How to share the alpine violet tuber. Cyclamen - grow alpine violet

One of the species of perennial plants that bloom in the first month of spring is the alpine violet. This plant has a few more names, such as cyclamen or deryakva.

This plant is perennial, for the year it can please its owner with a huge number of flowers. But to please our beauty for a long time it will be only if you care for it correctly.

Diryakva is the closest relative plant of primroses. Therefore, there is an opinion according to which the homeland of this plant is the eastern part of the Mediterranean. Alpine violet received its name due to the fact that it grows mainly in the mountains. But thanks to the possession of poisonous properties, it is called a decay. In the spring months, this flower begins the formation of leaves. But it blooms only in the fall.

As a rule, in room conditions Just grow only a few varieties of rash. This is a purple, Persian and European appearance. Persian variety can be considered an autumn plant, as it is usually blooming in winter and autumn. This type can be multiplied by seeds only.

But the purple and European look blooms in summer and spring, but multiply with tubers or seeds. Purple and European cyclamen has more delicate and small bushes and leaves. Such violets do not rest, since this plant is evergreens. Therefore, they do not die the outlet of the leaves.

Homemade cyclomen

Cyclamen accounts for the soul of a wet environment. They need to regularly water, but still in this case there are some rules:

  • watering the plant can only be water;
  • the temperature of water used for watering should be room;
  • watering the plant can be possible only through the pallet, the water in no case should fall on the tuber himself;
  • water can not be overflowed, since because of this, the root rotation can begin, as a result of which the plant will die;
  • crowded flowers and yellow leaves need to tear up on time.

When a person chooses a pot for this plant, he must take into account some highlights. The most important in the choice is the size of the bulbs. Based on its size, a fitting container should be selected.

Ideally, the bulb should be a centimeter into two, but not more than three. If the container is very free, then the plant will grow magnificently, and blooming is weak. If the option is the opposite, the tubers will be very squeezed. When a person transplants Diryakva, he must be very careful, you need to try not to remove the earth with the root.

Alpine violet flowers will be able to delight the eye of the owner with the arrival of spring

After the plant is transplanted, it must be put in a bright place. The main thing is that the sun's rays do not fall on the flower. Plant during growth requires a temperature of no more than sixteen degrees. If the temperature is higher, then the leaves can begin to turn yellow, and the flowering will become short.

A month after landing, the violet needs to begin to feed. It must be done regularly - once a month.

Home Cyclamen - Alpine Violet. How to care for a plant

Plant name in Russian: Cyclamen
Other Flower Names: Alpine violet, Dryakva
Latin name: Cyclamen.
Family: primulaceae (Primulaceae)
In room conditions, such species are very common: Cyclamen Persian (C.Perseum.) I. C. European (C. europaeum)

External signs of the plant, description of the rooms of cyclamen:

Name cyclamen comes from the Greek word Kyklos.What does the circle mean, such a form have the tubers of this long-length beautiful plants.

Motherland wild-growing 15 species of this plant are: Caucasus, Crimea, Central and Southern Europe, Individual Areas of Asia Minor, Greece, Middle East and Alps .

Alpine Filieca - This is a long-lasting plant, which in nature can live up to 25 years.

In several sentences, it is possible to describe the cyclamen: a delicate decorative multi-year flower with thick fleshy tuber, green and dark green leaflets with a drawing of silver veins. But the most importantly, the dignity of alpine violet is beautiful, lighter as butterfly, gentle, bordered or with a fringe very saturated colorful colorful flowers: white, red, pink-lilac. Flowers are elegantly sit on reddish stiffs of different heights (their length is different from different varieties: there are large C. up to 30 cm high, as well as middle and cyclamen of miniature sizes). I also want to note the pleasant fragrance of flowers of flushing.

Common roompeed species are European and Persian cyclamen, There are some significant differences between which there are some significant differences. For comparison, the following is a brief description of each of the domestic species.

European cyclamen (C.europaeum) - a grassy durable plant with a tuber round or elongated, or a flattened form with a diameter of up to 10 cm, subsidiaries are located on underground shoots. From the top of the tuber, short shoots are growing with small leaves of 2-4 cm in diameter on long stiff cuts, the top of the sheet is dark green with a silver pattern, and from the bottom of the leaves I have a dark red color. Flowers are also small - 2-5 cm in dia. Pink shades and with a pleasant smell, they please the eyes from spring to autumn.

Cyclamen Persian (C.Persicum) - has a larger tuber reaching 15 cm with a diameter. Unlike the European, whose roots are located on all parts of the tuber, the Persian cyclamen of the roots depart from the bottom of the turnip. The characteristic features of this type of Alpine C. are large leaves in dia. Up to 14 cm. Painted from below in green and may have a gear edge. Flowers are larger - 5 cm with pink or purple petals bent back or slightly twisted. The flowering period is autumn-winter until spring.

photo showing homemade

European cyclamen with gentle pink flowers

Persian cyclamen - huge leaves and
Pink flowers with gear edge

Different varieties of C. differ not only
color color, but also a pattern on the leaves

How to care for cyclamen of different types:

When growing cyclamen in roomms, it is necessary to follow certain conditions of content. For different types of alpine violet, tips on maintenance and care are similar, but may also differ. Therefore, differences in the cultivation of the Persian and European C. will be stipulated separately.

For cyclamen, scattered sunlight is desirableYou should not allow direct sunshine. Therefore, in the summer it is put on the northern window in the shadow.

Temperature conditions Must be + 18- + 20 degrees Celsius in summer, and in winter - in the region of 10-12 ° C.

Watering is carried out moderately, and in the period of peace - significantly reduce, not allowing the strong Power Pot in the pot with a cyclamen. Immediately, I would like to note that C. European has no pronounced period of peace and evenly watered all year round. And the Cyclameman of the Persian recreation period comes immediately after flowering from May to June a month, the sign of this is the dump of leaves, during the rest of C. Persian (C.Perseum) is watered in about 1 day after the soil is burned in the pot with a flower. You can periodically spray the surface of the leaves.

Flowering period For each of the species is also different: European. C. Pleases with its flowers from spring to autumn. Persian C. Powers the roots with many colors during the autumn-spring period. To alpine violet bloom longer and gave more flowers, it must be kept in a bright cool room, timely remove yellow leaves and faded flowers. With proper care, cyclamen can bloom more than a month and a half and give more than 50 beautiful gentle fragrant flowers during this time.

Replanted this tuber flower in the fall, but many flower products recommend another scheme. Persian Ts. Transplanted In a wider ass in early JulyWhen the growth of new leaves begins. For European cyclulator, change the pot annually in March or April month. The transplanted cyclamen is rarely watered. Increase watering only as rooting. The European Ts. European fall asleep completely earth, and Persian - half altitude. The land mixture for this winter room plant has such a composition: under one part of the sand, humid and peat and three parts of the leaf land.

The main method of reproduction in two room species cyclamen is also varied.
European View He has side shoots with small nodules, with the help of which the young plants of this species are bred.
With breeding u Persian species things are much more complicated, because It needs to be artificially pollinated. It is desirable to have a second plant and take to pollinate his flowers. In successful pollination at the place of the colors, boxes with seeds are formed, which are immediately seeded into a wet peat to a depth of one centimeter and contain at + 17 ° C (very important: if the temperature of the seed content is above + 18 ° C, the seeds fall into a state Secondary peace and germinate in a year). When maintaining a low temperature, the seeds will go after 1 month. When small nodules, formed from the seed, give the second leaf - they can be dive, completely shuffling into the soil. They are watered, break the upper layer of the Earth. The second transplant of Persian cyclamen seedlings will be after 1.5-2 months: the young tuber of two-thirds plunge, observing moderate watering and shading from the sun.
Such young plants will bloom somewhere in a year.

Features of the care of alpine violet at home:

! Excess moisture adversely affects the plant cyclamen: a mushroom can settle on the leaves, after which the leaves are withering and yellow. The affected leaves with a cushion must be immediately removed.

! The most common cause of the yellowing of the leaves Cyclamen is warm and dry air, because Diryakva loves a cool room - in the winter, twelve degrees of heat, in the summer not higher than plus twenty, and better seventeen degrees Celsius.

! When watering cyclamen water should not get to the tuberbecause This can lead to the drinking of the tuber and the death of the plant. It is impossible to spray flowers C.

! During the plant transplantation, the top of the tuber is desirable to leave openwithout falling asleep soil.

! In addition to ordinary common pests Cyclamen may affect Land weaving zholes - faded fad. The larvae of which eat the roots, and the adult beetle brushes the leaves at night. The fight against this weevil is to fully replace land coma, checking and removing adult individuals from the roots and chemical. Treatment of cyclamen tuber before planting in new soil.

! Abnormally small deformed leaves - The reason can be a cyclamen tower. This pest is settled on the leaves of Cyclameman, Senpolia, Balsamine and Pelargonium. As a result, the leaves are twisted, the growth of the plant stops, with a large accumulation of these tiny twees on the bottom side of the sheet, they look like light dust. The cyclamenic tower loves wet places, the spraying of ordinary drugs will most likely not give the result, so the affected leaves need to be immediately removed.

Alpine violet is perennial flowering herbs, which actually have nothing to do with genuine. This is a tuber plant that belongs to the genus genus.

The correct name of this plant is cyclamen. Singles are a bit - only 22 and some of them are on the verge of extinction. Also in the people, this beautiful little bedroom flower is called a rack.

The Tsiclamen's Rodonchamber is the birthplace of which Turkey and the Middle East. All its hybrids need similar cultivation conditions.

What is the alpine violet? This is a cute compact flower, the height of which varies from 15 to 30 centimeters. The main advantage of room cyclamene is delicate flowers dissolved in winter. They are different colors - from white and gentle pink to saturated red and purple. Leaves are heart-shaped. Not purely green, but decorated with marble pattern.

Containing rules


Summer heat Alpine violet perceives as resting period. At this time, the pot with a plant is better to have the eastern or western windows. With the arrival of autumn, when the flower begins to actively grow and prepares for flowering, it can be transferred to the windows overlooking the south side. However, nevertheless, from direct sunlight, the plant must certainly be preserved.

Air temperature

Although cyclamen is a long-term grass, often presented in the winter blooming alpine violet, until the next flowering does not live. The most common cause is not to maintain the desired temperature. ambient. Although this plant is considered to be thermal-loving, it is not necessary to perceive it so literally and leave the pot in hot and stuffed conditions next to the batteries. The thermal lobility is expressed in the fact that, unlike its garden fellow, the home cyclaman cannot be kept at a temperature lower than plus 10. So that the flower is comfortable, it is necessary to provide moderate and even slightly cool temperatures - about 17 degrees of heat.

Overheating can contribute to the fact that the leaves will turn yellow, and the flowering will be normal. Also non-compliance temperature mode It is possible to significantly reduce the flowrection period of cyclame. Increased temperature is also favorable for the main enemies of cyclamen - ticks. Cyclamen's melting impressed precisely hot, humid conditions. For a spider tick best friends - Heat and dryness.

During the period of peace - in the summer months, the cyclamen is also worth trying to protect from heat, without exposing it to the scorching sun, and containing in the cool fresh air in the shadow.

Source requirements

The soil should be weakly acidic or neutral. You can make a mixture yourself according to the following recipe: 3 parts of the leaf land and 1 part of peat, humid and sand. You can add coconut fiber, or reworked bark. At the bottom, a layer of drainage should be located.

Watering mode

Watering Alpine violet should occur with such a frequency so that the top ball of the soil time to dry. Like any other tuber plant, the cyclaman does not tolerate the convergence.

In the question of irrigation an important point is how this procedure is happening.

You can water the cyclamen, arranging it immersion. A pot with a home plant needs to be immersed in the tank with water and give it to stand up to a quarter of an hour. Water should be heated, and before returning a vase to the place, it is also necessary to give the time of excess fluid drain.

Spray alpine violet need to also by the rules. The main thing is not to do this when the plant blooms. Spraying should be stopped as soon as buds appeared.

The fact that watering the uneven and earthen combs periodically dries, the flower will signal premature or uneven flowering. At the same time, buds will be disclosed on different levels, sometimes even from under the leaves.

For excessive irrigation will evidence foliage.


Make feeding is necessary during the bouton tying phase. Immediately after the transplant, fertilizers are also not recommended, it is necessary to wait at least a month.

Suitable fertilizer should be disparable. Excess nitrogen will negatively affect the status of buds, they may not even dismiss or disappear. The feeding should be made through watering.


The alpine violet transplant may be needed every two years. It is necessary to focus on the growth of tubers and the saturation of the soil. A favorable transplant period falls on autumn.

You need to choose the moment after the rest period, when new shoots appear on the plant.

Replanting the alpine violet, it is important to know the owner of which variety you are.

The differences are such that the Persian cyclamen is planting so that his tubers were half unsophisticated soil, but the European should be in the ground completely.


The reproduction of alpine violet is possible. The time of their germination is a month and a half. You can get seeds by artificial pollination. And the procedure is worth spending several times in a row. After fading the flower, it is not necessary to tear it, as is done usually at. It is necessary to wait when he dries off himself.

Also, the amateur gardener can experience the method of dividing the bush.

Diseases and pests

it herbate plant The cyclamen tick is afraid. The fact that the cyclaman is infected with them will show the state of the leaves. They acquire a rolled state, the stalks can twist, the plant ceases to grow.

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Cyclamen Cyclamen, Diryak, Alpine violet. Plant with dirty-thickened rhizome and flowers of various colors with a characteristic bend of a whisk. Rod is well known thanks to popular indoor plantsblooming in winter.


The name of the genus comes from the Greek word kyklos. - "Circle", in the shape of tubers in these plants.

Types and varieties of cyclamen

Rod includes 15 types of tube, grassy perennials common in Mediterranean, anterior Asia, in the Caucasus. The nature life cycle Cyclamen - ephemeroids. This means that they are shown to the surface of the Earth for a while, for 3-4 months. The period of activity of cyclamen falls on the cold part of the year - from autumn to spring.

Two types are mostly distributed in room culture: cyclamen Persian Cyclamen Persicumand european cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeum). Moreover, the cyclamen Persian blooms in winter, and the European cyclamen usually flowers smaller, but fragrant flowers from spring to autumn. The duration of the flowering of one flower is up to 10 days (in the cool room). Cut flowers are last saved in water.

European cyclamen (cyclamen europaeus)

Motherland - Central and Southern Europe.

Rare plant in the culture. Popularity has acquired thanks to its delicate pleasant aroma.

Evergreen tube grassy plant. Tubers up to 10 cm in diameter, spherical or irregular shape, with roots located all over the surface of the tuber, and underground columns ending with daughter tubers. Toppers are carrying a rosette of leaves. Leather leather, dark green with silver pattern.

Flowers up to 2 cm long, pink, with a pleasant smell. European Cyclamen Tubers when landing fall asleep completely.

Persian cyclamen (Cyclamen Persicum)

Motherland Greece, Southwestern Asia, Tunisia.

Herbaceous plant with flatted spherical, top with a bugister tuber up to 15 cm in diameter, with roots, separated from the bottom surface. Leaves heart-shaped, up to 14 cm in diameter, top with silver pattern, green below. Flowers about 5 cm long. Petals are oblong bulk, slightly twisted, bent back, pink and white with purple spots at the base, very fragrant. Flowers all winter until spring. During the rest period, leaves leaves.

In the culture since 1731, the varieties and types of cyclamen from the moment of their "taming" withdrew the great set. The size of the flowers ranges from 3 to 12 cm. Colors of various color: white, red, pink, lilac, purple. Flowers are often found with two-color color, simple, terry, with fringe petals. In the greenhouse blooms from September to March.

In standard varieties, the flower height usually does not exceed 30 cm, among the middleweight - 22, and the shapes are called shortly, the height of which does not exceed 15 cm.

The cyclameman is decorative not only flowers, but also leaves. Each cyclamen hybrid has its own unique pattern on the leaves, thanks to which even ill-sinking plants look implicitly.

Popular cyclamen varieties:

Melkocellum (miniature forms, miniature cyclamen) - " Elbperle"(White)," Anneli"(white with dark eye)," Elbereshene"(pink)," Elbfyer"(bright red);

Large-flowered — "Goga"(White)," Lahsshharlah"(bright red)," Reinrose" (lilac), " Dunklanlas."(red).

Popular Persian Cyclamen Sorts:

'Scarlet Moth' - medium-sized bright flowers with dark eyes, green leaves, the grade is well adapted to room temperatures;

'Spring Moth' - medium-sized flowers of gentle pink-lilac color with dark lilac eyes;

Charlie'- average grade with pure-white flowers;

Sylphide'- Flowers are large pomegranate with the finest white stripe along the edge of the petals;

Topaz'- Flowers are large monochromatic carmine color;

Flamingo.'- Flowers large pink-lilac with dark eye, leaves large with marble pattern;

Elf'- Micro grade, petty pink-purple flowers with dark eyes, but in very large quantities;

Apple'- Flowers large pink and white with dark eye, leaves patterned with marble pattern;

Striata.’ - large flowers Polyvo-white coloring (colors are distributed by thin stripes);

'Violet Cattleya' - large bright lilac flowers, leaves light green;

Victoria.'- White flowers with raspberry fringe;

'Kiss' - large fiery flowers with a darker eye;

Series " Rococo"- Persian cyclamen varieties with large terry flowers with a fringe edge of a variety of colors:

'Lila' - purple flowers;

Pink ' - gently pink;

'Rose flower'- bright pink;

'White with eye' - White flowers with a bright pink spot at base;

'Dark red'- Flowers of saturated red.

Breakingers brought many hybrids and cyclamen varieties that can be used to create seasonal potted compositions. Very stylish looks of groups from different painted flowering plants one type.

Cyclamen care

Very often, cyclamen are used only as a seasonal interior decoration (after biting plants emit). Most often, the cause of the destruction of the plant becomes too warm maintenance (placing cyclamen on the windowsill over the battery). Therefore, the key to success this is right choice Place plants. Placing cyclamen follows in the cool (not higher than +18 ° C) with a bright place, well-fit oriental and western windows or glazed loggias. If you decide to put a cyclaman on the windowsill, then it is desirable to raise the plant higher over a hot window sill, using special stands or cover the batteries with bedspreads that deter glass or film.

In the warm season lasts a period of rest.

Blooming cyclamen need a uniform watering, the drying of the earth coma during the growth period causes premature and uneven flowering. Spraying spend carefully, not allowing the formation of drip moisture on the leaves. At the end of flowering, the land is moistened after drying the upper layer, moderately. In a state of rest, watering is strongly reduced, but they do not give the soil completely.

During the formation of buds of buds, it is necessary to feed the fertilizers not containing nitrogen. Old leaves and faded flowers remove carefully unscrewing.

Once every 2 years in July-August, at the time of the appearance of the first sprouts on the tubers, a cyclame transplant is needed into a new potted land, and the tuber should be a third of the soil. Only the seedlings can be completely covered with land.

Bought already blooming cyclamen Can bloom and second time. After the plant is flashing, it is contained at moderate temperatures, without stopping watering and feeding. You can transplant in fresh land. For landing, an soil mixture consisting of a delicate and leaf land, compost, peat and sand (1: 2: 1: 1: 0.5).

Possible problems when growing cyclamen:

premature and uneven flowering , while the flowers are not located at one level, and partially below the surface of the leaves, which reduces the decorativeness of the plant as a whole - the reason in the uneven watering, the periodic drying of the earth coma;

yellowing leaves - If the leaves are yellow, and the flowers remain strong and healthy, then the reason is warm, dry air, the cyclaman does not tolerate the temperature above +17 ° C. Other possible causes are insufficient watering and direct sunlight;

buds are not disclosed or fall - sharp fluctuations in temperature due to supercooling or ventilation, possibly too dry air, dry coma, lack of light or direct sunlight, unbalanced nutrition (excess nitrogen);

short flowering period possible causes Many, most likely - too heat, irregular watering, dry air or nutritional deficiency;

planting a floweros - Drawton and cutters of leafs are soft and rot from the mooring of the soil, water from the point of growth. Never leut water on the top of the tuber;

fading flowers - excess nitrogen; overall fasting, breaking;

deformed small leaves - The most likely reason is a cyclamenite tick. At the affected plant, growth is suspended, the edges of the leaves are folded, the stalks twisted, the buds fade. Unlike a red spider tower, this pest loves wet conditions. Since the temperature above +24 ° C and high humidity are most favorable for these pests, the most often the ticks appear in greenhouses, and not on plants that are bred on the windowsill;

- Plant in excess dryness and heat is amazed by a paustic tick ;

fitting leaves from the oveurgement of the soil.

Reproduction of cyclamen

We define the division of tubers when transplanting in June - July or seeds. Seeds are first soaked by 12-14 hours in a weak solution of potassium mangartage, then decomposed into drawers with an earthy mixture of sheet, delicate earth and sand (4: 2: 1) at a distance of 2-3 cm, sprinkled with finely sifted ground or peat and stiguously Moisturize. The temperature is maintained within + 18 ... + 20 ° C. Shoots appear in 25-30 days. Seedlings are exposed to a lighter place, and the temperature is reduced to + 15 ... + 16 ° C.

Young plants (2-3 sheets) can be planted in plastic pots for seedlings, they have thick walls, and in the bottom there is a large hole, there is a plate. When transplanting the plate is easily extruded and the tuber together with the Earth goes out. After the leaf closure, well-developed plants are planted in pots. Tubers do not plunge - they must rise above the ground for about a quarter or third.

Ecology of housing

Decorative and phytoncidal plants in the interior favorably affect the body. All this contributes to the removal of physical and psychological fatigue, stressful states, has a wellness effect. The phytoncides isolated by cyclamen can serve for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, rheumatic and allergic diseases. Place the medium-sized cyclames in the area of \u200b\u200b10-12 square meters in the interior of 4-5. m and you will feel a significant improvement in well-being.

Therapeutic properties of cyclamen

Pharmacy Name: Drying Tuber - Cyclaminis Rhizome (Earlier: Rhizoma cyclaminis).

The first mentions about the healing properties of the cyclameman are found in Georgian sources of the IV-III centuries. BC e. Many doctors have the experience of using cyclamen juice, for example, for the treatment of hymorite. In addition, earlier Diryakva was used as an effective laxative.

In homeopathy, cyclamen is used in the treatment of nervous diseases and against gout, rheumatism and various painful states. Cyclamen has long been used in folk medicine For the treatment of many diseases. Extractive substances from their tubers contain biologically active components (of which the poisonous saponin cyclamine is most studied) and have a pronounced analgesic effect. They apply soothingly, have hemostatic properties.

Infusion from tubers is used for neuralgia gynecological diseases, rheumatism, gout, renal and liver colic. It is very effective with the headaches of a cold character associated with samorites and frontitles. This effect is explained by the fact that cyclamine in contact with the mucous membrane has an irritant effect and causes reinforced reflex secretion, which contributes to the natural drainage (cleansing) of the incomplete sinuses.

Energy cyclamen

It is believed that in the colors of cyclamen - sunlight, joy, inspiration. This plant is useful to have in those homes where they live or are often emotional people with a soft, militant, changeable, weak character. Cyclamen is very useful for managers and for anyone who works with people is engaged in organizational activities.

Cyclamen (alpine violet) - a flower of pride and self-esteem. White and light pink cyclamen strengthens the spirit of man during business turmoil. Cyclamen takes, absorbs negative energy, gives positive, teachs undisciplined people to accuracy and organize. The cyclame is characterized by cloud-shaped energy fluctuations. The strong concentrated energy comes from the plant's trunk in the form of a fountain, then lowers and rises again. Healthy plants form a circulation of energy.

Something strange, but cyclamen are close relatives of all known spring flowers. In natural conditions, flowering cyclamen falls on the cold part of the year - from autumn to spring. This is due to the fact that by the nature of the life cycle of cyclamen - ephemeroids, that is, in the summer, the arid period of their overhead shoots They die, and they are able to rest in the form of a tuber sleeping underground. The cyclamen's surface is shown only for a short time when the most favorable conditions for their lives are.

In the Mediterranean and the Middle East only in the rainy winter In the soil, there is enough moisture for their growth and flowering, and under a canopy of large forests, where most types of cyclamen grow, light enough, as trees are standing without leaves. In warm areas where snow cover is missing in the winter, cyclamen flows in the middle of winter, and where the snow falls out, some species bloom in spring, and others are in autumn. Spring-flower cyclamen in natural conditions begin to bloom even before the end of the melting of snow. Their gentle painted flowers have an unusual pleasant aroma.

Pages Story

Ancient Romans, loving and spreading cyclamen, sincerely believed that they were able to protect against the evil eyes and all sorts of leaders, and therefore ranked flowers to family masters. However, the love of them to cyclamen came, most likely, because in folk medicine since the hippocratic cyclamen treated and continue to treat many diseases. Cyclamen, along with violets and narcissions, cultured by residents of ancient Eldla, and the scientific name of the flower comes from those times.

Cyclamen Persian in culture from 1731 from the second half of the XIX century. A lot of garden forms, differing magnitude and shape of flowers, their coloring - from bright red to almost black, but with a weaker aroma than a natural look.

Cyclamen especially fell in love with England, where by the end of the XIX century. About 200 lines of large garden cyclamen were derived. Ch. Darwin described his experiments on the cyclamen in the well-known work "The effect of cross-pollination and self-polling in the plant world", published in 1872 in its greenhouse in Down, the scientist proved a positive effect of cross-pollination compared to self-pollution in the presence of two and more cyclamen copies. Nowadays, they are most intensely grown in Holland, Germany and Italy.


Cyclamen european (Alpine violet) requires difficult conditions for content. It survives, and even more so multiplies, far from all flower water, therefore it is worth stopping separately. It is quite rare home plantBehind which the flower flows are a real hunt, it is not easy to buy it. Outwardly, it resembles cyclamen, which are sold in stores in stores - Persian cyclamen. Only flowers at the cyclameman of the European smaller, very fragrant and they bloom not in winter, and in the summer. The value of the European cyclameman, or, as it is sometimes called, Alpine violet, it is in the smell of flowers.

Alpine violet watering conditions

Water cyclamen European only and only in a saucer under the pot. In exceptional cases, you can pour into a pot, but see that the moisture does not touch the sockets. I sometimes use the second method only when the plant has not yet grown - only after a transplant. The land of the earth should not be sinking inside, but he should not be constantly wet. When the water is critical lack, the cyclaman shows you - the leaves are drooping, it means you need to urgently pour. Do not bring it to such an extent. As for the remears - this is also not too good. I can sometimes leave a pot in the pallet from the water of the week for two at the time of departure, but one day I had a pioneer from this that spoiled flowers. They easily brought the first insecticide, but a little pleasant.

Light conditions for European cyclame

Our cyclamen are very vigilant, but do not like straight light. How to solve this problem? An obvious solution is a northern or shaded window. My grandmother did it. However, bloom under such conditions will begin only in June, and will end too early. I solve the problem differently. Best alpine cyclamen grew on me on the southern window, with the only but very important condition. From early spring until the end of the summer, the lower part of the window was covered with dense sheets of white landscape paper so that the straight rays do not fall on the leaves. One sheet of thickness is enough, but they may need 2-3 to overlap all the directions of the falling light rays. Under such conditions, bloom will be from April to December inclusive, almost without hibernation.

Change and soil

European cyclamen needs an annual transplant, which is carried out in February. The pot can use the same or slightly more than the previous one - the low wide wide pots of medium sized are suitable. In transplantation, the main thing is not to increase the size of the plant itself (the violet in any case will remain small), and the removal of unnecessary sockets and the replacement of the soil itself, which for the year is depleted.

When choosing a size, the pot is important to submit a goal with which you transplant the plant. If you want to get kids - then take the pot of a little wider, so that you take new sockets, and for good flowering take a pot in which it will be uncomfortable to branch up with new outlets.

The material of the pot of special significance does not have - the first year's perfectly live even in plastic glasses on the floor-liter. However, in ceramic pots there will be less chances to cut the soil, and more beautiful.

This pot is selected with an eye on receiving children, so it is a little wider than I would choose for an active flowering plant. Now February, so some (winter) leaves have elongated stiffs - by the beginning of flowering, they will revel and the bush will take a more compact appearance.

You carefully remove excess sockets (you can get new plants) and replace part of the soil. Make it extremely carefully, leaving the earth around the rhizomes or tuber, which is formed by old plants. If the tuber is already big, it can be cut into several parts by the presence of sockets - this operation for advanced flower flowers. Sections sprinkle with charcoal to avoid infection with fungus or rotting. European Cyclamen Tubeman, unlike Persian fellow, whose tuber can only be partially, you need to bother completely, leaving an open outlet point open!

Soil can take any universal, be sure to put drainage on the bottom. Very well shown themselves as a drainage limestone pebbles, which I specifically brought from the south - apparently, it's closest to natural conditions in the Alps.

You need to catch with a change before the first buds, the end or even middle of February is the best time.

After the transplantation, the plant is important not to pour - the soil must be wet, but not wet.

Cyclamen fertilizer

With the annual transplant, the Alpine cyclamen does not need fertilizers. However, if for some reason you could not transplant the flower in February, then feed it with conventional fertilizers for flowering plants in a dose of two times less recommended. Finger only when watering, sheet feeders are not needed.


In spraying the Alpine violet does not need, but it can sometimes do, especially on hot days after the sun leaves. Spraying can also be stimulants of growth and amber acid. At the moment I do not use anything like this - I do not see special needs.


According to my observations, the winter hook in the European cyclameman occurs only due to the very modest light mode of our latitudes - in winter too dark for normal growth and vegetation. Nevertheless, the rise in the fall and in winter slows down, but does not stop - with a clear lack of light, winter leaves appear with long cutters. In winter, I hold the pots with a cyclamen closer to the light, I do not shade the rare Moscow sun, and watering almost the same as in the summer, especially since the air in the apartment is still dry. By February, the plant is already beginning to wake up, so do not tighten with the transplantation.

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