Cardiovascular system Prevention and treatment of diseases. How to avoid cardiovascular diseases: do in prevention

The heart is the most important and hardworking body in the body. It pumps blood saturated with oxygen. But nowadays this body in great risk (from a medical and emotional point of view). Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of deaths around the world, it kills one person every 34 seconds.

If you want to live and feel good for a long time, the heart should function properly. Here we have listed the best 10 tips that do not require additional efforts and worries, and can be included in everyday life.

1. Good sleep and early rise

Strong sleep adjusts the overall functioning of vascular, digestive and muscle systems. Man should sleep at least 6 hours a day. Sleep deprivation badly affects your health.

Maintaining family history of the disease is very important. If your ancestors / relatives had severe heart disease, you must take precautions in advance.

2. Regular inspections and additional vitamin additives

Timely and regular check is very important. Today, food is not so healthy and fresh, as it was before, due to pesticides and the use of scientific technologies.

You can accept fish fat, Vitamin capsules and grape extract as additives to the main diet.

3. Products that need to be avoided

Reduce the consumption of unhealthy food. Fatty food, despite the fact that she is loved all over the world, try to avoid potatoes fries, mayonnaise, such fatty products Like hamburgers, pizza, cream cakes and candy.

This will allow, prevent not only heart disease, but also other health complications.

4. How to avoid hypertension and stress

Stress and hypertension must be controlled. Emotional stress - One of the main causes of heart disease. It is necessary to avoid tense situations as much as possible. Keep calm and relax. Do not get angry. More often smile.

If you are in an unpleasant situation, make deep breaths. Keep tension and stress away from yourself if you want the heart to be healthy.

5. Control of blood sugar and pressure

Blood pressure and blood sugar levels are connected with each other.

People with a high level of sugar more often suffer from heart disease. The high level of sugar and salt increase blood pressure.

When it is high, it means the heart is additionally loaded, so avoid a large amount of sweet in your diet.

6. Maintain cholesterol level

LDL known as bad cholesterol, leads to the deposition of fat in the arteries, which leads to a drawing in the vessels and makes the blood pressure jump.

Read the labels before you eat anything. Check the amount of saturated fats, cholesterol and calorie content for a portion. Be careful and remember your heart all the time.

7. Refuse alcohol and smoking

It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. If you want the heart to work properly, throw smoking and excessively drink alcohol. It seriously affects the heart. Smoking leads to the accumulation of nicotine in the blood, this not only causes cancer, but also scores blood vessels, which ultimately affects the heart.

Alcohol consumption in excess is very dangerous. Although it is said that a glass or two wines per day is useful for heart health, but excessive consumption leads to excessive blood exhaustion and causes heart problems.

8. Watch out weight

Overweight is one of the most common problems all over the world. Adults and children crazy about food. If you weigh the more norm, your heart is needed to pump blood with a greater force and, in turn, this is an excessive load on the heart and vessels.

The large body mass accumulation in the abdominal region is one of the causes of a heart attack. Monitor your own weight will help the BMI test.

9. Regular training

Active lifestyle will certainly support health. Nowadays, people do not pay the necessary attention to the exercises. They spend the whole day, sitting in front of the TV, laptop, eat or sleep. Exercises make you active and are necessary for the proper circulation of blood in the body.

You must train 35-40 minutes a day. No need to perform unpleasant exercises for you. Walking, lifting the stairs and cycling are the most efficient and convenient exercises and will help avoid clogging in vessels that cause heart disease.

10. Eat healthy food

Power must be balanced. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities for you. Eat food, rich in vitamins and fibers, such as bananas, oats and wheat bran. Squirrels in the diet - one of the most effective ways Prevent heart disease, such as fish and legumes.

Cardiovascular diseases - Epidemic of the XXI century

According to official data, about 1 million dies from cardiovascular diseases annually in Russia. 300 thousand people. Mortality for this reason is more than 55% of all deaths. Among the developed countries, Russia is leading under this sad indicator.

Not only treatment, but first of all, the competent prevention of cardiovascular diseases will help reduce the number of patients suffering from, and other ailments. Especially about the ways of prevention you need to know people from the so-called risk groups.

Physical culture - your chief assistant

The benefits of medical physical education is no doubt because, firstly, with active classes, especially on fresh airThe saturation of cells and tissues of the body with oxygen, and secondly, blood circulation is enhanced, the heart muscle is strengthened. It is preferable to aerobic occupations in which the heart rate is increasing - walking, running, ski rides, cycling.

It is known that at the walls of the arteries, lipids are postponed and, thereby leading to narrowing the lumen of the vessels and even to climb them. Physical education acts as follows. Fat substances consumed by man over measure are not settled in vessels, but are burned by the body during training, and their safe level is supported in the blood, the coronary blood flow increases.

Physical exertion depend on the age, the functional state of the person, as well as whether it has any diseases of the cardiovascular system. Those who have never been engaged in physical education and sports should start with walking.

Doctors found out that the minimum dynamic load is as follows: 3 times a week for 30 minutes in a comfortable pace. Those who are engaged in the wellness run must remember that more than 30-40 km are not recommended a week, since in this case the body's reserves are depleted, efficiency falls.

In addition to aerobic loads, benefits for the body. You can perform the following exercises:

  1. Rotation compressed in a fist with brushes, as well as the feet put on the sock (20 times in one and the other side);
  2. Rhythmic compression-extension of hands of hands (30 times);
  3. Turns of the hull to the right and left with diluted with hands (10 times);
  4. Mahi straight leg forward, the hands at the same time stretch to the sock (10 masks each foot);
  5. Fucks ahead alternately each foot (10-20 times);
  6. Vertical lifting legs with the aim of preventing the diseases of the foot vessels (1-2 minutes).

This complex can be included in the morning gymnastics, or perform at any convenient time. It is important that the room was well-worn, and there was comfortable clothing on the person, without melting movements. But there are a number of the following contraindications to physical education:

  • Sharp forms;
  • Acute;
  • accompanied by strong pools In the field of heart.

To properly build your training, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Systemativity involves at least 3 lessons per week;
  • Pulse should not exceed 120-140 shots per minute;
  • In the event of dizziness, pain in the heart or nausea, the occupation is stopped.
  • Healthy food is a big step towards health.

    Prevention of vascular diseases requires adequate balanced nutrition. One of the main reasons for these diseases is the insufficient consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are responsible for lipid metabolism in the body. So use:

    • Fish cooked for a pair or boiled (2-3 times a week);
    • Avocado in raw form (1-2 fetus per week);
    • Linseed oil (2 tbsp. Spoons per day);
    • Nuts (6-8 pieces per day).

    Due to the content of fiber that impedes the absorption of cholesterol, as well as omega-3 acids, grain porridge should be consumed - Hercules, buckwheat, crude rice. The rougher grinding, the richer casual substances.

    The following vegetables and fruits are also very valuable.


    Reduces blood pressure and puts in order water-salt balance (the composition includes beta carotene, potassium, vitamin C);


    Reduces the tone of vessels and blood pressure (the composition includes hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen oxide);


    Feeds the heart and vessels with vitamins and elements (the composition includes vitamins of groups B, C, D, as well as potassium, iron, manganese);


    Strengthens the walls of the vessels and struggles with anemia (the composition includes folic acid, copper, iron, iodine);


    Improves blood circulation, strengthens the walls of the vessels, dilutes blood, preventing the blockage of vessels (the composition includes antioxidants, iron, iodine).

    In addition to receiving useful products, it is worth reduce the amount of salt consumed, oily, fried, refined dishes that do not carry any food value, Besides empty calories. Refrain from the reception of products containing a large number of sugars - cakes, creams, milk chocolate.

    Stress - blow from the vessels

    The mechanism of action of stress on the cardiovascular system is known: The adrenaline hormone is produced, which causes the heart to fight rapidly, and the vessels are spashed and narrowed. Because of this, the pressure rises, the heart muscle is wear out.

    American scientists find out that the cardiovascular system is directly related to the brain and the hormonal sphere. therefore if a person is experiencing negative emotions - Fear, anger, irritability, then the heart will suffer.

    For prevention for this reason, a person needs:

    1. More often to be in nature, away from the city bustle;
    2. Learn not to let small troubles, domestic troubles;
    3. Coming home Leave all thoughts about the affairs of the threshold;
    4. Listen to relaxing classical music;
    5. Give yourself as much as possible positive emotions.
    6. IN necessary cases Take natural sedatives, such as a mother-in-law.

    Down with bad habits!

    Smoking and healthy vessels are incompatible. Nicotine spasms vessels, therefore. In addition, the vascular walls are damaged, plaques are deposited on them, which are the main cause of heart-vascular diseases. The brain of the smokers is suffering, the memory is disturbed, paralysis may occur. therefore to prevent the formation of blood clots and the destruction of the walls of the vessels from smoking, it is necessary to refuse.

    Another destructive habit is the unlimited intake of alcohol. Ethanol acts quickly: under its influence, red blood cells lose a negative charge and begin to stick together with each other, worsening vessels, reinforcing blood coagulation and increasing the risk of extremely dangerous thrombus. Oxygen starvation is experiencing not only organs and fabrics, but also myocardium; The heart begins to beat faster, depleting its resources. In addition, ethanol interferes with a fat exchange, sharply increasing cholesterol in the blood, and it contributes to the formation of plaques on the walls of the vessels.

    Amateurs great Drinks It should be known that the systematic use of alcohol, no matter what - beer, wine or champagne, provokes the replacement of muscle layers of myocardium for fat. The reception of electrical impulses is disturbed, the ability of myocardium is falling, and it threatens the appearance of arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia and other severe consequences. The conclusion is one - to the maximum reduce the use of alcohol, and if it is not possible to avoid it on a banquet, then just with it eat as much fresh green vegetables as possible.

    Harmful habits include long-lasting interoperability in front of a TV or computer. A man who deprive himself sleep is baptized his heart, because he needs rest periods. In order for the heart to be overloaded, it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day., and this time can be distributed during the day.

    On the benefits of regular survey

    Diseases of the heart and vessels can leak imperceptibly without any external manifestations. Therefore, it follows about once a year to examine your vessels and heart with the help of basic available methods..

    • . This method is based on fixing the heart rate with the help of special electrodes. Allows you to identify violations in myocardial work, intracardiac permeability, etc.;
    • Ergometry. The essence of the methodology is to study the work of the cardiovascular system in the dynamics;
    • (Ultrasonic Doppler). It is used mainly to prevent brain vessel diseases. The doctor evaluates the bloodstream in large vessels of the neck and head;
    • . With the help of MRI, experts determine the vessel's permeability, the presence of thromboms in it, its anatomy and diameter. Its advantages are obvious: efficiency, accuracy and harmlessness for the patient.
    • MRA (magnetic resonance angiography). This method is the most modern and efficient, especially when diagnosing the state of the brain vessels, since it allows you to get a three-dimensional image of the vascular grid of the study area. If body vessels are investigated, the artery or vein introduces a special coloring agent, thanks to which the pictures are clear and understandable.

    In recent years, doctors are constantly talking about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The relevance of the topic is due to a high percentage of fatal outcomes in various age groups.

    Therefore, the warning of heart disease and vessels begins to be carried out in the smallest patients.

    Types and methods

    It is worth noting that there is no specific prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. This is due to the many variants of diseases and various mechanisms for their development.

    Therefore, at present, all preventive measures are nonspecific. These include several stages:

    1. Healthy lifestyle:
    • proper balanced nutrition;
    • lack of a sedentary lifestyle;
    • maintaining the "ideal" body weight in a particular person, taking into account his growth;
    • refusal of tobacco, drug addiction (especially intravenous), alcohol abuse;
    • occupation medical gymnastics, charging, hardening.
    1. Passage of medical dispensarization, starting from 21 years.
    2. Home control over arterial pressure and cardiac frequency.
    3. Timely treatment of diseases leading to cardiac pathology:
    • violation of the function of the thyroid gland;
    • diabetes;
    • chronic kidney disease with deficiency formation;
    • congenital small heart abnormalities;
    • connective tissue diseases;
    • vasculitis;
    • rheumatological autoimmune diseases.
    1. Prevention of ORZ, ARVI, angina and other infectious processes (including preparation for surgical interventions), capable of negatively affect cardiac activity and provoke an acute rheumatic fever.
    2. Drug method for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in high-risk persons. This category is determined by the doctor on the planned reception, or when contacting another pathology.

    A special place for the prevention of congenital cardiovascular diseases in children plays the proper maintenance of women at the stage of pregnancy.

    Timely appeal to the doctor and rational therapy of existing cardiac pathology is the key to the successful prevention of fatal complications.

    The main aspects of a healthy lifestyle

    About the fact that you need to eat right and physical culture, everyone knows. However, many do not understand how to implement it in everyday life. You always need to start with proper nutrition.

    Prevention of diseases of the heart and its vessels of atherosclerotic genesis implies compliance with the anti-theaterogenic diet. The basic principles of it are reduced to several points:

    The greatest number of "bad" cholesterol is contained in such products:

    • fat meat;
    • butter;
    • egg yolk;
    • squid;
    • shrimp;
    • caviar;
    • sausages, sausages.

    One-time consumption of listed products does not affect the lipid composition of the blood negatively and does not lead to the formation of ischemic heart disease. However, with regular and long-term reception harmful cholesterolThe risk of pathology is quite large.

    Compliance with the principles of proper nutrition helps people relieve excess weight, stabilizes the pressure and blood sugar levels, prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the walls of blood vessels.

    A sedentary lifestyle - "Beach" of modernity. During seats, daily walks in the fresh air, swimming, skiing and bicycles, morning and evening charging are recommended. This will help to avoid not only heart problems, but also warns veins.

    Refusal from harmful habits - difficult task. If a person is not able to handle the problem independently, then the help of a specialist is necessary. The task of the doctor in such cases is to correctly motivate the patient.

    Smoking is one of the leading factors contributing to the development of vascular complications leading to amputation limbs.

    Thus, to keep healthy image Life medical care is not needed. This is an effective measure for the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases. It is important at the same time a person's desire to be healthy.


    Given the high mortality from cardiac pathology into outpatient practice, annual planned inspections were introduced. The passage of them is strictly voluntary. The goal is to identify the risk of heart disease development with subsequent more detail. In dispensarization for these purposes includes:

    After passing the dispensary, the patient can be assigned medications To prevent the development of heart disease and vessels. Recommendations on a healthy lifestyle are given.

    Medical appointments

    In the development of cardiac pathology in children, adolescents and able-bodied population, viral and infectious agents play a major role. Many pathogenic microorganisms are able to affect the heart, causing myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis.

    The most formidable problem is the acute rheumatic fever, which is a consequence of streptococcal lesions (angina, pneumonia, pyelonephritis).

    For the prevention of such cardiovascular diseases, recommended:

    1. Reception of antibiotics in front of surgical interventions, including dental removal.
    2. Seasonal prevention of influenza and colds by taking antiviral, immunomodulatory drugs. In children - mandatory vaccination according to the national vaccination calendar.
    3. Treatment of infectious diseases under the supervision of the doctor and complying with all its recommendations.

    What kind of drugs are most effective in each particular case, telling the attending physician.

    In groups of high risk through diseases of the cardiovascular system, the prevention of ischemic heart disease and strokes is carried out. To such categories include patients who have:

    This group of patients with a large risk of cardiovascular diseases for prevention is mandatory assigned:

    • Thrombo ass;
    • Cardiask;
    • Aspirin Cardio.
    1. Limited hypolypidemic agents:
    • statins: ATTERIS, TORVAKARD, Scriber, Roxker, Vazilip;
    • fibrats: Trikor.

    Such drugs are shown to receive for a long time. Picks up and evaluates their effectiveness therapist or cardiologist. Alone without appointing a doctor, it is not recommended to take them in connection with the presence of a large number of contraindications and side effects.

    Prevention of heart disease and vessels is a very long and time-consuming process. It requires large diligence both from the doctor and from the patient himself. But it is always worth remembering that their prevention is not a guarantee of complete safety from diseases. It helps reduce the chances of the development of pathology.

    Cardiovascular diseases are one of the main causes of death around the world. The risk of getting sick increases with age. Lack of sports, improper nutrition and various unhealthy habits lead to early Development heart disease. Therefore, the prevention of diseases of the cordial vascular system is vital at any age.

    Significant changes in the lifetime of modern people contributed to an increase in cardiovascular diseases (CVD). One third of all the causes of deaths in the world make up the CVD.

    CVD includes such diseases:

    • Atherosclerosis. The disease occurs when fat deposits are clogged with artery and contribute to their hardening;
    • Ischemic disease. Causes a reduced blood supply to the heart muscle;
    • Stroke. There is due to the insufficient inflow of blood to the brain, which leads to the death of the cerebral cells;
    • Hypertension. It occurs when blood pressure is higher than the normal range;
    • Arrhythmia. Are wrong or abnormal heartbeat.

    Preventiveness of diseases of the cardiovascular system

    1. Frequent and much consumption of saturated fats increases the risk of CVD development, therefore, their consumption should be limited to 10% of the daily calorie content for most people, and less than 7% for people belonging to the risk group.

    2. Products commonly used for cooking, such as hydrogenated fats (for example, coconut and palm oil), contain saturated fatty acids. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of fat from meat and dairy sources, avoid hydrogenated oils and eating low-fat fish several times a week.

    3. Including in its diet to 35% of healthy fats, you can not be afraid of weight gain physically active peoplewhich preferences are food consisting more from fruits, vegetables, wholegrain cereals and legumes.

    4. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases involves daily reception to 500 grams of fruit, green leafy vegetables, legumes, berries reduces the risk of CVD. These products contain a sufficient amount of potassium, which is vital for the prevention of CVD.

    5. The fiber located in whole grain cereals helps protect against ischemic disease and lowers blood pressure.

    6. Restriction of salt consumption up to 5 grams of the day also helps to reduce the risk.

    7. Vegetarians should provide their body alpha-linolenic acid. It is present in vegetable food, such as pumpkin, walnuts, soybean oil.

    8. Thirty minutes of moderate physical activity daily enough to strengthen the heart and lungs. People who are not accustomed to an active lifestyle should avoid intensive training.

    Well, if healthy eating and sport will become a way of life that will undoubtedly prolong life and improve its quality as a whole.

    Factors Increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases

    1. Poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity, consumption of cigarettes and alcohol - all these factors can provoke the development of CVD.

    2. Provocate the disease and some biological factors, for example, overweight, high blood pressure, diabetes.

    3. Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system requires revision of the daily menu and the full failure of a number of products. Many studies show that trans-fatty acids found in industrially hardened oils increase the possibility of developing coronary diseases.Trans-fats in large quantities are located in fast food, fryer and some bakery products.

    The most effective replacement for saturated fatty acids is polyunsaturated fatty acids (PNGC), which can reduce the possibility of the development of CVD. They are contained in sowing, vegetable oils, plant products and marine fish of fatty varieties. PNCC is useful for blood pressure, normal blood coagulation and for good heart work.

    4. Cholesterol, serves as an important component of cell membranes and some hormones, is produced in the liver, but also present in dairy food, meat and eggs.

    Increased content of a certain type cholesterol (Low density lipoproteins) in the blood can lead to its deposition in arteries, and as a result, limit the bloodstream, which can cause problems with a heart. Cholesterol in sufficient quantities is produced by the liver, it is better to avoid excessive food intake that contains it.

    5. Alimentary fiber serve as the main factor in reducing the total cholesterol in the blood. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases involves daily nutrition with a large content of fiber and whole grain cereals that help prevent ischemic disease.

    6. Reception 0.8 mg folic acid Every day helps to prevent the development of ischemic disease by 16% and the possibility of stroke by 24%.

    7. Flavonoids, Compounds that are in products such as tea, onions, apples prevent the development of the disease.

    8. Vitamins E, C and B-carotene Play an important role in the prevention of CVD.

    9. Immirement eating sololi. Increases pressure that provokes stroke and ischemic heart disease.

    10. Potassium It is capable of reduced pressure, it is necessary for normal heart work and helps prevent CVD. Consumption in food fruits, berries and vegetables can provide the body of potassium to the fullest.

    What food affects the cardiovascular system

    Eating fresh fruit and vegetables Always associated with good health. This is an excellent prevention of increased blood pressure and stroke.

    Sea fish Also reduces the risk of obtaining ischemic disease.

    Alcohol consumption is one of the most common causes of CVD, so it is better to exclude it completely.

    Alcohol in any doses can provoke such problems:

    • Increase arterial and blood pressure;
    • Negatively influence the coronary artery;
    • Provoke myocardial infarction;
    • Disrupt cardiac rhythm;
    • Cause stroke.

    In physical coffee there is a molecule called Cafe Otol, which is even useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but can increase cholesterol. Therefore, too frequent use of natural coffee increases the risk of ischemic disease.

    Greetings to all blog readers!

    Currently, in the entire civilized world, cardiovascular diseases took place in the first place. It is alarming the fact that these diseases have recently been often found at a young age and are the causes of grave outcomes.

    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases Will help warn heart disease. To do this, it is necessary to know that she does not like our heart, and what responds with gratitude.

    To begin with, let's talk about the heart like.

    In the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, it is primarily to pay attention to the nutrition. Eat coarse bread, in which a large amount of fiber. The fiber collects cholesterol and takes it out of the body. So, atherosclerotic phenomena will manifest much slower.

    Eat more vegetables and fruits, there are important trace elements and vitamins for the heart.

    From animal fats it is better to refuse, but to use vegetable oil. The best oil is olive and linen.

    Do not forget about marine fish and seafood, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and Q-10. These substances contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis.

    Drink noncompted and high quality raw water. In boiled water, there is little calcium, and this leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

    In order to prevent cardiovascular diseases to spend well unloading Days, for example, twist during the day only with vegetables, fruit or drink kefir.

    Fit four times a day, dinner try to consume no later than three hours before sleep.

    For cardiovascular diseases it is useful to make daily walks. If the time for the walk is missing, walk along the way to work and from work. You need to get out of the house early and try not to go along the lively highways. It's good to go through the parks where you can breathe fresh air.

    Conduct regularly by physical exertion. They must be moderate, diverse. They should be increased gradually.

    For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, try to carry out a course of treatment raisins. This recipe will help the heart, removes weakness and pain in the heart.

    Take 2 kilograms of raisins without bones. Spread well first warm and then cold water. Let dry, beat. Cooked raisins for the day eat a smooth amount-40 raisins in the morning on an empty stomach. Stop breakfast no earlier than one hour. According to such a scheme, it is necessary to eat 1 kilogram of raisins. Second kilograms start taking on a decreasing scheme. Today, 40 pieces, tomorrow 39, and so on. Allow preventive treatment can be 1-2 times a year.

    In the fall do not forget to prepare Kalina. Drink for prevention tea from viburnum with honey or sugar.

    In the fall, do not miss the opportunity and make a preventive course of treatment with a mixture of apples and beets.

    The recipe for the juice mixture is prepared as:

    Through the juicer, press apple and beet juice. Let stand for 2 hours. Mix 5 pieces of apple and 1 part of beetroot juice. Take 2 glasses per day.

    It is good to prepare beet juice and honey in proportion 1: 2, add juice of one lemon. Drink an hour after meals, half a glass. Store a mixture of juices in the refrigerator.

    Now let's talk about what the heart reacts badly, what he does not like?

    The big peak of cardiovascular diseases, strokes and heart attacks fall at the beginning of the country's period. People come to the cottages and try to immediately remake all things. No need to forget that all things will never endure to the end. It is better to engage in slow pace, but you will avoid formidable consequences. All of the above can be recommended and people who decided to make repairs on their own.

    Pay your attention to sleep. Sleep is bad for a long time, but the lack of sleep is also harmful. A large risk for cardiovascular diseases is to work in a night shift or overtime.

    Avoid Streszov I. conflict situations. It is necessary to try to leave them at all or treat the shares of humor. Think about the fact that there are no ideal people, and we are all so different.

    Control your blood pressure. Increased pressure can lead to a heart attack, the load on the heart is significantly increased. In each house, you must have an instrument for measuring pressure. The choice of tonometers is now really great, you can pick up for every taste and price.

    Pay attention to the salt, try to salt smaller, but it is not recommended to completely refuse salt.

    Pay attention to your weight. Try to get rid of excess weight. Excess weight Very often leads to an increase in blood pressure.

    Keep track of cholesterol, do not forget to donate blood to the lipid composition. If the indicators are enhanced, try to take action and change lifestyle, nutrition.

    Ask your attending physician to make a blood test analysis once a year. The viscous blood is bad through the vessels, blood microcirculation is broken. And that blood becomes not so viscous, do not forget about lemon and cranberries. Aspirin also dilutes blood, in small doses, he is prescribed by doctors. So you will come out of thrombosis.

    Magnesium and calcium deficit with age is significantly reduced. Especially this threatens to women, hormonal changes occur in their body. The deficit of these important minerals leads to cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis. For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, each woman who overshadowed the 40-year-old age should take drugs and calcium preparations.

    Such simple prevention of cardiovascular diseases will necessarily help you cope with serious illnesses.

    It is necessary to take care of your health, it is priceless for us. Do prophylaxis, enhance a healthy lifestyle.

    And I wish you health! Do not forget that our heart is such an wounded and gentle body!

    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

    In the Kirov region in the mortality structure of the case of the circulatory system, about 2 thousand people under 60 years of age are died as a result of cardiovascular diseases, more than 400 thousand working days on temporary disability is lost annually.

    To minimize the risk of developing hypertension, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis and, accordingly, such formidable complications of these diseases as a myocardial infarction and a sharp brain circulation impairment (stroke), each person should know the risk factors, the elimination of which will increase the life expectancy and make Its more comfortable.

    What are the risk factors?

    1. Elevated blood pressure (above 140/90 mm Hg. Art.)
    2. Increased cholesterol content in the blood (upper limit of 5.0 mmol / l).
    3. Increased blood sugar content of an empty stomach (normal blood glucose level of from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l).
    4. Smoking.
    5. Excess body weight. More negatively affects the health abdominal obesity, which can be determined by the waist circle. In men, the waist circle should not exceed 102 cm, and in women - 88 cm.
    6. Sedentary lifestyle.
    7. Alcohol abuse.
    8. Excessive reception of oily and salted food. It is necessary to reduce the use of animal fat (fat, butter, sour cream, many animal fats in sausages), and the use of salt is limited to 3-5 g per day (a teaspoon without a "hill").

    In terms of warning of cardiovascular disasters, it is especially necessary to highlight the need to control the level of blood pressure, since the increased blood pressure increases the risk of developing stroke and myocardial infarction several times. Optimal blood pressure - 120/80 mm Hg.

    According to research conducted in the Kirov region, the prevalence of arterial hypertension among the adult population of the region is 40.9%. Know the level of its blood pressure 67.9%. Among the persons suffering from hypertension, more than half receive hypotensive therapy, but only the seventh part of them is treated effectively. Against the background of treatment reaches and for a long time (over the years), the normal figures of blood pressure only holds each seventeenth among the population of patients with arterial hypertension. Especially poorly refers to their health men's part of the population.

    The low treatment efficacy is primarily related to the fact that the erroneous opinion on the course treatment of hypertension is still common, when the drugs are canceled when normal figures are reached, drugs are canceled. Hypertensive disease is chronic, so treatment should be daily and long, and normal blood pressure figures say that treatment is chosen correctly, and it must be continued.

    The World Heart Federation notes the extreme importance that efforts to combat diseases of the organs of the cardiovascular system are not limited to political measures and actions from medical professionals. People around the world themselves can reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases and their loved ones. Household, as the center of the family and daily life of every person, is a great place to begin take measures to improve heart health. Changing a slightly changing household care rate and the behavior of the house, in order to prevent the development of heart and stroke disease, people around the world can live longer and better.

    The World Heart Federation has identified four simple measures to follow in everyday life:

    • Do not allow smoking in the house. Refusing smoking, you improve the state of your health and health of your loved ones. Set the rule: for each smoother cigarette, the smoker performs additional work on the house.
    • Adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition. Your diet must contain vegetables and fruits. Avoid greasy, fried and high-calorie food.
    • Encourage physical activity. Limit the time you and your family members spend on a TV and a computer. Organize family walks, hiking and outdoor games.
    • Know your numbers. Visit the medical institution, for example, a health center, where arterial pressure will be measured, the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood will determine the body mass index. Knowing your risk of cardiovascular diseases, you can develop a specific action plan for improving heart health.

    Adhering to these rules, you can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Nevertheless, not all heart disease can be prevented. Over 70 percent of all heart attacks and strokes that require emergency medical care are occurring at home when someone from family members can help the patient. Therefore, it is important to know what measures should be taken if the heart attack or ischemic stroke develops at home. If you suspect that your family member has a heart attack or stroke, immediately consult medical care. Always have emergency telephones at hand.

    Signs of a heart attack:

    • Discomfort B. chest, including compressive chest pain or sternum.
    • Discomfort and / or pain that extends to other areas of the top of the body, for example, on one or both hands, under the blades, on the back, neck, upper or lower jaw or in the stomach area.
    • Dyspnea with or without a sense of discomfort in the chest.
    • Other signs include: inexplicable weakness or fatigue, anxiety or unusual nervousness, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and fainting.

    Signs of stroke:

    • Sudden weakness in face, hand or leg, most often on one side of the body.
    • Suddenly clouding consciousness, problems with speech or with understanding of speech.
    • Sudden problems with eyesight in one or both eyes.
    • Sudden breach of gait, dizziness, equilibrium loss or coordination.
    • Sudden strong headache for an unknown reason.

    If you are seeing any of these signs that can be transient, immediately call quick help. Remember, the earlier treatment started, the more efficiently.

    Noting World Heart Day, take the responsibility for the health of the heart and heart of your loved ones. Make your home the place where healthy food is available, where tobacco use is not allowed and the physical activity is encouraged to reduce the risk of developing heart and stroke disease. In your power to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle in the house!

    Prevention of heart disease and vessels. Atherosclerosis. Hypertension

    Today we will continue to talk about the modification of your lifestyle to reduce your individual risk. It will be about other primary and secondary prevention events, including individual drugs.

    Start all patients after it and acute coronary syndrome. Continue the reception indefinitely long. Observe ordinary contraindications. Use if necessary for the treatment of angina, arrhythmias or arterial hypertension in all other patients.

    Abbreviations: Hell - blood pressure, ACE - angiotensin glossy enzyme, hemoglobin A1 C is the largest fraction of the hemoglobin of adults (glycicized hemoglobin), the myocardial infarction, BMI - body mass index - Lipoproteins high density, LDL - low density lipoproteins, MNA - international normalized attitude, HNT - chronic circulatory failure, CPN - chronic renal failure.

    * - The use of Rein is relatively contraindicated when triglycerides< 200 мг/дл (5,2 ммоль/л).

    † NE HDP cholesterol \u003d total cholesterol minus HDL cholesterol.

    Information on some of the individual preparations that are listed in the table:

    Statins. The most studied today is Simvastatin (in pharmacies sold under the names: Zocor, Symerma, Vazilip, Simgal, etc.). Since December 2003, sold in the UK without a recipe. Starting dose of 10 mg x 1 time per day before bedtime. Next, the dose is selected under the control of the level of cholesterol LDL (beta-lipoproteins, "bad" cholesterol). Two weeks after the start of reception, it is advisable to perform a biochemical blood test on the activity of Alt and KFK enzymes. Possible side effects Simvastatan is comparable in frequency of occurrence with placebo. If you had angina, then the intensity of pain against the background of statins should decrease, other sensations when taking simvastatin, as a rule, does not occur. Simvastatin has proven reduces mortality and developing myocardial infarction and stroke in the receiving patients.

    Fibrats, niacin, Resin - preparations that are prescribed and controls their action only a doctor!

    Antithrombotic agents / anticoagulants. The most studied drugs of this group are aspirin (sold in pharmacies called: aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, thrombo ass, etc.) and warfarin. Aspirin is accepted 1 time per day at a dose from 75 to 325 mg. Contraindication to the use of aspirin is the predisposition to bleeding and / or ulcerative formation. Aspirin in the protective shell causes the stomach ulcer in the same way as non-fertilous, because This action takes place through blood flow by exposure to the enzyme cyclooxygenase, and not at the point of contact with the gastric mucosa. Aspirin has proven reduces mortality and developing myocardial infarction and stroke in the receiving patients.

    Warfarin - the drug that prescribes and controls its action only the doctor! Selection of doses of warfarin is carried out under the control of blood coagulation indicators!

    ACE inhibitors. The most studied drugs from this group are Ramipril (sold in pharmacies called: Tritacea, Corpril) and Enalapril (sold in pharmacies called: Reniec, Enap, Ednit, Invoril, Enam, etc.). The initial dose for Ramipril 2.5 mg x 1 time per day, for enalapril 5 mg x 2 times a day. Ramipril and enalapril are contraindicated in pregnancy, hypercalemia, bilateral stenosis of the renal arteries and the stenosis of the aortic valve. The dose is selected in terms of blood pressure to the maximum transferred. Ramipril or Enalaryl proven reduced mortality and development of myocardial infarction and stroke in those receiving one of these drugs of patients.

    Beta blockers. The most studied drug from this group is metoprolol (sold in pharmacies called: Betalok, Egilov, Uninfield, etc.). Initial dose of 12.5 mg x 2 times a day. Contraindications to metoprolol: bronchial asthma and other obstructive diseases of the lungs, bradycardia and av blockade. The dose is selected in terms of blood pressure. Metoprolol has been proven to reduce mortality and developing myocardial infarction in the receiving patients.

    One of the diseases that can lead to the development of myocardial infarction is hypertension. Therefore, arterial pressure control is so important.

    First you need to decide: do you have hypertension?

    Definition and classification of blood pressure levels

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