The features of the structure of Luke and its root system. Practical work "The structure of the bulbs What roots grow from the Luke's Donets

Question 1. What kind of modified underground shoots do you know? Name plants having rhizome, tuber, bulb.
Tubers are formed as end thickening underground escapes - Counters. Strokes are growing from the base of the aboveground stems. Tubers develop as a result of thickening of the top kidney kidney (potatoes, hooker, earthwood pear). They are located kidney groups that are called eyes. Tubers serve for vegetative reproduction.
The bulb is an underground shortened modified escape. The bulb stem forms a don. Leaves, or scales are attached to the Don. Exterior scales are usually dry, they perform a protective function. They cover the compound scales, in which nutrients and water are laid. At the bottom there is a top kidney, which develops overhead leaves and a color-based arrow. At the bottom of the Donets develop additive roots. The bulbs are characteristic of perennial plants (lilies, tulips, bows, garlic, daffodils, wild onions, etc.). With the help of bulbs, plants can grow vegetatively.
Rhizome is also an underground escape, externally similar to the root. Rhizome carries the scratched leaves, in the sinuses of which are stubborn kidneys. Pressure roots are formed on the rhizer, and side buses of rhizomes and above-ground shoots are developing from the sinus kidneys. Rhizomes are found in perennial herbaceous plants (horsetails, ferns, nettle, valley, cereals, etc.). Rhizome is the organ of vegetative reproduction.

Question 2. How to distinguish rhizome from the root?
In appearance, rhiziness is reminiscent of the root, but differs from it the presence of crystal leaves, leaf traces (scars from fallen leaves), kidneys, as well as the lack of root case.

Question 3. How does the potato tuber develop?
From the leaf of potatoes through the stalks to underground shoots (collisions), organic substances constantly express and are deposited in the form of starch. The tops of the columns grow, thicken and turn into large tubers by autumn.

Question 4. Why does the potato tube should be considered escape?
The potato tuber should be considered escape because it, like the escape, is formed by a stem that performs a sparkling function, has a kidney (eyes) and scratched leaves.

Question 5. What building has a bulb?
In the lower part of the bulbs, such as the onions, there is almost a flat stem-dona. Applying roots and modified leaves (scales) are departed from the Donets. External leaves - scales - dry and leathery, they perform a protective function; Internal - fleshy and juicy, nutrients are laid in them. In the sinuses of scales there are stubborn kidneys.

Question 6. How to prove that rhizome and bulb are modified shoots?
Externally, rhizome is reminiscent of the root, but he, like ground escape, there are uphety and stubborn kidneys, as well as film scales - modified leaves. Thus, the rhizoma has a stem (axial part of the rhizomes, kidneys and leaves (film scales), i.e., what is characteristic of escape. At the bulb we can also see all parts of the escape: Stem (Lukovitsy Donets), leaves (dry and juicy scales) and kidneys (between scales). This confirms that rhizome and bulb are modified shoots.

Question 7. What are the above-earth modifications of shoots Do you know?
Surveys include spines (wild apple tree, wild pear), antenna (pumpkin, grapes), lets (bounds, luggage), overhead collisions, or mustache - (strawberries), stem cacti.

Underground shoots, as well as overhead, are modified, adapting to the conditions of the medium. The roots also often can acquire an unusual look.

Victims of escapes

Some plants have underground shoots. Underground escape differs from the root of the preservation of signs. Like any escape, the underground has knots and interstices, and on the nodes - the leaves (at least small and colorless). In the sinuses of the underground escape leaves are side kidneys, and on its top - the top kidney.

There are three main types of underground shoots: rhizome, tuber and bulb.

Rhizome Externally reminds. The apparent roots are growing from it, and overhead shoots are developing from the top or stubby kidneys. Rhizome have lily of the valley, coltsfoot, drinking, nettle.

Tuber - This is the top thickening of underground shoots (counters), in which starch is stored. On the surface of the tuber in the recesses is 2-3 kidneys, called "eyes". They are more on the top of the tuber. Tubers are formed by earthen pear, potatoes.

Bulb - This is an escape with a very short flat stem, called "Donets" and juicy with a nutrient reserve, which are called scales. Outdoor scales of bulbs are usually leathery. From the top kidney, the Donets develop overhead green leaves and arrow. The bulbs are formed at Luka, Tulip, Narcissa. Most bulk plants live in steppes, where in a short wet period you have time to develop green leaves, fondly and form fruit due to spare substances in scales

Channel modifications

Channel modifications are very diverse. Some plants have spare nutrients in the roots. Such roots grow strongly in the thickness and acquire an unusual appearance. If spare stiffs accumulate in the main root, the roots are formed. If the spare stuff is accumulated not in the main thing, but in the apparent roots, the root tubers are formed.

On wetlands, respiratory roots are formed in the trees in the tropics of trees. They rise above the surface of the soil and supply under the ground air through special holes.

The trees growing on the shores of the seas are formed a wandering roots. They perform a support function, help the trees to maintain the stability of the soil.

Donets Lukovitsa

flusted into the plate axis of a shortened escape, which, together with meat-thickened leaves, it forms a bulb.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-PB.: Brockhauses-Efron. 1890-1907 .

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Seeds of plants usually germinate, hitting the ground at some depth. The very first escape, growing from the bud of the embryo, should break through the soil. On this underground part of the stem usually grow the first apparent roots. They can draw the base of the stem in the soil even deeper than it was immersed initially. Unlike rhizomes and tubers, the bulbs are well developed by the leaves, and the stem is very short and flat. He is called "Donets".

At the top of the Donets under the cover of the scales there is a kidney, from which grows overhead escape. From the stubble kidneys located below the top, new "subsidiaries" of the bulbs are formed. From each daughter Lukovitsa - "Baby" can grow a new plant.

What to do. Consider external structure bulbs.

  • What is covered with a bulb with the outside?
  • What does it matter?

What to do. Conduct the flange knife along.

What to watch. Consider closely pressed juicy scales - leaves.

What is the difference between the internal scales from the outer?

What to do. Find and consider the stem dont, the top and side kidneys.

What to do. Consider the roots growing from the Donets.

Prepare for a report. Draw a longitudinal incision of the bulbs and sign it part. Write down the signs showing that the bulb is escape.

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