Optical cable suspension on power supply lines. Suspension of fiber optic cable between buildings



Approve Deputy Minister of Payments Russian Federation A.S. Misharin August 16, 1999

These rules contain the requirements for the suspension and technology of installation of self-supporting fiber optic cable on the supports of the contact network and the supports of high-voltage lines of the automatic blocking. The rules were developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Transport, CJSC Trantelecom, with the participation of Transelectroproject Institutes and Gimotransign Signals.

The main provisions of PO maintenance The wok on the supports of the contact network and high-voltage lines of automotive lines are contained in the "temporary maintenance manual, repair and restoration of linear cable structures of fiber-optic communication lines of rail transport (Vols Zht)", RD 32 CIS / CE 09.54-99.

Rules have been published taking into account changes approved by the MPS indicating N A-2897U of 28.12.99.

1. General Provisions

1. General Provisions

1.1. The present rules for the suspension and installation of self-supporting fiber-optic cable on the supports of the contact network and high-voltage lines of the automatic blocking (hereinafter referred to Designed for workers related to design, construction, installation, maintenance and repair of fiber-optic communication lines (Vols).

The rules establish general requirements for the order of the Wok suspension on the supports of the contact network and high-voltage lines of the automotive block, to the assessment of the state of the supports and determine the main provisions of the technology of safe performing installation work on the WOR suspension. The rules also contain indications on the wok suspension at bridges and in tunnels.

In addition to the requirements of this Rules for the SOB suspension, employees should be guided by the regulatory acts of the MPS of Russia on the use of infrastructure railways When creating telecommunications.

When designing and manufacturing work on installation, the wings should also take into account the requirements of the current instructions of the State Committee for Russian Federation and the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunications (ITU-T).

1.2. Installation WA should be carried out in accordance with the working project for the construction of the WOLS using brackets, clamps, fastening parts and other products that meet the drawings and specifications approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. Work on the suspension and installation of the WA should be the most mechanized. For its suspension, specialized technological complexes should be used to control the wok tension. When replacing the contact network supports or installing additional supports, drilling rigs, sampling machines, crane installations on automoters or rail cranes should be used. To install the automotive support, it is necessary to use drilling-crane installations on a car or traccage.

1.4. Used in the construction of the Vols motor-rail transportation of a non-removable type (Dresin, Mottoz and Automobiles) must meet the requirements of the instruction manual and the content of DRESIN, Mototoz and Avtomotris (non-removable motor-rail transport) on railways approved by the USSR MPS 10.04.90. , N CRB-4785. Crane installations must comply with the requirements of the rules of the device and the safe operation of load-lifting cranes (machines) approved by the MPS of Russia 04.05.94, N CRB-278.

Other applied mechanisms and fixtures must be good and have parameters set by passports to these mechanisms and devices.

1.5. Work on the suspension and installation of woks on the supports of the contact network and high-voltage lines of automatic blocking, in the tunnels and at bridges should be performed by specialized organizations that have a license to carry out such a type of work.

Officers and employees carrying out suspension and installation of woks must have an identity for passing exams according to the rules for the technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation *, approved by MPS of Russia 26.04.93, N CRB-162, signaling instructions on the railways of the Russian Federation approved MPS of Russia 26.04.93 N CRB-176, Instructions for the movement of trains and manowing work on the railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the MPS of Russia 02.10.93 N TsDS-206, Electrical Safety Rules for railway transport workers on electrified railways approved MPS of Russia 09/22/95 N CE-346, according to the technology of practical production of work contained in these Rules.
Rules for the technical operation of the Railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the MPS of Russia on May 26, 2000 N CRH-756. - Note database manufacturer.

A single leadership of the work on the suspension and installation of the wok, including the fulfillment of the safety requirements of trains, should be a person appointed by the head of the railway department (in the absence of a branch of the railway) when issuing permits for the production of work.

Officers and employees performing suspension and installation of woks must fulfill all instructions in terms of electrical safety of the representative of the power supply.

1.6. Knowledge and fulfillment of these Rules is required for all employees related to design, installation and maintenance of wok, as well as for all employees serving the contact network and high-voltage lines of the automotive lines, on the supports of which the wok is mounted.

2. Basic Suspension Suspension Requirements on Contact Network Supports and High Voltage Autoblock Lines

2.1. The wok suspension on the support of the contact network and the lines of the automotive block should be made taking into account the requirements of the rules of the device and the technical operation of the contact network of electrified railways, approved by the MPS of Russia 25.06.93, N CE-197.

The wok contact network suspended on support should not reduce the reliability of the power supply of rolling stock and not to impede the normal maintenance of the contact network.

Hung to the supports of high-voltage autoblocking lines of the wok should not worsen the conditions for the power supply of the SCB devices and other non-fighting consumers of electricity.

2.2. The wok suspension can be carried out on the operated metal or reinforced concrete supports of the contact network, provided that the carrying capacity of these supports is sufficient to perceive all acting and additional loads from the stubborn wok, and the location of the wok on the supports provides the possibility of producing work on it if there is a voltage in the contact suspension.

The working projects should not provide for the WA pendant on supports with insufficient bearing capacity. The wok suspension schemes are also not allowed, the use of which requires voltage removal from the contact suspension when performing maintenance.

If it is impossible to perform these conditions, the wok suspension must be carried out on the supports of the automatic blocking.

The cable suspension on the supports of the automotive block should also be provided on non-elected rail lines.

2.3. Wok suspension on the contact network supports should be carried out on the field side. In exceptional cases, if it is impossible to suspend wok from the field, due to insufficient dimensions, or cramped conditions, it is allowed to coordinate with the power supply service of the railway suspension with inner Supports (from the path).

Distances from the bottom point of the wok at the maximum arrows of the prior to the surface of the Earth or other structures, as well as the distance to other wires during their mutual intersection or rapprochement, as well as to parts of the contact network that are under voltage should be not less shown in Table 1.

Table 1

The smallest permissible wok distances from wires and structures

Name of the object of intersection or rapprochement

The smallest distance, m

To the surface of the earth:

in populated area

in non-heated terrain and to the rail head within the artificial structures

in hard-to-reach places

to inaccessible slopes of mountains, rocks, cliffs

to the head of rails of non-electrified areas of the path

to carrier cable and contact wire

Up to parts under a voltage of 6-25 sq.:

on support

in the span

At a voltage of 3 sq.:

on support

in the span

To waveguide

To wires voltage up to 1 sq.:

on support

in the span

To the surface of passenger platforms

To the roof of non-aggravated buildings and structures

To the nearest parts of buildings (horizontally)

To deaf walls and crowns of trees

To the canvas of the road on the move

To the lower parts of overpasses and pedestrian bridges when the cable suspension under the bridges

Note: In exceptional cases, according to the coordination with the power supply service of the railway, it is allowed to reduce the distance from the wok to the carrier cable to 1 m.

The distance in Table 1 are set as the maximum possible convergence of woks with wires and structures under the most adverse effects of loads both on the cable and on the wires.

The WOB suspension is allowed above wires by voltage up to 1 kV, subject to the prevention of closing the wires and cable, mutual blows and mechanical friction between them.

When the wok suspension on the supports on which equipment (disconnectors, arresters, etc.) are placed, the distance from this equipment to the cable should be at least 3 m.

Wok suspension is not allowed on supports with two sectional disconnectors. For suspension, additional supports must be installed in these places. Additionally installed supports should be located at a distance of at least 10 m from the supports on which these disconnectors are installed.

2.4. On the relief supports, the WA suspension should be carried out mainly below high-voltage wires. At the same time, the distance from the Niza to the Earth and the intersections should be taken in accordance with the requirements of the PTE, but not less:

in non-heated area - 5 m;

in locality - 6 m;

at the intersections with the railway tracks - 7.5 m from the lower point of the cable to the rail head.

Wock suspension is allowed between the wires of the automotive line, if the mutual convergence of wings and wires with the most unfavorable temperature regimes and exposure to loads is not less than 0.3 m.

The wok suspension is not allowed on the supports of the Avtoblocking, on which disconnectors, transformers and other equipment are placed. For the wok suspension, in these places additionally installed supports should be used. The newly installed supports must ensure the distance from the extreme nearest wire before the woks of at least 1 m and should be shifted along the route at least 2 m.

2.5. On the two- and multi-fingered electrified areas, the wok suspension route must be selected on the field, taking into account the support of the connection nodes, the requirements of the minimum replacement of the operated and install new additional supports, as well as the minimum number of transitions on one side of the path to another.

If it is necessary, on one side of the way, the path to another such transitions must be performed either underground using the cable channel from non-metallic pipes, or by air with an air suspension on additionally installed supports. Type of material of the cable channel pipe, its diameter and laying conditions of pipes in the ground are determined by the project, taking into account the requirements of the current regulatory documents. The wok gasket is not allowed in the ballast prism of the earth canvas.

The height of additionally installed supports should provide the required minimum distances indicated in Table 1, from Wok to the carrier cable.

Underground and aircraft transitions on additional supports should be located at a distance of at least 10 m from the foundation of the nearest support of the contact network, the angle of intersection of these transitions with the axis of the electrified Railway direct and AC should be close to 90 °.

Wok transitions On the one hand, the path to another when using existing structures should be carried out mainly on the branches of rigid cross. In exceptional cases, in coordination with the power supply service of the railway, wok transitions along flexible crossing with a suspension cable only on the supports of these crossing. If it is impossible to cross the wok along flexible or rigid crossbar with the permission of the power supply service of the railway, the wiring of electrified paths at an angle is allowed. In this case, the intersection should be located in one span, and the angle of the intersection must be at least 40 °.

It is not allowed to carry out air transitions in places of interface of the anchor sections of the contact network.

2.6. At the wok bridges should be switched from outdoor Sleeping buildings at a height that is not less specified in Table 1 of these Rules. A wok gasket is also allowed in special boxes. At the same time, the safety and protection of the WFA from damage should be ensured.

On the span structures to be replaced (defective, old years of construction), the suspension schemes that are not preventing the production of work on the replacement of transit structures should be applied.

2.7. In tunnels, the Wok suspension is carried out along the tunnel manifold. The cable must be attached only to the exaggeration, and the attachment nodes must correspond to a typical design solutions. When choosing a method of wok suspension, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of subsequent reconstruction of the tunnel exaggement.

When the Wok suspension in the tunnels must be respected by the requirements of GOST 9238 "The dimensions of the buildings and the rolling stock of the railways of the King 1520 (1524) mm". If it is impossible to ensure compliance with the requirements for dimensions, it is allowed to lay wok in special tubes from the non-governmental material.

In the tunnels subject to reconstruction, the WA suspension should be made with the possibility of its dismantling during the work of work. In special cases, with the conditions unfavorable for laying conditions, with the appropriate feasibility study, with the permission of the head of the railway, the wok suspension is allowed on the supports bypassing the tunnel.

2.8. The wok suspension on the supports of the contact network should be carried out on the brackets. The minimum departure size of the bracket should be taken from the condition of ensuring allowable the smallest distances Wok to those under the voltage of the contact network in accordance with paragraph 2.3 of these Rules, not exceeding the allowable wind convergence of wok and rolling stock in flights, as well as preventing the strikes of supporting clips on the support of the wind.

The location of the brackets on the supports is determined by the project. The installation of brackets in the zone between the traction and the fifth console from the path side is not allowed.

Brackets on the supports along the route must be installed, as a rule, at one height from the rail head. If necessary, installing brackets at different heights. In this case, it should be limited to the difference in the heights of the installation of brackets preferably the value in which the turning angle in the vertical plane does not exceed the permissible values.

In the case where the heights of the installation of brackets exceed the value at which the wok angle in the vertical plane exceeds the permissible value, the device should be provided on the supports of intermediate anchoring for lifting or lowering the wok to a new height.

It is not allowed to suspend the wok Application "G"--like brackets attached to the top of the support, as well as various racks on rigid crossbar. The wok suspension on the supports of flexible crossing and riggers of hard crossing should be carried out on remote brackets.

Wock suspension is not allowed to cross-bearing flexible cables.

2.9. Fastening brackets to reinforced concrete supports should be made using clamps. When the wok suspension with the dielectric core and the lack of wires over it with a voltage over 0.4 kV, the grounding of the brackets is not produced.

When the wok suspension with a metal core or with metal armor, and if there is an over 0.4 kV voltage over a wire cable, all brackets must be attached to the ground protective chain. Between their grounding of the brackets during their grounding and reinforced concrete supports, insulating gaskets must be laid on the DC sections.

No grounding is required: the parts of the fastening of the wok to the extinguishing in the tunnels, brackets on the bridges and on metal supports of the contact network, details of anchoring, supporting and tensioning clamps, housings and details of the couplings.

The mounting brackets on metal supports should be made using hook bolts or special parts, while the bracket must be attached to both corners of the vertical belts of the supports located along the same parallel bracket of the support of the support. The design of the bracket and its fixing should exclude the turn of the wok bracket in horizontal and vertical planes.

On the supports of the automotive contact suspension, the wok should be carried out mainly on the brackets. When the wok suspension between the wires are allowed to use clamps.

At the bridges, the mounting of the brackets should be carried out only with the help of bolts through the holes drilled in the elements of bridge structures.

The suspension of several self-supporting woks on the same supports should be carried out on a common bracket. Wiring, insulators and other devices on brackets are not allowed.

2.10. Anchorovka wok should be carried out mainly on intermediate console supports, flexible and rigid coordinates. At the same time, an estimated assessment of the stability of the supports in the ground and determine the need to install detensiages on them.

With insufficient stability in the soil of the supports on which the woks are angry, the typical anchor outflows of the anchor supports of the contact network must be installed on them.

It is not allowed to conduct anchoring wok on transient and anchor supports of the contact network.

Places of Anchoring Wok are determined by the project. Anchoring is required at the ends of the construction length of the wok, in the places of transitioning it on one side of the path to another, in the fields of its input to the office space in the places of change in the height of the suspension and changes in the direction of the wok to an angle exceeding the permissible value of the rotation angle for the accepted cable brand. Mandatory is an anchoring of wok on portals of tunnels at the entrance and outlet of it from the tunnel, as well as in the location of the connecting and branching couplings, the process stock.

The maximum distance between the anchors should not exceed the construction length of the wok, as well as the distances established by the wok manufacturer.

2.11. The wok anchoring on supports with a carrying capacity of less than 45 kNm, as well as an anchoring with leaving the technological reserve on the supports installed with a dimension of less than 3.1 m.

In areas located in the IV-V windylands, as well as on sites with a narrowed non-standard earth belt It is necessary in projects to provide a device for the minimum number of wok anchors on the supports of the contact network. If possible, the anchoring is placed in places protected from wind, as well as in places with normal earthwide width (in the excavations, on horizontal sites).

At high sections, the purpose of the number of anchoring bobs should be made taking into account the requirements of wind resistance of the contact network.

2.12. Anchoring wok should be carried out with the help of clamps on reinforced concrete supports and with the help of anchor parts on metal supports.

Capturing woks with anchoring should be made using stretch spiral clamps. The latter must be manufactured and tested in accordance with applicable technical Conditions These details.

All metal structures used for wok suspension (brackets, clamps, delay, clips, etc.), should have an anti-corrosion coating, or made of corrosion-resistant materials.

The anti-corrosion coating should be preferably carried out by hot galvanizing. In this case, the thickness of the coating should be 60-70 microns. Metal structures are allowed with resistant paintwork or metal coatings in accordance with the requirements of the current standards and construction norms.

3. Loads from wok on supports and evaluation of their supporting ability

3.1. When checking the support ability of the supports, the following additional loads should be taken into account for determining the possibility of suspension:

wind pressure on wok;

mass of ice on wok and brackets;

effort from the tension of the ankurlable wok;

effort from changing the direction of the wok tension on the curves of the paths of the path.

3.2. Loads on the supports of the contact network and the automotive-blocks from wind pressure on wok and ice should be determined with the repeatability once every 10 years in accordance with the indications of the design standards of the contact network approved by the Ministry of Transport N ALW-141-90 * and entered from 1.07. 91, as for wires and cables. At the same time, together with the active loads, the most unfavorable combination is determined, in which the largest bending occurs in the supports.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, the document does not work. STIT CE 141-99 Contact Network Design Norms

3.3. Efforts from the ankurbable wok on supports should be taken into account in the calculations depending on the location of the anchor clamps:

with the wok anchoring on the support on the one hand, the effort is taken into account transmitted to the support from the ankurbable wok;

with anchoring with the location of both anchoring clamps in one level from the surface of the Earth and in the same plane, an effort is taken into account transmitted to the support from one anchor clamp;

with anchoring with the location of the anchor clamps in different levelsbut in the same plane, the effort is taken into account transmitted to the support from the anchor clamp located on a higher mark;

with an intermediate anchoring with the arrangement of anchor clamps in perpendicular planes (in the places of transition from one path to another), the efforts transmitted to the support from each anchor clamp are taken into account.

When suspension and anchoring on the supports of several wok, efforts from each WOB are taken into account in accordance with the recommendations given.

3.4. Loads for supports from tension and changes in the direction of the wok, it is necessary to determine depending on the maximum tension of the wok acting on it of wind and ice-loaded loads, the calculated maximum and minimum temperatures. Calculated temperatures should be determined in accordance with SNIP-2.01.01-82 *. The received maximum tension of the foca is determined on the basis of the requirements for ensuring the stability of the optical properties of the wok, obtaining the regulatory values \u200b\u200bof the arrivals of its provision and is established by the project for each wok brand.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, the document does not work. Snip 23-01-99. - Note database manufacturer.

The magnitude of the wok tension during installation should be determined by the installation tables attached to the working documentation for the construction of the Volt.

The deviation of the actual tensions and arrows of the wok from the installation tables installed at any ambient temperature in any span should not exceed 10%.

3.5. Based on the calculations of the loads on supports and their combinations at the design stage, the largest bending moment is determined in the supports in the level of the conditional cutting of the foundations.

For supports located in small radius curves, it is necessary to calculate the efforts arising in the supports in emergency mode, when one of the supports fall.

3.6. The obtained values \u200b\u200bof the maximum bending moment at the level of the conditional cutting of the Opera foundation must be compared with the actual supporting ability of the supports.

The actual bearing capacity of reinforced concrete supports should be determined based on the diagnostics of the supports, in accordance with the instructions for maintenance and repair of the supporting structures of the contact network, approved by the MPS of Russia 14.01.96, N K-146-96 and is carried out by the electricity supply by railway power supply.

3.7. Based on the results of diagnostics, all reinforced concrete supports must be divided into three groups:

supports that carry the ability of which are not lower than the values \u200b\u200bestablished by the project or the standard for these supports;

supports having a permissible reduction in the carrying capacity compared to its design values;

supports that fully exhausted the safety margin.

The wok suspension is allowed to support the first group if the bending moment on the total loads does not exceed the normative torque for these supports.

The Opports of the second group allowed the Wok suspension if the reduction of the supporting ability of the support does not exceed 10%, while the calculated value of the bending moment on the total load should be below the actual supporting ability of the supports at least 10%.

With a larger reduction in the carrier ability of the supports of this group, the WA suspension is not allowed.

The wok suspension for the third group supports to be replaced.

3.8. It is allowed to evaluate the state of the supports to be prepared by type and sizes of defects in accordance with the maintenance and repair indications of the contact network reference designs.

Wok suspension per support without defects. At the same time, for marked supports, under their service life, more than 20 years should be taken into account a reduction in the carrying capacity against the design value by 10%.

On defective and amperating supports suspension wok is not allowed.

In the DC sites, the wok suspension on old-floor reinforced concrete (2-meter) supports that are subject to replacement are not allowed, as well as reinforced concrete supports, which causes the ability of 45 kNm and less.

In the sections of the AC, in coordination with the power supply service of the railway, the wok suspension on foreign and other old-type reinforced concrete supports is allowed to replace them. In this case, the carrying capacity of such supports should be sufficient to perceive the existing and additional loads and be at least 45 kNm.

3.9. The carrier's ability of metal supports should be estimated on the basis of the test calculation, taking into account the actual corrosion wear of the main elements. At the same time, the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe section of the elements, determined according to the measurements of the residual thickness of these elements, should be administered.

The condition of the anchor bolts is determined by the means of diagnosis or by the fillings of the foundations with the defect of the bolts in the most dangerous zone and the determination of their residual diameter.

3.10. The carrying capacity of the reinforced concrete supports can be estimated according to the same method as the support of the contact network using the diagnostic tools, or by the size of the defects. For these supports, additional wind and ice-free loads arising after hanging on them should be taken into account when calculating the bearing capacity.

Anchor and corner supports should be checked for stability in the ground from the action of the additional tension force and from the change in the direction of the wok tension.

With an insufficient support capacity of supports in the sustainability in the soil, it is necessary to provide for the installation of detensols. Type of delay is indicated in the project's working documentation.

3.11. An assessment of the state of harsh alternates should be performed on the basis of visual examinations and measurements of the degree of corrosion wear of the structural elements. Wok suspension is allowed on rigid crossbars if the decrease in the cross-sectional cross sections of the belts and the elements of the lattice due to corrosive wear does not exceed 20%. With a greater reduction of sections, the rigid crossing should be replaced or enhanced.

3.12. The calculation of the brackets is necessary to produce analogously to the calculation of brackets for loads for loads arising from the effects of wind and ice on the wok, as well as changes in its direction. In addition, a mounting load from the mass of a montera with a tool taken equal to 100 kg should be taken into account.

4. Organization and technology of work on the suspension and installation of wok

4.1. Requirements for project documentation for the work on the suspension and installation of wok

4.1.1. Work on the suspension and installation of woks can be started only if there is a working project approved by the Customer for the construction of the Volt, albums of typical nodes and parts and permits of the power supply service of the railway to the production of works in the contact network area and high-voltage lines of the automatic transmission.

To develop a project, the Customer transfers the project organization the initial data as part of the task for the design of the Volt. The list of source data provides information on brands and physical and mechanical wok parameters designed for suspension, including:

mass of 1 km wok, kg;

construction length wok, km;

linear expansion coefficient, 1 / s;

outer diameter, mm;

module of elasticity, MPa;

cross section of the carrier element of the wok, cm;

permissible wok tension, kN;

strength wok on a gap, kN;

permissible bend radius, cm;

permissible corner of rotation, hail;

other indicators at the request of the project organization.

The composition and volume of the working project for the construction of the WOLS must comply with the task approved in the prescribed manner for the design of the WOLS, as well as the requirements of regulatory documents (SNiP 11-01-95).

4.1.2. The working draft for the construction of the WOLS must contain:

an explanatory note with the characteristic of the wok laying conditions, the stamps of the wok used and the mechanical parameters of their tension;

working drawings on the Wok suspension;

links to an album of typical nodes and parts;

application specification for basic materials, details, wok, products, mechanisms;

calculation of the wok laying (estimates).

4.1.3. Working drawings on the wok suspension on the supports of the contact network and the automotive blocks must contain:

the wok route plan in all areas, including distillation and stations, as well as sections of woking wok on service and technical premises to a cross-rack (cabinet);

rooms, types, stamps and dimensions of the contact network supports and retail locks;

the rooms of the replaceable supports, as well as the numbers of additionally installed supports, their enabled and the brand;

wORD suspension height and bracket type, as well as node codes for albums of typical nodes and parts;

support numbers on which the wok anchor, as well as the supports of the supports, on which the process margin of wok is left;

wok input schemes in office buildings, transition from one side of the path to another;

watch suspension schemes at bridges;

wok suspension schemes inside the tunnel;

the route underground wok laying;

places intersection with roads with indication of the Wok dim;

places of intersection with pedestrian and automotive bridges, indicating the height of the WOR's suspension under structures;

suspension schemes of technological stock and mounting of mounted couplings;

other information required for wok suspension.

4.1.4. For each site of the constructed Volt, the organization performing work on the WOR suspension should develop a draft work project (PPR), which is coordinated with the power supply services, informatization and communication of the railway in relation to the safety of work, the safety of trains, sustainable power supply and provision, if necessary "Windows".

4.1.5. Work projects should contain:

calendar deadlines of the construction line, linked to the implementation of preparatory work (replacement of supports with insufficient bearing capacity, installing new and additional supports, installation of brackets, etc.);

technological cards on the installation of brackets and on the WOR suspension, taking into account the need to work out for one continuous technological cycle of the total capacity of the cable drum;

calculation of the needs of "windows" with the removal of voltage in the contact network;

focalization schedule and basic details;

the statement of the need for main machines and mechanisms;

the statement of the need for labor;

security Activities;

events to ensure the quality of work.

4.2. Preparatory work before suspension wok

4.2.1. Before the start of installation work on the WFA suspension, the following works must be performed:

studied project documentation;

in person, familiarization with the Wok suspension and the structures of the supports;

the sequence and deadlines for the replacement of supports, the deadlines for installing new and additional supports;

the replacement of the supports with insufficient bearing capacity and installed new and additional supports in accordance with the draft line, as well as the deficious deficiation project on the supports;

anchor sections are refined and the most rational order and the direction of installation of anchor sections is established;

if necessary, cutting down trees and shrubs;

autodresines, Moters, cars for workers who perform work on Wok suspension, mechanisms for loading and unloading cable products, equipment and places for welding, Mounting couplings are prepared;

accessories, materials, equipment, tools, radio stations and power supplies are prepared and checked;

the order and time of delivery to the place of work of workers, equipment and tools are determined;

the procedure for providing "windows" is defined.

When suspension and installation, the wings should be provided for the "windows" duration of at least 3-4 hours in accordance with the order approved by the head of the railway.

"Windows" for suspension and mounting woks should be provided, as a rule, in the bright time of the day. In areas where the "windows" in the train schedule is provided for in the dark, the manager is obliged to provide a place for the production of works in accordance with the established standards.

Closing of distillation for the production of work on a one-section area, and on two or multiplicate portion of one or more of one or several ways, it is performed with the permission of the head of the railway department in coordination with the head of the transport service (in the absence of a separation - the head of the railway), if it does not cause changes in the set of movement with neighboring railways. If such a closure causes a change in the size of the movement to neighboring railways, it can be allowed by the head of the railway in coordination with the Department of Transportation Department of the MPS of Russia.

On the upcoming closure of the distillation on a one-section area, at a two-and multipurpose section of one or more paths, the head of the railway department (in the absence of a compartment - the deputy head of the railway) no later than the day notifies the relevant leaders of the work.

In resolving the head of the railway department (in the absence of a department, the head of the railway) on the production of work on the suspension and the installation of woks with the closure of the run, the time should be indicated on which the closing of the distillation or a separate path is coordinated, and the name of the person carrying out the leadership of these works. The name and position of the head of the work of the train dispatcher is obliged to inform duty on railway stations limiting the distillation.

In the presence of appropriate permission, the closure and opening of the run (path) before the start of work and after their completion, they are executed by order of the train dispatcher.

The abolition of the "window" provided to the production of work on the suspension and installation of the wok and the reduction of its duration can be allowed only in exceptional cases and face, by order of which the "window" is allowed. The notice of this work manager should be given no later than 12 hours before the start of the "window".

At the time of the work on the suspension and installation of wok, for the implementation of which the "windows" in the chart, a permanent radio communication (or telephone communication) should be established between the work manager and the train dispatcher.

The closure of the distillation, the order of classes by its working train, the order of departure from the distillation should be carried out in accordance with the instructions for the movement of trains and maneuver work on the railways of the Russian Federation approved by the MPS of Russia 2.10.93. N CD-206.

4.2.2. The preparatory period should also be performed:

premont control control in accordance with the techniques and requirements of regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner for the accepted wok brand;

input quality control of brackets, fastening parts to brackets and supports. Input quality control of the marked parts is carried out in accordance with the requirements of specifications and project documentation for these parts;

installed and secured in the design position brackets, clamps and details of the wok anchoring on the supports. Deviation of the distance of the installed elements from the current-carrying parts towards the convergence is not allowed. In the direction of increasing this distance - +20 cm;

it is suspended on the brackets styling and rollers for pulling the cable leader and wok.

Installing brackets should be performed on a wide front as soon as possible in accordance with technological cards.

Installation of brackets of the staff of the power supply to work should be carried out in accordance with the technological maps given in Appendix A to this Regulation.

4.2.3. Upon completion of all preparatory work and, first of all, work on the replacement and installation of new supports of the contact network or the automatic blocking, clearing the track from the vaulting suspension of trees, the organization is a performer, the customer, together with representatives of the power supply service of the railway, is an act about the readiness of the area for the Wok suspension.

It is allowed to prepare and accept the route under the engine suspension to carry out anchor sites.

4.3. Works in the breakdown of wok on the supports of the contact network and the technology of their execution

4.3.1. When broken down, the following works are performed:

broach dielectric cable leader;

broach wok.

Works in the broaching wok may be conducted "from the way" with the removal of voltage and with the occupation of the distillation, or if there are entrances to the path and provision of electrical safety - "from the field" without removing the voltage.

4.3.2. When working "from the way" with removal of voltage, it is necessary to use high-performance specialized complexes of machines. The latter should include:

aGD type automotive, for towing cargo trailers, powering traction brake modules and equipped with a hydraulic type of type AGP to work at height;

two cargo trails equipped with traction-brake modules with rotary devices, to install drums from wok and coils with a cable leader.

The traction-brake modules must have a wok tension force control devices and their automatic shutdown when the tension is exceeded by the limit value of the tension installed for this brand.

4.3.3. When working "from the field" it is necessary to use a complex of special mechanisms. This complex should include:

the winch with the adjustable tension force for pulling the cable leader and wok under the tension;

lifting and brake device for lifting and controlling the height of the cable drum;

device for installation and braking coils with a leader's cable.

For delivery to the place of work of the following mechanisms can be used cars, drowsins, tractors.

When placed on platforms towed by dresinami, a complex of special mechanisms can also be used when working "from the way".

4.3.4. When using a specialized complex of machines or a specialized complex of mechanisms on platforms (hereinafter referred to as a complex of machines) for work "On the way", the Wok suspension is carried out in the following sequence.

According to the rollers suspended on the brackets, the leader stretches. To do this, after the occupation of the resistance complex and removal of the voltage, one cargo trailer with coils of the cable leader is installed at the beginning of the anchor section for 25-30 m from the anchor support, and the second trailer in the coupling with the automotive station begins to slowly move to the first anchor support. Opposite the first anchor support, the automatic trim is stopped, the mounting cradle with two montters rises to the roller bracket. The leader cable is turned away from the cradle, passed through the roller and is again attached to the cradle. In this position, the autootris slowly moves to the next support. At the next support, the leader's cable is again passed through the roller and the movement of automotive vehicles is resumed. Thus, the leader cable is extended throughout the site. After passing the cable leader through the roller of the extreme anchor support, the Avtomotris, with a trailer with cable drums in front, moves to a distance of 25-30 m for the last support and stops. During the terminating of the cable-leader, the monterters, controlling the traction-brake device with coils, slow down the coils, providing a rolling of the cable leader under tension.

In the extreme position, the leader's cable through a device that prevents the wok twisting, with the help of a cable clamp "stocking" connects to the wok in the drum on the cargo trailer. Avtootris is uncovered from the trailer with the cable drum and returns to the first trailer with the coils free from the cable leader. From the automotive hydraulic drive, the engines of the traction module are turned on and slow rugs begin. At the same time, the drum from which the wok is raised is slowed down in such a way that the required stakes are provided in spans.

4.3.5. When working "from the field" using a complex of mechanisms with the side of the path behind the dimensions of the contact network support at the beginning and end of the anchor section at a distance of 25-30 m from the extreme anchor supports, horizontal platforms are selected. One of them contains a device for installing and braking coils with a cable leader. At the opposite end of the anchor site on the selected platform, a traction winch is installed for rolling.

After installing the device for coils and testing the brakes from the first installed coil, the segment of the cable-leader is covered with a length of about 50 m and its free end is passed through an anchor support mounting roller. Then the leader's cable is manually stretched to the next support and, after passing this support by 15-20 m, the coil slows down, and the end of the cable leader is passed through the roller roller of this support. The rise on the support is carried out on the stairs or from the mounting site when removing the voltage. Next, the coil with a cable leader is being built and a cable-leader broach up to the next support. On the following supports, the operation of the cable leader pass through the rollers is repeated while the leader's cable will not be extended throughout the anchor site.

If you take a break in the work after the broach over the entire anchor section of the cable leader, it must be fixed on extreme supports. Mounting places should be unavailable for unauthorized persons, and the method of consolidation should exclude spontaneous weakening and staging of the cable leader.

To pull the wok on the site where the device for coils with a cable leader is installed, a lifting-braking device with a cable drum is installed. The lifting-braking device in order to avoid spontaneous movement is fixed on the site with anchors scored in the ground. Take the brakes of this device, the cable leader using the cable clamp "stocking" through a device that prevents the wok twisting is connected to the wok. At the opposite end of the anchor area, the cable leader is fixed in the coil installed on the traction winch. Then the winch turns on and the wok feeds are performed on an anchor area. To eliminate the touch of the Wok Earth, foreign objects During the staring, the drum is performed.

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Maintenance suspended on the supports of the contact network and wok autoblocks must be carried out in accordance with the rules of its operation.

Maintenance of wok, suspended on the supports of the contact network and the automotive block, should carry out the operating of the Volt organization and the distance of the power supply of railways. On artificial facilities, organizational measures for maintenance of the Wok carry out the distance of railways.

Power supply distance carry out maintenance of brackets, clamps and details of anchoring, supporting and tensioning clamps, details of the couplings attachment on the supports of the contact network and high-voltage lines of automatic blocking, on bridges and tunnels, checking the wok suspension dimensions.

The operating voltas organizations monitor the state of wok integrity, checking the wok bend radii requirements, maintenance of inputs to service buildings and underground wok, tubes with extended woks in tunnels.

Distance The paths produce maintenance of bridge elements to which the brackets, special boxes are attached, the tunnel extinguisure in the mounting places of the brackets.

When replacing the transit structures or reconstruction of tunnels, the operating of the Volt is obliged to ensure the disassembly of wok for the production period.

The composition of the work performed by the electricity remnants should include:

periodic inspection and assessment of the state of brackets supporting and tensioning clamps;

replacing damaged brackets, clamps, supporting and tensioning clamps and other parts fastening parts, conducting anti-corrosion painting brackets;

when examining the cable couplings and the technological stock of the wok on the supports on the application of the operating volce organization to disconnect electricity from the contact network and wires;

remonsturing brackets and wok clamps when replacing the exhausted resources of the supports, as well as damaged;

ensuring wok suspension dimensions.

The work performed by the operating volce organization should include:

periodic inspection of supporting and tensioning clamps (without lifting on supports, on bridges, to a tunnel manifold);

examination of the connecting and branching couplings and the technological stock of the wok on the supports;

inspection of the integrity of the outer wok (without lifting on supports, on bridges, to a tunnel manifold);

elimination of damage and cliffs of wok;

service IOP in service buildings;

maintenance of underground wok transitions;

maintenance of tubes with outstretched wok in tunnels;

eliminating invalid wok bends in fastening places, turns.

The work performed by the distance paths should include:

maintenance of special boxes on bridges;

the color of the bridge elements in the fastening places in the violation of the anti-corrosion coating.

The operating voltas organizations can establish the frequency of work on the maintenance of wok, based on the requirements of the Svox stability requirements. Electrical safety When conducting these works, power supply is provided.

When examining brackets that support and the anchor clamps and nodes of their attachment should be determined:

state of welded and bolted compounds;

the invariance of the position of anchoring clamps on wok;

suspension state of supporting clamps.

In the welds, cracks and seam breaks are not allowed. Brackets with cracks in the welds and with the breaks of welds should be replaced.

IN bolted connections Cracks and bolt cliffs are not allowed. Defective bolts should be replaced.

In the anchoring clips, the clamps along the wok, the cliffs of the wire in the spirals are not allowed.

Cracks and dents in supporting clamps, deformation of fasteners are not allowed.

Maintenance of cable inputs in the house of communication, couplings, equipment that ensures the normal functioning of the VOLS, as well as the repair of lowered woks during damage, is carried out by organizations that are transferred to their operation. The list of maintenance work and the frequency of their implementation establishes the operating organization. In the event of a planned repair of couplings, individual sections of the wok and the need to ensure electrical safety, operating organizations convey applications in the distance of electricity supply to these works. Based on the requests of the distance allocate the necessary personnel to ensure the electrical production of work.

Wok maintenance work with power supply drugs can be combined with the maintenance of the contact network in accordance with the rules of the device and technical exploitation Contact Network of Electrified Railways, approved by MPS of Russia 25.06.93, N CE-197.

Works performed jointly by electricity supply and operating organizations should be carried out on agreed schedule. The schedule is the main document for the allocation of personnel and the material resources necessary for carrying out work on the maintenance of the Volt. Distance on the application of the operating organization should allocate staff to ensure the electrical safety of work.

Each boking damage must be taken into account, investigated and analyzed. At the same time, causes of damage, correct installation, operating conditions, and are developed to prevent such damage. The investigation and accounting of these cases is manufacturing an organization operating Cable Vols. In the event of an emergency situation, the organization operating Vols and the Energodetcher must inform each other and the auditor of the Railway Department (in the absence of a department - the Railway Revolutionary Authority) and adopt operational decisions on urgent restoration of communication and emergency response in accordance with PTE.

To restore communication during breakdown or damage to the wok, a brigade of 5-7 people is created, which is provided with the necessary equipment, focus and delivery to the place of work.

In case of damage to the wok caused by the damage to the contact network, the overall guide to the restoration of the contact network and the Wok is carried out by the representative of the power supply.

In case of damage to the Wok, which is not related to the state of the contact network, the head of work on the restoration of Wok appoints the operating volt organization.

If it is necessary to remove the voltage, an application is transferred to an energy support for the performance of stress removal.

The representative of the power supply distance receives an outfit and conducts a brigade brigade on the site producing restoration work in terms of electrical safety.

At the site of the production of restoration work, the brigade determines the sequence of their execution. If necessary, the wok is removed from supporting clamps and lowered to the ground, and the rest of the cable in both sides of the location of the damage is anxicked using tension clamps. Workplaces are prepared for installation - welding work, the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe wok is cut and its splicing with an insertion of optical couplings is made.

Restored wok is anxicked and stacked in supporting clamps. Couplings and stock wok are fixed on supports.

At the end of the work, a notification is given to an energy recommender that submits voltage to the contact network. A passport of the recovered portion of the cable route is compiled.

Preparatory work and tolerance.

On the eve of the work, transfer the application to an ENERGOBER to perform work with the removal of tension in the area of \u200b\u200bwork using the automotive platform (Dresin) and the provision of "windows" in the movement of trains, indicating the time and place of work.

Pick up required tool, mounting devices, protective equipment and accessories, check their condition and test time.

Pick up in accordance with the project documentation brackets, reinforce their fastening details. Check the external inspection of the completeness and quality of the manufacture of all parts of the brackets. On the threaded connections Running the thread and put lubricant on it.

All brackets and fastening parts must have an anti-corrosion coating.

When mounting on reinforced concrete supports, the brackets must have an insulating gasket.

Selected brackets, tools and accessories immerse vehicle. Organize their delivery along with the brigade to the place of work.

Get the order of the Energy Technological Council with an indication of the removal of voltage in the area of \u200b\u200bwork, closing the railway track for the movement of trains, the start and end time ("windows"). When working at the station paths, coordinate its execution with duty at the railway station, issuing an entry in the "Journal of Excrement Tract, Log Translations, SCB devices, communication and a contact network".

After closing the railway railway track or station to get permission from the duty station along the railway station to its occupation. Avtootris is sent to the Rights of the Economic Train in order, installed instruction According to the movement of trains and manowing work on the railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the MPS of Russia 02.10.93, N TsD-206.

When you arrive at the place of work, to carry out the current safety instructions to all members of the brigade with the painting of each in the outfit. Clearly distribute the responsibilities between the performers.

Ground the wires from which the stress is removed, portable grounding rods on both sides of the place of work in accordance with the outfit.

Climb on the car, raise and secure the railings of the fence, bring the platform into the working position.

Scheme of the consistent technological process

Stop the autootris at the support where the bracket is installed. Expand the workplace towards the mounting bracket.

Raise the prepared bracket on the workstation of the automotor industry.

Install the bracket on the specified mark and insert the ends of the half-womb into the holes in the bracket. Press the nuts on the threaded part of the half-womb.

Tighten the bracket mount nuts.

Adjust the horizontal mounting of the bracket, as well as position in the plane perpendicular to the path axis.

Move the roller and leash on it, fasten the bottom of the leash on the support.

Transfer the platform into a transport position.

Move to the next support and implement the installation of the next bracket with the same sequence.

End of work

Collect materials, mounting devices, tools, protective equipment.

Bring the work site into the transport position.

Remove ground rods.

Return to the Avtomotris at the adjustment station on the rights of the economic train in the manner prescribed by the instructions for the movement of trains and maneuver work on the railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the MPS of Russia 02.10.93 N TsDS-206.

Give notification to the ENERGOBER on the end of work. When working at the station, make an entry in the "Log of inspection of paths, shooting transfers, SCB devices, communication and a contact network".

Preparatory work

On the eve of the work, notify the Energy Technology on the performance of works near parts under voltage.

Get outfit for the production of works and briefing on behalf of the outfit.

Choose the necessary tool tool, protective equipment and accessories, check their health and test time.

Pick in accordance with the project documentation brackets, check their type, completeness, the presence of washers, nuts, welding quality and anti-corrosion protection. Running the thread and put lubricant on it.

Immerse instrument, fixtures, protective equipment and brackets in the vehicle. Arrange the delivery of them along with the team to the place of work.

Upon arrival in place of work, to carry out the current instruction on the safety technique to all members of the brigade with the painting of each in the dress. Clearly distribute the responsibilities between the performers.

Check the integrity and health of the grounding device and attach it to the traction rail. If there is a spark gap or diode ground in the grounding circuit, set the shunt jumper by a cross section of 50 square meters. Mm, attaching it first from the rail side, and then - from the side of the support (work performed in dielectric gloves).

Implement brigade to the work of work.

Scheme of the consistent technical process

Install the staircase and consolidate it.

Climb the performer to the place of work on the support.

Use the fishing rod to raise the bracket to the installation site.

Install the bracket into the design position, and tighten the fastening nuts.

Check the accuracy and correct installation of the bracket on the support.

With the help of a fishing rod raise a roller, bring it on the bracket and skip the leash through it.

Repeat the technological process on other supports.

End of work

Disconnect the staircase from the support and omit on the ground.

In dielectric gloves, remove the shunt jumper from the grounding chain on the spark gap or diode earthing, disconnecting it first from the support side, and then from the traction rail side.

Collect materials, mounting devices, tools, protective equipment and immerse them on a vehicle.

Give a notification to the dispatcher about the end of the work.

Return to the production base of the Railway Power Supply Distance Distance District.

The composition of the work.

  • broach dielectric cable leader;
  • running wok;
  • fastening wok on racks in its original position.

Used machinery and equipment.

Equipment for wok suspension.

  1. Cable conveyor.
  2. Winch.
  3. Dynamometer.
  4. Rollers are rollers.
  5. Stocking.
  6. Swivel.
  7. Cable connectors.
  8. Leader cable.

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Equipment for mounting couplings and measurement production.

  1. Optical reflectometer.
  2. Welding machine.
  3. A set of tools for cutting cable and mounted couplings.
  4. Notebook.

Auxiliary equipment.

  1. Auto Laboratory based on GAZ 66.
  2. Avtovka (AGP or AP).
  3. Set of stairs.
  4. Measuring laboratory based on UAZ-469.
  5. Portable radio stations.
  6. Optotephons.
  7. Scheme of the process of the technological process of the Wok suspension.

1 Stages of the suspension of the cable:

1 Install the bracket on the specified mark and insert the ends of the clamps into the holes in the bracket. Put nuts on the threaded part of the clamp.

2 Tighten the mounting nuts with a bracket.

3 Adjust the horizontal mounting of the bracket.

4 Move the rollers of the leash on it, fasten the bottom of the leash on the rack.

5 Go to next rack and implement with the same sequence of mounting the next bracket.

6 broach the cable leader on the anchor site.

2 scheme of the consistent technological process of pulling the cable leader.

1 Disturbed the coil and dump the cable-leader for a length sufficient to dock the cable leader with a leash fixed on the laying roller of the first rack.

2 Dock the cable leader with a leash and stretch it through the stamping video.

3 Turning the coil with a small tension, stretch the cable leader until the next rack.

4 Repeat the operations performed when stretching the cable-leader of the first rack, and stretch the cable leader through the second rack roller, while pulling the cable leader through a roller roller, the leader is held in the stretched position. When the cable leader is broken, replaces the coils.

5 Repeat operations on all the stands of the anchor

6 After the broach over the entire anchor area, the leader's cable is fixed on extreme racks in a stretched state, providing dimensions to the ground.

3 Wok suspension on racks:

1 With the help of the Cable Clamp "stocking" wok docked with a cable leader. During the docking, it is necessary to ensure that the leader's cable is in the stretched state and the dimensions are not disturbed, on the other hand the anchor segment the cable leader is connected to the traction machine (winch).

2 is made by running wok on all rollers at a speed of up to 30 m / min. Coordination of actions for the disorder of the drum and the simultaneous inclusion of the traction machine is carried out by radio. At the same time monitors the passage of cable by rollers.

3 After pulling the wok, a technological reserve is wound from its end of the drum.

4 At the end of the process reserve, the clamp and the wok is anxicated on the rack. A technological reserve in accordance with the project is wounded into the bay and fixes on the rack.

5 After anchoring, the wok is tightened to an effort exceeding a table value by 10%, it is maintained in this state for 5-10 minutes. At the site of the intermediate anchoring, the cable is applied. The cable is attenuated, the maintenance clamp is installed, then the wok is stretched again, and the supporting clamp is anxicked on the drain.

6 The technological process is repeated at all places of anchoring.

7 After installing the last anchor clamp, the loading machine is disconnected from the wok, which is then wounded into the bay and fixes on the rack.

Recently, the most popular production method is becoming an Option of Wok suspension on power engineering supports, contact network supports and power supply lines of railway transport, as well as on the supports of the lighting network and ground electric vehicles. In his graduation project, I chose the type of gasket - suspended, the choice is made thanks to the advantages specified below. The projected Line of Ufa - Kazan will be carried out along the highway on the supports of the LPP (the length of the highway is 525 km). Thus, when modeling Volt, I had a reserve of 25 km. The wok suspension is carried out on the already installed supports and does not require careful preliminary training of the gasket route, therefore more technologically advanced and simple than gasket into the ground. The construction experience of the Volt MPS of the Russian Federation shows that the cost of construction using SOB suspension costs 30-35% cheaper than during construction with the WOR's gasket into the ground, the construction time is reduced by 2.5-3 times. The feature of the use of woks for suspension on supports is the ability of the cable to elastic longitudinal stretching to 1.5% without loads on the optical fiber. For the construction of the Volt method, only dielectric self-supporting wok is used by the cable suspension on rail transport supports. During operation, this cable is experiencing significant fluctuations in temperature, wind speed and precipitation, vibrations, which makes certain requirements for suspension technology. One of the main is the principle of limiting the mechanical effects on the shell, on the tensile wok, squeezing loads, as well as the corners of the turning of the wok route. The fob suspension technology should ensure the safety of the cable shell coating during damage from damage.

Modern Wok suspension technology provides for two stages:

preparatory stage, which includes strokes, replacing defective and damaged supports, installation of additional supports, order and purchase of special bracket brackets in accordance with the types specified in the project, brackets for fastening cable stocks and optical couplings, anchoring units.

at the second stage, associated directly with the wok suspension, they are carried out: fixing brackets on supports; Fastening on brackets of technological rollers for pulling the cable leader, and then with the help of it and cable; Replacing rollers on special stretch or supporting clamps and cable mounting; Mounting couplings; device anchoring and fastening of wok stocks; Connecting cable to cross-country equipment; Measurement and certification of the passive part of the Volt. All work on the WOR pendant on supports are performed in accordance with the current rules and regulations, as well as the technical conditions in the projects.

During the construction of the Volt, the suspension method on the supports of high-voltage communication lines also use:

the optical cable of a small diameter, which, with the help of special mechanisms, is winding up with a certain winding step on a phase wire or a lightning cable;

a special optical cable built into the grossing (as a rule is used only when reconstructing a high-voltage line with a substitute for a grazing);

suspension of optical cables to steel rope (cable) stretched between pillars on consoles;

cable suspension with built-in cable on special design consoles.

In any of these methods, the wok suspension should provide specified optical parameters during the entire service life (for less than 25 years).

Economic part

Modern transport systems to increase bandwidth Optical lines use multichannel multiplexers. Multiplexers help save considerable means, providing information transfer to different lengths Waves on one line and thereby making it unnecessary laying of new fiber-optic lines.

The cost of the fiber-optic network today is dozens and hundreds of millions of rubles, and when it is created, it requires to solve more than 50 diverse technical and organizational tasks, which must be coordinated in time and have guaranteed logistical support. Therefore, the success of the project project depends primarily on the organization of work. Violation of the organizational structure of the project has sharply reduces the quality of work.

The standard structure of the price of fiber-optic communication lines, which today is often built along the motorway or railway canvas, has the following distribution of funds (as percent).

With an insufficient support capacity of supports in the sustainability in the soil, it is necessary to provide for the installation of detensols. Type of delay is indicated in the project's working documentation.

3.11. An assessment of the state of harsh alternates should be performed on the basis of visual examinations and measurements of the degree of corrosion wear of the structural elements. Wok suspension is allowed on rigid crossbars if the decrease in the cross-sectional cross sections of the belts and the elements of the lattice due to corrosive wear does not exceed 20%. With a greater reduction of sections, the rigid crossing should be replaced or enhanced.

3.12. The calculation of the brackets is necessary to produce analogously to the calculation of brackets for loads for loads arising from the effects of wind and ice on the wok, as well as changes in its direction. In addition, a mounting load from the mass of a montera with a tool taken equal to 100 kg should be taken into account.

4. Organization and technology of work on the suspension and installation of wok.

events to ensure the quality of work.

4.2. Preparatory work before suspension wok

The minimum distance from the Earth and other structures should be made in accordance with the requirements provided for by paragraph 2 of these Rules.

For mounting to supports, clamps or mounting brackets should be used. The mounting bracket to the support should be carried out with screws, bolts or clamps, including tapes.

After fixing the coupling on the support, the process margin can fit the loop and fixed on the support in accordance with Fig. 1 or Fig. 2.

When laying the technological reserve in accordance with Fig. 1, the wok on one side of the coupling is collapsed into the loop in one direction, and on the other hand - in the opposite. Then the loops are connected and secured on the bracket. A variant of stacking wok is possible when both of its end are folded simultaneously in the same direction.

When laying a stock in accordance with Fig. 2, the reserve on each side of the coupling is suspended and fixed in a span at a distance of 10-15 m in each direction from the support. In both cases, when stacked the wok, the minimum radius of wok bending should be observed.

When laying the process stock, it is advisable to use a predominantly scheme of Fig. 1, allowing to reduce the load on the supports and simplify the maintenance of the wok technology.

4.5.3. The implementation of the necessary special works should be carried out in accordance with the instructions, specifications, standards and methodological directions established for these works. General instructions and requirements for the implementation of these special works are provided for in Annexes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 to this Regulation.

4.5.4. To fulfill the special works of the Organization, which perform these works, if necessary, can develop instructions, instructions, rules that take into account the peculiarities of the production of works in the conditions of trains during the presence of voltage in the contact network and suspended wires. Developed regulations must be approved by the head of the railway.

4.5.5. The design of the IOP in the nodes of communication, the place of installation of disconnecting and branching couplings, the method of their consolidation is determined by the project.

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Figure 2. Scheme layout of the process stock in the span.

4.6 Features Wok suspension on high-voltage autoblock lines

4.6.1. Work on the suspension of brackets, rollers and anchoring of the wok, in the presence of entrances, it is advisable to carry out using hydraulic lifters installed on a & tomboy or tractor. In the absence of entrances, the implementation of these works can be carried out using the withdrawal stairs, mounting claws and climbing, assembly rollers and cables for lifting materials and products.

Delivery of materials, equipment, mechanisms and workers To the place of suspension Wok can be carried out by cars or automobiles on the railway.

4.6.2. The work on the breakdown of the cable leader and the wok should be carried out using a mechanized complex on a car or tractor move or using a set of mechanisms (winch, lifting and braking device, brake coils).

When using such complexes of work are carried out in the same sequence as when it is broken down by the cable leader and wok on the supports of the contact network given in paragraphs 4.2-4.4 of these Rules.

4.7. Safety requirements

4.7.1. When performing work on the Wok suspension on the contact network supports and voltage voltage, 6-10 kV voltage must be guided by the following regulatory documents Safety:

Rules of electrical safety for railway transport workers on electrified railways approved by the MPS of Russia 22.09.95, No. CE-346;

Safety regulations for the operation of the contact network of electrified railways and power supply devices, the automatic blocking approved by the USSR MPS 20.02.87, CE-4506;

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