Dr. Kovalkov's nutritional system. Diet Kovalkov: guaranteed result

The author's method of Kovalkov for effective reduction is today considered one of the most effective diets. The technique includes not only reducing excess body weight, but also restoring metabolism with the subsequent transition to proper nutrition and full healthy way life. This one was developed by a nutritionist doctor from Russia, whose name is Alexei Kovalkov. The diet, the menu of which is difficult to tolerate in the early days, entered the ten most demanded weight loss systems in the world.

Method principle

According to the nutritionist, it is simply impossible to get rid of extra pounds without physical exertion, therefore fitness, jogging or at least walking are recommended for all patients.

The main principle of this method of losing weight is that it is low in calories.

Bad carbohydrates are high, which is why fat deposits appear, says Alexey Kovalkov. A diet, the menu of which completely excludes the use of "bad" carbohydrates, not only fights these deposits, but normalizes the functioning of internal organs in general.

This method does not require any serious financial expenses, it can be used by people of any age group, with the exception, of course, of children. The Kovalkov technique is considered one of the most popular weight loss systems, not only due to its effectiveness, but precisely because of its availability.

In total, there are three stages of this diet.


Decrease excess weight with the help of this weight loss system, it is possible only on condition that the patient observes all the rules and restrictions without exception, which in fact can be called quite strict. So what does this diet entail?

  1. First of all, the patient must be healthy. In the presence of any chronic and acute diseases, it is better to refuse this technique, or at least apply it under the strict supervision of a specialist.
  2. All products must be cooked correctly. Frying is completely eliminated. Only boiled and steamed foods are allowed. In addition, the Kovalkov diet allows recipes for baked and stewed dishes without adding any fat. Fat means not only oils, but also mayonnaise and other products.
  3. Avoiding simple carbohydrates. They are one of the reasons for the increase in body weight and the appearance of subcutaneous fat deposits. Such digestible carbohydrates are found in confectionery products, as well as sugar and products containing it. Nutritionist Alexei Kovalkov argues that excess weight can be overcome only by switching to a diet low in calories. At the same time, the use of a small amount of dark chocolate is sometimes allowed.
  4. Maintenance of water balance in the body. During weight loss, the patient should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water per day. Moreover, food should not be washed down with water, it should only be consumed on an empty stomach. At the same time, salt intake should be limited. Such restrictions help to improve metabolism and start the mechanism from toxins, toxins and other harmful substances, due to which weight begins to go away faster.
  5. The use of natural products. Dr. Kovalkov's diet, whose menu involves eating only those foods that have not been industrially trained, completely prohibits the consumption of any canned food. In addition, it is not allowed to use: alcoholic drinks, smoked foods, semolina, baked goods and flour baked goods superior grades, soda. Vegetables are allowed (except for potatoes, beets, carrots), fruits, excluding bananas, cereals, etc.
  6. Presence in products. This is also a prerequisite. The daily diet should include the use of yoghurts, kefir and other products.
  7. Replacement of any animal fats with vegetable ones.
  8. No hunger. This method weight loss involves a fractional diet, without a ban on eating after 18.00, the only restriction is "bad" carbohydrates. Up to five meals are allowed, with no snacks in between. Such a diet is ideal for people who find it difficult to reduce portions and other dietary restrictions.
  9. Separate food. In addition to the fact that the food should be fractional, it is also necessary to comply with the separation conditions. This technique recommends not combining carbohydrates with fats or proteins during meals. That is, it is forbidden to combine eggs and meat with starchy foods, in particular potatoes, bread and butter, etc. In this case, the so-called "good" carbohydrates are allowed to be combined with butter.
  10. Daily physical activity. A prerequisite application of the Kovalkov technique is regular sports activities, due to which the skin, which usually sags during weight loss, is tightened, the burning of excess subcutaneous fat is accelerated, and the health and general condition of the body improves. If it is difficult for the patient to exercise or go to the gym, long walks or jogging are suitable at the initial stage. Classes are carried out on an empty stomach, immediately after them, food consumption must also be limited for at least 2 hours.


The Kovalkov diet, the reviews and results of which are inspiring, requires preliminary preparation. Therefore, before proceeding directly with losing weight, patients should be aware of a number of restrictions that they will have to face during all three stages. The preparatory stage of the Kovalkov diet plays no less role than the system of losing weight itself. Thanks to him, the body does not plunge into a state of shock, but gradually gets used to the necessary diet, in addition to this, the duration of this stage is usually about 2-3 weeks.

The morning should be started with a glass of warm water, it is possible with the addition of lemon, so that the body wakes up and the gastrointestinal tract starts working.

Allowed Products

During this stage, Dr. Alexey Kovalkov advises eating bran, starting with 2-3 tablespoons. You can drink them with unsweetened tea or clean water.

In addition, the following products are allowed:

  • natural yogurt, yoghurts with various kinds of additives and flavor enhancers are strictly prohibited for use at any stage of the diet;
  • skim milk and cottage cheese;
  • low fat cheese;
  • mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • nuts;
  • chicken eggs - it is recommended to eat only protein, it is better to refuse the yolk altogether.

Despite the fact that this is only preparation, however, even during this period, you can easily get rid of 4 kilograms of excess weight.

Weight loss factors

This is due to the following factors:

  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the body, which is facilitated by the presence of water, apples, grapefruit and other products in the diet;
  • refusal from polished rice, muffins, bakery, pasta and confectionery, potatoes. Replacing them with vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, as well as cereals with a low glycemic index;
  • limiting the consumption of animal proteins;
  • rejection of easily digestible carbohydrates.

Stage 1

Diet Kovalkov, 1 stage of the menu which is a little shorter than the preparatory one and is about 10 days (can be extended to 14), helps to get rid of 4-5 kilograms of excess weight.

As in the preparation stage, bran is recommended for use, the amount of which must be gradually brought to 100 grams. In addition, the diet should contain:

  • protein, not less than 60 g per day;
  • fats, not more than 30 g;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • L-carnitine.

Diet Kovalkov, stage 1: menu

So, let's go directly to the menu:

  1. Start your morning with a jog or walk, followed by your first breakfast. Meals include: natural yogurt or kefir in the amount of 1 cup, 1 tablespoon of nuts and a tablespoon of bran.
  2. After 2 hours, you can eat one apple, this will be considered the second breakfast.
  3. For lunch, it is recommended to eat ½ a grapefruit or again an apple, raw or baked.
  4. Afternoon snack. It is similar to lunch, it involves the use of an apple or grapefruit.
  5. Dinner. For an evening meal, you can eat a salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, to which you can add low-fat cheese and spices.
  6. Immediately before going to bed, it is allowed to eat the protein of two chicken eggs or drink a glass of low-fat milk.

The Kovalkov diet prohibits, the 1st stage of the menu of which already has enough a large number of restrictions, any snacks between meals. This limitation is due to the fact that the body needs time to rebuild and establish a normal metabolism.

The main purpose of such nutrition is to prevent and overcome the discomfort from restrictions on food intake. The Kovalkov diet, the reviews and results of which of many losing weight, is truly unique.


As a result of this weight loss system, you can get rid of only in the first month up to 9 kilograms of excess weight, it all depends only on the initial body weight and, of course, compliance with all nutritional rules. After the first stage, you can add lean meat and fish to the menu.

The "scourge" of today - a sedentary, comfortable lifestyle, leads to the fact that people increasingly began to suffer from overweight... And since extra pounds is a matter of not only beauty, but also health, humanity has rushed to look for a way out in various diets.

Russian doctor Kovalkov approached this issue precisely as a doctor, and not as a populist who offers quick, easy solutions. The nutritionist constantly points out that you need to find the main reason for which you began to gain weight, and not eliminate its consequences.

Practicing physician, graduate of the Medical University. Pirogov, Alexey Kovalkov himself suffered from excess weight, and, having decided to help not only himself, but also other people, he developed a certain nutrition system, which, combined with an active lifestyle, led to the fact that in just six months he lost more than 50 kg. The weight stopped at the optimal mark for his age and physique, the extra pounds never came back.

Kovalkov argues that the human body is a very delicate, complex mechanism that cannot be rudely treated, mindlessly setting various experiments on it. Each person has an individual, that is, his own set various features organism. For example, one person eats a lot of flour, fatty, sweet, but does not recover, another eats little, limiting himself in everything, but the weight continues to grow, while energy leaves him, lethargy, apathy, and illness come from him.

The Kovalkov diet, aimed at effective changes in the entire lifestyle and nutrition, consists of four stages, through which a person steadily loses excess weight, while strengthening his health.

Basics of the Kovalkov diet

Official studies of the human body, all its internal processes and reactions to certain changes / restrictions, led to the fact that Dr. Kovalkov began to resolutely oppose mono-diets, rigid diets, various sharp restrictions in the human nutrition system. As a doctor, he points out that as a result of such "experiments" in the body, a serious malfunction can occur, which can lead to severe irreversible consequences, and sometimes even to the death of a person.

The diet of Dr. Alexei Kovalkov, on the contrary, offers a scientific approach to solving excess weight, here are his main recommendations in solving this problem:

  • the very reason for gaining excess weight is investigated and clarified;
  • a person must take personal responsibility for the state of his body;
  • a long-term nutritional and lifestyle program for losing weight is drawn up.

In addition to the individual approach, there are general Dr. Kovalkov's rules suitable for everyone:

  • the correct psychological attitude for the time of the diet, diet is not torment, it is an improvement in health, general well-being;
  • drawing up a diet - the obligatory presence of vegetables, berries, fruits, fermented milk products, bran;
  • drinking enough water - at least 8 glasses a day, preferably 5-10 minutes before meals;
  • support of the body with vitamins, mineral complexes;
  • limiting salt intake;
  • reusable meals - you need to eat every 2-3 hours in small portions;
  • replacement of animal fats, proteins - vegetable;
  • walking is an indispensable companion to the diet - it is advisable to walk for at least 15 minutes at a fast pace or 1 hour on a walk, having drunk a glass of water on an empty stomach beforehand. Try not to skip walks, even if you feel like watching TV or surfing the Internet instead. Exercise is an important component of your diet. If you can't go for walks in the morning, then be sure to go in the afternoon or evening.

Diet stages

The Kovalkov diet is divided into 3 stages - preparatory, stabilization and the final period - the adaptation stage. Let's consider each stage separately.

The first stage is preparatory

You are tasked with learning to walk as much as possible within 2-3 weeks (this is how long the first stage of the Kovalkov diet lasts), and it is also proposed to reconsider your gastronomic preferences. To do this, you should refuse food that contains a large amount of fast carbohydrates, which forces the pancreas to release additional insulin. In addition, reducing animal protein to the minimum allowable rate leads to the fact that the protein consumed is completely absorbed. As a result of the first stage, the gastrointestinal tract is cleared, normal microflora intestines.

Prohibited: favorite sweet soda, all flour, pastries, snacks in the form of hamburgers, snacks, mayonnaise, ketchup. White polished rice, potatoes, pasta, corn, any legumes, dried fruits, sweet fruits (for example - bananas, pears, grapes), carrots, boiled beets. In no case is it allowed to consume alcoholic beverages.

During this period, start switching to fractional five meals a day. With the beginning of the diet, you begin to eat foods that gently cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, bring it to its normal state, and also start correct work intestines:

  • dairy products;
  • bran - up to 100 grams per day;
  • a small handful of nuts - up to 30 grams of nuts per day;
  • vegetables - it is better to eat them fresh in the form of salads, and season olive oil;
  • fruits - Kovalkov's technique pays special attention to apples (up to 4 apples a day, it is recommended to eat them up to 6 pm) and grapefruit;
  • egg white - no more than two per day.

Motivation: Charting yourself a daily weight gain chart is a great visual image and motivation for you. In addition to the schedule, you can take a photo before the start of the diet in a swimsuit, many attach them to the refrigerator with the inscription "Do not eat!" weight. Which is quite normal during the transition to the second stage of the diet.

Sample menu

Day Eating
Day 1BreakfastA glass of kefir mixed with 2 tablespoons of bran. 30 grams of any nuts
SnackOne or two apples
DinnerBroccoli or pumpkin puree soup, you can add a handful of pumpkin seeds, herbs
Afternoon snackHalf grapefruit
DinnerStewed vegetables: onion, carrot, eggplant, cabbage stew. You can use spices, but it is better to exclude salt.
Day 2BreakfastFruit salad of kiwi, peach, apples, pour over the juice from half an orange.
SnackTomato juice - 1 glass (no salt), exclude sweet juices
DinnerFor lunch - a salad of fresh herbs, tomato, cucumber and sweet pepper.
Afternoon snack1 apple or orange
DinnerWe make a nutritious smoothie from low-fat kefir, berries or fruits to your taste.
Drink clean water all the time as much as you want.

Pros: With such a diet and active walking every day, the body adapts, rebuilds - bad habits go away, and in their place come the right ones, bringing benefits.

Minuses: With active sports at this stage, additional physical activity should be left, if any.

According to reviews, 5-6 kg of excess weight is lost during this period, which always pleases and inspires the losing weight to continue the diet. An important point- you cannot adhere to the first stage for more than three weeks.

The second is stabilization

Having received a certain result, it should be consolidated - the gastrointestinal tract works in a new way, the kilograms are lost, there is a desire and need to lose weight more.

Your diet should contain cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, onions, garlic, spinach, parsley, lettuce, apples, pears, citrus fruits (especially grapefruits), blackberries, viburnum, mountain ash, blueberries, lingonberries, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, low-fat dairy products. Fruits, vegetables and berries are best eaten raw, minimally subject to thermal processing, you can alternate salads with stewed vegetables for dinner.

As we continue to move towards our ideal weight, we are enriching our lunchtime diet by adding lean beef, veal, and whole boiled eggs. The ban remains on potatoes, carrots, beets, bananas, and grapes. Particular attention should be paid to fish - it is worth eating fatty fish two or three times a week so that the body receives a sufficient amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Gradually increase physical activity (add to walking, for example, squats with dumbbells, jumping, bending, swimming, cycling, dancing). In this period strength exercises nutritionist Kovalkov attaches particular importance to the fact that the body must continue to lose body fat and restore, build up muscle mass that was lost in the first stage. From the moment you started power training, cereals can be introduced into the diet (it is better not to boil them, but to steam them in boiling water or pour kefir overnight). Moreover, they are used only on days of power loads. The duration is individual, as it directly depends on the "ideal" weight that you decide to achieve. The main thing that happens at this time is that the body is completely rebuilt, all the foods consumed bring pleasure and benefit. During this period, the amount of protein should be increased to 80-100 g per day, bran is eaten every day up to 100 grams.

Sample menu for the 2nd stage

DayEatingProducts and dishes for the Kovalkov diet
Day 1BreakfastYogrut or kefir - 200 gr. Yogrut is only natural, no additives
SnackOne or two apples
DinnerFish soup (for example, hake) or fish and herbs baked in foil, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snackHalf grapefruit or orange
DinnerLettuce with radishes, two egg whites. As a dressing - olive oil.
Day 2BreakfastSteam omelet from 2 eggs with herbs. Tea or coffee.
SnackHerbal tea
DinnerCheesecakes in the oven on semolina.
Afternoon snack1 orange
DinnerLazy stuffed cabbage rolls with meat
Day 3BreakfastCottage cheese casserole or low-fat cottage cheese
Snack1 apple
DinnerChopped chicken breast cutlets, salad of herbs and vegetables
Afternoon snackA glass of kefir
DinnerBaked or boiled fish - 200 gr. Iceberg lettuce, cherry tomato salad
Day 4BreakfastSteamed buckwheat porridge on water, a glass of kefir
SnackApple or orange
Dinner200-250 gr of boiled veal, tomato and cucumber salad
Afternoon snackA glass of tomato juice
DinnerTuna salad, arugula, cherry tomatoes. Herbal tea
Day 5BreakfastCottage cheese seasoned with kefir, dill, parsley.
SnackHerbal tea
DinnerBoiled brown rice with chicken cutlet.
Afternoon snack1 orange
DinnerLight cucumber salad, bell pepper, grain cottage cheese (4-5 tablespoons), spices to taste.
Day 6BreakfastSmoothie from kefir, berries / fruits or vegetables to your taste
Snack1 fruit of your choice or a handful of nuts
DinnerAvocado, tomato, grain curd, greens salad. Dressing - olive oil.
Afternoon snackA glass of kefir
DinnerLightly salted trout salad (salmon is possible) - 250 gr. and vegetables (radish, 1 cucumber, Bulgarian pepper). Dressing - natural yoghurt.

Good to know: If suddenly the weight stops and stands firmly in one place, you can arrange a small shake-up to the body - 1-2 times a month during the day, there is only watermelon, or viscous rice porridge, boiled in water with the addition of finely chopped dried apricots.

And, of course, you can eat fruit as well as dried fruit between meals. We introduce all additional products into the diet gradually, in small portions. The menu turns out to be more varied and delicious.

pros this stage: the body fully adapts to the new life, the weight is finally normalized, the body feels light, the desire to move more grows.

Minuses: you have to make an effort to put together a new menu for every day.

The third is the period of adaptation

The body, already accustomed to an active lifestyle, having lost excess weight, looks great, the gastrointestinal tract works like a clock, food brings pleasure, so it's time to add some foods to make the diet more interesting and rich. The third stage lasts from one to one and a half years.

Add a little bread, preferably bran or grain bread, 250 grams of red wine for dinner, baked potatoes, dark chocolate. Portions for breakfast, lunch, dinner can be increased, but do not overdo it!

All foods that you add during this period should be in small quantities. Sometimes you can use butter for breakfast, the taste of which has already been forgotten.

Throughout Kovalkov's diet, you need to drink pure filtered water in the quantities that the body requires - as much as you want; a nutritionist advises to always have a bottle of water on hand. Such drinks as green tea, herbal tea, coffee, rosehip infusion, sugar-free compotes are not prohibited, the main thing is to drink them in reasonable quantities.

How not to break

  • choose the healthiest in your opinion from a variety of delicious dishes;
  • remember that alcohol increases appetite, it is better to give preference to dry wines;
  • in no case starve, it is better to eat often (5-6 times), but a little;
  • do not give up sports and walking - if you have achieved the result you wanted, then you need to keep it. Movement is health!
  • do not limit yourself in the variety of products, it is difficult to stretch on some cucumbers or cabbage, use the whole range useful products to make your diet rich and balanced.

To maintain your figure, you must first avoid fatty foods, but fats are not only lard, but also boiled sausages, sausages, and other products that we do not consider fat. Below are some tips on how to reduce your fat intake.

NO fatty foods

  • give up products fried with fats, it is better to eat stewed or grilled dishes;
  • try to choose foods with a low fat content, for example, milk or fermented baked milk up to 1.5%, kefir up to 1%, low-fat varieties meat (chicken, turkey), fish;
  • it is advisable to give up bakery products, cakes, fondant, and other sweets;
  • it is better to use lean meat or fish for making soups;
  • when cooking meat, trim off all visible fat and skin.

Before starting the Kovalkov diet, be sure to visit a doctor! If your excess weight is 40 kg or more, then it is advisable to carry out all stages of the diet under the supervision of a nutritionist!

Don't forget about the skin

To prevent the skin from becoming flabby or sagging during the diet, it is better to carry out small cosmetic procedures.

Daily exfoliation with a scrub


Peeling will gently remove old cells, promote the growth of a new epidermis, young and therefore elastic. After peeling, the skin should be moisturized with a cream, better nourishing or firming. For dry skin, creams that include cocoa butter or olive oil are suitable.

Coenzyme Q 10


It is a natural substance necessary for the production of cellular energy, which stimulates the work of cells in the deep layers of the skin. What to do with him? Rub in a few drops along with face and body cream. It will give the skin silkiness, softness and will not sag.

In addition, coenzyme Q 10 is indispensable in a situation familiar to all women - with stretch marks, which it will help get rid of. To do this, you can take capsules with coenzyme Q 10, it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to determine the dosage.

Kovalkov and his patients about the first stage of the diet:

Many would like to lose weight safely and permanently. But how to do that? Of course, the best solution is to contact a nutritionist to develop an individualized weight loss program. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to work with a specialist personally. In this case, the best solution would be to use diets that are drawn up by nutritionists.

Dr. Kovalkov's diet is an author's technique, which is interesting in that the author tried it on own experience... Thanks to the system he created, Alexey Kovalkov managed to lose half a centner and continues to keep himself in good shape.

The diet of Alexei Kovalkov is not an innovation, the principle of its action is quite simple: it is necessary to limit calories by excluding “empty” calories from the diet, ”and also maintain a certain level of physical activity.

It must be said that the last moment often falls out of the attention of those who are losing weight. Most pay attention only to the diet, and forget about the need for daily physical activity. Of course, in this case, the diet will work, but it will be less effective.

The nutritional system developed by Dr. Kovalkov does not apply to overly strict diets, in particular, the nutritionist is categorically against carrying out fasting days, fasting. The advantages of his system are that it is aimed not only at losing weight, but also at restoring metabolism, cleansing the intestines and general improvement.


The food system developed by nutritionist Kovalkov is not a "miracle diet" on which you can lose 20 kilograms in a week. Weight loss will occur gradually, but steadily.

First, it is worth carrying out the preparatory stage, which can take from 2 to 4 weeks. At this time, you will need to try to get used to doing without foods that are on the list of prohibited in this diet. These are the following products:

  • all sweets and products with sugar content (jams, candies, honey, store juices, etc.);
  • white bread and pastries;
  • semi-finished products of industrial production;
  • sausages, smoked and salted foods;
  • alcohol, an exception can be made only for dry red wine and only in the last stages of the diet.

Make a menu for the week for preparatory stage you need from the following products:

  • any vegetable products: vegetables, berries, fruits, cereals;
  • fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat;

Read also: Protein and vegetable diet

The goal of the preparatory phase is to gradually accustom you to a healthy diet. In principle, it is not necessary to carry out it, you can start right away from the first stage. But if you do not prepare, the risk of losing your diet will be much higher.

After the body gets used to eating in a new way, you can move on to the actual diet. The stages will be described below.

Initial stage

Stage 1 is carried out to cleanse the body and get used to new nutritional standards. The duration of this phase of weight loss is no more than 3 weeks. During this time, you can lose weight by about 5 kilograms.

You will need to eat at this time strictly according to a certain scheme:

  • in the morning after waking up you need to drink a glass of plain water;
  • after half an hour it will be possible to start breakfast. This meal will consist of three kefir products (fermented baked milk, varenets, etc.), bran and nuts. You can take any fermented milk drink without additives and sugar, the serving size is one glass. The serving of nuts and bran should be the same and make up one handful.
  • Lunch and afternoon tea, as such, no. In the period from breakfast to five in the evening, you can eat as many fresh vegetables as a salad without dressing (salt is possible), three apples (preferably green) or a couple of grapefruits. In addition, you can eat bran, drink unsweetened tea and coffee without adding milk. The number of meals should be determined individually so that there is no feeling of hunger. Best of all, there is every 2-3 hours, but the portions are small.
  • After five o'clock in the evening you can eat a vegetable salad (the volume is not limited), it should be seasoned with one spoonful of oil and two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese. You can use salt and any natural spices, herbs.
  • In the evening you need to eat the proteins from two boiled chicken eggs. We do not use the yolks at this stage.

The menu at this stage of the diet does not differ in variety, but it is important to adhere to the recommendations exactly so that the body is tuned in to loss of fat. Let's take a closer look at why the doctor recommends using these particular products.

  • Raw vegetables. The main purpose of introducing this product into the diet is to normalize the bowel function. In addition, the amount of vegetables is not limited, so the food can be bulky enough to help curb your appetite.
  • Nuts. These products contain the most valuable proteins and fats, which are necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes. The nutritionist himself recommends using pine nuts, but according to the reviews of those losing weight, an excellent result is obtained when using any other nuts.
  • Fermented milk drink and cottage cheese. It is an important source of protein as the diet is low in animal products.
  • Butter. The nutritionist insists that it is important to eat a spoonful of oil a day, dressing it in a salad. The nutritionist recommends olive, but, in principle, you can take unrefined sunflower.
  • Egg whites. At night, it is recommended to eat only the whites of the eggs, taking out the yolks. The fact is that yolks contain a lot of fat, and protein is almost pure protein.
  • Fruits. At this stage of the diet, it is recommended to use only two types of fruits - apples and grapefruits. These products have a beneficial effect on digestion and contain many vitamins.

To diversify your diet, a nutritionist recommends using any spice. Salt is not prohibited in this diet, but it is recommended to use it in moderation.

Physical activity is also important at the first stage. The doctor recommends the most accessible "sport" - walking. You need to walk every day at a brisk pace for at least an hour (for example, you can make it a rule to walk back from work). If brisk walking is difficult, then you can walk at a moderate pace, making sure that at least 8000 steps are taken per day. Of course, counting each step is rather tedious, it is easier to entrust this work to a special device - a pedometer.

Stage main

After the completion of the 2-3 week first phase, you need to move on to stage 2. At this time, the menu becomes more diverse, it includes healthy protein products. You need to eat a sufficient amount of protein. The dietitian recommends eating 1 gram of protein for each kilogram of optimal body weight, that is, if the optimal weight is 60 kg, then the daily protein intake should be 60 grams.

Have you tried a lot of diets, but the extra pounds always come back? The diet of Dr. Kovalkov will definitely help you, which allows you to preserve the result for a long time. Get the menu, delicious recipes and lose weight forever!

Weight loss programs created by professional nutritionists have always been more popular than amateur designs. The diet of Dr. Kovalkov, which it would be more correct to call the system of nutrition and lifestyle, is today recognized as one of the best in terms of effectiveness in losing weight, prolonged results and safety.

The first to try the new technique was the author himself - Moscow doctor Alexei Kovalkov. The state of his own health forced the graduate of the Moscow Medical University to become interested in the creation of a dietary nutrition system that would have high efficiency, but would not harm the body. Severe obesity, which Alexey Vladimirovich suffered, created for him a lot of physical and ethical problems.

As a result, Kovalkov developed a diet aimed at losing weight and optimizing the work of the whole body. The technique does not offer any know-how, it uses the well-known principles of classical dietetics: more movement, "right" food and clean water. However, a well-thought-out system of organizing the basic foundations, supported by clearly stated psychological aspects, made it possible to achieve surprisingly high results - its author managed to get rid of 50 extra pounds in six months.

Today Alexey Vladimirovich Kovalkov is a doctor of medical sciences, the founder of a weight correction clinic, the services of which have already been used by more than 3 thousand patients. In addition, guided by the instructions for each of the stages of the diet, detailed in two of his books by Kovalkov "Victory over Weight" and "Losing Weight Wisely" tens of thousands of Russians and residents of foreign countries were able to get rid of obesity and change their way of life for the better.

What is the methodology based on

Dr. Kovalkov is sure that if a person sets himself the task of not only losing weight, but also maintaining the achieved normal weight for a long time, staying healthy, slim forever, then he should not use “stressful” express diets. The ban on food, temporary fasting in most cases lead to a psychological reaction similar to the withdrawal syndrome. That is, as soon as the diet is over, there is an irresistible desire to “catch up”.

The Kovalkov diet does not offer a sharp restriction on the amount of daily ration that makes a person starve, does not preach fanatical accounting for the number of calories consumed. The essence of the method of losing weight is a change for the better in metabolism. It assumes a gradual, gentle effect on all body systems by getting rid of food addiction, organizing proper nutrition and lifestyle.

Basic provisions of the method

  1. It is imperative to be mindful of the diet as a long-term diet with restrictions, but without fasting. The psychological component of the program includes determining the reasons for the overweight in you, clearly setting goals with a perspective for the future, as well as an awareness of your own responsibility for achieving these goals.
  2. Meals should be 4–5 times a day, portion sizes are gradually reduced by 2–3 times.
  3. The daily menu at all stages of the Kovalkov diet should include vegetables, fruits, berries, and dairy products.
  4. Bran plays an important role in the technique, accelerating intestinal cleansing, improving its peristalsis and causing a feeling of fullness. Their consumption is up to 100 grams per day.
  5. The protein-fat component of the diet is represented by vegetables, fruits, vegetable oils, and a large proportion of the protein should be in the second half of the day. Animal proteins and fats are almost completely excluded, since they provoke the formation of fat reserves.
  6. The restriction also applies to products with glycemic index above 60, increasing blood sugar levels. These are polished rice, potatoes, carrots, beets, flour products.
  7. A prerequisite for the technique is constant physical activity. At first, it should be moderate (half an hour of walking, simple gymnastic exercises, swimming, dancing), and then gradually increase up to the use of strength sports.

Throughout the entire course of weight loss, to provide the body with micronutrients, the author of the method recommends, after consulting with a doctor, take vitamin-mineral complexes that contain:

  • chromium preparations (it reduces sugar cravings);
  • milk thistle (to support liver function);
  • L-carnitine (a substance similar in structure to B vitamins, an excellent fat burner);
  • multivitamins that have passed standardization in GMP (international organization for quality control).

Features of the drinking regime

Drinking enough fluid is one of the important rules of the system. diet food Kovalkova. He recommends drinking a glass of water before every meal. Why should this requirement be strictly followed?

The restructuring of metabolic processes is a serious burden for the body. Water, increasing the load on the kidneys, activates the production of hormones by the adrenal glands responsible for burning fats and metabolic rate. Then toxins and metabolic products are excreted more completely, faster. In just a day, taking into account the first courses, you should consume 2-3 liters of liquid. You can accurately calculate this figure individually by dividing in half the body weight in centimeters and multiplying the quotient by 30. We get the result in milliliters.

Drinking water before a meal, and not after it, is necessary because the liquid entering the stomach along with food slows down digestion - it carries away gastric juices. In addition, a glass of water drunk before the start of the meal will reduce appetite and allow you to get enough of less food. The temperature of the water is also important, it is better to drink it not too cold - ice water inhibits the feeling of satiety. In addition to pure non-carbonated water, it is allowed to drink tea without sugar (preferably green), once a day - coffee.

Advantages and disadvantages

The weight correction program proposed by Kovalkov is much more comfortable than other long-term diets. Its advantages include:

  1. High efficiency, confirmed by the results of numerous clinical studies.
  2. A stable feeling of fullness, which is provided by a balanced diet developed by a specialist. Therefore, the Kovalkov diet is tolerated quite easily.
  3. The ability to create your own daily menu based on permitted foods, most of which are available and inexpensive.
  4. The minimum number of contraindications, no side effects - the Kovalkov system fully complies with the rules healthy eating.
  5. Prolonged effect. With proper adherence to all stages of the diet, new eating habits become habitual, the body does not require its cancellation, that is, the result lasts all life.

The disadvantage of Kovalkov's technique is one - it is not suitable for rapid weight loss, since the weight on it leaves slowly.


Despite the high safety of this technique, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination before using it. Dr. Kovalkov believes that his diet should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, cancer patients, as well as people with some chronic diseases of the endocrine, digestive, and excretory systems:

  • diabetes;
  • a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • anacid gastritis;
  • thyroiditis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Diet stages

The Kovalkov nutritional system involves a gradual weight loss, it includes a preparatory and three main stages.

Preparatory stage

The duration of this period is from 2 to 3 weeks. The goal is to regulate the diet, the initial disposal of fat accumulations. Results - drop up to 5 kg. This is the most difficult stage of the Kovalkov diet, since it requires strict adherence to the diet. The so-called "bad" carbohydrates, food products that have undergone various types of industrial processing, animal proteins and fats are completely excluded from the daily menu.

Prohibited foods:

  • meat, fish (contain animal proteins and fats);
  • White bread;
  • sweets (including honey);
  • smoked meats;
  • foods containing food additives;
  • fruit nectars;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • cocoa and chocolate;
  • polished rice;
  • potato;
  • all types of alcohol, except for a small amount of dry wine.

Allowed Products:

  • coarse grain bread;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables (raw, stewed or boiled);
  • vegetable oils;
  • fruits (it is better to eat them in the morning due to the content of some amount of sugar);
  • berries;
  • milk, dairy products;
  • dried fruits.

Sample menu

  • Breakfast: vegetable stew with beans, green tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice.
  • Lunch: buckwheat porridge or bean puree soup.
  • Afternoon snack: two unsweetened apples.
  • Dinner: salad of fresh vegetables in vegetable oil.

First step

Duration is about 2 weeks. The goal is to cleanse the intestines from toxins, get used to eating smaller portions of food, and optimize metabolic processes. Results - decrease in body weight by 6–7 kg. Compliance with the diet should be combined with moderate physical activity.

Meat and meat are excluded from the diet. fish dishes, bread, cereals (at this stage they are replaced by bran), as well as high-fat dairy products. The amount of fruits, vegetables, low-fat fermented milk products is increasing. It is recommended to drink a glass of clean water before each meal.

The daily menu might look like this:

  • Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir, bran, a few nuts or 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: an apple, a cup of unsweetened green tea.
  • Lunch: Greek (or any other vegetable) salad with olive oil.
  • Afternoon snack: apple or grapefruit, green tea.
  • Dinner: whites of 2 eggs, raw or steamed.

Second phase

This period of weight loss is much longer than the previous ones - its duration ranges from one month to six months. The goal is to get rid of fatty deposits, achieve the desired weight, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from residues of toxins and restore its optimal microflora. It is recommended to increase physical activity: a half-hour walk can be replaced by brisk walking, keeping the pulse in the "fat burning zone" (120 - 140 beats per minute).

Allowed Products

The diet at this stage is varied and therefore more comfortable: it includes seafood, lean meat, fish, mushrooms, rye or bran bread. Occasionally, green tea can be replaced with a cup of coffee. It is recommended to take food 5-6 times a day, be sure to drink a glass of water before eating.

Menu options for the week

  • Breakfast: fermented baked milk, yogurt or kefir (low-fat), nuts, plus bran or a slice of bran bread.
  • Lunch: 200-300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of tea or a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice.
  • Lunch: stewed or boiled vegetables plus steam chicken cutlet or a serving of lean fish with a vegetable side dish.
  • Afternoon snack: salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with olive oil or a few fruits.
  • Dinner: the protein of two chicken or four hard-boiled quail eggs.

Third stage

This stage of Dr. Kovalkov's weight loss program can be considered a period of exiting the diet. Its purpose is the adaptation of the organism, consolidation of the obtained result. The duration of the phase is not limited; ideally, its recommendations should be adhered to constantly. This applies to both dietary rules and lifestyle. Diligent exercise is just as important here as eating healthy foods.

The dietary requirements at this stage are less stringent: in addition to fish and meat, it is allowed to consume low-fat meat broth, cereals, potatoes, black bread, alternating these new products for the diet every day. The fat content in meals is no more than 60 grams per day. Fine flour, sugar, peeled rice and fast food should still be excluded from the menu.

Do not combine foods containing simple carbohydrates with fats (such as a white bread sandwich). From time to time, you can allow yourself to eat a piece of fried meat or barbecue, a slice of chocolate, enjoy baked goods. But it is important to remember that such deviations from the rules should not be too frequent. Try to steam, multicooker, grill, or oven.

The portions of food should be small, it is desirable that your entire breakfast or lunch fits into the hands of the guests. It is recommended to eat fractionally 5 times a day, the last time - no later than 8 pm. The amount of liquid (along with the first courses) - up to 2.5-3 liters per day. One of the important rules of the Kovalkov technique is the variety of the diet: the menu should not be repeated from day to day.

Features of the adaptation period

At this stage of losing weight, the so-called "loading" days are allowed, when you can eat any food, but in reasonable doses. After such a one-day retreat from the Kovalkov diet (it should not be repeated more often than 1-2 times a month), you should spend a fasting day on kefir, watermelons or green apples.

If, for some reason, there has been a serious deviation from the diet (for example, on the occasion of a festive feast), it is recommended to return to the low-carb menu of the first stage for a few days. This will allow the body to "shake up" metabolic processes and unload.

Diet recipes

For the Kovalkov diet to become a way of life, it must be followed with pleasure, so the dishes must be hearty, healthy and tasty. Below are some simple recipes that are suitable even for gourmets. From them, you can easily compose a varied menu for a month and lose weight with pleasure.

Fish Meatball Soup

Potatoes, onions, carrots, cut as for soup, pour over water and cook until tender. Separately, steamed meatballs from minced fish, soaked bread and eggs. The meatballs are placed in the soup when serving. One serving will require: 400 g of water, 100 g. minced fish fillet, 10 g of bread, 1 egg, 150 gr. potatoes, 20 gr. carrots, 25 gr. Luke.

Beef stuffed with vegetables

Pieces of meat are boiled until half cooked, stuffed with slices of carrots, parsley root, celery, onions, salted, sprinkled with vegetable oil and baked in the oven. When serving, the meat is cut into thick slices.

Rice with dried apricots

Boil brown rice (250 g) until tender, add finely chopped dried apricots (1 cup), curry powder (1 flat teaspoon), a little salt, mix. This dish can be eaten hot or cold.

Curd dolma

This is Caucasian the National dish is a stuffed cabbage roll made from pickled or steamed grape leaves. For the filling, you need low-fat cottage cheese, onions sautéed in vegetable oil, dill. If desired, you can add seasonings - hops-suneli or curry. The resulting mixture is laid out on grape leaves, then each leaf is folded into an envelope. Dolma is cooked for about half an hour in a thick-walled saucepan or deep frying pan with a lid, while the water should completely cover the grape cabbage rolls.

Pilaf with vegetables

Steam the brown rice, mix with chopped cabbage, grated carrots and diced bell pepper. Add vegetable oil, pour water 2 fingers above the level of the mixture, cook over low heat until tender.

Homemade muesli

Boil a mixture of oatmeal and buckwheat flakes with boiling water. Let the flakes soften, add pieces of fruit, a few raisins and a spoonful of honey.

Delicate salad with nuts

Peking cabbage, lettuce, small cucumbers, bell peppers cut into thin strips, add salt, ground pepper, vegetable oil, fruit vinegar or lemon juice. Stir, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and nut crumbs.

Baked vegetables

Cut tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and onions into large cubes or slices on a baking sheet. Lightly add salt, drizzle with olive oil and bake in the oven.

Cabbage cutlets

Cut the cabbage, boil in milk, drain, cool. Add egg white, salt. Form small flat cutlets, roll them in black bread crumbs or bran. Microwave or steam.

Quick vegetable stew

For this dish, you can use fresh or frozen: cauliflower, broccoli, artichokes, green beans, bell peppers. Pour the vegetable mixture cut into small cubes for a few minutes with boiling water. Strain in a colander, salt, fry with vegetable oil. Add a little chopped garlic and stir. Can be used alone or as a side dish for meat or fish.

Cold appetizer "Rainbow"

Put a boiled egg into the peeled peppers, then stuff the "cups" of peppers with cottage cheese mixed with herbs. If desired, chopped garlic can be added to the curd mixture. Cut the stuffed peppers into circles before serving.

Georgian salad

Cut the tomatoes into slices, mix with the savory dressing and olive oil. The composition of the dressing: crushed walnuts, garlic, cilantro, parsley.

Hearty Egg Salad

Hard boil chicken or quail eggs. For the salad you will also need: cucumbers, tomatoes, leeks, lettuce, salt, ground pepper. Coarsely chop all ingredients, mix, season with a mixture of vegetable oil and lemon juice or fruit vinegar.

Alexey Vladimirovich Kovalkov is a popular dietitian, the author of an effective method of losing weight.

Temporary measures or lifestyle?

The Kovalkov diet was tested by the author personally and showed amazing results. Alexey Vladimirovich, who once weighed 150 kg, was able to get rid of excess weight, shortness of breath and diseases associated with obesity. Having left 70 kg in the past, he became interested in sports, began to travel a lot, wrote a number of interesting books and opened his own clinic. His radio and television shows teach the principles of healthy eating, helping people change their lifestyles once and for all.

"No diet identifies or removes the causes of obesity!"

Kovalkov's diet is described in detail in the books "Victory over weight", "Losing weight is interesting" and "Losing weight wisely." The essence of the system is the restructuring of eating behavior. Moderation in food, as well as avoiding foods that cause a sharp rise in blood sugar, helps to maintain the achieved results for many years. The technique includes three stages, each of which contains certain restrictions and physical activity.

Stages of the Kovalkov diet

Preparatory stage (2-4 weeks)

The doctor calls this period rather a psychological adjustment to a new way of life, and not to another diet. Within 15-30 days, sweets, alcohol and potatoes must be completely excluded from the diet. Get used to eating vegetables and fruits, coarsely ground grains, lentils, beans, and clean water.

The body can "object" to changes, the main thing is not to give up!

It is important to learn at this stage to independently regulate your diet, get used to and completely abandon harmful products (fried, canned, spicy and smoked). It is imperative to increase the amount of fluid you drink to increase the release of fat burning hormones. The menu for this stage should include cereals and soups.

1st stage of the Kovalkov diet (10-14 days)

The menu for the first two weeks is designed so that a person can get rid of carbohydrate addiction. During this period, there is a gentle cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract and the restoration of normal intestinal microflora.

“If you really want something, then you should understand what exactly your mind, your head, and not your stomach wants. The stomach cannot want. There are no brains and there is simply nothing to want. "

Physical activity is required element techniques, without which it is impossible to achieve the desired result. Everyone who loses weight on this system should walk for an hour. Before walking, it is forbidden to eat any food other than bran. After aerobic exercise, it is not recommended to eat for an hour and a half.

  • L-Carnitine - Accelerates the delivery of fat to muscle cells. The drug should be taken before walking - 1500 ml, the same amount after.
  • Coenzyme Q-10 - provides rapid regeneration of skin cells, making the integument elastic and helping to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Take as directed.
  • Alpha lipoic acid - enhances the action of carnitine, promotes the breakdown of fats. Take one capsule 40 minutes prior to aerobic activity.

If you decide to use the diet of Alexei Kovalkov, then at this stage you must definitely consume vitamins. They will help fill the lack of nutrients that we are deprived of due to a poor diet.

Stage 1 menu

After rising, you should immediately drink a glass of clean water at room temperature. Before the walk, you can have a cup of tea and eat a handful of bran.

After aerobic exercise, breakfast follows, which includes:

  • a glass of any fermented milk product or natural yogurt;
  • a tablespoon of nuts (walnuts, almonds or pine nuts);
  • bran.

During the day before 6 pm you need to eat four large apples or two grapefruits. Do not forget to drink water and eat bran (in small portions up to 100 grams per day).

For dinner losing weight relies on a vegetable salad with a spoonful of unrefined vegetable oil and two tablespoons of cottage cheese or 30 g of cheese. If desired, vegetables can be stewed in a non-stick skillet or baked in the oven.

Before bedtime you need to eat two boiled proteins. Consume vegetables and water without restrictions. Potatoes, boiled beets and carrots are excluded from the diet. The use of eggplants and zucchini is undesirable.

The second stage of the diet (before the intended weight loss)

The goal of this period is to systematically reduce weight. It continues until the person achieves the desired result. At this stage, you can eat any food, except those that cause a rise in blood sugar. It is strictly forbidden to include in your menu all products containing sugar, as well as potatoes, white rice and bread. The use of semi-finished products and smoked sausages is undesirable.

“When forming your diet, you need to choose foods with a low glycemic index. There will be no excess sugar in the blood, fat will not be stored, and there will be no bouts of uncontrolled hunger - carbohydrate thirst. "

The diet of Dr. Kovalkov assigns a large role to protein intake. Every person should receive at least 70 grams of this valuable substance per day. Protein foods are consumed in small portions throughout the day, and protein isolate should be added to the menu.

At the end of the second stage, when you have already passed half the way, power loads appear. They alternate with aerobic ones and have their own characteristics.

On these days, it is allowed to eat carbohydrate foods in the morning, and workouts are postponed to the evening. Don't forget about the hour-long morning walks. Every day a losing weight person must walk from 10 to 14 thousand steps. You can control the results using a pedometer or a convenient program installed on your phone. Continue taking vitamins and sports supplements.

Second stage menu

By the end of the second week of the diet, the body has time to adapt to the lack of fast carbohydrates and strength loads. Meat, poultry, fish, curd dishes appear in the diet.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast remains the same as in the first stage. It consists of 300 ml of kefir, a handful of bran and 20 grams of nuts.
  • For lunch prepare a salad of fresh or stewed vegetables and 100 grams of any protein product. For example, salmon steak, veal chop, chicken breast, turkey meat.
  • Until the evening you need to eat one fruit (except for bananas, melons, grapes) or a handful fresh berries... Remember that all foods containing carbohydrates must be eaten before 6 pm.
  • Dinner also includes vegetables and a protein meal. This can be cheese cakes (without flour and sugar), shrimp salad, stewed mussels or eggplant lasagna.

Before bedtime eat two chicken proteins, boiled or fried. If you want to lose weight, then the amount of fat consumed during the day should not exceed 30 grams.

Third stage (1 - 1.5 years)

The last stage begins after you have reached your desired weight and lasts up to one and a half years. The goal of this period is to consolidate achievements and keep yourself in shape. From physical activity, walking remains, which you need to do every day.

“Do you know what is the difference between a goal and a dream? In a specific time frame for implementation. Therefore, it is extremely important to establish a realistic, achievable date. "

The doctor does not impose a certain menu on those who are losing weight at this stage. The technique lies in the fact that on this path a person begins to feel good about his body, knows how to live in a “new” body. A healthy diet is compiled independently, the list of products expands, but addictions disappear on their own.

Kovalkov diet menu - all stages in detail

Drinking regimen

Kovalkov devotes a special place in his system to the use of water. He recommends drinking at least four glasses of liquid a day. "Drink not so much as constantly!" If you are losing weight, you should always carry a bottle of pure non-carbonated water with you and drink it in small portions throughout the day.

Drinking enough and often enough removes toxins, salts and toxins without any problems.

The doctor recommends drinking water before meals, and with age, the pause between meals and water should increase. If you feel hungry long before a meal, Kovalkov advises drinking alkaline water to reduce appetite. You can also drink green tea without sugar, quite a bit of natural coffee.

Benefits of the Kovalkov diet

This system involves dramatic changes in dietary habits and lifestyle. After exiting the technique, the person continues to follow a certain regimen, reducing the likelihood of re-gaining weight to a minimum.

There are strict dietary restrictions only at the first stage.

In the future, it is allowed to consume all foods that do not contain fast carbohydrates. The losing weight menu consists of affordable products that can be purchased at the nearest supermarket.

Alexey Kovalkov believes: if you adhere to a new lifestyle and diet, health problems will remain in the past. The heart, liver, kidneys, all organs and systems of the body will work like a clock.

How does the Kovalkov diet work? Reviews and results


If you have achieved any results in losing weight using this diet, send your photo (before and after) with a description on and soon you will appear on this page, and thousands of women will know about your personal victory! Who knows, maybe your example will inspire our readers.

Natalia, 36 years old
In four months, I lost almost 25 kg. I have been keeping weight for several years now, without particularly restricting myself in nutrition.

Victoria, 38 years old
The system helped me to believe in myself and change my life. At the first stage I felt comfortable, I even wanted to extend it for another week. But the doctor says that you cannot stay on it for more than three weeks. At first she went in for walking, then she enrolled in a gym. Several years passed after the completion of the technique, but the weight did not return.

Margarita, 25 years old
Has always been a "donut". It turned out that you just need to give up a few products and the weight will go down! She lost 15 kg in three months.

Olga, 27 years old
It's amazing that you can lose 13 kg in two months without starving or torturing yourself! It helped a lot sports nutrition... I think that without him it would be more difficult to force yourself to go to training.

What can be done during the Kovalkov diet ...

Is it possible to eat buckwheat on the Kovalkov diet?

Buckwheat porridge can be added to the menu at the second stage, especially on days of power loads, as well as in moderate portions at the third stage.

Kovalkov's diet - can you drink wine?

At dinner, you are allowed to drink a glass of dry red wine, better - natural, without food coloring. Alcohol abuse is not recommended either before or after the diet. Beer and spirits are prohibited.

How long does the Kovalkov diet last?

The first stage lasts two or three weeks, the second - until the desired weight is achieved, and the third - from a year to one and a half years. Usually, people continue to follow the doctor's advice for many years.

Are there any contraindications to the Kovalkov diet?

It is forbidden to use the technique for pregnant and lactating women. Diabetics and elderly people can use the system only under the supervision of a specialist.

How much water to drink on the Kovalkov diet?

How much can you lose weight?

At the first stage, people lose from 3 to 7 kilograms, and at the second stage, it takes up to 100 grams per day. The doctor's patients show amazing results - you can lose up to 80 kg in a year.

The Kovalkov diet is available to anyone. The doctor makes no secret of his system. On the contrary, he describes it in detail in his books and gives answers to questions of interest.

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