Riddles about houseplants I'll tell you a poem About various wonderful plants. You use your ingenuity and show the plant ...

Experts florists who treat their profession not just as a pleasant pastime with flowers, but as a true spiritual contact with plants, believe that the most favorable plants for the home are those whose leaves stretch upward. It turns out that such flowers stimulate thinking and give rise to creative ideas, and one of the most superstitious plants, the pike tail, is just one of those. Most of the fears about growing this flower and a damn egg are not worth it. And the culprit in their occurrence is the one who came up with this unfavorable nickname - "pike tail" or, even worse, "mother-in-law's tongue". In fact, the pike tail plant is called very elegantly - sansevieria. Signs with a pike tail. There are many good omens associated with the pike tail. Basically, it is believed that as soon as you start this plant at home, all problems, quarrels, misunderstandings will remain in the past. Sansevieria seems to be engulfing them with its long, sharp leaves, which act as an antenna for capturing domestic negativity. When flowers appear on your pike's tail, it means that it's time to start new beginnings. It is believed that sansevieria blooms only in a favorable environment, and even then, infrequently, so if it has blossomed, you can consider that the plant has blessed to embody your plans. True, the only unfavorable time for flowering is winter. Then the flowers of the pike tail say that discord is approaching in the family due to the excessive care of some relative. But whatever the signs associated with the flower pike tail promise, remember that a plant that heals cannot harm a person. And sansevieria is exactly what heals. The plant has an antibacterial and healing effect - the pike tail is no worse than the famous "healer" scarlet heals wounds and eliminates burn marks. Why "mother-in-law's tongue"? The second most popular name, after the nickname "pike tail" is mother-in-law's tongue. Of course, outwardly, the leaves of the plant really resemble long tongues leaves with yellow rims look especially impressive. Some people mistakenly believe that since the tongue looks like a mother-in-law, it means that with the appearance of a flower in the house there will be no passage from quarrels, gossip and scandals. It turns out that the opposite is true. Mother-in-law's language "cleans" the house and tenants from quarrels and gossip. If around you in recent times too much extraneous noise - get a pike tail (mother-in-law's tongue) at home and mother-in-law, that is, sansevieria, will deal with intrigues and their distributors. pike tail But it is not enough to know about the signs associated with the flower of the pike tail, in order for the plant to become prophetic, it is necessary to provide it with proper attention and care. A pike tail or mother-in-law's tongue (the second name reveals the essence of a flower much better) is an unpretentious plant, ready and able to survive even under the most unfavorable conditions. But it will please the eye and bring good luck to the house only if the rules of maintenance are observed, and the rules are as follows: it grows well in light spaces, at a temperature of at least 15⁰; with a lack of color, the pike tail loses its bright color, golden rims of leaves disappear; in spring, direct sunny rays can be destructive, because the flower has lost the habit of such light during the winter - burns on the leaves may occur; the ideal combination for a pike tail is dry air, a minimum of watering; as for watering - you need to water the pike tail only when it dries up upper layer soil, and in winter to water no more than once a week, otherwise the root will rot; fertilize the plant during the spring-summer-autumn period with additives for cacti twice a month; the best pots for sansevieria are shallow, wide pallets, since the rhizomes of the flower grow along parties.

Are you dreaming of having a real family mascot from Africa in your house? But are you afraid of the powerful energy of sansevieria? We will tell you how to overcome this myth and become an owner for real beautiful plant... Why "mother-in-law's tongue" blooms, let us analyze in detail.

What does the flower symbolize?

Persistent, hardy and unpretentious "pike tail" or "mother-in-law's tongue" is considered by many to be a guarantee of longevity and good health. It promotes the development of intelligence, brings prosperity to the house, and self-sufficiency for household members.

The Chinese call it sacred sansa, from which the owner receives 8 qualities given to him by the Gods themselves.

V different countries due to external features and available qualities, sansevieria is called in its own way the Indian sword, leopard lily, snake skin, and the Africans call hemp.

Is it possible to keep a pike tail at home: signs (photo)

it a beautiful dark green plant surrounded by a halo of mystery, with positive and negative traits... Many negative signs look too exaggerated and even conflict with each other. Perhaps this is where the growers' dislike for this representative of the flora lies.

Experts to date have not found confirmation of his heavy energy and "muzhigonny" inclinations.

Do you need a "pike tail" on the windowsill - this is everyone's personal business. Experienced growers unanimously say “yes”. The main thing is to observe certain points.

Who can't keep a pike tail at home?

On this score, the ancients said:

  • if there is a marriageable girl in the house;
  • after the wedding, it is better to remove the leopard variety of the flower from the room, since it is believed that "mother-in-law's tongue" leads to frequent quarrels in the newlyweds' family.

Also, about the dangers of the plant prevent its special biological properties:

  • possible allergies on the active substances secreted by the flower;
  • leopard lily juice drops can provoke skin irritation;
  • the saponin in the leaves causes poisoning when consumed by animals.

The magical properties of the plant

The energy potential of the "pike tail" affects different spheres of human life and. According to reviews, his magic spreads:

  1. To neutralize negative energy from people, "bursting" with envy, lies, plotting bad things.
  2. Strengthening the strength of spirit and will and increased durability. After all, the people did not just give this flower the name "Indian sword".
  3. Fight against laziness, give strength and confidence on the way to the goal.
  4. Activation of thinking, imagination, success in professional activity and the educational process.
  5. The revival of a seemingly extinct love is carried by the leopard species, which helps to restore an atmosphere of love feelings and good relationships around the couple.
  6. Improving well-being through overcoming discouragement, physical ailments, removal of emotional stress.
  7. Decrease in weather dependence, which prevents surges in blood pressure and headaches.
  8. The leaves of the flower quickly stretch in length- expect good days and financial well-being.
  9. If in the form of rosettes, it harmonizes love.

Important! Sansa - will strengthen friendship, return trust, give confidence in their abilities.

Folk omens and superstitions about the flower "mother-in-law's language"

The Russians jokingly called him "mother-in-law" for the long and sharp leaves. Associated with him many positive signs... Here are just a few of them:

  • bloomed in summer- everything will be fine in life, good news will come, a child will be born;
  • dense leaves of the same size- a bright aura "lives" in the house;
  • inherited sansa prevent quarrels between spouses, drive away envy and save material well-being.

Negative beliefs are also known among the people:

  • life will be unsuccessful for an unmarried woman;
  • if a widow or a single woman presented it to the newlyweds - expect quarrels and all kinds of everyday problems;
  • the leaf dries from the upper edge - envy walks nearby;
  • leopard lily turned yellow- separation from a dear person is close;
  • threw the peduncles into winter period - major family discord or troubles in the work collective;
  • the leopard flower died- someone from the household suffers a lot, or a misfortune has settled in the dwelling, which nature can no longer neutralize.

Plant location

Following feng shui, sansa it is better to place in a spacious hall where there are many people.

Usually he is loved in office rooms, foyers of schools and universities, in hospitals and clinics.

In a home interior, the ideal placement is hallways, kitchens, living rooms.

  • in one meter computer desk to absorb harmful radiation and the aura of envious people and brawlers;
  • in the kitchen as opposed to electromagnetic waves of household appliances, including TV sets, microwave ovens, refrigerators, electric stoves;
  • at the entrance to the house and in the living rooms will become a kind of trap of negativity, and the unkind guest will quickly leave your home;
  • made by flower creative atmosphere will help you to understand the teaching material well in class;
  • great option removing black energy from the house in bathrooms and toilets;
  • leopard flower in a room with windows to courtyards or to noisy avenues will protect residents from gossiping gossip.

Important!Sansa - oxygen generator at night... In addition, it is like a sponge that absorbs chemicals released by the surrounding objects.

Not suitable for "mother-in-law" inter-door space, and for a leopard plant - the neighborhood with window and doorways.

Advice! It is better to plant a "pike tail" in a light pot: gray, blue, etc. To avoid quarrels, the scarlet container is not suitable.

How to avoid negative signs?

There are rules on how to get around superstition:

  • do not place by the bed, especially the nursery;
  • do not accept as a gift from single people and relatives, especially for a birthday, anniversary.

Sansevieria is very sensitive to good care... The flower is sensitive to both the care of the owner and the hostile attitude. Whether he is needed in the house - the person decides on his own. It is important to know some rules, then this "green warrior" will become your irreplaceable assistant.

Once Mary planted two strange striped leaves in the ground. She had never planted leaves directly in the ground before. Neighbor Rose told her that these leaves would give roots and a plant known as Pike Tail would grow from them. This name made Maria laugh very much. The inhabitants of Mary's home garden did not like the two gnarled leaves sticking out of the ground.

What a rude creature - not an ounce of grace. Some freak! - the queen of flowers, Tea Rose, thought indignantly.

And Geranium, spreading a dizzying aroma, said to its neighbor Chrysanthemum:

Poor fellow, no zest: no good looks, no fragrant smell.

How unattractive he is, - even the kind Azalea decided, sympathetically examining the rough leathery leaves of the Pike Tail.

And all the other inhabitants of the garden thought about him about the same. Unfortunately, none of them knew that Pike Tail, despite its rough appearance, was a sensitive creature. By the leaves of the plants, he could read their thoughts. These unfriendly thoughts made him sad and timid. From self-doubt, he cringed all over, afraid to even look at his neighbors in the garden.

But Mary had a different opinion about this unusual plant. She carefully tended his leathery leaves, watering them whenever she saw that they were thirsty. She knew how to guess almost without error! She washed the leaves of Pike Tail with warm water, talking affectionately with him: “How fast you grow! Your leaves become strong and strong! Soon you will grow and become handsome. ” The inhabitants of the kindergarten have always listened to the opinion of Mary. But this time they did not share it at all. After all, they did not find anything in their new neighbor.

And Pike Tail, listening to Maria, thought with bitterness: “I'm not a handsome man, she just pity me. I saw my reflection in the window! ”

Every day he became more and more withdrawn into himself, like a snail hiding in its house.

Soon, Pike Tail developed into a slender plant with many straight and stiff leaves sticking out of the ground. In terms of growth rate, he overtook many of his neighbors, but as before, he was always silent. Light transverse stripes on its leaves very much resembled fish scales, which embarrassed the white cat, who was always not averse to feasting on fish. He often approached Pike Tail, stood on his hind legs in fluffy trousers, smelled its leaves and even licked them, purring under his breath: “It's strange, it doesn't smell like fish at all, but looks so similar. Yes, you are not a fish, but a pity, a pity. " And the cat turned away from Pike Tail in disappointment to the general giggling of the kindergarten inhabitants. Piketail remained silent. He was silent even when the plants asked for his opinion. At first they took offense at him, but then they got used to it and left him alone. Only the cocky Coleus pestered him sometimes:

Please tell me what a proud man! Why are you all silent? Did you swallow your tongue ?!

Indeed, why was Pike Tail so stubbornly silent? After all, he has grown up a long time ago and became beautiful and attractive. The fact is that he was unusually modest. His uncertainty and timidity grew day by day. He never smiled, he was sad and sad. And to his neighbors, he seemed a gloomy and unfriendly plant. How wrong they were!

The playful Tradescantia, sometimes hanging from her hanging basket, tickled him with her cool leaves, trying to cheer up the stern silent:

Come on, laugh! Don't you tickle? Aren't you even tickled? the minx teased him.

But Pike Tail remained unapproachable. Of course, he was tickled, even very, but he courageously endured these playful attacks. Pike Tail was waiting for a miracle - he was waiting for when he could finally decorate the garden with his flower and become worthy of all other plants.

And then one early spring morning the whole room was filled with an unfamiliar wonderful aroma.

Oh! What a subtle smell! Who smells so sweet? - the fragrant Tea Rose was the first to notice. The plants began to look at each other and gasped in surprise, noticing a fragile long-legged flower peeking out shyly from behind the tall leathery leaves of Pike Tail. Its leaves, like silent guards, guarded the newly born miracle. The flower was lucky: behind such a solid wall, one could not be afraid of the hot sun and drafts.

I bloomed. I give my flower to our garden. Now I look like you!

Why have you been silent before and did not tell anything about yourself? - asked the startled Coleus.

You would not have believed me, because you were so hostile to me! I wanted to prove in practice that I am worthy of you. I am so happy today that I want to reveal my real name to you. My name is Sanseviera!

And an unusual silence reigned in the kindergarten.

Sansevieria) Is a genus of evergreen stemless herbaceous perennials of the Agavov family. It grows in African and Asian savannas, deserts and semi-deserts.

Household sansevieria is popularly nicknamed the pike or cuckoo's tail, for the unusual color of the leaves. The British call it the snake plant or leopard lily. The Chinese - the tail of the tiger orchid. Turks with the sword of Pasha. And the Germans are African hemp. The sharp tip of the leaf has served as another nickname - mother-in-law's tongue.

Indian researcher Kamal Mittl, engaged in the development of an ideal living space, attributed the pike tail to a small number of plants, the benefits of which are maximum for humans. Together with betel nut and epipremnum, sansevieria almost completely neutralizes the effect of dangerous toxic substances that are saturated in the air of modern rooms.

general information

The flower got its name from the surname of Prince Sansevierio. He was fond of botany and invested in the development of natural sciences. Leaves, as a rule, are directed clearly upward. May extend to the sides or lie completely horizontal. Natural coloration - a combination of green and brown, striped and mottled patterns. In artificially bred species, yellow and silver shades are found in the color of the leaves. Growth rate - 2-3 leaves per year from one outlet.
In natural forms, the leaves of most species are covered with a waxy film that protects the surface from excessive moisture evaporation. The pike's tail has a pointed leaf. In some species, it can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters. The graceful Hanni sansevieria grows no higher than 5-6 cm.

The rhizome of sansevieria is creeping, underground, in the form of a rhizome. So powerful that it can shatter the walls of a pot without being able to fit in it. The flowers are white-green, collected in a cylindrical inflorescence. The peduncle is straight, long. Narrow petals open in the evening. Delivers a pleasant vanilla or clove aroma. These notes can be recognized in the composition of expensive perfume. Fruits in indoor floriculture are almost never found. In nature, it is a berry with one to three seeds.

Soil requirements

Sansevieria loves light soils. In flower shops, you can purchase a special substrate with perlite for her. But if this is not possible, then here are some optimal compositions:

  • one part of sod and leafy land and 0.5 parts of sand;
  • ready-made substrate for succulents, with the addition of small pebbles, peat, sand and a little clay;
  • leafy, clayey-soddy earth, sand, humus in a ratio of 0.5: 1.0: 0.25; 0.25.

At the bottom of the pot, it is advisable to make drainage from stones, broken brick or clay shards.

Growing conditions

A pike tail is a flower that cannot be ruined by improper care. This is a champion in endurance and vitality. But in order to get a luxurious plant, it is necessary to provide it optimal conditions growth.


For a variegated color of leaves, a bright diffused light is required. However, the unpretentiousness of sansevieria allows it to be kept in partial shade. She easily tolerates even deep shading.


Prefers 16-18 degrees in winter and 18-25 degrees in summer. Going beyond these ranges can lead to illness. Yes, yes, and this tin soldier of the plant kingdom sometimes gets sick. But more on that later.

Air humidity

Air humidity for a pike tail is not important. You do not need to spray it. But periodically it is useful to wipe the sheet plates with a damp cloth.

Home care

For sansevieria, home care is not difficult. The only thing that can do harm is over-watering. It should be remembered that this is a resident of the arid regions of the planet and excessive soil moisture will lead to root rot.

The optimal watering regime is once a week in dry summer. In the rainy season - as the soil dries up. In winter, one watering a month is enough, preferably with slightly warmed water.

Attention: Be careful not to let water enter the pike-tail outlet. In some cases, this can lead to decay, especially during the cold season.

Sansevieria does not require fertilization. But if you want to feed a flower, do it not often - no more than once a month, with a special composition for succulents. In winter, top dressing is contraindicated. Excessive saturation of the leaf with useful substances will make it brighter, but less elastic, which may cause the plant to lose its decorative effect. It is much more important to regularly remove dust from the surface of the leaf plates and cut off the faded inflorescences. Only sansevieria cylindrica needs lime dressing and this is its distinctive feature.

Sansevieria transplant

For a pike tail plant, home care is also simple because it does not require frequent transplantation. For two and even three years, sansevieria feels great in a familiar pot. The flower itself will tell you that it is time to transplant it. The signal will be the emergence of roots from the drain holes. The pot should be taken thick-walled, wide, but not deep (due to the peculiarity of the root system), with a drainage system.

Plant propagation methods

If you have an adult sansevieria, there are three ways to reproduce it:

  • dividing the rhizome... This is the most simple, convenient and reliable way... Remove the plant from the pot, shake off the soil, remove diseased roots, if any. Using a sharp garden knife, divide the rhizome so that a growing point is left on each part. If possible, treat the sections with ash. Place the cuttings in different pots. Cover the roots with soil completely. Leave the plant in a warm, slightly shaded place for two weeks;
  • side shoots... This method is similar to the previous one. But the baby is cut off from the old plant. The transplant mechanism is the same;
  • dividing the old sheet... The leaf plate is cut in width into several, ideally five, parts. Wither day. After that, at an angle of 45 degrees, they are placed in the sand in a flat pot. Cover with a jar. Leave to take root by pouring from the pallet. In about a month and a half, buds will appear, and of them - young leaves. The plant can now be transplanted into soil.

The first two methods are suitable for maintaining the variegated color of the plant. Sansevieria from a leaf turns out to be monochromatic.

Diseases and pests

As already mentioned above, sansevieria, the species of which, all absolutely, extremely hardy, can be susceptible to disease. Most problems are easy to fix.

  • If rot appeared at the base of the leaf means the soil is too wet. Try to reduce watering. And if the decay problem is more serious, remove the flower from the pot and remove the decayed roots. Treat the wounds with crushed coal. If the entire root is affected, try to save the sansevieria by rooting part of the leaf.
    Brown spots on the leaves also indicate waterlogging of the soil.
  • Coloring becomes faded or monochromatic when the plant does not have enough light. Change the place.
  • the appearance of a sticky cobweb. The reason is a spider mite. Sansevieria takes on a marble color and dries up. Insectoacaricides are used to combat. Or a folk remedy - green soap with Persian chamomile;
  • castings turn yellow, deform and dry out... The reason is mealybug. You can collect insects by hand. After that, wash the pike tail well, the harm from the worm can be eliminated in this simple way;
  • thrips suck the juice and on the leaves dry spots appear... Control measures are the same as for spider mites.

To avoid these problems, periodically inspect the plant. It is always better to prevent the disease.

Benefits, signs and superstitions

Scientists attribute the pike tail plant to a small number of the most useful for creating an ideal indoor microclimate. Sansevieria is considered the champion in oxygen production. This process takes place even at night when photosynthesis is slowed down. Therefore, it is indispensable for the bedroom. A healthy microclimate helps to reduce the risks of developing various human diseases. The sap of the plant is included in some homeopathic anti-inflammatory drugs, due to the content of hemolytic sapogenins in it.

The signs associated with the pike tail plant help to love this representative of the plant world even more. In the countries of East Asia, they believe that sansevieria is capable of absorbing all negative energy. Therefore, this flower is especially revered and you can see it in almost every home. African peoples believe in the magical properties of sansevieria. They use the plant in rituals to get rid of the evil eye. The leaves are worn as an amulet to protect against evil forces. There is also an opinion that sansevieria blooms before a major quarrel. Scientists regard this statement as nothing more than a superstition.

Sansevieria (pike tail): species

There are about 70 decorative species sansevieria. But the most famous are those described below.

Sansevieria large or Sansevieria grandis... A plant with spotted leaves, with a red stripe along the edge. The height of the sheet is up to 60 cm, and the width is up to 15 cm. There are 3-4 sheets in the rosette.

Sansevieria three-lane(trifasciata) is the most common species. Belt-like leaves about a meter long. Silvery and green stripes alternate in color with dark green.

Sansevieria Hyacinth or Sansevieria hyacinthoides. Light green leaves with darker streaks across, up to 45 cm high and up to 7 cm wide. In a rosette, up to 4 sheets.

Sansevieria Duneri or Sansevieria dooneri. Leaves with dark transverse zigzags. There can be up to 20 of them in the outlet, up to 40 cm high.

Sansevieria Graceful or Sansevieria gracilis. Leathery, oval, gray-green leaves

Sansevieria Laurenti(Laurenti) Tall, saber-shaped leaves are up to 40 cm in height, with a wide yellow border around the edge.

Sansevieria Hanni- undersized variety with beautiful rosettes in the form of a flower. The tips of the bright leaves are bent outward. Dwarf hybrid S. Laurenti, bred in 1941.

At home, the sansevieria plant is used to create hedges. Long ago, a bowstring was made from the fibers of a pike tail. The flower was brought to Europe three centuries ago, as ornamental plant... For designers, the pike tail is among the most commonly used for interior decoration. It is difficult to imagine the composition of the winter garden without it. In the summer, almost every species can be taken outside, decorating balconies or artificial landscapes.

According to signs, the pike tail flower brings many benefits and is a useful and irreplaceable plant. Viability and healing properties have made the pike tail a very popular indoor flower. Pike-tail flowers bloom in the evening and emit nectar droplets. And given all the unpretentiousness of growing a pike tail flower, the beneficial properties of this plant are just a gift for any grower.

The flower with the strange name "pike tail" is also known as sansevier and is considered a medicinal plant, although hardly anyone has heard of its use in alternative medicine.

How to care for it, and what are the features of the plant? In addition to such an unusual life cycle, gardeners also note the strong aroma of pike-tail flowers, which has pronounced notes of vanilla. However, how much all this will be noticeable in the usual "neighborhood" with a flower in an apartment - it is difficult to say with certainty. Sansevier is easy to care for and has the fame of an immortal flower: you can forget about it for a long time, not water it, not feed it, but it will continue to grow and delight the eye with greenery.

Pike tail flower: the benefits and harms of the plant, care features

But if you grow a "pike tail" just for the sake of green leaves, you don't have to worry - even the complete impossibility of caring for it will prevent the plant from dying. This plant has many names. It is possible that at the beginning, you will not even understand that we are talking about your pet flower called "pike tail".

Pike tail flower

A pike-tail transplant is extremely rare, only if you want to see a new bush, or in case of an accidental overflow. Those who saw this flower during the flowering period note the bright aroma of vanilla, which is significantly enhanced by the night. Such a pleasant surprise awaits those who make friends with this plant. Mother-in-law's tongue "(" pike tail ") Oh, this dangerous person under the beautiful name sansevieria (the common name for a flower) spoiled the lives of many families.

Is a pike tail harmful

The flower clears the space from the energy of evil words and thoughts. Dangerous Flower - Monstera A well-known "vampiric personality". Any degree of light and dryness of the soil to a pike tail is not a very serious obstacle to growth and development. But with proper care, this plant also blooms. In late spring, the pike tail throws out a peduncle, on which small white-green flowers bloom, with a pronounced vanilla aroma.

Since, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the pike tail has too strong energy and should be placed in large passable rooms. In general, Feng Shui indoor plants are extremely difficult to select and arrange.

And picking indoor flowers is primarily based on personal preferences. And then the plants will grow, bloom, delight and benefit. Many people have a plant called "mother-in-law's tongue" at home, but not everyone knows that this is a common sansevieria. But since one secret is revealed, this does not mean that indoor flower there are no more secrets.

This is one of the most popular indoor plants. The flower arrow appears in the spring from the rosette of leaves, the flowers are small white, very fragrant, the smell resembles the smell of vanilla. This plant has many popular names as the pike host is called in Russia, in the USA a snake braid, and in the UK the mother-in-law's tongue or the tongue of the devil. Nowadays, the pike tail is undeservedly forgotten by interior designers. But this houseplant has high decorative properties.

Useful properties of pike tail

Flowers at different types plants can have both a fairly decorative and nondescript appearance, but they all have a strong and pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of vanilla. The flowers have thin greenish-white petals.

Does the "pike tail" harm or benefit the house in which it grows? But this is not only the benefit of the "pike flower": it has long been recognized as a medicinal plant, even if it does not have such fame in this matter as milk thistle, calamus or chamomile. As for the real disadvantages of the plant, neither botanists nor the owners of the "pike tail" bred them. Unless you have to try to contemplate the flowers, since they will not appear so easily.

You can also hear that it is called: "cuckoo's tail", "Indian sword", "serpentine scythe", "devil's tongue", "mother-in-law's tongue", and scientifically it is still more complicated - sansevier or sansevieria.

Energy of flower plants. Dangerous flowers

It is precisely in watering that the whole basis of proper care lies. Sansevieria really does not like to stand wet. When watering a flower, make sure that the water falls exactly into the ground. Leaves are best protected from excess moisture. From time to time, just wipe it off dust with a damp cloth. This plant thrives in cramped pots.

Mother-in-law tongue, pike tail

If you constantly feel a lack of money, sleep poorly, and for some reason men stay next to you for a short time, you should know that the reason may lie in your indoor plants!

Sansevieria care

Astrologers-florists say that you need to buy these plants before the full moon and put them in pairs. In fact, violets are very delicate and “tender” flowers. They protect against disease, help resolve conflicts between husband and wife, and are able to preserve family happiness. All types of sansevieria are fantastically hardy and unpretentious, and almost anyone, even the most inexperienced grower, can handle it.

The only thing that this plant does not tolerate is waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, it is better to forget about watering once again than to pour. Sansevieria is grown mainly as an ornamental deciduous plant. Sansevieria also has a number of magical properties... Each of them has its own personal properties and qualities, and at the same time they are able to conflict with each other.

If you have never been involved in growing and caring for plants at home, then a pike tail is the best option for a novice grower. In nature, there are about 70 species of pike tail, and almost all of them are flowering plants... The most curious thing is that the smell intensifies at night, since in the wild, pike-tail flowers are pollinated by nocturnal insects. Well, in our time and in our conditions, the pike tail has shown itself as a medicinal plant with almost unlimited healing properties.

The pike-tail flower belongs to the agave, and, as can be seen in the photo, is an evergreen plant that does not have a stem. In natural habitat, it is widely distributed in dry rocky places in many regions of the world. It can be found in African, American, Indian and Asian deserts and semi-deserts. It got to European countries in the eighteenth century.

This is a plant with an underground creeping rhizome with big amount root threads. In most species, the foliage is very tough and pointed, it can grow vertically, deviate to the sides or almost sit on the ground, it can be very narrow or quite wide. Its color can be different: light green, dark green, silver, yellow, brown.

Some varieties have decorative spots and stripes, which makes them even more decorative. There are varieties with leaves coated with wax. Since the pike tail grows in very dry areas, this allows the plant to retain moisture for longer.

The narrow flowers are usually greenish-white in color and have long stamens. They gather in dense cylindrical inflorescences with a long peduncle. In many species, they have a rather noticeable smell of vanilla or lilac, which is most strongly felt in the evening.

Each rosette of a pike-tail plant blooms only once. Therefore, to preserve the decorativeness of the plant, it is recommended to remove them, and use the leaves for reproduction.

The pike tail bears fruit with one to three seeds. But when breeding plants indoors, they are very difficult to obtain.

Benefit or harm comes to the house with a pike tail plant

Pike tail foliage contains special technical fibers that are used for various industrial purposes in countries where the plant is widespread.

Also, due to the presence in the plant of such a substance as saponin, which has a foaming effect, it is used in the production of soap, shampoo and other cosmetics.

The biologically active substances contained in the pike tail are used in the production of various medical preparations. These are choleretic, laxatives, anti-inflammatory and immunity-strengthening agents.

The medicinal properties of the pike tail plant used in traditional medicine... The sap of the plant and infusions from it are used to treat cystitis, diseases of the oral cavity, cuts and skin diseases. But you cannot use the plant in medicinal purposes independently without consulting a specialist, as it is poisonous. Poisoning with them is accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, although no irritation is observed when the juice gets on the skin.

Place the pike tail out of the reach of small children and pets that may chew on it.

Also, the plant helps to cleanse the air of various bacteria and chemicals coming from building materials and furniture, and also eliminates harmful radiation from various household appliances.

Is it possible to keep a pike tail flower and other plant-related signs at home

The pike tail is considered very auspicious plant for keeping in the house. He helps to eliminate scandals, quarrels and various misunderstandings in the family. It is believed that with his pointed leaves, he catches all the surrounding negativity.

If you believe in the signs, then if the pike tail has bloomed, you need to start new business, projects and implement old ideas, because its flowering creates a certain favorable atmosphere. Although there is a sign that if flowering began in winter, then problems may begin in the family due to gossip from relatives and friends.

If a lot of unpleasant conversations and noise have begun around the family, then you need to get a pike tail, and he will eliminate these troubles.

Indoor varieties of pike tail and their photos

In natural growing conditions, the pike tail flower is represented by more than 70 species. Indoor conditions grow only a few of them, as well as their varietal varieties. The most popular types are described below.


Chania looks like a squat, compact plant (up to thirty centimeters in height) with wide, short, fleshy leaves. They have a triangular shape and a dark green main color, along which there are transverse stripes of light green or yellow.

Of the varietal varieties in indoor floriculture, Golden Chania with golden yellow stripes along the edges and Silver Chania with a silver background, on which dark green stripes and spots are scattered, are very popular.


This species is a leafy, rhizome succulent, the foliage of which forms rosettes. They consist, as a rule, of twenty flat, erect sheets having a linear-lanceolate shape. Their length can reach forty centimeters and a width of three.

The foliage has a light green color, along which there are blurry stripes of dark green color. Rosettes of leaves are located on the shortened stems coming from the rhizome. Rhizomes, which are up to eight millimeters thick, branch strongly, resulting in the formation of many rosettes.

Peduncles reach a height of forty centimeters, they are solitary and drooping. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences and are white in color. They have a very pleasant aroma, which is somewhat similar to the scent of lilacs.


The plant has short underground rhizomes. The rosettes usually consist of three sheets and are more than one meter long. They are dark green in color with spots of white or white-green. There is a reddish-brown stripe along the edge of the foliage. White flowers are collected in a capitate inflorescence.


The foliage of this species can have a light yellow or white base color along which green stripes go.


Laurentia has long leaves (up to one meter), xiphoid and green in color. There are yellow-white stripes along the edges. Flowers in the form of spike-shaped panicles are located at the base of the rosettes.

How to care for a pike tail flower at home

The pike tail houseplant is unpretentious and easy to grow. It is perfect for beginners in floriculture. With proper care, it will have dense, beautiful and vibrant leaves, and in some species it will even bloom.


Indoor flowers pike tail are very fond of good lighting throughout the year, but some non-variegated forms can grow in shady places. Variegated species should be placed in places with bright light, since in the shade they lose their decorative color.

That's why the best option for placing a plant would be east or west... If the pike tail grows in the southern part of the room, then it needs shading only in very hot weather. Cultivars with green foliage can be placed on the north side, but then they will become darker in color and will not bloom. You can create additional lighting using fluorescent lamps.

Temperature and humidity

Although the flowers of the pike tail are not very demanding on the air temperature, care for them at home in spring and summer is carried out at eighteen to twenty-five degrees, and in winter at fourteen to sixteen. More low temperatures lead to the occurrence of various diseases.

The pike tail can be grown in any humidity. Spraying and wiping the foliage with a damp cloth is required only to remove dust from it.

Watering and feeding

Watering the plant at any time of the year should be done in moderation only after the top layer of the soil has dried. Overflows are very harmful to the pike tail, as they quickly cause rotting of the root system. But you should not dry out the soil too much, because the foliage loses its hardness, becomes wrinkled and can dry out completely. Before watering, the water must be boiled or purified.

When watering a pike tail, care must be taken that water does not get inside the outlets, this leads to their decay.

Plant feeding is carried out from the beginning of the spring period to the end of summer no more than once a month. To do this, use complex mineral fertilizers or compositions for cacti and succulents. You should not use fertilizers with a large amount of nitrogen, it leads to a disease of the pike tail with various rot.

What should be the soil and the pike tail pot

Although the pike tail is not too picky about the quality of the soil, it is still better to make a good breathable nutrient mixture for good development and the onset of flowering. To do this, you can take sod land (4 parts), leafy soil (2 parts), humus (1 part), peat (1 part), coarse sand, small pebbles or perlite (1 part).

After compiling the substrate, it must be sterilized to destroy pathogens. This can be done by calcining it or spilling it with a solution of potassium permanganate. From ready-made soil mixtures for planting a plant, soil for geraniums is well suited, to which a small amount of coarse sand is added. You can also use hydroponics.

For a pike tail, it is very important to choose the right pot. If possible, you need use ceramic containers with thick walls... Since in some species the foliage length can reach one meter or more, ordinary plastic pots can easily turn over, which will harm the plant, and heavy clay containers will give balance.

When transplanting, you need to pick up a pot slightly larger than the old one (no more than five centimeters in diameter). This will enable rapid leaf growth and flowering. If the volume is too large, then a long build-up of the root system will occur. Due to the fact that the roots of the plant do not grow in depth, but in width, the container should be chosen not deep, but wide.

Pike tail flower transplant at home

The pike tail does not require frequent transplants. Transplanting the plant is necessary when the pot becomes too small or bursts, usually once every two to three years. For this, a new container is taken, laid out with a layer of drainage and filled with a substrate. The plant is taken out of the pot, the roots are cleaned of soil, examined, rotten ones are cut off. After that, the pike tail is transplanted into a new container. Pruning is not required for the plant, only the dried tips of the leaves are removed, so that a small dry area remains so that further drying does not occur. Extra sockets that can be used for reproduction are also removed.

After the transplant, you need to choose a permanent place of growth for the pike tail, since it does not like permutations.

How can you propagate a pike tail yourself

The pike tail reproduces vegetatively. This can be a division of the rhizome, lateral shoots, leaves or parts thereof.

Reproduction by dividing the rhizome

You can plant a pike tail in the spring. The plant is taken out of the pot and cut into three to four pieces with a sharp, clean knife. Each part must have at least one growth point. It is advisable to treat the incision sites with activated carbon. Received planting material seated in individual containers, moistened and placed in a bright, warm room. Rooting occurs quickly enough, after which new young shoots begin to appear around.

Reproduction by side shoots

A fairly easy breeding method. You just need to carefully separate the well-developed lateral shoot with roots from the main plant and transplant it into a separate pot, which must be placed in a fairly light and warm place. Watering should be moderate. After rooting, the care is the same as for adult plants.

If the shoot is detached without roots, it can be placed in water, and after the emergence of roots, planted in the soil.

Reproduction of a flower pike tail by a leaf or by dividing it

Small sheets can be rooted whole in peat and sand soil. Old large leaves divided into parts. To do this, they are cut into pieces about five centimeters in length and slightly dried during the day. The knife must be disinfected with, for example, alcohol. The planting container is filled with wet sand and a furrow is made in it.

Parts of the leaf are placed in it at a distance of three centimeters and are well strengthened. To prevent their decay, you can spray with fungicide solution... The plantings are covered with polyethylene film and placed in a room with an air temperature of twenty-one to twenty-four degrees.

Lighting should be good, but direct sunlight should not be allowed on the seedlings. As the sand dries, it is slightly moistened. Rooting of parts of the leaves lasts up to two months. After a few sheets appear, they are seated in small containers of potting soil.

Diseases, pests and possible difficulties in growing a pike tail

With proper maintenance, the pike tail is rarely infested with pests and diseases. Sometimes it may appear spider mites, mealybugs and thrips. They can be washed off with a solution of green soap or laundry soap. In case of severe damage, an insecticide treatment should be carried out.

From diseases, rotting of the root system and rosettes, which occurs when waterlogged, is dangerous. In this case, you need to remove the affected areas, and treat the remaining parts with a fungicide solution. It is advisable to transplant the plant into new soil. The appearance of fungal diseases is also possible, the presence of which can be recognized by the appearance of red-brown spots. Unfortunately, they are difficult to treat, often the plant has to be destroyed.

Due to excessive watering, the pike tail often turns yellow and softens, and its foliage dies off. In order to save the plant, you need to remove the affected leaves, and transplant the rest of the plant into a new substrate. If at the same time rotted root system, you will have to root the sheets or parts of them.

If the leaves wither and rot in the absence of overflow, then the plant is kept in a cold room. It is also necessary to remove all affected areas and move the pike tail to a warmer place. The appearance of dark brown spots on the foliage may indicate waterlogging of the soil or too low light.

Subject to these care recommendations, the pike tail will have strong, tough foliage. Its showiness and decorativeness can create a wonderful background in various compositions of potted flowers and add a special exoticism to the room. And the unpretentiousness of the plant makes it available for cultivation even for those who are completely far from the basics of floriculture.

Among people, there are a huge number of signs associated with the "pike tail" flower. These signs are both positive and negative. In fact, all these signs are not based on real facts. In some cases, the sansevier may bloom during the winter cold, or full-fledged flowers suddenly begin to fade. According to popular legend, this phenomenon indicates that the family will very soon face discord.

At the same time, such a phenomenon indicates to the owners that they need to start a new business. It is important to note the moment that the plant blooms only when all the conditions are created for it, and the situation is very favorable. Accordingly, the fact that the flower pleased with its flowering testifies only to the well-being, peace, love and consent of the family.

Certain signs indicate the ability of a flower to independently create the necessary environment for itself and protect the family from grief and adversity. This is due to the very sharp tips of the leaves, which capture all negative impulses, and thus, prevent the occurrence of negative moments.

Harmful and useful properties

Probably it will not be a secret to anyone that this plant has useful medicinal properties... Sansevier is used as:

  • choleretic and diuretic;
  • antiviral agent;
  • means for stimulating the work of the glands;
  • immune-strengthening agent;
  • remedies for the treatment of cough, bronchitis;
  • means for the treatment of female diseases.

Also, the pike tail does an excellent job with various inflammations on the surface of the skin. Thanks to the oxygen exchange process, the sansevier takes over the air purification function. If you place the plant near electrical appliances, then, in this way, you can reduce the level of negative radiation that is emitted by devices, especially a computer.

This plant is great for dealing with stressful conditions, mood swings, and fatigue. It has a positive effect on the nervous system. This fact has long been confirmed with the help of sufficient a large number research.

It turns out that the chemical composition of the leaves contains special essential oils that have been used in aromatherapy for a long time.

The evaporation of these oils into the air that a person breathes leads to the fact that it significantly facilitates breathing, reduces nervous tension, as well as headaches.

It is difficult to say that the effect of the flower on the body will be so strong, it is especially difficult to predict if there are other plants in the house in addition to it. It is known for sure that mother-in-law's tongue will have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Proper care and reproduction

Sansevier can be classified as plant categories that are quite resistant to drought and the lack of a sufficient amount of nutrients. If the task is to achieve flowering, then in this case it is necessary to change tactics and begin careful care of the mother-in-law's tongue.

In order for the flower to fully grow and develop, it is necessary to choose a room for it where the temperature is normal, since it will not be comfortable for it in a cold room.

It is important that the temperature is not lower than 15-17 degrees. With the onset of winter cold weather, this indicator may decrease slightly and reach the level of 10-12 degrees.

Because of this temperature regime it is not always possible to grow it in the country. A private residential house or apartment is best suited for him.

If we consider the increase in temperature, then it does not have such a detrimental effect on the plant, and it can tolerate such changes quite well. Intense sun rays are practically unable to leave spot burns on the surface of the leaves. In some cases, small yellow spots may appear, but their scale is not critical.

To avoid this, you need to slightly darken the window when the sun's rays are most intense. This procedure is also relevant at a time when buds appear on the flower. They may not be revealed for a long time, but as soon as the amount sunlight will become smaller, they will open up right there.

It should be noted that those varieties that have a bright color of the leaves, under the influence of the sun, may slightly lose their brightness and, as a result, simply tarnish.

The humidity level of the air practically does not play any role in the condition of the sansevier. You can take care of her as you like. This can be spraying the leaves, wiping the surface of the leaves with a damp cloth, or simply sprinkling water on the ground. You can water about three times a month.

The pike tail has a unique ability to accumulate liquid in the structure of the sheets. If the hostess accidentally forgot to water it, then he takes the right amount of liquid from his bins. Then, after the next watering, he will replenish his stocks. In winter, you can reduce the amount of watering to 1 time.

Regarding the amount of water for irrigation, it should be said that if watering is frequent, then it is necessary only to slightly moisten the soil, but if watering is rare, then the amount of water should accordingly be greater.

There is no need to worry about feeding as it is not necessary. The fertilization procedure is best done only during the transplantation period, and this happens at intervals of 3-4 years. Special attention should be paid to the pot, where the flower will actually be transplanted.

It is best to choose a pot that has a shallow depth, but at the same time, its width should be decent, since from time to time the soil needs to be slightly loosened.

It is necessary to transplant the mother-in-law's tongue in such a way that the part of the earth that holds on to the root system. This is done in order not to damage the root. Before removing the flower from the flowerpot, you need to knock lightly on the walls, then the earth on the sides will move away and, together with the root, it can be easily removed.

Sansevier can be propagated by dividing the bush or by cuttings.

Many have a pike-tail flower on their windowsills, everyone is used to calling it that way, and meanwhile, its scientific name is sansevier. It is unusual in that it does not have a stem, but only wide leaves that come straight out of the nest, forming a bush. In appearance, each of the leaves really resembles the tail of a pike, hence it got its popular name. The birthplace of this flower is Africa and tropical Asian regions. It is capable of flowering. Buds with white-green petals are tied from the rosette. They open in the morning and close in the evening. The flowers have a strong scent that attracts insects. Due to the fact that almost no maintenance is required for it, this flower is ubiquitous; it is especially loved to keep in schools, hospitals and other public institutions.

Few people know that it also has medicinal properties and is used in alternative medicine. It is not as well known as chamomile and milk thistle, for example. Sansevier is used for medicinal purposes mainly as a choleretic and diuretic. Its roots have an antiviral and diaphoretic effect, strengthen the immune system, fight against fungal diseases, bronchitis, cough and others. Leaves of a pike tail are applied to purulent wounds, having previously kneaded them, it is known that its juice promotes rapid healing. This property can be compared to the action of plantain.

Thanks to the large and fleshy leaves of the pike tail, it cleans indoor air well and reduces harmful effect computer and other similar equipment. It is believed that it improves the emotional atmosphere in the house, quarrels subside, self-confidence increases, and even male potency increases.

Thanks to essential oils, Sansevier destroys bacteria and germs. Botanists have not identified any harmful and dangerous properties in the pike tail, and since it cleans the air well, it is very popular, and you can often find it in children's institutions, offices, and so on.

Plant care rules

The pike tail is not just whimsical, but truly immortal. No special care is needed. The owners of this flower can forget about its existence for a long time, it can live for several months without watering, and probably very rare people feed it. Of course, in such Spartan conditions, you can forget about it, but if you still want to enjoy its flowering and not test the sansevier for vitality, then you need to take care of it.

Seat selection

Refers to indoor plants, and it is not advisable to keep it in cold rooms. The optimum temperature is 15-17 degrees in summer and 10-12 degrees in winter. Therefore, it is perfect for offices, shops and other similar places. If the temperature exceeds the optimal level, then there is nothing wrong with that, the flower tolerates heat well, and special care is not required at such a time. He is not afraid of the bright sun, does not burn and does not dry out under the sun's rays, but still sometimes he needs to be shaded. He needs a shade during the flowering period, since his flowers are delicate and can fall off, and in the shade they will open faster, and the pike tail will bloom longer.

Air humidity and watering

This criterion does not affect the life of the plant in any way. It is necessary to spray the leaves, but rarely, or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth from dust to allow them to breathe freely and store moisture. Frequent watering is also not required, it is enough to water the bush 2-3 times a month, and in winter even less often once a month. But even if you rarely water the pike tail, then it will not die, since it accumulates moisture well in the juicy leaves, and slowly consumes it. If you need to go somewhere, and there is no one to water the flower, then all the same, upon arrival, it will remain unchanged.

Top dressing

There is practically no need to feed the pike tail, with the exception of cases when it needs to be transplanted. It is transplanted every 3-4 years, as it grows, and the substrate is depleted. As a top dressing, it is advisable to take fertilizers for deciduous plants that contain little nitrogen, since from an excess of nitrogen, the roots can begin to rot.


A wide and not very deep pot is chosen for transplantation. The substrate must provide good drainage and contain peat or compost. Such soil is rich in organic matter and will provide the necessary nutrition for the plant for a long time. When transplanting from one pot to another, the caked soil is left around the roots so as not to damage the root system.

Disease and pest control

If proper care is followed, then I will show little. The main cause of all diseases of this plant is waterlogging of the soil, which causes rotting of the roots. With excessive moisture, the oxygen content in the soil decreases, mold and other pathogenic microorganisms develop. If the plant shows signs of rot, the leaves turn yellow, then it must be taken out of the pot, the roots with rot must be removed and the flower must be dried. Shake out the old soil from the pot, add new soil and plant a flower in it.

Of all the pests, the pike tail is most susceptible to attacks and. In this case, brown and white spots appear on the plant. To destroy pests, you need to spray the flower with an insecticide or add it to the soil. As an improvised means to fight insects, you can use alcohol. Rub the leaves with alcohol.

Taking care of this unpretentious plant very simple, and it brings enormous benefits, so it can be grown in any room, and thanks to the huge variety of varieties, everyone will find the one that they like the most.

Plant propagation

Pike tail breeding does not require any special skills. The pike tail can be propagated in four ways - by shoots, rhizome, leaf and cuttings.

Reproduction by shoots

This is the simplest and effective method, which gives almost 100% result. The plant grows new shoots, which must be separated along with the root system and transplanted into another pot. It turns out already a completely independent plant.

Propagation by rhizome

You can cut off a piece of rhizome with a bud and propagate it in this way. To do this, the piece must be planted in wet sand.

Propagation by leaves

The leaf is placed in the ground and waited for it to germinate.


The leaf of the plant is cut into several parts, then buried in wet sand, and covered with glass containers on top. I will have new plants in about two months.

All methods are very simple, the pike tail reproduces well and several plants can be obtained simultaneously with such methods.

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, in order to enjoy the beauty of flowers, lush lush greenery needs proper and thorough care. During flowering, the flower throws out an arrow at the end of which a beautiful delicate flower blooms, smelling of vanilla. It blooms only with very caring owners, therefore it is believed that if a pike tail has bloomed, then he loves his owner, and he was properly cared for.

Is it possible to keep a pike tail plant at home? Beneficial features sansevieria and omens Proper pike tail care at home

Flowers are perhaps the most beautiful of all that occurs in nature. Red, green, yellow - they make us happy on holidays and help us to endure troubles more easily. However, what do our kids know about flowers? Do they know how to distinguish between the beautiful representatives of the plant world? Do they know where and how flowers grow, what is required for their growth, what the plant looks like?

You can check your own knowledge and develop your child's knowledge right on this page. There are many interesting and fascinating riddles about the flowers and flora of the Earth. Guess riddles, develop the kid, giving him new knowledge.

Beautiful flowers
Bloomed in the garden
Are filled with paints
And autumn is on the nose.

* * *
A lush bush has grown
On the window is not superfluous,
Leaves are inconspicuous
And the fruits are forbidden.

* * *
Leaf with a hump, groove,
But he heals us at any hour.

* * *
On the window in winter and summer
Always green and beautiful.
Bright red
Burns gently ... (balsam).

* * *
There is a dried flower,
Nevyanka grass,
With velvet clothes
And with a cat's leg.

* * *
All winter and all summer
Wearing a red dress.

* * *
Bright blue, fluffy
He will be born in bread
not good for food.

* * *
Rye is heading in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
bright blue and fluffy,

* * *
I think everyone will know
If he visits the field,
This blue flower
Everyone knows ... (cornflower).

* * *
This is how little Vasya is called
And those flowers that are harvested in the field.

* * *
We carried mushrooms in a basket
And also a blue flower.
This blue flower
His name was ... (cornflower).

* * *
Leaf - with an arrow,
Flower - a plate
And the stalk-blade
Curled like a spring.

* * *
A flower grows on the water -
Snow-white petal.
(Water lily)

* * *
Everyone is familiar with us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
Scarlet ... (carnations).

* * *
Window and balcony bush.
The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,
And the flowers on the window -
Like a hat on fire.

* * *
In the flowerbed by the window
Potatoes are planted.
Her flowers are huge
Both light and dark.

* * *
At the gardener - the first fashionista
The dress is either faded
Either the paint has changed:
Everything was purple
It became cornflower blue.

* * *
Many sharp petals -
Red, yellow, white, variegated.
Look at me
I am called ... (carnation).

* * *
I AM - herbaceous plant
With flower lilac.
But rearrange the stress
And I turn into candy.

* * *
A glass of water is covered
Hedgehog mitt.

* * *
He grew up under the burning sun
Thick, juicy and prickly.

* * *
Sometimes purple, sometimes blue
He met you at the edge of the forest.
They gave him a very sonorous name,
But he will hardly be able to ring only.

* * *
The little blue bell hangs
It never rings.

* * *
Eh, bells blue color,
With a tongue, but no ringing.

* * *
Jugs and saucers
They do not drown and do not fight.
(Water lilies)

* * *
We will take pictures in the middle of the swamp
Great photo.
Very bright picture -
Has blossomed here ... (water lily).

* * *
This flower blooms in May,
He wears white beads.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
White Bells
In my garden
On a green stalk
Hiding in the shade.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
It blooms in May at times,
You will find him in the shade of the forest:
On the stalk, like beads in a row,
Fragrant flowers hang.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
Even at night the ant
Will not miss your house:
Path-path until dawn
Lights are illuminated.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
On large pillars in a row
White lamps are hanging.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
On a green string
White bells.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
Vasya brought flowers to class
Unprecedented beauty.
Petals like plastic
By the flowers of Vasily.
Give me a vase as soon as possible,
He will put ... (lilies).

* * *
I open my mouth like a lion
And I am called ... (snapdragon).

* * *
Yellow, fluffy
Fragrant balls.
They will be protected from frost
In their twigs ... (mimosa).

* * *
The flower is yellow-golden,
Like a chicken, fluffy.
Immediately withers from frost
Our sissy ... (mimosa).

* * *
Long thin stem,
Above - a scarlet light.
Not a plant, but a lighthouse -
It's bright red ... (poppy).

* * *
The sun burns the top of my head
Wants to make a rattle.

* * *
Green chicken
Covered in fluff
I become proud
Scarlet cockerel!

* * *
I dress the steppes in red silk
And I give the name to the candy.

* * *
He is the poet-flower prince
He is wearing a yellow hat.
About spring sonnet encore
Will read to us ... (narcissist).

* * *
My flowers are orange flames
And the leaves are like green medals.
In the title - eastern country.
Well, guys, do you recognize me?

* * *
Here is a clearing, all in flowers,
As if in light blue dots.
I will collect here for Anyutka
Blue forget-me-nots).

* * *
Only petals around.
We have an unusual name,
But we don’t need a manicure!

* * *
Early sun drops
Appeared in a clearing.
This is in a yellow sarafan
Dressed up ... (dandelion).

* * *
On a green long leg
A ball has grown by the path.

* * *
I'm a fluffy ball
I turn white in a clean field,
And the breeze blew -
A stalk remained.

* * *
Parachutes over the meadow
Swing on a twig.

* * *
The balloon grew white, the wind blew - flew away.

* * *
According to legend, my flower
Opens the treasures.
They say that once a year
Miracles happen.
But I'll be honest:
I don't actually bloom!

* * *
A lush bush in the garden has blossomed,
Attracting wasps and bees.
All in large terry flowers -
White, pink, burgundy!

* * *
Golden sieve,
There are a lot of black houses.
How many black houses
So many white tenants.

* * *
Antoshka is spinning
On one leg
Where the sun stands
That's where he looks.

* * *
Black top, yellow edge.

* * *
Grew up in the field at home
The house is full of grain.
The walls are gilded
The shutters are hardened.

* * *
We planted a grain -
Have grown the sun.

* * *
The field is like yellow waves.
A flower grows here ...
Turns dexterously
He's head for the sun.

* * *
On a forest thaw
A small flower has grown.
Hiding in the deadwood
White ... (snowdrop).

* * *
A sprout is breaking through
Amazing flower.
It grows from under the snow,
The sun looks - it blooms.

* * *
At the bumps covered with snow,
Under a white snow cap,
We found a little flower
Half frozen, slightly alive.

* * *
Up the steep wall
Cast on concrete
The centipede is crawling
Leaves are lucky with them.

* * *
Fragrant face,
And the tail is spiny.
(The Rose)

* * *
I am capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red
But I always remain beautiful!
(The Rose)

* * *
I'm good at wedding bouquet,
And in the garden where the nightingales whistle.
All year round in many countries of the world
I serve as a declaration of love.
(The Rose)

* * *
It grows on the bushes in the garden
The smell is sweet like honey.
But tears often flow
Those who break them. These are ... (roses).

* * *
There is a curly hair in the garden - a white shirt,
Heart of gold. What it is?

* * *
I walked along the path in a meadow,
I saw the sun on a blade of grass.
But not hot at all
sun white rays.

* * *
There is a curly hair in the garden -
White shirt.
Heart of gold
what it is?

* * *
We will weave wreaths in the summer
For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,
For Alenka, two Natasha.
All wreaths from ... (daisies)

* * *
Wonderful flower,
Like a bright light.
Lush, important, like a pan,
Delicate velvet ... (tulip).

* * *
For the sun through glass
It didn't bake in our window,
I'll hang the curtain
On a white spacer
Not crochet braided -
Alive and green.

* * *
With milk, not a goat,
With bark, not a vine.

* * *
Purify the air
They create coziness,
They turn green on the windows
Bloom all year round.

* * *
From an elegant bright cup
The insects are serving themselves.


There is not very much mysterious in the flowers. Flowers simply decorate our life and delight the eye. But despite this, many mysteries are devoted to flowers. We offer a set of flower riddles for children. The answer to each riddle will be the name of a flower. These riddles will help to bring not only an entertaining effect to communication with a child, but also elements of learning. Because thanks to these riddles, the child will be able to get a lot of interesting information related to colors.

I am a herb

With a lilac flower.
But rearrange the stress
And I turn into candy ... (Iris)

We smell the freshness of the forest

Brings late spring
Fragrant flower, delicate,
From a snow-white brush ... (Lily of the valley)

Golden and young
For a week I became gray-haired,
A day in two
The head has gone bald.
I'll hide it in my pocket
Former ... (Dandelion)

Was shackled with chills
And slept under a snowdrift.
In the spring it has opened up
By the summer it blossomed
Turned white like a bride
And red, lovely ... (Peony)

On the window, on the shelf

Needles have grown
Yes, satin flowers -
Scarlet and red ... (Cactus)

In the flowerbed by the window

Potatoes are planted.
Her flowers are huge
Both light and dark ... (Dahlia)

Long thin stem,
Above - a scarlet light.
Not a plant, but a lighthouse -
It's bright red ... (Poppy)

Window and balcony bush.
The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,
And the flowers on the window -
Like a hat on fire ... (Geranium)

Has grown from an onion,
But not good for food.
On a bright glass
That flower looks like ... (Tulip)

Leaf - with an arrow,
Flower - a plate
And the stalk-blade
Curled like a spring ... (Vyun)

We will take pictures in the middle of the swamp
Great photo.
Very bright picture -
Has blossomed here ... (Water lily)

There is a dried flower,
Nevyanka grass,
With velvet clothes
And with a cat's leg ... (Immortelle)

I'm in winter garden

I’ll spend the whole day.
I'll grab the watercolor paints.
I will draw ... (Pansies)

In the spring they are cleared of snow

And needles and dead wood.
And the first to appear
In the thawed patches ... (Snowdrop)

Look - by the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip and not a mimosa,
And the beauty in thorns ... (Rose)

Yellow, fluffy

Fragrant balls.
They will be protected from frost
In their twigs ... (Mimosa)

On the sunny edge
She stands in the grass.
Lilac ears
She raised it quietly.
And here it will help us
ingenuity -
Everyone calls the flower ... (Violet)

Here are thorny bushes
You better not touch them.
Relative of the beauty rose
Hidden a threat in thorns.
Though not a cactus, not a blackthorn,
But a thorn in the garden ... (Rosehip)

White basket -

Golden bottom
There is a dewdrop in it
And the sun sparkles ... (Chamomile)

Beautiful flowers

Bloomed in the garden
Are filled with paints
And autumn is on the nose ... (Asters)

On the leaves here and there

Purple fireworks.
It's on a warm May day
Dissolves ... (Lilac)

This flower is blue

Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun ... (Forget-me-not)

Rye is heading in the field.

There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant ... (Cornflower)

By the winding path

The sun is growing on a leg.
As the sun ripens
There will be a handful of grains ... (Sunflower)

On the pole are flags

Under the pole - swords ... (Gladiolus)

The little blue bell hangs

It never rings ... (Bell)

Vasya brought flowers to class

Unprecedented beauty.
Petals like plastic
By the flowers of Vasily.
Give me a vase as soon as possible,
He will deliver ... (Lilies)

Everyone is familiar with us:

Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
Scarlet ... (Carnations)

Riddles about indoor plants

I'll tell you a poem

About various wonderful plants.

You will use your ingenuity

And show the plant ...
Purify the air
They create coziness,
They turn green on the windows
Bloom all year round. (Houseplants)

White juice is hidden in the trunk,

Like a piece of leather

Maybe he grows in a pot

Maybe in the jungle, on the river.

Born in India.

What is it called? (Ficus)
Flat, long, not a bar.

Striped, but not watermelon. (Sansevier)

At the gardener - the first fashionista

The dress is either faded

Either the paint has changed:

Everything was purple

Became cornflower blue . (Hydrangea)
A lush bush has grown

On the window is not superfluous,

Leaves are inconspicuous

And forbidden fruits . (Asparagus)

On the window in winter and summer

Always green and beautiful.

Bright red

Burns gently ... (Balsam)

A glass of water is covered

Hedgehog mitt. (Sansevieria)

Leaf with a hump, groove,

It has thorns, but it does not know how to wound,

I'll hang the curtain

On a white spacer

Not crochet braided -

Alive and green (Tradescantia)

Flat cakes

On a long, thin leg.

The cakes are very choppy, needles grow on them. (Opuntia)
Wet Vanyok stands,

And in the curls - a light. (Balsam)

- What kind of tail went into growth:

Not in a pond, not in a river -

At the window, by the stove. (Sansevier / pike tail /)
Window and balcony bush,

The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,

And the flowers on the window are like a hat on fire. (Geranium)
Round ball

Like a hedgehog

But without a face and legs.

A window grows on mine

I like him very much. (Cactus.)
The ballerina came out:

The blouse is like a mountain ash.

The skirt is lilac, the ribbon is cornflower blue.

Legs, like chiseled,

Gilded shoes. (Fuchsia)
Indoor plant, popularly called "nettle".

She came to us from China,

It got accustomed and, tired not knowing,

Blooms for joy all year round, from the heart!

And the flowers are colorful and very nice!

(Chinese hibiscus rose)

Not a pillow for needles,

Not a hedgehog, and not a tree,

But he will not let himself be offended,

Because all in needles. (Cactus)

Green, prickly

A hundred years old he is dense,

As soon as a runny nose

I took you by surprise

You run to him as fast as you can! (Aloe)
I have a vine growing
In a tub near the sofa.
Her leaves are carved -
They have through windows. (Monstera)
Smells of the stem and flowers
Pubescent leaves.
Wake up early in the morning
And fields your (geranium).
- What else is this plant called? (Pelargonium)
The kids wanted to run away from their mother,
But my mother managed to keep them all.
That's how those little bunches hang.
On the threads are green baby plants. (Chlorophytum)
It grows in our room
It never blooms.
His leaves are like feathers,
And the people have a belief -
Where in the forest will it bloom
A man will find a treasure there. (Nephrolepis, fern)

Tree stems,

The leaves are xiphoid.
Maybe he lives for a hundred years?
What do you say in response? (Aloe)

What is the popular name for it? (Centenarian, rannik, healer)

The second name of this flowering plant is saintpaulia, which can be propagated by leaves. (Violet)

From a leaf to surprise

You can grow a plant.
I will pick a flower, do not mind,
There will be a new one…. (violet).

There are lights among the leaves

Roly wet flowers.
This is what the people called him -
He drinks a lot of water.
And what is the correct name,
Try to name it yourself! (Balsam)
On the window, on the shelf

The needles have grown.

Yes, the flowers are satin,

Scarlet and red. (Cacti)

Entertaining experiences to familiarize children with indoor plants

Experience "With water and without water"
Purpose: To identify the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants (water, light, heat)
Material: Two identical plants (balsam), water
Stroke: An adult offers to find out why plants cannot live without water (the plant will wither, the leaves will dry out, there is water in the leaves); what will happen if one plant is watered, and the other is not (without watering, the plant dries up, turns yellow, leaves and stems lose their elasticity) The results of observing the state of plants, depending on watering, are sketched for one week. Make up a model of plant dependence on water. Children conclude that a plant cannot live without water.

Experience "In the light and in the dark"
Purpose: To determine the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants.
Material: a stalk of a houseplant in a pot, a box made of durable cardboard, two containers with earth.
Stroke: An adult asks to find out if light is needed for plant life. Close the pot with the plant cuttings with a cardboard cap. Sketch the results of the experiment after seven to ten days (the flower under the cap has become light, pale). Remove the cap. After seven to ten days, the result is again sketched (the flower turned green in the light - it means that food has formed in it)

Experiment "Can a plant breathe"
Purpose: Reveal the plant's need for air, respiration. Understand how the respiration process occurs in a plant.
Material: Houseplant, Cocktail Tubes, Vaseline.
Stroke: An adult asks if plants breathe, how to prove that they breathe. Children determine, based on knowledge about the process of breathing in humans, that when breathing, air must enter the plant and leave it. Inhale and exhale through the tube. Then the hole of the tube is covered with petroleum jelly. Children try to breathe through the tube and conclude that petroleum jelly does not allow air to pass through. It is hypothesized that plants have very small holes in the leaves through which they breathe. To check this, smear one or both sides of the leaf with petroleum jelly, observe the leaves daily for a week. A week later, they conclude: the leaves "breathe" with their underside, because those leaves that were smeared with Vaseline on the underside died.

Experience "Does the plant have respiratory organs?"
Purpose: Determine that all parts of the plant are involved in respiration.
Material: A transparent container with water, a leaf on a long stem or stem, a cocktail tube, a magnifying glass.
Stroke: The adult asks to find out if air passes through the leaves into the interior of the plant. Suggestions are made on how to detect air: children examine the cut of the stem through a magnifying glass (there are holes), immerse the stem in water (observe the release of bubbles from the stem). An adult with children conducts the "Through the Leaf" experiment: water is poured into a bottle, leaving it 2-3 cm empty. Insert the leaf into the bottle so that the tip of the stem is immersed in water. The opening of the bottle is tightly covered with plasticine, like a cork. Here they make a hole for the straw and insert it so that the tip does not reach the water, fix the straw with plasticine. Standing in front of the mirror, suck air from the bottle. Air bubbles begin to emerge from the submerged end of the stem. Children conclude that air passes through the leaf into the stem, since the release of bubbles into the water from the stem is visible.

Experience "Who's Better?"
Purpose: To identify favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, to substantiate the dependence of plants on the soil.
Material: Two identical cuttings, a container of water, a pot of soil, plant care items.
Stroke: An adult offers to determine whether the plants can live long without soil (they cannot); where they grow better - in water or in soil. Children put geranium cuttings in different containers - with water, with soil. Observe them until the first new leaf appears. The results of the experiment are formalized in the observation diary and in the form of a model of plant dependence on soil (for a plant in soil new leaf appears faster, the plant gains strength better, the plant is weak in water)

Experience "Labyrinth"
Purpose: To establish how the plant seeks light.
Material: Cardboard box with a lid and partitions inside in the form of a labyrinth; a potato tuber in one corner, a hole in the other.
Course: A tuber is placed in a box, closed, put in a warm place, with a hole towards the light source. Open the box after the potato sprouts appear in the hole. Consider, noting their direction, color (sprouts are pale, curved). Leaving the box open, they continue to observe the change in the color of the sprouts and the direction of growth (they turn green, stretch in different directions). The conclusion is formulated: the plant grows better in the light.

Experience "What do plants need to feed?"
Purpose: To establish the need for light for plant nutrition
Material: Indoor plants with hard leaves (ficus, bastard), adhesive plaster
Stroke: An adult offers children a riddle letter: what will happen if no light falls on a part of the sheet (part of the sheet will be lighter). The children's assumptions are tested by experience: part of the sheet is sealed with a plaster, the plant is placed to a light source for a week. After a week, the plaster is removed, the children conclude: without light, food in the plants does not form.

Food Factory experience
Purpose: Determine that the plant can provide food for itself.
Material: Pot with plant inside glass jars wide mouth, sealed lid.
Stroke: Inside a large transparent container, children place a cutting of a plant in water or a plant in a small pot. The soil is watered. The container is hermetically closed with a lid, placed in a warm, bright place. The plant is monitored for a month. Find out why it did not die (the plant continues to grow, drops of water periodically appear on the walls of the jar, then disappear). The plant feeds itself.
Experience "What are the roots for?"

Target : prove that the roots of the plant absorb water; clarify the function of plant roots; establish the relationship between the structure and function of the roots.

Equipment : a stalk of geranium or balsam with roots, a container of water, closed with a lid with a slot for the stalk.

Experience progress : The students examine cuttings of balsam or geranium with roots, find out why the roots are needed by the plant (the roots fix the plant in the ground), whether they absorb water. An experiment is carried out: the plant is placed in a transparent container, the water level is noted, the container is tightly closed with a lid with a slot for the cutting. Determine what happened to the water after a few days (there is little water). The assumption of children is checked after 7-8 days (there is less water) and the process of water absorption by the roots is explained. Children sketch the result.

A tall sprout has grown in a pot,

On a gentle morning, he opened the petals.

Beauty and nourishment to all petals

Together they give roots underground.
Experience "How to see the movement of water through the roots?"

Target : prove that plant roots absorb water, clarify the function of plant roots, establish the relationship between the structure and function of roots.

Equipment : balsam stalk with roots, water with food coloring.

Experience progress : Students examine cuttings of geranium or balsam with roots, clarify the functions of the roots (they strengthen the plant in the soil, take moisture from it). What else can roots take from the earth? The children's assumptions are discussed. Consider food dry dye - "food", add it to water, stir. Find out what should happen if the roots can take not only water (the roots should be painted in a different color). After a few days, the children sketch the results of the experiment in an observation diary. Clarify what will happen to the plant if substances harmful to it are in the ground (the plant will die, taking harmful substances along with the water).

Didactic games

"Where is the matryoshka hidden?"

Didactic task... Find an item by the listed criteria.
Game action... Search for a hidden toy.
The rule... You can't peep.
Equipment... 4 - 5 plants are placed on the table.
The course of the game. Children are shown a nesting doll, which "wanted to play hide and seek with them." The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and at this time hides the toy behind one of the plants. Then the children open their eyes. “How can you find a matryoshka? - now, I will tell you where the matryoshka is hidden. The teacher tells what the plant looks like (like a tree, grass), describes its stem, leaves, flowers. Children guess where the matryoshka is hidden.
"Find the same"

Didactic task
Game actions... Search for a similar item.
Equipment. Identical plants placed on two tables or photographs depicting plants.
Game progress... The teacher shows some plant on one of the tables (photo), describes it characteristics, and then invites the child to find the same plant in the group.
"Flower shop"

Knowledge content... Recall, together with the children, the names of plants, their parts, the distinctive features of some of them.
Didactic task... Describe, find and name items based on their characteristic features.
The rule... Name the department and describe the plant without saying what it is called.
Game progress... Houseplants are placed on the table so that the children can clearly see each one. This is the Flower Shop. Buyers do not name the plant, they only describe it. The seller has to find out and name him and then issue the purchase.
"What changed?"

Didactic task: find items by similarity

Game action: search for a similar item

Rule: you can show a recognized plant only at the signal of an adult, after listening to its description.

Equipment: 3-4 identical plants are placed on two tables.

Game progress: an adult shows a plant on one of the tables, describes it characteristic signs, and then invites the child to find the same on another table. The game is repeated with each of the plants on the tables.
"Find a plant by name"

Didactic task: find a plant by name.

Game actions: search for the named plant

Rule: you can't look where the plant is hidden.

Game progress: An adult names a houseplant, and a child must find it. If it is difficult for a child to find a plant throughout the entire area of ​​the room, then you can simplify the task by placing the plants on the table. Then the search for a plant in the room will become a complicated version of the game.
"Guess what kind of plant"

Task. Describe the subject and recognize it by the description.

Move. Plants stand in their usual places. The teacher invites any of the children to choose one of them and describe it in such a way that all the children will know and be able to say what kind of plant it is. A sequence of descriptions is required. When the children guess the plant, you can invite them to find representatives of the plant of this species in the group room.
"Find the same"

Didactic task... Find items by similarity.

Game actions. Search for a similar item.

Rule. It is possible to show a recognized plant only at the signal of the educator, after listening to its description.

Equipment. Identical plants placed on two tables or photographs depicting plants.

The course of the game. The teacher shows a plant on one of the tables (photo), describes its characteristic features, and then invites the child to find the same plant in the group.
"What flower did the butterfly sit on?"

Task. Fix the color names.

Equipment. Butterfly.

The course of the game. The teacher shows a paper butterfly with a thin elastic band to simulate its flight. The butterfly takes off and sits on a ficus. The teacher offers to name the flower.
"Whose flower?"/ Authoring /

Task. Match the plant and flower.

Equipment: pictures "flowers".

The course of the game. The teacher shows a flower, and the children find a plant that blooms like that.

"Third wheel"

Task. Anchor distinctive features plants.

Equipment. Pictures or houseplants.

The course of the game. Name one plant that is different from the other two in some way.

Aloe, cactus, cyperus.

Tradescantia, netkresia, coleus.

Chlorophytum, fern, balsam.

"Where do you come from?"

Task. Find the homeland of plants.

Option 1

Equipment. Illustrations of plants, maps of countries (or continents).

The course of the game.

What a miracle this garden

You just can't take your eyes off.

And how could they

Bring everyone here to us?

The teacher lays out illustrations and cards of countries (or continents) on the table; children have to match them.

Option 2

Equipment. World map, mugs on pots, mugs for a map

The course of the game. Do you guys like to travel? Did you know that plants are also travelers. Do you want to know where plants come from? On flower pots mugs are glued (on each pot different color) Children find the homeland of a plant on the map and glue a circle of the same color as on the pot.
"How indoor plants reproduce"

Tasks. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the methods of propagation of indoor plants, the conditions necessary for young plantings, and teach how to take care of plants.

And the ubiquitous geranium.

Yes, they don't have enough warmth and light -

They found shelter in the north.

But how important is this science:

What they have is given.

From all adversity, your window

Outside their live bouquet.

And with this multicolored sun

You will be warmly warm!
Flashlight wonderful, multi-colored -
what is this magic?
He will dissolve his flowers
right before Christmas!
Like droplets of leaves
he is beautiful and radiant,
Your apartment will light up in December
with its radiance - the Decembrist.

Svetlana Titankova
What are plants for?

purify the air


give oxygen

predict the weather

create coziness (beauty)

cheer up

Why is the earth loosened?

Loosening of the soil is carried out in a wet state; loosening dry soil can damage the roots.

Loose soil contributes to better water supply to the plant (water is better absorbed)

Loose soil retains moisture longer than compacted soil

No wonder loosening is called dry irrigation.

... Let's walk slowly in a circle

And let's say hello to each flower.

I have to bend over the flowers

Not to rip or cut

And to see their kind faces

And show them a kind face.



  1. "I can help"
Consider the drawings. Mazila Babashkin suggests taking care of indoor plants in the following way:

  • in winter, put as close to the open window as possible so that they breathe fresh frosty air;

  • water as often and abundantly as possible;

  • when the window is closed, clean it in the darkest place - it is better under the bed; never loosen the soil.
Do you agree?
2 Task. The bear decided to water the plants, but again forgot what to do. Help him water the plant. Tell me what to do. Look at the pictures and say that you forgot to prepare the bear for watering. Draw it in an empty box.

A tip for an adult. Children are encouraged to use models to tell them in what order the plant should be watered. The following question is asked: What did the bear forget to cook for watering? (Water) After the correct answer, the children draw a bucket of water.

3 task. Look what a beautiful balsam the bear has grown. Remind the bear what parts the balsam has, show them with arrows.

A tip for an adult. Children should first look at the models of the plant parts and name them. Further, children are invited to draw arrows from the models to the corresponding parts of the balsam.

4 task. Draw what the plant lacks.

A tip for an adult. The child must independently draw any container with water.

List of used literature

  1. Grineva E., Zeleeva S. " Workbook on the subject "the world around" The "Hoop" magazine No. 2, 2001.

  2. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology! Workbook for children 3-4 years old Junior group. Part 2. -SPb .: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2005. -32s.

  3. Repnikova L., Fedorova G., Vashurina R. Games with punched cards "Hoop" magazine No. 3, 2001, p. 33

Riddle about the bud
He was a tight fist,
And unclenched - became a flower.

Riddles about pansies
I'm in the winter garden
I’ll spend the whole day.
I'll grab the watercolor paints.
I will draw ...

Riddles about asters
Beautiful flowers
Bloomed in the garden
Are filled with paints
And autumn is on the nose.

Riddles about cornflower
Rye is heading in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy
It’s a pity that it’s not fragrant.

Riddles about water lily
A flower grows on the water -
Dressed in a soft pink petal.
(Water lily)

Riddles about carnation
Everyone is familiar with us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
Scarlet ...

Riddles about dahlia
In the flowerbed by the window
Potatoes are planted.
Her flowers are huge
Both light and dark.

Riddles about gladiolus
On the pole are flags
Under the pole are swords.

Riddles about iris
I am a herb
With a lilac flower.
But rearrange the stress
And I turn into candy.

Riddles about Cactus
On the window, on the shelf
Needles have grown
Yes, satin flowers -
Scarlet and red.

Riddles about bell
The little blue bell hangs
It never rings.

Riddles about lily of the valley
We smell the freshness of the forest
Brings in late spring
Fragrant flower, delicate,
From a snow-white brush.
(Lily of the valley)

Little white peas on a green leg.
(Lilies of the valley)

Riddles about lilies
Vasya brought flowers to class
Unprecedented beauty.
Petals like plastic
By the flowers of Vasily.
Give me a vase as soon as possible,
He will deliver ...

Riddles about poppy
The head is on a leg, there are peas in the head.

Little crumb
I walked through the ground
I found the red cap.

Riddles about mimosa
Yellow, fluffy
Fragrant balls.
They will be protected from frost
In their twigs ...

Riddles about forget-me-not
This flower is blue
Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun.

Riddles about dandelion
Golden and young
For a week I became gray-haired,
A day in two
The head has gone bald.
I'll hide it in my pocket
Former …

Near the road the ball is white.
The wind beats, but the ball is whole.
And how the children blow -
Pooh is flying, and he is undressed.

Riddles about pion
Was shackled with chills
And slept under a snowdrift.
In the spring it has opened up
By the summer it blossomed
Turned white like a bride
And red, lovely.

Riddles about snowdrop
In the spring they are cleared of snow
And needles and dead wood.
And the first to appear
In thawed patches ...

Riddles about sunflower
By the winding path
The sun is growing on a leg.
As the sun ripens
There will be a handful of grains.

Riddles about rose
Look - by the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip and not a mimosa,
And the beauty in thorns ...
(The Rose)

The beauty is strict and evil,
When touched.
(The Rose)

Riddles about chamomile
White basket -
Golden bottom
There is a dewdrop in it
And the sun sparkles.

Sisters are standing in the field:
Yellow eye, white eyelashes.

Sisters in the meadows:
Golden eye,
White eyelashes.

Riddles about lilac
On the leaves here and there
Purple fireworks.
It's on a warm May day
Dissolves ...

Riddles about Tulip
Has grown from an onion,
But not good for food.
On a bright glass
That flower is similar.

Riddles about violet
On the sunny edge
She stands in the grass.
Lilac ears
She raised it quietly.
And here it will help us
ingenuity -
Everyone calls the flower ...

Riddles for children and adults in poetic form about indoor, field and decorative flowers... Riddles will appeal not only to flower growers, but also to children. With the help of riddles, children will get to know the colors and their names. In turn, this will help develop speech and enrich vocabulary.

In spring, summer, autumn and even cold winter, flowers adorn human life. They are so different, so amazing and unique. There are tender, there are thorny, high, low, blooming all year round and just a few minutes ... And each flower is beautiful in its own way ...

Continuing the conversation with the children about flowers, let's plunge into the world of flower mysteries and amazing facts... Themselves speak for themselves to children about flowers -. And folk wisdom notices the most interesting and unusual features of plants. Let's try to solve riddles about flowers for children.

Flower Riddles

Children's riddles about flowers with answers will not only become a guide to this extraordinary world of beauty and aromas, but will also broaden the child's horizons and give a lot of positive impressions. Arrange a small family competition: whoever guesses more about which flower in question is the winner!

Be the first to meet riddles about spring flowers and delicate wildflowers.

We smell the freshness of the forest
Brings in late spring
Fragrant flower, delicate,
From a snow-white brush. (Lily of the valley)

The little blue bell hangs
It never rings. (Bell)

In the spring they are cleared of snow
And needles and dead wood.
And the first to appear
In a thawed patch ... (NSsnowdrop)

At the bumps covered with snow,
Under a white snow cap
We found a little flower
Half frozen, slightly alive.

I am a herb
With a lilac flower.
But rearrange the stress
And I turn into candy. (Iris)

There is a cockerel in the garden -
Purple scallop,
And the tail is fighting,
Saber curve

I'm in the winter garden
I’ll spend the whole day.
I'll grab the watercolor paints.
I will draw ... (pansies)

Yellow, white, blue
On the ground grow empty.
Spring has tricks:
Have blossomed ... (crocuses)

White basket -
Golden bottom
There is a dewdrop in it
And the sun sparkles. (chamomile)

There is a curly hair in the garden -
White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is?

Dandelion sisters
Motley caps:
Who is in white
Who is in red
Who's in pink.

Yellow, fluffy
Fragrant balls.
They will be protected from frost
In their twigs ... (mimosa)

Golden and young
For a week I became gray-haired,
A day in two
The head has gone bald.
I'll hide it in my pocket
Former... (Odandelion)

I whiten with a fluffy ball in a clean field,
and a breeze blew - a stalk remained.

On the leaves here and there
Purple fireworks.
It's on a warm May day
Dissolves ... (withirene)

Has a spring flower
Signs so as not to be mistaken:
A leaf is like a garlic,
And the crown is like a prince's!

And in the spring they are so welcome
We have daffodils and ... (tulips)

Has grown from an onion,
But not good for food.
On a bright glass
That flower is similar.

On the sunny edge
She stands in the grass.
Lilac ears
She raised it quietly.
And here ingenuity will help us -
Everyone calls the flower ... (violet)

In the field by the ravine
Little red porridge.

Well done! We did it! And how do you like riddles about summer flowers that bloom until late autumn)))

In the flowerbed by the window
Potatoes are planted.
Its flowers are huge:
Both light and dark. (Dahlia)

On the pole are flags
Under the pole are swords. (Gladiolus)

Vasya brought flowers to class
Unprecedented beauty.
Petals like plastic
By the flowers of Vasily.
Give me a vase as soon as possible,
He will deliver ... (leli)

It's very easy to get to know me:
By name I am relatives to tigers.
Red speckled my flower
Among the greenery, like a light!
(Tiger lily)

Everyone is familiar with us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
Scarlet ... (carnations)

Beautiful flowers
Bloomed in the garden
Are filled with paints
And autumn is on the nose. (Asters)

Autumn has come,
They breathe cold ...
And burns in the flowerbed
The last star.

My flowers are orange flames
And the leaves are like green medals.
The title contains an eastern country.
Well, guys, do you recognize me?

Our park has lawns
The gramophones have blossomed there!
Purple, white, cherry ...
But the music is not heard.

I climb higher and higher
I'll climb all the way to the roof!
Let I have no arms and legs -
It’s not for nothing that I’m called ...

Jugs and saucers
They do not drown and do not fight.
(Water lilies)

Yellow flowers -
Lacquered cheeks
Five corollas,
And the leaves are changeable.

Was shackled with chills
And slept under a snowdrift.
In the spring it has opened up
By the summer it blossomed
Turned white like a bride
And red, lovely. (Pion)

A lush bush in the garden has blossomed,
Attracting wasps and bees.
All in large terry flowers -
White, pink, burgundy!

By the winding path
The sun is growing on a leg.
As the sun ripens
There will be a handful of grains. (Sunflower)

In the garden, on the path, under my window
The sun has blossomed today on a high leg

Head on a leg
There are peas in the head. (Poppy)

Green chicken
Covered in fluff
I become proud
Scarlet cockerel!

This flower is blue
Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun. (Forget-me-not)

Look - by the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip and not a mimosa,
And the beauty in thorns ... (Roza)

I am capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red
But I always remain beautiful!
(the Rose)

I'm good in a wedding bouquet
And in the garden where the nightingales whistle.
All year round in many countries of the world
I serve as a declaration of love.
(the Rose)

According to legend, my flower
Opens the treasures.
They say that once a year
A miracle happens.
But I'll be honest:
I don't actually bloom! (Fern)

We have neither fingers nor hands -
Only petals around.
We have an unusual name,
But we don’t need a manicure!

Fascinating about flowers

Interesting facts about flowers will not only delight and surprise, but will also help you get closer to nature, better understand it and use it for the benefit of yourself and the plants. Having solved the riddles about flowers, surprise your family with unusual facts from the world of plants.

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Do you know which flower is the record holder for growth? Tulip! Our beloved and dear tulip can grow by 2 cm only in a day.

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The smallest flower in the world is only a millimeter in diameter. It lives in the water and belongs to the duckweed family.

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Continuing the topic of records, let's talk about the largest flower in the world. He lives in tropical forests and bears the tricky name of Arnold's Rafflesia. The diameter of the fully opened flower is 91 centimeters. With this size, the weight of the plant is also quite impressive - about 11 kilograms.

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Another record holder is the water lily Victoria Regia. Its dimensions are also impressive: the leaf diameter is 2 meters. In the lower part, which hides under water, the water lily is protected by impressive thorns, thanks to which it is not eaten by fish, and the strong stem that keeps it afloat is able to withstand the weight of an adult.

Every student knows that the name of a sunflower is associated with his ability to move his head towards the sun. However, a very long time ago, when no gadgets were invented yet, sunflower flowers were attached to life jackets. They helped people determine the side of the world.

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There are many legends about flowers. There is a legend for a gentle forget-me-not, which sounds the same in almost all languages. Tradition says that when the Creator inhabited the earth with plants and gave them names, a small plant with blue flowers asked: "Do not forget about me," and the Creator replied: "Well, this will be your name."

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Many flowers can predict the weather. Many indoor flowers, including monstera, calla lilies, and spathiphyllum, can sense rain. Before the weather turns bad, water droplets appear on their leaves.

But if the dandelion flowers are wide open and do not even think to close, then it will definitely not rain!

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Who has not admired the beauty of a rose at least once? The queen of flowers, the rose, has long been considered a symbol of divine mystery. The ancient Persians had a legend that the queen of flowers originally had snow-white petals. But one day a nightingale saw a rose. He pressed the bud to his chest, blood dripping from the bird's spiked heart onto the petals. So the petals of the flower turned red.

Speaking of roses, one cannot but recall an unusual book, the pages of which are created from rose petals. The size of the book is only 3 by 3 centimeters. The creator of such an unusual book is Anatoly Konenko. And on the pages of the book are inscribed poems by A.S. Pushkin.

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Do you know where the name "gladiolus" came from? This name was presented to the wonderful gift of nature by the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder. He drew attention to the similarity of the plant with the weapons of gladiators. The name "gladiolus" comes from Gladius, which means "sword".

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Carl Linnaeus created a unique flower clock back in the 18th century. The "work" of the clock, of course, depends on the presence of the sun in the sky, but the error is half an hour. The clock is based on the fact that some flowers open and close at the same time. This property is used to create a watch dial - divided into sectors, in each of which certain flowers grow.

Today we see an incredible amount of flowers both in stores and in flower beds. They certainly delight and remain classics of romantic gifts. It is enough to plunge into the fragrant floral variety.

Here are some more amazing plant facts.

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