Forms and methods of healthy lifestyle. Formation of a healthy lifestyle

"Forms of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for pupils."

Prepared by: Zhuravleva Valentina Borisovna educator MBDOUd / s # 2, Shatura, Moscow region.

The well-being of society largely depends on the state of health of children.Ecological problems, various negative household factors, chemical additives to food, etc. just some of the factors that aggressively affect the health of the preschooler. In this regard, it is very important to form the child's correct attitude to his health, healthy lifestyle skills. We know that in the preschool period, the most important qualities of the human personality are being formed, in particular, the basic skills for the formation of a healthy lifestyle are being laid. We need to help children: to be conscious about health and life; to acquire knowledge about health and acquire the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it.

Classes are planned and conducted systematically in accordance with the program of A.A. Vakhrushev E.E. Kochemasova “Hello, world”, LV Gavryuchina “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”.

Of course, knowledge alone is not enough for the formation of valeological culture in children, I solve the problems of valeological education in all types of children's activities. Given the visual-effective and visual-figurative nature of the thinking of preschoolers, I teach the main material with the help of visual and practical methods, for this I widely use observation, examination, self-examination, experiment and children's own productive activities.

First of all, it is important to clarify children's knowledge of names andthe location of the different senses and parts of the body in general.It is better to start this work with children from the youngest before school age... In my work, I used various games, such as "Hide the ears" (nose, eyes, etc.) "Washer", i.e. said: "My hands, ears, eyes, legs", the kids imitated movements, also used various illustrations, finger gymnastics and finger games read folk nursery rhymes, songs.The importance of this stage is thatchildren are focused on their sense organs and body parts,knowledge about them is consolidated.

Older preschoolers are more actively involved in the norms of a healthy lifestyle. In a fascinating visual and practical form, I enrich children's ideas about health, about the body, its needs, ways of hardening, about the prevention of injuries and various diseases. At this age, the volume of the studied material significantly increases, the topic of children's research becomes more extensive: "How is the respiratory system arranged?", "Make a computer your friend", "How do human organs help each other?"tugit "," Summer is red - a wonderful time for health "," Vitamins, healthy foods and a healthy body ”.

For research activities, the method of self-examination is important. So, when studying the appearance and structure of the skin, children carried out experiments with interest, examined the skin through a magnifying glass, studied finger drawings. In the process of work, the children understood the importance of hygiene procedures for their health. practical activities activating thinking, creative imagination: "What to do if your hands get dirty, but there is no water nearby?" "How to make water from a stream potable?" "How can I help a book tainted with ink?"

Conducting "Health Lessons" on the topics: "Why do you need eyes, ears, etc.?" I invited the children to close their eyes and tell what they “see” around them. She invited children to draw something with their eyes closed. Then the children independently drew conclusions as to why it was difficult for them to complete the task. Along the way, the tasks of the moral direction are touched upon here, for example, respectfully treat people who have vision problems, the ability to empathize, strive to help them, etc.

In the pedagogical process, I used didactic games such as "Identify by sound" (what instrument sounds, what object makes a sound?); "Guess who called", "Wonderful bag", "What are you eating", "Recognize by smell", "Whose nose?" other.

As a result, the children independently came to the conclusion that every sense organ and part of the body is vital for a person, they all help to learn more about the environment.

After I was convinced of the child's ability to name, showtheir senses and body parts, explain why they are to a person, Iwent on to the next stage.

I AM helped children find an answer to the question of howsense organs, how they are arranged, what featurespossess. For example: When it came to parts of the body - arms, legs, we talked about their structure and functioning, I asked questions: “What would happen if the arm did not bend at the elbow, but the leg at the knee?” They conducted such experiments: “Stand up on a bench without bending your knees ",

The next step in my work is mastering the wayscaring for your senses and body parts.

After the children in practice, in life, became convinced of the importance of the sense organs and body parts, I began to teach them how to take care of their body, my assistants. Conducted conversations with the children about what is harming us or is there enemies in my body? Among such "enemies", at least four can be distinguished: dirt, dangerous objects, temperature differences, external stimuli (strong or weak light, strong

sound). In the conversation, you can use the poems of K. Chukovsky, A Barto, V. Mayakovsky and other poets.

The purpose of the conversations is to arouse in children a desire to take care of their body, to teach them ways of caring about themselves. To maintain and strengthen health, you need to try to teach the child to control his body.

Family education is of great importance in the development of the cognitive activity of a preschooler child, so I work in close cooperation with the parents of our pupils, and in order to make parents my allies, I conduct consultations, where parents not only receive theoretical material, but also acquire practical skills in carrying out work with children on a healthy lifestyle (for example, gymnastics for the eyes, types of hardening, healing massage, acupressure session, "travel to the land of healing sounds", etc.). Such a union contributes to the continuity of the kindergarten and the family in the physical education of preschoolers.

My experience allows us to conclude that in the process of joint research activities of teachers, children and parents, it is possible to successfully solve the problems of forming the skills and abilities of independent cognitive and creative work in preschoolers, the emergence and strengthening of children's interest in a healthy lifestyle, increasing the level of knowledge on the culture of health , skills of interaction with adults and peers.

Methods and techniques for working with children to educate a healthy lifestyle.

stories and conversations of the educator;

memorizing poems;

modeling of various situations;

examination of illustrations, plot, subject pictures, posters;

role-playing games;

didactic games;

training games;

fun games;

outdoor games;


finger and breathing exercises;

Physical education.


L.V. Gavryuchina.Health-saving technologies at a preschool educational institution.

Kolbanov V.V. Valeology: basic concepts, terms and definitions. - SPb .: DEAN Publishing House, 2001 .-- 256s.

Kuvshinova I.A. - Magnitogorsk: MAGU, 2004. - 56p.

The promotion of the health problem among the priority tasks of social and social development determines the relevance of its theoretical and practical development, the need for the deployment of relevant scientific research and the development of methodological and organizational approaches to maintaining health, its formation and development.

V recent times the state of health of schoolchildren as the most massive contingent of children and adolescents is a cause for justified concern. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Prevention of Diseases of Children, Adolescents and Youth, about 90% of school-age children have physical and mental health problems. Keeps high specific gravity acute morbidity, there is a tendency to an increase in morbidity in such nosological forms as obesity, myopia, flat feet, neuropsychiatric disorders and allergic diseases.

The number of children suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, and mental disorders has sharply increased. The number of murders and suicides committed by schoolchildren has increased.

The increase in the prevalence of smoking, alcohol and drug use among schoolchildren indicates a low level of hygienic knowledge, as well as the ineffectiveness of existing forms and methods of hygienic education of children and adolescents, not only in organized groups, but also in the family. It was found that in prosperous families, neuropsychiatric disorders in children occur 3 times less often than in disadvantaged families (26.8% versus 82.3%), pronounced diseases of the digestive system - 2.5 times (14.9% versus 39 , 9%), ENT organs - 1.5 times, the number of frequently ill children differs 6 times.

The number of children classified as disabled people for health reasons continues to grow.

In our lyceum in the 2002-2003 academic year, 36 people were exempted from physical education lessons.

105 people were assigned for health reasons to a special medical group.

137 people belong to the preparatory group.

In this regard, one of the priority tasks of the new stage of the reform of the education system is the preservation and strengthening of the health of students, the formation of their values ​​of health and a healthy lifestyle.

That is why we are looking for new forms of organizing work with children.

Movements, applied in any form, as long as they correspond to the physiological capabilities of the body, will always be health-improving and healing factors.

The most precious gift that a person receives from nature is health. It is not for nothing that the people say: "Everything is great for a healthy person!" This simple and wise truth should always be remembered, and not only at those moments when failures begin in the body and we are forced to turn to doctors, demanding the sometimes impossible from them. Man is the creator of his own health!

In the 2002-2003 academic year, for the first time in the lyceum, a marathon in physical culture among 6, 8, and 10 grades was held within the framework of the intellectual marathon “I am a healthy person”. This is a new form, it was very interesting for both students and teachers. The children were preparing for this event during January-April. The competition consisted of 4 stages: I know, I can, I understand, I do. The results of the competitions were summed up and the winner was determined.

Below is the marathon program.

The marathon helped to increase the interest of students in a healthy lifestyle. The marathon began to be held annually. What causes increased interest among students. They began to prepare more for the marathon, to pay attention not only to physical education lessons, but also to additional lessons in the subject. Their interests in theoretical knowledge also expanded.

The results of the marathon were:

  • increasing interest in the subject "physical culture";
  • an 11.5% increase in those involved in sports sections;
  • successful performance of students of the lyceum at the subject Olympiad in “physical culture in the district, city and region.
Forms of work in an educational organization that promote a healthy lifestyle

One of possible solutions the problem of deteriorating health of primary schoolchildren is the formation of their knowledge of a healthy lifestyle. Knowledge about healthy lifestyles is formed during lessons and in extracurricular activities. In the course of the development of ideas about a healthy lifestyle, it is better to give preference simple methods and techniques: "health lessons", practical exercises, conversations, reading, drawing, observing nature, caring for plants, games, project activities for children. Let's take a look at some of them.

The so-called"Health Lessons" , which are held at least once a month. The topics are selected different, relevant to the students of this class. For example, “Moidodyr has come to us!”, “If you want to be healthy,” and others. Children learn poems, participate in quizzes, get to know each other or develop the rules of a healthy lifestyle themselves. As a result, children develop a positive motivation to follow these rules.

For example, consider summary"Health lesson", dedicated to the formation of knowledge about good nutrition. So the topic "What porridges are made from" tells children about useful properties this dish, which can be a great breakfast option (very healthy, inexpensive and easy to prepare). However, in most families today, porridge is not included in the traditional diet, because, as mothers assure us, their children "do not like porridge." Is it possible to make children like porridge? In the classroom, the children will learn how to turn their usual porridge into an unusual, tasty dish. An adult first tells the children what additives are used for cereals (raisins, nuts, prunes, etc.). Then the children, using special drawings in a notebook, "cook" porridge for themselves (pupils stick stickers with images of additives or draw these additives into the painted plates) and come up with names for them.

A "Most Tasty Porridge" competition may be organized in the classroom. By agreement with the canteen staff or with the help of parents, several types of cereals are prepared. Teams of children, using additives, come up with their own versions of cereals and names for them, and then treat their comrades.

As practice shows, one such lesson is enough for the children to change their attitude to cereals and breakfast in general. This dish becomes one of their favorite, and parents no longer need to force the child to have breakfast. The reaction of the parents is also interesting, who note: "We ourselves have learned a lot for ourselves", "I also did not like porridge, but now I am happy to eat it with my son."

We consider one of the important methods of forming knowledge about healthy lifestylespractical lessons.

These activities can be done with the parents. Some assignments can be recommended for homework. Let's give as an example several topics that can be used in the process of preventive work with younger students.

1. Clean hands:

show how to wash your hands properly;

prove why you need to keep your hands clean when you absolutely need to wash them.

2. Healthy teeth:

show in the figure the sequence of brushing your teeth;

brush your teeth with a brush and paste;

prove why you need to brush your teeth, when and with what pastes (children's "Cheburashka", "I myself", "My sun", "Drakosha", etc.);

draw up a memo "What our teeth love", "Harmful to the teeth."

3. Beautiful nails:

show in the picture (draw) how to cut the nails on the hands and feet;

cut your fingernails correctly;

speculate why little girls should not grow long nails, paint them with varnish, wear many rings on their fingers.

4. Appearance:

choose (draw) options for clothes, shoes and hairstyles for school, theater, holiday, home, etc .;

show how to clean clothes and shoes, sew on buttons;

prove that it is always necessary to have a handkerchief with you, and explain why.

5. Me and my health.

Draw up a program for your own health improvement for a certain time (for a month, a quarter), including various activities for self-observation, self-regulation and self-improvement.

Conversations - a very necessary form of work for children. Their range can be the widest and, first of all, touch upon the problems that most concern children: these are the problems of nature conservation and prevention. bad habits... Another priority should be the themes of moral, mental health, spirituality, kindness, mercy. Another area is the "alphabet of health": topics of hygiene, healthy behavioral habits, rational nutrition, prevention of fatigue, etc.

Sample conversation questions:

How many wants to be healthy? What is health?

On what and on whom does people's health depend?

Who should help, health - the person himself or other people - what and why?

Can a person help his own health and that of others? How can he do this?

What is the best way to take care of your health - alone or together, and why? Is friendship good for health?

Painting - A powerful way to overcome communication barriers, this process helps children relax and focus on their thoughts. Drawing combined with writing or dialogue can be an excellent method for examining children's health perceptions. This is how children express thoughts that are difficult for them to express with words.

Kids should express themselves as fully as possible, substantiating their point of view, proving, arguing. The educator might ask the children to think about things they could do to keep themselves healthy and draw as many of these things as possible. Then - sign the pictures. After 20 minutes, turn the sheet over and think about all the things that they could do in order not to be healthy, draw them and also sign them. The lesson ends with a general active discussion.

The “Draw and Write” technique is very popular with kids. This way of self-knowledge teaches them to analyze. own experience, reflect on their actions and desires.

Literary reading can also be used as a method for the formation of knowledge about healthy lifestyles. For example, we will give a summary of the lesson on the work of M. Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." During the lesson, the teacher can set the following goals: To acquaint with an excerpt from M. Twain's novel, to teach to analyze the actions of the heroes; develop the skill of deliberate reading, students' speech, attention, imagination; foster a negative attitude towards bad habits, in particular towards smoking.

An excerpt is offered for reading, which describes the first experience of smoking a pipe by the protagonist and his friend Joe. Before reading, pre-trained students talk about tobacco. After reading a passage in a chain by strong students, the teacher asks questions and listens to the students' answers:

W. Why do you think Joe went to look for the knife and Tom went to help him? How did Joe say? And Tom? Read it.

Find in the text and read where and in what condition did Huck find the boys?

Children answer.

What happened in the child's body? Read about it in the text.

On the desk:

- Blanching of the skin (disruption of the cardiovascular system)

-Nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness (nervous system reaction)

- Vomiting (non-acceptance of tobacco by the digestive system)

Poor condition of the tooth enamel (the appearance of microcracks due to temperature differences, since the temperature of tobacco smoke is 55-60 ° C, which is 40 ° C higher than the temperature of the air entering the mouth)

In addition to literary reading, in relation to the consolidation of useful habits, the formation of a positive attitude towards physical and moral health, play is of great importance in the pedagogical arsenal of the teacher..

The game - this is the most effective type of activity in the student-teacher chain, which allows the child to maintain the productive working capacity for as long as possible. In games, children enter into various relationships: cooperation, subordination, mutual control, etc. Using the game, the teacher reveals great potential, subordinating the rules of the game to his educational and upbringing tasks. What kind of games can be used to form knowledge about healthy lifestyles.

First, these are outdoor games that reinforce the skills of physical activity, as well as ensure the child's socialization through collective activity. As a rule, such games do not require any special equipment or inventory. They are easily accessible almost anywhere, be it a clearing in the forest, or just a small area in the yard. Each outdoor game has rules that provide for the necessary spatial orientation, determine the goal and methods of the child's actions. The rules establish the location of the children and the driver, the boundary of the action, the direction of movement (you need to run forward and then back; you need to run scatteringly throughout the site). However, unexpected changes in the game situation or the actions of the driver, as well as signals, require a different, instant response from the child, the ability to consciously navigate in space, adapt his actions to the changed environment, and find the most rational ways to fulfill the game rules.

Outdoor play creates favorable conditions for mastering spatial orientation, improves perception and ideas. Constantly comparing and refining the impressions received from actions in the environment, the child learns to be observant, realizes the relationship between objects in his environment. The games improve the knowledge acquired in the exercises about the direction of movement, locations and mutual positions of objects.

In exercises and outdoor games with elements of competition, the creative attitude of children to motor activity is brought up; personality traits such as purposefulness, aspiration, responsibility, criticality of thought, persistence in overcoming difficulties, observation, activity are formed; development of fantasies, initiative and dedication, the ability to implement a creative plan in practice. The child learns to look at the usual, familiar in a new way. All this is necessary for a person in his future activities.

It is very important that a significant portion of the sessions are conducted outdoors. Motor activity in the air enhances metabolism, redox processes, improves the functioning of all organs and systems.

Let's give an example of outdoor games. Before the start of the games, the teacher announces aloud the motto - "Prevention of aging - in infinity of motion".

The favorite pastime of all children is to run, jump, play. Today we invite grandmothers to play. The first game is called "Ringbros".

Rules of the game

One of the grandmothers has a holder in her hands. Each student has three rings. The children take turns throwing the rings. The number of hits corresponds to the number of points.

The second game is called Train.

Rules of the game

At the signal of the teacher, each team must make up a "train" on the floor, using the contents of their pockets, clothes, shoes, etc. Supporter assistance is excluded. The first team to reach the teacher wins.

The results of the games are summed up, the number of points is calculated.

Secondly, intellectual games that reinforce the basic concepts, ideas, knowledge on the problem of a healthy lifestyle. An example of such a game would be the Guess the Word game. Consider the content of this game:

1. By rearranging the letters, unravel the words and tell what helps a person to be healthy.

On the desk:

2. Movement, walk, routine, proper nutrition and, of course, caution. One form of maintaining health is movement. Movement is life. A person who moves a little, quickly grows old, grows fat, becomes decrepit. It's not for nothing

People from birth

They cannot live without movement.

A walk is essential to relieve stress, maintain a good mood, meet friends, and relax. Finish your day with a walk, play for a few hours in the air, and you will immediately feel that you have become more cheerful and that your studies have gone better.

Proper nutrition- the guarantee of longevity. Improper nutrition leads to disease.

A person should be attentive and careful everywhere: at home, on the street, at work, when handling animals. Caution is one of the most important qualities of a person that prolongs his life.

The regime is as necessary as air. The correct distribution of time throughout the day relieves fatigue of the whole organism, increases its efficiency.

Thirdly, games using elements of psychodrama or theatrical replay of situations, reinforcing role stereotypes (the ability to say "no!" critical situation, the formation of communication skills, critical understanding of bad habits, etc.).

Fourth, long-term role-playing games, in which all the project activities of "large" and "small" collective creative deeds are built.

Intellectual games, which are very attractive for a child as a young TV viewer, should be especially noted. The rules do not require any special explanation, because each of the participants could watch them on TV. We are talking about the "brain-ring", KVNakh, "Field of miracles", "What, where, when", "Happy accident", "Oh, lucky." The incentive in such games, of course, cannot be material reward, but the system of incentive points with the correct pedagogical instrumentation is very effective.

Children's project activities ... For children of this age, work is available on individual-group mini-projects on the topic "Preservation of health". Work on projects can be structured in this way: first, health problems that arise in school-age children are identified; then proverbs about health are collected from collections, magazines, children's newspapers; after that, each of the children can choose proverbs suitable for their topic. The collection of information is recorded by students in a draft version on a worksheet compiled by the teacher for the student's individual work outside the classroom.

Throughout the year, children are working on the problem of preserving health and preparing portfolio folders: “Preservation of vision”, “Regime of the day and health”, “Dental care”, “On the dangers of smoking”, etc., arrange stands on relevant topics. The result of the work should be lessons that it is advisable to conduct using computer presentations, which will especially arouse the interest of children in such lessons.

Another project could be a classroom landscaping project. Each student works independently on an individual project by choosing a certain indoor plant for yourself, not only decorative and attractive, but also beneficial to human health. First, he does the search work, filling out the draft worksheet. One of the points of the "Worksheet" is to determine the benefits of the plant. As a result, a meaningful guide to useful indoor plants should be compiled under the title “Garden on the windowsill. Beauty or benefit? " In addition, each student himself must plant and grow a useful plant, information about which he collected. For example, violet: helps to improve mood, has the ability to calm down, lowers blood pressure, etc.; golden mustache: releasing phytoncides, the plant destroys bacteria, gives a surge of strength, vigor and improves well-being; pelargonium: its odorous essential oils they refresh the air, cleansing it of harmful impurities, it is believed that it has positive energy for a person; other.

Thus, in the work aimed at the formation of knowledge about healthy lifestyles in younger schoolchildren, any methods of working with children, an entertaining conversation, a story, reading and discussion of children's books on the topic of the lesson, staging situations, watching slides, film strips, films, etc., are important for mastering knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. The forms of organization of the educational process can also be varied: classes in the classroom and in nature, excursions, lessons - travel, lessons - KVN, holidays, games, quizzes, etc. The effectiveness of the formation of knowledge about healthy lifestyles will largely depend on the variety of methods that the teacher uses in his work, as well as taking into account the age characteristics of younger students when choosing these methods and the personal example of the teacher and parents.


In the modern sense, the concept of "healthy lifestyle" is a set of forms and methods of active life activities of a person, contributing to the full performance of educational, labor, social and biological functions. A healthy lifestyle is an active state of a person, requiring the manifestation of volitional efforts, understanding of actions and behavior leading to the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health, restoration of working capacity.

A healthy lifestyle unites everything that contributes to the successful fulfillment of educational, play, work activities, social and domestic functions, performed in optimal conditions, contributing to the preservation, strengthening of health and increasing efficiency. The main content of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle in younger schoolchildren is made up of complex health-improving measures (optimally organized daily routine, systematic physical exercises, rational nutrition, medical and preventive measures) aimed at maintaining, strengthening the health and improving the efficiency of younger students, as well as activities aimed at prevention of bad habits.

In the formation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle in a younger student, the teacher can use various active groups of forms and methods, using them in the construction of the educational process, varying them, however, the greatest efficiency in education can be expected only when the teacher himself is an example to follow , and when work will be done in the system.

As part of the implementation of health-saving educational technologies, teachers can use the following forms of educational and extra-curricular work: conversations, work with a book, matinees, games, competitions, lessons and health holidays.

All these activities contribute to the formation of the child's knowledge about healthy lifestyles, the position of recognizing the value of health, a sense of responsibility for maintaining and strengthening their health.

Elena Vyacheslavovna Yurkova, Chief Librarian of the Service Department of the Ryazan Regional Children's Library

Game forms of work in carrying out activities to promote a healthy lifestyle

The need to be healthy is a basic human need. It must be ensured in society by the constitutional right to life, therefore, society is obliged to create a certain minimum of conditions designed to protect the health of its citizen. General human health consists of physical, mental and social health. All of these "types" of health are closely related. Thus, mental health is based on the foundation of the physical, moral and social health is based on the mental. “A healthy mind is in a healthy body,” they said in Ancient Sparta.
In Russia now, only less than 10% of school graduates can be considered healthy. According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology, during the period of schooling in children, the frequency of vision and posture disorders increases 5 times, 4 - neuropsychiatric abnormalities, 3 - pathology of the digestive system, i.e. already existing deviations in the state of health become chronic.
The program "Being healthy is stylish!" has been working in our library for 5 years. And during this time we can already talk about how much it is in demand. It is pleasant to note that the schools of our city are actively involving the library with the program events in the conduct of decades and months of health. The demand for events is also due to the fact that most of them are based on the use of game forms of library work.

Objectives of the program:

To form in schoolchildren an idea of ​​responsibility for their own health and the health of others;
... Form the basis for critical thinking in relation to knowledge, skills and practical actions aimed at maintaining health;
... Provide students with the necessary information to form their own strategies and technologies that allow maintaining and strengthening health;
... Expand and diversify the interaction of library, school, parents and society in the context of health promotion.

The business of the library is precisely to inform about the preventive literature available in its arsenals, and not to try to replace doctors, psychologists, and narcologists. An ancient oriental wisdom says: "Let the sick and the sufferer take a book in his hands - there are no medicines stronger in the world."
Alas, we have to admit that, despite the efforts of doctors, lawyers, and teachers, the number of children and adolescents using intoxicating substances continues to grow. And here the mission of the librarian, as a carrier of information, possessing different tools for presenting this information, becomes, as experience shows, very much in demand.
To make schoolchildren, forgetting about their teenage nihilism, from outside listeners who came to the event at the behest of the teacher, turn into active participants in what is happening - this is perhaps one of the main tasks that I set myself when preparing for the event. Therefore, the events combine different shapes library work - games, discussions, creative assignments, elements of a dispute, quizzes are combined with a conversation, elements of a lecture, and all this is supported by an audiovisual series.
In my speech, I will try to highlight some of the events.

Information hour "A lifelong experiment: sport in the life of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov".

This event appeared at the request of the Gymnasium No. 2 of our city. Our compatriot - physiologist, Nobel laureate I.P. Pavlov. And now it bears his name. Everyone knows that Ivan Petrovich was an inveterate city dweller, but not everyone knows that he was fond of gymnastics, cycling, walking, swimming, hardening, and did a lot for the development of the so-called mass physical education. One must see the eyes of younger schoolchildren when they listen to the story about this side of the life of the great physiologist. During the preparation of the event, the publications of a sports journalist and publicist, the author of the subject "Local History Sports", which is taught at the Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Igor Iosifovich Burachevsky.

Conversation with elements of the oral hygiene game "Journey to the Toothbrush Galaxy"

During this lesson, the children will learn: what kind of teeth are, how people in different times and in different countries, they check and replenish their knowledge of hygiene, and of course, taking into account the psychological characteristics of younger students, all this is accompanied by creative and play tasks. It should be noted that before the beginning of the lesson, the class is divided into 2-3 teams.

Cognitive game of noughts and crosses for healthy lifestyle "You will be healthy - you will get everything"

The game "You will be healthy - you will get everything!" designed for students in grades 5-7, built on the principle of the popular game "Tic-tac-toe".
Targets and goals:
- Introduction to the norms of a healthy lifestyle
- Promoting the development of creative, communication skills of children.
- Development of horizons
- Acquiring group work skills.
- To highlight the components of human health and establish their relationship.
Game rules: The players are divided into two teams "X" and "O". As in the usual "Noughts and Crosses", a 3x3 field is drawn. The task of each team is to build either a diagonal, or a vertical, or a horizontal line from their symbols faster than their opponents. Each sector of the field has its own name ("Myth or Truth", "Erudite", "Council of the Wise", etc.) The command "X" has the right of the first move. Both teams answer the questions of the sector, but the right of the first answer belongs to the team whose captain raised his hand first. If a team wins a round, it places its icon on the playing field in this sector. The team that loses in the round opens the next sector.
Before the start of the game in each playing field, students are given a brief introductory information. And after answering the question, the librarian complements the students 'answer, thus consolidating the students' knowledge.
Sector Myth or Truth
- A healthy person considered one who is cheerful, active, inquisitive, resistant to adverse environmental factors, hardy and strong, with a high level of physical and mental development.
There are many reasons why there is a deviation in human health. This is an unhealthy diet, the presence of any diseases, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and much more. It often happens that many of the assumptions taken as an axiom, in fact, do not have any specific basis.
In this sector, you have to debunk the myths associated with bad habits and give them an accurate interpretation.
1. Smoking helps to relax when a person is nervous.
(MYTH, nicotine is highly addictive.
It influences the activity of the brain, leads to a change in mood.)
2. Tobacco is a drug.
(TRUE. The nicotine in tobacco is addictive.)
3. Alcohol is a stimulant, its use leads to an increase in pep. (MYTH, alcohol is a depressant. It inhibits the activity of the brain.)

Intellectually - cognitive game for healthy lifestyle "Let's remember and not repeat"

Rules of the game:
1. Five teams take part in the game. The winner is the one who first collects five stars, or, if no one has collected five stars, the one who has more stars. Stark tokens can be exchanged for stars
2. At the beginning of the competition, the team calls any number on the playing field, for example, B-5, then the game develops by itself. The leader turns over the square with the named number. On the reverse side of the square there is a sign:
The star is a matter of increased complexity. If the answer is correct, the player receives a STAR token.
Circle - a question, answering which the team receives 3 tokens - ZOZHIK. For 10 tokens - ZOZhikov, you can buy one star.
Cross is a blitz question. All commands respond to it. Those who answered correctly - receive 1 ZOZhik token.
There are signs on the playing field - traps:
Arrow - opens a nearby square in the direction of the arrow.
Lightning - the team loses all ZOZhiki tokens.
Black hole - the team skips a turn. You can buy off the "black hole" by donating a star or 5 ZOZhiks.
Star Questions (10)
1. This mixture consists of 200 harmful substances, including carbon monoxide, soot, formic acid, hydrocyanic acid, arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetylene, radioactive elements and others. Name the mixture. (Tobacco smoke.)
2. Why are all the organs of a smoker on the "oxygen hungry ration"? (Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke binds hemoglobin in the blood, and the resulting carboxyhemoglobin cannot carry oxygen.)
Questions for getting three tokens - ZOZHIKOV (15)
1. The development of what diseases of the respiratory system contributes to smoking?
(bronchitis; tracheal cancer; lung cancer.)
15. Name the Homeland of tobacco: (South America)
Questions for getting one token - ЗОЖика (7)
1. How long after a puff does nicotine appear in the brain tissues?
- 10 minutes;
- 7 seconds;
- 1,5 hour.
2. What is a bad habit and why causes obliterating endarteritis in a person, which affects vascular system legs, sometimes to complete closure of blood vessels and gangrene?
- smoking;
- excessive consumption of beer;
- drug addiction.

Intellectual game about bad habits for senior schoolchildren "HLS-darts"

Several teams take part in the game, each of which is given tokens of a certain color. On the board - a circle - darts in color thematic sectors under the numbers are cards with questions. The players take turns pulling out the question number. If the answer is given correctly, then the color token of the team that gave the correct answer is placed on the scoreboard in place of the question card.
The playing circle-darts looks like this:
... Historical sector
How were smokers dealt with in England during the reign of Elizabeth the First?
Smokers were equated with thieves and led through the streets with a rope around their necks.
... Literary sector
In ancient times, tobacco was believed to be healing, it was considered a stimulant and sedative. They tried to cure dental and headache, some skin diseases. In one famous literary work a foreign writer is described as the main character tried to cure his fever with tobacco. “… And suddenly I remembered that the inhabitants of Brazil are treated with tobacco for almost all diseases; meanwhile, in one of my chests lay several packs: one large pack of finished tobacco, and the rest of leaf.<…>I didn’t know how tobacco was used against disease, I didn’t even know if it helped against fever; therefore I made several experiments in the hope that one way or another its effect should manifest itself.<...>My tobacco cure has probably never been used for fever before; having experienced it myself, I dare not recommend it to anyone. True, it stopped the fever, but at the same time it terribly weakened me, and for some time I suffered from cramps all over my body and nervous tremors. ”What is the name of the literary hero, the author and the title of the book? Robinson Crusoe from the book by D. Defoe

Intelligent sector
Is nicotine any good? Yes, it is used as an insecticide - a substance that kills harmful insects

Practical sector (questions-blitz)
The harm caused by nicotine affects more than just smokers. Scientists in the United States have found that taxes on the tobacco industry are $ 8 billion, and the losses due to reduced disability, disease and premature death are….
- $ 7 billion
- $ 10 billion
- $ 19 billion

Theoretical sector
They say one drop of nicotine kills a horse. What is the lethal dose of nicotine for humans? 2-3 drops or 50-100 mg. It is this dose that enters the bloodstream after smoking 20-25 cigarettes. The smoker does not die just because the dose is introduced gradually, not in one step.

Multimedia conversations with elements of the business game "Beer Front", "Stop and Think!", "Running in a Circle"

These events are of great interest to high school students. And this is facilitated by their involvement in dialogue, discussion during the event.
Many of the activities for a healthy lifestyle are in demand in the subprogram “Interaction between schoolchildren and judges in the prevention of drug addiction, neglect and delinquency among minors” of the regional project “Meet the Russian judicial system”. A special category of schoolchildren from the so-called "risk group", i.e. prone to committing offenses - the target audience of this subproject. Adolescent nihilism, gaps in family upbringing makes this group of adolescents difficult to communicate. Therefore, we tried to find such methods in the events prepared by us in order to interest the children, to give them the opportunity to assess the situation in which they find themselves and to draw appropriate conclusions. Prepared interactive conversations with elements of the business game "Substance abuse", "Beer front", "Let's talk about drug addiction", etc. allow children not only to receive information, but also to become participants and discussions themselves. Immediately after meeting in the library, "hot on the trail", schoolchildren go on an excursion to the anatomical museum of the Ryazan State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlova. Such an algorithm of actions, as shown in the further analysis of the work, has a positive value.


1.3 Methods of healthy lifestyle education




In the modern world, the decisive factor of economic, political and social development is the preservation of people's health, and, above all, the health of the younger generation. In the Republic of Belarus, the upbringing of a healthy lifestyle is the most important component of ideological and educational work with young people. This is primarily relevant for a professional School that prepares future specialists.

No educational problem can be solved without studying its social aspects. The lack of clear target life attitudes at this age stage of personality development, the lack of formation of its social attitudes, the ability to adapt in any circumstances negatively affects the health of students. Over the past three years, the indicator of the psychological unpreparedness of students of vocational education institutions for an independent choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle has not dropped below 47%, and, as a result, the moral degradation of part of the youth environment. In this regard, the development of the moral sphere of the individual should be considered as the main goal and result of education.

The state of psychological and physical health of students, their motivation for a healthy lifestyle is influenced by the ability of the teaching staff to create a positive emotional background of communication. Not all teachers are ready to seriously understand the problems of students: listening, listening; do not get into the soul if they are not allowed; be able to organize a discussion of any topic related to health problems, without exception, and at the same time give an analysis of its development, reveal the relevance and timeliness.

The practice of institutions of secondary specialized education indicates that training sessions do not have the proper upbringing effect in the process of forming students' knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle, do not fully solve the problem of developing creative cognitive activity in this direction, conducting a constructive dialogue, which makes it possible to create a situation of success. An important component of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle is the development of the ecological culture of boys and girls. The ecological culture of a person assumes that a person has a certain active position, knowledge and beliefs, a readiness to take action to protect environment, subordination of their activities to the requirements of rational nature management, care for the environment, the ability to preserve favorable natural conditions and apply specific work in this direction.

1. Formation of responsible behavior and healthy lifestyle

1.1 The concept of a healthy lifestyle (HLS)

Health is one of the highest human values. Primary health presupposes the perfection of self-regulation and harmony of internal processes. Health determines the full participation of a person in all spheres of social activity.

That is why today it remains an urgent problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle - it is the upbringing of adolescents' conscious and careful attitude to health as a necessary element of the general culture; the formation of students' understanding of the essence of a healthy lifestyle, a more conscious attitude of students to their health; meaningful behavior towards the environment.

So what is a "healthy lifestyle"?

A healthy lifestyle is an activity, activity of people, contributing to the preservation and improvement of health. This is the unity and consistency of all levels of human life - biological, psychological, professional, socio-cultural and spiritual and moral.

The main factors affecting physical health include: the system of nutrition, respiration, physical activity, hardening, hygiene procedures. Mental health is primarily affected by the system of a person's relationship to oneself, other people, and life in general; his life goals and values, personal characteristics. Social health of an individual depends on the compliance of personal and professional self-determination, satisfaction with family and social status, flexibility of life strategies and their compliance with the socio-cultural situation (economic, social and psychological conditions). And, finally, spiritual health, which is the purpose of life, is influenced by high morality, meaningfulness and fullness of life, creative relationships and harmony with oneself and the world around us, love and faith.

So, health is considered as an integrative characteristic of a person, covering both her inner world and all the peculiarities of relationships with the environment.

A healthy lifestyle involves the choice of such forms of activity that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of human health. The choice is determined by the level of a person's culture, mastered knowledge and attitudes.

A healthy lifestyle provides for a certain set of norms of behavior.

These are, first of all:

Regular, balanced, balanced nutrition.

Compliance with the optimal motor regime, taking into account age, gender and physiological characteristics.

Refusal from self-destructive behavior: refusal to smoke, use psychoactive substances, from alcohol abuse.

Compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene.

Compliance with the rules of psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis.

Increasing the level of medical knowledge, self-help skills and self-control over the state of health.

Healthy sexual behavior.

Components of a healthy lifestyle.

Reforming the education system in our republic is also focused on the upbringing of universal human values, on the preservation and strengthening of children's health, on the harmonization of each child with himself and the world around him.

A holistic assessment of health implies the unity of the body and personality, highlighting the relationship of the following defining components:

the spiritual component of health determines his personal level, which is built in accordance with the main goals and values ​​of life, is characterized by the moral orientation of the individual, his mentality in relation to himself, the nature of society;

the physical component is characterized by the level of physical development, the degree of self-regulation of organs and systems, the presence of reserve capacities of the organism;

the mental component is determined by the level of development mental processes, the nature of the manifestation and the degree of regulation of the emotional-volitional sphere;

the intellectual component is the perception by students of information concerning their health, the ability to use it, extracting knowledge from a wide variety of sources;

the emotional component of health is characterized by an understanding of one's feelings and the ability to express them, confident possession of a number of emotions in order to adequately relate to reality;

the social component is characterized by the degree of social adaptation of a person in society, the presence of prerequisites for comprehensive and long-term activity in society.

This isolation of health components allows, on the one hand, to more fully characterize the various aspects of human life, on the other, to show the multidimensionality of the mutual influences of different manifestations of the functioning of the whole organism, which ultimately ensures the level of efficiency, creative activity and longevity.

In accordance with the code, the creation of conditions for the development of students' creative abilities, their inclusion in different kinds socially significant activities should become the most important goal of institutions. Particular attention should be paid to the development of the creative potential of the individual, the maximum approximation of the upbringing of each student to his abilities and capabilities, the formation of career building skills and the effective promotion of young people into the labor market.

1.2 Problems of healthy lifestyle formation

The practice of institutions of secondary specialized education indicates that training sessions do not have the proper upbringing effect in the process of forming students' knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle, do not fully solve the problem of developing creative cognitive activity in this direction, conducting a constructive dialogue, which makes it possible to create a situation of success. An important component of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle is the development of the ecological culture of boys and girls. The ecological culture of a person assumes that a person has a certain active position, knowledge and beliefs, a willingness to take action to protect the environment, subordination of his activities to the requirements of rational use of natural resources, care for the environment, the ability to preserve favorable natural conditions and apply specific work in this direction. However, the monitoring results show that only 7% of students in secondary specialized educational institutions understand the danger to the environment of human life, for example, smoking.

An acute problem in the youth environment is diseases of a social nature: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS.

According to the latest data, every third student of vocational schools smokes. Moreover, smoking is becoming more and more popular among girls.

Analysis of the causes of smoking shows that the formation of this habit is most often observed among boys and girls who have family members, peers or friends who smoke.

Drunkenness is an age-old evil, it took deep roots in our everyday life and gave rise to a whole system of wild drinking habits. Our young people lead a rather cheerful lifestyle, which is explained by the fact that about 65% visit discos, bars, cafes, etc. almost every week. Visiting such establishments promotes the use of alcohol, drugs and nicotine. Moreover, it was found that about 45% of young people buy cigarettes and beer every day, which naturally has a detrimental effect on their health. And only about 2-4% use these products less than twice a month.

The analysis shows that the formation of bad habits is influenced by negative behavioral stereotypes of others: family members, peers or friends who abuse alcohol, smoke. The media also have a negative impact. On the one hand, they act as a factor stimulating the formation of a healthy lifestyle among young people, and on the other, they provoke the development of bad habits, chemical dependence, and contribute to the development of psychological discomfort.

1.3 Methods of healthy lifestyle education

Thus, the only way to solve the problem is to create a system of upbringing a healthy lifestyle for students in educational institutions with the active participation of the family and other social institutions. All measures aimed at preventing the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs among students and promoting a healthy lifestyle should not be isolated events, but should be part of long-term programs aimed at creating safe and responsible behavior in the younger generation.

All kinds of activities can be components of preventive programs: actions, Internet conferences, information campaigns, theatrical performances, thematic discos, contests, sports events; clubs, membership in which is prestigious among young people, in order to join which it is necessary to be free from all kinds of addictions; development and publication of booklets, magazines, other printed materials, video materials, social advertising aimed at preventing the use of psychoactive substances (psychoactive substances); organization of information and advisory work on the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances with the involvement of specially trained young people - participants in the "Equal Teaches Equal" programs. It is necessary to ensure that the educational environment is incompatible with the use of psychoactive substances. Discos, hikes and other activities carried out both for the purpose of prevention and for other educational purposes should exclude the possibility of drinking alcoholic beverages. An example of systematic work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students are: Lida Pedagogical College of the educational institution "Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala", Orsha Pedagogical College of the educational institution "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov" team, students and parents in the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

In the Pedagogical College named after F. Skorina of the educational institution "Polotsk State University", a system of work with students has been created and implemented, which is based on health-saving technologies. The educational institution "Borisov State Pedagogical College" has created a system of educational work on the formation of health as a basic human value. Educational and educational institution "Baranovichi State Medical School" is actively working, using modern technologies on environmental education. On the problem of creating conditions for the positive influence of society on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students, the team of the Mogilev State Polytechnic College is actively searching. The system of physical education of students is effectively operating in the Bobruisk State Motor Transport College.

Thus, the role of upbringing is to develop in every young person an attitude towards health as the main human value. The future specialist needs to realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle, try to make this the basis for self-education.

The effectiveness of a health-saving upbringing environment in vocational education institutions is directly dependent on the quality of the solution to the following problems:

analysis (based on monitoring) the effectiveness of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle from the point of view of the student's personality, stimulating them to self-education, developing their skills and abilities of introspection, adequate self-esteem, which determines self-confidence, the need for self-realization and continuous self-improvement; ensuring the formation of an open educational system, through close contacts with the family, other institutions of society in the direction of prevention of harmful habits in the youth environment;

physical improvement, a conscious attitude to the preservation and development of their health as necessary condition preparation for work and defense of the Fatherland; familiarizing boys and girls with an active lifestyle as a prestigious one;

the development of various forms of student participation in the preservation of the environment, nature, the formation of an understanding of nature as the fundamental principle of the formation and evolution of mankind, the awareness of the social conditionality of human relations with the environment;

the development of various types of creative activities aimed at maintaining the health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students;

creation of a rational nutrition system in each educational institution, the formation of knowledge and habits of food culture, ensuring a rational diet for students in a hostel;

creating a comfortable psychological atmosphere through the activities of socio-pedagogical and psychological services of educational institutions, preventing conflict situations, creating a benevolent and optimistic atmosphere through the introduction of interactive technologies into the activities of teachers, suppressing internal aggression, developing students' self-esteem, identifying and strengthening positive in them, engaging in a variety of activities on the basis of voluntariness and cooperation;

organizing the activities of student government bodies, public organizations on the development of collective ideals of the educational environment as health-preserving, aimed at the desire of the individual to create himself and the environment;

stimulating the organization of project activities of students in the process of upbringing a healthy lifestyle, creating a situation of success in the process of mastering the technology of project activities by students; ensuring the implementation by the teacher of the position of a consultant, assistant in the process of implementing by students their own healthy lifestyle project;

organization of the activities of methodological services for the awareness of the educational environment as a set of all conditions that make up and ensure the educational and educational process as health-preserving; in the content of training and retraining of teachers - educators, be guided by the principle of modeling, programming, forecasting the educational process as health-preserving;

increasing the educational potential of the educational process as health-preserving. The solution to this problem must be carried out in three main areas:

to develop the creative activity of students on the basis of the principles of cooperation, co-creation, dialogue, in a combination of collective interests and individualization of the individual by creating a situation of success for each student;

And the problem of forming the information space of an educational institution as a means of fostering a meaningful attitude of students to their health and physical education.

An important role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle is assigned to methods of involving students in various types of activities, discussion activities with the subsequent understanding of their attitude to the problems of education.

Diagnostic activity:


mutual appreciation;

monitoring and evaluating performance results;

express surveys and conversations with students, parents and teachers;

testing, questioning, opinion polls;

designing physical, moral, spiritual self-development, etc.

Research activities:

search work on the problems of bad habits (the reasons for the appearance in a student of the need to consume alcohol, drugs and toxic substances), the motivation of bad habits;

business, role-playing and story games for the formation of a healthy lifestyle and responsible behavior, etc.

Educational, cognitive and educational activities:

debate clubs "Am I eating right?", "My vital interests", "Is it really bad habits";

overview and thematic educational and informational hours on the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

meetings with "volunteers" on the problem of drug addiction prevention, with specialists in the prevention of alcoholism, substance abuse, etc.

Value-orientation and value-search activity:

the method of constructing the consequences of one or another choice;

collective analysis of certain situations that the facilitator plays in front of the students on the problems of safe and responsible behavior;

express analysis of conflict situations that arise when a student communicates with a team, etc.

2. Interactive methods of teaching students responsible behavior

Group discussion (small or large groups). The group studies an interesting problem or topic with a view to adopting best solution or developing new ideas and directions for the group. Provides students with the opportunity to learn from each other and practice reaching out to each other when solving problems. Gives learners the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the topic and personalize their connection with it. Helps develop listening, self-confidence and empathy skills. Decide how to equip the discussion spaces.

Define the purpose of the discussion and state it clearly.

Ask meaningful, open-ended questions.

Track the discussion process.

Brain attack. Students actively put forward a wide variety of ideas about a particular topic or issue in a specific, often short period of time. The number of ideas is the main focus of this exercise. Ideas will be evaluated or discussed later. Allows students to come up with ideas very quickly and spontaneously. Helps learners to use their imagination, to move away from the established forms of reaction. Is a good start for discussion as the class can come up with ideas creatively. It is important to evaluate the pros and cons of each idea, or to rank ideas according to certain criteria. Identify the leader and the recorder.

State the question or problem and ask for ideas.

Students can come up with any ideas that come to mind.

Do not discuss ideas immediately after they have been proposed.

Write ideas down where everyone can see them.

After the brainstorming, analyze all the ideas, make an addition, remove what you think is unnecessary, distribute by importance.

Small group. For small group work, a large class is divided into small groups of six or fewer, given the limited time to complete an assignment, take action, or discuss a specific topic, problem, or issue. Useful if the groups are large and time is limited. Maximizes the contribution of each student. Provides an opportunity for learners to get to know each other better and increases the likelihood that they will take into account the opinions of others. Helps learners to hear and gain knowledge from their peers. State the purpose of the discussion and the time allocated for it.

Form small groups

Arrange the chairs so that group members can hear each other well.

Ask the group to select a recorder.

At the end, ask the recorders to tell you. How the group discussion went.

Games and imitations. Students play games that can be used for teaching context, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, and analysis and reinforcement. The simulation games are designed to create a real-life experience for the students. Games and simulation exercises are fun, active learning and enriching classroom learning as participants try hard to validate or earn points. They require a complex application of knowledge, attitudes and skills and allow learners to test their suggestions and abilities in a relatively safe environment.

Remind students that this exercise should be fun for them, so it doesn't matter who is the winner.


This exercise is most effective when it is short and discussed at once.

Students are asked to imagine themselves in a situation, or they must play an appropriately organized game, or perform an action that creates a feeling at the bottom that may arise in another situation.

Situational analysis and specific situations. Situational analysis exercises allow students to think, analyze, and discuss situations they may face. Specific situations are real life stories that describe in detail what happened in a society, family, school, or in the life of a particular person. Situational analysis allows the learner to explore problems and dilemmas and safely test solutions; it provides an opportunity to work together, exchange ideas, and also learn that people sometimes see things differently. Concrete situations are powerful catalysts for thinking and discussion. By participating in such a thought process, students can improve their own decision-making skills. Classroom activities can be activity-specific to help students make better decisions before they face real-life health risks. Guiding questions can be useful for stimulating.

The facilitator should be able to get key points from the learners, step back and ask “broader” questions.

Situational analysis and specific situations require adequate time for development and creative thinking.

The teacher should act as a leader and as a mentor. And not as the only source of "answers" and knowledge.

Debate. In a debate, a specific problem or question is presented to the class, and students must take a position on the solution to the problem or question. The class can engage in debate as a whole or in small groups.

It makes it possible to consider a specific issue in detail and creatively.

Health issues are well suited for this purpose. It makes it possible to learn to defend a position that is meaningful to them. Let the students choose a position based on their own viewing. If there are too many students in the same position, ask the volunteers to take the opposite point of view.

Give your students enough time to study the topic.

Do not let some students dominate at the expense of others who want to speak.

Provide an environment for students to show respect for the opinions and thoughts of other participants in the debate.

Supervise the class and make sure that the debate does not go beyond the given topic.

Stories. The teacher or students tell or read the story to the group. The story can be illustrated with pictures, comics or slides. Students are asked to reflect on and discuss important (health-related) points or methods in the story. Can help students think about local issues and develop critical thinking skills. Students can use their own skills to help with storytelling, or the group can work interactively while storytelling. Storytelling allows analogies or comparisons, and helps people find healthy solutions. The story should be simple and straightforward, contain one or two main points.

It is essential that the story (and pictures, if included) relate to the lives of the students.

The story should be dramatic enough to generate interest. Try to include examples of happiness, sadness, excitement, courage, serious thoughts, solutions, and solutions to problems.

3. State policy for the formation of healthy lifestyles

Adoption State program national actions to prevent and overcome drunkenness and alcoholism for 2011-2015 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 27 dated January 11, 2011) and the State Program for the Prevention of HIV Infection for 2011-2015 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus 03/04/2011 No. 269) determined the strategy in organizing work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, value attitude towards oneself and everything around, responsibility for one's life. As part of the implementation of these programs, the activities of pedagogical workers should be aimed at:

prevention of bad habits;

large-scale outreach work to bring the requirements of the legislation on the prevention of smoking, the use of alcoholic, low-alcohol drinks and beer in public places;

improvement of work on creating conditions for high-grade and varied nutrition of students;

the development of physical culture and sports, including the improvement of the material and technical condition of the sports base;

creating conditions for organized recreation and health improvement of students, improving the activities of sports and recreation centers of leisure, sections, clubs, circles, studios for the implementation of creative initiatives of students.

In accordance with Articles 41, 126 of the Code and order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated July 27, 2010 No. 516 "On the organization of work on the prevention of tobacco smoking in educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus", educational institutions and the adjacent territories are "smoke-free zones." In this regard, it is necessary:

make the necessary changes to the internal regulations, regulations, agreements, contracts and other legal documents governing these issues;

when developing plans for ideological and educational work, include sections on the prevention of tobacco smoking, fostering a culture of safe life;

when monitoring the state of ideological and educational work, analyze the prevalence of tobacco smoking among students, as well as the effectiveness of preventive work;

to ensure the implementation of a set of preventive and promotional activities within the framework of the annual republican action "Belarus against tobacco", carried out at the initiative of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated 05/27/2011 No. 348 "On improving the system of ideological and educational work in educational institutions" , toxic and other intoxicating substances in educational institutions.

The joint work of educational institutions with polyclinics, centers of hygiene, epidemiology and public health, drug treatment dispensaries, and internal affairs bodies should be directed to the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, the prevention of all types of addictions. The solution to this problem presupposes a systematic approach to educational process as health-preserving.

In order to form a healthy lifestyle for young people in the new academic year, educational institutions will traditionally hold events aimed at popularizing mass physical culture and sports, strengthening and preserving the health of young men and women: actions "Healthy Me - Healthy Country!", "Belarus Against Tobacco" , "No smoking!" It is recommended to use active forms of work in interaction with social institutions and the parental community, aimed at developing motivation for health-preserving behavior, instilling skills of protection, assistance and mutual assistance in situations that pose a threat to physical and mental health (talk show "Your Choice", workshop "Terms health ", intellectual brain-ring" Proper nutrition is a guarantee of health ", marathon" Caution! Dangerous for health ", etc.).


So, the formation of a healthy lifestyle is not carried out in parts, but is holistic in nature. In the process of activity, students enter into a variety of relationships with teachers, parents, which can stimulate the formation of a healthy lifestyle in them. Possibilities learning activities are limited and do not allow for the development of safe behavior habits. The process of forming the valeological qualities of students should also be carried out outside of educational activities.

"... No educator has the right to act alone. Where educators are not united in a team and the team does not have a single tone, unified approach to a child, there can be no educational process ". AS Makarenko.

This requires specific and varied work, closely related to its various areas and cannot be considered in isolation from them.

Today, educational institutions are the structure that allows the implementation of massive preventive measures to promote a healthy lifestyle.

However, the traditional forms and methods of upbringing, the "subject - object" nature, when the socio-pedagogical roles of teacher and student are delimited, and monologue admonitions and recommendations prevail in the pedagogical activity of the educator, are no longer effective. Moreover, the teacher's categorical verbal denial of a fact or phenomenon in many students causes the opposite effect of opposition and resistance, an obsessive desire to challenge the teacher and defiantly act opposite to the recommendations.

At the same time, the forms and methods of mediated education, when the pedagogical activity of the educator is hidden, and the students, imperceptibly to themselves, perform his role (the effect of "disproportionation") are more successful.

Practice shows that a person assimilates information faster if the training takes place interactively, when he has the opportunity, simultaneously with receiving information, to take part in the discussion of unclear points, ask questions, immediately consolidate the knowledge gained, and form the skills of safe and responsible behavior. This allows participants to be involved in the learning process, making it more accessible, easier and more interesting. There are methods that can be combined to achieve this. These include: lecture, reading, use of audio-visual aids, visual aids, discussion, practical actions, acting as a learner, role-playing, business and computer games, the programs of which are specially designed and contextually directed.

In this case, students themselves acquire knowledge and, at a reflexive level, learn the negativity of deviant behavior. On the basis of the internal denial of the latter, there arises the need for creative activity and a positive value-meaningful attitude towards nature, society, and towards one's own health as a component of the nation's health.

Realizing some ideas and intentions in educational work with students, we come to the conclusion that only goals that are real and achievable in the development of the student collective bring concrete positive results.

And if the principles of constructing a teacher's activity do not logically proceed from a certain content of the activity and are not projected from the child himself, from his needs, then it is impossible to effectively solve the problems of students, including questions on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Therefore, the success of the entire educational process and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in particular depends on the close interaction of all interested participants. And only joint creative work helps the personal formation and growth of both the teacher and his pupils, making them active members of society, scientific and technological progress, the need for highly qualified personnel contribute to a deeper study of natural science and technical sciences, the development of creative abilities of students of vocational institutions education. Since any activity is limited in time and cannot contribute to a broader study of the subject, teachers use such educational work as additional work on the subject.

List of used literature

1. Dorofeeva S.M. Problems of health and ecology: journal №3 / S.M. Dorofeeva. GGMU, 2007 .-- 32 p.

Zhuravsky A.Yu. Physical culture and health: magazine №2 / A.Yu. Zhuravsky. Minsk, 2011 .-- 24 p.

Kachan G.A. Socio - pedagogical aspects of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents. Health: theory and practice / G.A. Kachan. Vitebsk, 2004 .-- 155 p.

Kuchma V.R. Children in the metropolis: some hygienic problems / V.R. Kuchma, Moscow, SCCH RAMS, 2002, 280 p.

Lukasheva M.V. Healthy lifestyle bulletin: magazine №13 / M.V. Lukasheva, Moscow, July 2007, 32 p.

Magnitskaya L.D. Education of a culture of health among adolescents: Concept / L.D. Magnitskaya. M.,: State Research Institute of Family and Education, 2006 - 50 p.

Marx K. On upbringing, education / K. Marx, F. Engels. M., 1957 .-- 185 p.

Shklyaruk V.Ya. Historical and philosophical ideas about health and life expectancy of a person / V.Ya. Shklyaruk. M., 2007 .-- 238 p.

Astashova, N.A. Teacher: the problem of choice and the formation of values ​​/ N.A. Astashova. M., Voronezh, 2000 .-- 272 p.


Intellectual game

"In a healthy body healthy mind"

creative task. Healthy lifestyle poster competition (5-10 minutes).

intellectual game "A healthy mind in a healthy body".

Materials to help organize the game.

For the first part you need:

sheet of A 2 format;



pencils (4 sets).

For the second part you need:

multi-colored dice (size 25x25x25), for each team a dice of a certain color.

At the beginning of the game, students are divided into 4 teams. The division principle can be any, for example, according to the blood group, according to the color of the eyes, according to the zodiacal constellation, etc.

The formed teams come up with names for themselves.

The host of the game explains that today's event is dedicated to the most pressing problem of our time - a healthy lifestyle, the main components of which are:

to give up smoking;

refusal from alcoholic beverages:

refusal from drugs;

absence of all kinds of diseases;

physical education and sports;

rejection of foul language.

Teams are given the task to draw a poster promoting a healthy lifestyle in 5-10 minutes.

Basic requirements for the poster:





It is by these criteria that the best poster is determined, for which the winning team receives 10 game coins, the rest of the teams - 5 game coins.

The stage is decorated with these posters.

Intellectual game "A healthy mind in a healthy body" (25-30 minutes). The points scored in this game are added to the points earned by the teams in part 1.

Musical accompaniment: quiet calm music that does not distract private traders during the discussion.

Rules of the game.

The game is played in 4 rounds. Each round changes the rules and topics of questions. The task of the participants is to recruit the largest number points.

It is carried out individually with each team. The facilitator suggests throwing a die to the team, which will help determine the number of points for the correct answer to the proposed question. Each team is given the opportunity to roll one die once.

Questions for the first round "Quit smoking!"

American doctors at the beginning of the last century, of course, knew that it was harmful for pregnant women to gain a lot of weight, but their recommended weight loss remedy now seems wild.

Women were advised to move less, not eat sweets, and do things that can actually lose weight in the beginning. What is it? (Smoking)

Halfan Maer, former director of the World Health Organization, believes it is the most common preventable cause of disease. What is it? (Smoking)

After the First World War in the United States, it became fashionable. Doing this in an apartment or office was considered commonplace. But in 1957, doctors proved that it has a detrimental effect on the body. What is it that today is the object of universal condemnation of Americans and the reason why abusers are not accepted for some jobs? (Smoking)

One of the fire safety rules in Bulgarian sounds: "Don't push legloto!" Translate it into Russian. ("Don't smoke in bed")

A.P. Chekhov said: "Kissing a smoking woman is all the same that ..." Continue his statement, (... kiss the ashtray ")

Doctors believe that this is the most accessible of all substances to which a person develops drug addiction. What is it? (Nicotine)

Conducted simultaneously with all teams. The host invites everyone to roll the dice on command. The team with the highest number of points answers the question, and the question price corresponds to the thrown number. The rest of the teams can participate in this round for 1 point. This tour offers 5 questions.

Questions for the second round "Drugs, alcohol - never!"

What would the ancient Greeks call a numb person? (addict, Greek narke - numbness, mania - attraction)

According to A.P. Chekhov, vodka, although white, but paints the nose. And what does she blacken? (Reputation)

Name a disease that affects about a quarter of all young people in France, and more people die every year than from leukemia, tuberculosis and polio combined? (Alcoholism)

What, according to one folk Chinese wisdom, brings one hundred sorrows and one joy? (Alcoholic drinks)

"The spirit of faith and piety leaves him, but the spirit of filth and wickedness remains in him. God, the angels and the faithful will curse him. For forty days his prayer will not be accepted. On the day of the Last Judgment, his face will be black, his tongue will hang from his mouth, saliva dripping onto his chest, a cry in his chest rises from thirst. " In what case is such a punishment awaiting a Muslim? (If taking alcohol)

It is carried out individually with each team. The facilitator invites each team to make a prediction for a future reset before dropping the die. If the forecast is correct, the issue price increases to 10 points. Each team plays once on this round.

Questions for the third round "We are not afraid of any illnesses!"

Doctors believe the commonest infectious disease in the world is the common cold. And what is considered the most common non-infectious in the world infectious disease? (Caries)

What disease do the Greeks say splits the mind and soul? (Schizophrenia, shiizo - splitting, phren - soul, mind)

According to American doctors, these creatures are the main carriers of influenza in the United States. It is they who are responsible for the fact that epidemics break out every year in the fall. Who are they? (Pupils)

According to the World Health Organization, one of the occupational diseases of educators is poliosis. This disease is not fatal, but sooner or later it affects every person, with the exception of some lucky ones, who themselves are not happy about it. Teachers, however, are affected by poliosis earlier than the statistical average. What is the main symptom of this disease? (Gray hair, poliosis is gray, everyone turns gray, except for bald ones)

Conducted simultaneously with all teams. The host offers to roll the dice on command. Moreover, each team determines with its own throw how many questions out of 6 it will take part. Each correct answer in this round is worth 3 points.

Questions for the fourth round "If you want to be healthy - exercise!"

The inventor of this predicted two areas of application for his brainchild: mail delivery and a means for losing weight. What is the modern type of this subject? (Bike)

P. Bragg says there are 9 doctors. Starting with the fourth, these are: natural nutrition, fasting, sports, relaxation, good posture and mind. Name the first three doctors Bragg mentioned. (Sun, air and water)

What kind of sport is mentioned in the witty English dictum: "This is the exchange of knowledge through gestures"? (About boxing)

A very long time at the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece there was one single kind of athletics. Which? (Run)

The appearance of this sports game was helped by an ordinary unripe apple. From the East, this game came to Europe. In the century before last, it was brought by an English duke, whose estate was located not far from the city, from where this game takes its name. What kind of sports game are we talking about? (Badminton)

This word came to the Russian language at the end of the 18th century from the French language. This was the original name for the urgent mail, which delivered letters, reports by special messengers who replaced each other on the way at certain points. Name this word that has received a different meaning in our day. (Relay race)


All teams take part in all questions, only for a different price. One team - "the main player" - for the points they were given as a result of the rally, the other 3 teams can get 1 point if the question is answered correctly. Therefore, when summing up the results, it is necessary to reward the team that gave the largest number of correct answers.

At the end of the game, points are calculated. The team with the most points is also awarded.

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