What foods turn urine dark. Why urine becomes dark brown and what to do in this case

Sometimes the question may arise why urine Brown in a woman, what are the causes of this phenomenon and should it be feared? Brown urine in a woman often causes panic, since darkening can indicate various kinds of lesions, but before panicking, figure out what are the reasons why urine has become dark brown. Sometimes it's not all that scary.

Sometimes urine can take on several shades, which will still be considered the norm. So, dark yellow urine after sleep is a phenomenon that is the norm. Since in the morning the urochromic concentration in urine is higher in comparison with daily indicators. Drinking in large quantities causes the color to change to lighter shades. Unfortunately, with some currents, urine the color of beer or strong tea can indicate problems of a pathological and physical nature.

Brown urine in a child manifests itself against the background of the abuse of drugs, the main components of which are aloe, bean-type crops or rhubarb. Various types of laxative medicines can cause dark brown urine. Especially if the composition contains hay, kaskura. To the same category medicines should include antibacterial drugs, drugs that cope with malaria. All of these can cause brown urine.

Sometimes children and adults need to refrain from urinating, for example, on the road, or not drinking enough fluids. These reasons can provoke the brown color of urine.

With significant physical stress on the body, the speed and volume of sweating increase significantly, which affects the amount of fluid in the body. The result is that the urine against the background of a liquid deficiency is darker. Often dark urine is found in people living in hot climates. Be aware of the existence of a number of coloring products. Strong tea drunk over the past day can affect the final color of urine. The same effect is the inclusion in the diet of a large number of beef, legumes, rhubarb. When taking drugs with activated charcoal, dark beer-colored urine is provided to you.

If none of these factors is present in your life, and the tea-colored urine is not observed for the first time, you should think about a visit to the doctor, since the cause may manifest itself in a pathological form.

Development of pathologies

Brown urine in men, women or children may indicate the presence of disorders. Liver pathologies can affect accordingly. With such problems, a pigment such as bilirubin begins to act, against which the urine darkens. Dark urine is an essential companion for jaundice.

Serious renal damage cannot be ruled out. The first place in the list of possible causes of dark urine is urolithiasis. The stones formed in the urine, when exiting, the mucous kidneys are injured, so the urine is filled with blood.

There is also such a kidney disease as polycystic. In this case, urine looks like meat slops with a brown tint. The presence of such secretions may also indicate tumors of a malignant nature.

A number of inflammatory diseases can change the color of urine:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • urethritis.

Anemia of a hemolytic nature can also lead to an increase in the number of bilirubin, which affects the shade of urine. It is important, when such a sign is detected, to exclude copper poisoning, hepatic cirrhosis, tyrosinemia, hemochromatosis, which is often combined with excess "metal" in the blood.

The most serious danger is represented by cancerous neoplasms in the liver and pancreas, collagenoses and vasculitis. It is impossible to exclude a number of diseases that have an autoimmune origin.

Sexual features

Speaking about the causes of darkening of urine, the gender of the patient is also taken into account. So, men can encounter dark urine in a number of diseases that affect the prostate, the ducts that excrete the seed, with diseases of the testicles and other organs of the genitourinary system. The fact is that urine passes through the urethra, through which both seminal fluid and prostate secretion are also excreted.

With prostatitis, men often encounter a kind of rusty urine. This is due to the fact that blood stagnation is found in the prostate gland. The brown shade of urine for the stronger sex can be a signal of scrotal injury or epididymitis.

If we talk about women, then a dark urinary tint signals the need to check the genitals. Frequently found in urine vaginal discharge. The discharge can be detected with a cancerous tumor of the uterine neck, with the same type of myoma of the decaying type, with a number of sexually transmitted diseases, with inflammations of a nonspecific nature. In addition to directly darkening, with the decay of tumors, a sharp smell of urine appears, which cannot be called pleasant.

Also, do not forget that during periods of menstruation in women, blood is mixed with urine, which can affect the shade. In this case, of course, you do not need to go to the doctor. This is a natural process, and the color of the urine is likely to be normal.

Pregnancy period

Pregnant women receive special attention from doctors. During the period of bearing a child, a woman has to go through considerable changes. The body is rebuilt to the needs of the fetus, there is a restructuring at the hormonal level.

Often during such periods, expectant mothers are faced with dark-colored urine, which leads to unnecessary unrest. A normal urinary indicator is yellow, but do not be afraid of any deviations from the usual color. Remember what you ate last night. If the diet contains vegetables and fruits known for their coloring abilities, there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, especially if there are no problems with maintaining the water balance, you should consult a doctor.

Due to the increased load on all systems during pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is not always able to cope with increasing loads. The growing fetus creates pressure on the surrounding organs, in particular, on the kidneys, which leads to a violation of their functionality. In addition, the kidneys work on two organisms. Accordingly, they have to cleanse from toxins and toxins not only the body of the expectant mother, but also the unborn child.

The most important thing during pregnancy is not the color of urine, but its texture. If the fluid becomes cloudy, it's time to see a doctor. The doctor prescribes appropriate tests that will help with the definition of pathologies.

Dangerous combinations and shades

In some cases, the combination of some signs with a change in the color of urine should be the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. It is about accompanying dark urine with lumbar pain. Urination becomes painful. There is swelling and fever. Such symptoms are sure signs of kidney pathologies.

If the urine becomes dark and at the same time dyspeptic disorders appear, vomiting is present, it is worth calling a doctor at home. This condition is dangerous due to additional dehydration of the body and often speaks of intestinal-type pathologies that occur in an acute form.

Another dangerous combination that requires immediate attention from a specialist is dark urine combined with urinary problems. In men, in this case, soreness in the testicles can be connected, especially if you have recently received injuries.

Light brown shades of urine are most often harbingers of an infection in the urinary tract. In this case, patients additionally face soreness in the abdomen, they want to urinate constantly. There is increased sweating, discharge becomes strong smell. If, with such symptoms, an admixture of blood additionally appears, and a change in color could not be provoked by food, medical attention is needed.

It is important to additionally pay attention to the color of the skin, sclera and feces. If they also have a yellow tint, then we are talking about liver diseases, which often requires immediate hospitalization.

A cloudy brown tint of urine is a clear sign of a pathology that requires medical assistance. The cause of such turbidity may be an increase in the amount of bile pigments, alkaptonuria, the use of certain medications, pyuria, phosphaturia.

Stones and sand in the kidneys can make urine dark and cloudy, as they provoke injuries to the internal organ, which means that blood is mixed with the urine.

Another defective cause is a tumor of the genitourinary system or its infection. If within a few days you observe clouding of urine, you should seek help from a doctor.

Other options

Sometimes urine can become darker due to the presence of brown flakes in it. Such a manifestation is a sure sign of inflammatory kidney damage. Pathology is considered as an independent disease, or it can be a complication against the background of lesions of the kidneys, the urinary system as a whole, or the genital organs. Such a defect often manifests itself in sexually transmitted diseases, with inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.

If the deviation is accompanied by pain during urination, soreness in the muscles and joints, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the temperature rises, we are talking about the need to obtain immediate medical attention. However, to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, additional diagnostics and tests will be required.

Normally, a certain amount of mucus is present in human urine, which cannot be determined during diagnosis. However, its presence in the test results indicates a prolonged stagnation of urine or infection of the excretory system. Such pathologies can cause increased mucosal production, while its drainage is difficult.

So part of it starts to come out. However, sometimes the presence of mucus in the urine can indicate a corny incorrect urine sampling for research, which is the reason for the appointment of a second analysis.

Most often, mucus is found in female analyzes. The presence of this element can speak not only about kidney damage directly, but also about problems in terms of gynecology and even pregnancy. If during the gestation period mucus appears in in large numbers, we are talking about an inflammatory process that requires immediate treatment, as it is fraught with the loss of a child.

Most patients become anxious if they have brown urine. The phenomenon is observed in both men and women, while the dark brown color appears due to many factors. Normally, urine is light yellow in color. Other colors signal that the patient has malfunctions in the body, he needs to be examined. Sometimes the wrong colors indicate the development of serious diseases, so it is important for the patient to start treatment. Why does urine change in color, and what should be done to avoid it?

Brown urine: causes in men

The appearance of brown discharge from the urinary canal in a man indicates the development of pathologies in the body. Brown urine indicates dehydration or diseases of the organs, including the urinary system. When urine changes color due to a pathological factor, the patient has symptoms that appear when examining a person. Symptoms include nausea, fever, pain in the abdomen, pungent smells of urine, pain during the act of urination. In such cases, a man should consult a doctor who will prescribe a treatment complex, preventing the occurrence of complications. The main reasons for the development of this phenomenon include:

  • ailments of the reproductive system;
  • development of prostatitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the epididymis;
  • scrotal injury;
  • medication use;
  • development of jaundice, hepatitis;
  • malignant neoplasms affecting the urinary system;
  • urinary tract infection;
  • the appearance of hepatic cirrhosis, anemia;
  • long-term use of vitamins B and C;
  • elevated level leukocytes in the blood.

If the patient is not treated with drugs, and there are no products containing dyes in his diet, then a man with brown urine should seek help from a specialist who will examine him and prescribe a course of treatment. Urine may change in color in the elderly. In cases where the changes last for several days, the patient needs the help of a specialist.

Changing the color of urine in women

Brown urine in a girl indicates the presence of inflammation in the body. But the color is affected by factors such as dehydration, food containing dye present in the diet, poisoning with toxic substances or drugs. The development of deviations is influenced by neoplasms in the uterine neck, sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. To determine the cause of the change in urinary color, the patient is prescribed general and biochemical blood and urine tests, according to which a course of treatment and methods of prevention are prescribed. The factors for the development of deviations in indicators are:

  • lack of water in the human body;
  • the use of products that contain dyes;
  • development of jaundice or hepatitis;
  • increase in bilirubin;
  • the patient's pregnancy;
  • kidney disease;
  • malignant neoplasms in the pancreas and liver;
  • dieting;
  • injuries of various origins;
  • the presence of vasculitis.

Dark brown urine color during pregnancy

Pregnancy for a woman is a period of hormonal changes, as a result of which changes in the body are observed. In the presence of dark urine, patients panic. Deviations may appear in cases where the patient has recently eaten dishes with beets, cherries or blackberries. In other cases, a woman should seek help from a specialist, from whom she is examined and a treatment course will be prescribed for her.

In pregnant women, all body systems work with a double load, including the urinary system. This is due to the development of the fetus, which puts more and more pressure on the kidneys, as a result of which there is a deterioration in their functioning. Doctors do not focus on the color of urine, but on the presence of a cloudy sediment, indicating the development of serious diseases.

The presence of brown urine in a child

A dark brown liquid in a small patient is not always a consequence of the development of the disease. The color of urine is affected by the foods the patient consumes, dehydration, and medicines. In addition to color changes, the child's body temperature rises, pain during urination. In such cases, they talk about the development of serious ailments, including pyelonephritis. With any incomprehensible signs, the patient is sent for a general blood and urine test. If a disease is detected, the child is sent to additional types of research, with the help of which the stage of development of the disease is determined, and then the necessary medical complex is selected.

What does the color of urine indicate?

Light brown

A light brown liquid is a sign of the development of an infectious disease in the urinary system. At the same time, people have pain in the abdomen, false urge to urinate, increased sweating and an unpleasant smell of urine. In some cases, red-brown blood impurities are observed, so the patient should immediately consult a doctor. In addition, they monitor the color of the skin and feces. If they are yellow, then, most likely, patients have hepatic ailments, in which patients need urgent hospitalization.

hazy brown color

Turbid urine indicates the presence in the body of a certain pathology that requires medical intervention. The main reasons for this phenomenon include a high rate of bile pigment, medication, pyuria, alkaptonuria and phosphaturia. As a development factor, kidney stones and sand are due to the presence of blood in the urine. Blood impurities appear due to damage to the solid elements of the urinary tract. One of the serious factors are tumor formations and harmful microorganisms that enter the urinary system.

Dark brown

Why is dark brown urine produced? A dark brown urinary color is a sign that the patient has recently consumed products containing coloring pigments. In such situations, there is no cause for concern, and the patient can simply adjust his diet. The dark color appears due to the use of medicinal drugs (for example, taking antibiotics or laxatives). Darkening appears due to the development of pathological conditions in the body, for example, hepatitis, cirrhosis and acute glomerulonephritis. As a result, the functioning of the kidneys, which are unable to clear themselves of toxins and excess fluid, deteriorates.

Brown flakes in liquid

Brown flakes in the urine indicate that the patient has kidney inflammation. The development factors are prostate cancer, acute renal failure, hyperplasia, gynecological diseases and urolithiasis, venereal diseases, pyelonephritis and cystitis. Flakes also appear at high protein levels. If, in addition to changing the urinary color, the patient has pain during the act of urination, pain in the muscles, the temperature rises, the lower back hurts and sweating increases, then the patient needs medical help.

Presence of brown mucus in the urine

Each person has a small amount of mucus in their urine that cannot be detected by examination. The appearance of mucus with a brown tint is associated with stagnation of fluid or the spread of infection in the urinary system. The presence of mucous impurities is more characteristic of women, and their appearance is associated with pyelonephritis, gynecological diseases or pregnancy.

Dangerous symptoms associated with a change in the color of urine

The appearance of an uncharacteristic color of the secreted fluid may be accompanied by signs such as increased temperature indicator, false urge to urinate, pain during urination. In addition, the patient delays the release of fluid, there is a strong smell, pain in the abdomen, and sometimes vomiting and nausea. In such cases, the patient needs the help of a specialist to remove the disturbing symptom.

Diagnostic measures

What does dark urine mean, and what are the reasons why urine has become this color? These questions can be answered after a comprehensive examination of the patient, including a general urine test, which determines the presence of harmful microorganisms, the level of protein and red blood cells. The blood test determines increased content hepatic enzymes. Looking at the readings of blood and urine tests, the doctor may prescribe other types of research.

What does the treatment include?

After examining the patient, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment course. It includes adherence to a dietary menu and drug therapy, after which the color of the urine becomes straw yellow. If a patient develops tumors, they are given chemotherapy. An important point is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene in order to avoid the spread of infection.

Preventive measures

To avoid changing the color of urine, the patient should constantly adhere to preventive measures. It is necessary to go to the toilet at the first urge, as well as after sexual intercourse, so that the infection does not spread. You should exercise, and after training, take a shower. It is important to monitor your diet, drink enough fluids, give up alcohol.

Slight changes in urine color are normal. In the morning, you can observe its darkening, associated with an increase in the concentration of urochrome. If you drink a lot of water, urine changes color to straw yellow.

In the case of some pathological or physical conditions, it may turn brown.

If this happens, you need to find out whether there is a disease, or whether such a reaction to stimuli from the outside is normal.

Non-dangerous reasons

The situation is considered normal if one of the factors has become the cause of brown urine:

Urine of brown or brown color can become when legumes, beef, strong tea, rhubarb, etc. are included in the diet. If we talk about drugs, then urine is stained in dark brown preparations of salol and naphthol. In addition, there is an increase in the concentration of urochrome during the use in the treatment of laxatives.

When you stop eating or when you stop taking the above products / medicines, the color of the urine is quickly restored.

Pathological causes

Urine may become brown in color due to the development of certain diseases. In this case, we are talking about:

  • jaundice (mechanical, parenchymal, hemolytic);
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys;
  • prostate diseases;
  • pathologies of the female internal genital organs.

In addition, urine may turn brown as a result of increased fluid loss associated with certain diseases.

If we talk about the causes of brown urine, which lie in the development of jaundice in a patient, then this phenomenon is due to a violation of the formation and subsequent excretion of bile pigments.

  • change in skin tone, which becomes greenish-yellow;
  • discoloration of feces;
  • bradycardia (low heart rate);
  • a decrease in blood pressure.

If the causes of brown urine are parenchymal jaundice, which develops as a result of liver damage in cirrhosis and hepatitis, then the urine is stained due to an increase in the content of urobilin and the appearance of bilirubin. The skin with this disease may acquire a saffron-yellow tint, and the feces may become clayey. With active inflammation of the liver, a decrease in body weight, weakness, an increase in the abdomen caused by ascites, and an increase in temperature can also be observed. The remaining symptoms, only with a lesser degree of severity, are similar to mechanical jaundice.

When explaining the causes of brown urine by the development of hemolytic jaundice, its staining occurs due to an increase in the amount of bilirubin in the blood, which is associated not with liver pathology, but with its increased formation. The occurrence of hemolysis of erythrocytes is due to poisoning with hemolytic poison, incompatibility of blood by group or Rh factor during transfusion, as well as the development of such diseases as: systemic lupus erythematosus, malaria, infective endocarditis, etc. The cause of brown urine during hemolysis is the increased content of urobilin in it, while bilirubin is absent. There is also a darkening of the feces and the acquisition of a lemon-yellow hue by the skin.

Urine is a liquid that the body excretes, and with it the products of metabolism. Some of them give the urine a particular color. For example, urobilin, urochrome, uroroserin, uroerythrin and the like. Thanks to them, urine turns yellow of varying intensity.

Normal urine color ranges from pale to bright yellow, depending on the presence of a pigment called urochrome. The color of urine may not always be normal. Vitamins can change it to bright green, carrot color can turn it orange. Porphyria is a disease that affects the skin and nervous system, it changes the color of urine to the color of wine.

Reasons for changing the color of urine

The color of urine depends on several factors. Firstly, on the metabolism and the amount of metabolites that are excreted, as well as on the volume of fluid excreted by the body. So, unconcentrated urine will always be lighter than concentrated. Secondly, from age. The color of urine in a child will always be lighter than that of an adult. In children infancy urine has a light yellow color, and in newborns it is almost colorless. But the presence of a reddish tint is allowed for two weeks from the moment of birth. This is due to high levels of uric acid.

What kind of foods you eat also determines what color of urine you will have in the future. For example, green urine is the result of eating rhubarb or asparagus, urine Pink colour or even red - beets, and orange - carrots. If the color of urine has changed during treatment, then this may be the result of taking medication, which will most likely be written in the instructions for the drugs.

But it is worth noting that urine color change more often occurs all the same as a result of diseases and pathological processes. So:

  • Urine that is dark yellow in color can be a symptom of an acute infectious disease or congestion in the kidneys. In addition, it is observed during dehydration of the body or in the presence of burns.
  • Pale yellow urine, almost colorless, is a symptom of polyuria of various etiologies (diabetes and diabetes insipidus, chronic renal failure of the initial stage).
  • The color of urine, caused by high levels of urobilinogen as a result of hemolytic anemia, will be dark brown.
  • Dark colored urine, almost black is observed in acute hemolytic kidney, alkaptonuria or malosarcoma.
  • Red urine may indicate that fresh blood has entered it. This occurs as a result of urolithiasis, hemorrhagic cystitis, kidney infarction or a tumor of the urinary system.
  • Urine red, which is more reminiscent of the color of meat slops, indicates the presence of altered blood in the urine (glomerulonephritis).
  • The color of urine changes to greenish-brown or dark beer as a result of parenchymal jaundice or the appearance of bilirubin and urobilinogen in the urine.
  • With mechanical jaundice, the urine becomes greenish-yellow in color.
  • The presence of lymphatic fluid in the urine will cause it to be milky in color. The reason for this are various pathological processes that are accompanied by lymphostasis in the kidney.
  • Fatty degeneration of the kidney will lead to the appearance of pus, fats and phosphate crystals in the urine, which will give it a whitish tint.
  • Colorless urine or slightly yellow urine most often appears as a result of heavy drinking and is the norm. If this symptom is permanent, then it indicates the presence of advanced kidney disease.
  • If yellow colored urine, but there is a sandy sediment, then this is a clear sign that the patient has a tendency to form kidney stones.
  • brown urine, which is very similar to the color of strong black tea, signals the presence of liver and gallbladder disease.
  • Turbid urine with the presence of flakes is a symptom of urethritis, cystitis, inflammation of the kidneys.
  • If the urine foams (mainly seen in men), then semen has entered the urinary tract.

During pregnancy, a woman should regularly visit a gynecologist, and during each visit, she is usually assigned a urinalysis in order to identify possible pathologies at an early stage.

Normal urine color during pregnancy should be yellow, different shades are allowed and considered normal. After all, the kidneys already have to work for two organisms, and the growing fetus gradually begins to put pressure on them.

Throughout pregnancy, urine should not change color. Of course, each future mom worries about her health and the health of the baby, so she worries at the slightest deviation from the norm. But there is not always a reason to panic. For example, dark brown urine does not always indicate pathologies and may be the result of the fact that the mother ate something. Normal color will return in a day.

Urine bright yellow may appear as a result of dehydration, when pregnancy is accompanied by severe toxicosis and little fluid enters the body. Strongly bright color urine signals chronic dehydration, during which you may not want to drink, but this can lead to the formation of stones in the tissues of the kidneys.

A change in the color of urine (urine) is caused by physiological pathological causes, which is a reflection of the processes taking place inside the body. The norm stipulates that urine should be a clear yellow liquid with a light tone. Some deviations from the norm are possible, since each organism has its own individual metabolic characteristics. The darker color of urine is associated with an elevated content of urochrome substance in it. However, brown urine is observed only under the influence of physiological and pathogenic factors.

First of all, the use of chemicals and drugs based on aloe, when eating legumes and rhubarb. Most diuretic medicines include sena and kaskura herbs, which also have an effect on staining urine in a dark color. In addition to prolonged urination, some antibiotics and antimalarials also change the tone and color of urine. All of these factors are related to physiological reasons why urine is dark brown. However, its darkening is also formed on the basis of pathological processes occurring in the body, mainly diseases of the liver and kidneys.

The darkening of urine is based on a lack of fluid, any change in its tone is evidence of a violation in the body of normal metabolic processes. Most of the processes that are associated for the body with excessive fluid loss or dehydration cause the urine to darken.

However, don't take your body's signals lightly. In order to understand it correctly, you need to know the main reasons for the darkening of urine and carefully listen to the state of your body.

The most common reasons

Physiological causes are not dangerous to health. These include:

  • increased content of urochrome in urine, which is caused by a prolonged lack of fluid in the body;
  • climate and temperature changes, as well as prolonged physical activity, accompanied by significant sweating;
  • taking certain medications and chemicals (naphthol, salol, laxative, phenol, cresol and lysol);
  • eating foods containing artificial and natural dyes (beef, strong tea, legumes);
  • the use of activated charcoal and infusions (decoctions) of bearberry leaves.

To eliminate the reasons for changing the color of urine, it is enough to stop the influence of the factor that caused the darkening, that is, change the diet, control the habits and mode of fluid intake, avoid hypothermia and sudden changes in temperature.

Sometimes in the morning when going to the toilet, the urine is darker than usual. This is normal and is associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the kidneys at night. The first portion always has a more saturated color.

In most cases, the causes of dark brown urine are hidden precisely in the physiological influence of various factors, the pathological ones include:

  • progression in the body of hemolytic, mechanical and parenchymal hepatitis;
  • prostate pathology;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the organs of the kidneys and liver;
  • pathology of the structure of the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • acute intestinal infections and diseases.

With hepatitis, bile enzymes are not properly excreted from the body, and in acute intestinal infections there is a large loss of fluid, with pathologies of the liver and kidneys, the urine becomes dark due to the content of blood cells and purulent secretions in it. If the urine is red-brown in color, then this indicates the presence of blood masses in the urine.

In any case, the brown color of urine is not the norm, and if a darkening of the urine is detected and there are no physiological factors that could cause a change in its color, you should immediately contact a specialist. If you ignore the symptom, then the possible disease will turn into a chronic form.

Often, pathological processes are accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, painful manifestations, burning and cutting in the area urinary organs, false urge to urinate, chills and fever.

A characteristic sign of leakage and the bladder is an unpleasant pungent odor.

Video: What does urine color mean?

Brown urine in men

In most cases associated with the course of diseases, brown urine in a man is observed when pathological processes caused by:

  • prostatitis;
  • disease of the testicles and inflammation of their appendages;
  • inflammation of the urinary and vas deferens;
  • traumatic consequences of damage to the scrotum, kidneys and liver;
  • the course of various forms and types of hepatitis;
  • poisoning (overabundance of absorption) with elements and chemical compounds of copper;
  • the formation of tumors on the tissues of the urinary organs;
  • infectious and viral lesions of the urinary tract;
  • urolithiasis;
  • gallbladder diseases
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • anemia of internal organs.

If brown discharge is present in the urine, then in most cases they are formed by purulent masses and blood, which is a consequence of the flow of severe diseases in the body. inflammatory processes. Left without adequate medical influence such diseases can significantly affect the state of health and threaten the normal conditions of existence and life support. Changes in the tone of urine should be treated in such a way as to allow the assumption in the first place that brown urine in men is a sign of illness, and not a temporary disorder of health.

Brown urine in women

Also, as in men, brown urine in women is observed under the physiological influence of various factors, as well as in pathological conditions, which include:

  • toxic poisoning;
  • venereal diseases;
  • tumors, including those developing on the tissues of the reproductive organs and organs of the genitourinary system;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • inflammation of the appendages and urinary tract (urethra);
  • traumatic consequences of injuries to the abdomen, liver and kidneys;
  • the course of various hepatitis;
  • infectious and viral lesions of the urinary tract;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • vasculitis;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • metabolic pathologies;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gallbladder disease.

Observation of dark urine is an important symptom of a serious disorder in the body, which cannot be ignored and adequate application of therapeutic measures. The uncontrolled development of certain diseases can lead to the loss of childbearing functions and the most unfortunate outcome. You should immediately seek medical help and strictly follow all the doctor's instructions.

Diagnosis of diseases

It is possible to give the correct answer to the question why urine is brown only after a complex of examinations and consultations. There are many pathological causes of darkening of urine, not all of them are recognized by their manifestation of external symptoms. Do not neglect the measures of personal hygiene, ignore the recommendations for the use of mechanical contraceptives.

Self-medication is unacceptable. Only the results of laboratory, instrumental and hardware studies provide a basis for analyzing and understanding why brown urine or urine shows brown discharge.

For the diagnosis of diseases used:

  • ultrasound examination of the body;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • laboratory general and biochemical blood tests;
  • various urine tests;
  • laboratory studies of smears and discharge samples;
  • antibiotic susceptibility testing;
  • instrumental examination of the urethra;
  • laboratory studies of virus pathologies.

Modern medicine has a wide range of opportunities for the correct diagnosis of diseases and the choice of adequate, but effective tactics to combat it.

Therapeutic influence

Depending on the characteristics of the disease that caused the urine to darken, the specialist selects the methods and tactics of therapeutic procedures aimed at curing the pathological process.

For the treatment of infectious lesions, topical agents are widely used and folk methods washes with herbs. For the treatment of oncological diseases, there are various medical centers and clinics that have a choice special means and methods of therapy.

When carrying out therapeutic procedures of a urological orientation, use:

  • various diuretics;
  • drugs that affect chemical composition urine and blood;
  • antibiotics and antifungal agents, as well as drugs to combat pathogenic microflora;
  • antiviral agents;
  • drugs that block the activity of certain receptors.

There are no universal remedies and magic pills, including for infectious lesions of the urethra. Only a specialist, based on the results of examinations, can give an opinion on the development of a particular disease, as well as recommend ways to cure it.

Video: Urine color from cystitis to cancer

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