Products useful for the reproductive system of a woman. Food for the lady

A woman's health is very fragile, because it is in the female sex that many changes occur in the body during her life. Doctors and scientists are constantly looking for ways to preserve a woman's health. This time, they identified 16 rules that are necessary to maintain and even strengthen women's health.

1. Don't be clean.

Naturally, it is necessary to keep your body clean, but you shouldn't get too carried away with it. In Britain, scientists have conducted a number of studies that have shown a big minus of excessive cleanliness. Women using instead regular soap antibacterial agents, get sick much more often. This is due to the fact that antiseptic substances can disrupt the bacterial balance. Moreover, antiseptics are capable of killing beneficial bacteria necessary for maintaining a woman's health. That is why gynecologists do not advise using intimate antiseptics for daily use.

2. Protect yourself.

In addition, stomach discomfort may indicate irritable bowel syndrome. Little is known about the causes of this disease, but it can deliver painful sensations... Sometimes the syndrome requires treatment with surgery.

16. Have sex more often.

According to American doctors, good sex able to rejuvenate the body. About two hundred is needed to look 5-6 years younger. Sex also. In addition, lovemaking is essential for a woman's health. Sex improves overall health and reduces the risk of developing various gynecological diseases.

Eating right is important for everyone. But still, a woman needs healthy and rational nutrition in order to be beautiful and give birth to a healthy child. Find out what foods you need to lean on, and how to eat right for a woman for beauty and health.

1. Saltwater fish

Fatty fish, such as salmon, trout, mackerel, sturgeon, and others, contain group B, calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium.

This fatty sea fish is also a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which improve blood flow in the pelvic organs, which is essential for conceiving and carrying a child.

2. Olive oil

Scientists have found that residents of Mediterranean countries are much less likely to get sick. The thing is that olive oil in their diet - a common product.

The oleic acid contained in the oil blocks the work of the HER-2 / neu oncogene, which is the cause of breast cancer in every third woman who falls ill.

For proper digestion, olive oil is simply irreplaceable. And as we know, good digestion is the key to a beautiful figure and clear skin.

3. Carrots

Beta-carotene, which is contained in this tasty and healthy vegetable, helps to strengthen a woman's immunity, mitigates the influence of harmful factors environment.

And even helps a woman to deal with stress. In addition, carrots in combination with sour cream or butter are an excellent way to raise hemoglobin during pregnancy.

4. Cabbage

White and broccoli, Brussels sprouts and colored - these are perhaps the healthiest vegetables for a woman. Especially for future mother... Cabbage contains many B vitamins, manganese, zinc.

Cabbage is one of the best natural cell growth stimulants. Cabbage is also a source of folate, a deficiency of which can cause neural tube defects in babies.

5. Peas, beans and other legumes

Asparagus, soybeans, beans, peas, beans are excellent products not only to please the whole family with delicious lecho, but also for women's health.

Legumes are great for those women who follow the figure, because they are nutritious and contain a minimum of fat and a lot of fiber necessary for the body. Beans reduce the risk by 22%.

Legumes prevent bowel cancer, which is more common in women than men. And soybeans practically replace meat in terms of its qualities. Soybean oil contains components similar to fish lipids, lecithin, choline, vitamins B and E, and other microelements.

6. Linseed oil

Flaxseed oil and flaxseed prevent cancer, shrink tumors in the breast, prostate and colon.

In addition, they reduce the risk of developing heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias, because they lower total cholesterol levels. Flaxseed oil helps prevent constipation, normalizes diabetes levels, and helps reduce inflammation in arthritis and asthma.

7. Water

So that the skin does not dry out, so that the gastrointestinal tract functions normally, a woman needs to drink 2 liters of clean water a day.

A lack of water in the body is the cause of early aging, an unhealthy complexion and frequent constipation.

8. Milk

Not only milk, but also other dairy products are necessary for a woman as a source of calcium.

And a woman needs calcium in her youth - to look beautiful, during the formation of the baby's skeleton, in old age - so as not to suffer from osteoporosis. So curd, milk, yogurt, kefir - all this should be on your table regularly.

9. Cheese

Hard cheese contains calcium, which is so necessary for a woman during pregnancy. Cheese also contains bacteria that protect our teeth from the effects of acid, which is formed in oral cavity.

In addition, hard cheese contains an excess of calcium, phosphorus, which are needed to strengthen the tooth enamel.

10. Beets

Beets are a source of minerals that are necessary to fight cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Beets can be eaten raw, or fresh beet juice can be drunk.

You can bake and boil beets - so they are especially useful for digestion, although they contain fewer nutrients than fresh ones.

11. Oatmeal

Another indispensable product for women. After all, oatmeal normalizes intestinal function, helps with peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, food poisoning. Oatmeal also removes harmful toxins and lead from the female body. At diabetes mellitus Oatmeal even lowers blood sugar levels. Cranberries are indispensable in the treatment of cystitis and diseases of the bladder, kidney and urethra. Cranberries contain substances that protect bladder bacteria and prevent these harmful bacteria from multiplying.

14. Sauerkraut and citrus

It is not for nothing that these products are in the same row. They contain a lot of vitamin C, which prevents aging of the body, helps us to keep the skin youthful. And sauerkraut normalizes digestion and removes harmful substances from the body.

15. Avocado

Avocado contains a huge amount of vitamins that have a very positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Trace elements that make up avocados help break down and remove cholesterol from the blood. Therefore, for women who follow the figure, avocado is simply a necessary product.

The female body undergoes a lot of changes throughout life. Hormonal changes, various diseases, stress and other negative factors put their stamp on the appearance of women, and most importantly, they affect their health. In order to stay young and beautiful as long as possible, the fair sex resort to the services of cosmetologists and make-up artists, hairdressers and masseurs. All this is important and brings its benefits, but still, do not forget that an indicator of female beauty is the state of her health.
In order to keep your strength, you are beautiful and cheerful in any life circumstances, it is worthwhile to correctly compose your diet. We recommend that you study the selection together with the site useful products for women, with the help of which you can achieve your goal.

Products for women: broccoli - a source of beauty and youth

Enduring heat treatment, broccoli retains all its nutrients. This wonderful vegetable is rich in vitamins C and A, as well as minerals (CA, K, Fe) and folic acid... Broccoli are used to regulate the amount of estrogen, or rather to lower its level. This ability makes it possible to minimize the risk of breast cancer. Also, the vegetable is used for weight control, because it is a low-calorie product for women, but at the same time, it is great for filling and cooking quickly.

In order for your body to feel the beneficial effects of broccoli, you should take it at least twice a week.

Products for women: red fish - the "queen" of fatty acids

Perhaps every woman knows about the wonderful properties. omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in large quantities in red fish. It is an irreplaceable source of nutrients for the female body. Red fish helps to strengthen of cardio-vascular system and improving brain activity. Its properties are especially useful during pregnancy, when the baby's organs are laid.

Fatty red fish are different. We recommend that you give preference to the catch made in natural waters, as individuals raised on the farm may contain a large number of harmful substances. This valuable product for women should be eaten several times a week.

Products for women: avocado is the main assistant in the struggle for harmony

A product that deserves special attention. It contains many vitamins and minerals, regulates blood cholesterol levels, and helps to solve problems associated with fertility. Avocados are high in fat, more specifically monounsaturated fatty acids, which help maintain weight and help strengthen the cardiovascular system. Thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, the use of "alligator pear" improves memory and concentration.

In order to get the result from the use of avocado, the fruit should be eaten every day, in quantities - from a quarter to a half. When added to a salad, this healthy product for women will help the absorption of carotenoids - substances found in fruits and vegetables that affect the condition of bones, tooth enamel and hair.

Walnut is tasty, healthy and most importantly - an affordable product for women

An ideal snack for women who are actively involved in the work of the brain. Taking walnuts, you can forget about stress and overwork, your nervous system will work like a "watch". Walnut helps to regulate blood cholesterol levels, fight cancer. Rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. In addition, a couple of nuts for a snack will relieve you of a strong feeling of hunger and help you not to break loose and eat everything that catches your eye during the main meal.

Normally, the daily intake of walnuts is 6-8 pieces. As with any other nuts, they should not be overused. It is enough to add a few kernels of walnuts to porridge, salad or just to a cup of morning coffee and the result will not be long in coming.

Products for women: olive oil is the key to an excellent appearance and well-being

If you want to prolong youth and improve your health, then you should definitely use olive oil. This product is not only pleasant to the taste, but also healthy. Rich in vitamins, olive oil is used not only for internal but also external use. It helps to improve the condition of hair and nails, and restore skin elasticity. Olive oil prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease and improves cognitive functions.

There is never too much olive oil. You can use it every day to season a variety of dishes, as well as take on an empty stomach one teaspoon with a few drops of lemon, which will improve liver function.

Products for women: green tea - a drink that allows you to prolong youth

Not in vain, green tea is especially popular in the Celestial Empire - the Chinese know a lot about beauty and health. It helps prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes and dementia, and prevents stroke. Also, green tea is valuable for its diuretic effect, with its help you can remove excess fluid, toxins and toxins from the body.
To keep yourself in good spirits, you should consume about 4 cups of green tea a day.

It is also irreplaceable for those who dream of getting rid of extra centimeters at the waist. By lowering blood sugar levels, this drink, thereby, reduces appetite, which is an important factor for those who want to lose weight.

Food for women: cherries are a valuable source of antioxidants

Many women love cherries without realizing how useful they are. These berries are valuable increased content antioxidants that help female body actively resist the effects of the environment. Cherries help improve brain function, lower cholesterol, and prevent the risk of diabetes. In addition, cherries are considered a berry that, if consumed regularly, may reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer. Plant fiber, normalizes cholesterol and blood pressure, and is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria beneficial to the body.
During the harvest season, cherries should be eaten regularly, but not exceeding the norm of 1 kg, divided into several meals.

Products for women: red beans - your helper on the way to a slim body

Red beans have a very useful quality- it perfectly saturates, gives strength and energy to the female body. Rich in antioxidants, minerals and fiber, it helps burn fat, regulates blood sugar, and helps reduce the risk of cancer.

Beans must be boiled. In order for your body to fully use all of it beneficial features You will need to consume three cups of this healthy product throughout the week. If you do not have the opportunity to cook fresh beans, then you can use canned ones.

Healthy products for women, carefully prepared by nature itself, should not be ignored when making up your daily diet. With their help, you can keep your body in excellent shape. Proper balanced nutrition is a guarantee of good health and mood, so do not limit yourself, add bright colors to the menu, in the form of healthy products, and enjoy the result of your transformation.

Women's beauty is a secret behind seven seals. This article will slightly open the veil of darkness, dispel myths and give you answers to many questions.

Female beauty is a very abstract concept. No one can clearly say what it is. Each person has their own ideas about how a woman should look. Each person is unique, respectively, each woman is beautiful in her own way.

To achieve beautiful appearance can different ways: good cosmetics, properly selected clothes, well-groomed hair. But these are external products. As a rule, clothing masks figure imperfections, cosmetics - acne and rashes on the face, and the beauty of hair is achieved through the use of all kinds of balms and masks.

Nutrition and products for female youth and beauty. Healthy food for beauty

To make your eyes shine, your skin sparkle with health, your hair is smooth - you need to improve your nutrition. It's no secret that there are products that have a positive effect on female beauty. These include all kinds of fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, oils, fish, cereals.

These foods contain a huge amount of useful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. In oils and fish there is needed by women fatty acids on which the health of the female reproductive system depends.

In addition to the inclusion of healthy foods in the diet, it is necessary to get rid of refined sugar, fatty and fried foods, white bread and, in general, any bakery and confectionery products containing white flour, fast food, chips, crackers and sweet soda, alcohol. These products will not only not bring any benefit to the body, but also significantly harm it.

Hair beauty products

The condition of the hair depends on many factors. These include ecology, nutrition, climate. But the underlying factors are healthy eating and competent care. If you "burn" your hair with a hot hairdryer, it will never be healthy. If you eat only hamburgers and cola, your hair will be greasy and thin.

Some of the healthiest foods for hair beauty include:

  • Unrefined vegetable oils cold pressed. Such oils are added to salads, they are not heated.
  • Green vegetables and herbs. The magnesium and calcium found in greens are vital to keep your hair in top condition.
  • Fatty fish. She is rich fatty acids omega-3. From a lack of these acids in the human body, serious changes occur: hair falls out, skin dries out, immunity is weakened, reproductive function in women fades away
  • Nuts. Nuts are a source of healthy vegetable fats. The properties of each variety of nuts are unique. It is enough to include a handful of nuts in the diet for at least two weeks, and you will notice how your appearance will improve. But you should not abuse nuts, they are very high in calories and heavy on the stomach.
  • Carrot. This vibrant autumn vegetable is rich in vitamin A, so regular consumption of carrots has a positive effect on the health of skin, hair and visual acuity.

Diet for beauty and health of hair

People go on diets not only to lose weight, but also to improve their health. To keep your hair healthy, there is a special nutrition system, the main components of which are: vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts, fish.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal / buckwheat / pearl barley and 1-2 fruits (apple, banana, persimmon, peach) or an omelet of 2 eggs with vegetables and a slice without yeast bread
  • Snack: 30 g nuts or dried fruits / 1-2 fruits / 1 egg
  • Lunch: oven-baked fish with a little grated cheese and vegetables, a large bowl of vegetable salad preferably with raw vegetables (no potatoes) / vegetable soup with a slice of yeast-free bread / vegetable stew
  • Afternoon snack: a small bowl of vegetable salad / egg / 100 g of cottage cheese or kefir
  • Dinner: 200 g of cottage cheese with nuts. You can add a little honey and dried fruit / 100 g of stewed or boiled fish or chicken breast and a bowl of salad

Flax seeds are allowed as a useful additive. Salads can be seasoned with 2 tsp. vegetable unrefined oil.

Be sure to add cabbage to salads: cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli or Peking cabbage. It is a valuable source of vitamins essential for female beauty. Particular attention should be paid to eating broccoli.

With such a diet, fried and fatty foods, sugar (fruits and honey are allowed), mayonnaise, ketchup and other harmful sauces are prohibited. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt, coffee and tea. You need to drink at least a liter of clean water a day.

Products for beauty and youthful skin

Skin condition is the condition of our intestines. When the intestines work “like a clock”, there are no rashes, redness and other “pleasant” things on the skin. To improve your gut health, you need to include the following foods in your diet:

  • Honey. It contains many vitamins and has antibacterial properties
  • Vegetables: carrots, broccoli, cabbage. Carrots have a lot of vitamin A, and cabbage has a lot of vitamin C
  • Dairy products. They gently cleanse the intestines
  • Oils and nuts are sources of vegetable fats
  • Fruit. It is the main source of antioxidants after greens. It is these substances that help the skin stay elastic longer.

Also, the skin does not tolerate dehydration, addictions such as smoking and alcohol consumption, improper care.

Exists different types skin: dry, oily, normal, problematic and combination. Every skin type needs special care. Do not use products that are not for your skin type. This can cause even bigger problems.

Diet for the beauty and health of the skin

A diet to keep your skin in perfect condition is based on smooth bowel cleansing and adequate intake of healthy fats and vitamins.

You can take various vitamin complexes. This will enhance the effect of the diet.

Be sure to drink 2 glasses of water before breakfast. It is advisable to do this 15 minutes before each meal.


Option 1: oatmeal steamed overnight with water or milk, 1 apple and a teaspoon of honey.

Option 2: 2 slices of whole grain bread with cheese (10-15 g each) and a thin strip of butter.

Option 3: A glass of kefir and cottage cheese with honey and banana.


Option 1: 20 g of nuts or dried apricots.

Option 2: banana.

Option 3: soft-boiled egg.


Option 1: buckwheat with tomatoes and greens without salt and a slice of boiled chicken breast.

Option 2: omelet without butter with vegetables and cheese and a slice of rye bread.

Option 3: boiled, not very fatty fish with vegetables and buckwheat without salt. You can add spices.

Afternoon snack.

Option 1: A pack of cottage cheese 5%.

Option 2: 300 g sauerkraut or raw cabbage.

Option 3: 2 hard-boiled eggs.


Option 1: boiled chicken breast with a large portion of carrots and broccoli.

Option 2: cottage cheese with an apple or pear and a glass of kefir.

Option 3: Lean fish stew with broccoli, carrots and onions. You can add cheese. 1-2 loaves are allowed.

Beauty and weight loss for health

Excess weight is always detrimental to human health and appearance. To achieve harmony inside and outside yourself, you need to get rid of extra pounds. This must be done wisely so as not to harm yourself even more.

A clear mind, lively, perky eyes, clean skin and healthy hair - all of this can be shed if you are overweight.

If you do not care about your health, then at least the aesthetic side of the issue should worry. There are situations when a person is sick and cannot control their weight. But most often the reason for sagging bellies and cellulite on the legs is banal laziness and self-dislike.

Getting rid of this is difficult enough, but nothing is impossible when there is a goal. If your goal is to be beautiful and healthy, then you must do everything to achieve it.

Health and beauty diet: menu

This diet will help you lose 4 kilograms per month, while it will bring you great benefits: it will improve your health, well-being and appearance.

The diet rules are simple:

  • At least 2 liters of clean water per day. Lemon juice is allowed
  • "Gastronomic rubbish" must be completely eliminated from the diet. And this: cakes, pastries, cookies, sausages, ice cream, white bread, melted and sausage cheeses, curd masses, fatty and oil-fried dishes, sugar, salt (in large quantities)
  • Add as many greens and vegetables to your diet as possible
  • Fruit and honey are the best sources of sugar. Remember the quantity. Any medicine in excess turns into poison.
  • Keep track of your BCFU (calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake). The ideal ratio of BZHU is 40/20/60. The calorie content of the diet should not fall below the level of 1200 kcal
  • Fermented milk products contain beneficial bacteria, which in turn contribute to the proper functioning of the intestines.
  • Don't forget about oils! Fats cannot be completely eliminated from the diet. This will have a very bad effect on your health. Your women's health, skin and hair will be affected first.
  • Go in for sports! it required condition... Sport speeds up metabolism, improves oxygen supply to cells. It is essential for excellent health.
  • Replace the bread with whole grain or rye. Preferably yeast-free. Remember a simple rule: the simpler the composition of the bread, the healthier the bread.
  • For breakfast, you are allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, cereals, omelets
  • Lunch should include cereals or vegetables and protein. It can be boiled eggs or an omelet made from eggs. Fish also with vegetables. You can and should eat various soups
  • Dinner is fiber + protein. Get creative and diversify your dinner

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be distributed as follows:

  • Most carbohydrates for breakfast
  • For lunch, carbohydrates should also exceed protein.
  • Best for dinner with protein + complex carbohydrates and fiber
  • Fats can be distributed throughout the day

Healthy sleep and beauty

  • The correct daily routine will save your body from stress. And stress leads to premature aging.
  • Special attention should be paid to sleep. Ideally, you need to sleep at least 6 hours. It is most beneficial to sleep in a pre-ventilated room. Sleeping in a stuffy room is the first reason for sleep deprivation. The root of the problem is a lack of oxygen. To get enough sleep, you need to ventilate the room 15 minutes before bedtime.
  • Another secret good night: Sleep on a firm mattress and a low pillow. So blood circulation is not disturbed, this position is approximated in the natural position of the body
  • You need to sleep on an empty stomach. Sometimes before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk without sugar. The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime.

Never go to bed in a bad mood. It will be passed on to the next day, and in the morning you will be out of sorts.

  • It is recommended that you go for a walk and take a warm shower before bed. This will calm your nerves and mind, preparing them for sleep.
  1. Never eat food that is subject to secondary heat treatment. Only the freshest products possible
  2. Do not overdo it: everything needs a "golden" mean. Too much protein is just as bad as too much fat or carbohydrates.
  3. Distribute food throughout the day! Plan your meals
  4. Drink more water
  5. Fall in love with citrus fruits - they are a source of vitamins
  6. Diversify your menu with products that are unusual for you. So the "diet" will not seem dull
  7. It is better to eat more often. In this case, the portions should be placed on a small plate.

Marika, 19 years old, Kaliningrad.

All my life I had problems with nutrition. She ate everything. Naturally there was overweight and problem skin. I closed my eyes to this. I remembered about proper nutrition when my hair literally "fell out". The doctor said that it was from an excess of harmful chemicals in the body, and recommended to "cleanse" the food. For a year now I have been eating like this, for half a year I have not had problems with my skin. For hair, I make various masks from oils. New hairs grow smooth and shiny.

Olga, 30 years old, Dnepropetrovsk.

I love vegetables and fruits very much since childhood. But ice cream and condensed milk are favorite treats of childhood. Alas, only in adulthood did I understand the necessity and importance of proper nutrition... Doctors have forbidden to give birth due to excess weight... At the time of the visit to the clinic, I weighed 120 kg. This was my anti-record. 3 years have passed and I weigh 70 kg despite the fact that I gave birth a month ago. It remains to get rid of the last kilos, it will not be difficult, given my knowledge base. The body said "thank you" for my efforts.

Video: How to start eating right

Everyone is obliged to eat right. Especially important healthy diet nutrition for a woman, since she must not only look good, but also bear, and then give birth to a strong and healthy child.

Let's talk about what products should be included in a woman's menu so that she has an attractive appearance and healthy organism.

  1. Fish from the deep sea.

Marine a fish enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, which activate blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which has a great influence on the process of conceiving and carrying a baby. In addition, fatty fish includes B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium.

  1. Olive oil.

Experts have found that women people living in Mediterranean countries are very rarely susceptible to diseases such as breast cancer. This is due to the fact that they use olive oil for cooking every day. It contains oleic acid, which is a kind of barrier to the action of the HER-2 / neu oncogene. " It is he who causes breast cancer every third woman.

In addition, olive oil contributes to correct work digestive tract. Good digestion guarantees a woman slim figure and smooth skin.

  1. Cabbage.

Cabbage is the healthiest vegetable for women, especially for those who decide to become a mother, since it is he who is the source of vitamin C, zinc, B vitamins and manganese. Also, cabbage is considered one of the most effective natural stimulants of cell growth.

But most importantly, cabbage contains folic acid, the lack of which can cause the infant to develop neural tube disorders.

  1. Legumes.

Beans, peas, soybeans, asparagus - essential products daily nutrition not only for women, but for the whole family.

Legumes are ideal for women who are constantly in control of their weight because they are very nutritious and include in their composition a minimum amount of fat and a lot of fiber, which is so necessary for our body. Scientists have proven that eating beans by 22% reduces the risk of extra pounds.

  1. Carrot.

This vegetable contains beta-carotene, which not only strengthens immune system women, but also weakens the effect of external environmental factors.

In addition, carrots are an ideal product that fights against stress And during pregnancy, doctors recommend that expectant mothers consume this vegetable together with butter or sour cream to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

  1. Water.

A woman should drink at least two liters of purified water per day. This is necessary in order to leather was not dry, and the gastrointestinal tract worked normally. Lack of water in the body leads to the fact that a woman loses a healthy complexion, constipation appears, and early aging of the whole body occurs.

  1. Milk.

Absolutely all dairy products must be included in menu women, because they contain a large amount of calcium, and this element is necessary not only in order to have an excellent appearance and not get sick with osteoporosis, but also to ensure that during the period pregnancy the skeleton of the baby was formed without any problems.

Therefore, do not forget to buy sweet cottage cheese, delicious milk and tender yogurt.

Cheese, like all other dairy products, is fortified calcium... In addition, it contains bacteria that neutralize the effects of acid that forms in the oral cavity, as a result of which our teeth look healthy and snow-white. phosphorus, which is also present in cheese and takes care of the tooth enamel.

  1. Linseed oil.

Linseed butter and flax seeds prevent the development of such a disease as cancer, reduce the size of tumors in the breast and colon. They should also be used for constipation, arthritis, asthma and diabetes, and are especially effective for overweight.

  1. Oatmeal.

Oatmeal helps balance work intestines, used to treat peptic ulcers, gastritis, food poisoning. Among other things, oatmeal can remove harmful toxins and lead from the body. Doctors prescribe this product for diabetes, as it reduces the amount of sugar in the blood.

  1. Beet.

This vegetable contains minerals substances that help in the fight against cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

  1. Dates.

In dates you can find vitamins B1, B2, B6 who take care of nervous system and help the body to properly process carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In addition, the use of dates increases performance and stimulates thought processes.

  1. Avocado.

Avocado is an essential food containing vitamins that provide positive impact on a woman's skin and hair. Avocado also contains trace elements, which break down and remove cholesterol from the blood.

  1. Cranberry.

Cranberries are essential for the treatment of cystitis, kidney and bladder disease. It contains substances that can protect the bladder from the effects of harmful bacteria.

  1. Citrus fruits, sauerkraut.

It is not for nothing that these products are combined into one group, since they are enriched vitamin C, which prevents the aging process of the body and takes care of the condition of our skin. Sauerkraut helps to balance digestion and excrete substances from the body.

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