Flowers lamb from cough. Primrose Drug: Application, Recipes, Pharmacy Preparations (Primula)

The primrose of spring (drug), or primulous, has many gentle folk nicknames, among which - the rams, the firstborn, therapeutic, key-grass. Its legend about the appearance of it on Earth is in almost every country: the plants are attributed to the plant from the frowns by the apostle by Peter Keys, from transforming the princess, who did not obey the gods. ... In addition, the grass can save from grief and adversity, helps get married And predicts the eruption of volcanoes and earthquakes, it also treats from a variety of illnesses. The photo of the medicinal priority is in scientific directories, because the plant is widely used even in traditional medicine. Recipes in which spring primrose is involved in the second part of the article.

Prophiz of Spring

Primorce Spring: Photo, Botany, distribution

Primulus is a perennial grassy plant, the genus Primrose. It reaches a height of 20 cm., It has a reduced stem, short, horizontal, with rowing rims that are descending with juicy subtle branches. The leaves are collected in a socket near the start of the rhizomes, with narrow stiffs, also reverseless, gear, wrinkled.

On the top of the stem, the flowers of the right shape are located, yellow colorup to 15 mm. diameter. The fruit is a brown egg-shaped box in which there are spherical small seeds. The plant primrose medicinal (in the photo) is found in Europe, also in other zones (Caucasus, Siberia). You can find it in the steppe, forests, meadows, parks.

Plant Barans: Properties and Applications

Everything medical properties Primulus is due to its rich composition. In the drug raw materials of the spring (medicinal):

  • Ascorbic acid
  • Provitamin "A"
  • Vitamin "E"
  • Manganese
  • Saponins
  • Bioflavonoids
  • Vegetable glycosides
  • Essential oils
  • Alcohol


Plant Branches has so many useful properties that it is difficult to list them. It is used in many areas of traditional medicine, as well as in traditional healer. The most valuable introduced during treatment:

  • Migraine
  • Neuralgia
  • Bronchitis
  • Emphisms of the lungs
  • Qatar respiratory tract
  • Gout
  • Rheumatism
  • Insomnia

Funds made from spring primrose are successfully used for therapy of kidney disease, bladder, stomach. It will help to introduce almost any ORVI, especially if the disease is complicated by bronchitis and pneumonia. A huge amount of vitamin "C" makes the primrose to the right tool from cancer, avitaminosis.

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Plant Baranchi has an expectorant and sweetest action and with a cold can have a valuable therapeutic effect. Also, infusions and decoctions of plants help with spasms, relieve inflammation in any field of the body, treat the pathology of the eyes and ailments of the male genital sphere.

Primorce Spring (Drug): Folk Medicine

In therapeutic purposes, leaves and flowers are used, or the roots of the primrose medicinal (in the photo), that is, all of its parts have benefits. Collect raw materials at the beginning of flowering (April-May), dry it at a temperature of 120 degrees in the oven: so in the plant there will be almost the entire stock of vitamin "C".

Before receiving funds from primrose, it is necessary to take into account its contraindications. So, the plant is quite allergenic, and the cases of its intolerance are not one. Primula Spring enhances blood coagulation, and it cannot be combined with anticoagulant therapy. During pregnancy, the primrose threatens the miscarriage, therefore it is strictly prohibited.


This tool helps well if a chronic dry cough is tormented - from bronchitis. It is also possible to apply it in acute bronchitis. Take 3 spoons of dry roots of the plant, brewed with half-liter boiling water. Insist in the thermos 6 hours, and then drink 100 ml. Three times a day for 10 days.

From Avitaminosis

To "saturate" ascorbic acid and other vitamins, it is necessary to prepare a powder from the plant part of the spring (drug) primorial. The dried plant is crushed, after which 5 gr. Powder brewing half glass boiling water. After half an hour, the remedy, suck a little salt (on the knife tip). They drink this tool per day with small sips, is being treated on 14-21 days.

From Larygita

When the inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis) is accompanied by a wet cough, improve expectoration and make the cough even more productive will also help the Spring Primulus. It is necessary to cook from plants: in equal parts to connect anise seeds, calendula flowers, leaves and bloodflower flowers, daisy flowers. Pour a spoon for collecting a glass of boiling water, insist an hour. Drink 100 ml. Three times per day.

Primrose Spring from Neuralgia

For the treatment of nerve diseases you need to consume juice from the primrose. For cooking, a plant washes with flowers, crushed it, press juice. To carry out treatment, mix the teaspoon of juice with the same amount of honey. Drink such a medicine with milk or water in sufficient quantities, repeat three times a day for 2 weeks.

Primula: Recipe from angina

For the treatment of angina, other forms of heap ischemia, you can use oil from the primrose of spring. Collect flowers plants, put them in a small jar (0.5 l.), Stuff not too tight. Pour flowers with vegetable oil so that it filled the jar to the top. They put a remedy on the window so that the sun falls on it, on 21 days. After passing this period, the flowers pressed and throw away, and this oil is once again poured new plants. After another 21 day of standings on the windowsill, the means are filtering, stored in the cold. It is treated with 1 ml inward. twice a day month.

See also: People's methods of treatment of angina

From asthma

A more effectively treat the bronchial asthma by collecting herbs, which includes the plants of the rams, although it is possible to use primrose and as monotherapy. For the manufacture of collection, 40 grams are connected. Fruit of cumin, 10 gr. Flowers of primrose, 10 grams. Rosyanka herbs, licorice roots, violet herbs. 2 spoons of collection brew 300 ml. Boiling water, after 2 hours they will be typified. Consume 100 ml. Three times a day for 10 days.

Migraine will help primrose drug

When the head often hurts, medications are also used based on the primrose of spring. Take 20 gr. Flowers, leaves, poured 700 ml. Dry red wine. A week later, begins therapy: drink a means of 50 ml. Three times a day for a week.

From rheumatism

20 gr. Primulus roots are crushed, 400 ml is poured. water. Timber roots in water on low heat 15 minutes, insist for another half an hour, fill up to 400 ml. Drink from rheumatism 100 ml. four times per day.

Flu Spring Primrose

With influenza, tea with primrose and a beast. Brew on the tablespoon of grass and flowers of both plants, poured 500 ml. boiling water. They divide on 3 receptions, drink after adding honey to taste.

From Seborii

To cure the skin of the head of the head, prepare the infusion of grasses. 4 spoons of raw materials brew 500 ml. Water, insist hour. Then filter, wetted in the rod agent, apply to the head as a bumble. After half an hour, the head washes. Repeat treatment every other 10 times.

See an interesting video of an amazingly young sign about treating migraine primrose, strengthening vessels and other recipes - from raw materials to prepare Elixir:

Branches (primrose medicinal): Medical properties

Barans, therapeutic properties of which make it possible to use this plant with various diseases, is a herbaceous plant relating to many years of age. During flowering, bright yellow, pleasantly smelling flowers appear on it. Since the beacons bloom in May, they are often also called the primrose of spring, it is also widely described in the relevant literature. Most often they are found in areas with dry soil, and not in the open area, but in the thickets of shrubs.

Therapeutic properties of the primrose of spring

Folk Medicine For its purposes, it recommends using certain parts of the batteries - therapeutic properties of its leaves and the roots of themselves have proven themselves, while the use of colors is not mentioned anywhere. However, the flower is a kind of signal to how it is properly to handle the plant: the healing properties of the spring of the spring will be disclosed as much as possible if collecting raw materials during the flowering period.

The special value of this plant in terms of traditional medicine is that it is from him that it is possible to obtain the necessary reserves of vitamin from when it can be obtained when it is practically absent in another source. That is why the preparations of primrose are recommended for avitaminosis, anemia and other diseases requiring full-fledged body provision by vitamin C.

As for the roots of the rams, they should be harvested in the fall. Preparations from this part of the plant are an excellent coating and antipyretic agent, as well as they are recommended to be used to facilitate wetting of sputum during dry cough.

Methods for the use of spring primrose

Depending on which this plant is used, can be used in different forms. So, for the treatment of avitaminosis, the best remedy is the addition of fresh leaves of primrose in salads. Please note that the quality of the treatment edited leaves does not improve the quality of treatment, so there will be enough pairs of leaflets per day.

As an expectorant, sweat, anti-inflammatory and soothing agent is used in the infusion of the plant. For the preparation of this requires 10 grams of dry raw materials (approximately a tablespoon) to pour steep boiling water and leave for forty minutes, after which it is strain. Such an infusion can be used not only inside, but also externally - to eliminate excessive oily skin and rinsing hair, prone to fatty.

A mixture of crushed young leaves and honey in equal amounts is successfully used as a heart rate. It follows this drug for a week, then use two times a day in a tablespoon before meals. The primrose of spring and combined with other herbs has proven itself well. So, equal parts of this grass and orders, taken in the number of two tablespoons, you need to pour 500ml boiling water in a thermos for the night, and to strain and drink and drink half a cup of three times a day, at the same time driving 2 drops into each eye - such a recipe will help substantially Improve vision. It is necessary to use it for 7-8 weeks. And the rams, insisted on the fault (a bottle of red dry wine and 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials, infused during the month), is an excellent tool to increase potency if you use it twice a day across the tablespoon.

Contraindications for the use of spring primrose

Any drugs from this plant are forbidden to accept during pregnancy or the presence of individual intolerance.

Primula Drug - Medical Properties, Application

Primula Officinalis Jacq.

On bright glads of deciduous forests, on the edges and among rare shrubs already in May, our view is pleasing to the light yellow risels of primrose. From the powerful root system, the kettlet of ovoid-elongated wrinkled leaves and several stretching flowers, which grow one after the other as they are frustrated. Barans - perennials, but perfectly multiply also with seeds that mature at the end of August, so you should leave the most powerful plants and not collect everything to the last - leaving major copies you will provide reproduction for future years.

Biological description of the primrose of medicinal

Primula has many other popular names: rams, lambs, lady handles, white letter, sovereign, celestial keys, ears, Flowers of St. Peter. The latter is associated with the legend that the plant has grown on the place where the Holy Peter dropped the keys to paradise. The inflorescence of the primrose is similar to the key ligament, on another legend these are the keys that spring opens the doors in the summer.

The primrose has a short horizontal rhizome, numerous thin juicy roots depart from it.

The leaves of primurant-feed-eyed form, wrinkled, gear or unclear on the edges are narrowed into the winged petiole and form a root rosette. From the center of the socket comes out a leafless color of 5-30 cm high.

The flowers are correct, yellow, 7-15 mm in diameter, five-membered, dimorphic, with a 10-toothed cup, are tilted in one direction, routine, are assembled in a slightly disrupting umbrella of 10-30 pieces. Avenue at the base of the agreary; Petals stupid.

In the conditions of the middle band of the European part of Russia, primrose blooms in April - July.

Fruit - box.

Where the primulus grows (distribution and ecology)

The plant is distributed in forest and forest-steppe zones almost throughout Europe, including in the European part of Russia; It is also found in the Caucasus, Iran and Turkey. Prefers rare bright forests, edges, shrubs, meadows, glades.

What is part of the primrose

In the roots of primrose, saponins were found in an amount of 5-10%, essential oil - 0.08% and glycosides: Primulaverymp (primularoside), cluster (primordial) belonging to triterpene compounds.

Saponins are also found in the leaves, in flowers - flavonoids and saponins. All parts of the plant are rich in the content of ascorbic acid. In terms of dry matter, the leaves contain 5.9%, and the flowers are 4.7% ascorbic acid (vitamin C), a small amount of carotene is detected in the leaves and roots.

Pharmacological properties of Primulus

Action: due to large number Saponins Infusions and ragners Primories help in the treatment of colds, inflammation in the throat and larynx, flu, bronchitis. Helps in the treatment of tuberculosis and lung pneumoconiosis, excellent expectorant. The course of primrose is recommended for smokers and people suffering from rheumatism. The compresses from the decoction reduce swelling and pain, accelerate the healing of postoperative wounds.

People's medicine for centuries used primura for the treatment of migraine, insomnia, nervous tension. Wine from primrose is recommended as a means of regulating blood circulation.

The primrose also has diuretic properties, therefore it is used to purify and disinfect organism.

When to collect and how to store the primrose medicinal

As a rule, the entire plant of primrose is collected entirely during flowering in May, and the roots are autumn. Dry leaves need to quickly, then preserved vitamins and beneficial features raw.

Rhizomes are harvested in autumn, digging them with shovels. It is believed to cut the above-ground parts and quickly wash in cold running water. After pre-airing outdoors, dried in attics under the iron roof, under canopies with good ventilation or in dryers at a temperature of 40-50 degrees, a slide layer on paper, fabric or sieve. Dry raw materials are packaged in bags or bales. Store in dry, well-ventilated premises. Shelf life - two years.

The leaves are collected at the beginning of flowering, tearing them with their hands or cutting off the knives. Quickly dried in attics under the iron roof or in dryers at a temperature of 70-80 degrees, spreading them with a thin layer. Dry leaves pack, pressing in bags. Store in dry, well-ventilated premises.

Flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering, tearing off his hands and folding in small baskets. Dried under sheds with good ventilation, spreading thin layer. Packaged in metal cans of 5 or 10 kg and stored in dry, well-ventilated rooms.

In what diseases are primrose

Primula in scientific medicine

Use Folium Primuiae leaves, Flores Primulae flowers and rhizomes with Radix Primulae roots. The leaves are used as a vitamin remedy for the preparation of vitamin C concentrates, which are recommended for the treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis. The roots contain saponins, glucosides, traces of essential oil, vitamins A and C. Roots are used as an excellent expectorant for diseases of the respiratory tract, especially with bronchitis, pneumonia, cough, asthma and as a diuretic and floating remedy for influenza.

Primula in folk medicine

PRINTER Flowers are used as a coating agent with colds, migranes, head dizziness, insomnia, fever, heart disease and lung tuberculosis.

The decoction of the roots is used for bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, coughum as an incinerating agent (with joint pains), with chronic constipation, headaches, all diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys.

The powder from the crushed leaves of primrose is taken with a lack of vitamins in the body, lethargy, the absence of appetite, gum diseases.

It is used in the primrose of homeopathy, and the aqueous decoctions of the entire plants in veterinary medicine.

Using primrose in medicine (recipes)

The rhizome of the beams in the form of a decoction or apara - 5 g for 1 cup of water - used as an expectorant with bronchitis and coughs, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and cold. Thanks to the incoming primrose salicylic acid, the roots have a slight anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate the metabolism and selection of gastric juices, sweat, urine. The above decoction is used in 1 tbsp. A spoon with honey 4-5 times a day.

Flowers and all the plant of primroses also have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, they are brewed at the rate of 5 g per 1 cup of water (one-piece plant is taken 2 times more) and drink in 5-6 receptions, and also washed the nose and put the throat. The same napar is used with headaches and to remove fatigue, irritability, like a slight sedative for children. The leaves of the primrose are rich in vitamin C, it is useful to apply them with Avitaminosov and after severe diseases, drink tea from flowers with flowers (do not boil, and brew), cut into salads. Food from the grass of primrose is useful to people with diseases of the joints - it throws pain, helps to remove salt from the body, has a soft sedative effect.

With bad appetite, cough, general weakness, hypovitaminos, inflammation of the lungs, the Qing is taken by the infusion of Primulus leaves: brew in 20 ml of boiling water 5-10 g of powder from leaves, insistant 1 hour, strain. Consume 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

With insomnia, constipation, overall weakness, poor appetite, dizziness, cough, kidney disease and bladder, as a diuretic is taken by the infusion of primrose roots: brew in 200 ml of boiling water 5 g roofs, let it brew 2 hours, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

With inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, cough drink a decoction from the grass of primrose as an expectorant: 20 g of chopped grass is boiled in 200 ml of water for 20 minutes, they will create. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

With dizziness, migraines, chronic constipation takes the infusion of primrose flowers: brew in 200 ml of boiling water 25 g of a ramchik, let it brew half an hour, strain. Drink at 100-200 ml 1-3 times a day.

In case of diseases of the respiratory organs, gout, rheumatism, kidney disease, bladder, the bladder is taken from the roots of primrose: 20 g of roots are boiled in 400 ml of water for 15 minutes, 30 minutes are insteaded. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

It is very useful for strengthening overall health Drink of primrose flowers: 250 g Flowers of primrose rinse, pour 1 liter of cold water, let it be at room temperature before the start of fermentation, add sugar or honey (to taste). Store ready-made drink in a dark cool place.

Food with primrose: dried roots or leaves of primrose and hormour grass mix in equal amounts, grind. Brew as ordinary tea and drink with honey, sugar, jam, candy, xylitol.

Fresh leaves of primrose, assembled at the beginning of flowering, are used to prepare salads. Just just two leaves of primroses to satisfy the daily need of the body in vitamin C.

Good to know...

  • Stems and leaves are edible and can be used to prepare salads and.
  • Primula is a favorite plant of a European wild rabbit.
  • The primrose is widespread as a decorative plant.


Evening Primula - Medical Properties and Contraindications | Applying Primulla Oil in Folk Medicine

Forest or evening primroses, they are also called the beaches - spring flowers common in our latitudes. Evening primrose is a medicinal plant used due to its medicinal properties entirely. Primulus B. folk medicine It is due to the benefit of her brazers, infusions and info, as well as tea based on it.

Evening Primula - Application and Description of the Plant

Forest primroses (rams) are one of the first of our colors that bloom in May. From the outlet of the wrinkled leaves of the oblong shape, high naked blondes carrying yellow colors carrying brushes come out.

Each flower of primroses about 5 blades - yellow, with an orange speck at the base of the bending. Tubes are long, rough to the touch, like all the plant. Growing wild-growing primulus - 15-30 cm (blooming), and the leaves are only slightly lifted above the ground.

The useful and therapeutic properties of forest primulus are huge. Not a gift from a long time Flowers, primroses are popular with supporters of traditional medicine. The quenching heads of funny evening primulus decorate light birch groves, shady summer, but the outdoor sun in the spring forestry, edges and outskirts of meadows. A lot of bees and bumblebees attend delicious canines on a sunny day - do not rush to rip the flower, there is probably a winged visitor sits.

Evening Primula - Medical Properties and Contraindications

The use of the roots of the primrose is to prepare the mixtur of an expectorant action (Preparation "Primün"), flowers from flowers and roots - a wonderful coating and anti-inflammatory agent. And all the plant is a natural vitamin complex. Most of all vitamin C (up to 1000 mg%) and carotene is contained in the leaves that have long been used in the recipes for cooking with spring avitaminosis, decay forces and simply as seasoning to the table.

The use of lamb leaves in salads is traditionally for England, and in our villages, from the first green leaves, borsch were prepared, and the flowers were brewed instead of tea.

When collecting evening primroses, it should be borne in mind that the plant breeds seeds and leave the strongest aging blossoms. Also, it is also possible to dig all the plants of primors in a row - it is better to tear up 3-4 leafs from each plant. Small grass grazing and her healing properties treat us, so give her a chance to survive on this planet.

Contraindications for the use of evening primrose

Application of night arrivals - recipes

Salad Recipe with Primulus Leaves

Gentle leaflets are washed, cut and add to any green and vegetable salads. They will give the spicy taste of the traditional Russian version of "Olivier".

Recipe Soup "Spring Sun" from Primulus

Useful recipe From Primulus: Boil potatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes, fill the broth with a passable onion, alder Hercules "Extra" and pour chopped labels and sick. Peel 3 minutes and put the eggs from the yolks separated from the proteins - by the number of servings. Extinguish the fire (do not interfere!) And leave for 10 minutes under the lid. Serve hot with sour cream. 3 potatoes - 1 bulbs, greenery bowl, 2 tbsp. l. Cereals, 1.5 liters of water.

Omelet recipe with primrose leaves

Cooking an omelet recipe with forest primura: allowed global leaflets in a small amount in a frying pan olive oil. Remove the lid and pour their egg-milk mixture. Cover with a lid and fry on a very slow heat for 20 minutes. Eggs are whipped with milk, they add sour cream, salt and flour - so that no lumps are formed. 3 eggs - 0.5 cup of milk, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. Flour, salt and cup of cutting leaves Primulus.

Tea Recipe with Primulus Leaves

Cooking recipe medical tea With primro: Fresh or dry flowers put in a cup and pour boiling water. Soaking 10 minutes under warm bedspread and drink with honey or jam. The cup is 3-4 inflorescences. Therapeutic properties of the premils of the spring in this tea are colossal.

Tea recipe with dry bronchitis

Cooking recipe useful tea With Primulat: The roots of the plant pour boiling water and boil under the lid for 15 minutes with very weak boiling. You can pour raw materials in thermos and insist 3 hours. Drink 2-3 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day, often with honey with cough. Unique therapeutic properties of evening primroses allow you to use this tea and in children's practice.

Therapeutic properties of evening primrose: video

primrose medicinal, primula, jaundice, firstborn, mother, liferey, flight, beams, fleece, fasting, larudochka, Nicholas, Heavenly Kerson, Flowers of St. Peter, lamb, White letter, lady handles

Many years of spring primrose. It is appreciated in folk and scientific medicine by expectorant, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antispasmodic, antlegum, laxative action. In the pharmacy, you can buy a cough syrup based on primrose. At home, you can cook tea, infusion, tincture, butter.

Title on Latin: Primula Veris.

Title in English: Spring Primrose

Family: Great Color

The primrose of the spring (medicinal) is a well-known and beloved in the people of grass. This is evidenced by many popular plants names. One of them is "keys". The legend says that one day Saint Peter dropped the keys to the ground, and the primrose, form of inflorescence, really resembled the keys in this place. For a long time, the primrose medicinal (primer) was used for cough. Today, the muscolitic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect of grass is scientifically proven. The high content of saponins in its chemical composition contributes to the discharge of a thick mucus in bronchi. Less frequently, the plant is used as a diuretic, campphic, antimorronic, sleeping pills.

Features of the primrose medicinal

Primula refers to K. spring primrofitam. Like a snowdrop, crocus, frost, prolestin, median, Narcissus, violet is an early spring Flower. It is often grown in decorative purposes on the panstones. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, Introduces benefits health. When is it recommended to take it? How to collect and harvest grass?


Grass primrose loves wet soil and half. Most often occurs in the forest-steppe and forest zone of the European part. Also, it can be seen in the Volga region, Crimea, in the Caucasus, Urals, in Western Siberia., Altai, Sayanov. Grows in mixed forests and pinemas, on edges, glades, wet meadows, thickets.

Plant Characteristics

Primrose spring. Botanical illustration of the book O. V. Tome "Flora Von Deutschland, Österreich und Der Schweiz", 1885.

Botanical Description of the Priorior Spring:

  • perennial herbaceous plant;
  • burnt leaves have a shape of a socket;
  • from the center of the socket grows one or more shoots (arrows);
  • inflorescences have a form of a downgrade umbrella (it can be from 10 to 30 flowers);
  • flowers are yellow, with a lemon tint, with a gear cup;
  • egg-shaped leaves, gear, wrinkled;
  • rhizome horizontal, juicy, seated with thin roots.

The primrose medicinal and types of its pollination in the 60-70 years of the XIX century studied Charles Darwin. The scientist noted the viability of seeds of this species, especially when pollinated between different subspecies. The closest primrose spring look - the primrose largest. On another classification, the plant applies to the pleased, has the same therapeutic properties.

Preparation of raw materials

For preparation of medicines, the root of primrose, leaves, stems and flowers are used.

  • How the root harvest. Underground part The plants are digging in autumn, purified, they are poured, after which they are dried in natural conditions or in the electric grid high temperatures.
  • How to harvest leaves. Cut before flowering. Dried under the same conditions as the root. It is important to lay the raw thin layer and do not forget to lean. In some sources, it is recommended to dry the leaves quickly in electrical stakes so that the plant does not lose valuable vitamin C.
  • How to harvest flowers. Collect the whole period of flowering. Enclosed for drying on dry verandas and attics, with fresh air access.

All dried parts of the plant can be stored 24 months. Raw materials need to be protected from dampness and sunlight. The plant relates to a vulnerable. In some regions of Russia, it is listed in the Red Book. For example, it is forbidden to tear primulus in Moscow, Kostroma, Rostov, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Arkhangelsk regions, in Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Udmurtia.

pharmachologic effect

Useful properties of primrose:

  • antispasmodic;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • sullen;
  • windy;
  • soothing;
  • potting;
  • anesthetic;
  • antimorrhemical;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • vitamin.

Therapeutic properties of primrose are determined by such components:

  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • silicic acid;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamin A and C;
  • tannins;
  • essential oil.

Rhizome and root of the plant contains significantly more useful substances than flowers and leaves.

Learn more about Multic Grass Action

Cough treatment is the main use of this flower. The grass stimulates the secretory activity of the bronchi and the upper respiratory tract. Especially useful during dry, unproductive cough, contributes to the disheve of sputum. References to the application may be diagnoses:

  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • pneumonia;
  • lung emphysema;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • attacks of a cough cough.

Recommend to drink beams of primroses to spring people of old age, which have a reduction in the heart muscle and blood supply to the lungs. These age changes may lead to chronic (senile) cough. The primrose stimulates blood circulation, eliminates excess wet in bronchi in the elderly.

Other readings

  • Cold, Flu, ORVI. The grass has a stiff and antipyretic effect. It can be drunk with the initial signs of cold, high temperature, for removing inflammation and swelling at a sinusitis.
  • Digestion. Improves appetite, removes spasms when the abdomen is blown, has a wind turbulent and laxative action, drink in constipation and inflammation of the stomach.
  • Removal of excess fluid from the body. Recommended for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Gives a soft diuretic effect.
  • Depressant. You can read positive reviews On the sedative properties of grass. She is recommended to take overnight with insomnia, exconstructation, neurosis. Primrose removes headaches, helps with migranes.
  • AntiClerotic. When gougraning and rheumatism, infusions are taken inside, tincture can use for rubry.
  • Outdoor application. Champions and irons can rinse the throat with angina, laryngitis, pharyngitis, inflammatory process in oral cavity. They processed loose, bleeding gums. Less often apply in cosmetology - for cleansing the skin of the face, strengthening hair.

What are the contraindications of primrose? It is impossible to drink in individual intolerance and allergies, ulcerative disease, diseases of the central nervous system, during lactation. The primrose can be dangerous for pregnant women, as it causes a contraction of the uterus. Before applying children and the elderly, a doctor is needed. Overdose is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness. In this case, you need to stop accepting and seeking medical care.

Ready preparations and recipes for home cooking

What is the use of primrose medicinal medicine? What drugs based on this raw materials are prepared in pharmacology?

What can I buy in a pharmacy

  • Prophole syrup. This is one of the most effective drugs Vegetable origin from cough. There are various commercial names of syrups, as part of which there is a spring premow. This grass is often added to the combined preparations, in particular, combined with thyme.
  • Breast fee. Grass can enter various herbal feces from cough. Most often, it is used with the mother-and-stepmother, plantain, soul, licorice, lime, Anis, chamomile and other herbs. Although the classic breast fees from cough (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4), the primrose (primulous) is not included.

More about the syrup "Gerbion"

One of the most popular drugs from cough for children and adults is "Herbion" syrup. The instructions for use indicate that the drug has not only expectorant, but also antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory pharmacological effect. The course of treatment can last up to 2 weeks. Syrup is prescribed with a dry cough, which can be a symptom of such diseases:

  • cold, ORVI, Flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tracheobronchitis.

Contraindications include:

  • children's age up to 2 years;
  • diabetes;
  • intolerance to sucrose;
  • allergy to primrose;
  • bronchial asthma.

If the child suffered obstructive laryngitis (cereal attack), it is strictly forbidden to apply the drug. Wet discharge and increase its volume can provoke laryngospasm. Despite the fact that syrup is sold without a recipe, it cannot be given to children of any age without the appointment of a pediatrician. Also contraindicated simultaneous reception of expectorant means together with anti-cure drugs. The wet wet and the impossibility of its evacuation is a direct path to complication in the form of pneumonia.


You can brew grass separately, but most often recommended to cook tea from cough of several herbs. You can brew the crushed root, dry leaves and flowers, can also be mixed dry raw materials.

Preparation of tea from primrose

  1. Take 1 tsp. Dry herb root.
  2. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Bring to a boil.
  4. Insist 5 minutes.
  5. Perfect.

You can drink a day for 2-3 cups with a strong cough. Recommend to drink hot. Adding a spoonful of honey to such an infusion. If the decoction is prepared from leaves and colors, you can take 2 hours l. raw.

Cooking mixed tea

  1. Mix 10 g of Malva, Fennel, Anisa and 30 g of primrose.
  2. Take 2 h. Herbal mixture.
  3. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  4. Insist 15 minutes.
  5. Perfect.

Accepted in the same dosage.

Decoration and infusion

How else can you cook firstwalk from cough? There are two ways to brew grass - with boiling and without it.

Preparation of bravery

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. Crushed raw materials.
  2. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil 2 minutes.
  4. Insist 20 minutes.
  5. Perfect.

Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day (better before meals). It is impossible to exceed the dosage, because it is a concentrated decoction.

Cooking ins

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Herbs.
  2. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Perform 1 hour.
  4. Perfect.

Reception conditions and dosage are the same. The decoction and infusion are used externally for washing the nasopharynx, rinsing the throat and gums during inflammation. With these diagnoses, it is possible to chew the stalks of the plant. It is also useful to take primrose powder by drinking it with water. Permissible daily dose - 0.5 grams. Young leaves of the plant are eaten to replenish the reserves of ascorbic acid and carotene in the body.


Applied as an expectorant, sedative, sleeping pills, antispasmodic, laxative, anthealth. Tincture due to the alcohol base is contraindicated for children of any age. The medicine is prepared from the roots and the above-ground part of the plant.


  1. Take 1 part of dry crushed raw materials.
  2. Fill 5 parts of alcohol 70%.
  3. Insist 14 days in a dark place.
  4. Perfect.

Take 15-20 drops 3 times a day before meals. Outwardly used for trummers during rheumatism and gout, rinse throat and oral cavity (in a divided form!).


From the primrose of the Spring at home, you can cook oil hood. For this, instead of the alcohol base, vegetable oil takes (it is better to use high-quality olive). Oil can be taken inside, use for local treatment. Well helps for diseases of the joints, strengthens immunity, normalizes metabolism. But most often the oil is prepared from a different type of plant - night arrows. This drug is useful for women: helps with hormonal disorders, normalizes menstrual cycle, relieves the signs of PMS.

However, it is important to know that Intruting the evening, like the primrose of spring, belongs to abortive floral products. The use of grass bears the threat of abortion, especially in the first trimester.

The primrose drug refers to the vegetation of the first choice during dry, unproductive cough. Also, the grass is prescribed with neurosis, migraine, insomnia, diseases of the joints, kidneys and bladder, to normalize digestion. Apply in the form of a decoction, tea, infusion, alcohol tincture, oil, syrup.

Primrose Spring (Barans)

The generic name comes from the Latin Prima - the first, since the plant blooms early in the spring. The species definition is formed from Latin VER - spring for the same reason.

Primrose is a perennial grassy plant with a vertical or spacecraft root. The stem is rounded, a reprehensive, juicy and is a flower arrow with a height of 15-30 cm. Only the lower part of it with short interstits carries the root rosette of the leaves. The leaves are egg-shaped or oblong-egg-shaped with a dull top and a slightly unclear edge, to the base were narrowed into the winged petiole, shortly pubescent. Before flowering, when it is still cool, the edges of the leaves bent into the inside, and the young leaves are almost rolled in the tube at this time. Flowers (5-13) bright yellow, twisting in one direction at the top of the flower arrow in an umbifidal inflorescence, similar to curls. A cup of bell-swollen, five-graded. The corolla tubular, with a slight flex from five blades and a long tube. The base of the filling of each petal has an orange spot. At the entrance to the tube of the whisk of 5 scales. Five stamens, pestle one with an upper one-beard umbrella. Stamens and pistol columns in different flowers are at various levels. In some - the pistil is towering over the anthers, as the threads are short, in others, on the contrary, high stamens and low pestle. Such a phenomenon is called a multiplicity (heterostilia) and is the result of a plant adaptation to cross-pollination.

The fruit is a multiferous, egg-shaped box, surrounded by the remaining cup, which opens on the top of 10 small cloths. In crude weather, the cloves bend inside, and the box closes.

Flowers from half April to July. Fruits ripen in June - July.

A close view is also used - the primrose largest - Primula Macrocalyx Bunge, which has a cup expanded.

The primrose of spring grows in broad-sized and mixed forests, in birchings, on forest glades and on the edge of pine forests, among shrubs.

It is found in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia. East, in the Volga region, is replaced by the primrose of the largest, which, behind the Urals, is spent and disappears, but appears again in the Tomsk region, in Altai and in Sayanov. In the North Caucasus and in the Transcaucasus, the second type is growing.

Collection and drying

One of the first spring plants to which everyone belongs to love and tenderness. Children are twisted from the brush of flower and suck sweet juice, adults tear up young leaves on a salad - in taste it is little inferior to a garden salad, and food value Much superior to him. No plant contains so many ascorbic acid in the leaves as primrose.

The mass preparation of the primrose can not be carried out, since the plant becomes rare and included in the Red Book, and it has not yet mastered it. Therefore, raw materials are harvested in small quantities for local needs. If necessary, printing can be introduced into the culture. Sow seeds for the winter, and plantation can be operated for many years.

For a blank of a leaf of primrose from wild plants, the collector must have a license without which the collection is prohibited.

Collect leaves at the beginning of flowering plants, tearing them with their hands. In this case, half of the leaves on each plant leave not to damage flowering and fruiting. The leaves are dried quickly in attics, but better in the furnaces or dryers at a temperature of 90-100 °. In the latter case, they retain more vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Chemical composition

The leaf of primrose (dry) contains up to 5.9% vitamin C. Raw materials is also valuable and because it can be prepared in early springWhen there are no other sources of vitamin C and when the need for it is especially large. In addition, it is contained up to 2% of saponins, flavonoids, up to 3 mg% carotene, etc.

Action and application

The leaf of primrose is used with a lack of vitamin C.

In chronic bronchitis, this is one of the most tender and faithful means. Use in primrose everything: leaves, flowers, roots. Infusion or decoction of roots is an effective expectorant.


Napar, sometimes a decoction of 30-40 g of roots on 1 liter of water takes as an expectorant of half a cup of 2-3 times a day with dry cough and bronchitis.

Flower colors 20 g per 1 liter of water or a whole plant 40-60 g per 1 liter of water are taken with cough, bronchitis, cold, and in general, with all the types of colds associated with dismisses of the throat and lungs, as well as for washing the nostrils. The same fell paired with chronic constipation, with migraine and as a diuretic. For children, this napa acts slightly sleeping bag. When migraine, an irritating sensitivity to the light stops from the reception of such a nappa, and gradually passes headache.

Vitamin remedy

Powder from leaves and grasses Primulus - effective tool In case of hypo and avitaminosis with, accompanied by weakness, lethargy, pallor, dyspeptic phenomena, breaking the gums, hypochromic anemia, weakening vision. 5 g of powder poured 100 g of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, filtered, add 1 g of the cooking salt and drink the entire dose during the day.

Introduced for diseases of the respiratory organs

The decoction and infusion of the roots, rhizomes and leaves of primors are used as an expectorant for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, chronic tracheites, bronchitis, with bronchopneumonia and lung inflammation. To prepare a decoction of 10-15 g of chopped raw materials, 200 g of water is poured, boiled 30 minutes on a water bath under the lid, cooled 15 minutes at room temperature, filtered and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. To prepare the infusion, 5-8 g of the leaves of primroses 200 g of boiling water are poured, 45 minutes insist, flicker and take 70 g 3 times a day. Primulus is often used in combinations with Anis, a chamomile pharmacy and calendula.

With a dry cough and bronchitis, as an expectorant takes 100 g 2-3 times a day of the Natra from Primuli roots. For the preparation of the car, it is necessary to fall asleep in the thermos 30-40 g of chopped roots, pour them 1 l of water, let it brew 10-12 hours and strain.

When coughing, bronchitis, ridiculous, various colds drink also fear of flowers or all the plants of primrose. Push up in thermos 20 g of flowers or 40-60 g of a whole plant, fill 1 liters of water, let it brew 6-8 hours and strain. Take 100 g 3 times a day.

With bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheoobronchites also use infusion or decoction of a mixture of herbs on 1 liter of water: Primula (flowers) - 40 g, plantain (leaves) - 20 g, coltsfoot (leaves) - 10 g, Horsetail (grass) - 30 g. Drink in warm form 50-70 g 3 times a day.

With inflammation of the lungs 1, a tablespoon of this mixture is poured 200 g of water, boiled in a closed glassware for 5 minutes, cooled at room temperature and filtered. Drink the entire dose during the day in warm form for several receptions.

With the tuberculosis of the lungs in folk medicine use the following infusion of herbs: Primula (root) - 15 g, Horseta (grass) - 15 g, Highlander bird (grass) - 15 g, Ordinary pecutter (grass) - 15 g. Pour 3 tablespoons 0.5 liters boiling water, insist 15 minutes and filter. Drink the whole dose of sips during the day.

With bronchitis, tracheitis, inflammation of the lungs, the following decoction of the roots of primroses is recommended: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed roots of primroses poured 200 g of boiling water, boiled 15 minutes, sugar or honey are added and take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

When coughing, chronic bronchitis, tracheake can be used in breastfeeding: 2 teaspoons of a mixture made in equal parts of the dried roots of primrose, nine-haired and leaves of mother-and-stepmother pour 200 g hot water, boiling 5 minutes, insist 15 minutes and filter. The whole dose is drinking in small sips per day.

Primula is also included in other breast chains, which are used for colds.

In case of asthma, traditional medicine applies the following decoction of herbs: primrose (flowers) - 10 g, Rosyanka (grass) - 10 g, foolish violet (grass) - 10 g, naked licorice (root) - 10 g; Cumin (fruits) - 40 g. Poured 4 teaspoons of this mixture of 200 g of water, insist 2 hours, boiled and filtered. Drink for three receptions during the day.

With rhinestone and cold, 40-60 g of the total premil plants are attacked in a thermos in 1 liter of boiling water 6-8 hours and washed with this nostril. It is also recommended to drink tea from 20 g of colors brewed in 1 liter of water.

Means from migraine

In migraine, fear of 20 g of flowers of primrose or 40-60 g of a whole plant is prepared for 1 liters of water and take 100 g 2-3 times a day. It disappears annoying sensitivity to light and the headache gradually passes.

A good remedy for migraines, long headaches - tincture of prelimulus flowers.

When migraine, headaches, a dynamic violation of cerebral circulation is useful tea from the whiskers only blossomed Flowers of Primories.

Intrusted with heart disease

For diseases of the heart, it is useful to drink tea from the whiskers just blossomed Flowers of Primories.


Infusion of flowers or a whole plant Primulus in folk medicine is used as a diuretic. Take it 200 g 2 times a day.

Means from constipation

During constipation, we use fell from flowers or all the plants of primroses (see "Migraine").

Introduced with inflammation of the prostate gland

In folk medicine, when inflammation of the prostate gland is used in the infusion of grains. Two tablespoons of grass 0.5 liters of boiling water are poured, insisted overnight and filtered. Infusion drink 200 g in the morning in 30 minutes before eating and in the evening before bedtime. The course of treatment is 40 days.

Introduce at nervous disorders

Flowers of primroses in folk medicine are used in insomnia, nervous weakness, headaches. In neurosis and insomnia, the next infusion is recommended: 10 g of dry flowers of primroses are poured 200 g of boiling water, insist 15 minutes and filter. The whole dose is drinking per day.

In case of insomnia, children are used by 20 g of Flowers of primroses (or 40-60 g of a whole plant) on 1 liter of water.

Decorations and infusions of primors have a soothing action and besides almost harmless.

Primula under skin diseases

In case of chronic skin, it is recommended to use infusion from a mixture of herbs: Primula (root) - 15 g; violet tricolor (grass) - 15 g; Walnut nut (leaves) - 15 g; Anise (root) - 15 g, Turn (flowers) - 15 g. Poured 1 tablespoon of this mixture 200 g of boiling water and insist 30 minutes. Drink 400 g sips during the day.

Primula with rheumatism and arthritis

In folk medicine, many countries are very widely used as an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, all diseases of the joints. For this, 1 teaspoon of 100 g of boiling water was poured into a powder of dry leaves 100 g of boiling water, insisted 25-30 minutes in a closed dish, well biting. Then they filled out and drank a dose in a day in several techniques. For the same purpose, the infusion of primrose roots was used. 2 teaspoons of chopped roots of 400 g of boiling water are poured and insist in a closed dishes of 25-30 minutes. Such infusion must be taken 50 g 3-4 times a day.

With rheumatic pains in the joints, rheumatoid polyarthritis is useful to drink tea from the whiskers just blossomed flowers of primroses.

Primula in dentistry

With inflammation of the gums, folk medicine applies infusion of dry flowers and young lamb leaves. Fill 1 tablespoon of raw materials 200 g of boiling water, insist 2 hours and filter. Take 2 tablespoons 4-6 times a day.

Primula and cosmetics

And the grass is primulus, and its rhizomes are also used in cosmetics: the rims and wipes with the infusion of leaves are used with eels, freckles, flabby, fine, prone to skin irritation, extended vessels. The same innocence is rinsed with hair disease. For the preparation of infusion 4 tablespoons of herbs insist on 0.5 liters of water. For a row with skin eats, 2 tablespoons of grass insist on 400 g of water. Fat seborrheic skin wipes the decoction of the roots of primroses (2 tablespoons of chopped roots on 200 g of water). The decoction of roots with roots is also used to stimulate hair growth.

With the nestlashiness, the decoction of the roots of primroses is used (pour 1 tablespoon of finely chopped roots of 200 g of water, cook 30 minutes on a water bath under the lid, cool 15 minutes at room temperature, strain), which is rubbed daily into lesion foci.

Infusion of Flowers of Primulus (1-2 tablespoons of dry flowers per 250 g of boiling water, insist 45 minutes at room temperature, strain) wipe the face with bold leather with clogged pores and rinse the hair after washing.


The primrose can cause an allergic reaction. Do not use with anticoagulants. It is contraindicated in pregnancy, since it stimulates the cutting of the uterus.


Primula has not only decorative and drug importance. In Germany, its dried flowers are used as welding for tea, and the decoction of them mixes to the guilt. In England, young leaves arrive in the spring as a salad, and the roots with anise odor are used as a spice. The British believe that primrose is even more than sorrel, suitable for making green soups.

In North China and Korea, in the Far East and the Caucasus, early spring from the leaves of primrose prepare soup and soups.

With a premium of a medicinal, grown at home, you can periodically collect leaves for salad. It is very useful, especially in the spring, when the lack of vitamins is felt.

Salad of Primulus


  • Primulus leaves - 100 g,
  • boiled boiled - 100 g,
  • onion green - 25 g,
  • sour cream - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt to taste
  • greens of parsley and dill.

Cooking method

Green onions and leaves Primulus rinse, finely cut. Cooked beets cut into slices, put in a salad bowl, and on top of putting shredded leaves of primroses and onions. Salt, fill sour cream and sprinkle finely chopped with greenery of parsley and dill.

Drink from Primulus


  • Dried leaves of primroses - 2 g,
  • dried primrose roots - 2 g,
  • honey - 20 g,
  • water - 200 g.

Cooking method

Grinding roots and leaves of primrose pour boiling water, put on fire and cook for 5-10 minutes. Then strain, add honey and cool.

Tea with Primula

Stir and crushing taken in equal amounts dried leaves or primrose roots and hormour grass. Brew both tea and drinking with sugar, honey or jam.

  • salt to taste.
  • Cooking method

    Leaves of primors go through, rinse and chop finely. Swipe 5 minutes on creamy oil, pour the mixture of milk and eggs, salt and bake.

    Seasoning from the leaves of primroses

    The dried leaves of primroses are crushed into powder. Keep in a dry place in glass bank. Use as seasoning for first and second dishes, salads, sauces, gravy, drinks.

    Sourse of information

    1. "Plants - Your friends and enemies" Akhmedov RB;
    2. "Medicinal plants" Popov V.I., Shapiro D.K., Danusevich IK;
    3. "Medicinal plants and their applications in the people" Nasal M., Nasal I.

    Forest or evening primroses, they are also called the beaches - spring flowers common in our latitudes. Evening primrose is a medicinal plant used due to its medicinal properties entirely. The use of primroses in folk medicine is due to the benefit of its decoctions, infusions and info, as well as tea on its basis.

    Evening Primula - Application and Description of the Plant

    Forest primroses (rams) are one of the first of our colors that bloom in May. From the outlet of the wrinkled leaves of the oblong shape, high naked blondes carrying yellow colors carrying brushes come out.

    Each flower of primroses about 5 blades - yellow, with an orange speck at the base of the bending. Tubes are long, rough to the touch, like all the plant. Growing wild-growing primulus - 15-30 cm (blooming), and the leaves are only slightly lifted above the ground.

    The useful and therapeutic properties of forest primulus are huge. Not a gift from a long time Flowers, primroses are popular with supporters of traditional medicine. The quenching heads of funny evening primulus decorate light birch groves, shady summer, but the outdoor sun in the spring forestry, edges and outskirts of meadows. A lot of bees and bumblebees attend delicious canines on a sunny day - do not rush to rip the flower, there is probably a winged visitor sits.

    Evening Primula - Medical Properties and Contraindications

    The use of the roots of the primrose is to prepare the mixtur of an expectorant action (Preparation "Primün"), flowers from flowers and roots - a wonderful coating and anti-inflammatory agent. And all the plant is a natural vitamin complex. Most of all vitamin C (up to 1000 mg%) and carotene is contained in the leaves that have long been used in the recipes for cooking with spring avitaminosis, decay forces and simply as seasoning to the table.

    The use of lamb leaves in salads is traditionally for England, and in our villages, from the first green leaves, borsch were prepared, and the flowers were brewed instead of tea.

    When collecting evening primroses, it should be borne in mind that the plant breeds seeds and leave the strongest aging blossoms. Also, it is also possible to dig all the plants of primors in a row - it is better to tear up 3-4 leafs from each plant. Small grass grazing and her healing properties treat us, so give her a chance to survive on this planet.

    Contraindications for the use of evening primrose

    Application of night arrivals - recipes

    Salad Recipe with Primulus Leaves

    Gentle leaflets are washed, cut and add to any green and vegetable salads. They will give the spicy taste of the traditional Russian version of "Olivier".

    Recipe Soup "Spring Sun" from Primulus

    Useful recipe from primrose: boil potatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes, fill the broth with passioned onions, alder Hercules "Extra" and pour chopped labels and sick. Peel 3 minutes and put the eggs from the yolks separated from the proteins - by the number of servings. Extinguish the fire (do not interfere!) And leave for 10 minutes under the lid. Serve hot with sour cream. 3 potatoes - 1 bulbs, greenery bowl, 2 tbsp. l. Cereals, 1.5 liters of water.

    Omelet recipe with primrose leaves

    Cooking an omelet recipe with a forest primura: allowed globbane leaflets in a small amount of olive oil in a frying pan. Remove the lid and pour their egg-milk mixture. Cover with a lid and fry on a very slow heat for 20 minutes. Eggs are whipped with milk, they add sour cream, salt and flour - so that no lumps are formed. 3 eggs - 0.5 cup of milk, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. Flour, salt and cup of cutting leaves Primulus.

    Tea Recipe with Primulus Leaves

    Cooking the recipe for therapeutic tea with primro: Fresh or dry flowers put in a cup and pour boiling water. Soaking 10 minutes under warm bedspread and drink with honey or jam. The cup is 3-4 inflorescences. Therapeutic properties of the premils of the spring in this tea are colossal.

    Tea recipe with dry bronchitis

    Preparation of a healthy tea recipe with primurable: plant roots pour boiling water and boil under the lid for 15 minutes with very weak boiling. You can pour raw materials in thermos and insist 3 hours. Drink 2-3 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day, often with honey with cough. Unique therapeutic properties of evening primroses allow you to use this tea and in children's practice.

    Therapeutic properties of evening primrose: video

    The primrose spring is a perennial grassy plant of 15-30 cm height with a rosette of roasting leaves and a short oblique or vertically located rhizome, from which whitish cord-shaped roots depart. The leaves are egg-shaped or ovoid-oblong, wrinkled, narrowed into the wonder-shaped stiff, on the top of the dull, on the edges are slightly shaded, with depressed top and protruding at the bottom of the veins, briefly pubescent, increasing after flowering. The flowers are bright yellow, with a honey smell, assembled a tap of a long flower arrow of 5-13 in an umbifted inflorescence, turning into one direction; A cup of bell-swollen, with sharp protruding 5 ribs, almost to the filling of the hiding the corolla tube, swelling after flowering; A corn tubular, with a small bend and a long tube, with an orange spot at the base of petals, with 5 concave blades. The fruit is a brown egg-shaped multiferous box, concluded in the scratched cup.
    Flowers in May - early June.
    It grows in the forests, on dry edges, on the slopes of the hills, in the thickets of shrubs, along the banks of the rivers, in the dumbers, on dry meadows.
    Distributed in the south of the forest and in the forest-steppe zones of the European part.
    Billets are possible in small quantities.

    Application of primrose in medicine

    The medicine uses the leaves of primrose - Folium Primulae and rhizomes with roots called Radix Primulae.
    The leaves are harvested during the flowering period of the plant and quickly dried in the shade. The raw material consists of the leaves of the structure described. They are solid or partially broken. Color is grayish green; The smell is weak, peculiar, slightly honey; The taste is first sweet, then bitter, slightly burning. In the finished raw material is allowed moisture no more than 13%; ashost not more than 12; ascorbic acid at least 2; Yellow and killed on both sides of the leaves no more than 2; crushed leaves passing through a sieve with a hole with a diameter of 1 mm, not more than 3; Flower shooter no more than 8; Organic and mineral impurities no more than 0.5%.
    The leaves contain up to 5.9% ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotene, saponins. It is used in medicine as vitamin raw materials, valuable because it can be prepared in early spring, Vida Informants, when there are no other sources of vitamin C and the need for it is great. It is recommended for hypovitaminosis, anemia, with general weakness.
    Roots with roots are harvested in autumn. They are digging, wash, purified from leaves and stalks, slightly rolling into air and dried outdoors or in ventilated rooms. The raw material consists of short and small rhizomes of brown color; In the break, they are light, with numerous subtle appling roots from them, about 5 cm long, a thickness of 0.1 cm.
    Rhizomes contain up to 10% saponins, primulaverin glycosides and cluster. Applied as a pulp, antipyretic and expectorant, especially with bronchitis, in the form of infusions or drug "Priminulina" (dry extract from the roots). Pre-solente drugs are minor and in their activity are superior to Seine.
    Rp.: Infusi Radicis Primulae Ex 4.0-200.0
    D.S.: 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day

    Application of primrose in folk medicine

    Primrose Cukushkina Slash
    As soon as the cuckoo was bored, the primrose blooms, which in the people called the crinsells of the tears. Collect his flowers with cups. This medicinal plant contains saponins, glycosides, flavonoids, essential oilsVitamins. It contributes to the wet and normalization of blood pressure, treats the tired heart and is part of the chest seas from the cold.
    Primula is a favorite plant of many peoples of the world.
    The primrose of spring, rich in triterpene saponins, glycosides, flavanoids, ascorbic acid, manganese, carotine, microelements of the hematopoietic complex, was used with antiquity at:
    Emphysema lungs
    Incessant cough
    chronic and acute bronchitis
    diseases of the kidneys and blade
    Bubble (very efficiently with red root and golden barn)
    Common decline in forces (with a red brush or yatryshnik)
    Bronchial asthma (with meduse and sofa)
    chronic constipation
    Lack of vitamins in the body
    Absence of appetite
    Break down the gums
    Increased nervous excitability (excellent results with pins with shiksha)

    In folk medicine, the decoction of the flowers of primrose drinks with heart disease, from cough and chest pain. In folk medicine use grass, leaves, flowers, roots. Thanks to the rich chemical composition The primrose spring is used for various diseases. Its infusion (1 tbsp. A spoon for 1 glass of boiling water, insist of 30-40 minutes, strain) are used as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, soothing, diuretic. Young leaves are added to the salads during avitaminosis, as well as to fill the lack of vitamins C and A (enough to eat up to 2 leaves per day).

    The plant is mixed with 1: 1 with honey and use when it is imagined for 7 days with inflammation of the heart muscle, rheumatar, cardiac neurosis. And the flowers are successfully used in home cosmetics. It wipes the fatty skin of the face with clogged pores and rinse oily hair. To prepare the drug, you need to fill the container with dry flowers, completely pour boiling water and insist on the night.

    Useful recipes using primrose
    2st.L. Ground raw materials Pour 2 glasses of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, strain. Prepared therapeutic fluid is
    Day dose, which should be helped by sips.
    To improve vision
    2 tbsp. Primulus pour into thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 1.5 hours. Drink on 1/2 part of a glass 3 times a day, as well as bang your eyes 2 drops for the night. To improve the result, try add to primrose 1 tbsp. socks. Course treatment - 2 months. Break - 2 weeks. As a rule, it is necessary to repeat the procedure 3-4 times.
    To increase potency
    0.5-0.7 liters of wine Add 2 tbsp. Dry primrode, insist a month, strain. For cooking home "Cognac" you will need 25 g of red root and 1 tbsp. primrose and 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 2 weeks.

    For skin rejuvenation

    Recipe first
    Face lotion is prepared from plants and vodka in proportion 1: 5.
    Recipe two
    I also have one antique recipe for rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin, which has an amazing force: eliminates folds, wrinkles, pigment spots, acne, redness, irritation. For its preparation you will need 5 tbsp. crushed primrose, 2 tbsp. Ninexil, 2 tbsp. The roots of the socket and 0.5 liters of vodka. Pour herbal mixture with vodka, insist for a month. It's a while and in the evening wipe the peeled skin in advance.
    Recipe Third
    5 tbsp. crushed primrose, 2 tbsp. Ninexil, 2 tbsp. The roots of the socket put in the pan and pour 0.7 liters of the "Aligote" wine (white, dry; you can and another brand), boil on slow heat for 15-20 minutes. Cool, strain and pour into a bottle. Store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In the morning and in the evening gently wipe the skin. "... Our townskens are pretty well known that ointment or water reinforced from the primrose helps preserved beauty ..." - said Nicholas Kalpeper in his time in 1653.

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