Industrial production of fly larvae. Manufacture of animal feed using larvae flies

Before that I read and. But it turns out also on flies not a bad business.

This is the history of the Entrepreneurs of Igor Istimina, who built the most real mill farm. Igor explains why flies - it is not really disgusting, as the larvae helps to survive small piglets and chickens and why should a small larvae in the production of insect larvae should ever appear on each poultry farm.

In childhood I had one oddity. More precisely, I had a lot of oddities, but now I will tell only about one. I really liked flies. Parents hung in our cottage house Velcro from insects, and periodically from them on the table fell half immobilized, unfortunate and dying flies. I picked up and put them in a transparent box with air holes - it was a hospital. When the next insect, despite all my efforts, still dying, I seem to be very frustrated. I also liked to plant a fly to my hand and look like she crawls her - her hand was nice-shovel. You probably saddled, reader? My parents were also shrieled. And they said: "Julia, do you even imagine where they went to these legs?"

You know, Julia, people are very much believe in different stereotypes, "says Igor Ibomin, the founder of the company" New Technologies "is a small farm, where the larvae of flies are bred to create environmentally friendly biocos and fertilizers. - When you tell people about flies, they immediately imagine all sorts of uncleanness, toilet and rot. But, first, if there were no these insects, our planet would have been covered by a multi-kilometer layer of corpses, because they would recycled much more slowly. And in general, studies have long proved that there is an antimicrobial environment around each flies. Yes, this insect climbs on the garbagers, but then it is thoroughly my paws, on which there are thin chitines.

These hairs allocate a microcreen that disinfects everything. And the larvae flies in Napoleonic times were used to clean the employment wounds - they perfectly remove non-frozen fabrics and retain lively intact. The microscipe is rich in immunomodulators, and healing happens faster. In America, this method is sometimes used in surgery today.

Until 2014, Igor Istomin was engaged in household appliances, but with the onset of crisis times decided to sell his business and start some new promising business. Friends offered him together to build a small plant for the production of worship, and Igor put money from the sale of business in this enterprise.

Actually, before, even before starting trade in household appliances, I was a coach for swimming, "says Igor. - So good. So biology was close to me, I understood it well in it. It seemed to me that the production of fish wrath is somehow superficially, the removal of larvae can give the world much more than just a feed for fish. I began to study this topic deeper, my sons helped me, and as a result, by 2015, we made the first experienced batch of excellent feed protein, and in January 2016 we demonstrated it in Moscow at the exhibition at the VDNX.

As Igor Istomin explains, he did not have to invent any new technology - everything has already made nature. Flies live in the world for more than twenty million years - they survived the Ice Age and many other natural cataclysms, unlike Mammoths, Dinosaurs and Mauritius Dream. So, in the body of this insect there is something that contributes to survival.

In the wild, animals, birds and fish feed on something, throw away the waste of digestion, and in the end they die, "explains Istomin. - As soon as it happens, the hordes of flies are arrived at the place of death and put eggs. And from eggs, larvae are hatched, which quickly recycle these waste. At the same time, the larvae themselves become excellent feed for other animals, and recycled waste is a great fertilizer for plants. Nature has ever invented us. We simply took this mechanism and placed it under the roof - we decided to see what would happen if you make my own company.

On any agricultural enterprise, be it a poultry farm or fishing plant, quite a lot of waste is formed. For example, the pardee of the bird is five to seven percent - the chickens periodically die due to weak immunity or something they break. Even in enterprises there are always food and vegetable waste, and they all deliver a lot of hassle - they must be stored, disposed of, add special acidifiers, so that in two years these waste turned into fertilizers and it was possible to take them into the field. If all this does not do, there may be problems with environmental services. As Igor Istomin explains, his "Mushying Farm" can become an ideal example of waste-free production, and then there will be no money and time to utilize waste at agricultural enterprises.

We will build a fly called Lucilia Saesar, this is an ordinary green synanthropic fellow fly, "explains Igor. "However, we call it just a Luce." We have an insectarian with cells where adult flies live and constantly goes the crossing of different types and generations. On average, each fly lives from twenty-one to twenty-four days, so those insects that live in our insectaries have never seen the outside world and differ markedly from those that you meet in nature. For example, they have a much big egg production, because here, we have different generations constantly cross in a closed environment.

In each cell, insectares live about two hundred thousand individuals, on the farm, five such cells, that is, in total about a million flies.

They feed on sugar and dry milk and drink water. In each cell there is a small box - Igor calls it "Lanchbox" - with meat minced meat Inside. "New technologies" cooperate with a poultry farm, which specifically gives those birds that did not manage to survive.

There are small holes in Lunchboxes, "says Igor Istomin. - Flies - they are shy. Therefore, they fly there to multiply, and make masonry on mince. Every day a technologist comes, takes lunchboxes with masonry and puts new ones. And old - with masonry - tolerates in the output shop.

In the output shop there are special cabinets with trays where employees of the enterprise place masonry and add more fresh meat. Then the larvae appear from eggs and feed them. During the growth of the larva, flies a lot of ammonia, so each closet is connected to ventilation, the air from which when exiting the street passes through a special microbiological filter.

In four days, each larva increases in three hundred fifty-four hundred times, and one grams of larvae need two hundred meat grams.

They have no stomach, so it would be wrong to say that they eaten this meat. They allocate larval juice on meat, which is rich in enzymes and nutrients. Under their influence, the meat is rapidly decomposed and turns into Cashitz, and then the larva misses the resulting substance many times. Due to this it grows, and the resulting substrate is enriched with enzymes and becomes useful.

After three to five days, when the larvae grows, together with the resulting meat substrate are taking into a special shop. To separate the grown larvae from the substrate, all together fall out on a fine mesh - the larvae is covered through it, and the dry fibrous mass, which once was minced, remains on the grid.

Then the substrate is collected in bags and leave for a day. At a temperature of 65 degrees, it burns out under the influence of anaerobic bacteria. Then it is dried and crushed.

It turns out a beautiful organic fertilizer, "Igor Ibomin boasts. - It kills in the soil of all sorts of bugs, which eat the roots of plants, and the crop increases twice. At the same time, it is enough to add to the ground just a pinch of such a substrate.
So far, in one department of the enterprise from recycled meat makes a fertilizer, in the other department of the larvae turn into food: they are treated, clean and dried at a temperature not more than 70 degrees to preserve the nutrients and not destroy the protein. Then crushed. It turns out fatty flour with a high content of protein and lipid acids - BLK, protein-lipid concentrate.

The BLK has natural polymers Melanin and Hitin, "says Igor. - They help strengthen immunity. For example, the piglets are the most difficult period - this is a transition from maternal milk to ordinary feed. Often the gastrointestinal system of the faster than animals does not cope, they are sick and dying. If in seven days before the translation of the feed to be started to add to the milk block, by half graam for every kilogram of weight, and then add it already to food for another ten days, then the result will get one hundred percent. Pigs will stop sick. And if you add a little block in the food dog or a cat, it will improve immunity and it will be easier to pass molting, the activity will increase.

Today, in most agricultural industries, animals receive proteins in the form of fish flour. But over the past fifteen years, it has rise in price in eight times, and stocks of fish in the world gradually dry out, because it turns out that animals compete for her with a man. At the same time, the need for industries in animal proteins is colossal - in Russia, their annual deficit is about a million tons. It turns out, you need to urgently look for alternative sources of this protein. And Igor Istomin believes that he found such a source.

Imagine if on each poultry farm was a small workshop like the one we did if he says. - It is not necessary to pay for utilization, and here, in my own production, it would be possible to make excellent food. It would give and reduce the incidence. In Russia, such technology began to be invented in the 70s of the last century, but all this was at the level scientific research And remained within the framework of laboratories. We try to bring it into real life.

True, it turned out that it was not so easy to establish waste-free production in Russia - there is simply no regulatory framework for this. At first, it was not possible to certify the product - firms that they do, simply did not know how to work with dried larvae. Then it turned out that according to the law, biological waste should be burned, to be buried or undergo thermal processing. No other processing methods are provided. So you have to demonstrate once again new technology And to prove to everyone that it works.

So far, Igor Inturity's enterprise remains unprofitable: so that it began to make a profit, you need to expand the area and hire more workers. In the meantime, only power is enough for the production of experienced parties - they are sent to plants and factories as probes, so that you can test a new feed and compare it with fish flour.

Now there are already several enterprises who are ready to buy a BLK. Moreover, fish flour costs from 80 to 120 rubles per kilogram, depending on the quality, and our product is 100 rubles. That is, he has every chance to displace the flour. But so that production it is not at a loss to us, we need to produce for eight or ten tons of blocks per month, and while only one is obtained. We are looking for investors and really hope to get a state grant for research. But with investors it is difficult - you know yourself, it's more interesting to buy ready milk than a cow that will give it milk. So today from commerce us is separated by about 12,000,000 rubles and six months of work. But when everything succeeds, we want to do something like Showerma - let the owners of the factory come and look, as everything is arranged here, and such a waste processing modules are ordered. We will come and build the same in their enterprises - it turns out something like a franchise. And the seed fund will continue to be with us. And we are good, and enterprises, and nature, and the state.
Finally, Igor Istomin asks me, if I had ever seen pickled beetles in banks - in Asia, you can buy in supermarkets in Asia, and people are periodically eaten. I answer that I not only saw, but also tried it - nothing special.

You see, - Igor sighs. - There, in the East, people have already understood what we cannot understand. After all, from the larvae, you can make excellent protein additives useful for people. We have several familiar athletes who buy our BLK and knead themselves with honey for breakfast. But these are athletes. And mostly people are afraid to try. All stupid stereotypes.


The Zoo Group of Companies is implementing an innovative project in the Central Federal District (Lipetsk) for the processing of organic waste of agriculture to obtain highly protein animal feed.

The recycling of waste is carried out by the larvae of the flies, which are subsequently dried, are crushed and introduced into the diet of animal power. The property of this feed before traditional in the large content of protein, amino acids and in the effect of the animal in the effect. It is a cheaper analogue of fish flour consumption of which in Russia 100 thousand tons per month. Moreover, consumption of 1 ton of our product (protein-lipid concentrate) retains 5 tons of fish in the oceans. And its reserves are rapidly reduced - the cost of fishing flour, for example, increased 8 times in the last 15 years! The project has been functioning for about 2 years, an experienced production has been built, the technology has been tested, the contacts are established, there are buyers, support for the administration. In addition to 30 million rubles The initiator of the project is planned to expand the production of up to 60 tons per month to ensure high demand for products. The company may be scaled and developed by profits. Creates $ 120,000,000 million rubles. We consider the share of the share in the business of 40%. We are ready to discuss alternative options. The future is 4 years (1 year construction of the enterprise, 3 years of work) Gross revenue per year 85 million rubles.

Profit (EAT) - 45 million rubles per year.

Market analytics

Monthly consumption of protein feed by enterprises APK - more than 100 thousand tons. We offer a product market that is better (confirmed by research), cheaper and safer. And at the first stage, we need to implement 12-15 tons per month (this is 1 enterprise). The market for forecasts will grow by 30% per year. The market in the Russian Federation will grow even faster pace. Our company is incorporated into the national technological initiative.

Uniqueness of the project

The uniqueness is that we pulled the project on the use of insects in animal feed in the real sphere. And unlike laboratories and other institutions, we have already started selling it. The project is unique in that we use waste in order to get high-quality food, thereby satisfying the need of agro-industrialists and ecologists, because With our production, the fish is not used, the colors of which threatens the safety of the seas. The project is included in the list of residents Skolkovo

First of all, we plunged into the study of technology. To our greatest amazement, it turned out that the larvae flies can be successfully used to prepare feed proteins. Studies on this topic were held in the Soviet Union. The most actively work was carried out in the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute (now NGAU) by the scientific group under the direction of Professor I.I. Gudilina. One of the participants in this scientific group, Oleg Nikolaevich Sorokolet became our scientific consultant.

As a result, we found, read and adapted more than 500 pages of scientific papers, studied all studies that were held in the USSR, Europe, Asia, Africa, America. These studies allowed us to look at the production of larvae flies in a different way. Big perestroika began, which, in fact, has not yet ended.

Here it is necessary to make a retreat and tell what the topic of the production of feed protein from larvae flies attracted us.

For myself, we defined three pillars of our technology: these are resources, waste and feed.

Resources- These are the natural wealth of the Earth. Many immediately begin to think about oil, minerals and so on. But in fact the sea, oceans, fish in them, soil, air are also natural resources. World Foundation wildlife (WWF) announced the WWF day of the Earth's environmental debt. This means that for this day, humanity has exhausted all natural resources that the planet can restore for the year! And now we need resources 1.6 such planets as land. And after 15 years it will be needed two lands.

And the fact is that from the point of view of a person everything is logical and justified: the population is growing, it must be fed, it means to grow more plants, more animals, birds, catch more fish.

Unfortunately, it can not continue to continue. It is like a swimming pool. You can pull out "on the cap" and do it for a long time, but if you do it with several caps or buckets and faster than water enters the pool, everything will be completely over. So here. Fish will not be soon. It is a fact.

Let's go on a bird or pork, or beef, you think. Or we will grow fish in the aquariums. It's like that. But in the diet of each animal there is a fish in the form of fish flour. Or soy. And 98% of the grown soybeans is GMO. Because without GMO, it is impossible to grow so much soy as required. And that if you do not observe crop rotation, it harms the soil. Imagine the future in 30-50 years: neither fish nor soil, nor animals.

All this makes it look for alternative to protein components in animal feeds. Simple statistics: if all over the world stop doing fish flour, and do, for example, canned fish, then 1.5 billion people will stop starving. By and large, we are now on the threshold of the greatest achievement of humanity - victory over hunger! And for this, it remains to take the last step - to find an alternative to fish flour.

Now waste.

A third of the entire food produced in the world is thrown away. Simple arithmetic: out of 5 kilograms of fish, 1 kilogram of fish flour is obtained, with which you can grow 1 kilogram, say, trout. And 300 grams we discard! Of the 5 kilograms of the fish at the very beginning we get 700 grams of fish. Where is the logic?

Every year in Russia, such a number of food waste is formed that they are even difficult to calculate. And no one believes because they all fall into one landfill and rot.

Wastes are formed in agriculture. These are meat waste, waste of meat processing, manure, litter. Now agricultural complexes pay to destroy these waste or recycled at least fertilizer. Some waste, mainly meat, are used to prepare meatflower flour - this is also a protein component for feeding. But in quality essentially worse than fish flour.

And finally stern. I already mentioned that it is extremely important to use a high-quality protein component for feeding animals. Moreover, for the production of such feeds it is necessary to use the technology that will contribute to the preservation of natural resources and recycle waste.

As it turned out, the larvae flies are a way out. They can process organic waste. Moreover different types Muh (and more than 90,000) are adapted for different waste.

The larvae of flies of flies after drying and grinding turn into flour with a pleasant smell of fried seeds. And the amino acid composition is better than fish flour.

Here it was, we thought and began to rub flies, sorry, hands!

We have identified two products: the first is directly the feed protein itself, which we sell poultry places, pigcomplexes, fish farms, feeders for cats, dogs, rodents, reptiles, birds, fish, etc. And the second is a license for technology.

Imagine that the technology is placed inside the poultry complex or pig complex and is adapted to the type of organic waste, which are formed on these complexes. As a result, recycling is a magnificent feed and organic fertilizer. And all this goes back to production. As a result, saving to disposal, on the purchase of fish flour. Saved fish in the oceans and made a small step towards victory over hunger. The company saves a lot, and a large enterprise is a lot. And this affects the cost of meat on the shelves, on the availability of food products, food safety.

After we have decided on products, we have begun to bring the cost of production to acceptable. And it directly depends on the technology.

Technology Consists of several blocks. Immediately I will say that all the equipment used is super secret. We went far from what they started.

The first unit is an insectarian. This is the place where flies live. We have about 5 million individuals in the company. And in the future should be closer to 20 million. We joke that when such a more insects will fly at the same time, our building can fly as Ellie's house. Indeed, 5 meters to the room where flies live, their meditative buzzing is already heard.

Our female workers eat sugar, milk powder, drink water. Their main duty is to carry eggs. They postpone them every day on special trays with minced meat, which is made from meat waste. Once a day, eggs are taken from the insectard and move to the growing zone of larvae.

There we are placing muched eggs on the waste of poultry farms (for experiments we take them from a regional company). Larvae hatching when necessary climatic conditions And begins to recycle waste. The larvae is an external digestion: they allocate a special secret that mineralizes and dilutes raw materials, the larvae misses it through themselves as a pump. The organism of the larvae digested only for themselves substances and amino acids. Everything ends in 4 days - it is so much a larvae needs to increase in size 300 times and achieve its maximum size. By this time, the larvae no longer feeds, we collect them, according to a special technology separating from the recycled substrate (which then becomes fertilizer) and send to drying. Then, if necessary, crushed. This is a fodder protein from larvae flies.

Speaking about the quality of this feed product, about its utility and digestibility, you only need to imagine that from the larvae, from those substances that she "absorbed" in itself will be built a new organism - fly, which is absolutely different from its previous form. And in order for this to happen, all substances, amino acids should be in a semi-discharge state, ready for restructuring, as part of the designer, which nature collects at its discretion.

As a result, out of 10 kilograms of waste, from what is emitted, rotates and stinks, we get 1 kilograms of high-quality easily durable feed protein.

At the moment, the cost of 1 kilogram of protein from the larvae flies is 40-60 rubles, at the cost of selling 100 rubles per kilogram. And this is an already acceptable price for the market. However, we understand that automation is required, production robotization to reduce the cost of another 2-3 times.

The plans are to enter the zoocormes market, the release of enzymes from larvae, the release of antibiotics (scientists in the UK allocated seraticin - antibiotic against golden staphylococcus), the release of other beneficial and antiviral substances. We will try to implement MDT in Russia (Maggot Debdement Therapy - therapy of employment wounds, trophic ulcers using larvae flies). The technology has been used for 20 years in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Australia with a 98% probability of cure. But in Russia, official medicine does not apply it yet.

Flies in the cage live about 3-4 weeks. And then die. Now we will dispose of "Submor" flies together with MSW, but in the future we plan to distinguish natural polymers from the flies - Hitin and Melanin. Hitin can produce chitosan and use in feeding animals, pharmaceutical, chemical industry. This is a very valuable material, which is called the Polymer of the Future. And some say that it contributes and weight loss.

Saying that we are in the forefront, I do not exaggerate. In the world - about 20 teams that work in this direction. And only two have enterprises that actually process organic waste using flies of flies. One of the companies - Agriprotein - is located in South Africa, another in Canada. Agriprotein has invested about $ 11 million Bill Gates. Other competing companies also receive investments in a reproduction of $ 10-30 million.

We also invested about 50 million rubles (of which 35 million are the money of the Father, relatives, friends, and 15 million banking and investment financing) - and managed to create a product-technology in which we get biomass 5 times faster than This makes our foreign colleagues.

Now we are looking for partners with whom we could go further and start a global revolution in agriculture.

Many say that they do not believe our desire to defeat hunger, save the resources that, they say, only profit matters. But how cool when there is a solution at which you can combine moral and material satisfaction!

Visitors to the Startup Village conference last week in Skolkovo, had a unique opportunity to look at the near future, when humanity, forced to revise the diet, will begin to get a significant proportion of proteins due to insects

At one of the stands at the exhibition of startups, manufacturers of firing proteins from larvae Much, representing the Lipetsk company "New Biotechnology". While feed is intended for animals, but in the future dishes from insects, as follows from numerous forecasts, will cease to be exotic and in the human menu. Try the product with exceptional nutritional properties on Startup Village perched five bravery. The Correspondent Site did not risk to follow their example, but it was asked to ask the tasters in detail, what it was the taste of the future of the future, and at the same time he learned that he had a much fruit of their relatives surrounded by warm and caring of breeders of the selectioners of Lipetsk.

Alexey Istomin with new biotechnology products on Startup Village. Photo: Site

"New biotechnologies" specialize in the production of high-protein feed from dried and crushed larvae of green meat flies by analogy with that mechanism over the production of which the nature worked millions of years. "Animals, fish, birds breed, feed, leave after themselves manure and litter, die, and nature all this is relentlessly processed .. - Muhi lay down on the eggs of the egg, they appear larvae that distinguish enzymes that accelerate the decomposition and mineralization of waste. In this case, the larvae themselves become food for animals, fish and birds. And the remaining substrate under the influence of rains and the sun in the form of organic fertilizer falls into the soil and contributes to the stormy growth of the phytomass, which is also feed for all living things. In other words, the nutrients recycling occurs, and without any pesticides and poisons. Only organic. "

This natural process borrowed in the company "New Biotechnology". The resulting application of biomass technology, larvae flies, have a high content of nutrients. By 50-70%, biomass consists of raw protein, 20-30% come on raw fat, 5-7% is a raw fiber.

In describing the positive effect of the use of feed protein (the commercial name - "zoo") in different sectors of agriculture, Alexey Istomin was very convincing. "In pig breeding, the use of protein-lipid concentrate in the micro-lipid concentrate as an additive to the diet of piglets, pigs, whiffs allows to increase the digestibility of food and the natural resistance of the organism of diseases and viruses, increase the weights, activity and range, - lists the advantages of feed from the larvae Mr. Mr. Istomin . - This is due to the content of a large number of enzymes, chitin, melanin, immunomodulators in the "zoo". In the poultry farming, the inclusion of our feed protein into the diet for broiler chickens, turkeys, ducks and other birds allows you to increase the daily weight gain and reduce the feed coefficient. In churls, egg production is observed, the resistance of the body to diseases and viruses increases, mortality decreases. In the beverance, the addition of "zoo" in the feed of mink, sands, foxes leads to improved frame quality and decrease in the percentage of marriage. Animals have a greater body length and chest girth, therefore, you can get large quantity Skuff.

From left to right: finished feed, dried and living larvae. Photo: Site

The appearance of feed from flies will also make owners of pets. According to Alexei, Istomy, "in cats and dogs it is easier to flow and molting, muscle tone and activity rises, wool becomes more dense; Animals are less ill. " Healthier with the addition of protein from the larvae flies in the feed becomes and poultry, their color becomes brighter. Falls of aquarium fish develop twice as fast, and the survival of the fry is approaching 100%.

The miraculous technology has arisen not from scratch - her theoretical basis Another half a century ago at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Livestock, as well as in the Novosibirsk State Agricultural Institute. There in the laboratory conditions comprehensively studied the feed additives from the larvae flies. Now work in this direction continues by the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, VNIII them. L.K. Ernsta, Institute of Ecology Problems and Evolution. A.N. Seversow. According to Alexei Eastina, the efficiency of the use of protein feed, obtained from the processing of waste with flies of flies, compared with other animal proteins (fish and bone flour) was confirmed by research conducted in the All-Russian Research Institute of Livestock and the All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Poultry Education. It is noteworthy that over time, the relevance of this technology is only growing, because the world has encountered an acute deficit of animal proteins.

"What prevents us will smell badly and requires high costs, can help and work for the benefit of domestic agriculture, bringing additional profits and reducing the burden on the environment"

The company "New Biotechnology" is estimated at 25 million tons; In Russia, the same indicator is 1 million tons. Since 1961, the population of the Earth has grown more than twice, and the world consumption of meat is 4 times. According to forecasts, until 2030, the global consumption of animal protein will increase by 50%. So far, in agriculture, its main sources are fish (fish flour) and meat-bone flour. "The highest-quality fish flour is produced in Morocco, Mauritania and Chile, and its value increases in proportion to logistics costs. The price of fish flour over the past 15 years has grown 8 times, "Alexey Eastomin shares statistics. - Many producers of agricultural products refuse to high-quality imported fish flour in favor of cheaper and less qualitative analogs, as well as go to meat-bone flour or plant proteins, in particular, soy. The use of vegetable proteins does not allow to achieve the desired result - such protein requires a large number of land resources and cannot fully replace the animal protein in composition. "

The project of "new biotechnologies" caused interest from the Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and Governor of the Rostov Region Vasily Golubev. Photo: Site

In addition to economic, there are environmental prerequisites for changing the feed paradigm. So, for the manufacture of 1 tons of flour, it is required to catch 5 tons of fishing fish. Given that the need for animal proteins is large, fish catch has reached significant indicators (170 million tons in 2015). The ecosystem does not have time to reproduce fish stocks in the seas. In the manufacture of one ton of fish flour, almost 11 tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Additional costs of ecology in this case are estimated at 3.5 thousand dollars. In the production of one ton of flour from the larvae flies into the atmosphere 5 times less than CO2. That is, each produced ton of protein from the larvae of the flies retains 5 tons of fish in the sea.

"The taste is unusual, not like anything. But this protein strengthens immunity and promotes the growth of muscle mass "

Thinking about alternative sources of animal protein, the researchers drew attention to insects. On the planet - more than 90 thousand species of flies, and each of them feeds on certain waste: vegetable, manure / litter, nutritional waste, etc. "What prevents us will smell badly and requires high costs, environmental, financial, energy - can help and work for the benefit of domestic agriculture, bringing additional profits and reducing the workload of the environment," says Alexey Istomin. At the same time, the experienced production of new biotechnology in Lipetsk proves the prospects for using technology in industrial conditions.

Farsh from Lucy.

Famous Many Metallic Green Bright Flies Lucilia Caesar (in the company This type of insect is gentle by Luce) in production in Lipetsk contained in special insectagries. There are several tens of millions of flies. This is a lot of unique insects. To improve their reproductive abilities, scientists more than two years led painstaking selection work, according to a certain method, crossing insects. If in nature, one fly makes a masonry in 60 eggs, then the Lipetsk insects laying (and, consequently, the number of larvae and the feed received from them) - on average three times more. No genetic manipulations over flies specialists of "new biotechnology" do not produce, we are talking about the "traditional" selection, Mr. Istomin assures Mr. Istomin. I posing on a tightened small mesh, a cage of a saddle with sinking insects on the stand, he continues: "Yesterday there was only yesterday 6 flies; In just a day, their number reached several hundred. This became possible due to the correct selection of the dolls of dolls, called even puparia. We have done the cycle in such a way that today they have become much larger. Tomorrow their number will still grow up. " In part, this process was contained not too suitable weather: the optimal temperature for the transformation of the doll into the fly is about 30 degrees. Despite the fact that on Startup Village at night insects, the temperature there was lower.

In production in Lipetsk, flies - full of detrunities. Photo: "New biotechnology".

In production in Lipetsk, flies - full of detriment, there they are protected from unfavorable conditions, and from stress. Flies are contained in special cells-cages, which have water, sugar, milk powder and boxes with minced meat, where flies make masonry eggs. Masonry removed daily. The quality control and purity of the population is carried out by the main technologist. For this, the larvae is taken, which in special conditions are pounded and in the form of a pupae are stored in the refrigeration chamber. If necessary, the pupa is placed in the cells of the insectagium, and after a while, flies appear.

As soon as the larvae appeared from the eggs, they are moved to the output shop. In special trays on the litter of sawdust place the feed substrate and the masonry of eggs. The larvae is very voracious and grow rapidly, increasing up to 350 times per day. The period of refill and active growth is 3-4 days. Then the grown larvae turn out to be on the tramp. So called the process of separating the larvae from the organic substrate. After biomass dried and sent for storage.

Flies grow on meat with poultry farms, which is located near the experienced production of New Biotechnologies. The larvae grown on poultry meat possess higher rates of nutrient content than those that cultivated on the manure and litter. At the same time, meat reserves should be much - to produce 1 kg of "zooprotein", it is necessary to grow 3.5 kg of living larvae, which requires 10 kg of meat waste.

Since 1961, the population of the Earth has grown more than twice, and the world consumption of meat is 4 times. According to forecasts, until 2030, the global consumption of animal protein will increase by 50%

"The average poultry farm case is 5% of the total livestock. This type of waste delivers a large number of Salmon with poultry farms. These are environmental issues (need to be disposed of), and financial (for recycling it is necessary to pay), and organizational (collect, store, deliver, take into account). Therefore, the use of our method is most effectively directly on the poultry farm, which makes it possible to make bird production without frequenid, - explained Alexei Istomin. - In general, the increase in agricultural production volumes inevitably attracts an increase in the negative impact on the environment. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, in Russia the total area of \u200b\u200bland polluted by agricultural waste exceeds 2.4 million hectares. In 2015, the total number of such waste exceeded 380 million tons. There is practically no culture of recycling of agricultural waste. Account in such production goes to units. "

Experienced production in Lipetsk. Photo: "New biotechnology"

The complexity of industrial implementation of technology is due primarily by administrative and environmental factors. "Abroad, in particular, in China and Indonesia, use the basin (" open ") method, explains Istomin. - He is unacceptable in our conditions, since the larvae in the process of life produce a large number of ammonia. In our project, a "closed" method is proposed using extensive cabinets for flies equipped with local exhaust ventilation, microbiological filter for air purification, special systems of cooking raw materials, infrared drying. All this allows you to maximize the requirements for environmental safety.

The larvae is very voracious and grow rapidly, increasing up to 350 times per day. Photo: "New biotechnology"

Now the company "New Biotechnologies" is in the process of obtaining the status of the Resident "Skolkovo". The team counts on the help of the Fund mainly in product certification. There is no in Russia normative baseassociated with the regulation of the use of waste processing technology with larvae flies, therefore, Alexey Istomin says, "you have to be sophisticated." At the same time, the controlling instances state the safety of products: "Lipetsk Oblastabutory" produces research of live biomass for the presence of salmonella, the genome of the pathogens of ornithosis and influenza in birds, eggs and the larvae of helminths. In the dried biomass, the larvae flies determine the mass fraction of raw protein, the mass fraction of raw fat, humidity and toxicity. "Tula Interregional Veterinary Laboratory" conducts studies of organic fertilizer Zoogulus for the presence of pathogenic flora. The results of each study are decorated with a protocol. "

The source site is convinced: in the foreseeable future, the taste of protein from insects will get acquainted with animals, but also people. This point of view shares more and more specialists. So, three years ago, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN issued a study, which said that in the diet of 2 billion people in one degree or another insects were present now. To cope with hunger and pollution ambient, Humanity should have more insects, called compilers of the report.

Especially since as evidenced personal experience Alexey Istomina, it's not so scary. For several months now, he adds a tablespoon of protein from insects in the morning cervix from milk, banana and other traditional ingredients. "The taste is unusual, not like anything. But it strengthens immunity and contributes to the growth of muscle mass, "says Alexey.

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Production of maggots - industrial technology. We sell unique materials on the telescreen technology for sale fishermen and for the manufacture of unique protein feed for animals, fish and birds, as well as highly concentrated complete organic fertilizer - zoogulus.
The materials offered for sale:
1. Industrial technologies for the production of flies of flies (worst) and related products. (Volume: 670 pp., Format: A4-DOCX -Microsoft Word; Author: Serebryansky D.N. - Agrobiotechnology; Year: 2015)
2. Industrial technology for the production of flies of flies (muddy) and zoohumus on meat and fish raw materials. Business selling fishing bars. Production of a forage protein-lipid concentrate from the larvae flies (volume: 380 pp., Format: A4-DOCX -Microsoft Word; Author: Serebryansky DN - Agrobiotechnology.; Year: 2015)
3. Industrial technology for the processing of organic waste of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex with the help of larvae flies (molding). Production of a fodder protein-lipid concentrate from larvae flies. Production of dry, liquid organic fertilizers and growth stimulants for zoogumus based plants (volume: 350 pages, format: A4-DOCX -Microsoft Word; author: Serebryansky D.N. - Agrobiotechnology; Year: 2015)
Also, you can selectively order the sections you are interested in from the main material. Industrial technologies for the production of flies of flies (worst) and related products.
We sell and make to order Equipment for the production of biomass larvae flies (molding), feed protein-lipid concentrate from larvae flies, zoogulus (biohumus).
We design and build production for the processing of organic agricultural waste in Feed protein and organic fertilizer for plants - zoogumus (biohumus). We design and build production to grow worshipers for fishing. Any scale. Types of waste used: nulls, litter, Curcture case, meat and fish raw materials.
Enterprise - Agricultural producer, with the help of developed by us, biotechnology solves the problem of disposal of any of its organic waste, produces the most valuable protein for feeding animals, saves mineral fertilizers, expensive fish meal and pesticides, (and in the future completely refuses them). Any agricultural production becomes completely utilized and provides environmental safety of its activities.

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