How to choose a ripe and sweet pomegranate. Ways to identify the most ripe pomegranate in the store

Pomegranate is one of the most beloved fruits of many inhabitants of our planet. It was used for medicinal purposes thousands of years ago. Nowadays, more has become known about its composition and beneficial properties. Some consider pomegranate to be the king of fruits. People often doubt that the bones of this fruit can be eaten. It must be said that they are so useful that they have been used in folk medicine for more than one millennium.

Is it possible to eat pomegranate with seeds

There is a lot of controversy over whether pomegranate seeds are worth eating. Some believe that they contain unique substances that must be used to promote health, prevent and treat disease. Others believe that the bones of the fetus should not be consumed, as they can cause inflammation of the appendage of the cecum (appendix). Many people hesitate to eat them, as they are afraid of damaging the gastrointestinal tract.

Pomegranate seeds are valuable raw materials: various medicines can be prepared from them.

Pomegranate seeds contain a lot of starch, cellulose and polysaccharides. This composition supplies the body with complex carbohydrates. When the seeds enter the gastrointestinal tract, they begin to be digested by special enzymes. However, this is not always successful. The fact is that bone fiber may have a too rigid structure.

Babylonian warriors ate pomegranate seeds before going into battle. They believed that this makes them invincible.

In ancient times, people believed that pomegranate seeds give strength and endurance.

It should be borne in mind that the hardness of the seeds depends on the type of pomegranate. In some varieties, they are small and soft. In other fruits, they reach large sizes and have a hard shell. Chewing such large seeds can damage the enamel of the teeth.

Before you eat the bones, you need to make sure that a number of conditions are met:

  • the shell of the seeds should be soft;
  • there are no diseases of the teeth and mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • there are no contraindications to the use of pomegranates.

There is also a safer way to use the seeds than by chewing them. They are dried in an oven at a temperature of no more than forty degrees and ground into powder using a coffee grinder, which is then simply washed down with water.

The legendary king of ancient Israel, Solomon, in his book "Song of Songs", likened the whiskey of his beloved (the Shulamites) to the pomegranate slices.

The easiest way is to dry the seeds and grind them in a coffee grinder: the powder is easier to use and absorbed in the digestive tract

Three ways to cut a pomegranate - video

Composition and useful properties

The following elements were found in pomegranate seeds:

  • iron;
  • fatty acid;
  • calcium;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • potassium;
  • ash;
  • starch;
  • sodium;
  • nitrogen;
  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • phosphorus compounds.

Not every fruit can boast of an abundance of micro- and macroelements in its seeds.

In the course of medical research, it has been proven that pomegranate seeds can be used to treat various diseases.

Medicinal properties of pomegranate seeds:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • improve metabolism;
  • have a positive effect on male sexual function;
  • normalize the activity of the endocrine glands;
  • treat diarrhea;
  • reduce pain during menstruation.

Replenishing the lack of essential substances in the body, pomegranate seeds improve the general condition and well-being

Pomegranate seeds improve condition with low hemoglobin levels, sleep problems, depression, skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, helminthic invasions. Women feel better when they use grains during pregnancy and menopause.

Since 2006, an annual holiday dedicated to the pomegranate has been held in Azerbaijan.

Pomegranate seeds contain tannin. It is a tanning agent that helps protect the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. At the same time, it promotes the formation of gases and the compaction of intestinal contents, which leads to a violation of the bowel movement. This should be taken into account for those who have problems with constipation.

Doctors advise using pomegranate seeds for diseases of the genitourinary sphere. If you regularly consume pomegranate seeds, then the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate adenoma in men is reduced.

Eating pomegranate seeds with seeds is good for both men and women: they will help prevent many health problems.

The benefits of pomegranate and its seeds - video

Pomegranate seeds are cold pressed into an oil that has a golden color, mild fruity aroma and light texture. But it is not cheap. To obtain one liter, you need half a ton of seeds.

The main component of the oil is pomegranate fatty acid. In addition, it contains trace elements, vitamin E, organic compounds and other valuable substances.

The most valuable thing in pomegranate is its seed oil.

The oil is valued higher than the seeds themselves. And this is understandable if you take into account its remarkable properties, which include:

  • softening the skin;
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • restoration of the moisture level in the skin;
  • acceleration of the recovery of damaged cells.

Pomegranate seed oil is used for aging skin, after prolonged exposure to the sun, to whiten the face.

Traditional medicine recipes

Alternative medicine boasts an abundance of recipes for a variety of health problems.


For prevention and treatment colds, high cholesterol levels have been successfully used pomegranate tincture.

  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • 5 pomegranate fruits;
  • 5 g cinnamon;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 0.5 liters of vodka.

To get the seeds, you need to squeeze the pomegranate seeds


  1. Take glass jar volume of three liters.
  2. Remove the seeds from the pomegranate fruit.
  3. Squeeze the juice to get the seeds.
  4. Place the seeds in a porcelain bowl and crush them with a mortar.
  5. Cut the lemon zest into small pieces and mix with the pomegranate seeds. Place the composition in a jar.
  6. Add cinnamon to the mixture and stir.
  7. Pour vodka into a container.

The jar must be placed in a dark place. Every day it needs to be shaken 2-3 times for better release of nutrients. After 20 days, the tincture must be filtered. You need to drink it 1-2 times a day, one tablespoon before meals for 60 days. Best stored in the refrigerator.

It can also be used to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and relieve inflammation.

Option for preparing pomegranate tincture - video

Seed oil

Pomegranate seed oil can be used to treat hypertension, obesity, diabetes and lower blood cholesterol levels. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. Take the remedy 3-4 drops a day. The oil should be kept under the tongue for 1-2 minutes. After the marked time has passed, it must be swallowed.

If you hold the oil under your tongue, then it the best way will be absorbed into the bloodstream and, therefore, saturate the body with useful substances.

Pomegranate seed oil has very valuable properties, thanks to which it is used in medicine and cosmetology.


Turkish tea with pomegranate seeds would be a good addition to the treatment of hypertension. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. black or green tea;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pomegranate seeds;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Tea is prepared in a steam bath using two vessels.


  1. Tea and bones must be placed in one of the vessels.
  2. Boil a glass of water in the second container.
  3. The first vessel must be placed above the second.
  4. After boiling water in the lower vessel, both containers must be removed from the stove.
  5. Pour the brew mixture into the first container with hot water.
  6. Add some water to the lower container and return the two-story structure to the fire.
  7. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes.
  8. Remove both containers from heat.
  9. Add mint or cinnamon to the finished drink to taste.

Turkish tea gently corrects blood pressure levels


Pomegranate seeds in powder form are used in folk medicine for helminthic invasions. For this, the seeds of 6-9 pomegranate fruits must be left to dry for 6 hours. After that, they should be ground into powder. The most convenient way to do this is in a coffee grinder.

Pomegranate seeds contain substances that strengthen the walls of the capillaries and cleanse blood vessels from excess cholesterol. This is very important in treating diabetes mellitus, which contributes to damage to the blood vessels.

The glycemic index of pomegranate is 35, while values ​​above 50 are considered high. So the seeds of this fruit are not prohibited foods for diabetes. The main thing is to comply with the norm.

The organic acids in pomegranate seeds and their low sugar content help energize the diabetic patient. Fiber cleanses the liver and gastrointestinal tract of waste and toxins.

Regular consumption of pomegranates with seeds for diabetes will help lower blood sugar

Pomegranate helps lower blood sugar levels, so eating it in moderation will be beneficial for diabetes. The maximum allowable portion is 100 g of fruit grains per day. In this case, the fruit must be fresh, of high quality and grown without the use of chemicals.

But experts do not recommend drinking pomegranate juice for this disease: the stomach does not need to work to absorb it, so the sugar level can rise very quickly.

Application in cosmetology

Pomegranate seeds have been successfully used for more than just health problems. They have found their application in cosmetology as well.

Face Oil Blend

To get rid of wrinkles, moisturize and nourish the skin, use a mixture of pomegranate and grape seed oils.

A mask with pomegranate seed oil will help improve the appearance of facial skin

The oils are taken in equal proportions - usually 4-5 drops, mixed and applied to the face about an hour before bedtime. You need to wait until the composition is absorbed. After that, you should not wash your face, just wipe your face with a cotton pad, thus removing the remnants of the product. This oil mask should be used until the desired effect is achieved.

Hair masks

Pomegranate seeds are widely used for hair beauty.

Anti hair loss mask

To strengthen hair follicles, prevent and stop hair loss, you can prepare a mask with your own hands. This will require:

  • pomegranate oil - 20 ml;
  • burdock oil - 20 ml;
  • aloe juice - 50 ml;
  • yogurt - 3 tbsp. l.

For the best effect, after applying the mask, you need to put a shower cap on your head and wrap it with a towel

Mix all the ingredients and apply to hair, then put on a bathing cap and wrap a towel around your head. After an hour, the product must be washed off with shampoo and rinsed with water at room temperature.

The mask moisturizes hair, roots, nourishes them and makes them stronger.

Hair strengthening mask

To strengthen hair, restore shine and strength, a mask is used with the following ingredients:

  • 1 tsp corn starch;
  • 1 tsp glycerin;
  • 1 tsp linseed oil;
  • 10 drops of vitamin D;
  • half a pomegranate.

After the pomegranate mask, the hair will shine with beauty and health.


  1. Pass half of the fruit through a blender, whole with the skin and bones.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the crushed mass.


  1. Apply the mask to your hair.
  2. Put a shower cap on your head and warm with a towel.
  3. Rinse hair after 40 minutes.

Mask for colored hair

To prepare a mask for colored hair, you need pomegranate seed oil and castor oil in equal amounts (40 ml each).


  1. The ingredients must be mixed.
  2. Heat the composition in a water bath.

Pomegranate seed oil and castor oil will help preserve the color and beauty of colored hair


  1. Apply a warm composition to each strand of hair and scalp.
  2. Put on a warm cap for an hour.
  3. After an hour, wash off the mask with shampoo.
  4. Rinse your head with warm water.

It is a very good nourishing agent for hair restoration after coloring, especially if it has become dry and dull.

Benefits for women and men

The pomegranate seeds contain phytoestrogens that improve the health of women during menopause. Their regular use helps to bring the emotional state back to normal. The substances contained in seeds help protect the mammary glands from cancer by creating an obstacle to the growth of malignant cells.

Regular consumption of pomegranate seeds together with seeds will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood circulation, and protect the body from the development of malignant diseases.

The pomegranate will also be useful for the stronger sex. It is known that bones have in their composition a large number of vitamin B12, which helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood flow. This property will be useful for men suffering from weak erectile function. Regular use of pomegranate seeds will help normalize sex life... In addition, the substances contained in the bones will prevent the development of malignant processes in the prostate gland.

Pomegranate seeds during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body is deficient in many important substances: nicotinic and ascorbic acids, riboflavin, tocopherol and trace elements involved in the formation of tissues and organs of the growing embryo. The pomegranate is a treasure trove of valuable elements needed by a mother and her unborn child.

A pregnant woman should take pomegranate fruits 2-3 times a week.

Every pregnant woman should introduce pomegranate fruits into her diet and consume them at least twice a week.

Provided that there is no allergic reaction to pomegranates, the seeds will bring expectant mother only benefit:

  • reduce swelling;
  • saturate the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • will strengthen the body's resistance to the effects of pathogenic microbes;
  • reduce toxicosis in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy.

After giving birth, a young mother can eat pomegranate seeds if the child does not have an allergic reaction. During breastfeeding, you can consume up to five seeds per day (initial dose), slowly increasing their number to twenty.

Pomegranate seeds in childhood

Doctors advise against giving bones to children before three years, since the child's digestive system is imperfect and is still being formed. By the age of three, intestinal function becomes more stable. Older children can already eat soft pomegranate seeds (2-3 at a time), chewing them well. This will serve as prevention, treatment of anemia and strengthening the immune system.

The child should eat pomegranate seeds no more than once every 7 days.

In order not to injure the children's digestive tract once again with the coarse fiber contained in the grains, you can give the child bones in powder form in small doses (at the tip of a knife), after mixing it with milk or honey.


The use of pomegranate seeds will be beneficial only if the optimal dosage and frequency of intake are observed. Overuse of bones can lead to negative consequences for the body.

Despite all the benefits, the use of grains has its own contraindications:

  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • low blood pressure (hypotension);
  • colitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • constipation;
  • increased formation of gas in the intestines.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are a contraindication for the use of pomegranate seeds.


Sometimes people are afraid that pomegranate seeds can cause appendicitis. There can be several reasons for the development of this disease. One of them is getting into the appendix foreign body... Appendicitis can occur if pomegranate seeds penetrate the appendix and block its passage. However, they are composed mainly of fiber, which is partially digested by enzymes in the stomach. With good chewing, the bones are crushed and, getting into the digestive tract, they help to clean it, acting like a brush. The most common reason appendicitis is an infection caused by pathogens. The bones do not contain bacteria that would cause inflammation. In addition, the grain size is too small to close the opening of the appendix.

If the bone is stuck in your throat, do not panic. To get rid of it, you can use simple methods. For example, you can put wax or paraffin on the tip of your finger, then feel for a bone and try to glue it. Allow to harden and remove. Another way: to eat a piece of stale bread, which in the process of swallowing will carry the grain along.


Anyone who does not know how to choose a pomegranate runs the risk of always buying an unripe and tasteless fruit. Therefore, there are special rules, by which you should navigate in order to purchase a ripe, sweet, healthy product full of vitamins.

How to choose a pomegranate

True connoisseurs choose pomegranates by color, weight and skin. The color varies from orange-yellow to brown-red, depending on the species and the time when it began to ripen. It is believed that a ripe fruit is necessarily red or burgundy, but this is not so: there are white and pink fruits that are not inferior to the classic ones in the presence of useful microelements. Unripe (of any type) is recognizable by its hard and green peel. If you don't know how to choose the right pomegranate, pay attention to its rind. She must:

  • be dry and thin;
  • cover the grains;
  • not have rot or strange stains of unnatural shades - both outside and inside;
  • be whole, without cracks and dents.

A quality product is only seemingly light. Focus on the severity, because the weight depends on the size of the juicy grains - a heavy fruit is definitely juicy, and an unripe one is light. Another choice is made by sound: it is worth gently tapping the fruit with your index finger - you will hear a sound as if you are touching metal. If it is muffled, it means that the grain inside is sour, devoid of juice. Maturity is also determined by the inflorescence (ovary) - the flower must be dry, ripe, without the presence of any greenery.

How to choose a pomegranate in the store

Often, spoiled, unripe or overripe goods with damage are put in front, therefore it is not so easy to choose a pomegranate in a store. You have to choose from a new batch, which is stored behind the others, but should look better. Take the fruit you like and check: it should be firm to the touch, without any soft areas or brown spots. Press on it gradually - if grooves form under your fingers, you should refuse to buy.

It's good to have an incised fruit next to it to make sure it's normal inside. You have every right to ask for a cut of a vegetable or fruit in order to buy an adequate product that is starting to ripen, but in large stores this whim is rarely allowed, so it is better to make such purchases in the market. Now you know how to choose white or other pomegranate from the assortment in the market.

How to identify a ripe pomegranate

You can identify ripe pomegranates when the product has a cut. It is important to look that the inside of the fruit is juicy, and the grains are even and beautiful, separated by thin membranes. A soft product with brown spots, clearly rotten, it is already overripe. The grains may also have stains or even moss, if the products have been lying for a long time, be careful. When you do not know how to determine the ripeness of a pomegranate, smell it: a ripe fruit has a neutral sweetish smell, and strong smell says that he began to keep up a few months ago.

How to choose a delicious pomegranate

Soft, green, or damaged fruit will not taste good - you will have to taste the acidity, not the desired sweetness. When choosing a delicious pomegranate, start from the above. At the same time, give preference to consignments that were delivered from nearby countries - Uzbekistan or Turkey. The latter country offers customers not only a classic ruby, but also a white variety, which contains more vitamins than an apple, and inside it is light and sweet. Take a Turkish pomegranate - it is more tasty and thicker than the Uzbek “brother”, it starts to sing faster.

Pomegranates are an unrivaled source of health. Each of us, when buying this wonderful fruit, would like to choose the most worthy, most delicious and ripe pomegranate.

Despite the fact that many people prefer pomegranate juice to pomegranates, which are not very convenient to clean and eat.

However, it is better to buy a natural product. Moreover, there are very contradictory rumors about pomegranate juice sold in our stores and markets. And to put it simply, the juice itself was not found in the pomegranate juice ...

How to choose a pomegranate to make it ripe and sweet?


Pomegranates are southern fruits, and they are brought from South America, the Mediterranean or the Middle East. It is clear that the longer the fruits travel, the less chances that they will get to us in good condition. Based on this logic, it is worth choosing those that came from the closest countries. For us, this is Uzbekistan, Tashkent.


  • The color of the pomegranate peel is the first thing we pay attention to. It should be deep red, sometimes with an orange tint (depending on the variety). This means that the fruit had time to ripen on the branch before being plucked.
  • The condition is also important, it should fit the fruit so that the pattern of its berries is visible. In addition, when ripe, the skin will be dry and slightly woody.

However, if the peel is excessively stiff, it means that it lies for a long time and it is quite possible that it is rotten or dry inside.


Another sign by which you can determine maturity is the place where his flower was - "nose". There should be no greenery there, and the inflorescence should be dry, otherwise this specimen may be unripe.

Grain color

It is believed that the ripe fruit should have red, juicy berries. Actually the color of the berries does not always indicate maturity. Ripe pomegranates have sweet grains and this is the main condition.

Recently, for example, I very often buy Turkish pomegranates, the berries of which are almost completely white (not red) - transparent. At the same time, very, well, just very sweet.

Often in the markets, sellers offer to try the fruits that they are selling - do not apply to take advantage of such an offer.

Very often, pomegranates are the highlight of a gourmet meal. In this case, of course, you need to choose fruits with red seeds. Bright red berries will decorate even the simplest salads

To the touch

Take the pomegranate in your hands and "count". The weight of a ripe fruit is usually more than it might seem. This fact is explained by the fact that there are no voids in a ripe pomegranate, and the grains, being poured with juice, make the fruit heavy. By the way, according to the same principle it is possible.

The fruit should be dense and firm to the touch, which speaks of its integrity and good conditions during delivery.

How to choose a pomegranate video

Where to buy grenades

Of course, picking a good ripe pomegranate is hard enough. Therefore, it is better to buy these fruits in one place that is familiar to you, so you can protect yourself from low-quality goods and it is better if there is such a place on the market. After all, stores often change suppliers depending on the season.

By the way, another important fact: Turkish pomegranates (more juicy, tasty and sweet) are almost twice as cheap as Uzbek ones.

Pomegranate juice contains many useful substances, it is advised to drink it for general health improvement of the body, early recovery from illness, to strengthen the immune system. It helps to fight many diseases - from tonsillitis to hypertension, relieves atherosclerosis, anemia, overexcitation, restores bowel function, improves blood count. It is recommended for adults and children. But it is even more useful to just eat fresh fruits containing this very juice, then you can be sure of its benefits one hundred percent. But how do you choose the right one in the store? Instead of bright red, you can buy white pomegranate, find completely light grains. Are they helpful too? Or is it a bad grenade?

Pomegranate has been known to mankind for more than four thousand years, the Italians are sure that it was Eve who proposed it to Adam in the Garden of Eden, some languages ​​contain the word apple in the names of this fruit. At all times, people not only enjoyed the luxurious taste of its berries, but also were treated with all parts of the plant, as can be seen by reading the treatises of Avicenna. This culture grows in a subtropical climate, which means that it comes to us from Western Asia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Afghanistan.

The fruits can be stored for a long time at a temperature of +2 degrees and a humidity of at least 85%. They ripen from mid-September, and then they are transported to all continents. The closer the path, the more confidence that they are ripe, so you need to choose those fruits that are ripe closest to us. Before buying expensive and such useful fruits, it is advisable to inquire about their origin - there is a difference between the time and conditions of delivery from Turkey or Turkmenistan.

Video "Benefit"

From the video you will find out what is the use of a pomegranate.


Only those who understand its varieties can pay attention to the color of the pomegranate. The fact is that the color of the peel of the fruit does not change, which means that it does not depend on the degree of maturity. The color of the fruit is different - yellow, orange, sandy, pink, red, rusty-brownish, with a light barrel or deep red. All this speaks about varieties and growing conditions, but not about ripeness.
Therefore, it can be difficult for beginners to figure out when to remove the fruits, they themselves do not fall from the tree, they have to be cut with a pruner.

When choosing a fruit on a store counter or on a market stall, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the peel, uniformity of color, it should not have any spots or black dots suggesting rot.

In addition, it should fit the grains tightly, like a good glove hand - this indicates that they are completely filled with juice, and the skin does not allow them to grow further. Here you need to be careful - overdried cracking skin indicates too long storage and unsuitable conditions for this.


Each pomegranate contains the remains of a flower. The so-called "crown" can tell us how ripe the fruit we took in our hand: if all the cloves are dry and break well, and the middle does not contain any remnants of greenery, then the ripe fruit was picked. This flower can be of varying degrees of openness, but the main thing is that it does not contain not only greenery, but also no traces of mold.
You can not only turn the fruit, examine it from all sides, look from the side of the flower, you also need to smell it. Fruit properly stored should be odorless. Its own faint, fresh, slightly spicy aroma can only be discerned by breaking (or cutting) the skin. So, if you smell a faint moldy smell, put the fruit back in place, it is better to look at another seller.

Grain color

The color and taste of the grains differ from one cultivar to another. The grains are white, pale pink, red, purple. The pomegranate has a rich, full-bodied taste, its pulp contains sugars and acids, the amount of which explains the difference. The astringency and bitterness that remains on the tongue after the juice most often comes from the skin, and the berries themselves are sweet or sweet and sour. By the way, it is because of the very active acids that it is recommended to drink juice through a straw, and after eating berries, you definitely need to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with clean water - these very acids (which are very useful for the body) destroy tooth enamel.

We are accustomed to the fact that pomegranate seeds should be dark red, it is these that look great on the table as decoration, which is why they are used for salads or desserts. They are usually sour, and the sweetest fruit contains white or pale pink grains. Such grenades have recently been brought to us from Turkey. They contain less acids but more sugars.

To the touch

When choosing a pomegranate, you can stroke its skin with your fingers - too even and wet indicates immaturity.

When ripe, the pomegranate skin becomes rough, the ripe fruit itself will never be evenly rounded, it is rather ribbed, and in some places you can even feel the surface of the grains under the tightly stretched outer shell.

If you take it with your hands and compare the weight of two fruits of approximately the same volume, then you should buy the heavier one - its grains are more juicy.

Where to buy

We usually buy groceries from the same people in the bazaar or use the same stores with a proven track record. Don't change your habit when buying pomegranates. Decent stores report where the goods came from, where the fruits grew.

Common pomegranate is a short tree or shrub. reaching up to 5 m in height. The native land of the plant is North Africa. The shrub is widespread in Transcaucasia, Dagestan, the Himalayas, Iran and Asia Minor. It has thin, smooth branches of a yellow-brown hue. The trunk is uneven, covered with small spines.

Leaves are wide, rounded, oblong, glossy, opposite, 2-8 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, gathered in bunches. They keep on short petioles.

The flowers are bright red, collected in inflorescences of 2-5 pcs. Blooms from May to June.

The fruit is round, large, 9-17 cm in diameter, contains numerous seeds surrounded by juicy sweet and sour pulp. Covered with a hard skin from yellow-olive to pink. Thanks to the large, rounded fruits, the common pomegranate received the second name "granular apple". Fruiting in September-October.

Common pomegranate

Pomegranate fruits contain sugar, vitamin C, citric, malic, oxalic acid, micro and macronutrients. Used fresh, they are used to make juices, syrups and other drinks. The peel and partitions of the fruit contain vitamins, tannins, carbohydrates, steroids.

Common pomegranate is a remedy. The juice of this fruit is useful in postoperative period, in the treatment of scurvy, gastrointestinal disorders. Decoctions are made from the peel, which are used for colitis, gastritis, diarrhea. Tincture of dried bark is used to treat open burns.

Common pomegranate is presented below in the photo in the photo gallery.

Common pomegranate "Orange master"

Ordinary pomegranate "Orange master" is intended for room landing... The plant reaches a maximum height of 45 cm. It has light green foliage and decorative flowers.

Looks great in a group composition. This culture is photophilous, therefore for good growth it is necessary to place it in a place illuminated by the sun. Care consists in regular and abundant watering. After the leaves fall off, watering is reduced. During rest, cut off excess and damaged branches. Propagated pomegranate ordinary "Orange master" by seeds. Seeds are planted in spring or autumn in volumetric containers with sandy soil. Sowing depth - 0.5 cm. The planting container is covered with plastic wrap or glass and placed in a warm place. The grown seedlings are planted in separate pots one at a time.

Yellow pomegranate fruit

Yellow pomegranate has an unusual appearance and gives the impression of an unripe pomegranate. Its fruits are sweet and almost acid-free. The grains are light pink. The skin of the fruit is rather thin.

The seeds of the fruit are used fresh and as a seasoning for various dishes. Syrups, sweet drinks, thick sauces are made from the juice of yellow pomegranate. A special type of sugar called granadine is obtained from its roots, which has a pleasant aroma. Granadine is used for the manufacture of confectionery and halva. Fruit juice is used for marinades, as it contains enzymes that make the meat more tender and more pleasant to the taste.

When buying a yellow pomegranate, you should pay attention to its rind. It should be free from damage and brown spots. The yellow pomegranate fruit can be frozen for a long time. To do this, it is placed in a tight bag and stored in the freezer.

Socotransky pomegranate

Socotransky pomegranate is a short tree, reaching 3-4.5 m. Leaves are oval or rounded. Flowers are small, pink, raised on stalks. The fruit is small and has a bitter taste.

Socotran pomegranate grows wild in the Republic of Yemen. It settles on calcareous, stony soils and hills. Not cultivated. It is quite rare in nature.

There are other varieties of the pomegranate fruit. Photos of some types of pomegranate can be seen in the gallery below.

Photo gallery: types of pomegranates (click on the picture to enlarge):

How to choose the right white garnet?

Pomegranate juice contains many useful substances, it is advised to drink it for general health improvement of the body, early recovery from illness, to strengthen the immune system. It helps to fight many diseases - from tonsillitis to hypertension, relieves atherosclerosis, anemia, overexcitation, restores bowel function, improves blood count. It is recommended for adults and children. But it is even more useful to just eat fresh fruits containing this very juice, then you can be sure of its benefits one hundred percent. But how do you choose the right one in the store? Instead of bright red, you can buy white pomegranate, find completely light grains. Are they helpful too? Or is it a bad grenade?


Pomegranate has been known to mankind for more than four thousand years, the Italians are sure that it was Eve who proposed it to Adam in the Garden of Eden, some languages ​​contain the word apple in the names of this fruit. At all times, people not only enjoyed the luxurious taste of its berries, but also were treated with all parts of the plant, as can be seen by reading the treatises of Avicenna. This culture grows in a subtropical climate, which means that it comes to us from Western Asia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Afghanistan.

The fruits can be stored for a long time at a temperature of +2 degrees and a humidity of at least 85%. They ripen from mid-September, and then they are transported to all continents. The closer the path, the more confidence that they are ripe, so you need to choose those fruits that are ripe closest to us. Before buying expensive and such useful fruits, it is advisable to inquire about their origin - there is a difference between the time and conditions of delivery from Turkey or Turkmenistan.

Video "Benefit"

From the video you will find out what is the use of a pomegranate.

Only those who understand its varieties can pay attention to the color of the pomegranate. The fact is that the color of the peel of the fruit does not change, which means that it does not depend on the degree of maturity. The color of the fruit is different - yellow, orange, sandy, pink, red, rusty-brownish, with a light barrel or deep red. All this speaks about varieties and growing conditions, but not about ripeness.
Therefore, it can be difficult for beginners to figure out when to remove the fruits, they themselves do not fall from the tree, they have to be cut with a pruner.

When choosing a fruit on a store counter or on a market stall, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the peel, uniformity of color, it should not have any spots or black dots suggesting rot.

In addition, it should fit the grains tightly, like a good glove hand - this indicates that they are completely filled with juice, and the skin does not allow them to grow further. Here you need to be careful - overdried cracking skin indicates too long storage and unsuitable conditions for this.

Each pomegranate contains the remains of a flower. The so-called "crown" can tell us how ripe the fruit we took in our hand: if all the cloves are dry and break well, and the middle does not contain any remnants of greenery, then the ripe fruit was picked. This flower can be of varying degrees of openness, but the main thing is that it does not contain not only greenery, but also no traces of mold.
You can not only turn the fruit, examine it from all sides, look from the side of the flower, you also need to smell it. Fruit properly stored should be odorless. Its own faint, fresh, slightly spicy aroma can only be discerned by breaking (or cutting) the skin. So, if you smell a faint moldy smell, put the fruit back in place, it is better to look at another seller.

Grain color

The color and taste of the grains differ from one cultivar to another. The grains are white, pale pink, red, purple. The pomegranate has a rich, full-bodied taste, its pulp contains sugars and acids, the amount of which explains the difference. The astringency and bitterness that remains on the tongue after the juice most often comes from the skin, and the berries themselves are sweet or sweet and sour. By the way, it is because of the very active acids that it is recommended to drink juice through a straw, and after eating berries, you definitely need to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with clean water - these very acids (which are very useful for the body) destroy tooth enamel.

We are accustomed to the fact that pomegranate seeds should be dark red, it is these that look great on the table as decoration, which is why they are used for salads or desserts. They are usually sour, and the sweetest fruit contains white or pale pink grains. Such grenades have recently been brought to us from Turkey. They contain less acids but more sugars.

When choosing a pomegranate, you can stroke its skin with your fingers - too even and wet indicates immaturity.

When ripe, the pomegranate skin becomes rough, the ripe fruit itself will never be evenly rounded, it is rather ribbed, and in some places you can even feel the surface of the grains under the tightly stretched outer shell.

If you take it with your hands and compare the weight of two fruits of approximately the same volume, then you should buy the heavier one - its grains are more juicy.

Where to buy

We usually buy groceries from the same people in the bazaar or use the same stores with a proven track record. Don't change your habit when buying pomegranates. Decent stores report where the goods came from, where the fruits grew.
And at the bazaar, it is likely that a person who brings his fruit for sale will evoke more confidence than a reseller who is indifferent to the product. A good salesperson will usually show you the type of pomegranate cut that he is offering to show the customer the color of the beans. One way or another, you need to carefully examine the fruits, trust your intuition, choose the ones that are right for you the most, taking into account all of the above, they will bring the most benefit.

Video "How to choose a ripe fruit"

The video will show you how to choose a good ripe fruit.

Seedlings grown on the windowsill begin to harden, taking the boxes out into the open air during the day. To avoid burns, the seedlings are shaded, protecting them from bright sunlight.

  • In early May, they start sowing greens and vegetables, which for some reason were not planted last month. Here we are talking about such green and vegetable crops as carrots, turnips, radishes, onions (per feather), parsley, spinach, radish, dill, peas, watercress, cilantro, pumpkin, Chinese cabbage.

  • Do not spray the garden with concentrated mineral fertilizers or ferrous sulfate - pollinating insects can be poisoned. If necessary, you can spray with karbofos, but only before the plants bloom in the garden.

  • In May it is not too late to vaccinate apple trees, but pruning of fruit trees will now have to be postponed until autumn.

  • It is necessary to make preventive treatments of garden plants against diseases: the first spraying is carried out before flowering, the second spraying is carried out immediately after flowering with 1% Bordeaux liquid (100 g per 10 l of water).

  • The regular mowing of the lawn begins. To make mowing easier, you need to stop walking on the lawn for a while. If necessary, slit the turf and apply fertilizer. It is not too late to start a new lawn or a herb meadow.

  • For undersized varieties cucumbers, peppers, eggplants and low-growing tomatoes from the second half of the month, a greenhouse is quite suitable. Cucumbers in a film greenhouse are watered with warm water while only in sunny days in the morning or evening. In the heat, cucumbers with their superficial root system need watering every other day.

    The best varieties of pomegranates: description

    January 25, 2017

    In our article, we want to talk about such an exotic fruit as pomegranate. We all know from childhood about its beneficial properties. But many do not even know how it grows and which varieties of pomegranates are the best. Let's discuss this in more detail.

    The history of the name of the fruit

    The pomegranate is a wonderful plant. The history of its name is interesting. They knew about this plant even at the time Of the ancient world... Then it was believed that the best trees grow in Carthage. The Romans called the fruit malum punicum, which means "Punic apple". And the thing is that the Phoenicians in the tenth century BC moved from their native land to Africa, establishing new settlements there, including the famous Carthage. And for the Romans, the Phoenicians themselves are Punyans, hence the name - the Punic apple.

    But the pomegranate also had a second name - malum granatum, which means "granular apple". It was it that later became very widespread. But botanical name Punica was given to the plant in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus.

    Pomegranate tree

    There are different varieties of pomegranates in the world. The native land of the plant is Persia (the territory of modern Iran). Pomegranates grow in the wild and in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, India, Asia Minor and Afghanistan. In these countries, under favorable conditions, trees can reach five meters in height, but can be a plant and a bush. At the end of the eighteenth century, thanks to the Spanish conquistadors, the culture began to grow on the American mainland.

    Pomegranates bloom very profusely from May to August. The large red-orange flowers of the plant are bell-like. They are so beautiful that many people grow the tree just for the sake of flowering. The fruits are spherical and covered with red-brown or yellow-red skin. A pomegranate can weigh up to 600 grams. Inside it there are many seeds surrounded by juicy pulp. It is she who is edible and makes up only 50 percent of the mass of the entire fruit. Each pomegranate contains between 200 and 1400 seeds sandwiched between white septa. Fruits ripen from September to February in the northern hemisphere, and in the southern - from March to May. Up to 60 kilograms of fruit can be harvested from one tree.

    The plant itself looks very decorative. In warm climates, ripe fruits crack, hanging directly from the branches. The peel breaks, but the grains are inside and do not crumble. This is just an amazing sight. In temperate climates, leaves sometimes fall off before harvesting. Fruits on bare branches give the plant an exotic touch.

    Types of pomegranates

    Currently, only two types of culture are known. Common pomegranate grows wild in Asia and southern Europe. The second species grows on the island of Socotra, which is located in the Arabian Sea. Hence its name - Socotransky pomegranate. But its taste is much lower than that of common pomegranate, and therefore the plant is not cultivated. In addition, recently a dwarf form of a plant has also appeared, which is grown as an ornamental crop on window sills.

    Different varieties of pomegranates, and there are more than 500 of them (cultivated varieties), have different tastes, differ in the shape and size of the fruit, the color of the pulp, the color of the juice, the softness or hardness of the seeds. The number of different varieties is increasing due to the constant work of breeders, whose main task is to create a plant that will be resistant to all diseases. There is the Kara-Kala nature reserve in Turkmenistan. Its territory contains the largest collection of pomegranates in the world. It contains more than 800 forms, species, varieties of pomegranate.

    Pomegranate varieties

    We have already mentioned that there are many varieties of pomegranates. They are all grown for specific purposes. Some for fresh consumption, others for processing and juice production. From pomegranates of the same variety, it turns out beautiful and healthy drink rich in vitamins and minerals. There are also varieties grown for technical processing. In our article, we want to bring the best varieties pomegranates and their characteristics. The cultivated species can be roughly divided into the following groups to show only a small part of the available varieties:

    1. Sweet Iranian varieties - Sharoli, Halva, Aswad, Akhmar.
    2. Very sweet Indian - Dholka.
    3. Sweet and sour varieties - Ulfa, Kyzym, Kok, Wellis.
    4. Sweet ones - Lodzhuar, Kadan, Vedana, Nar Shirin.
    5. American seedless variety (soft bones) - Wonderful.
    6. Israeli varieties - Ras el Bahl, Malissi, Red Loufani, Mangulati.
    7. Indian - Alandi, Bedana.
    8. Crimean and Transcaucasian varieties that ripen in October - Veles, Kaim nar, Krmyzy kabukh, Shah-par, Bala-myursal, Galyusha pink, Galyusha red.
    9. Sweet and sour Central Asian varieties - Kzyl-anar, Achik-Dona, Kazake-anar.
    10. A tart sour variety - Achikanor.
    11. Early sweet varieties ripening in September - Ulfi, Lod-Juar, Ak-Dona.
    12. Japanese dwarf potted variety (has numerous small fruits) - Punica granatum var.
    13. Decorative varieties - Multiplex, Variegata, Chico.

    It is difficult to single out the best varieties of pomegranate, since each person has his own taste, and they are also grown different types completely for different purposes. For example, sour fruits are cultivated for making sauces, and sweet ones for fresh consumption.

    The best Azerbaijani varieties of pomegranate (photos are given in the article) are pink and red Gulusha. The pink variety has fruits weighing 220-250 grams, but sometimes there are much more round fruits. The juice yield from them reaches 54%. The grains of this variety are medium in size and have an excellent taste.

    Gyulusha red has the shape of a bush (up to three meters in height). The fruits of the plant are large enough - 300-400 grams. They are covered with a pink thin crust. The fruit contains large grains, from which a bright red juice with a sweet and sour taste is obtained. The fruit ripens in October and can be stored for two to three months. The variety is also grown in Georgia and Turkmenistan.

    Ak Dona Crimean

    Currently, there are such varieties of pomegranate (photos are given by us in the article), which are cultivated in completely unusual regions. For example, Ak Dona Crimean is grown in the steppe Crimea. The fruits are oval and large in size. The variety is easily recognizable by the thinnest creamy peel with reddish spots on one side. The fruit has a thick and short neck. Pink-red grains have a characteristic sweet taste with barely noticeable sourness. This variety is grown even by amateur gardeners, since it is not too capricious. But in order to truly enjoy the ripe, tasty fruit, you need to choose the fruit that is soaked in the southern sun and is fully ripe.

    Achik-anor is a very small tree that, when fruiting, gives fruits of uneven sizes. They are round in shape, but taper imperceptibly at the base. This variety is interesting in that it has a completely unusual skin color: dark green with a carmine cover. The rind is very thick. Even in ripe fruits, it is carmine from the inside. Pomegranate grains are very large, dark cherry color with a bright sweet and sour taste.

    Cossack improved

    The pomegranate tree has a fairly medium size and round fruits. The fruit has a greenish-creamy skin with specks and stripes around its entire circumference. Quite often, a carmine top color appears. The peel of the fruit is not thick at all, from the inside it has a creamy yellow tint. Large-sized pink-red grains have a characteristic sweet, pleasant sour taste.

    It is believed that the most wonderful and delicious pomegranates are grown in Iran. One of the best sweet varieties is Ahmar. The plant grows up to four meters in height and blooms bright colors red-orange color. The tree blooms from June to the very end of August. The fruits are covered with a thick green-pink skin and are of medium size. The fruit of this variety is characterized by pink light grains. The lighter the kernels, the sweeter they taste. According to experts, the sugar content in Akhmar pomegranate is so high that the variety occupies a leading position in this indicator.

    Nar-sharin is similar in taste and description to Ahmar. But this variety is characterized by light color peels even in ripe fruits. On the outside, the skin is beige with pink splashes, and on the inside it is almost white. Pomegranate seeds are small enough but very sweet. Their color gradually goes from light pink to very dark. An interesting fact is that Iranian pomegranates grow in conditions wildlife, and they began to be cultivated not so long ago and only in the central region. The local population uses fruits plucked in wild plantings for food.

    The sweetest pomegranate in the world is Dholka. The plant grows in the wild in India. The fruits of the culture are very light, but with a slight pink tint. Oddly enough, but the fruit is modest in size and weighs only 180-220 grams. Pomegranate seeds in different fruits may differ in color. Their colors range from white to pale pink. In nature, the shrub grows to a height of no more than two meters.

    In India, pomegranate is widely used in traditional medicine, since the standard of living of the population is low. From the roots of the plant, a remedy is prepared that relieves pain in case of bruises and fractures. And decoctions are used to treat dysentery.

    Frost-resistant varieties

    Many amateur gardeners are attracted by the amazing flowering of pomegranate trees, and therefore there is a desire to grow an exotic culture on the site. But are there frost-resistant varieties of pomegranate that can withstand winter in the middle lane? This question is asked by a large number of gardeners. Yes, there really are such varieties.

    Average frost resistance requires an indispensable shelter of plants for the winter, otherwise the pomegranate simply cannot withstand low temperatures. But with proper care, nothing is impossible. The previously described varieties of Gyulyusha pink and red, Ak Dona Crimean belong precisely to frost-resistant species, and therefore their cultivation can be safely tested at their summer cottage.

    White variety of pomegranate

    Very often people have a question about the existence of a white pomegranate. Is this myth or reality? In fact, there are pomegranate varieties with white grains and are successfully cultivated in southern countries and even in southern Italy and Spain. An example of such a miraculous plant is Tuya Tish, the name is translated as "camel's tooth". Large grains are characteristic of the fruits of this variety, but still they are not quite white, as many imagine. At first glance, it may seem that the pomegranate is simply not ripe. But in fact, the nucleoli are very sweet and incredibly tasty. Similar fruits can be purchased in Spain and Egypt. The so-called white pomegranate is endowed with exactly the same beneficial properties as the regular red varieties.

    Indoor grenades

    Lovers of exotic home plants have probably heard that there are varieties of indoor pomegranate. These small plants can be successfully grown at home, enjoy the beauty of their bloom and even produce small fruits with proper care. It is worth noting that such varieties of pomegranate (described below) belong to dwarf forms, and therefore they can be considered as houseplants. One of the varieties grown by the hostesses is Punica Granatum Nana. The culture blooms and bears fruit throughout the year. When the plant reaches forty centimeter growth, you can already count on the first harvest. As a rule, from seven to ten fruits are tied on a bush, in the future there will be more of them. They are quite edible and reach a diameter of five centimeters.

    Baby is probably the smallest pomegranate that can be grown in the house. The plant has the shape of a bush. In height, it does not grow more than fifty centimeters. This variety is decorative and blooms amazingly beautifully. The bush during the dormant period (autumn) partially loses its foliage.

    The plant requires constant care, annual thinning and trimming. If he doesn't like something, then it immediately reacts (leaves fall off), and therefore the grenade must be created as comfortable as possible. The plant blooms profusely and beautifully, giving single or group inflorescences. Each flower pleases for two or three days, after which it fades. Fruits are rarely formed. For one hundred flowers, for example, three or four fruits can be set.

    Dwarf carthage

    Dwarf Carthage is intended for indoor cultivation only. The plant is a small tree that needs to be cut regularly, preventing it from growing more than seventy centimeters. If the pomegranate is not cut, the branches will become thinner and the crown will lose its decorative appearance. In such a situation, the plant not only looks ugly, but also begins to bloom less often. The tree blooms amazingly beautifully.

    Instead of an afterword

    In our article, we tried to tell all the most interesting about such a wonderful plant as pomegranate. Of course, in our stores you can hardly find the fruits of all the varieties we have described, but we still hope that the information we offer will be useful. And, perhaps, you decide to purchase a seedling of a home exotic plant that will delight you with beautiful flowers.

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    Pomegranate is delicious and useful berry, known since ancient times. For the first time, pomegranate shrubs began to be cultivated, most likely in the territory of modern Tunisia. This is indicated by the Latin name of the genus Punica. Today they are grown in the East, America and the Mediterranean. The pomegranate found a place not only in the kitchen, but also in the home medicine cabinet and in the personal beauty parlor.

    Tall pomegranate bushes live for about a hundred years. They bloom in white, pink or red flowers. They bear fruit every year, starting at the age of three. Yields peak between seven and forty years. After fifty years, yields are minimal. Therefore, on cultivated pomegranate plantations, old shrubs are replaced with new ones.

    Garnet- a thermophilic plant. For the ripening of berries, a hot, long summer is necessary. Even the most cold-resistant varieties cannot withstand temperatures below 15 degrees below zero.

    The pomegranate berry is the size of a large apple and has a dense leathery skin. The color and its saturation differ in different varieties. Pomegranate can be pink, pale red, bright ruby. Inside are numerous seeds hidden in the juicy sweet and sour flesh of a ruby ​​hue. The grains are separated by the finest films. Taste - from sour to sweet.

    Numerous myths and legends are associated with pomegranate. One of them says that the pomegranate berry, its appearance, became the prototype of the royal crown. No wonder the pomegranate is called the "royal fruit".

    Flowers and fruits of the plant in the East are considered a symbol of heartfelt affection and strong friendship. Muslims believe that the Garden of Eden is completely planted with pomegranate bushes. V Ancient egypt relatives buried their loved ones with pomegranate berries: the "tree of life" will help the soul to be reborn.

    According to one legend, a pomegranate consists of 365 seeds. Exactly so many days a year. Another myth says that there are 613 grains in the berry. This figure is the number of commandments in the Torah.

    Useful properties of pomegranate

    One hundred grams of the edible part of the berry contains 72 kcal. The average fruit is 55% sap, 30% rind and 15% seeds. The figures are approximate, since the exact ratio of these components depends on the variety, berry ripeness.

    The chemical composition of pomegranate is shown in the table:

    Amount in one hundred grams of the edible part

    Pomegranate peel is rich in tannins, pectins, cellulose, phenol-carboxylic acids and minerals. There are much more of the latter in the peel than in the juice.

    Berry grains contain cellulose, starch, nitrogenous substances, ash. In terms of vitamin E and unsaturated acids, pomegranate oil is not inferior to wheat germ oil.

    Why is pomegranate useful?

    1. Stimulates the immune system.
    2. Stimulates brain activity, improves memory.
    3. Helps the body fight stress, insomnia, eye strain.
    4. Prevents cramps, nourishes muscle fibers.
    5. Fights "bad" cholesterol.
    6. Improves appetite, helps the gastrointestinal tract.

    Has a calming effect, helps with diarrhea.

    Pomegranate in the home medicine cabinet

    Folk health recipes:

    1. To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, you need to eat pomegranate pulp and drink juice every day. V medicinal purposes(with anemia) drink half a glass of juice half an hour before meals three times a day. The recommended course is 3-4 months. Then - a month break. Then the course is repeated again.
    2. At high temperature it is useful to drink sweet and sour pomegranate juice. Vitamin C will help to overcome the disease faster. Pomegranate fights feverish conditions, is useful for angina (gargle with diluted juice), cough, bronchial asthma.
    3. The anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate are used to combat stomatitis and scurvy. Gargling with juice also removes bad breath. And pomegranate seeds, mixed with honey, relieve toothache.
    4. Pomegranate normalizes blood pressure, helps with headaches. Hypertensive patients need to regularly eat fruits and drink juice.
    5. A decoction of pomegranate peel is a salvation for diarrhea. In addition, the polyphenols in pomegranate peels inhibit the growth of dysentery bacillus.
    6. Dried partitions are useful for adding to tea. This drink soothes well, relieves excitement, anxiety.
    7. Enterocolitis is treated with pomegranate bark powder (75 mg 3 times a day).
    8. In the climacteric period, it is useful to eat pomegranate seeds.
    9. At inflammatory processes such a recipe helps the body. Brew a teaspoon of chopped pomegranate bark in half a glass of water, strain and take a teaspoon three times a day.
    10. Burns on the skin can be lubricated with pomegranate juice, and then sprinkled with dry peel powder. Cracks and scratches can also be sprinkled with peel powder.
    • stomach ulcer, acidity, gastritis;
    • constipation, hemorrhoids, fissures in the anus.

    Features of the use of some parts of the pomegranate:

    • in order not to damage the tooth enamel, the juice must be diluted with water; and after drinking it is advisable to brush your teeth;
    • the peel contains poisonous alkaloids and toxins, so it is impossible to overdose with decoctions; symptoms of poisoning - convulsions, increased blood pressure, dizziness, weakness.

    In China, the bride and groom ate several pomegranate seeds at a wedding. This helped the man to improve potency, and the woman to get pregnant.

    Israeli researchers have found that the pomegranate berry contains maximum amount antioxidants (more than any other fruit).

    American scientists claim that pomegranate protects articular cartilage from destruction.

    Pomegranate in cosmetology and cooking

    1. Pomegranate oil is very beneficial for damaged, dry, irritated or aging skin. It improves complexion, reduces wrinkles, and increases turgor.
    2. Pomegranate juice has a whitening effect. Therefore, it can be actively used for freckles, age spots.
    3. A decoction of the peel is good for the hair. Regular rinsing helps to heal dandruff faster and makes your hair shine.

    How to choose the most delicious pomegranate?

    • First, pay attention to the rind. Its color should be even. The texture is dense and fine, dry over the entire surface.
    • Secondly, take the berry in your hands. Ripe pomegranate is hard enough.
    • Third, recognize the variety. The taste of the pomegranate depends on it.

    Sweet varieties: Akdona, Vanderfull, Ak Dona Krymskaya (there is a barely perceptible sourness), Kaim nar, Purple.

    Sweet and sour varieties: Kizil-Anor, Gyuleisha pink, Bala-myursal, Achik-Anor, Gyulosha red, Nikitsky Early, Juicy 110.

    How to quickly clean a pomegranate?

    The kernels are easy to pick up in cold water. To do this, you need to cut off the top, cut the peel in several places and lower the pomegranate into the water. Then break it under water and carefully remove the grains. Throw away everything unnecessary. Drain the water through a colander. Dry the pulp.

    José Blasco, a Spanish engineer, has designed a device that automatically cleans a pomegranate. The machine removes the partitions, the peel, and sorts the pomegranate seeds. The productivity of the miracle technology is about 80 berries per hour.

    Most often, pomegranates are eaten fresh or squeezed out of juice. To do this, use a citrus juicer or crush the seeds with a regular spoon in a sieve. Pomegranate juice can be sterilized. If you add sugar to it, you get grenadine - a component of many cocktails.

    Pomegranate in culinary recipes:

    1) Caucasian sauce Narsharab.

    Pomegranate juice is placed on low heat and evaporated for an hour. Served with meat and fish dishes.

    2) Chicken with pomegranate.

    Fry the finely chopped onion and rosemary in olive oil. Put chicken pieces dipped in flour in the same dish. Take out the rosemary and pour in half a glass of pomegranate juice and the same amount of white wine. Simmer until tender with the lid closed. Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds before serving.

    3) Pomegranate milk jelly.

    Dissolve gelatin in warm water. Mix half with pomegranate juice, half with milk. Cool the milk part. Then pour the pomegranate portion on top.

    Kebabs are marinated in pomegranate juice, and pomegranate grains are added to cereal salads.

    During the holidays, British scientists advise drinking pomegranate juice. This will help keep your figure at a table rich in culinary delights. The juice prevents the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.

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    Garnet - stone of blazing passion

    Perhaps not a single precious mineral matches the name and outward appearance like a garnet stone. It can really be described as an imitation of the seeds of an oriental fruit.

    It does not belong to rare: solid deposits are located all over the world. A good alternative to the more expensive ruby. Consider which pomegranate stone has magical properties and who suits by name, zodiac sign, what colors and types are.

    He also has other names. A beautiful old name for red stones that existed in Medieval Europe and Russia is "lal". In Persia, where crystals of a clear violet hue were found, the stone began to be called like this: "venis" ("purple").

    They were always enveloped in magic and mysticism. Thus, a rare pomegranate from Bohemia was considered to be frozen drops of water, colored underground by blood vapor. For many, pomegranates are a love story from Kuprin's story “Pomegranate Bracelet”.

    What colors are there

    Pomegranate and the description of each type is determined by the ratio of chemical elements in the composition. Red stones are garnets, green ones are olivines. There are minerals of other shades, as well as garnet with a color change.

    The most widespread and familiar color in the world. The brightest, fiery, give deposits in the extreme north and extreme south of the planet: in Yakutia and South Africa. In the mines, these precious stones coexist with diamonds.

    Other shades: pink, yellowish, brownish, up to purple.

    Pebbles of pure green color are called grossularia (from the Latin "grossularia" - gooseberry). Colors ranging from light green to green-brown indeed resemble fruits of varying degrees of ripeness. Deposits of the Urals give emerald green and transparent green crystals.

    Instances of this color are of two types:

    - opaque red, with a dark matte shade and edges without reflections;

    - from a deposit of schorlomite rocks, with a distinct metallic luster.


    All types are precious. Colorless stone is revered by jewelers and collectors. It is sometimes called leucogranate or white garnet.

    Until the 90s of the last century, it was believed that the blue garnet is a myth. But in Madagascar, they found a Belikian garnet with a color change, which had an alexandrite effect. It changes from blue-green to reddish-purple.

    The main varieties of pomegranate

    • almandine - transparent red, red-brown, red with a purple tint;
    • andradite - brownish red, green, black;
    • grossular - greenish, may be yellowish;
    • demantoid - greenish-golden;
    • majorite is the rarest purple variety;
    • carbuncle - fiery red, violet-red, orange with a fickle color;
    • rhodolite - pink, the most expensive jewelry garnet;
    • spessartine - yellow-brown, orange, pink;
    • uvarovit - emerald green;
    • pyrope (Czech garnet) - transparent, clean, dark red.

    How much is

    How much a garnet stone costs is influenced by its characteristics: type, color, weight. Despite the fact that most of it is an ornamental mineral, some specimens may be in the first row of jewelry. For example, a good quality blue garnet that changes color costs from $ 1,500 per carat, majorite - from $ 2,000, but does not go on sale at all.

    Magic stone

    Red pomegranate is a symbol of passion, an old attribute of people called upon to change the course of history. Its properties enhance charisma, influence on others. Magical properties pomegranate stones help in difficult situations to balance impulsive impulses with sober calculation, thus surviving any disasters.

    How useful the carbuncle (the ancient name of the stone that existed in Russia) is especially felt by creative natures, passionate, but often unable to realize their plans.

    The properties of pomegranate stone help everyone who knows exactly where to go. For a weather vane man, his magic will be useless. And the dishonorable, striving for success in an unrighteous way, the stone will simply harm. But in both cases it will "report" this, tarnishing or cracking.

    Pomegranate symbolizes ardent passion. Helps with mutual feelings, with unrequited feelings can attract love. For ladies, it gives maturity by balancing the senses and the mind. A very ancient symbol of friendship.

    Witches and shamans even today use the power of stones to connect with the other world.

    Medicinal properties

    The ability of the stone to stop blood was known to the knights-crusaders. There are also others beneficial features but you need to know how to wear the pomegranate in order for them to manifest.

    The pomegranate stone shows useful properties, first of all, in relation to blood: it increases hemoglobin, regulates clotting, circulation. In addition, red pomegranate accelerates the overall regeneration of the body, improves immunity. Set in silver, it restores the respiratory system.

    The golden garnet ring on the middle finger of the right hand treats chronic migraines, and the garnet necklace treats any headaches. Medicinal properties has any of the natural stones. Moreover, an unprocessed garnet can be superior in efficiency to a "noble" one, and cost several times cheaper.

    Who suits the zodiac

    Since this is a stone of active, honest people, among those for whom the pomegranate suits the most are Sagittarius and Leo. These fiery persons often have an innate sense of justice, are distinguished by their vigor in achieving goals. But for the interaction to be complete, you need to "make friends" with olivine, wearing it constantly for some time.

    Scorpion. For this sign of the zodiac, pyrope is suitable. It will help you gain confidence in your strengths or leadership qualities. Jealous will teach you to trust your partner more.

    Pomegranate and the zodiac sign Capricorn are allies too. To his absolute dedication, hard work, turning into obstinacy, a pebble will add positive energy.

    Aries horoscope advises exclusively red stones. They will help get rid of various fears, avoid conflicts. Just become kinder.

    The coolness of Aquarius will slightly warm up the green stone. Pomegranate as a stone of love will assist in amorous adventures, will help to find a soul mate.

    A strong olivine amulet will protect Sagittarius from external negativity, human or situational.

    The same natural green crystal will help the fickle Libra balance thoughts, become calmer.

    Garnet stone and its properties are not in harmony with Cancer and Taurus.

    The zodiac sign Pisces can use it to stabilize blood pressure, counteract viruses, and heal wounds. It will relieve women from "nerves".

    But what sign of the zodiac it is simply necessary is the changeable Gemini, prone to quarrels or contradictions. The stone will help them in establishing harmony, balance in life.

    To live more joyfully, harmoniously, to be in the mood, to think clearly will help the gemstone of garnets to Virgos.

    What names suits

    Anton. Pyrope will stimulate blood circulation, add strength, fearlessness and passion. The value of the stone is especially great if the boy was brought up too cautious or limited in many ways.

    Basil. Almandine has a beneficial effect on endocrine system, digestion. Pomegranate minerals of this variety bestow passion, cheerfulness, endurance, courage. Help in love.

    Alexandra. An imperious nature, and such a gem of pomegranates can lead to victory, balancing mind and emotions.

    Alla. Almandine will help soften a too hard character, be more lenient towards people. She will appreciate the properties and significance of the stone, which will support her intention to walk firmly through life.

    Galina. For windy natures, a semi-precious stone will help in maintaining fidelity and stability in the family. At the same time, the owner of the pomegranate will look sexier and more attractive. Gives inspiration to creative people. Helps with childbirth.

    Lyudmila. The red-purple stone will help make the right decisions, and the green one will symbolize the tranquility of the family hearth, which Lyudmila cherishes so much.

    Maria. A suitable amulet against troubles or sadness. Best suited to Mary according to the zodiac sign Leo: the stone will bring great happiness. Mary Scorpio will add self-confidence, Gemini - harmony with the world, Aries guarantees well-being and loyalty.

    Tamara. The magic of the stone will help maintain the leadership qualities in the family and at work that women with this name almost always have.

    To make the stones beautiful

    To maintain an attractive appearance, jewelry needs to be looked after. They are stored separately, in the dark and cool. Care is simple: wash in warm, soapy water, with a soft brush, after soaking for a while.

    So, pomegranate is a precious stone, a symbol of victory, love and passion, a guardian of the family hearth. Classic - red minerals, although there are green, others, even changing color.

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