Than to feed the seedlings in the spring. Fertilizer for seedling tomato

Every gardener knows that it is high-quality seedlings that is the key to a rich harvest, and if the seedlings turned out stupid and sluggish, then you can simply just forget about the good crop. Any deviations from changing the normal growth and development of seedlings must be stopped in one way or another - water, highlight, adjust the temperature and humidity in the room or to make certain fertilizers. That's it about feeding seedlings today and let's talk. We will tell about the most important nutritional elements for cultures and the methods of feeding those plants, which usually precisely through seedlings and are grown.

Fertilizer pepper seedlings. © GrowingChillies.

What is better to feed the seedlings and at what time?

Targets are considered that the most suitable fertilizers for seedlings are integrated, that is, containing all three of the most important and familiar component and all of us, but this is not always justified, because in the ground, especially acquired, however, in the garden, too, one or a pair of these elements already Maybe, how do you know, an excess fertilizer is hardly dangerous than its disadvantage. Therefore, we advise you to feed the plants with feeders containing in its composition only one important substance.

Directly making fertilizers to seedlings containing potassium, phosphorus or nitrogen should be carried out early in the morning when the window and the room is rather cool. When adding power to the ground during an additional plant feeding, it is extremely important that fertilizers leave the drops on the leaves of seedlings or on its stems, because under the influence of the sun rays in the future in these places, that is, stems and leaves may form burns that negatively Move later on general Development Specific shot.

Best nitrogen fertilizers for feeding seedlings

As you know, thanks to the nitrogen, protein synthesis occurs in the plant, seedlings produces chlorophyll. With a lack of nitrogen, the lower sheets of a rage plant usually acquire a yellowish painting, and the plant itself is inhibited in growth and development.

If, when viewed by seedlings, you noticed such a situation with the leaves, then it is immediately completed with one of the nitrogen components. As a feeding for plants, the compound "N" can be used ammonia Selitra (from 26% to 34.4% nitrogen), ammonium sulfate or ammonium sulphate (up to 21% nitrogen), urea (up to 46% nitrogen) or ammonium water (from 16% to 20% nitrogen).

Naturally, the seedlings are more effective feeding that are dissolved in water fertilizers, nitrogen - no exception. When watering (it is watering, and not when making fertilizers in a dry form), the necessary seedlings of the substance are faster in plants, and sheets, and the trunk will become normal and in color, and in their development.

As for the concentration of fertilizer, it should be reduced by about twice as compared with that when applied for adult plants. For example, for seedlings you need about one and a half tablespoons of nitrogen fertilizer on the water bucket.

The technique of feeding of seedlings with nitrogen fertilizers: two hours before fertilization, it is necessary to pour plants, well moisturizing the soil, then make fertilizers in a dissolved form and in an hour the soil slightly spoil.

The best fertilizers with potassium to power seedlings

Maybe, not everyone knows that potassium helps seedlings to absorb carbon dioxide from the air, it stimulates the production of sugars, contributes to the acquisition of immunity plants. With a shortage of potassium on the lowest sheets of seedlings, chlorotic stains arise, new sheets if they are formed, then there are much less laid for the culture of the size, and their edges even in young sheets can already have rusted.

To eliminate potash fasting seedlings, such fertilizers are used: sulfate potassium or potassium sulfate (up to 50% potassium), calmagneosis or potassium sulfate and magnesium (up to 30% potassium), potassium monophosphate (up to 33% of potassium) and potassium salter (up to 44% potassium ).

The most appropriate plants are the most appropriate plants containing potassium, after the seedlings form two or three sheets. During this period, it is possible to dilute about 8-9 g of monophosphate in the water bucket and this is the amount of use on square meter seedler. Repeated the potash fertilizers can be re-made a week after a dive or even after planting plants to a permanent place in the soil or greenhouse, the squeaking norms are permissible for one or a half grams to enlarge.

The best fertilizers for seedlings containing phosphorus

As we all know, this element is actively involved in the production of sugars and without its presence of roots of plants elementary cannot grow normally and develop. With phosphorus deficiency in the soil, the sheet and the seedling stem becomes darker, sometimes heats. After some time, the leaves of seedlings are twisted or deformed otherwise and may even be down.

It is best for seedlings such phosphoric fertilizers: simple (from 14% to 20% phosphorus), double superphosphate (from 46% to 48% phosphorus), ammophos (up to 52% phosphorus), diammophos (up to 46% phosphorus), potassium metaphosphate (from 55% to 60% phosphorus), phosphoritic flour (from 19% to 30% phosphorus), bone flour (from 29% to 34% phosphorus).

With a lack of phosphorus, which is reflected on sheets and stems of seedlings, it is possible to bore it with a simple superphosphate at the rate of 3.5-4 g of the drug per liter of water, this is enough for a square meter of the ramp.

Remember that the phosphorus is better to feed the seedlings only after the dive and when it is rooted and its growth will be noticeable - that is, new elements of the vegetative part are formed - for example, new sheets. Until the full elimination of the phosphorus deficiency, you can spend several feeding, but between them you need to make an interval equal to one week.

Growing seedlings without fertilizers (right) and using fertilizers (left). © Gardeners Supply

What to do, so that seedlings harmoniously develop?

In order for the seedlings of any culture to develop as harmoniously as possible, and sheets, and stalks looked as it should be, there were optimal length and thickness, it is necessary to carry out feeders not only mineral, but also organic fertilizers. But do not forget - when making a manure you need to dilute ten times with water, and if you use chicken litter, then 15-20 times with water, otherwise seedlings can not help, but to destroy it, that is, simply burn root system.

Also, do not forget about such wonderful stimulants of growth activity as Korninen, Epin, heteroacexin or zircon, in practice their reliability and efficiency and in terms of improving immunity, and growth stimulation, and the development of the "lagging" seedlings or the one in which when picking or The transplant was damaged root system. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions on the packaging.

How to make fertilizers for seedlings of various plants?

Now let's talk, what is the best fertilizer and in which sequence to feed those or other cultures grown through seedlings. We decided to highlight the cultures most often grown through seedlings, and give an exemplary fertilization scheme, which is triggered and which works, that is, you can safely use it.

Falker seedlings Tomatov

The first feeding need to be done as soon as the plant will form the third real sheet. Here you can make a liquid fertilizer, for example, nitroammophos in the amount of 5 g on the water bucket - the norm per square meter of the ramp.

The second feeder can be held two weeks after the recording of the dive, you can also deposit nitroamophos, but already a tablespoon of nitroamophoski needs to be divorced in a bucket of water and spend 100 ml for each plant.

The third dressing can be carried out 14 days after the second, also making nitroammophos at the same concentration.

The fourth feeder when seedling will be age for 60 days, it is necessary to carry out, using phosphorous-potash feeding, for which a tablespoon of simple superphosphate and two tablespoons of woody soot must be dissolved in a bucket of water, the norm is about a glass for each plant.

Feeding the seedlings of Bulgarian pepper

The first feeding of the Bulgarian pepper can be carried out when the plant will form the first real sheet, then you need to make a solution of urea, pre-bucket water dissolving the dining room of this fertilizer. This quantity is enough for a square meter of the ramp.

The second feeding can be held in 20 days, making the same fertilizer in the same quantity.

The third feeding is usually spent a week before landing seedlings for a permanent place, but it is better to use a double superphosphate in the amount of tablespoons on the water bucket and the norm in 100 ml for each plant.

Falker seedlings cucumber

Usually cucumbers when receiving seedlings feed twice. The first time the feeding is made in that period when the plant forms one real sheet, and then 14 days after the first feeding. For cucumbers it is better to use a complex fertilizer consisting of a teaspoon of urea, a teaspoon of potassium sulfate, a teaspoon of simple superphosphate and all this should be divorced in a bucket of soft water - the rate of consumption on a square meter of the ramp.

Two weeks after the second feeding, the seedlings can be resettled at a permanent place and under the landing to feed it with an ammophos, adding the fertilizer well to the land in a teaspoon well with the ground.

Cabbage seedlings

The first feeding of seedlings of cabbage is usually carried out a week after a dive, using a bird litter, diluted 20 times with water.

The second feeding of seedlings of cabbage spend seven days before landing for a permanent place, for this usually use a mixture of superphosphate and wood soot, for which they take a teaspoon of superphosphate and two teaspoons of wood soot and dissolve in a liter of water, this is enough for ten plants of cabbage.

Immediately when planting seedlings, the cabbage is not in the holes, and under the soil steaming before it is prepared, you need to make a pair of tablespoons of superphosphate, a teaspoon of urea and 5-7 kg of humus or compost per square meter.

Feeding seedlings of flower crops

The first feeding of the seedlings of floral crops is carried out by seven days after the recording, it is possible to use nitroammofosk (5 g on the water bucket, the norm per square meter of the seatingman), then the seedlings can be picked up with the same composition every 10 days.

Reading time ≈ 12 minutes

Do you want you to have the perfect tomato seedlings at home and was the right feeder? Then this article is for you. Follow these recommendations and soon you can enjoy delicious tomatoes from your bed.

No matter where you will be engaged in the country, in country houseThe main thing is to gain patience and pay attention to this case.

Tomatoes grown at home

It is worth noting that tomatoes are one of the most popular cultures in our country. And not surprising. Fruits have a lot of vitamins, a pleasant taste and saturate well. But is it not easier to buy seedlings on the market? Of course, easier. But making it yourself, you will get guaranteed a good harvest, which will be not only large, but environmentally friendly.

How to choose the right substrate and seeds for landing

The cultivation of any culture begins with the preparation. First you need to pick up planting materialto get the best fruit. It is the opinion that the seeds of overseas brands are many times better than the quality of domestic analogues. If we talk about seed, then this rule does not work. The fact is that each manufacturer creates products for certain regions. At the same time, fitting under the characteristics of the climate, the soil typology, the amount of precipitation and other factors are made.

So it is better to use seeds from the domestic market. So you will achieve the best indicators when growing. Such grades are highly popular for cultivation at home as: "Russian Garden", "Sedka", "Ilinnya" and others. The main thing to choose the zoned varieties of culture.

Also, you should not stop on one grade. Buy at once four or five species, to then select those that have proven themselves best. Purchased seeds do not require additional processing before planting. They are already tangible special tool. But if you use the planting material, which gathered themselves, then it is necessary to prepare it correctly. To do this, take a manganese and make a dark pink solution. Then soak the seeds for 30 minutes. To make it easier, you can wrap in cotton wheels. After soaking, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse seeds in several waters.

Tomato seeds


Until now, there is a dilemma of gobby: soak the seed before landing or not. There is two opinions.

  • Dry unprepared seeds can give much less gear than those prepared and germinated (by 70%).
  • If the dry seed did not give germs independently, its life and yield in the future will be small.

If we talk about the soil, there are no special requirements here. Tomatoes are well tolerated drought the earth and dry air. Not necessarily presence and special fertilizers. Interestingly, tomatoes can safely grow even on a soil with high acidity. Moderate air dryness favorably affects the culture. So growing tomatoes on the windowsill completely simple.

Before board, prepare a substrate in a suitable container. For this you need to mix such ingredients:

  • land;
  • humus;
  • suglinka;
  • compost.

If there is no possibility and time, you can buy a conventional peat soil, which is sold on the market and in specialized departments of stores. No matter what kind of soil you have, it is necessary to disappear. Seeding tomato, like any other, is a beautiful field for the development of various fungi, which in the open ground will not interfere with anyone. Do not take the soil from the garden or flower beds. Good seedlings you will not work.

The turf soil should be taken from those places where no less than five years is growing (disintegration). The humus should be used not young, but one that has already been over three years old.

Peat sad

Spring culture to obtain seedlings need in advance. Exact time directly depend on several factors:

  1. which variety will be seen;
  2. there will be a greenhouse with heating or open.

With any scenario, you can start landing at the end of March in protected ground.

In order to get healthy shoots, you need to correctly grow seedlings. Experts allocate such recommendations to get tomatoes in the apartment on the windowsill.

Out the box or box with a seedler daily towards the light. So you will save seedlings from unnecessary pulling. Yes, and growth will be uniform, and the stem will not bend in one direction.

Do not put a tar with tomatoes on the windowsill itself. A ventilation of the root part of the culture will be disturbed. Put at first some kind of stand to ensure air access to roots, as shown in the photo.

Proper processing and extension of the sowing material at home

To get a sturdy seedlings, you need to make soaking seeds before boarding. Do it quite simple and not required special efforts. You need to take 1 liter of water and add one of the ingredients below:

  1. 1 Tea False "Effecton";
  2. 1 ml of fertilizer "Epin";
  3. 1 teaspoon of wood ash;
  4. 1 Tea False of Agrikola preparation;
  5. 2 g "Buton";
  6. 1 teaspoon "nitroposka";
  7. 1 teaspoon "Drops".

Soaking is best carried out in the bags of natural fabrics. Term - about a day. But make sure that the temperature of this mixture does not fall below 20⁰ C. As soon as the soaking, the wet bags with seeds need to be put in the coilets and position in the refrigerator at least as 48 hours. This is necessary for quilling seeds.

You need to sink seeds even cold immediately into the ground. Such a scheme will help to achieve friendly shoots that will be sprouting very quickly.

Seed treatment before landing

Pricing rules seedlings at home

While the seeds were just ascended and growing at the first stage, then the feeding of the tomato is not needed at all. Your task is only to water the tomatoes so that the ground does not stop. As soon as two sheets appear on spitches, it's time to dive time. At the same time, you need to immediately transplanted into separate containers. At this stage, it is necessary to blow the shutback to the seedy leaves themselves.

When transplanting, you need to seed a little. For these purposes, each container add 1 tablespoon of mineral fertilizer (for example, Signor Tomato). Two weeks later, it is worth repeating feeding. Now you can use the usual comprehensive fertilizer.

Disposable plastic cups are perfect for transplantation, the container of which is 0.5 liters. Take smaller capacity of tanks - the picking awaits you twice. The transplant can be done by two methods.

  • Disembarking one thing in a separate container. So you provide healthy development Total plants, and as a result, the root system will be strong and powerful, which perfectly affects the fastener in the open ground.

Transplant one tomorrow

  • Locked two pieces in one container. The result will be the formation of two powerful root systems. As soon as the seedlings become about 10-15 cm in height, you need to tight both stems. To do this, use a dropway thread. After the capture (this will definitely happen), it is very good to put the top from a weaker stem. The result - one bush grows, which has a powerful root system, strong stem and rich fruits. The ideal variant for varieties with tall characteristics.

Transplant two tomatoes

Before disembarking B. open sad It is necessary to produce hardening plants. It is necessary to start this process no less than 10 days before landing. Most. simple way is a gradual decline temperature mode From 18-20 degrees to 14-16 degrees.

The next stage begins approximately five days before disembarking. Need to make seedlings on two or three hours fresh air. And immediately before the transplant, you need to take a street for the whole day.

A decrease in temperature changes the physiological indicators of the plant. And tomatoes become absolutely ready for modified environmental conditions.

Landed tomatoes in the open soil

Proper feeding - the key to a large harvest

It is not a secret for anyone that all plants grown by people should be faded. Thus, you can achieve good indicators and greater yields. In addition, it helps to make plants strong and develop fully. For such purposes, specialized agents and solutions can be used. You can also use folk remedies. Consider more detailed options for fertilizing tomatoes seedlings at home.

The main dressing for the plant will be the soil, which should be nutritious and appropriate. Fertilizers should occur only in the morning or evening. And after feeding, it should be good to pour water. Such a measure is necessary for a full washout of a substance with leaves. Therefore, you can not fear that the plants will receive a burn.

The first feeding should take place no earlier than the real leaves will appear. And the last one is ten days before the landing in the open ground. It is also worth performing such actions if you notice such features.

  • Pale color leaves, they appear straight of bright green. This is an iron deficit. It is necessary to add to the soil.

Lack of iron

  • Acquisition of violet shade. Says that there is a deficiency of phosphorus;

Lack of phosphorus

  • Fading leaves, their yellowing and focus, slow growth of seedlings. This is a signal about nitrogen shortage. But as an option you need to check such factors: the number sunlightCompliance with temperature regime.

Nitrogen shortage

Such knowledge will help you correctly care for plants to achieve maximum effect.

Options and Features of the feeding of tomatoes

To know what to feed your seedlings, you need to follow further recommendations. Everything will depend on how the account will be feeding. The fact is that at each stage of growth will be needed different substances.


For the first feeding, you can take formulations that are already ready for sale in the store. This includes "Nitroposka", "Agrikola No. 3", "Agrikola-striker" and others. In the instructions you will find detailed description for use.

If you do not want to buy substances, then you can make a mixture yourself. For example, feeding urea. To do this, you need:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 g of urea;
  • 8 g of superphosphate;
  • 3 g of potassium sulfate.

You just need to connect all the components and mix well. Then just water the seedlings with this mixture. But not everyone wants to use chemistry. In this case, the feeding of tomatoes seedlings at home ashes, or rather its exhaust. To prepare such fertilizers need the following.

  • Cutting spoon of wood ash dissolve in 2 l hot water.
  • Leave the mixture no less than a day so that it is good.
  • Strain the feeder and water seedlings.

Alternative fertilizers of wood ash can be used by yeast. Up-barked tomato seedlings at home yeast has one feature. The prepared mixture should not be stored, therefore it is done in the amount that is required for one-time application.

The yeast infusion make it yourself very easily.

  • You need to take five grams of bread yeast.
  • Dilute yeast in five liters of water.
  • Mix the mixture well and give it in the day.
  • Infusion is ready to use.

Video: Undercalinkom Tomatoes

ІІ subchart

The second time it is worth filing the seedlings two weeks after the first time. For healthy and strong plants, complex fertilizers are suitable as "Effectton". Superphosphate should be applied to seedlings with too elongated stems. It must be dissolved in water (only in hot) in the proportion of 3 liters of water 1 tablespoon.

You can use nitrate-based fertilizers. And for gardeners who do not want to apply it is an alternative - iodine. It is also useful for people and plants. Undercalinking of tomatoes seedlings at home iodine to improve nitrogen exchange is used. It also increases the yield of tomatoes. In addition to nutritionalness for plants, iodine well protects tomatoes from a huge amount of fungi and other unnecessary microorganisms. If the seedlings have a disadvantage of iodine, then several times the rate of plant development is reduced and various diseases appear.

Everyone who engaged in the cultivation of tomato seedlings, knows how timely feeding is important. It would be a mistake to think that ordinary soil tomatoes are enough to get all the necessary nutrients. After all, tomatoes during growth consume quite a lot of nutrients. This applies to growing at home.

Of course, at the initial stage, all the necessary sprout will receive from the seed. But the volume of soil on one plant in this case is strongly limited, so it is not possible to do without timely fertilizer. In our article, read the answers to the question than to pretend the seedlings of the tomato at home.

Why do you need feeding?

Initial stages of growth - Very important in the formation of the plant. At this time, the root system is laid, resistance to pests and disease is formed. From the properly grown seedlings, which received all the necessary nutrients, it turns out a healthy and strong plant. Its yield will be high, and the fruit is strong and high quality.

In the first stages of growth, tomatoam has enough nutrients contained in the soil. But very soon plants begin to demonstrate signs of the deficit of vitamins and minerals. Here are the main of them:

By the poet, the timely feeding of tomato seedlings is necessary. When growing at home, the plant cannot get nutrients from somewhere else. If you have noticed one or more signs from seedlings - urgent feeding of tomato seedlings are required.

When to hold Up.

Undercalinking tomato seedlings at home Must be carried out at least twice, before and after dive. It is useful to make fertilizer and after disembarking in open ground.

Undercalinking Congue seedlings

Prepare a nutrient solution simply. Dissolve in the bucket of pure water a tablespoon of the means. After that, the solution is ready to use. In a divided form, it can be stored an unlimited amount of time. It can even be left for next year. Just reclose it into a tightly closing bottle and put it in a dark place.

Upbraw after picking

During the dive, the tomato sprout is experiencing considerable stress. Plants roots are damaged, so it needs a small rest. Therefore, feeding the seedlings of tomatoes is not earlier than two weeks after the dive. Put the urea solution into the soil. Next time you can feed the already familiar complete fertilizer.

It is known that the plants receive food not only through the root system, but also through the leaves. Therefore, to feed the tomato, it is not always necessary to water it. Sometimes enough just spray foliage. Feed the tomatoes is thus very useful. You can alternate fertilizers in the soil with an extraxanle method. The faster of all nutrients are absorbed from the leaves in the early morning, at the time of the appearance of the dew. The most popular spray fertilizers:

  • Phytoosporin (the solution is prepared according to the instructions);
  • Urea solution. Urea is an excellent source of nitrogen for seedlings. For feeding used water solution. Spraying is used to prevent overdose;
  • Superphosphate (dig a tablespoon of fertilizer in 10 liters of boiling water. You can spray through a day after dilution);
  • Solution of potassium nitrate;
  • Potassium monophosphate (tea spoon of the preparation on 10 liters of water);
  • A solution of boric acid. It helps speed up the fruit. In addition, after treatment by Bor, the tomatoes become sweeter, and the risk of increasing pests is reduced.

To feed the plant, it is not necessary to always use industrial fertilizers. There are many folk recipes Through which you can prepare a natural and useful substance. These include:

The following recipes feeding seedlings for tomatoes are more complex. Consider each of them in more detail.

Iodine fertilizer

So that the seedlings grew strong and hardy, and also laid good ovary, makes sense to feed it iodine fertilizers. You can use ready-made complex drugs, and you can cook the tomato seedlings yourself. To make a solution, dissolve a couple of drops of an alcohol solution of iodine in four liters of water. Feat the tomatoes, spraying their leaves from the sprayer. Seeding tomato will be enough of this irrigation.

Yeast feeding

How to feed the seedlings to speed up its growth and increase the resistance to diseases? The easiest way will be fertilizer ordinary yeast. A couple of dozen years ago, this tool was very popular. To fertilize plants, used any yeast, and even bread. Then, with the advent of a large number of comprehensive fertilizers, it is undeservedly forgotten about this tool. But the yeast is rich in microelements, as well as intensify the development of microorganisms living in the soil. They accelerate the development of the root system, helps seedlings to grow, and also improve resilience to diseases.

Prepare a yeast solution is easy. Take a hundred gram of any yeast, and spread them in warm water. To improve fermentation, you can add a couple of sugar spoons. Insist the solution until fermentation goes. After that, once again, inject it: one liter of concentrate for five liters of pure water. Use fertilizer is better two weeks after disembarking seedlings in open ground.


Long known and very effective organic fertilizer - cow manure. You can only bring it into the soil only in autumn time. In the spring and summer, its solution is used for feeding the seedlings. For this, half a bucket of the cowboy is poured with water and leave to the sun to move. After a few days, the solution is bred by water from a ratio of 1:10. Now he is ready for fertilizer seedlings. Before landing on a permanent place, it is enough to pour tomatoes with fertilizer once.

Ash like mineral feeding

You can feed the seedlings ordinary ash. From this she begins to grow better and develop. After all, the ash contains potassium and phosphorus, which are needed to tomatoes and are well absorbed. The only limitation - ash cannot be made simultaneously with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Two these feeding should be signed in time at least for a month.

For the preparation of infusion mix the tablespoon of ash with five liters of water. It follows the fertilizer to insist, after which you can make it under roots.

Tomatoes - Some of the most common vegetable crops. Someone grows tomatoes without much difficulties, and someone fights for each bustard of this plant. The question arises: what does the harvest depend on what does it all? In this article, we will talk about how to feed the seedlings of tomato, so that tomatoes develop well and gave a good harvest.

What you need to feed

For normal development and high harvesting vegetables, during the summer they need to be sure to feed mineral and organic fertilizers. There is an opinion that without use mineral fertilizer It turns out environmentally friendly vegetables. But it is precisely because of the lack of fertilizer comes out a low yield. Unfortunately, the soil no longer has a sufficient amount of substances that ensure normal growth of the plant. Such plants are most often aimed at attacking the pest. If the feeder is made on time, you can significantly increase your crop. Feelable plants at an early stage of development, it is advisable when you can see any changes.

Every gardener wants to get a high harvest. To understand what is missing by your plants and combat the deficit of nutrients, it is necessary to know the symptoms of lack of elements:

  1. With a lack of nitrogen in the plant, yellow leaves appear, which eventually come and fall out. In this case, the main thing is not to confuse with the excess of moisture.
  2. With a lack of phosphorus, the plant can purchase a slightly purple color.
  3. Lack of magnesium is manifested in plants in the form of fragile leaves.
  4. With a lack of iron, the top of the escape begins to turn yellow, and the leaf can beat. In this case, the extractive fertilizer is carried out by iron vigor, in proportion of 5 grams per 10 liters of water. Extra-corner feeders are recommended to make low temperatures Soil.
  5. Caloric starvation is manifested in the form of wrinkled leaves. Water sodium chloride solution.

When and than feed

It is possible to fertilize tomatoes with a variety of drugs, which can include the following components:

  • One of the common and effective fertilizer is superphosphate that promotes good growth Polenic. In most cases, the powder is produced.
  • Complex fertilizers. This is a mixture that includes potassium and nitrogen.
  • In particular, organic fertilizers are used as feeding for tomato seedlings.

Like any body, tomatoam needed a balanced nutrition, including such macroelements such as potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and microelements - iron, copper, manganese.

Place of planting vegetables is recommended to prepare since autumn. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact, then these colorful vegetables do not like the stubble. When the period of landing of tomatoes from the greenhouse comes to open ground, it is recommended to sprinkle a little ash a little. When this substance is introduced into the soil, it is necessary to understand that the ash is a rather caustic matter and the main thing is not to rearrange. Of course, it will not provide a full fertilizer, but will help if the stems of seedlings are too thin or slightly slow down in growth.

The feeding of seedlings of tomatoes urea positively affects their growth. In order that the roots are good to take root during transplantation, you can make on one tablespoon of urea with the addition of superphosphate into each hole, and in no case should not forget about good watering.

Best of all the first feeding of seedlings of tomatoes spend on 10-14 days after dive. Among the garders, the following mixture has proven well for seedlings: 10 m of water, 10 g of urea and 15 g of potassium chloride take 10 liters of water. The second feeder repeat two weeks later. It is good to use completely soluble substances, dissolving them no more than 50g on 10 liters of water.

You can feed the pasties by another rather interesting means. I think each of us remains pieces of bread. As it is known to be the composition of the yeast. Therefore, the bread remaining throughout the year, to avoid molds, dried in the oven and preserve, and in the summer it is used as a fertilizer. Already dried residues are soaked in warm water and leave overnight. The resulting cleaner is used during the loosening of the Earth, adding it under roots. You can also divide the bread mass in large quantities Water, and the resulting mixture is used for watering. After such fertilizer, the harvest increases 1.5 times, the endurance of plants increases, the root formation increases. This is the so-called growth stimulator.

Effective drug for spraying of tomatoes is the most ordinary skimmed milk. For this, they take a half-table of milk and diluted in 1 liter of water, and the plants spray cooked solutions in the morning. It seems to be a harmless and simple spraying, will help get rid of pests causing leaf twisting. This solution spray the varieties of folk selection.

There is a method of fertilizer who are fond of cucky gardens is a fertilizer of soil with chicken litter. In addition, bird manure is considered an organic fertilizer, the composition of which is rich chemical elements, namely: phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium. Such fertilizer will affect your crop no worse than any other complex mineral fertilizer. The advantage of it is that it is almost free.

With a lack of calcium, you can use the infusion of the eggshell. For this, a three-liter jar on 2/3 is filled with egg shell and in a warm place insist 3-4 days, then bred in the ratio of 1: 3 and water.

As it turned out not to just grow these delicious vegetables On your garden, and not just grow, but get the desired harvest. Therefore, it is necessary to possess although it is elementary knowledge and comply with the rules of agrotechnology.

Video "Secrets of growing a large yield of tomatoes"

To grow a good yield of tomatoes, it is enough to know several simple rules Growing and care for these plants. Watch this video and find out them.

Than to feed the seedlings of tomatoes

There was a hot time for all summer residents, regardless of the terrain of their residence. I live on Baikal. Very many garden crops have to land in the ground sediment, it concerns the tomatoes.

To the question: "What to feed the seedlings of tomatoes?", I will give an answer, using the experience of my mom - she is an experienced dacha, which not only grows seedlings for yourself, but also for the sale of the roots of 3000! She has already transported his seedlings to heated greenhouse, it closes it carefully for the night, but it does not plan it.

It begins to feed the seedlings from the moment the leaves "will be pretended", but the main thing in this matter is not overdo it, because You can get a good green mass, and the fruits will not. If the leaves have a dark green color, and the stalks are dense, with a purple tint, then the feeder at an early stage is not needed.

When the seedlings grows for a long time on the window in a small amount of land and feeding, the leaves from the bottom begin to turn yellow and crumble, it says that tomatoam lacks nitrogen, which is transferred from the lower leaves to the top. (Attention! With an excess of nitrogen, all the leaves are yellowing.)

If the plant lack phosphorus, then on the bottom of the leaves, their streaks, stalks become purple.

The lack of potassium, which is needed in large quantities, is manifested by wrinkle of young leaves, and later - the uneven ripening of fruits.

Chlorosis or differently - the lack of iron, can manifest itself in tomatoes, which are around the clock are in a lit room, and even from biology, we know that the main growth and processing of beneficial substances occurs at night. In this case, spray the leaves with a weak (0.1-0.5%) hypotonic solution.

In general, tomatoes love feeding. First - do a day 10 after the dive. The second, two weeks and so on, while the seedlings do not fall out in the ground. What to feed the seedlings of tomatoes, each mistress chooses itself. These can be complex fertilizers, which are now a lot on sale, and there may be a solution of superphosphate, potassium sulfate, urea at the rate of 10 liters in grams 35-12-4. Before the feeder, do not forget to pour the seedlings.

Feeding seedlings - what to get down when and why

The role of feeding seedlings in its cultivation, many gardeners underestimate. And in vain! The feeders strengthen the immune system of plants and help it confront stressful conditions. Before performing feeding, the soil in the containers must be slightly pouring with ordinary water so that the nutrient is not burning the roots. This is especially true of seedlings grown in small containers, such as cassettes.

To prevent seedlings, various special solutions can be used in a weak concentration - organic fertilizers, microelements. Now on sale a lot various drugswhich can be used for feeding seedlings. This, for example, Uniflor Growth, Kemira Suite, Agrikola for various garden plantsother.

In the past season, I used the preparation of the Gum Kuznetsova for feeding the seedlings. Very pleased. It can be used to soak seeds before sowing (1 drop per cup of water), to dry the roots when picking seedlings (2 teaspoons on 5 liters of water), for feeding (spraying) seedlings (2 tea on 10 liters of water). This is organic fertilizer, natural fertility elixir. Water or spray seedlings by this solution 1 time in 10-14 days.

You can make a comprehensive fertilizer for feeding seedlings from the main fertilizers, which, for sure, have each gardener.

Below is a table of priority of feeding. Doses are indicated in grams per 1 liter of water.

Cultural Education Substore Cammatic Selitrazoperphosphate Potassium

I usually have a lot of seedlings and, of course, 1 liter of the filtering solution is missing for watering. Therefore, I don't really bother, I do not measure such tiny doses - measuring the fertilizers with tea or tablespoons.

Ammonium nitrate in 1 teaspoon - 5 g, and in one tablespoon - 15 g, in a match box - 20 g.

Superphosphate granulated in 1 teaspoon - 6 g, and in one tablespoon - 17 g, in a match box - 23 g.

Potassium sulfate - in 1 teaspoon - 4 g, and in one tablespoon - 13 g, in a match box - 17 g.

As can be seen from the table, it is necessary to spend 3 feeders for the entire period of seedlings - from the appearance of germs before landing in open ground.

The first feeding is carried out with the advent of the first real leaflet.

The second is 10-14 days after the first.

Third - in one or two days before disembarking. This is the so-called quenching feeder.

Cultivation of seedlings - fascinating processwho will give you a lot of emotions. Boldly beat for this exciting business, experiment and share with us your experience!

Is it necessary to feed the pepper seedlings? Is the extra nutrition of seedlings at the initial stages of development? Why spend power and time on operations, without which you can do it? Such questions are increasingly interested in not only novice vegetables, but also those who have long grown by this culture.

Feed or not?

Numerous editions intended for gardens and owners of personal subsidiary farms offer very controversial answers. A significant part of the authors believes that seedlings should be grown in relatively poor soil to avoid pulling and outrage. Perented with fertilizers, especially nitrogen, seedlings begin to rapidly develop overhead parts, often reaching unacceptably large sizes long before the planned transplant. And the lack of light, inevitable in the first spring months, provokes an unnatural elongation of stems, significantly reduced the quality of future plants.

Other experts give directly opposite recommendations, advising to feed the seedlings of peppers with nutrient solutions every 10 to 15 days during the entire growing period, until the disembarkation itself. They argue that without it, it will grow weak and unviable, will be long and badly blossoming.

Inevitable you think that you have to listen. Especially if own experience The cultivation of seedlings was not particularly successful or is generally absent.

According to the majority of garden practitioners, annually receiving their own seedlings of peppers, it all depends on the choice of soil - that substrate in which seedlings will develop. If the composition of the nutrient elements in it is correctly selected, that is, the soil is intended for growing precisely this culture, the feeding can not need to be needed. Or the minimum amount will be required. But those who want to grow seedlings in artificial soil, for example, according to the method of Dr. Mitlider, it is necessary almost daily additional fertilizer with solutions of strictly verified concentration.

How to feed

When using soil with marking "For peppers and tomatoes", seedlings are usually required no more than 2 to 3 feeding. The first of them is advised to do immediately after unfolding the second real leaves. The second - after 14 - 15 days after the first. And the third feeder, if necessary, spend in two or three days before moving to a permanent place.

In the case of two-sighted feeding, the first start two weeks after the appearance of germs. At this time, three or four real leaves are formed in the seedlings. The second - four days before the transplantation in the greenhouse or greenhouse. Their appointment is to strengthen the seedlings, an increase in the ability to confront stress and quickly restore after a transplant.

Than to feed

For the first feeding of peppers, predominantly nitrogen and potash fertilizers are used. There may be several recipes.

1. Potash Selitra Solution:

- Selitra - 60 g;
- water - 20 liters.

2. Ready "Kemira-Suite":

- composition - 40 g;
- water - 20 liters.

3. Mixture of mineral fertilizers:

- Selitra ammonia - 2 teaspoons;
- Superphosphate - 3 tablespoons;
- Potassium sulphate - 3 teaspoons;
- Water - 1 bucket.

4. Complex mixture of Kuznetsov's Gum:

- Gumi - 2 teaspoons;
- Water - 1 bucket.

The second feeding, except nitrogen and potassium, should contain phosphorus and other elements. The following fertilizers are most suitable for it:

- "Crystal" at a concentration of 20 g on the water bucket;
- "Kemira-suite" - 30 g per bucket;
- a mixture consisting of 60 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium sulfate on a bucket of an estimated water.

You can use the same mineral mixtures as for the previous feeding, increasing the dose of all items by about 2 times and slumming into the glasses of some wood ash.

Opponents of chemical fertilizers are usually advised to infusion of nettles, at a concentration of 1:10 in combination with ash.

For the third feeding of pepper seedlings, complex fertilizers are suitable - Nitroammofoska, Gomel, "Uniflor-Growth", "Agrikola". All of them must be used in accordance with the instructions.

With obviously slow development and too light leaflets, a solution of urea can be added to the substrate at the rate of a teaspoon of the drug for six liters of water. Or use the fertilizer "ideal" in the concentration prescribed in the instructions.

It happens that individual plants begin to markedly fall behind in growth and development. Such instances are permissible to feed additionally. The simplest nutrient solution can be prepared from sleeping tea. It is enough to collect a half package of dry used welding, fall asleep into a liter bottle and fill hot water. After five days, the infusion formed should be merged, strain and without diluting, use it for watering.

Rules of subcord

Feeding pepper seedlings, you need to remember:

- This plant does not tolerate fresh manure;
- It is impossible to feed seedlings immediately after dive - should pass at least two weeks;
- Solutions for feeding should be room temperature or a little warmer;
- feed, like watering, you need to be very careful, trying to not fall on the leaves and stems;
- It is better to carry out such an operation in the morning or evening.

than to feed the seedlings tomato

✿elena M✿.

What is lacking seedlings?

For the development and growth of plants you planted, we must constantly observe and notice all changes in time, especially unnecessary to them (delaying growth, development), and quickly take measures.

After all, it is often caused simply a disadvantage of some kind of battery, an excess of moisture in the soil, cold soil in pots, pests settled on the bottom of the leaves beginning with the disease. If the plants lack nitrogen, they look like chokhli: the skeleton is thin, the leaves are small, pale green, shroud yellow and dying. And, on the contrary, with an excess of nitrogen, they are living: the stalks and stuffs are thick, the leaves are large, dark green.

With a lack of phosphorus on the leaves (more often from the bottom), a red-purple shade appears, on the lower leaves of chlorosis - the discoloration of the tissue between the veins. If the ends and edges of the old (lower) leaves are yellow, then this is a clear sign of a lack of potassium. The seedlings of tomatoes leaves can be screwed down.

How much to give each plant fertilizer?

Young tomato seedlings require phosphorus. This plant is poorly absorbed from the soil. If you do not control the situation on time and do not eat phosphorus, seedlings slow down growth, and their leaves will become dark purple.
Fertilizing the soil with nitrogen, you need to be extremely careful. With abundant nutrition with these elements, seedlings are drawn, and this leads to a delay in flowering and fetus tying.
Growing tomatoes in the greenhouse, the soil must be prepared from the autumn. For each square meter, you should pour over a single bag of pumping wood leaves and immediately disappear. And in mid-April, it is enough for the place of 10 g of nitroposki, then overheat. Such a procedure makes the soil sufficiently wet and tomatoes will not suffer from drying out.

To date, quite a lot of people in our country are engaged in growing vegetables on their panstone. It's no secret that vegetables and fruits from our own garden is much more useful for the body than purchased. To get a high-quality harvest, it is necessary to follow the formation of plants from the moment of their sowing. Health and Fortress Cultures almost always provides regular feeding, rarely can do without it. Before you feed the seedlings of the tomato, so that there are plump stems, namely, they are the key to the future harvest, it is necessary to consider the main options for organic and mineral fertilizers, and then choose the best for a particular case.

Need for additional nutrition

Most often for sowing seeds, a special primer is used with the addition of all the components necessary for the correct growth of the components at once, which means additional power to seedlings is required only after transplanting to a permanent point of growth. Folk remedies Fucking seedlings Tomato suggest that for high-quality harvest you need to prepare a bed in advance. To do this, before the winter cold, a plot on which the tomato landing is planned should be saturated with humus or manure.

If necessary, this is added here:

  • dolomitic flour;
  • lime;
  • sawdust;
  • peat.

Before you feed the seedlings of tomato and pepper, it is necessary to correctly determine what plants need. You can learn about the lack of one or another element in the appearance of seedlings. When the leaves after the transplantation of bushes dramatically stop in growth and pale, and sometimes covered with matte spots, it indicates a lack of nitrogen soil. His oversupply leads to the rustling of the green mass of cultures to the detriment of crop.

The choleretic foliage with bushes is indicated for a large amount of phosphorus in the ground, and a sign of a lack of this element is the appearance of a purple shade on the leaves. The overabundance of phosphorus can provoke a foliage twisting, if at the same time the seedlings lack potassium and nitrogen.

How to feed the seedlings of the tomato, so that there are plump and attractive fruits? On the quality of the harvest, the amount in the soil of potassium and phosphorus is largely affected. It is important not to rearrange in the additional nutrition of plants, since the overabundance of substances often makes the situation even worse.

First subordinate

The first application of fertilizers should be carried out no earlier than the first real leaflets of the plant will appear above the surface of the Earth. At this time, tomatoes need to strengthen the root system, with which the complex mixtures are perfectly cope with for feeding a tomato seedlings of the type "Mounting", "Agricol-Forward" or "Nitrafoska".

After that, the filling is repeated like a similar, but less concentrated, composition with the addition of mangalls after 10 days. At this point, many are asked about how to feed the seedlings of the tomato, so that they are plump, since their exhaustion becomes noticeable already at this stage. Help can be a filling of seedlings by the preparation of "Athlete" or a solution of superphosphate (1 tablespoon on a quarter of water).

Additional meals after dive

It is necessary only after two weeks from the moment of picking plants. At this point, the feeding of seedlings of serum tomatoes from superphosphate and sulcate potassium will be perfect. To prepare on the water bucket, it is enough to add 1 tbsp. l. Each component. It is possible to replace the composition with a solution of nitroammophos.

After another 2 weeks the procedure is repeated. Making the last lulption should be done no later than 15 days before the transplant to the open ground.

Permanent place of growth

After the transplantation of tomato seedlings into open soil or greenhouse, plants need time for acclimatization, and that everything passed as comfortable as possible, to load seedlings with additional feeders forbidden for one and a half weeks. In general, all subsequent fertilizers should be carried out strictly if necessary, which is evidenced by the condition of the plants. It is also important to know that when disembarking tomatoes on the poor soil and abundant precipitation, the entire period of growth in the amount of substances for additional nutrition must be enlarged, but at the same time it is one longer to make them concentration.

In order not to burn bushes, all standard dosages need to be reduced by 1/3, but to perform them more often.

Frequently used organic

The feeding of the seedlings of the Tomato Corovak is most often used in private farms. It is best to introduce a substance from autumn, during the preparation of the beds. To focus with a solution of already growing bushes, the korovyat must go over, otherwise the roots of the plants can simply burn. To normalize the substance, the korovyak must be pouring into water and leave in the sun for fermentation for several days. After that, the solution is divorced in a large amount of water and entered strictly under the root of each coat.

Undercase of seedlings Tomato chicken litter should also be reworked with a mixture. It should be prepared similar to the infusion of a cow.

Undercalinka ash

Excellent provides a large number of nutrients tomatoes and seedlings, regardless of where it is from: from the stove, after burning foliage or after the fire, right on the place of future beds, it contains potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Since the overaction of these components can also lead to negative consequences, It is better to make asna in the fall at a step or straight into each well when disembarking. In the first case, it is necessary to distribute ash in an amount of 0.5 kg per square meter, and in the second - pour into the recess 2 tbsp. l. but no more.

Making yeast

Fucking yeast for tomato gives an excellent result, speeding up the growth of green mass and getting a good harvest. A solution for periodic watering of plant bushes is already on the site of constant growth. For its preparation, you need to divide live yeast in warm water in the amount of 10 grams per 10 liters. To accelerate the fermentation process, you can add some sugar to the mixture.

Facing the yeast is carried out only under root, while other mixes can be used for spraying.

Acceleration of ripening

Than to feed the seedlings of the tomato so that there were plump and replete fruits a little ahead of time? For this, iodine is perfect. For watering on the water bucket, it needs to be added only 4-5 drops, and for spraying and less, but the effect is noticeable immediately. Often, the substance should not be used, as iodine can burn plants. There is enough one prophylactic spraying for the season or processing when diseases appear.

Nitrogen source

Despite the fact that nitrogen is very important for plants, its oversupply is no less dangerous and subordinating the urea seedlings Tomato should be carried out only in cases of acute necessity, since this element in large quantities accumulates nitrates in the fruits. Apply urea should only have adult bushes. It is possible to produce or extractive spraying that gardeners are recommended more often. To normalize the growth of tomatoes, it suffices to make a substance in an amount of no more than 20 grams per square meter of the site.

Nitrogen is rich ammonia. Fucking ammonia seedlings Tomato can be carried out at the picing stages. For this, bushes are sufficiently concentrated in 20 grams per 8 liters of water during the sublifting. It is possible to use the ammonia to prevent the appearance of a bear on the plot. The concentration of the substance should be increased to 10 ml per 10 liters of water and to make dosage, 0.5 liters in pre-prepared hollows.

Manganese and other folk remedies

To enhance the green mass and preventing female flowers, tomatoes should be sprayed with a weak manganese solution no more than 1 time per month.

In the summer, supermarkets offer exotic banana fruits at a very attractive value. Few is aware that it is possible to use their peel as a powerful potassium source for tomato. The skin of one fetus must be insisted in a liter of water 2 days, after which the composition for watering bushes.

It is possible to prepare the nutrient composition and insulating the eggshell in the water. It is possible to use the mixture after the appearance of a characteristic unpleasant odor.


Among the riches of modern preparations for feeding cultural plants Garders still prefer proven funds, including:

  • superphosphate;
  • nitroammophos;
  • "Mounting";
  • "Ideal";
  • "Epic".

It is important to prepare solutions based on these substances strictly according to the instructions, since the dosage excess can contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in the fruits. All drugs are used both for watering under the root of plants and for spraying in case of emergency need for nutrition.

Extreme introduction

Such a feeding is different from the usual ventilation only by the rate of supply of nutrients to the plant. The fact is that for the receipt of nutrition from the soil, the bushes need a lot of time, and the green mass immediately absorbs the incoming one, and providing tomatoes not only emergency assistance, but also a large concentration of fertilizer. That is why when preparing solutions for spraying, the number of drugs in the ratio with water should be reduced.

In order not to harm tomatoes, you need to follow the following instruction for the preparation of the mix:

  • heat 1 liter of water, but not boiling;
  • add 1 gram of substance to uncompressed water;
  • give a mixture cool;
  • spray leaves, fruits and wounds.

For each plant, it is necessary to highlight at least 10 ml of the resulting solution.

Fucking with flowering

If during active growth of tomatoes, all nutrients are needed, already adults blooming plants It should be focused on certain components. Best at this time to make fertilizer by spraying to accelerate the production of nutrients with busting.

Use at this time the best complexes are best:

  • kemir;
  • nitroammofoska;
  • diammophos.

You can also apply individual substances, spraying tomatoes with only boron, phosphorus or potassium. Under the root, it is desirable to make organic fertilizers, but strictly dosed so as not to burn the root system.


To obtain a good harvest, only fertilizer is not enough. Tomatoes need a large space for active growth, so immediately when landing for a permanent place, small seedlings should be placed at least 45-50 cm from each other. Also, it should not be overdoing with irrigation, otherwise the fruits can crack, losing their commodity look. With abundant and regular precipitation from additional humidification, you can refuse at all.

It is important to know that when planting tomatoes in the greenhouse, feeding is best to produce mineral complexes, since the organ in the conditions of the microclimate may not behave unpredictable. To get a rich and high-quality yield of tomato, you need to follow all the recommendations at once and do not focus only in one direction.

Try after planting seedlings as correctly for her carefully, then a good harvest you are guaranteed!

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