The fruits ripen on ancient plants of the genus actinidia. Amazing vine - actinidia

Many gardeners are familiar fruit vine of the Far Eastern forests - actinidia, which is found in the wild in the taiga of the Primorsky Territory, the Amur region, in the south of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. However, this very decorative vine with surprisingly useful fruits is still rarely found on personal plots.

We grow actinidia of three types... The most frost-resistant of them - actinidia kolomikta (local names - kishmish, raisins, Amur gooseberries) found its place in the gardens of the Non-Black Earth Region of the European part of the USSR. In botanical gardens and among amateur gardeners, it can be found in almost all areas of the country.

Description of the species of creeper actinidia

Liana reaches 10-15 m, twisting around a supporting tree or shrub. Its bark is dark brown, with small white lenticels. The leaves are simple, whole, from elongated-oval to rounded. The flowers are single or collected in two or three, with large petals and yellow stamens. Plants can be male, with staminate flowers, or female, with functionally female flowers. In the latter, the pistil with stigmas diverging like rays and small stamens are well developed.
A few days before flowering in male plants, the leaves begin to turn white from the top, then turn crimson. Such variegation gives the liana an exceptionally decorative look.

Actinidia berries elongated cylindrical shape, when ripe they become dark green, their weight is 2-3 g. They are very delicate, soft, sour-sweet, with a strong pineapple aroma. Each berry contains up to 90 small seeds, imperceptible when chewing. In terms of raw material, the berries of actinidia kolomikta contain 1000-1100 mg% of ascorbic acid (the highest amount of vitamin C among berry plants). When stored in dried form or jam, juices, the content of ascorbic acid changes little. In addition, actinidia berries contain up to 10% sugar and 1-1.5% organic acids.
Actinidia arguta (acute, or large) is somewhat less frost-hardy, but bears fruit well south of the Moscow region. This is a powerful liana, reaching a height of 17-20 m.

Differs in light brown bark, large glossy dark green leaves. It has flowers with white petals and black stamens. Fruits are relatively large, green in color, weighing up to 7-10 g, very pleasant to the taste, with a strong pineapple aroma. They contain 100 mg% ascorbic acid, up to 10% sugar and 1% organic acids.

Actinidia polygamus, the most thermophilic of our actinidia, has a reddish-brown bark with white, long, sparse lenticels. Differs in variegation and orange fruits that taste like red bell peppers. At home, this plant is called pepper.

Propagation of actinidia by seeds

Actinidia is entering its time fruiting in the fifth or sixth year after planting and yields yields annually. It can be propagated by seeds and cuttings.... Seeds are sown either before winter, or, after pre-sowing seed preparation, in spring (duration of pre-sowing stratification is 4 months). Only freshly harvested seeds should be used for sowing, without fermenting them. The seeds should be washed from the pulp of the berries and put in a saucer of water for four days. Then place them in a nylon cloth and bury them in wet clean calcined sand in a wooden box with holes in the bottom.

It is necessary to keep the seeds moist in a room at a temperature of 18-20 ° for two months. Take them out of the sand and ventilate them weekly. Then bury the box with seeds deep under the snow, but so that they do not freeze. The seeds should also be under the snow for at least two months. In the spring, take them out of the snow and keep them cool for one or two weeks at 10 °. At this time, the seeds begin to crack and can be sown into seed boxes filled with soil. Sow superficially into grooves, no deeper than 0.1 cm.

The seedlings of actinidia are very small, similar to the seedlings of weeds. During this time, water them often and protect them from direct sunlight, keep them at room temperature. Cut seedlings in the phase of three to four true leaves into boxes or cold greenhouses. With the onset of warm days, in June, it can be planted on the ridges.
In the early years, cover the seedlings for the winter with fallen leaves and spruce branches. Then plant the plants in a permanent place in the garden. Basically, seedlings require moisture, well-drained soil and partial shade.

Propagation of actinidia by cuttings

Actinidia can be rooted green summer cuttings... Cut them at the beginning of the growth of the shoots, when they begin to turn brown from below. Such semi-lignified cuttings are cut "with the heel", that is, with a part of the old shoot. It should be rooted with constant moisture in boxes or in cold greenhouses. Pests do not damage actinidia, but it often suffers from cats, so young plants need to be protected from them.

The fruits of actinidia are incomparable in their excellent taste. They are rich in vitamins (vitamin C 15-20 times more than lemon) and pectin substances.
At one time I read from IV Michurin that "in the future actinidia will completely displace grapes in terms of the quality of its fruits, its resistance to various diseases and pests, and its ability to avoid damage from late spring morning frosts by its late flowering ability ..." and decided to grow this crop. She sowed seeds sent from the Far East, but they did not sprout. True, the seeds were very small and, possibly, they deepened excessively during watering. And in the fall of 1966, she planted the crushed fruits of actinidia kolomikta in boxes and left them to winter in the garden, covering them with dry leaves. Planted in rows to a depth of 0.3-0.5 cm. In May-June, shoots appeared, and in bunches (from each berry).

The first year the seedlings grew very weak. In the fall, she selected the tallest and strongest and planted them separately, rarely, at a distance of 0.5 m from one another. In the third year, they began to grow so actively. that the vines over the summer have lengthened by more than a meter and gave lateral branches.
In the fourth year, the plants bloomed and bore very large fruits, 2.5 times larger than the usual kolomikta fruits.
Several years ago, actinidia wrapped around a frame made in the form of a gazebo. The vines have grown to 10-15 m. The harvest is large, all branches are covered with berries, but it became inconvenient to care for actinidia. And I shortened the vines to 1.5 m, and those that are longer, sent them to the trellises like grapevines.
She placed the trellises under the apple trees and soon became convinced that the actinidia was doing well and still bearing fruit. Now I grow all actinidia plants on a trellis. I cut off the ends of vines that are too long. The plant tolerates transplanting well even at the age of 15.

Uses of actinidia fruits

Actinidia is hardy: after the winter of 1978/79, when frosts reached 38 °, it not only did not die, but also bore fruit normally. I did not notice pests and diseases on it.
I use the whole crop. I cover the fruits with sugar. I preliminarily wash them and put them in a three-liter jar, pouring the same amount of sugar. I close it with a plastic lid with an eyelet.

A lot of juice is released (about 1/2 can). The fruits are rising. From them I prepare compotes, and from the rest of the contents of the jar, diluting with water to taste, I make drinks.
After drinking such a drink, I feel vigorous, efficiency increases, and digestion improves.
Sugar-covered actinidia is stored for two to three years.
I advise everyone to breed this beautiful plant.

Actinidia cultivation and care

I have been growing actinidia kolomikta for ten years, since the seeds were sent to me from the Vladivostok Botanical Garden. Received seeds in April, stratified them within four months. Sowed in early September immediately on the ridge located on the north side of the garden house. Pre-dug it up on a shovel bayonet, adding dung and leaf humus, as well as wood ash (did not apply mineral fertilizers).
I covered the seeds with leaf humus to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. Seedlings appeared together in the third decade of May the next year. After the formation of 4-6 true leaves, the seedlings swooped down at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.
In the first summer, he strictly observed that the soil was always moist, and the seedlings were not in a straight line. sunlight... While the plants of actinidia kolomikta are young, they attract cats from which they have to be protected. To do this, I built a low frame and covered it with a metal mesh.

Since the seedlings of actinidia appear late, it becomes necessary to protect them from trampling and to be able to loosen the soil without harming the germinating seeds. I took this into account. The seeds were sown in grooves made in the direction from east to west, at a distance of 15-20 cm from one another, and having retreated from them by 5-6 cm from the southern side, parallel to them, he sown dill in rows in late autumn. The early spring shoots of the dill allowed me to locate the actinidia grooves. It is also positive that the dill covered the seedlings of actinidia from direct sunlight.
In the summer, so as not to damage the actinidia, the weeds did not weed out, and in the fall, when they wilted, well-rooted, lignified seedlings with characteristic thickenings at the ends of the vines with a height of 10-12 cm remained on the ridge.

For the first three years for the winter, I covered them with a 15-20-centimeter layer of fallen birch leaves, which I later used to obtain humus.
I planted seedlings in a permanent place in partial shade at two and three years old (which is better), in early spring. Some plants, transplanted neatly, with a lump of earth, bloomed in the same year.
I tried to create conditions as close as possible to those in which actinidia grows in the taiga: partial shade, a thickness of rotted plant residues, an abundance of moisture. Therefore, I introduced a lot of humus and wood ash into the soil. Pits were prepared in autumn with a depth and diameter of 0.7-0.8 m, placing them at a distance of 2-2.5 m.In each pit for drainage, he laid broken brick with a layer of 20-25 cm.

After planting, he left only one shoot, and removed the rest. Immediately set up the supports - metal pipes three meters high. Further care was reduced to watering, weeding, sprinkling in dry seasons.
In order not to damage the roots, which are located superficially in actinidia, neither in the first nor in subsequent years did he loosen the soil, but annually he poured 2-3 buckets of humus into the trunk circle of each plant. He applied wood ash, eggshells, small bones and semi-rotten dead wood as fertilizer.

Pruning actinidia

Plants i systematically cut at the end of sap flow - in the conditions of the Southern Urals, as a rule, in the second half of October. The main vines, older than three years or damaged during pruning, were replaced with others, always bearing in mind that the side vines extending from the main vines give a greater yield and the fruits on them are tastier than on the side shoots of a different order (not from the main vine). Systematically removed all matured, dried, weak and damaged branches.
I carry out spring pruning in exceptional cases and certainly before sap flow (late March - early April).

A negative feature of actinidia, in my opinion, is the early spring awakening of the kidneys. Spring frosts, which are common for the Southern Urals, in late April - early May (-3, -5 °) damage most of the opening buds, which significantly reduces the yield. To delay the exit of plants from dormancy, I sprinkle the snow around the bushes with humus in March. In the summer, I shorten the growth of the current year by 1 / 3-1 / 4 of its length. According to my observations, these activities delay budding by 10 days or longer.
I was not amazed by diseases and pests of actinidia kolomikta.
Based on my ten-year experience of growing actinidia kolomikta in the garden, I believe that this culture may well be cultivated by gardeners in many regions of our country.

Based on materials from the magazine "Household Economy", E. Kolbasina, candidate b. n .; In Ryzhova, Voronezh, In Ryabets, Chelyabinsk - amateur gardeners, 1981

IN Lately Many amateur gardeners, including ours in Belarus, have a growing interest in new berry crops, such as actinidia, Chinese magnolia vine, dogwood, quince, unabi (Chinese date). I, too, did not stay away from this hobby. There are several rare plants in my garden, including actinidia.

Is a genus of plants, botanical name which comes from the Greek word "Actis"- ray, for the radiant arrangement of the ovary columns in the flowers of plants. Relic plant of East Asia; the genus actinidia has about 30 species and is a dioecious or monoecious lianas with large alternate leaves, mainly with white flowers with edible or decorative fruits.

Actinidia is a perennial deciduous woody dioecious liana that winds around the support counterclockwise.

The sex of a liana is determined during the primary flowering, while in male plants flowers with numerous stamens without a pistil, and female flowers have a large pistil with surrounding stamens with sterile pollen. The sex of the creeper does not change during her life.

The main dignity of actinidia is the high content of vitamin C in it - ascorbic acid. The composition of the fruit different types actinidia include carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins, pectins and tannins, macro- and microelements, which, in their concentration and interaction, ensure the normal passage of metabolic processes in the human body. Its fruits are valued for their sweet taste and delicate pulp consistency. We are all familiar with one type of actinidia: exotic fruits are sold in bazaars and vegetable stores - kiwi... The correct name of the plant on which these fruits grow is - Chinese actinidia or hinensis but it is a tropical rainforest plant. We can grow it in heated greenhouses or in winter gardens.

In the temperate latitudes of East Asia, the Amur region, the following types of actinidia:

  • actinidia kolomikta;
  • actinidia Giraldi;
  • actinidia polygamy (variety Perchik);
  • actinidia arguta, or acute;
  • actinidia purpurea.

This plant requires soils that are well air- and water-permeable, but at the same time sufficiently moisture-consuming. Suitable soils, which, in terms of their mechanical composition, can be attributed to light or medium loams with fertile top layer and provided with good natural drainage. The reaction of the soil should be normal or slightly acidic.

Features of growing actinidia identified biological characteristics lianas and the conditions of their growth in natural conditions. During the first years of life, they grow in the shade of trees, which is a favorable factor for growth. In the shade, young plants grow intensively and begin to twine around the supports. Adult plant tolerates slight shading up to 25% compared to open space, without signs of oppression.

On cultivated plantations it is necessary to create shadow for young plants of actinidia. This is due to the fact that the root system of plants is superficial, there is no taproot, therefore, when the upper layer of the earth dries out, young plants may die. Based on the structure of actinidia plants, it is best root system well to mulch. It is advisable to grow mature plants in open areas in high light conditions. In this case, the plants finish their growth earlier, the shoots ripen before the onset of frost, which increases their frost resistance, the fruits ripen 7-10 days earlier, the leaves develop maximum amount glucose, and in their sinuses, the kidneys ripen in a timely manner and completely. If the leaf does not have enough light, then the kidney is also underdeveloped. Indeed, in nature, actinidia, like grapes, grows in the lower tier, and only when it climbs up, it bears fruit towards the light. As a result of many years of research, it has been established that an actinidia plant that has entered fruiting has a greater frost resistance than a non-fruiting one.

Diseases and explicit pests Actinidia has not been noted, although some amateurs complain that young actinidia are eaten by cats, but in the spring cats eat any young grass, therefore, to protect actinidia, it is necessary to plant spicy plants so that actinidia is not damaged. Although it is not always possible to avoid damage: in the winter of 2005-2006, young shoots of actinidia were devoured by hares in my garden.

According to many years of observations, I can say that the beginning of the growing season of actinidia characterized by swelling of the kidneys at an average temperature of + 4 ... + 5 ° C from April 20 to May 5. The buds themselves in actinidia, before the beginning of development, are immersed in the tissue of the shoots above the places of attachment of the leaves - in the leaf cushions. Flower buds are laid in the leaf axils. The flowering and fruiting of actinidia, like grapes, occurs on young shoots of the current year.

By the beginning of June, young shoots reach 10-20 cm, and budding begins. Flowering begins in the first decade of June at a temperature of + 15 ... + 18 ° C and lasts 6-15 days. Actinidia is often exposed to late spring frosts, which kill flowers and foliage at a temperature of -4 ° C, and at a temperature of -8 ° C, young shoots are completely killed. The foliage is restored due to the presence of a large number of dormant buds, the plant continues to grow, but there will be no mass fruiting.

From flowering before ripening of fruits 80-100 days pass, depending on the variety, and therefore the growing season is 160-180 days. Actinidia that has entered fruiting has three types of shoots that perform different functions and differ from each other in the duration and strength of growth - vegetative, generative-vegetative and generative.

Vegetative growth shoots perform the function of supporting organs, serve as the skeleton of a vine, are formed from dormant buds located on two to four-year-old wood, and during the growing season can reach a length of 4-6 meters and a thickness of 15-25 mm, depending on the species. A lot of shoots come out of the root system. Growth shoots are characterized by a large inter-node distance and intensive growth in length, which occurs throughout the vegetative period.

Generative vegetative shoots- mixed, formed from buds on the growths of the previous year and reach a length of 60-80 cm. They curl and perform both supporting and fruiting functions.

Generative shoots- fruiting, formed on annual wood, not capable of twisting around supports, their length is 10-12 cm, internodes are shortened. Characteristic feature actinidia is that their buds do not bloom at the same time, and from one third to half of the buds remain dormant and retain the ability to germinate for many years. The buds themselves are partially or completely covered by the tissue of the leaf pads, and they usually develop with a large death of the eyes or excessive pruning of the bushes.

Actinidia is a dioecious plant. On some plants, only male flowers are formed, while on others, female flowers. Female flowers are located singly, and male flowers are collected in 2-3 pieces in an inflorescence-shield. Pollen is transferred from a male flower to a female by means of insects: bees, bumblebees, butterflies, or the wind. The perianths of male flowers fall off entirely after flowering, while in women they fall off one at a time, as the fetus ages and grows.

Male plants begin their development, like flowering, 1-3 days earlier than female ones. At the same time, there have been cases of fruit setting when only females - actinidia are grown on the site, i.e. with self-pollination. This is because the pollen produced in some female flowers contains up to 5% of viable pollen grains, which is enough for pollination and the formation of full-fledged fruits. But this occurs when actinidia is propagated by seeds and accounts for about 1% of the number of females. These plants are of great value for creating self-fertile actinidia varieties.

Given the dioeciousness of actinidia, in order to obtain a stable yield, it is necessary to have male and female plants in a ratio of 1: 8 or 1:10. With a small number of female plants, a male plant can be grafted into the crown of one of them. Under normal conditions of development, each pollinated flower turns into a fruit, which, due to the absence of physiological abscission of fruits in actinidia plants, remains until it is fully ripe.

Due to the rapid growth of the terrestrial part of the plant, the vines themselves grow better on soils rich in organic fertilizers with an acidity (pH) of 5.0-6.5, i.e. on slightly acidic soils.

When planting, it is better to immediately place the plant in a permanent place, since the transplant is 4-5 summer plants associated with a large loss of roots. Plants after such a transplant get sick for a long time and grow poorly. Normally, the volume of the roots during transplantation should be at least half the volume of the crown, therefore it is necessary to reduce the crown, i.e. it is necessary to adhere to the principle of balance between tops and roots.

Victor Guzenko,
experienced gardener, Lida

Actinidia- a plant of the actinidia family. In addition, there is another popular name "kiwi". The homeland of this fruit is considered to be Western and Central China. The oblong fruits are covered with a light fluff on top. Inside there is a tender and soft pulp of green or yellow color... There are also several small black seeds inside. In section, the fruits are very similar to kiwi (see photo).

Beneficial features

Manifold useful properties actinidia is due to its rich vitamin and mineral content. So, it includes a large number of ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system, which makes it much more effective to resist the action of viruses and infections. Is in the composition of the fruit and potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system... This reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other similar problems. Actinidia is useful for vitamin deficiency, iodine deficiency and hypertension.

The composition of actinidia includes fiber, which has a positive effect on the condition of the intestines, and it also improves its peristalsis. Constipation can be relieved or prevented with regular consumption. There is also carotene in this fruit, which favorably affects vision... Fruits help improve metabolic processes and help with vitamin deficiency.

Cooking use

Actinidia is used in cooking not only fresh, but also processed. The fruits can also be frozen and dried so that they can be used at any time of the year. They can also be dried and even pickled. Various drinks are prepared from this fruit: juice, compote, jelly, etc. In addition, actinidia is perfect for jam, jam, syrup, jelly, marshmallow and marmalade.

Actinidia benefits and treatment

The benefits of actinidia are widely used in traditional medicine recipes. For the treatment of many diseases, not only fruits are used, but also leaves, flowers and rhizomes. Actinidia helps in the treatment of whooping cough, anemia, constipation, worms, and bronchitis. In addition, the plant is recommended to be used for problems with the lungs, rheumatism, paralysis, as well as during the period of stomach diseases, that is, it has rich healing properties.

Decoctions of actinidia help with tooth decay. The bark of the plant contains tannins and cardiac glycosides, which improve the condition in case of severe dizziness and headaches. Decoctions prepared on its basis have a sedative, analgesic and hemostatic effect. In addition, the broth has expectorant and tonic properties.

Decoctions made on the basis of fruits are considered indispensable for fever and for quick thirst quenching. An infusion of leaves will help get rid of the symptoms of angina pectoris and rheumatism. If the infusion is prepared from fruits, then it will have a general strengthening effect and it is useful to use it in cases of cerebral circulation disorders. It is recommended to use the rhizome-based infusion during the treatment of stomatitis and gum disease.

p style = "text-align: justify;"> Fruit juice helps to improve appetite and strengthen immunity. In addition, the peel of the fruit and juice have a wound healing and regenerating effect. Given this, lotions based on them will help in wound healing and with wet eczema.

Actinidia harm and contraindications

Actinidia can harm people with an individual intolerance to the product. It is worth refusing to use the plant for thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and increased blood clotting. The presence of at least one of these diseases is a contraindication to the use of fruits. It is also worth controlling the amount of fruit eaten, as overeating can cause an eating disorder.

Types and varieties

There are countless varieties of actinidia, but we will talk about them a little later. Let us first touch upon the question of the types of actinidia. So, these are the three most popular types of actinidia: actinidia arguta, actinidia colomicta and actinidia polygamous. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

As for the first type, namely actinidia arguta, then it rightfully occupies a leading position in size. So in height such actinidia can reach thirty meters. The thickness of the trunk ranges from ten to twenty centimeters. This giant, as a rule, braids nearby growing trees, and therefore outwardly resembles huge ropes. Arguta spreads from one tree to another and thus provides the plantings with a rather spectacular and exotic appearance.

The fruits of the actinidia argut are also the largest among all other species, which, however, is not surprising. They are colored dark green. The berries are quite fleshy and juicy. When ripe, their taste becomes sweet. As for the aroma of the fruit, it is somewhat reminiscent of pineapple.

Actinidia kolomikta- this is exactly the type of plant that is most often grown on the territory of Russia, since it has the greatest frost resistance. So she is able to survive winters, the temperature of which does not drop below -45 degrees.

The peculiarity of actinidia kolomikta is that during the flowering period it exudes a very pleasant aroma. As for the fruits, they look like berries of an elongated shape about 1.8 cm long. The berries of such an actinidia are colored dark green, and they also have dark stripes. The taste of these fruits is very pleasant and delicate. And, of course, they are endowed with a wonderful aroma.

It remains only to get acquainted with actinidia polygamous... Outwardly, it is very reminiscent of the actinidia kolomikta, only in size it is slightly smaller. Its height, as a rule, does not exceed five meters. Polygamous actinidia branches and curls weakly. As for the fruits of this plant, they are very similar in shape to the fruits of kolomikta, only their tip is pointed and somewhat bent. The berries are colored light orange, and when fully ripe, they acquire a uniform orange color. Their taste in an immature state is very pungent and pungent, but when the fruit ripens, it becomes sweet.

As for the varieties of actinidia, then, as we mentioned earlier, there are quite a large number of them, and therefore it will not be possible to list and describe all of them within the framework of one article. But still about the best varieties for growing on the territory of Belarus, Russia (its middle strip, including the Moscow region), Ukraine, we will tell you.

So, since actinidia kolomikta has the highest frost resistance, it is precisely its varieties that are grown in the post-Soviet space. In addition, it is worth noting that the entire variety of fruits of this species has a record content of ascorbic acid in its composition. So, even two berries will be enough to cover the daily dose of vitamin C.

We list the most popular varieties of actinidia kolomikta, and also give them brief description in the table that follows.

Variety name



The fruits of this variety are cylindrical in shape. Moreover, it is highly elongated. Fruits can be colored from light to dark olive, sometimes with a blush. As for the taste, it is sweet and sour. The aroma of the fruit is characteristic actinidial.


The berries of this variety are oval in shape, and in color they are identical to wafer actinidia. The taste can be sweet or sweet and sour. The aroma of the fruit resembles apple marmalade.

Actinidia varieties gourmet has a fairly large size. The shape of the berries is oval, the color is olive green (light longitudinal stripes are also present). The fruit tastes sweet and sour. Their aroma is pineapple.

The fruits of this variety have a cylindrical shape and are colored green or dirty green (there are longitudinal stripes). As for the taste of the berries, it is very sweet. Their aroma is pineapple, the same as actinidia gourmet.


Actinidia folk have an oval and slightly flattened shape. The color of the fruit is uniform, either olive-green or yellow-green. Their taste is sweet and sour. As for the aroma, it is very close to apple.


Such fruits are strongly elongated and have a cylindrical shape. They are painted either dirty green or yellow-green. Festive actinidia tastes sweet or sweet with a touch of acidity. The aroma is reminiscent of apple.


The elongated cylindrical berries of this variety are colored olive green or dark olive. The fruit tastes sweet and sour, and the aroma can be characterized by a mixture of pineapple and apple aromas.


Actinidia sweet tooth has an elongated cylindrical shape. The peel of its fruits is olive green or yellow-green in color. The taste of the berries justifies the name of the variety, it is quite sweet. The aroma is sweet gummy.

The highly elongated cylindrical fruits are olive green in color. They have a sweet taste and a characteristic actinidium aroma.

Fantasy gardens

The shape of the fruits of this variety is standard, elongated-cylindrical. The peel is colored yellow-green, blush may be present, as well as light stripes located longitudinally. The taste of fantasy gardens is sweet and sour, and the aroma is pineapple.

Growing: planting and care

Growing actinidia is a completely simple task, as you can see by studying this section. As for the landing site, it is desirable that it be sunny, and also that groundwater does not stagnate in it. It is important not to plant this plant close to buildings. It is advisable to maintain a distance of at least one and a half meters to them. In addition, actinidia does not tolerate proximity to other trees, since adult trees do not allow it to be saturated with moisture, and young actinidia will simply ruin.

When planting actinidia, one should also take into account the fact that the plant is dioecious, that is, it can be feminine and masculine. Therefore, if you want to plant a plant not only for beauty, but also for the purpose of collecting fruits from it, then you will need to plant plants of both sexes on the site. At the same time, there can be more women than men. So the optimal proportion is eight to two (eight female plants, two male).

Particular attention should be paid to the soil for planting. It should be acidic or slightly acidic; neutral is also suitable. In addition, the soil should not be clayey and heavy.

A planting hole for actinidia is dug out at least half a meter in diameter and about 70 cm deep. Any type of drainage is placed on the bottom. Then comes a layer of earth mixed with mineral fertilizers and humus. Fertile soil is poured on top, on which the seedling is planted. Then it is added dropwise and the soil is carefully tamped. After that, the seedling is watered.

It is advisable to cover the planted actinidia from direct sunlight with paper or light cloth.

When boarding, please note that outdoors, the roots of actinidia can die in just 10 minutes... Therefore, in no case leave the roots bare.

The planting of actinidia kolomikt is carried out either late spring or at the very beginning of summer.

The plant is propagated by semi-lignified and lignified cuttings, layering, seeds. When germinating seeds, seedlings obtained from them are determined for "permanent residence" at the age of one to three.

Caring for actinidia is very simple. The land in its root zone must be carefully loosened and mulched. In addition, the plant should be watered (keep in mind that it is moisture-loving). However, stagnant water should be avoided. On especially hot days, it would not hurt to spray the actinidia foliage with water. It is advisable to carry out this procedure twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. In addition, actinidia can be fertilized in June or July.

The branches of the plant should be cut very carefully and only in a strictly defined period for this. For example, pruning is permissible during the flowering period, as well as after the leaves fall. As a rule, damaged and dried branches are removed.

Summing up, we note that there is nothing difficult in growing actinidia, and therefore follow the recommendations given earlier and your garden plot will decorate a new exotic plant with delicious and very healthy fruits.

Despite the fact that the Far Eastern actinidia has been known for a long time and even many new varieties of wonderful liana have been bred, it still remains an exotic plant unknown to many summer residents. Actinidia is used in different countries peace and as a tasty berry, and as a medicine. For example, in China, even vine leaves are taken against scurvy.
According to I.V. Michurin, "Actinidia, in terms of the quality of its fruits, its resistance to various diseases, will completely replace grapes ...". Its exceptional properties put liana on a par with kiwi, rose hips and lemon.

The attractiveness of the Far Eastern creeper

This marvelous berry has a lot of wonderful advantages that deserve attention:

  • actinidia contains 15 times more vitamin C than lemon (up to 1100 mg); sugar up to 10%, up to 1.5% organic acids.
  • rich in pectin substances;
  • has a sweet taste with pineapple aroma;
  • resistant to most diseases and pests;
  • winter hardy, easily tolerates frosts - 38 °;
  • late flowering guarantees stable fruiting;
  • gives bountiful annual harvests;
  • tolerates pruning and transplanting even at the age of 15 years.

Among the disadvantages can be noted early spring budding. In some areas, during the spring frost, the buds of the vines do not withstand low temperatures and die off. To preserve the harvest, it is necessary to take measures for insulation.
In Russia, three varieties of actinidia are known - kolomikta, arguta, polygamy. Of these, actinidia kolomikta is the most frost-resistant. The people of the Far Eastern actinidia (or Far Eastern kiwi) are called raisins, Amur gooseberries, which in itself speaks of its properties.

Characterization of plant properties

  1. Since liana grows in the wild in the taiga, it loves partial shade, loose, moist soil that allows moisture to pass through well.
  2. Length climbing plant from 10 to 20 meters, for development it needs support.
  3. When actinidia is planted near a tree or shrub, the gazebo, which it wraps around, the plant not only creates a shade, but also performs a decorative function - it serves as a decoration for the garden.
  4. Actinidia is especially attractive during flowering: the large flowers are fragrant, the leaves are variegated with colors from almost white to crimson.
  5. The flowers of the vine are female and male. Therefore, it is necessary to plant several plants side by side. It is quite easy to distinguish them by the flowers located on the plant one by one or in outlets of 2-3. The female stamens are small, and the pistil is large. Male flowers have large petals and yellow stamens.
  6. Actinidia seeds are small (there are about 100 of them). Not perceptible while eating.
  7. Sweet and sour berries of dark green color and elongated shape, have a pleasant pronounced pineapple aroma. Fruit weight 2-3 g.
  8. Actinidia begins to bear fruit 4-6 years after planting.

Its leaf shape is simple oval or round, bark dark brown with small white scales.

Varieties of actinidia

  • Actinidia arguta leaves are large, glossy, and flowers with white petals and black stamens. The fruits are larger than those of the kolomikta - the weight reaches 10 g.
  • Actinidia polygamy, popularly "pepper", has fruits orange... The taste of the berries is reminiscent of sweet bell peppers.

Plant propagation

The miracle liana propagates by seeds and cuttings.
When propagating by seeds, fresh seeds are used, only harvested. They can be sown before winter or spring, specially prepared for sowing.
Preparing seeds for spring sowing lasts 4 months, from February to June.

Stratification and sowing of seeds:

  1. Prepare wooden box by making holes at the bottom.
  2. Place clean sand in it, having calcined beforehand.
  3. The seeds should be washed from the pulp, soaked in water for 4 days.
  4. Then wrap in a cloth (it is good to use a nylon stocking).
  5. Place the seeds in the sand box.
  6. Soak at room temperature for 2 months, constantly watering, not allowing it to dry out.
  7. Once a week, the bag must be taken out to ventilate the seeds.
  8. Then, for 2 months, place the box in the snow for hardening, deep enough to prevent the seeds from freezing.
  9. When you take out a box of seeds in the spring, keep them at a temperature of 10 degrees in a cool room for 1-2 weeks.
  10. The seeds will begin to crack - this is a signal to sow them in a box of soil.
  11. The depth of the sowing grooves is small - up to 0.1 cm.
  12. When the seedlings have 3-4 real leaves, you can dive, seating one by one in boxes, greenhouses. They are planted in the ground in June.
  13. Young plants in the first year are kept in the beds and covered with spruce branches and leaves for the winter. Then they are seated in a permanent place.

If the seeds are stratified in the spring, for example, in April, they will be ready for planting in September before winter. According to gardeners, fresh seeds may not need to be prepared. Crush the collected fresh berries and plant on the beds, deepening by 0.5 cm.
When boarding, follow the instructions:

  1. Select the north side for planting. You can sow directly into the ground before winter.
  2. Dig up the earth with a bayonet, add humus - manure and deciduous wood ash. Mineral fertilizers you can not add.
  3. Already in May next year, you will see friendly shoots. They appear late enough. In order not to trample the seedlings, it is recommended to plant a plant with fast germination near them, for example, dill. It will serve as a guide for determining the location of the beds and at the same time protect young seedlings from direct rays of light.
  4. Weed the delicate vines very carefully or do not remove the weeds at all.
  5. The next step is to dive plants. A distance of 10-15 cm must be observed between them.

It is necessary to constantly moisturize young vines, protect them from direct sunlight, as well as from cats that love vines. For protection, you can build a small wooden frame and cover it with a metal mesh.
For the winter, seedlings should be covered with leaves for the first three years.
Fortified plants can be planted in a permanent place in early spring after 2-3 years. Pits 0.8 cm deep and 0.7-0.8 cm in diameter must be prepared in the fall. Place a 20 cm drain, such as broken brick, on the bottom. After planting, leave only one shoot, cut out the extra ones. The distance between plants should be at least half a meter.

Features of rooting actinidia by cuttings

  • Summer green cuttings are cut at the beginning of the growth of the shoots (below they will turn brown). A semi-lignified stalk should be cut with part of the old stem.
  • For rooting, the plant is placed in a greenhouse or in a box with soil. Keep with constant moisture until strong roots and shoots appear.
  • They are transplanted to a permanent place, usually the next year.
  • It is not required to treat with antifungal antiseptic agents, since the plant is not susceptible to diseases.

Rooting vines in a trench

Like grapes or lemongrass, actinidia can be grown in ditches. To do this, you need to have an adult liana on the site.
This method does not require patient care of the seedlings and shortens the time to fruiting. You can easily propagate the Far Eastern actinidia, following the instructions:

  • To root actinidia, it is required to pre-dig a shallow ditch, fill it with humus, peat chips, and wood ash.
  • In the spring, one of the lower shoots should be tilted, broken under the bud, and a shallow groove should be laid.
  • Fix the shoot in the ground, bring the end to the surface.
  • In summer, make sure that the soil is loose and moist, do not dry out.
  • In the fall, roots and shoots will appear at the setting. Next year they will quickly come into force, in a year they will bloom.

A young vine should be separated from the maternal vine at the age of 2.

Features of caring for a vine

Caring for vines is usual - weeding, watering, sprinkling in dry times. But there are some peculiarities:

  • Supports must be installed immediately during planting. 3-meter metal pipes are suitable.
  • The roots of actinidia are located superficially, so it is better not to loosen it, but pour humus instead of this annually (2-3 buckets) under each plant.
  • Vines should be pruned regularly.

Far Eastern actinidia pruning rules

Vines can be pruned annually in the fall after the end of the growing season. Remove diseased, dry and fertile vines regularly. When pruning a vine, follow the rules:

  • When pruning, be guided by the fact that the creeper berries are tastier and more on the side vines of the first order. Replace main vines older than three years old and damaged.
  • Spring pruning is not recommended. Only as a last resort, very early in the spring, in March. This is due to the fact that actinidia kidneys wake up very early. Many freeze during the spring frost, which reduces the yield.
  • You can delay budding for a decade by shortening the growth of shoots this year by 1 / 3-1 / 4 of the length. You will also need to collect snow near the roots of the plant and sprinkle it with earth, delaying early melting.

Storage and processing of fruits

The fruits of actinidia are very tender, they should be stored after removal from the vine in a cold, shaded, ventilated place for no more than one day. They can be eaten fresh, 2-3 berries per day, since the effect of actinidia on the human body has not been sufficiently studied.
From berries you can make juice, compote, jam, raw jam, wine, jelly, jelly, marinade, pie filling.
During processing, it is advisable to add about 10% of sour fruits to the berries of kolomikta - currants or lemongrass. This helps to improve the palatability.

Actinidia recipes

Berries in their own juice without boiling

  • The fruits are pre-washed, placed in a vessel, sprinkled with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • Actinidia excretes juice abundantly.
  • The juice can be used alone. Delicious compote is obtained from the berries.

Berries in sugar syrup

  • To prepare canned food, the berries are washed, allowed to drain, and tightly packed in jars (you can add sour berries).
  • Then boiling syrup made from 1 liter of water and 300 g of sugar is poured into the jars.
  • Cover with metal lids, pasteurize in boiling water for 5 minutes for half-liter jars, 8 minutes for liter jars. Cap immediately.

Making jam without hot processing

The largest percentage of vitamins is preserved in this form.

  • Take berries and sugar in a 1: 2 ratio.
  • Mix in a wooden or metal bowl until smooth.
  • You can store ready-made jam in 0.5 liter jars, covered on top with thick paper - parchment, and on top with a plastic lid.

Making jam by boiling

Homogeneous jam, prepared as in the previous recipe, is insisted for 5-8 days in a glass container, tightly covered with a lid. Cook over low heat, put jam in prepared jars and immediately roll up.

Actinidia fruit jam

A freshly brewed product retains 97% of vitamins. After a year of aging, about 40% will remain.

  • To make jam from berries, you need to take sugar in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • First, cook the syrup by adding 1 glass of water to 1 kg of sugar.
  • Berries are placed in hot syrup for 5-6 hours to soak.
  • Then the jam is boiled until cooked, which is easy to determine by a drop of jam: it does not creep on the saucer, it should retain its stringiness.
  • The fruits in the finished jam should not be boiled. They wrinkle a little and harden. They will taste like dried figs.

Juice canning

Banks are pre-prepared for conservation. They are washed and steamed or doused with boiling water.
Juice is squeezed out of washed berries. After that, the juice is poured into an enamel bowl, heated to a boil, immediately poured and sealed.

Jelly from the fruits of actinidia

Prepare a sieve and mortar.

  • Actinidia berries - 1 cup
  • Currant berries, other sour berries.
  • Water - 1 glass.

Cooking process:

  • Before cooking, soak 15 g of gelatin in cold water until it swells.
  • Prepare a drink from berries: for 1 glass of liana berries, take 1 glass of water, add sour berries (can be replaced with citric acid), bring the composition to a boil.
  • Rub the mass through a sieve. Add sugar to taste.
  • Put gelatin in the drink, stir well until completely dissolved. You can serve in tins, on the bottom of which you can put 3-5 pieces of fresh fruits.

Cooking sun-dried berries

Far Eastern kiwi fruits can be dried in the oven or in the oven at a low temperature.
Small pressed briquettes are stored in cellophane film for a short time, so it is advisable to cook them in small portions. The product tastes like raisins. The product, sweet with sourness and unusual aroma, can be used for filling pies and as natural sweets.
Drinks, jams made from the fruits of the miracle liana, invigorate, increase efficiency and improve digestion.

Magnificent actinidia, Far Eastern inhabitants, have been cultivated for many years throughout Russia. They attract garden lovers not only for their decorative charm, but also for the harvest of healing and tasty berries. The perennial liana-shrub belongs to the genus Actinidia, as a crop has been cultivated since the middle of the 19th century.

The decorativeness of the tree-like liana (sometimes the trunk diameter reaches 6 cm) is explained by its luxurious color range, which changes during spring, summer and autumn.

In early spring, shoots appear with bright golden leaves, in the process of growth, changing color to green, and just before flowering, the tips of the leaves turn white. This metamorphosis with color does not end there. After flowering, they gradually turn pink and turn into scarlet. The coming autumn will add its colors, and the liana will amaze with the intensity of shades: pink, yellow, purple. The sunnier the place chosen for the plant, the brighter the riot of colors.

Thin, oblong, oval leaves are attached to the trunk with petioles, sometimes reaching 5-7 centimeters. The leaves sometimes grow up to 10-13 cm.

Actinidia blooms with medium-sized white or pinkish fragrant flowers for three weeks. They are collected in compact brushes.

The plant does not bloom until the age of 5 - the liana is gaining strength. But in the sixth year, he will thank the gardener in full. Climbing branches, climbing to great heights, will be covered with delicate flowers, beautifully arranged along the entire length. However, fruiting will begin only in the 10th year of life.

Actinidia fruits are medium-sized, bright green with longitudinal stripes, in the form of an ellipse. The largest ones grow up to 3 centimeters in length. Juicy, sweet, aromatic berries are full of seeds. Harvest is ready at the end of August - mid-September.

Among culture lovers, there is debate over whether actinidia is self-fertile. Some argue that such varieties do not exist completely, and the plant should be planted at the rate of two males to 5-6 females. However, this statement is not true.

There are actinidia species that do not need pollinators.

Varieties and types

The most frost-resistant variety, beloved in Central Russia. He is not afraid of frosts down to minus 45 degrees! Liana does not grow more than 5 meters. Feels comfortable on the support.

This variety assumes pollination by a male plant. One male is planted on 8-10 female plants. The crop will give a plant of 10 years of age. From one vine, you can get about five kilograms of berries. The fruits are extremely tasty and healthy.

The variety does not require periodic replanting to a new location. Active growth and fruiting continues for almost 50 years.

Actinidia kolomikta reproduces in three ways:

  1. cuttings - (10-15 cm long with the lower leaves removed, planted at an angle into a wet mixture of sand and peat, the place should be in the shade), survival rate is about 50%;
  2. layering - (healthy shoots are bent to the ground and sprinkled with soil, the next year they can be separated and transplanted to a new place);
  3. seeds - (prepared seeds, after two months in the cold, can be sown. They will germinate in boxes at room temperature, after which they are transferred to the air, but they can be transplanted into the ground only in the next season).

Actinidia of this species differ significantly from Kolamikta. The species has several varieties. A powerful liana will delight with the harvest of small sweet kiwi, but the decorativeness of the species is much more modest.

This long-lived plant (lives for about 80 years) grows to enormous sizes and begins to bear fruit from the age of 5.


Self-fertile variety. It can also pollinate other actinidia, for example, Pineapple, Veiki and others. The very name of the variety speaks of its Japanese origin. Issai fruits of medium size - up to 4 cm, very pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Gardeners love this variety for its good survival rate and for the appearance of the crop in the first or second year. Liana does not grow to large sizes, most often, does not exceed 3 meters in length.

Winter hardiness up to -25 degrees C. In summer, it suffers from drought and, at the same time, from the close occurrence of groundwater. This will cause root rot.


A winter-hardy liana up to 10 meters in size, gives a rich harvest and is considered by gardeners one of the best in this type (Arguta). It grows and bears fruit equally well in the sun and in partial shade.

The fruiting period begins at 3 or 4 years. The fruits are medium-sized (up to 3 cm), but their pineapple flavor overshadows everything. The plant is feminine and requires pollination. The soil is suitable only loose, without alkali and groundwater. Requires watering and fertilization. It is difficult to tolerate drought, the future harvest will suffer from this, as well as the wintering of the plant.

The variety is propagated, like all actinidia, by cuttings, layering and seeds. In the second year, the vine will need any support. Since the plant is very decorative, it can be planted near the wall of the house. There are no aerial roots - you can worry about the safety of the plaster.


The most beautiful bright red fruits (up to 5 cm in size) look spectacular against the background of dark green oblong leaves. Liana is also good during the flowering period. In addition to its beauty, the variety has an excellent taste. Ripening occurs at the end of September - later.

Of all the actinidia that are grown in the Middle Lane, this one is the least frost-resistant. The plant is female, therefore, it requires a male of the same species (Arguta) nearby. Planting a seedling is best done near any support - a fence or mesh, a post, a special picket fence.

The ideal place for planting is a sunny, windproof area. The soil should be moist without stagnant water. Purple makes an exquisite jam, but the berry will bring the greatest benefits fresh or frozen.


Italian scientists breeders have created a variety with large fruits (about 6 cm) of light green color. Usually, a vine, reaching 8 meters in length, begins to bear fruit in the third year of excellent taste with sweet berries. In addition, this particular variety is well preserved after harvest (in September).

Winter-hardy, withstands frosts of about -30 degrees, does not require shelter. The variety is female. Pollination is required. For five female vines, one is enough - male.

During the flowering period, exudes a delicate aroma. The variety grows best in a sunny area without drafts, requires support, otherwise the vine, which grows several meters per season, will turn into thickets on the ground.

Far Eastern

Another type of actinidia. All, without exception, they are distinguished by powerful vines. Growing in wildlife Sakhalin, Kuril and Primorye, in mixed and coniferous forests, they reach gigantic proportions. Twisting around the trees, they spread further along the ground in search of a new support tree. They are dioecious, therefore they need pollination by males.

They bloom with white, pink or golden flowers. Fruits are green in color, have excellent taste and high healing properties.

The beautiful kiwi fruit, which is also actinidia (Chinese), has become familiar to all city dwellers. Not everyone knows that it was brought to New Zealand from China only in the 20th century! While the variety of actinidia has been known since the middle of the 19th century.

In Russian gardens, the usefulness of the fruits, the decorativeness of the plant, the ease of care, and most importantly, the healing qualities and piquant desserts from berries were appreciated. From year to year, the number of seedlings in nurseries throughout the country is increasing due to the increasing demand for them.

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