the bones is less than 1 cm, with the normal state of health of the pregnant woman and provided that the fetus is medium-sized, and the pelvis is not narrow, childbirth is carried out in a natural way. As early as 3-5 days after childbirth, the pain will not be so strong, but it will completely subside after 2 weeks, maximum 2 months after the birth of the baby.

Many of the fairer sex during pregnancy experience various discomfort in the pubic area. Experts say that if the bearing of a child proceeds without serious problems, and an unpleasant sensation does not threaten the fetus and the expectant mother, you should not attach much importance to this . When pubic bone pain during pregnancy not pronounced or occurs within a short period of time, doctors explain that this is a process associated with normal human physiology.
The content of the article:

Patients very often turn to their gynecologist with a complaint that the groin hurts during an interesting position. The syndrome may be normal or may indicate problems in the body. The patient must definitely visit a doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear in order to establish the cause of their occurrence.

By the end of the seventh month, minor pains occur with a short period of time. This is due to the softness of bone tissue and joints, which is necessary for the correct passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

Pubic bone:

  1. Consists of halves;
  2. One of the components of the small pelvis.

It has an elongated shape, 1 cm wide. Thanks to the hormone relaxin, the pubis becomes softer together with the cartilaginous tissues.

Very often, girls in position suffer from symphysitis. Feel severe cramps when walking, rolling over from side to side, when trying to lift a leg. You must immediately contact:

  • Gynecologist;
  • Traumatologist;
  • Orthopedic surgeon.

Medical personnel find it difficult to answer the question of what causes this ailment. Perhaps these are the consequences of a large number the hormone relaxin or from a lack of vitamins in the body. The disease is unpleasant and causes constant discomfort.

Women in labor with symphysitis are prescribed a cesarean section. To facilitate the period of bearing the baby, experts recommend putting on a bandage and excluding all loads. You need to move less and rest longer. In a sitting position, be no more than half an hour.

If a girl wants to give birth to a child herself, then doctors will be able to assess her desire only for 30 or 32 weeks of gestation. Natural childbirth can be allowed if the fetus is not large and the discrepancy of the pelvis is not more than 1 cm.

The weakening of tissue connections becomes apparent already in the third trimester. In most cases, this does not cause much discomfort, because this is the body's need before preparing for the upcoming delivery.

Gynecologists during their consultations note that several pathologies can be found in the fairer sex suffering from symphysitis:

  1. Puffiness;
  2. Clicking;
  3. Crunching sound when walking;
  4. Lameness;
  5. Duck gait.

Such a disease can affect the condition of the bone tissue and cause their softening, swelling, severe stretching, leading to ruptures and inflammatory processes.

The disease can appear at any week of gestation. She is also able to express herself during and after childbirth. Girls who have experienced an illness with a previous child will notice that with the next pregnancy, the illness came much earlier.

Signs of the disease can affect the lower back and hip joints. The doctor on the ultrasound machine will be able to note a strong discrepancy of the small pelvis. Then he must investigate the reason. It can be in the form of trauma, surgery, illness musculoskeletal system organism.

Then the fairer sex will need to undergo an X-ray examination. It will help determine at what stage the disease is and its shift up or down.

At this time, the abdomen becomes more and more, and the load on the lower body also increases. This is due to the growth of the baby and the shift in the center of gravity of the woman in the drift. To get rid of this syndrome, you need to eat right and constantly monitor your weight.

Pregnancy 34 weeks pubic bone hurts

At the moment when the uterus and abdomen are growing, discomfort may occur. This is due to the production of a large amount of a hormone that is designed to soften bones and ligaments. But sometimes they are secreted in a very large volume, which causes the disease - symphysitis. If it does not go away, you need to contact your gynecologist as soon as possible for a treatment regimen and medical examination.

Pregnancy 35 weeks, pubic bone hurts

In most cases, when a girl sleeps on her side and wants to roll over on her other side, she is pierced by thrills in the lower abdomen. During this period, to relieve pain and tension on the pelvis, doctors recommend using a specialized sleep pillow, which is designed for pregnant women.

36 weeks pregnant hurts: pubic bone

The expectant mother needs to know that the appearance of discomfort in the bones at this time is a common symptom. This is due to the growth of the uterus and its load on the pelvis. In this regard, a woman in labor may experience pulling pains in the lower body and pubis, which provoke a lot of discomfort and inconvenience in life.

There are many reasons why there are various discomfort in the groin. One of them is a sign of the onset of labor ahead of schedule. At this moment, the woman on the demolition notes a strong pain syndrome in the bottom of the body, bleeding opens and chills appear.

Doctors note that groin pain can cause not only childbirth, but also appendicitis or ovarian cyst. At the time of the rupture of the neoplasm future mom will feel acute pain in the small pelvis, there will be heat body and a large amount of spotting will appear.

Appendicitis can cause severe pain syndrome not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the upper abdomen. This can be felt due to the enlarged uterus of the girl in position.

At this time, the expectant mother feels pain in the lower abdomen, which can cause her great anxiety. Do not be afraid, as the body trains before childbirth. Many women in labor have training contractions that are not regular and grab the girl's belly for only 20 seconds, and the intervals between them are quite large. The pain is also reflected in the pubis.

If the pain in the groin area is regular, this is the first sign that labor is beginning and it is necessary to seek medical help at the maternity ward.

When training contractions are very uncomfortable, you can take a pain reliever and lie down to rest. The medicine has no harmful effect on the baby. Girls in position must definitely monitor their health and the condition of their baby.

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If the pubic bone hurts during pregnancy, the question arises whether this is the norm. During pregnancy, the entire body of a woman, including the musculoskeletal system, gradually prepares itself for a significant load. The pubic bone during pregnancy, just like the sacrum, is strongly influenced by the weight of the child and the amniotic fluid. It is to strengthen the muscles and joints of these sections that there are exercises for women planning pregnancy, and special gymnastics for pregnant women. Uniform training of the entire muscle frame allows a woman to more easily endure loads when carrying a child, is the prevention of many pain in the lower back, in the hip joints.

Some of the discomfort may signal pathological processes and require a visit to the attending physician, and some are completely normal exercise before childbirth. The pubic bone is one of the bones that form the pelvis. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the hormone relaxin is actively released, which weakens the ligaments that hold the pelvic bones so that they can more easily disperse. It is important to adequately assess the degree of pain, and, in the case of really severe pain that worsen the quality of life, contact a gynecologist to conduct an examination and prescribe pain medications.

Many women choose not to take any medication during pregnancy because they believe it will harm the baby. But strong painful sensations are significant stress for a woman's body, and her poor health will certainly affect the child.

Modern pharmacology has a sufficient selection of painkillers that relieve the suffering of the mother and do not cause any harm to the child.

Signs and causes of symphysitis

Under the influence of a large amount of relaxin, the pelvic bones can significantly soften and acquire excessive mobility. Symphysitis is diagnosed when there is a strong softening of the pubic joint of the pelvic bones, often this disease is accompanied by edema and constant pain. The disease does not pose a threat to the baby's health, but it can significantly complicate a woman's life after childbirth, up to disability. If the discrepancy between the bones is more than 10 mm, childbirth is carried out by the method caesarean section... Symphysitis signs:

  • pain and discomfort when climbing stairs;
  • soreness when pressed;
  • waddling gait, duck gait;
  • a woman cannot raise straight legs while lying on her back;
  • change in posture;
  • pain when rolling over in bed, bending forward and backward.

Often, pain in the pubic bone is attributed to the fact that the weight of the child and the amniotic fluid puts a significant load on the entire musculoskeletal system, in particular on the pelvic bones, thus, the disease at the initial stage goes unnoticed. Minor bone pains are normal, rather than extreme pains. There is still no consensus in the medical community about the reasons due to which symphysitis develops. Possible reasons occurrence of symphysitis:

  • hereditary predisposition, genetic factor;
  • rapid weight gain and a significant increase in the load on the skeleton;
  • the production of a large amount of relaxin;
  • insufficient absorption of calcium;
  • injuries of the hip joints and pelvic bones.

For a correct diagnosis, you need to contact your doctor. On your own at home, you can carefully try to raise a straight leg while lying on your back. If it is painless, there is no symphysitis and the pain in the pubic bone is due to another cause. If raising your leg is accompanied by increasing pain, you should seek medical attention.

Usually symphysitis is diagnosed no earlier than the third trimester of pregnancy, however, when it comes to the body of a pregnant woman, all terms become very individual.

Symphysitis treatment

Help with symphasitis is provided in two directions at the same time: from the inside and outside. In order to stop the process of bone separation, you need to wear a special orthopedic bandage and avoid stress on the hip joints. In severe cases, hospitalization is indicated and a predominantly recumbent lifestyle is indicated. The likelihood of a natural birth can only be estimated by 32 weeks, when the pregnancy is close to completion. Correction of the diet of a pregnant woman diagnosed with symphasitis:

  • the diet includes foods containing a lot of magnesium (cereals, nuts, spinach, legumes);
  • the lack of calcium is replenished by milk, cottage cheese, almonds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds;
  • the intake of complex multivitamins and minerals for pregnant women is prescribed (Teravita pregna, Elevit).

Additionally, any of the calcium preparations may be prescribed, for example, Calcemin. It is important not to forget that calcium is absorbed with the participation of vitamins D and C, and to include appropriate foods in the diet. With hormonal imbalance and improper absorption of nutrients and minerals, these measures can relieve pain very slightly. However, a bandage and pain relievers make life much easier for a pregnant woman. To relieve pain, you can do the following:

  • do not stay in a standing position for a long time, sit for no more than 1 hour, lie as much as possible;
  • do not sit cross-legged, do not overload the hip joints;
  • use upholstered furniture with a back that you can comfortably lean back on, sofas, armchairs, do not sit on hard chairs and benches without a back;
  • at night, put rolled blankets or pillows under the buttocks in order to raise the legs above the level of the body and prevent overwork of the joints and pelvic bones;
  • strictly control the increase in body weight, make sure that it conforms to the norm for the period in which the pregnant woman is.

With constant wearing of the bandage and reducing the load on the pelvic bones, pubic pain decreases. A disease such as symphysitis is very common. Every fourth woman experiences pain in the pubic bone during pregnancy. If pain persists after childbirth, you need to see an osteopathic doctor or a therapist who will refer you to narrower specialists, for example, an endocrinologist.

Sacral pain during pregnancy

The same list of causes that causes pain in the pubic bone can simultaneously or in isolation lead to pain in the sacral region:

  • impaired absorption of calcium with a high content of relaxin;
  • heavy load on the musculoskeletal system;
  • long-standing injuries;
  • genetic predisposition.

Bones hurt during pregnancy in most women, but persistent pain signals the need for medical attention. An important preventive measure to prevent all pain sensations is gymnastics for preparation for pregnancy, which strengthens the muscle frame, develops the joints and allows the body to withstand this significant test without loss.

Due to the close location of the pelvic bones, discomfort can be given to other places, for example, it may seem that these are pains in the perineum during pregnancy.

What pain reliever to take

The safest pain reliever for pregnant women at all stages is Paracetamol, which is recognized by the World Health Organization. In the course of laboratory tests, no negative impact on the baby's body. Nurafen can be taken in the first and second trimesters, and the pubic bone hurts during pregnancy, usually in the third. Ibuprofen, including ointments based on it, can be used safely until the last trimester of pregnancy, as well as Spazmalgon and Baralgin. Before taking any medicinal product for pain relief, you should carefully read the instructions and strictly observe the dosage. Do not use this emergency method all the time.

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