The revolution in the year will be the USSR. Why is it possible

IN2017 will be 100 years sincefamous fateful revolution. it's the sameinfluenced the opinion of well-known forecasters that h

thenthis event will be repeated a century later. TO besides, the situation in Russia really suggests that the overthrowpresident is more than likely.

Will there be a revolution?

The opinion of the prophets

Lavrenty Chernigovsky predicted that the Russian people would regret that they would decide to contemplate the overthrow of the tsar - the president from God, and then that churches would be destroyed, closed, erased from the face of the country, about the trial of priests and monks. The monk predicts the conversion of the Russian Federation into a great state, which will be ruled by God's messenger, the devil himself needs to fear. But, he predicted the old revolution, nothing was written about the events of 2017.

All predictions for 2017

If you leaf through all the predictions of great clairvoyants, such as Max Handel, Wanga, Dixon Jane, then there is absolutely no information about the upcoming popular unrest. And even the saints of the Russian churches, as well

foreign prophets did not say a word about it

Is it possible to avoid a revolution?

Most popular bloggers are inclined to believe that a revolution is inevitable. Citing facts from history, for example, Aleksey Kungurov, convinces that popular unrest occurs regardless of the wishes of the people or the leaders of the country. Regardless of whether the bottom wants to change their lives for the better. The fact that in 1917 the tsar was overthrown by the revolutionaries, although at the beginning of the year no one foresaw the coming of the new government.

Alexey also reinforces the inevitability of the start of the revolution in October, with the opportunity after the events to get ahead in the world financial arena. Something like how Stalin was able to raise the USSR as a result of victory in World War II and overtake the rest of the world.

The year 1991 is sometimes also characterized as a full-scale coup, which, in his opinion, led to a push, positive changes in the technical, financial and political plan of the state. All these reflections lead to the fact that the future revolution of 2017 will only benefit, and will make the Russian Federation the most developed country in the world.

Is a top-level revolution likely?

Most analysts point out that the probable prerequisites for the revolution in Russia are

* the rapid difference in the welfare of the people and the incredibly fast allocation of each layer, due to the receipt of black income, most often from the budget

* passivity of the state's leadership chain in the need for global changes in all sectors and structures of the state

There is a hypothesis that the desire in any case to avoid changes that can upset the stable poor state of the state, will still accumulate problems within it.

A violent change of power is almost a natural process in world progress, necessary for the ability to control fresh brains.

People's revolution

But a huge army of analysts assures that there can be no revolution for such reasons.

* in the country there is an overwhelming number of citizens who are not capable of protests, of the struggle for a better future for their children and grandchildren, who want to live here and now

* a huge part of the population is not interested in politics and political life the state as a whole

* military actions, the seizure of adjacent states, aggressive confrontation, all this distracts the population as much as possible from the thought of a coup d'etat

* a fresh shooting of the people in Ukraine, left an indelible disgust for the beginning of the uprising in his country, especially since the situation in the country after the terrible events is rapidly deteriorating

And the most important thing, except “ United Russia”, There is literally no one to act in the role of opposition. In addition, the real leader “Lenin” has not yet been born, who would have had the strength and courage to lead the people.

Maidan in Russia

Konstantin Krylov more and more often focuses on his own scenario for the development of events in Russia.

Let's see which are the most interesting and fateful of them.

1.There is an increase in the suppression of even the slightest unrest and protests in the street and in society

2.Even minor shortcomings of the authorities cause sharp criticism of the country's leadership

3. Protests in most cases are paid, as indicated by the unknown leaders and inconsistency with the slogans

4.After parades are held in Moscow under red flags, all television channels predict the overthrow of the government

5. Unrest in the lower strata of the population is growing at a progression, as evidenced by the growing crowd of protests

6.When the confrontation between the police and the crowd is at its greatest, unknown snipers will provoke the killings

7.The current president is about to leave Russia, and his entourage will start a revolutionary company

8. The result of the victory of the revolution will be the division of everything that can be divided and export in an unknown direction

The coming 2017 is just around the corner, there is very little left before time judges all predictors.

An interesting video about the upcoming revolution in 2017 from Maltsev.

What do you think, will an uprising of the people against the government take place in 2017?

In Russia, analysts and ordinary citizens are increasingly raising the question of whether there will be a revolution in 2017. This is due to the fact that the current situation in the country vaguely resembles the events of a century ago. Everyone knows that in 1917 there was a coup d'etat in Russia, when the tsar was overthrown, and power passed to the Bolsheviks. Today, the supreme power does not arouse the approval of the people, and many of our compatriots understand that Russia is in dire need of change.

Clairvoyant predictions

Before the beginning October revolution In 1917, the Monk Lavrenty of Chernigov prophesied repentance to the Russian people that they had overthrown the tsar, because further the country would face destruction and chaos. To some extent, his prediction came true. Further, he suggested that a new ruler would come to power in the future, who would revive the country and make it a powerful power, but he did not mention the revolution.

Despite the fact that all the clairvoyants known throughout the world, namely Wanga or Max Handel, did not predict a bright future for Russia in the 21st century, there was no mention of the revolution either.

Although in the predictions of Vanga there was a mention that our country would be "pulled out" of the crisis by the ruler, it is not a fact that this is the current president.

Nevertheless, our contemporary Vyacheslav Maltsev, who has nothing to do with clairvoyance, managed to name the exact date of the revolution on November 5, 2017. This statement is unfounded, and besides, hardly anyone will be able to believe that it is on the day appointed by the host of "Bad News" on the Internet channel that the Russian people will go to overthrow from the post of President V.V. Putin, which is unlikely.

Historical facts

Some analysts compare current events with the 1917 revolution. Although at present there are no prerequisites for a coup. But, as some say, at that time the people did not plan to overthrow the tsar, and the Bolsheviks did not hope to come to power, nevertheless, the revolution took place.

The revolution of a century ago was inevitable for the reason that Russia was less developed in comparison with the countries of modern Europe. Thanks to the coup d'etat, or rather Stalin's industrialization, our country not only managed to reduce the backwardness of the domestic economy, but also to win the Second World War.

Between the events of 1917 and our day, our compatriots experienced another revolution in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed. But it did not lead Russia to an economic recovery, and the one that inevitably should happen in 2017 can lead and raise the country to a new world level.

Why the revolution in 2017 will happen

Indeed, there are some prerequisites to believe that the revolution in 2017 is inevitable and there are reasons for this. The first of them is the fall in the living standards of the people, despite the fact that the crisis affected only ordinary workers, the oligarchs and millionaires did not experience it on their budgets. The second reason is that the authorities of our country do not see the need to carry out reforms and develop the economy within the state, which has led to stagnation.

Speaking simple language, the Russian government currently does not see the need to change and improve the economy and does not take measures, despite the fact that the people are in dire need of these changes. And this is so, because the standard of living of people is falling before our eyes, the level of unemployment is growing, prices for food and non-food products are rising. The situation can get out of control at any moment, which can lead to a violent change of power, which happened exactly one hundred years ago. But at that time there was a powerful opposition, which is not present today.

Why there will be no revolution in 2017

There is a completely opposite opinion that there can be no talk of any revolution, the reasons are also quite objective. First, society in Russia does not have unity, that is, everyone is for himself and survives in his own way, defending only his own interests, and most of them are not interested in politics at all.

Secondly, our homeland has quite a few patriots who push their own interests into the background, for whom it is more important how Russia behaves on the world stage, because we have fought with the West for a high economic status for a long time.

Thirdly, everyone saw how the events developed in Ukraine, where the revolution brought the opposite result, observing the unsuccessful experience of the “neighbors” from the outside, Russian citizens would hardly want to repeat the feat of the Ukrainian oppositionists.

Will there be a revolution in 2017

Whether there is a revolution or not depends on many circumstances. Most likely, the answer is no, because a revolution is a terrible event, accompanied by losses, murders, destruction and hunger, for which we are not ready. Perhaps we will face a global change "from above", when the supreme power will stop waging a cold war with the West and begin to reform the country's internal economy.

There is an opinion that we cannot avoid the revolution in 2017 and it will begin “from below”, when the “cup of patience” of the people is overflowing. Indeed, the crisis in the country has dragged on and the situation is only getting worse every day. Judging by the forecasts of analysts, no improvement is expected; rather, on the contrary, the oil price is falling, and gold and foreign exchange reserves have to be spent, and they are not unlimited. As a result, the budget deficit will grow, which will primarily affect the common people. If the situation on the world market does not change, the domestic economy of the state will find itself in a difficult situation.

It is an indisputable fact that Russia needs changes, but at the moment our society is not ready to take radical measures. We cannot exclude the possibility that by 2017 the situation will change and something will serve as an impetus for a global coup, but these are just guesses and reflections. Currently, there is no strong opposition leader, so there is no one to lead the "crowd".

The next story contains a few more predictions about the revolution in Russia.

The country's leading analysts believe that 2017 will be a watershed year for Russia. The majority of Russian political scientists and economists have repeatedly said that the Russian state is inclined to repeat some "historical mistakes" with enviable frequency. If we analyze some historical events that took place 100 years ago, we can come to the conclusion that the question of 2017, which is of concern to almost everyone today, is quite predictable.

Even Lavrenty Chernigovsky said that the Russians would regret that they would allow the overthrow of their sovereign, because this would entail mass killings (all kinds of executions), as well as the massive destruction of church monasteries (this is what happened 100 years ago). The prophet said that a new anointed one would come to the country, and the “Antichrist” himself would fear him, under whose leadership the state would bloom. However, he did not say anything about the new revolution. Moreover, if you look at the predictions about the revolution in Russia in 2017 from the most famous soothsayers, Vanga, you can see that none of them expected this event, therefore, this suggests that in the near future there will be no more shocks in the country. ... However, recently a "new predictor" appeared on the network - Vyacheslav Maltsev, whose videos in in social networks say that the revolution will take place on November 5 (he cannot somehow explain this particular choice of date).

Possible scenarios

The famous political scientist of our time, Sergei Kurginyan, calls the 17th year "the point of no return for modern Russia." You can understand this phrase as you like, and you should not be surprised at this, because a group of people engaged in expert assessment say that today the state has four most likely paths of development:

  • "Upper" revolution - this development scenario concerns the so-called "elite", which can understand that in other countries it does not have special development prospects, but in its "native" territory some problems await it, and this can cause quite serious changes;
  • split of power - it is already clear today that all members of the government have their own point of view on the events taking place in the state, therefore, all of them may have their own ways of solving problems, it is not surprising that an internal struggle between representatives of power can cause the development of the revolution;
  • "Bottom" revolution - in this case, the revolution in Russia in 2017 is inevitable due to the fact that the uprising will raise the people (this scenario can be considered the most likely);
  • "Post-catastrophic collection" (the scenario of 1917 will be repeated).

Sergey believes that last option, of course, it cannot be completely ruled out, but frankly speaking, the likelihood of its development is minimal. History, of course, repeats itself, but each time period is still unique in its own way, so the assumption that the revolution in Russia will begin on November 5, 2017 can be considered untrue (this is hardly possible).

Thus, the overthrow of the current government is just a matter of time, but no one thinks about what will happen after that. Where will all this lead? 20 years ago, a number of restructuring and democratic reforms were carried out in the state, but now there is no need for them.

Some Russian political scientists, sociologists and economists predict that in 2017 Russia will face a shock - a social revolt or even a revolution. Some call the exact date when it will explode in Russia, others advise buying dollars, and still others reassure and suggest not looking for a mystical connection between 1917 and 2017. News editor of the "Snob" project Alexander Baklanov studied the forecasts for the coming year

When in November 2014 I began to use the tag “economic crisis” in the news of Snob, one of our experts, the head of a large bank, only laughed when he found out about this. He said that there was no crisis. The Russian government at that time also refused to admit that difficult times had come in the country. I saw the opposite: oil became cheaper, everything else became more expensive, people saved on food, and what was happening was very similar to the 2008 crisis.

There were many gloomy events in the world that year, which I followed closely. And, probably, that is why, at the beginning of September, I began to think about leaving Russia, out of harm's way. At the end of autumn, I flew to Asia for six months, and a few days later, on "Black Tuesday", experts, officials, and, it seems, generally all residents of Russia began to call the crisis a "crisis."

In the same year, I thought that in 2017 a revolution awaits us. Now it's hard to remember whether I read about it in the press, heard it on the bus or with friends, but this idea stuck deep in my head.

Why in 2017? I do not know this. However, the feeling that something is coming in the country, in recent times only gets stronger. Who predicted the revolution in 2017

One of the first - in December 2005 - the former Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Vladimir Ryzhkov announced the 2017 revolution. He gave an interview in which he pessimistically noted that a new revolution will begin in October 2017 - after the oil runs out.

Vladimir Ryzhkov, professor at the Higher School of Economics (in December 2005):

According to the estimates of the International Energy Agency, we have exactly 12 years of oil left. When the "black gold" ends, the country will be left penniless. The people will begin to storm the Winter Palace with the only difference that in October 1917 they wanted to seize the government that sat there, and in 2017 they want to take away the museum's paintings in order to sell them to foreigners and feed their families.

By that time, the idea of ​​revolution was already worrying the minds of Russians. According to Yandex.News, the first article by the Russian media, in which both the “revolution” and “2017” were mentioned, came out five months after Ryzhkov's statement - on February 16, 2006. It was a transcript of the broadcast on Echo of Moscow, during which the presenter read a message from a listener named Dmitry: “Joining the WTO is a planned preparation for the 2017 revolution”.

In the next six years, the topic of revolution was hardly raised in the media, and it was only on the 95th anniversary of the October Revolution that they started talking seriously. In November 2012, Doctor of Political Sciences Sergei Chernyakhovsky wrote a column for entitled “The situations of 1917 and 2017 are very similar”, in which he stated that “all the prerequisites are in place for the 2017 revolution.”

The revival began in 2013, when the branch of the Communist Party in Barnaul held a conference "Revolution-2017: Myth or Reality." Local communists believed so much that it was real that on November 7, 2015, the first secretary of the Barnaul city committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Andrei Sartakov, said from the rostrum: “There will be a revolution in 2017”.

In 2013, the Perm branch of the Lenin Komsomol, a youth political organization, tweeted a demotivator with Vladimir Lenin, who hid around the corner "in anticipation of 2017."

In September 2015, the economist Yevgeny Gontmakher published an article “Revolution 2017” in Moskovsky Komsomolets, in which he compared the prerequisites for the 1917 revolution with the current state of affairs in the country.

Evgeny Gontmakher, Deputy Director for Research, Institute of World Economy and International Relations (in September 2015):

If we compare it with the autocratic Russia of the 20th century, then today gives abundant soil for coincidences. For example, there is a rapid lumpenization of the population, which is predetermined by many factors: low quality of education, decline mass culture, an abundance of "bad" (ie, low-prestige and low-paid) jobs, the gathering of the most active and advanced people in a few large cities, leaving a critical number of "orphaned and poor" in other populated areas.

At the end of 2015, the former head of Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, gave a press conference at which he said that a revolution in Russia was inevitable (but he did not give an exact date for its start).

Mikhail Khodorkovsky, founder of “ Open Russia"(In December 2015):

We are dealing with a full-fledged anti-constitutional coup. What's the way out? In the absence of the institution of fair elections and other mechanisms for the legal change of power, the only way to change it is through a revolution. A revolution in Russia is inevitable. The remnants of reserves and the threat of reprisals only delay its inevitable offensive.

The question is how to make the revolution at least relatively peaceful and effective in terms of restoring democratic governance of the country. Revolution is a good word. It can and should be peaceful. Making the revolution peaceful is our common task. When will the 2017 revolution begin

November 5, 2017 is the date of the start of a new revolution in Russia. At least, this is the opinion of the former Saratov deputy, nationalist and video blogger Vyacheslav Maltsev, as well as his numerous supporters, who covered the walls of houses in Russian cities with the numbers "5.11.17".

Who is this anyway? Vyacheslav Maltsev from 1994 to 2007 worked as a deputy in the Saratov Regional Duma, participated in the creation of the local "United Russia", although later he criticized it more than once. In 2016, he won the Parnassus primaries and nearly led to a split within the party - after the announcement of "political terpily". During the first debates on the Russia-1 TV channel, Maltsev called for the impeachment of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He did not go to the State Duma.

Maltsev runs the Artpodgotovka channel on YouTube, where his Bad News program comes out every week from Monday to Friday. He begins each broadcast with the words about how many days are left before the start of the "new historical era", that is, until November 5, 2017. The channel is popular: each Bad News issue has about 80-100 thousand views, more than 100 thousand people are subscribed to the account.

Vyacheslav Maltsev (in August 2016):

By that day, a revolution will happen in Russia, I am absolutely sure of that. What it will be - with barricades, with tanks, or people will simply come to Vova and say: "Come on, goodbye ..." Everything will depend [on] how many people want to return to the constitutional field. Now they are in the majority, I see. And who will do any bloody deeds? Most of the people just want to change everything.

"5.11.17. We are not waiting, but getting ready! " - reads the slogan in Maltsev's public on VKontakte.

What will the revolution be like in 2017?

Scenario one. Riot

The Russian leadership, according to media reports, is already preparing. Here's one thing - in April 2016 in Smolensk, an exercise was held to suppress mass riots: OMON and SOBR fighters dispersed the participants in an unauthorized rally, who, according to legend, went out into the street because of the inflated housing and communal services tariffs.

And here's the second point: since 2014, the Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasts at RUDN University has secretly conducted research on the protest potential of universities in Russia. At the meetings, students were encouraged to speak openly about their position "and even enter into a discussion." When the project was completed, service notes were sent to government agencies. The Kremlin denied research.

Residents of Russia have already begun to protest, but active protests will begin in the spring and summer of 2017, said sociologist Natalya Tikhonova.

Natalia Tikhonova, Research Professor at the Higher School of Economics (in February 2016):

The outbursts of protest are already underway. But they go for economic reasons, locally. And in principle, the authorities are trying to extinguish them - not to press, but to extinguish them. Because while the population fully shares the concept that the current situation is to blame, firstly, the fall in oil prices (and this is like the weather or the harvest - today it is bad, tomorrow it will be good), and, secondly, that we are also try to bend in an arc after the Crimea. And the population, of course, is still ready for certain sacrifices.

People buy food anyway - they just don't buy a new refrigerator now. Or they decided to wait with a change of car. Adaptive mechanisms are well known. For example, a quarter of the population returned to vegetable gardens - at one time they stopped planting potatoes, now they have started again. Well, they didn't jail her for only a few years, maybe five.

That is, nothing fundamentally new has happened in their lives. And therefore, in general, there is no sharp protest now. It is another matter that after two or two and a half years of such self-restraint, household resources begin to run out. Shoes fail, clothes wear out, but there is no money for new ones, the TV is broken, the refrigerator is leaking ... In general, something starts to happen, which requires additional investments. And there is no money for this. That's when it starts to get really annoying. If we have been experiencing crisis phenomena for about a year already, then there is still a year and a half in reserve before the population begins to be indignant.

Scenario two. The crisis

Leading European economists doubt that recession protests could start in Russia, Bloomberg journalists found out in February 2016, who interviewed 27 economists from different countries... Only six of them said that there was a 50 percent chance of protests in Russia, the rest assessed the chances of a revolution at 30 percent. “The political response to poverty is likely to be apathy, not revolution,” Wolf-Fabian Hungerland, an economist at Berenberg Bank in Hamburg, said at the time.

There is no revolution in Russia and in the rating of the main threats in 2017, which is prepared annually by the Bloomberg agency. On the other hand, there is a new world economic crisis in it, which will surely hit Russia (this was the case in 1998 and 2008). In its pessimistic forecast, the publication predicts a repeat of the 1997 Asian crisis - markets could fall if Donald Trump unleashes an economic war with China.

Russian economists and experts are also expecting a global economic crisis, and very soon. The fact is that the world economy is subject to cyclical fluctuations, so another fall can be expected before 2019, says economist Vladislav Inozemtsev.

Vladislav Inozemtsev, Director of the Center for Research on Post-Industrial Society (in October 2016):

The world economy is subject to cyclical fluctuations that occur at fairly clear intervals. The world is now in its seventh year of sustained economic growth. No matter how this growth is supported, it will not last forever: serious slowdowns in the economy of the same USA were noted in 1980 and 1982, 1991, 2001 and 2008-2009 (while in 2001 there was still growth, while in other cases there was a recession). Judging by the frequency, a new sharp decline should occur between 2016 and 2019, that is, quite soon. And although the US economy did not suffer very much (in 2009, the maximum decline in decades was 3.5 percent), stock markets fell by 40–55 percent, and commodity prices changed even more. A repetition of something like this in 2017–2018 will almost certainly cause irreparable damage to the Russian economy. And what is especially unpleasant, there is more and more acceptance in the world that a crisis is not far off.

One of the most prominent private traders in Russia (in the words of RBC) Vasily Oleinik, in turn, believes that in 2017-2018 "something very bad will happen." And in this situation, according to him, cash will become a reliable asset.

Vasily Oleinik, expert at Itinvest (in August 2016):

Something very bad is about to happen in the next two years. When this happens, cash will be the most expensive asset. So if you have some kind of airbag, you don't need to store it in banks or buy stocks. Store money in foreign currency, not only in euros, but in dollars, francs, yuan. When disaster strikes, you have tremendous opportunities. You just need to competently dispose of the cash. Perhaps buy stocks that will fall in price to record levels, real estate - who has enough for what.

Scenario three. A revolution in the minds

The political situation in Russia will radically change in 2017-2018, but not because of the revolution, but thanks to the changes that are already taking place in the mass consciousness of Russians, the political scientist and one of the most accurate predictors of power shifts (according to Gazeta.Ru ) Valery Solovey.

Valery Solovey, professor at MGIMO (in October 2016):

I do not at all believe that a bloody revolution will take place in Russia, especially with large-scale apocalyptic consequences like the collapse of the country. Nothing like this will happen.

I am inclined to believe that the political situation in Russia will radically change over the next two years. And it looks like the changes will begin in the 17th year. The point here is not the magic of numbers, not that this centenary is just a coincidence. There are some grounds for this prediction.

If we say that everything is in the hands of the authorities today, we must not forget that the authorities, which have no competitors, will necessarily begin to make mistake after mistake. Plus, the overall situation is running out: the country is running out of resources, and dissatisfaction is growing. It's one thing when you endure a year or two. And when you are given to understand, and you yourself feel in your gut that you will have to endure your whole life (20 years of stagnation, what then?), Your attitude begins to change.

And you suddenly realize that you have nothing to lose. You already, it turns out, have lost everything. So why the hell is not kidding - maybe change is better?

Sociologists who deal with qualitative research, they say that we are on the eve of a cardinal reversal of mass consciousness, which will be very large-scale and deep. And this is a turn away from the loyalty of the authorities. We experienced a similar situation at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, before the collapse of the USSR. Because first revolutions take place in the minds. It's not even the willingness of people to oppose the government. This unwillingness to regard her as a power that deserves obedience and respect is what is called a loss of legitimacy.

Scenario four. Nothing

Political scientist and economist Dmitry Travin even doubts that a revolution is possible in Russia. In his opinion, the current political situation is not similar to the events of 1917, rather, to the Brezhnev stagnation, but with shops piled high with food and with the "ideology of a besieged fortress" in their heads.

Dmitry Travin, professor at the European University (December 2016):

In connection with the approaching anniversary of the Russian revolution, we increasingly began to look for features of the fateful 1917 in the coming 2017. Sometimes they even look for a mystical connection between them, believing that Russia is doomed to shake in convulsions precisely in the 17th year, and in no other.

We will not look for a mystical connection, but if you look at the specific factors that determine social instability, it will be difficult to find a serious similarity between the eras. The common thing, perhaps, is that political regimes in both cases contain only elements of democracy, and that a significant part of the Russian elite does not like this half-heartedness.

Today everything is completely different from what it was in 1917. Power is legitimate, although it rests not on divine origin, but on the personal charisma of the national leader. The standard of living is declining, but not at all as rapidly as during the First World War. And we are waging small victorious wars, not insane world wars that exhaust the participants to the limit.

The current situation in Russia is much more like the Brezhnev era. The stability of the regime is maintained in conditions when the standard of living of the population is slowly declining, the elites are dissatisfied with what is happening, even the charisma of the leader is gradually dimming, but nothing is happening that would predetermine a social explosion. Brezhnev, as we remember, died quietly in his post, and after him two more elderly general secretaries died in the same post before it was decided to announce perestroika. And it was not the old people, accustomed to a quiet life, who announced it, but representatives of a new generation, striving for some reason to build socialism with a human face.

And this despite the fact that, of course, there are a lot of dissatisfied people everywhere. But there is an enormous distance from discontent, sometimes recorded by mass polls, to a real revolution. Discontent is nothing more than one component of the social explosion. But far from defining.

It's hard to say what 2017 will actually be and what scenario will form its basis. Social tension in society is obviously growing, but I want to believe that this year, troubles will still bypass Russia.

Alexander Baklanov

The country's leading analysts believe that 2017 will be a watershed year for Russia. The majority of Russian political scientists and economists have repeatedly said that the Russian state is inclined to repeat some "historical mistakes" with enviable frequency.

If we analyze some historical events that took place 100 years ago, we can come to the conclusion that the question of whether there will be a revolution in Russia in 2017, which today worries almost everyone, is quite predictable.

What did the fortunetellers say?
Lavrenty Chernigovsky said that the Russians would regret that they would allow the overthrow of their sovereign, because this would entail mass killings (all kinds of executions), as well as the massive destruction of church monasteries (this is what happened 100 years ago).
The prophet said that a new anointed one would come to the country, and the “Antichrist” himself would fear him, under whose leadership the state would bloom. However, he did not say anything about the new revolution.
Moreover, if you look at the predictions about the revolution in Russia in 2017 from the most famous soothsayers - Julia Wang, Vanga, Matrona of Moscow, you can see that none of them expected this event, therefore, this suggests that in the near future in the country there will be no more shocks.
However, recently a "new predictor" appeared on the network - Vyacheslav Maltsev, whose videos on social networks say that the revolution will take place on November 5 (he cannot somehow explain this particular choice of date).
The famous political scientist Sergei Kurginyan calls the 17th year "the point of no return for modern Russia." You can understand this phrase as you like, and you should not be surprised at this, because a group of people engaged in expert assessment say that today the state has four most likely paths of development:
· "Upper" revolution - this development scenario concerns the so-called "elite", which can understand that in other countries it does not have special development prospects, but in its "native" territory some problems await it, and this can cause quite serious changes;
· split of power - it is already clear today that all members of the government have their own point of view on the events taking place in the state, therefore, all of them may have their own ways of solving problems, it is not surprising that an internal struggle between representatives of power can cause the development of the revolution;
· "Bottom" revolution - in this case, the revolution in Russia in 2017 is inevitable due to the fact that the uprising will raise the people (this scenario can be considered the most likely);
· "Post-catastrophic collection" (the scenario of 1917 will be repeated).
Sergei believes that the latter option, of course, cannot be completely ruled out, but frankly speaking, the likelihood of its development is minimal. History, of course, repeats itself, but each time period is still unique in its own way, so the assumption that the revolution in Russia will begin on November 5, 2017 can be considered untrue (this is hardly possible).

Is the revolution inevitable?
One of the most famous bloggers of our time, Alexei Kungurov, is fully convinced that there is no way to avoid a revolution. The blogger turns to historical facts and says that this event will happen regardless of the mood of the people (it cannot be denied that the majority of Russians are already used to living in a crisis).
Alexei analyzed the events of a century ago and found out that then the tsar was deprived of the throne not by the Bolsheviks (as is commonly believed today), but by the counter-revolutionaries, that is, all the glory of this event must be given to them. Why can events repeat themselves?
Because this is the only way for Russia to raise its strength to a new level and become stronger than the West (otherwise it will be extremely difficult to achieve this goal). The blogger believes that in 1991 (when the union collapsed), a kind of revolutionary situation also occurred in the state, but although it changed a lot, it did not contribute to the country's transition to a new level, therefore, in the future it will not be possible to do without such changes.

What will happen if the revolution does happen?
Today, the people have an extremely negative attitude towards state institutions of power, and this is precisely the reason that the citizens of the Russian Federation are interested in whether or not the revolution in Russia in 17 will be like this or not.
There is no stability in the country, and the authority of government structures rests solely on the figure of the current president, who has long for many turned into something like a leader.
Naturally, it is almost impossible to change the leader, but he (as history shows) can simply be displaced, and the modern government, which, in fact, consists of the president, is slowly leading itself to exactly this scenario of events, although for the people this option may turn out to be catastrophic.
A living example: one of the presidents of Mexico held power in his hands for more than 30 years, but after his overthrow, a long, bloody civil war began in the country that lasted 7 years, similar situations also occurred in Iran and Egypt.
Thus, the overthrow of the current government is just a matter of time, but no one thinks about what will happen after that. Where will all this lead? 20 years ago, a number of restructuring and democratic reforms were carried out in the state, but now there is no need for them.
Experts believe that if the forecasts for a revolution in Russia in 2017 come true, then the following events await Russians:
· a significant excuse of the taxation system in which the rates will rise by more than 50% (moreover, the likelihood of the return of taxation of inherited property in this case will significantly increase);
· overlapping borders (this will help prevent the flight of domestic capital);
· the return of the privatization law adopted in the 90s;
· creation of new enterprises, but with one "caveat" - the owner cannot be anyone other than the labor collective;
· state privatization of all large land properties;
· rapid growth of inflation and a shortage of consumer goods (as in the 90s).
In general, a revolutionary attitude in the state is unlikely to lead to something good, so it will be best if the revolution does not happen in the near future, and the crisis ends with the country reaching a new level of life.

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